
Yozuca*, Rino, et al - Santa Claus ni Yoyaku Shite!

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HAAAAUUUUU~ OMOCHIKAERI~ This map's video is so cute, I'm taking this home. :3333 Ecchi makes me melt~ HELP!

Overall: I think the map sounds better off with a skin and a custom hitsounds. Also, the offset sounds a bit skewed, at some parts but I'll leave this to a timing expert. As much as possible, don't estimate the offset to the nearest multiple of 5 just because pinpointing the offset is a hard job. A skew of 1 in an offset is often vital for the players and can do a signifcant effect on the timing of the map.

General: Hitsounding in the map sounds fine, but adding claps sounds better. It's up to you to decide where to put the claps.

00:19:002 (1) - This might not sound better for you, but IMO, it sounds better to end it at 00:22:705. You can leave this as it is.
00:31:633 (1,1) - Suggestion: Extend both sliders to the white tick (meaning extend them by 1 tick).
00:53:212 (3) - I suggest mapping the part after this before the spinner.
00:54:791 (1) - Sounds better off with a custom hitsound or a finish.

General: Hitsounding goes the same as Easy. However, slider tick rate sounds better at 2 IMO (but I think if you were to use a 2 in the tick rate, you might wanna have it silenced somehow.)

00:53:607 (1,2) - Suggestion: Put whistles on both sliders.
01:26:765 (2) - Suggestion: Put a finish here. (3) sounds too soft without a complimentary finish.

General: Don't be afraid to spam whistles here. The jingling sound is a good part of a map with a Christmas song. ^^

00:26:370 (1,2,3,4) - Ha! The jumps are too Hard for a Hard difficulty. You can compromise by making the hitcircles bigger or by decreasing the distance between the beats.
00:30:581 (1,2,3,4) - ^
00:54:791 (1) - Suggestion: Add a finish here. But you can ignore it.

Lol, sorry if the mods were all suggestive. The way I mod right now isn't the way how I used to mod because I approach a map's quality to the elements being placed according to the beat.
Topic Starter
My response in red and not blue :)

jockeytiyan wrote:

HAAAAUUUUU~ OMOCHIKAERI~ This map's video is so cute, I'm taking this home. :3333 Ecchi makes me melt~ HELP!

Overall: I think the map sounds better off with a skin and a custom hitsounds. Also, the offset sounds a bit skewed, at some parts but I'll leave this to a timing expert. As much as possible, don't estimate the offset to the nearest multiple of 5 just because pinpointing the offset is a hard job. A skew of 1 in an offset is often vital for the players and can do a signifcant effect on the timing of the map. I'll see if i can ask anybody to make some x]

General: Hitsounding in the map sounds fine, but adding claps sounds better. It's up to you to decide where to put the claps.

00:19:002 (1) - This might not sound better for you, but IMO, it sounds better to end it at 00:22:705. You can leave this as it is. Yeahh i think it sounds better there too, but i ended it earlier since beginners might not have good spin recovery
00:31:633 (1,1) - Suggestion: Extend both sliders to the white tick (meaning extend them by 1 tick). You can hear it end at the blue tick
00:53:212 (3) - I suggest mapping the part after this before the spinner. I think its fine, if others think i should too, then i will
00:54:791 (1) - Sounds better off with a custom hitsound or a finish. Rawr

General: Hitsounding goes the same as Easy. However, slider tick rate sounds better at 2 IMO (but I think if you were to use a 2 in the tick rate, you might wanna have it silenced somehow.)

00:53:607 (1,2) - Suggestion: Put whistles on both sliders. Donee
01:26:765 (2) - Suggestion: Put a finish here. (3) sounds too soft without a complimentary finish.

General: Don't be afraid to spam whistles here. The jingling sound is a good part of a map with a Christmas song. ^^

00:26:370 (1,2,3,4) - Ha! The jumps are too Hard for a Hard difficulty. You can compromise by making the hitcircles bigger or by decreasing the distance between the beats. Made them smaller :)
00:30:581 (1,2,3,4) - ^
00:54:791 (1) - Suggestion: Add a finish here. But you can ignore it.I did anyway x]

Lol, sorry if the mods were all suggestive. The way I mod right now isn't the way how I used to mod because I approach a map's quality to the elements being placed according to the beat.
offset 2162 ?
map is fine for me
seems fine here! star~
nice one. Remind me at #mod tomorrow to mod it, if you see me!
- in General
  1. I highly recommend you to find a better mp3, since 128kbps is the minimum ranking standard.
  2. Are you sure the Artist name is capitalized right?
- Easy
  1. Put HP Drain Rate 1 tick to the right
- Normal
  1. Many 1/2 and 1/4 for a [Normal], maybe make it a bit easier next time.
  2. 00:14:793 (1) - Remove this.
  3. 00:15:846 (3) - Copy this slider, then paste it at 00:14:793, flip it horizontally and reverse selection, then new combo the new slider (for symmetry and nicer pattern).
- Hard
  1. Nothing here.
Nice map,
Starred *
Average... but compare to your other maps, this is quite a let down. No offense.

00:37:95 (2) - Align with 1. And move the below hitcircles accordingly.

I would be usually against 2 spinners in a row but it fits. So I'll leave it there. Also, the symmetry in this is fairly stable.

Increase OD by 1.

01:30:58 (1,2) - Symmetry.

Increase by one circle size. (My personal opinion.)

01:10:05 (5,6,7) - Horrible Triple.
01:12:95 (2,3,4) - ^
01:18:21 (2,3,4) - ^

A Star. A Christmas Star. Even though it's not Christmas.
Skin here (ノ゚ω゚)ノ☆ノノ

Download: skin.rar
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Modded in irc.

Good for BAT modding.

Pubble + star.
(ノ゚ω゚)ノ Good Job.
I'm just not sure about artist/title, this is what I had:

artist: yozuca*,Rino,Hashimoto Miyuki,Misato Aki
title: Santa Claus ni Yoyaku Shite!

Obviously you should not put all the names into artist list, and as I see you have already shortened the list of artists. But I don't know about the "et al" part. Title seems to be the same just translated^^.

00:26:372 (3) - remove whistle on red line(suggestion)
00:30:583 (3) - ^
01:01:109 (5) - add whistle on the end of slider?
01:05:319 (7) - ^
01:22:161 (5) - remove whistle and add finish on the start of slider?


you decide whether these suggestions are helpful or not.if not,dont give kds for this post : )
Topic Starter
Used all of gdeath's suggestions

gdeath wrote:


00:26:372 (3) - remove whistle on red line(suggestion)
00:30:583 (3) - ^
01:01:109 (5) - add whistle on the end of slider?
01:05:319 (7) - ^
01:22:161 (5) - remove whistle and add finish on the start of slider?


you decide whether these suggestions are helpful or not.if not,dont give kds for this post : )

and used Dangaard's title
Good job, i can't find anything wrong.
Starred :D
wow . nice

This is gonna get ranked in no time D:
saymun, you damn natural >:(

...i'm only kidding.
Good job on getting another map almost ranked in no time.

The beat of the song reminds me of that Merikuri Song map
Merry Christmas lol

Armin wrote:

Merry Christmas lol
Heh, I guess it WOULDN'T be too late for me to work on my Christmas song that I never got to do in December. XP

(except that I have 30493 other maps to do first orz)

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