
Need help for a "Heart" SLIDER screenshot

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I REALLY didn't know where to ask on Osu's forums, so I think Skinning is something that is more similar with what I need <3 !
I actually want to do a Heart with my slider, I'm creating a map, but it's hard as.... if someone could send me a screenshot with all the little dots it could be cool but I don't know how to do a heart slider :/ ! I really need this heart on my map, romantic shojo song = a slider with a heart . No choice *-* !
Need ya guys :'(
This is not the correct forum for doing that, you can make you questions here: 56 (if you look well there is some threads for making sliders, here you have them: t/37194 t/208596)

And also some tutorials for new mappers, if you read them it could help you more on you beatmaps : )
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Excalia wrote:

I REALLY didn't know where to ask on Osu's forums, so I think Skinning is something that is more similar with what I need <3 !
I actually want to do a Heart with my slider, I'm creating a map, but it's hard as.... if someone could send me a screenshot with all the little dots it could be cool but I don't know how to do a heart slider :/ ! I really need this heart on my map, romantic shojo song = a slider with a heart . No choice *-* !
Need ya guys :'(
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