
Azu - Haryu [OsuMania]

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DE-CADE wrote:

richard's Insane
00:23:440 - Add to 1 for stronger beat ? x already map 1 note for beat >///<

00:40:780 - Add to 2 ,for the cymbal^

00:41:055 (41055|3) - Delete, Nope aaa >///<sure

00:53:853 (53853|3) - Move to 2, you did it one before 00:53:165 x 00:53:715 (53715|4,53715|6,53853|3,53853|5) -
00:54:403 (54403|3) - ^x 00:54:266 (54266|4,54266|6,54403|3,54403|5) -

00:54:128 (54128|3) - Delete? /.\

01:04:586 - Add to 3, something that you did before 01:01:146 no sound here I am mapping 01:04:862 (64862|0,64999|1,65137|2) - these XD

01:24:540 - Add to 4oh sure

01:42:155 (102155|2) - Delete, you use 4notes for this kind beat on the nextno one more layer here

01:45:733 (105733|0) - Move to 7 ?sure

Richard diff >///<

Good Luck asd123iii, Simple_Star, and richarfeder ~ I'm glad that i modded this beatmap <3
Thank you!
Seem this one will get ranked very soon <3
Thank you for modding xD
Topic Starter
All diff changed and Uploaded
00:02:523 (2523|3) - 这个我没有听到这长音
00:08:578 (8578|6) - 这个感觉可以不要
00:13:532 - 00:15:734 - 这段感觉不顺
00:25:986 (25986|0) - 感觉不是很必要
00:28:188 (28188|2) - ^
00:30:046 (30046|6) - ^
00:30:046 - 00:30:321 - 这里都用double
00:35:413 (35413|2,35550|3) - 为何和其他不一样。。
00:37:477 (37477|6,37614|5,37752|4,37890|5,38027|6) - 这里还是单楼梯吧?
00:44:358 - 这段略卡手
01:24:540 - 这段辅音感觉可以不取?
01:45:825 (105825|5,105916|4) - 放掉这个鼓怎么样
01:59:770 (119770|0,120045|1,120320|2,120595|3) - 这里的写出来把 前面的已经都写出来 这个没必要化简了
Topic Starter

victorica_db wrote:

00:02:523 (2523|3) - 这个我没有听到这长音 Fixed
00:08:578 (8578|6) - 这个感觉可以不要 有鋼琴音改成note
00:13:532 - 00:15:734 - 这段感觉不顺 保留
00:25:986 (25986|0) - 感觉不是很必要 Fixed
00:28:188 (28188|2) - ^ Fixed
00:30:046 (30046|6) - ^ Fixed
00:30:046 - 00:30:321 - 这里都用double 太難了
00:35:413 (35413|2,35550|3) - 为何和其他不一样。。改成跟下一段一樣(難度飆升...
00:37:477 (37477|6,37614|5,37752|4,37890|5,38027|6) - 这里还是单楼梯吧?同上一段這裡加了鼓點
00:44:358 - 这段略卡手 Fixed
01:24:540 - 这段辅音感觉可以不取? 不取怪怪的
01:45:825 (105825|5,105916|4) - 放掉这个鼓怎么样 Fixed
01:59:770 (119770|0,120045|1,120320|2,120595|3) - 这里的写出来把 前面的已经都写出来 这个没必要化简了Fixed

Hi~from queue
Here's my mod
column 1234567

00:04:724 (4724|5) - I like pattern)
00:23:027 (23027|2,23027|1) - move to 56
01:50:962 (110962|2,111237|3,111513|4,111788|5) - move to 6543
00:30:642 (30642|4,30734|1,30825|5,30917|2,31009|6) -
01:03:073 (63073|5,63141|3,63210|2) -
01:50:893 (110893|4,110928|3) - move to 7 5
02:03:898 (123898|6,123990|5,124081|4) - move to 456
[S'Star's Another]
00:15:183 (15183|0) - bass only)
00:28:119 (28119|6) -
If you don't like this,then add 00:28:188 -
01:43:325 (103325|3) - delete?
[richard's Insane]
richard's Black Another?
00:25:917 (25917|1) -
00:28:188 - add 6
00:30:046 (30046|0,30114|1,30183|2,30321|3,30390|4,30458|5) - 1/3
00:30:550 (30550|6,30596|5,30642|4) - ^
00:30:825 (30825|4) - ^
00:41:605 (41605|6) - lol
00:54:816 (54816|5) - lol
01:03:073 (63073|3,63164|4,63256|3) - 1/4(S'Star's is)
01:46:559 - to 01:48:760 - why use 1/4?I hear only 1/3 piano and drum
01:50:825 (110825|1,110825|4,110893|2,110893|5,110962|3,110962|6) - lol
01:59:770 - to 02:04:173 - ^^

Good Luck.
Topic Starter
So fast XD

hutunohito wrote:

Hi~from queue
Here's my mod
column 1234567

00:04:724 (4724|5) - I like pattern)
change other pattern to follow the pitch
00:23:027 (23027|2,23027|1) - move to 56
not fix, same sound
01:50:962 (110962|2,111237|3,111513|4,111788|5) - move to 6543

00:30:642 (30642|4,30734|1,30825|5,30917|2,31009|6) -
not fix
01:03:073 (63073|5,63141|3,63210|2) - fix
01:50:893 (110893|4,110928|3) - move to 7 5 redo this part
02:03:898 (123898|6,123990|5,124081|4) - move to 456 not fix

Good Luck.

Wait for GDer's mod fix

hutunohito wrote:

Hi~from queue
Here's my mod
column 1234567

[richard's Insane]
richard's Black Another?
00:25:917 (25917|1) - sound at 00:25:986 -
00:28:188 - add 6 ^(actually has a sound but not the one I am following >.>)
00:30:046 (30046|0,30114|1,30183|2,30321|3,30390|4,30458|5) - 1/3 this seems to be 1/4 imo
00:30:550 (30550|6,30596|5,30642|4) - ^ 1/6 ^
00:30:825 (30825|4) - ^ surely 1/6
00:41:605 (41605|6) - lol omg you too trooooll(/me run
00:54:816 (54816|5) - lol yea great!
01:03:073 (63073|3,63164|4,63256|3) - 1/4(S'Star's is)yes he is right
01:46:559 - to 01:48:760 - why use 1/4?I hear only 1/3 piano and drum!!! fixed
01:50:825 (110825|1,110825|4,110893|2,110893|5,110962|3,110962|6) - lolomg no lol
01:59:770 - to 02:04:173 - ^^1/4 drums(actually 1/2) mixed with 1/3 piano and drums

Good Luck.
Thank you for modding~
Topic Starter

Wait for S.Star's mod fixUploaded
hi, asd123iii

does this map need bassdrum or kick hitsounds?


00:11:330 (11330|1,11743|5) - add finish hitsounds, the beat music looks similar with this note 00:12:156 (12156|1,12156|2,12569|6,12569|5) -
00:38:027 (38027|6) - add finish hitsound?
00:40:229 (40229|6,40780|5,41330|4) - ^
00:57:018 (57018|0,57018|2) - add once finish hitsounds ( pick which note better to add )


very nice quality

[S.Star's Another]

OD9 - no sliders

00:12:569 (12569|6) - add finish ( just this part i saw only 1 finish, others is 2 )
00:12:981 (12981|6) - ^
00:13:257 (13257|5) - ^
00:24:541 (24541|6) - add finish
00:38:027 (38027|0) - remove hitsounds
00:42:156 (42156|5) - add finish

00:42:156 - take a note here every you added finish hitsound, if you added one finish. add 1 more finish ( if somepart you did double finish hitsound, no need to add more. example like you did this part 00:45:596 (45596|0,45596|1) - and more other part too..)

00:54:816 (54816|2,54954|2,55091|3) - add finish hitsound
00:57:018 (57018|6) - ^
01:24:540 (84540|6) - ^
01:44:357 (104357|5) - ^
01:44:907 (104907|6) - ^
01:45:458 (105458|6) - ^
01:46:559 (106559|0) - swap hitsound to 6th note
02:01:146 (121146|3,121696|3) - add finish hitsound
02:03:072 (123072|3) - ^
02:04:173 (124173|6) - ^
02:04:724 (124724|6,124724|0,125274|0,125274|6,125549|6,125549|0) - ^

[richard's Insane]


00:04:724 (4724|0) - remove hs
00:04:724 (4724|5,4724|6) - add finish hs
00:06:926 (6926|0,7339|2) - remove hs
00:06:926 (6926|6,6926|5,7339|6,7339|5) - add finish hs
00:09:128 (9128|5,9128|0) - remove hs
00:09:541 (9541|5,9541|6) - add finish hs
00:10:917 (10917|4,10986|5) - remove?
00:11:330 (11330|6) - remove hs
00:11:330 (11330|0,11330|1) - add finish hs
00:12:569 (12569|5) - ^
00:12:981 (12981|0,13257|2) - ^
00:24:541 (24541|5) - ^
00:33:348 (33348|5) - ^
00:40:229 (40229|3) - ^
00:40:780 (40780|0) - ^
00:41:330 (41330|3) - ^
00:42:156 to 00:55:091 - try make 2 hitsound finish ( it's doesn't make noisy atm your current volume )
00:57:018 - add 2 finish hs ?
01:20:687 (80687|1) - swap hs to the left note?
01:20:137 (80137|6,80412|6,80687|6) - add finish hs
01:24:540 (84540|3) - ^
01:28:944 (88944|6) - ^
01:42:705 (102705|6,102705|4) - swap hs
01:42:705 (102705|0) - add finish hs
01:43:256 (103256|0) - ^
01:44:357 (104357|4,104357|0) - ^
01:44:907 (104907|3) - ^
01:55:503 to 02:04:173 - try make 2 hitsound finish
01:56:329 - this pattern little bothering ( 3 3 4 3 , i prefer 3 3 3 3 ) when looks so empty here
Topic Starter

ExPew wrote:

hi, asd123iii

does this map need bassdrum or kick hitsounds?


00:11:330 (11330|1,11743|5) - add finish hitsounds, the beat music looks similar with this note 00:12:156 (12156|1,12156|2,12569|6,12569|5) -
00:38:027 (38027|6) - add finish hitsound?
00:40:229 (40229|6,40780|5,41330|4) - ^
00:57:018 (57018|0,57018|2) - add once finish hitsounds ( pick which note better to add ) not same sound


very nice quality

[richard's Insane]


00:04:724 (4724|0) - remove hs
00:04:724 (4724|5,4724|6) - add finish hs
00:06:926 (6926|0,7339|2) - remove hs
00:06:926 (6926|6,6926|5,7339|6,7339|5) - add finish hs
00:09:128 (9128|5,9128|0) - remove hs
00:09:541 (9541|5,9541|6) - add finish hs
00:11:330 (11330|6) - remove hs
00:11:330 (11330|0,11330|1) - add finish hs
00:12:569 (12569|5) - ^
00:12:981 (12981|0,13257|2) - ^
00:24:541 (24541|5) - ^
00:33:348 (33348|5) - ^
00:40:229 (40229|3) - ^
00:40:780 (40780|0) - ^
00:41:330 (41330|3) - ^
00:42:156 to 00:55:091 - try make 2 hitsound finish ( it's doesn't make noisy atm your current volume )
00:57:018 - add 2 finish hs ?
01:20:687 (80687|1) - swap hs to the left note?
01:20:137 (80137|6,80412|6,80687|6) - add finish hs
01:24:540 (84540|3) - ^
01:28:944 (88944|6) - ^
01:42:705 (102705|6,102705|4) - swap hs
01:42:705 (102705|0) - add finish hs
01:43:256 (103256|0) - ^
01:44:357 (104357|4,104357|0) - ^
01:44:907 (104907|3) - ^
01:55:503 to 02:04:173 - try make 2 hitsound finish
hitsound all fix by richard's accept
pattern issue would fix by himself

00:10:917 (10917|4,10986|5) - remove?
01:56:329 - this pattern little bothering ( 3 3 4 3 , i prefer 3 3 3 3 ) when looks so empty here
All Fixed except that one
Thank you :)

I have no idea why I can't upload.....
HP9 8.5; 9 too high
00:10:917 (10917|4,10986|5) - remove? nope I think they are quite audible and need to be addressed
01:56:329 - this pattern little bothering ( 3 3 4 3 , i prefer 3 3 3 3 ) when looks so empty here 3 3 3 3 also stereotype actually. Current pattern looks not that bad xD
Thank you asd and Expew
add timing point at 00:42:156 and set 6/4
add timing point at 00:48:211 and set 6/4
add timing point at 00:51:238 and set 6/4
add timing point at 00:52:890 and set 4/4

no kds
Topic Starter

hutunohito wrote:

add timing point at 00:42:156 and set 6/4
add timing point at 00:48:211 and set 6/4
add timing point at 00:51:238 and set 6/4
add timing point at 00:52:890 and set 4/4

no kds
In this section is 6/4 and 5/4 would come after, I think overuse timing point is a good idea :o
Topic Starter

richardfeder wrote:

HP9 8.5; 9 too high
00:10:917 (10917|4,10986|5) - remove? nope I think they are quite audible and need to be addressed
01:56:329 - this pattern little bothering ( 3 3 4 3 , i prefer 3 3 3 3 ) when looks so empty here 3 3 3 3 also stereotype actually. Current pattern looks not that bad xD
Thank you asd and Expew
Uploaded, wait for S.Star mod fix

@Expew : I change some pattern at Hyper diff.

Here's timing and what I changed :
00:49:036 - move to 7
00:52:064 - change pattern
01:08:852 - change 1/2 jackhammer location
01:09:678 - ^ and add a note at 01:10:091 -
Topic Starter
S.Star accept all mod fix.

Add source and tag

All diff changed and Uploaded

@expew : you can check now :)
good changes


00:43:669 (43669|4,43684|4) - wocao (AI mod) fix ot
Topic Starter

ExPew wrote:

good changes


00:43:669 (43669|4,43684|4) - wocao (AI mod) fix ot
NM fixed drop OD to 7

shit mod meow
column 1234567

00:15:458 (15458|0,15527|2,15596|4,15665|6) - 1/8?(suggestion)
00:23:991 (23991|3,24036|4,24082|5,24128|6) - 1/4 or 1/8
00:24:403 (24403|0,24449|1,24495|2,24541|3) - ^
00:28:532 (28532|1) - change same as 00:26:330 (26330|2,26399|1) -
00:30:550 (30550|0,30642|4,30734|1,30825|5,30917|2,31009|6) - meow(1/3,now your pattern is
00:43:669 (43669|3,43715|4,43761|5,43807|6) - 1/4 or 1/8
00:47:660 (47660|2,47936|4) - issue)
00:48:624 (48624|1,48624|3) - add
00:51:651 (51651|3,51651|2) - ^
01:09:953 - add LN at 3 same as 01:10:091 (70091|4) -
01:11:605 (71605|5,71880|5) - your pattern? only here is such pattern(used LN end at 1/4 line)
01:21:925 (81925|5,81994|4,82063|3) - issue)

01:36:100 (96100|3,96100|6,96192|5,96192|2,96283|1,96283|4,96375|3,96375|6,96467|5,96467|2,96559|1,96559|4) - and my pattern)
01:44:907 (104907|3,104908|6,105000|5,105000|2,105091|4,105091|1,105183|3,105183|6,105275|5,105275|2,105367|4,105367|1) - ^
02:03:990 (123990|2) -

good luck meowmeow><
Topic Starter

hutunohito wrote:

shit mod meow
column 1234567

00:15:458 (15458|0,15527|2,15596|4,15665|6) - 1/8?(suggestion) hard to Edit the pattern, I think 1/4 is enough
00:23:991 (23991|3,24036|4,24082|5,24128|6) - 1/4 or 1/8 Fixed
00:24:403 (24403|0,24449|1,24495|2,24541|3) - ^ ^
00:28:532 (28532|1) - change same as 00:26:330 (26330|2,26399|1) - It don't have 1/4 drum here
00:30:550 (30550|0,30642|4,30734|1,30825|5,30917|2,31009|6) - meow(1/3,now your pattern is
That's right timing, I put it at Hyper diff too.
00:43:669 (43669|3,43715|4,43761|5,43807|6) - 1/4 or 1/8 Fixed
00:47:660 (47660|2,47936|4) - issue)Change other pattern
00:48:624 (48624|1,48624|3) - add Fixed
00:51:651 (51651|3,51651|2) - ^ ^
01:09:953 - add LN at 3 same as 01:10:091 (70091|4) - Fixed
01:11:605 (71605|5,71880|5) - your pattern? only here is such pattern(used LN end at 1/4 line) Fixed for the pattern
01:21:925 (81925|5,81994|4,82063|3) - issue) change other pattern

01:36:100 (96100|3,96100|6,96192|5,96192|2,96283|1,96283|4,96375|3,96375|6,96467|5,96467|2,96559|1,96559|4) - and my pattern) I put this pattern for the end part.
01:44:907 (104907|3,104908|6,105000|5,105000|2,105091|4,105091|1,105183|3,105183|6,105275|5,105275|2,105367|4,105367|1) - ^ ^
02:03:990 (123990|2) -

good luck meowmeow><
Here's another Kud :D
Mod by request.

01:02:247 (62247|2,62247|1,62522|3,62522|2) - 卡成狗了
01:08:577 (68577|2,68852|3,69403|2,69678|3) - 卡,不要黏在一起好點
01:10:091 (70091|4) - 換成點吧,不是長音
01:11:880 (71880|2,75183|2,78485|4) - 都是一個LN,怎麼01:16:834 (76834|3,76834|0) - 這裡2個
01:20:137 (80137|0,80137|6,80137|3,80137|4,80137|2,80412|1,80412|0,80412|5,80412|3,80412|6,80687|6,80687|3,80687|0,80687|2,80687|4) - 看著蛋疼,把LN去掉吧
01:43:669 (103669|5,103669|3,103669|2) - 跟01:43:256 (103256|3,103256|6,103256|4) - 比較其實這裡音好像沒那麼多,改成2個 ?
01:50:893 (110893|1,110893|4,110928|5,110928|2,110962|3,110962|6) - 有點反人類

Topic Starter

Spy wrote:

Mod by request.

01:02:247 (62247|2,62247|1,62522|3,62522|2) - 卡成狗了
01:08:577 (68577|2,68852|3,69403|2,69678|3) - 卡,不要黏在一起好點
01:10:091 (70091|4) - 換成點吧,不是長音
01:11:880 (71880|2,75183|2,78485|4) - 都是一個LN,怎麼01:16:834 (76834|3,76834|0) - 這裡2個
01:20:137 (80137|0,80137|6,80137|3,80137|4,80137|2,80412|1,80412|0,80412|5,80412|3,80412|6,80687|6,80687|3,80687|0,80687|2,80687|4) - 看著蛋疼,把LN去掉吧
01:43:669 (103669|5,103669|3,103669|2) - 跟01:43:256 (103256|3,103256|6,103256|4) - 比較其實這裡音好像沒那麼多,改成2個 ?
01:50:893 (110893|1,110893|4,110928|5,110928|2,110962|3,110962|6) - 有點反人類

irc little
21:13 asd123iii: o/
21:13 ExPew: o/
21:13 asd123iii: sorry for late, I'm ready
21:13 ExPew: Spy done modding>??
21:13 asd123iii: yes I done mod fix
21:13 ExPew: okay
21:14 ExPew: i will check later
21:14 asd123iii: but he just see that quickly
21:14 asd123iii: you can point out any part pattern issue
21:20 *ExPew is editing [ Azu - Haryu [Another]]
21:20 asd123iii: OK
21:21 asd123iii: OAO
21:21 ExPew: 00:17:523 - does it necessary on triplets?
21:21 asd123iii: drums
21:21 ExPew: i mean double triplet
21:21 ExPew: sorry hhhh
21:22 asd123iii: maybe delete 00:17:591 (17591|5) -
21:22 asd123iii: right?
21:23 ExPew: yeh and 00:17:591 (17591|1) - move on 4
21:23 ExPew: make it consistent
21:23 asd123iii: OK~
21:23 ExPew: 00:19:793 (19793|5,19793|1) - repeat
21:25 asd123iii: you said repeat like 00:20:000 - ?
21:25 asd123iii: 00:17:523 - or here
21:25 ExPew: 017
21:26 asd123iii: pattern is 5-4-3 right?
21:26 ExPew: ah yeah
21:26 asd123iii: I think you can screenshoot directly :D
21:27 ExPew: ok
21:28 ExPew:
21:29 asd123iii: done
21:29 asd123iii: 00:19:862 (19862|6) - i move this to 6, ok?
21:30 ExPew: sure
21:33 ExPew: 00:22:270 (22270|2) -
21:33 ExPew: remove?
21:33 ExPew: let the drum on single triplet
21:33 asd123iii: yes, fixed
21:35 ExPew: did you use hhitsound copier?
21:35 asd123iii: nope
21:35 ExPew: 00:45:183 (45183|6) - remove hitsounds
21:35 asd123iii: not so much hitsound, so I added by myself
21:36 asd123iii: lol
21:36 asd123iii: failed
21:36 asd123iii: fixed
21:37 ExPew: oh i see you dont have column reference
21:37 ExPew: some hitsounds are missing
21:37 ExPew: not similar with other diffs
21:39 asd123iii: yeah
21:39 ExPew: should start over check on
21:39 ExPew: wait
21:40 ExPew: 00:24:541 (24541|6) -
21:40 asd123iii: 00:46:697 - and 00:47:660 - I think I should fix that as 00:17:523 -
21:41 ExPew: F
21:41 asd123iii: fixed
21:41 ExPew: oh havent check on that part yet
21:42 asd123iii: OK
21:42 ExPew: 00:46:766 (46766|5) -
21:43 ExPew: yeah you're right
21:43 asd123iii: remove?
21:43 ExPew: yep
21:43 asd123iii: 00:46:697 (46697|6) - remove too?
21:44 ExPew: remain
21:44 asd123iii: OK
21:45 ExPew: 00:47:660 -
21:45 ExPew: in my suggest pattern
21:45 ExPew:
21:47 asd123iii: fixed
21:48 asd123iii: I missed this part hitsound :O
21:48 ExPew: 00:48:211 (48211|6) - F
21:48 ExPew: oh you saw it?
21:48 ExPew: xD
21:48 asd123iii: yeah :O
21:49 ExPew: 00:48:624 (48624|0) -
21:49 ExPew: 00:49:036 (49036|1,49312|1) - F
21:49 ExPew: 00:49:587 (49587|0) -
21:50 ExPew: 00:49:862 (49862|5) -
21:50 ExPew: 00:50:275 (50275|5) -
21:50 ExPew: 00:50:963 (50963|6,51101|5,51238|6) -
21:50 ExPew: 00:50:688 (50688|0) -
21:51 ExPew: i feel bother
21:51 asd123iii: XD you clearly know my pattern XD
21:51 ExPew: yeah xD
21:52 ExPew:
21:52 ExPew: check this part
21:52 ExPew: which missing hitsounds
21:52 asd123iii: ok
21:53 asd123iii: you just focus on pattern
21:53 asd123iii: I'll do hitsound
21:53 ExPew: okay
21:56 ExPew: 01:10:229 (70229|3) - move 5
21:56 ExPew: 01:10:779 (70779|3) - 3
21:56 asd123iii: fixed
21:57 ExPew: 01:12:155 (72155|4) - 4
21:57 ExPew: 01:12:705 (72705|4) - 7
21:57 ExPew: 01:14:632 (74632|6) - 6
21:57 asd123iii: fixed
21:57 ExPew: asd
21:57 ExPew: i got to go
21:58 ExPew: emergency
21:58 ExPew: i will continue on attern check
21:58 ExPew: 01:15:183 -
21:58 ExPew: later

part 2

22:59 asd123iii: o/
22:59 ExPew: o/
23:00 asd123iii: do you wanna mod now
23:00 asd123iii: ?
23:00 ExPew: after end MIT
23:00 asd123iii: sure
23:49 asd123iii: call me if u ready :D
23:50 ExPew: ended
23:50 ExPew: ok
23:50 ExPew: 5 mins
23:50 ExPew: clean up mess items
23:50 asd123iii: I'm OK
23:50 asd123iii: no need so hurry XD
23:51 ExPew: ok then 1 hour
23:51 ExPew: xD
23:51 ExPew: hhhhhh
23:51 asd123iii: hhhh
00:27 ExPew: asd
00:28 asd123iii: o/
00:30 asd123iii: let's do this
00:31 ExPew: ok
00:31 ExPew: what last time i paused?
00:32 asd123iii: 00:57:018 - you can check from here
00:33 ExPew: ok
00:34 ExPew: 00:57:018 -
00:35 ExPew: add a note with finish hitsounds
00:35 ExPew: my suggest add on 6th line
00:35 ExPew: 1-7 my lines
00:35 ExPew: 0 for special
00:35 asd123iii: no special lol
00:36 ExPew: yeah
00:36 ExPew: if i mod 8K
00:37 asd123iii: I think finish here is not a good idea, this hitsound is not good for here >_>
00:38 asd123iii: or I need to decrease the volume here
00:38 ExPew: i just refering from and pc hitsound you did
00:39 ExPew: i think yeah maybe
00:39 asd123iii: oh
00:40 asd123iii: 30% hitsound here is not so wired
00:40 asd123iii: ok fixed
00:41 asd123iii: added 1 note at 6th
00:41 ExPew: cool
00:42 ExPew: 01:11:605 (71605|4,71880|2) -
00:42 ExPew: something weird on here
00:43 ExPew: 01:13:531 - not similar with them
00:43 asd123iii: 01:13:256 (73256|5,73394|3,73531|5) - triplet
00:44 asd123iii: 01:11:605 (71605|4,71880|5) - just 2 sound here
00:44 ExPew: 01:11:329 (71329|5,71467|6,71605|4) - same with chorus on triplet
00:44 asd123iii: 01:11:880 (71880|2) - background sound
00:45 ExPew: oh ya
00:45 ExPew: 01:13:394 (73394|3) -
00:45 ExPew: okay nevermind that xD
00:45 asd123iii: XD
00:49 ExPew: ouch
00:49 ExPew: i cant find an error
00:49 asd123iii: :O
00:49 ExPew: 01:56:467 (116467|3,116467|4,116467|1,116604|3,116604|1,116604|5,116742|4,116742|3,116742|1) - any idea?
00:50 asd123iii: 01:56:604 (116604|5) - move it back to 5?
00:51 asd123iii: I think 4 jackhammer is wired
00:51 asd123iii: like hyper diff
00:51 ExPew: i think better move them
00:51 ExPew: 01:58:806 (118806|1) - same this too
00:52 asd123iii: 01:58:806 (118806|1) -
00:53 ExPew: better
00:54 asd123iii: 01:57:705 -
00:54 asd123iii: I think I will kill all guys finger lol
00:55 ExPew: at least there no jerky 1/2 trill
00:55 ExPew: i feel better on you current
00:55 ExPew: your*
00:56 ExPew: ok all looks fine now
00:56 asd123iii: you said changed pattern or before one?
00:56 ExPew: ^
00:56 asd123iii: one more
00:57 asd123iii: 01:58:669 (118669|4) - i move this to 6
00:58 ExPew: can screen shot
00:58 ExPew: ?
00:58 asd123iii: yeah
00:58 asd123iii: 01:58:118 -
00:59 asd123iii: or remain 5?
00:59 ExPew: at least dont trill
00:59 ExPew: using ladder 5 6 7 also looks fine
01:01 ExPew: when looks like this feel little jerk
01:01 ExPew: 3434(4)
01:03 ExPew: tell me with your asnwer with my opinion
01:04 asd123iii: OK i remain it
01:05 asd123iii: uploaded, you can check this now
01:10 ExPew: okay
01:10 ExPew: check overall
01:10 ExPew: and go rebubble if look better
01:11 asd123iii: wait
01:11 asd123iii: 01:46:559 -
01:11 asd123iii: here should be at 1/3 T_T
01:11 asd123iii:
01:11 asd123iii: like this
01:12 asd123iii: or remain 1/4?... orz
01:13 asd123iii: *1/2
01:15 ExPew: gosh
01:15 ExPew: my internet
01:15 asd123iii: that okay :D
01:15 ExPew: which note
01:15 ExPew: on 1/3
01:16 asd123iii: 01:46:559 -
01:16 asd123iii: like
01:16 asd123iii: or just remain 1/2
01:17 ExPew: i dont see which note to highlight
01:17 ExPew: hhhh
01:17 asd123iii: I think remain would better
01:17 asd123iii: Let rumi to check this part
01:18 ExPew: hhhh
01:18 ExPew: i dont get anything here
01:18 ExPew: wocao
01:19 asd123iii: I think you can check for rebubbled now XDDD
01:20 ExPew: ok
01:20 ExPew: tell rumia about this
01:21 *ExPew is editing [ Azu - Haryu [Hyper]]
01:21 ExPew: 02:04:173 -
01:21 ExPew: missing finish hitsounds here?
01:22 asd123iii: ._. missed
01:23 asd123iii: any else?
01:24 ExPew: normal too
01:24 ExPew: hhh
01:24 asd123iii: hhh
01:24 ExPew: go update
01:24 ExPew: i go rebub
01:27 asd123iii: updated
01:27 asd123iii: remember post irc mod
01:27 asd123iii: hhh
01:27 ExPew: yyah
Topic Starter

ExPew wrote:

irc little
21:13 asd123iii: o/
21:13 ExPew: o/
21:13 asd123iii: sorry for late, I'm ready
21:13 ExPew: Spy done modding>??
21:13 asd123iii: yes I done mod fix
21:13 ExPew: okay
21:14 ExPew: i will check later
21:14 asd123iii: but he just see that quickly
21:14 asd123iii: you can point out any part pattern issue
21:20 *ExPew is editing [ Azu - Haryu [Another]]
21:20 asd123iii: OK
21:21 asd123iii: OAO
21:21 ExPew: 00:17:523 - does it necessary on triplets?
21:21 asd123iii: drums
21:21 ExPew: i mean double triplet
21:21 ExPew: sorry hhhh
21:22 asd123iii: maybe delete 00:17:591 (17591|5) -
21:22 asd123iii: right?
21:23 ExPew: yeh and 00:17:591 (17591|1) - move on 4
21:23 ExPew: make it consistent
21:23 asd123iii: OK~
21:23 ExPew: 00:19:793 (19793|5,19793|1) - repeat
21:25 asd123iii: you said repeat like 00:20:000 - ?
21:25 asd123iii: 00:17:523 - or here
21:25 ExPew: 017
21:26 asd123iii: pattern is 5-4-3 right?
21:26 ExPew: ah yeah
21:26 asd123iii: I think you can screenshoot directly :D
21:27 ExPew: ok
21:28 ExPew:
21:29 asd123iii: done
21:29 asd123iii: 00:19:862 (19862|6) - i move this to 6, ok?
21:30 ExPew: sure
21:33 ExPew: 00:22:270 (22270|2) -
21:33 ExPew: remove?
21:33 ExPew: let the drum on single triplet
21:33 asd123iii: yes, fixed
21:35 ExPew: did you use hhitsound copier?
21:35 asd123iii: nope
21:35 ExPew: 00:45:183 (45183|6) - remove hitsounds
21:35 asd123iii: not so much hitsound, so I added by myself
21:36 asd123iii: lol
21:36 asd123iii: failed
21:36 asd123iii: fixed
21:37 ExPew: oh i see you dont have column reference
21:37 ExPew: some hitsounds are missing
21:37 ExPew: not similar with other diffs
21:39 asd123iii: yeah
21:39 ExPew: should start over check on
21:39 ExPew: wait
21:40 ExPew: 00:24:541 (24541|6) -
21:40 asd123iii: 00:46:697 - and 00:47:660 - I think I should fix that as 00:17:523 -
21:41 ExPew: F
21:41 asd123iii: fixed
21:41 ExPew: oh havent check on that part yet
21:42 asd123iii: OK
21:42 ExPew: 00:46:766 (46766|5) -
21:43 ExPew: yeah you're right
21:43 asd123iii: remove?
21:43 ExPew: yep
21:43 asd123iii: 00:46:697 (46697|6) - remove too?
21:44 ExPew: remain
21:44 asd123iii: OK
21:45 ExPew: 00:47:660 -
21:45 ExPew: in my suggest pattern
21:45 ExPew:
21:47 asd123iii: fixed
21:48 asd123iii: I missed this part hitsound :O
21:48 ExPew: 00:48:211 (48211|6) - F
21:48 ExPew: oh you saw it?
21:48 ExPew: xD
21:48 asd123iii: yeah :O
21:49 ExPew: 00:48:624 (48624|0) -
21:49 ExPew: 00:49:036 (49036|1,49312|1) - F
21:49 ExPew: 00:49:587 (49587|0) -
21:50 ExPew: 00:49:862 (49862|5) -
21:50 ExPew: 00:50:275 (50275|5) -
21:50 ExPew: 00:50:963 (50963|6,51101|5,51238|6) -
21:50 ExPew: 00:50:688 (50688|0) -
21:51 ExPew: i feel bother
21:51 asd123iii: XD you clearly know my pattern XD
21:51 ExPew: yeah xD
21:52 ExPew:
21:52 ExPew: check this part
21:52 ExPew: which missing hitsounds
21:52 asd123iii: ok
21:53 asd123iii: you just focus on pattern
21:53 asd123iii: I'll do hitsound
21:53 ExPew: okay
21:56 ExPew: 01:10:229 (70229|3) - move 5
21:56 ExPew: 01:10:779 (70779|3) - 3
21:56 asd123iii: fixed
21:57 ExPew: 01:12:155 (72155|4) - 4
21:57 ExPew: 01:12:705 (72705|4) - 7
21:57 ExPew: 01:14:632 (74632|6) - 6
21:57 asd123iii: fixed
21:57 ExPew: asd
21:57 ExPew: i got to go
21:58 ExPew: emergency
21:58 ExPew: i will continue on attern check
21:58 ExPew: 01:15:183 -
21:58 ExPew: later

part 2

22:59 asd123iii: o/
22:59 ExPew: o/
23:00 asd123iii: do you wanna mod now
23:00 asd123iii: ?
23:00 ExPew: after end MIT
23:00 asd123iii: sure
23:49 asd123iii: call me if u ready :D
23:50 ExPew: ended
23:50 ExPew: ok
23:50 ExPew: 5 mins
23:50 ExPew: clean up mess items
23:50 asd123iii: I'm OK
23:50 asd123iii: no need so hurry XD
23:51 ExPew: ok then 1 hour
23:51 ExPew: xD
23:51 ExPew: hhhhhh
23:51 asd123iii: hhhh
00:27 ExPew: asd
00:28 asd123iii: o/
00:30 asd123iii: let's do this
00:31 ExPew: ok
00:31 ExPew: what last time i paused?
00:32 asd123iii: 00:57:018 - you can check from here
00:33 ExPew: ok
00:34 ExPew: 00:57:018 -
00:35 ExPew: add a note with finish hitsounds
00:35 ExPew: my suggest add on 6th line
00:35 ExPew: 1-7 my lines
00:35 ExPew: 0 for special
00:35 asd123iii: no special lol
00:36 ExPew: yeah
00:36 ExPew: if i mod 8K
00:37 asd123iii: I think finish here is not a good idea, this hitsound is not good for here >_>
00:38 asd123iii: or I need to decrease the volume here
00:38 ExPew: i just refering from and pc hitsound you did
00:39 ExPew: i think yeah maybe
00:39 asd123iii: oh
00:40 asd123iii: 30% hitsound here is not so wired
00:40 asd123iii: ok fixed
00:41 asd123iii: added 1 note at 6th
00:41 ExPew: cool
00:42 ExPew: 01:11:605 (71605|4,71880|2) -
00:42 ExPew: something weird on here
00:43 ExPew: 01:13:531 - not similar with them
00:43 asd123iii: 01:13:256 (73256|5,73394|3,73531|5) - triplet
00:44 asd123iii: 01:11:605 (71605|4,71880|5) - just 2 sound here
00:44 ExPew: 01:11:329 (71329|5,71467|6,71605|4) - same with chorus on triplet
00:44 asd123iii: 01:11:880 (71880|2) - background sound
00:45 ExPew: oh ya
00:45 ExPew: 01:13:394 (73394|3) -
00:45 ExPew: okay nevermind that xD
00:45 asd123iii: XD
00:49 ExPew: ouch
00:49 ExPew: i cant find an error
00:49 asd123iii: :O
00:49 ExPew: 01:56:467 (116467|3,116467|4,116467|1,116604|3,116604|1,116604|5,116742|4,116742|3,116742|1) - any idea?
00:50 asd123iii: 01:56:604 (116604|5) - move it back to 5?
00:51 asd123iii: I think 4 jackhammer is wired
00:51 asd123iii: like hyper diff
00:51 ExPew: i think better move them
00:51 ExPew: 01:58:806 (118806|1) - same this too
00:52 asd123iii: 01:58:806 (118806|1) -
00:53 ExPew: better
00:54 asd123iii: 01:57:705 -
00:54 asd123iii: I think I will kill all guys finger lol
00:55 ExPew: at least there no jerky 1/2 trill
00:55 ExPew: i feel better on you current
00:55 ExPew: your*
00:56 ExPew: ok all looks fine now
00:56 asd123iii: you said changed pattern or before one?
00:56 ExPew: ^
00:56 asd123iii: one more
00:57 asd123iii: 01:58:669 (118669|4) - i move this to 6
00:58 ExPew: can screen shot
00:58 ExPew: ?
00:58 asd123iii: yeah
00:58 asd123iii: 01:58:118 -
00:59 asd123iii: or remain 5?
00:59 ExPew: at least dont trill
00:59 ExPew: using ladder 5 6 7 also looks fine
01:01 ExPew: when looks like this feel little jerk
01:01 ExPew: 3434(4)
01:03 ExPew: tell me with your asnwer with my opinion
01:04 asd123iii: OK i remain it
01:05 asd123iii: uploaded, you can check this now
01:10 ExPew: okay
01:10 ExPew: check overall
01:10 ExPew: and go rebubble if look better
01:11 asd123iii: wait
01:11 asd123iii: 01:46:559 -
01:11 asd123iii: here should be at 1/3 T_T
01:11 asd123iii:
01:11 asd123iii: like this
01:12 asd123iii: or remain 1/4?... orz
01:13 asd123iii: *1/2
01:15 ExPew: gosh
01:15 ExPew: my internet
01:15 asd123iii: that okay :D
01:15 ExPew: which note
01:15 ExPew: on 1/3
01:16 asd123iii: 01:46:559 -
01:16 asd123iii: like
01:16 asd123iii: or just remain 1/2
01:17 ExPew: i dont see which note to highlight
01:17 ExPew: hhhh
01:17 asd123iii: I think remain would better
01:17 asd123iii: Let rumi to check this part
01:18 ExPew: hhhh
01:18 ExPew: i dont get anything here
01:18 ExPew: wocao
01:19 asd123iii: I think you can check for rebubbled now XDDD
01:20 ExPew: ok
01:20 ExPew: tell rumia about this
01:21 *ExPew is editing [ Azu - Haryu [Hyper]]
01:21 ExPew: 02:04:173 -
01:21 ExPew: missing finish hitsounds here?
01:22 asd123iii: ._. missed
01:23 asd123iii: any else?
01:24 ExPew: normal too
01:24 ExPew: hhh
01:24 asd123iii: hhh
01:24 ExPew: go update
01:24 ExPew: i go rebub
01:27 asd123iii: updated
01:27 asd123iii: remember post irc mod
01:27 asd123iii: hhh
01:27 ExPew: yyah
ok, ready to go again

Congratz~ Go go ranked o/
Grats ^^
wow grats asd! :)
oh shit
oh gratz
oh my god
im so sorry
for being too lazy busy
Topic Starter

Rumia- wrote:

oh shit
oh gratz
oh my god
im so sorry
for being too lazy busy
nevermind 8-)
The jump from normal to hyper is huge...
normal: easy FC for me
hyper: I can't even get past the first 17 seconds, and looking at it in editor tells me it only gets a lot harder than that
does osu!mania not care about good spread? everything is ok as long as easiest diff is easy? :/
Topic Starter

Makar wrote:

The jump from normal to hyper is huge...
normal: easy FC for me
hyper: I can't even get past the first 17 seconds, and looking at it in editor tells me it only gets a lot harder than that
does osu!mania not care about good spread? everything is ok as long as easiest diff is easy? :/
This normal diff should be 2.10 star would be better.
But I'm forced to decrease the difficulty for that dumb wonderful Ranking Criteria. :/

Ranking Criteria wrote:

The lowest difficulty must be below 2.0 stars.
I have discussed with 3~4 BAT or QAT about diff spread before this map get ranked.
And I think create one more diff is not a good idea because of the high BPM.
Everything is well,you should practice more,or make one better than this.
I only can say that.
High BPM is not good to make easier difficulty.
Sorry,I'm going to disqualify this map.

Reason for Disqualification

[ Normal]
  1. 01:12:292 (72292|4) - Should be at 01:12:293
  2. 01:12:705 (72705|5) - Should be at 01:12:706
[ Hyper]
  1. 00:51:239 (51239|4) - Should be at 00:51:238
It's my fault that I didn't found 1ms unsnapped notes.
Call BATs to rebubble and requalify the map after fix.
00:43:669 (43669|6,43715|5,43761|4) - 1/4 or 1/8(other diffs are 1/8)
00:46:628 (46628|4) - delete(other diffs don't have)

00:47:729 (47729|3,47798|2,48004|3,48073|4) - thing,right diff is Hyper)

[S.Star's Insane]
01:06:375 (66375|5) - add like richard's Extra because you put notes on 01:03:073 (63073|5,63141|4,63210|3) -
01:08:715 (68715|2) - delete and 01:09:540 - add
omg this is just
hope this can be fast re-qualify

Kyousuke- wrote:

omg this is just
hope this can be fast re-qualify
Sorry,I wanted unqualify the map last night but no time to do it.
Topic Starter

Spy wrote:

Sorry,I'm going to disqualify this map.

Reason for Disqualification

[ Normal]
  1. 01:12:292 (72292|4) - Should be at 01:12:293
  2. 01:12:705 (72705|5) - Should be at 01:12:706
[ Hyper]
  1. 00:51:239 (51239|4) - Should be at 00:51:238
It's my fault that I didn't found 1ms unsnapped notes.
Call BATs to rebubble and requalify the map after fix.
oh....that 1ms......
AImod doesn't work :cry:


hutunohito wrote:

00:43:669 (43669|6,43715|5,43761|4) - 1/4 or 1/8(other diffs are 1/8)
00:46:628 (46628|4) - delete(other diffs don't have)

00:47:729 (47729|3,47798|2,48004|3,48073|4) - thing,right diff is Hyper)

[S.Star's Insane]
01:06:375 (66375|5) - add like richard's Extra because you put notes on 01:03:073 (63073|5,63141|4,63210|3) -
01:08:715 (68715|2) - delete and 01:09:540 - add
I don't wanna change any pattern since it get qualified. :?
ok good to go again w
i let pew rank this time

resnap all notes 1/4


resnap all note 1/12


resnap all note 1/12

take a note after you resnap some of 1/8 notes are messed, fix them manually

00:23:991 -
00:24:403 -
00:43:669 -

[S.Star's Insane]

resnap all note 1/12

take a note after you resnap some of 1/8 notes are messed, fix them manually

00:43:669 -
00:49:587 -

[richard's Extra]

resnap all note 1/12

take a note after you resnap some of 1/8 notes are messed, fix them manually

00:43:669 -
00:49:587 -
00:54:816 -

i don't want to see 1 milishit unsnapped again

gg editor
gg AI mod

ExPew wrote:

[S.Star's Insane]
[richard's Extra]

resnap all note 1/12
Alternatively, it'd be a lot faster to just use 1/24 snap in F6 timing menu so you don't have to manually fix the 1/8 notes that become 1/6.

asd123iii wrote:

hutunohito wrote:

00:43:669 (43669|6,43715|5,43761|4) - 1/4 or 1/8(other diffs are 1/8)
00:46:628 (46628|4) - delete(other diffs don't have)

00:47:729 (47729|3,47798|2,48004|3,48073|4) - thing,right diff is Hyper)
I don't wanna change any pattern since it get qualified. :?
Your map is already receiving more attention since it was recently unqualified, and the things hutunohito pointed out for Hyper and Another are objective errors that may possibly be brought up by the QAT later if you don't fix it. I don't see why it wouldn't be better to prevent another possible unqualification before it happens.
It is not my business if map is no problem.
We only unqualify map has issues.
Topic Starter

ExPew wrote:


resnap all notes 1/4


resnap all note 1/12


resnap all note 1/12

take a note after you resnap some of 1/8 notes are messed, fix them manually

00:23:991 -
00:24:403 -
00:43:669 -

[S.Star's Insane]

resnap all note 1/12

take a note after you resnap some of 1/8 notes are messed, fix them manually

00:43:669 -
00:49:587 -

[richard's Extra]

resnap all note 1/12

take a note after you resnap some of 1/8 notes are messed, fix them manually

00:43:669 -
00:49:587 -
00:54:816 -

i don't want to see 1 milishit unsnapped again

gg editor
gg AI mod

F*** you 1milshit

if there got 1ms unsnap again

/me report tech issue
Nice song owo

yes it happen to me, the timing snapping aren't perfect enough (zoom in layer enough can see the gaps)

maybe there's a bug
Topic Starter

Reikosaka wrote:

yes it happen to me, the timing snapping aren't perfect enough (zoom in layer enough can see the gaps)

maybe there's a bug

You guys just feel free to ignore 1ms unsnapped.

unrank this just waste my time and get nothing better....
already reported as bug

Topic Starter

Reikosaka wrote:

already reported as bug


Fixed as AImod display.

Testing, I need more people check this......

Osu!version : b20141111.20cuttingedge
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