
Wonder Girls - Tears (mianhan maeum)

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Topic Starter
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on sábado, 10 de abril de 2010 at 14:50:17

Artist: Wonder Girls
Title: Mianhan Maeum
Tags: K-Pop
BPM: 130
Filesize: 8027kb
Play Time: 01:12
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (2,72 stars, 82 notes)
  2. Normal (3 stars, 175 notes)
  3. Wonder!!! (4,53 stars, 424 notes)
Download: Wonder Girls - Mianhan Maeum
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Big thanks to: SiRiRu,Beuchi-chan, SOGASOGAMO,j35u5891221,AngelHoney,Orioncomet, Saturio.......... for mod ^^
also thanks to SiRiRu and Utena for the Skins :)
ill still work hard for rank this beautiful song (beatmap)

Fixed : Notes , sliders , and Spinners
also change notes sound and added kiai mode
kiai mode fixed
Cyril Scarlet

 ● You need to set preview point (Timing > Set Current Position as Preview point)
 ● can you try to set BG again ? Bg is not show ): maybe only me.
 ● Set hit circle color and BG color
 ● add Tag and source
 ● don't forget to resnap all note when you changed offset , BPM

00:22:788 (1) - finished at 00:23:711
00:27:865 (4) - finished slider at 00:28:327
00:29:596 (1) - start at 00:29:711 and finish in 00:31:096
00:32:711 (6) - far from 1
00:36:173 (5) - far form 4
00:37:673 (1) - start spin at 00:37:557
00:44:942 (4) - stack with 3 is better =w=
00:46:788 (5) - spacing wrong. far from 4 =w=
00:48:634 (4) - far from 3
01:01:557 (5) - far from 4
01:02:596 (1) - change to 01:02:711 and move for stack with 01:02:827 (1)
01:11:250 (9) - far from 8
01:21:981 (1) - start at 01:21:865
01:28:557 (7) - far from 6
01:33:173 (5) - too close from 4
01:34:557 (5) - ^
01:36:750 (1) - start at 01:36:634 and finished at 01:37:557
01:44:711 (1) - Spinner is very short. (minimum size is 2000 point with Auto mode)
01:55:557 - add some not after this is better for me
01:56:134 (1) - start spin at 01:56:481 01:57:865
01:58:211 (1) - start at 01:58:327 adn finished at 01:59:250
01:59:711 (1,2,3) - move it. (use spacing same with 4-5)
02:01:442 (7) - change to 02:01:327 and check spacing again.
02:01:788 (8) - end slide at 02:02:596
02:02:596 (9,10,11) - change to 02:02:711 (9,10,11)
02:03:519 (1,2,3) - > 02:03:404 (1,2,3)
02:07:442 (1) - start at 02:07:557
02:15:519 (1,2,3,4) - > 02:15:404 (1,2,3,4)
02:22:442 (1) - >02:22:327
02:22:788 - add note
02:24:519 (1,2,3) - > 02:24:404 (1,2,3) -
02:24:865 add note
02:24:981 (4) - >02:25:096 (4) -
02:41:019 (9) - far from 8
02:44:827 (1) - start at 02:44:942
02:48:288 (1) - change to 02:48:173 (1) - and check new spacing again.
02:51:519 (1) - > 02:51:404 (1) - and check spacing
02:53:365 (1) - >02:53:250 (1) - and ^
02:54:981 (1) - > 02:54:865 (1) and ^
02:55:211 (2) - > 02:55:096 (2) - and ^
02:56:481 (1) - start spiner at this point
02:58:327 (1) - I think add note is better
03:00:981 (7) - > 03:00:865
03:01:673 (8,9,10) - > 03:01:557 (8,9,10)
03:03:057 (1) - > 03:02:942 (1) - and check spacing
03:05:481 (1) - finished spiner at 03:07:096
03:17:827 (1) - > 03:17:711 - and check new spacing again.
03:21:057 (1) - > 03:20:942 - ^
03:30:519 (8) - > 03:30:404
03:31:211 (1) - > 03:31:096


~All Diffs~
- Elimina el lead-in, no lo necesitas.
- Elimina los dos archivos .osb de la carpeta del map.
- El comboburst-1 tiene un gran espacio en blanco debajo de la imagen, deberias eliminarlo o.O
- El comboburst-3 es demasiado grande, intenta buscar una imagen como las otras 3.
- El spinner-approachcircle tiene una pequeña mancha en uno de los lados o:
- Hablando de skins, has preguntado a Siriru/Utena si podías usar sus skins en tu map? (Aunque Utena no es que este muy activa x_x...) Al menos dales creditos por la skin en la descripcion del map =X

- Haz la dificultad un poco más larga D:
- Usa un Slider Tickrate de 2, 3 suena muy mal xD
- Usa un Beat Snap Divisor de 1/2 (arriba a la derecha de la pantalla del editor) Y haz un resnap (Timing - Resnap All Notes). Como consejo, procura mapear en los ticks blancos y rojos si quieres seguir bien el ritmo de la cancion (el tipico bum bum bum o.O)
- Utiliza siempre el Distance Snap a la hora de mapear, te ahorrarás muchos problemas de spacing xD. También puedes usar AIMod (File - Run AIMod) para ayudar a encontrar esos fallos y otros mas que puedas tener :3

00:18:865 (5) - Haz que acabe en el tick blanco.
00:20:019 (6) - New Combo.
00:22:788 (1) - Este spinner es muy corto. Alárgalo hasta 00:24:173.
00:29:480 (1) - Alarga este spinner hasta 00:31:096.
00:44:019 (1) - Quita el New Combo.
00:47:942 (1) - ^
01:02:711 (4) - Personalmente haría este slider uno largo sin repeticiones o.O

- Usa un Beat Snap Divisor de 1/4 (arriba a la derecha de la pantalla del editor) Y haz un resnap (Timing - Resnap All Notes).
- Utiliza siempre el Distance Snap a la hora de mapear, te ahorrarás muchos problemas de spacing xD. También puedes usar AIMod (File - Run AIMod) para ayudar a encontrar esos fallos y otros mas que puedas tener :3

00:29:711 (1) - Alarga el spinner hasta el tick blanco.
00:32:250 (x) - Añade una nota aquí (estos cortes son debidos a cambiar el beat snap divisor, así que tendrás que añadir varias notas xD)
00:37:557 (1) - Acorta el spinner hasta el tick blanco.
00:40:442 (8) - Yo convertiría este slider en 2 circulos... Decisión tuya xD
00:46:904 (6) - Muévelo al tick rojo.
00:47:134 (7) - Muévelo al tick blanco.
01:02:942 (x) - Añade una nota aquí.
01:03:288 (x) - ^
01:21:865 (1) - Alarga el spinner hasta el tick blanco.
01:31:327 (x) - Añade una nota aquí.
01:31:788 (x) - ^
01:47:019 (5) - Muévelo al tick rojo anterior.
01:59:942 (x) - Añade una nota aquí.
02:01:788 (8) - Acorta el slider hasta el tick blanco.
02:03:519 (2) - Muevelo al tick rojo.
02:03:750 (3) - Muevelo al tick blanco.
02:06:634 (x) - Añade una nota aqui.
02:06:865 (x) - ^
02:15:634 (x) - ^
02:17:942 (x) - ^
02:18:404 (x) - ^
02:41:019 (9) - Alarga el slider hasta el tick blanco.
02:44:942 (1) - Acorta el spinner hasta el tick blanco.
02:48:404 (x) - Añade una nota aquí.
02:51:634 (x) - ^
02:53:481 (x) - ^
02:55:557 (4) - Muevelo al tick blanco.
02:59:711 (7) - Acorta el slider hasta el tick rojo.
03:03:173 (x) - Añade una nota aqui.
03:17:942 (x) - ^
03:21:173 (x) - ^
03:22:904 (2,3,4,5) - Mueve todos estos un tick mas adelante.

No está mal, aunque al final la Hard resulta bastante repetitiva, pero no se si importará mucho. Bueno, mucha suerte con el mapa, y no te rindas!! Puede que te cueste un poco llegar a rankearlo, pero con la ayuda de los mods veras que el map va quedando mejor :P

hard diff hitsound help:
Download: Wonder Girls - Tears (mianhan maeum) (_llkey_18) [Hard].osu
我想哨子不适合这首歌吧,歌曲很安静^ ^
Modded via chat :3

Have a star! ^^
SOGO is right. Whistle is not very good till you map this song...
[All diff]
This song is a 4/4 song, so the slider tick rate cannot be 3, 2 is the best one.
00:17:711 - do not use finish sound, it isn't very fit for it.
00:25:096 - ^
00:27:173 - wrong rhythm
00:27:634 - ^
00:44:481 - this slider is too strange
00:45:865 - kiai must later to 00:46:788
01:59:250 - not finished@@
00:17:711 - do not use finish sound, it isn't very fit for it.
00:25:096 - ^
00:45:865 - kiai must later to 00:46:788
00:59:250 - too much space!
01:07:211 - wrong rhythm
01:10:327 - wrong distance
02:07:096 - you should add one more circle here.
02:27:634 - oh no! 8bit. we can`t play all 300 for it. BPM is 260 here.
02:55:327 - wrong rhythm
02:56:365 - ^
03:26:827 - ^
03:27:057 - ^
03:27:519 - ^
03:28:096 - oh no! 8bit. we can`t play all 300 for it. BPM is 260 here.
03:28:557 - oh no! 8bit. we can`t play all 300 for it. BPM is 260 here.
03:31:096 - remove new combo
03:32:481 - new combo here
When you make a map, those diffs are easy or lunatic that you must confirm a thing by yourself.
Can you play full combo those diff? If no, best for re-load the diff by your diff until you can play full combo.

That's ALL!
AdRon Zh3Ro
>>Good beatmap (I don't like wonder girls >.<)

>>00:27:634; End at 00:28:327 sounds better, fix spacing if change it
>>00:44:381; Kinda hard to see, make it more visible
>>00:45:865; I don't recomend off-screen, but if you want, keep it
>>01:44:942; Same as 00:44:381, make it more visible

>>00:18:173; Remove circle(sounds better)
>>00:20:250; End at 00:20:481 and add circle at 00:20:711
>>00:26:650; End at 00:26:481 and add circle at 00:26:711
>>00:27:865; End at 00:28:096 and add circle at 00:28:347
>>00:29:481; Add circle
>>00:35:250; End at 00:35:711 and add circle at 00:35:942
>>00:40:442; Change to circle at 00:40:557
>>00:41:019; (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) Put diferent lines, straight is kinda boring
>>00:54:173; Remove the "return"
>>00:55:788; Remove the "return"
>>00:75:404; End at 00:58:788
>>01:06:634; End at 01:07:096
>>01:10:557; End at 01:11:250, remove circle at 01:11:250
>>01:45:404; Add circle
>>01:55:788(new combo) - 01:56:019 - 01:56:250; Add circle
>>02:07:245; Add circle(clap sound)
>>02:20:711; Delete slider: add circle, at 2:20:942 slider,02:21:404 return,02:21:865 end
>>02:27:634; New combo
>>02:28:096; Delete everything here and:
>>02:28:096; Add circle
>>02:28:327; Add slider,02:29:019 return, 02:29:711 end
>>02:30:173; Add circle
>>02:42:519; Move these 3 circles one tick foward
>>02:55:557; End at 2:56:481
>>02:58:327; (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) Spacing error
>>03:24:634; Add circle
>>03:24:865; End at 3:26:019
>>03:26:250; Very weird rythm here, change everything here
>>03:35:134; Start at 03:35:250
>>03:36:404; Delete everything else and do this:
-->03:36:404 Add circle(New combo)
-->03:36:634; ^
-->03:37:096 and 03:37:327; Add circle
-->03:37:788; Add circle
-->03:38:019; ^
-->03:38:250; Add slider and end at 03:38:711
-->03:38:942 and 03:39:173; add circle
-->03:39:634 and 03:39:865; add circle
-->03:40:327 Spiner an end at 3:42:173

That's all...

Keep improving it :)
Star :D
Un Mod Rápido

-00:27:634 (2) - Muevelo 1/2 Beat a la izquierda y al final corta 1/2 beat
-pon un circle en 00:28:327
-00:45:865 (1) - Quita ese timing point (liniesita verde)
-01:17:481 (3) - muevelo 1/2 beat
-pon un circle en 01:17:711
-01:21:173 (6) - mueve ese slider 1/2 a la derecha y corta 1/2, ya cuando hayas hecho eso, pon un circle en la parte donde estaba el slider original
-01:25:557 (6) - alarga ese slider 1/2 beat
-01:27:865 (3) - corta ese slider 1/2 beat
-pon un circle en 01:29:250
-01:40:327 (7) - New Combo
-coloca un circle acá 02:10:327, luego otro acá 02:10:557, otro acá 02:11:019, otro acá 02:11:250 y al final el spinner

Nada mal! creo que sufrirás lo mismo que yo al mappear...los maps normales o faciles...que son muy dificiles de componer xD

Detalle hallado:
-01:40:096 (1,2,3,4,5) - cambia la posición de esos combos...están debajo de los anteriores combos efectuados

-Tengo esa sensación de Sobreuso de Kiai Time!! eso puede llegar a ser unrankable, ya que hay personas que les fastidia ese efecto.
Recomiendo: Desactivar Kiai en el momento 0:59:250, volverlo a activar en 01:01:557 (5) - desactivarlo en 01:08:481 (1) - y un espectacular kiai para el spinner (actívalo en 01:12:634 (1) - ) desactivarlo al final del spinner.

-01:16:327 (1) - antes de ese circle, usa "Insert Break Time"

-01:45:519 (1) - Quit el kiai en ese tiempo y ponlo mejor en 01:45:865 (4) -
-01:45:519 (1,2,3,4,5) - nooo! el ritmo de desajusta!!, recomiendo poner un circulo en el tiempo 01:45:404 (1) -
-01:47:019 (6) - Cambia la posición de ese círculo, parece muy random
- Desactiva kiai acá: 01:52:211
- Reactiva Kiai acá: 02:00:634 (7) -
- Desactiva Kiai acá: 02:07:557 (1) -
- usa "Insert Break Time" antes de 02:18:057 (1) -
- Quita este timing Point: 02:22:096, no está haciendo nada ahí
- 02:42:519 (1,2,3) - mueve esos combos 1/4 beat a la derecha.
- Kiai acá 02:44:942 (1) -
- Desactiva kiai acá: 02:58:327 (1) -
-Kiai acá: 02:59:711 (7) -
- 03:17:711 (1) - Quita kiai
-03:23:481 (4) - Al final de ese slider, corta 2/4 de beat y mueve este slider 03:24:865 (1) - 2/4 de beat y al final de ese spinner corta tambien 2/4 beat
- 03:27:173 (2,3) - muevelos 2/4 de beat a la derecha
- 03:29:019 (1) - Mueve ese slider 2/4 de beat a la derecha y corta 2/4 de beat al final de ese slider y el hueco que quedó en ese tiempo, pon un circle
-03:30:173 (12) - quita ese circulo que sobra (se lo devora el slider xD)
-03:29:250 (1) - pon kiai time

Bastante bien para ser un primer map :3

- Delete 3 of your .osb file and Full submission again.
- Add tag 'kpop' and make sure that your tag all the diffs are the same.

00:27:634 (2) - move this note to 1/2 forward (00:27:865) but end at the same place (00:28:327)
00:34:557 (1,2) - spacing? look too jump with 00:33:173 (4) -
00:41:250 (6) - new combo?
00:48:634 (1) - remove newcombo And spacing
01:03:404 (1) - remove newcombo And spacing
01:12:634 (1) - end this spinner at 01:14:481 and add sound finish
01:40:327 (7) - new combo?
02:10:096 (1) - end this spinner at 02:12:173

00:40:442 (8) - remove sound whistle
00:57:404 (4) - end this silder at 00:58:788
01:02:711 (6) - new combo and remove new combo here 01:02:942 (1) -
01:38:942 (5) - remove sound whistle
02:04:327 (1) - remove new combo and new combo here 02:04:557 (2) -
02:56:827 (1) - start this spinner at 02:56:711 but end at the same time (02:57:865)

Goodluck ~

00:20:250 (3) - too ugly
00:26:250 (6) - ^
00:35:250 (4) - looks strange
00:40:442 (8) - move to 00:40:557 and end at 00:40:788
00:42:404 (7) - slider ^
00:47:481 (1) - remove new combo ?
00:50:019 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - spacing...
00:57:404 (4) - move 1 gird left(lv3
end at 00:59:250
(this slider is strange....
00:59:711 - add a note
01:00:173 - ^
01:10:096 (6,7) - spacing....
01:26:250 (1,5) - symmetry ?
01:27:404 (6) - move 1 gird left(lv3
01:31:673 (6) - remove
01:38:250 (2) - move 1 gird left(lv3
01:43:557 (5) - move 1 gird right(lv3
01:44:365 (1) - move to 01:44:134 ,end at 01:44:942
01:45:404 - add a note
01:50:481 (7) - strange
01:56:480 (1) - move to 01:56:019 , end at 01:58:788
02:02:827 (11) - remove
02:04:096 (4,1) - switch new combo
02:06:404 (1,2) - remove
02:07:557 (1) - end at 02:11:711
02:17:250 - add a note
02:18:057 (1) - move to 02:17:942
02:28:096 (3) - end at 02:29:711 (whistle is too noisy
02:42:519 (1,2,3) - move to 02:42:634
02:44:942 (1) - end at 02:47:711
02:54:865 (1,2,3) - spacing..
02:55:557 (4) - end at 02:56:481
02:56:827 (1) - start at 02:56:711
03:05:250 (11) - remove finish
03:23:481 (4) - end at 03:24:634
03:28:211 (6) - remove

:) :)
well,you know what my opinion is, llkey.

stared,altough i hope you plan on doing an harder difficulty after fixing these ones
Card N'FoRcE
- General:
  • I think there are some unused timing sections here and there, just to let you know, but i didn't check through
- Normal:
  • .Suggestions:
    00:57:404 (4) - make this end at 00:58:788?
    02:06:404 (1) - make this end at 02:07:557?
    02:10:096 (1) - make this end at 02:13:557?
- Wonder!!!:
  • .Suggestions:
    00:40:327 (7,8) - a bit weird imho. I'd move (8) where (7) is and add one more repetition to the slider.
    03:03:404 (5) - missing whistle?
    03:18:173 (5) - ^
    03:27:057 (2) - move 1/4 after
    03:27:288 (3) - this one should start 1/4 after (move it 1/4 after then shorten by 1/4, it should end on the white line)
Ok, good job.
I'm starring relying on the fact that you'll fix those two mistakes in Wonder!!! :P
[Mod Infos]

Azure: Suggestions.
Blue: You should fix this.



  • • Delete the .osb files, then "Full submission"
    • "spinner-background.png" should be 1024x768 pixels

    • You should make another diff

  • • 00:47:942 (4,5) - Spacing. keep "Distance snap" active and recheck it
    • 00:57:404 (4) - End this slider here 00:59:711 (white tick)
    • 02:06:404 (1) - End this spinner here 02:07:557 (white tick)

  • • 00:20:019 (2,3,4) - Spacing
    • 00:44:250 (4,5) - ^
    • 00:47:250 (7,8) - ^
    • 03:35:250 (1) - End this spinner here 03:36:634 (white tick)
Modded in irc.

Good for me now.

Sorry for delay

  1. Korean Pop no need to add to tags, they would add to Genre after get ranked, you can use K-Pop instead
  1. Default number is a little hard to see since there are too many black colour in hitcircle
  1. 00:44:481 (4) - A little confused
  2. 00:45:865 (T) - Put this timing section before note since there is sound change
  3. 00:58:788 (4) - Add clap
  4. 01:44:942 (T) - Put this timing section before note since there is sound change
  5. 01:53:481 (4) - Slider ends here better IMO
  6. And...2 beat spinner in normal is not so good IMO, anyway that allowed
  1. 00:45:865 (T) - Put this timing section before note since there is sound change
  2. 01:07:096 (x) - KIAI ends here
nothing major wrong, didn't going to touch the pubble then
Nice song from the kpop genre to pick.

I don't do modding. I do skin modding. I see the parts you have in there are fine.

Please capitalize ><
Use "Mianhan Maeum" instead

01:45:865 (3) - Hard has "kiai" on here but this diff hasn't.

And arrange some notes(use AI-MOD).
Some of them are ugly

No major problem btw
Sorry. *pop*

Blue = design/minor issues. you do not have to change these if you don't want to.
Orange = moderate issues. it would be best if you change these.
Red = major issues. you need to change these.

  1. Timing looks good
  2. The MP3 you have is very low quality (64 kbps). I've got a better MP3 for you to use. Just overwrite your old MP3 with the new one. You might need to change the offset though. <- New MP3


Seems fine. Its a little hard for the easiest difficulty though. Make an easy? (even if you only map a little bit of the song with it)


Some of the sliders in this are rather ugly, but they're playable, so this passes.

Nice map, but that MP3 really needs changing, and you could really use an easy. Once you're done with these, I'll come back and reprotobubble :) .

move your map to pending and do moddings above plz.
Looks good. (And yeah, remember to move your map to pending)

too many spinners .
and try to make your placement more fun .
You're doing it wrong.
Add a "cursortrail.png"
Your "play-skip.png" has no relation to this song. Remove it or find a new one.

00:37:327 (1) - Extend to 00:38:481 (White tick)

01:29:481 (6) - Extend to 01:31:096 (White tick)
02:10:096 (1) - How about adding a finish sound at the end.

00:29:711 (x) - Add a note here?
02:20:711 (10) - The return on this slider sounds really bad.
02:28:096 (3) - Shorten this to 02:29:250 and add a clap to the end of it.
Topic Starter
Seems like you added quite a bit of junk that doesn't need to be in the folder:
Reduce the file size of your "spinner-background". It's 1.28 MB

01:07:096 - End Kiai Time here like it is on [Wonder!!]

01:07:096 - End Kiai Time here like it is on [Wonder!!] again.

00:35:250 (4) - Shorten this to the white tick at 00:35:711
00:37:327 (x) - Add a note here?
Topic Starter
all fixed thank´s ^_^
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