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In-game pm mod request.

[kajiyatta's Insane]

I have some problems with stacks and jumps at certain point's that I can't read ( Like this for example 00:26:881 (5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13) - ), but that's probably just me being bad at the game so I won't say any more about it. :P

Everything looks fine except the stream at 01:30:913 (11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18) - Use the same shape as the stream at 01:43:561 (11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18) - to make it look nicer.

Good luck at ranking this map!
Pomuta asked me to check insane diff

  1. 00:10:280 (2) - Shouldn't this end 1/4 earlier and the next slider start 1/4 earlier as well? It's just wrong as it is
  2. 00:13:442 (2,3) - ^
  3. 00:26:881 (5) - New combo here? Next combo gets a bit too long and this is a good place to put a NC
  4. 00:36:367 (5) - blanket is a bit wrong, sorry but currently can't show you how to fix x_x
  5. 01:26:960 (7) - New combo?
  6. 01:30:122 (7) - ^
  7. 01:39:608 (7) - ^
  8. 01:42:770 (7) - ^ (sorry for so many NCs)
  9. 01:55:418 (7) - ^ (omg again!!)
  10. 01:58:581 (5) - Maybe remove the middle point so slider is prettier? o.o
  11. 02:08:067 (5) - new combo attack again :D

    Fun map! Nice jumps, but the combos are too long sometimes, when they can be split up to match the music. Also, nice usage of bezier sliders!
Hey there :P sorry for being stupid.

For Kajiyatta's Insane:
00:10:280 (2) - This doesn't match the immediate drumset, or the background. 00:11:861 (4,5,6), 00:15:023 (4,5,6), and 00:14:233 (1,2,3) are rhythms that work well for the background.
00:13:442 (2,3) - ^
00:40:320 (10) - I don't know if I agree with a stream here. This feels like it fits better, but that's just me. (shorten the slider onto the red tick, white tick beat, and then triplet into the slider). This may not be the best, but it's a suggestion if you like it better this way. (Or increase the volume to hear what it's mapped to).

00:56:920 (1) to 01:00:082 (1) - There's a lot going on in the song, and it feels sad that all this turned out to be is red tick clicks. I could see this as a 'resting/easy' spot though.
01:06:209 (10,11,12) - I would switch this triplet out for (9) so that it matches the beat better.
01:30:913 (11) - NC
01:43:561 (11) - ^
02:08:857 (10) - ^
Delete NC on (1)

I love the jumpy feel to this map. These are just some parts that just don't fit the music/feel awkward while playing.

Kajiyatta's Insane
00:03:165 (1) - 一番最初の音鳥ですが00:06:328 (1) - ここと同じにしてみてはどうでしょうか?
00:22:138 (1) - を直前のリバーススライダー(5)と同じx=168にするのはどうでしょう?(7)のノートもそれに合わせて移動させれば、こちらのほうが見た目がわかりやすくなるとおもうのですがどうですか?
00:26:881 (5) - NC?
00:27:276 (4) - Drum-Clap追加
00:39:529 (1) - NC?
00:46:644 (8) - このスライダーの頭を00:45:458 (4) - のスライダーの頭にスタックさせて、その後二つのノーツでジャンプ距離を稼ぐほうが個人的に好きなのですがどうですか?
01:30:122 (7) - NC?
01:42:770 (7) - ^
01:55:418 (1) - ^今の配置だとここにNCあったほうが見やすくなるとおもいます。
02:08:067 (5) - ^


<welcome to kibb's super nazi modding>

00:09:490 (1,2) - don't connect well

00:11:861 (4) - move this to y164, x460

00:12:652 (1) - if this is a blanket, fix it up a bit

00:16:604 (3,4) - possible blanket

00:17:395 (5,7) - more parallel

00:54:549 (3) - 00:54:944 (4) ctrl hj

01:54:430 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - shape this better. this doesn't look much like a pentagon atm

00:14:233 (1) - idk about NC here, you pattern is nc every 2 times the main pattern was repeated. here, it was only repeated once and you NCd

01:23:601 (6,8) - i dont like this overlap '^'

Its probably just me being noob but i find some of the patterns hard to read cuz they're quite stacked, but u can probably ignore this cuz i just suck at osu

lmao i tried '^'

kajiyatta wrote:

mods reply

DenoisoGoiso wrote:

INSANE IS SO CLEAAAAAAN maybe little suggestion or not

[jeneral sweg]
  1. jeneral was reade 4 ranking
[hello kajiyatta]
  1. hello
  2. 00:03:363 - i think you missed instrumental here? or not maybe tick do it. I don't suppose there is a sound here.
    00:04:154 (4) - maybe just my opp, try this? flow around there 1/4 bad. No, just for consistence.
    00:07:909 (1,2) - swap new combo because start combo in the red tick is not good.
    00:20:162 (4) - move it to 248,192? of course shape distancing looks weird. 00:21:545 (6) - also this move it to 248,192 if you apply it.
    00:35:972 (4) - yes or not, this slider should change it. due the flow movement is not really dropoff, try this : no fixed, I don't aim to make a jupmp here.
    00:39:134 (4) - nazi? try to stack. move it to 257,150.
    01:52:652 (6) - ^ but move it to 255,183 for the stack.
    02:04:114 (3) - maybe don't curve it? cuz' it's bad I suppose liner slider would be a bad flow...

mini mod ;w; i think should not kd o/ but it's up to you ;3
goodluck for ranking.

Zekmer wrote:

In-game pm mod request.

[kajiyatta's Insane]

I have some problems with stacks and jumps at certain point's that I can't read ( Like this for example 00:26:881 (5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13) - ), but that's probably just me being bad at the game so I won't say any more about it. :P

Everything looks fine except the stream at 01:30:913 (11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18) - Use the same shape as the stream at 01:43:561 (11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18) - to make it look nicer. Minor changed.

Good luck at ranking this map!

Blue Dragon wrote:

Pomuta asked me to check insane diff

  1. 00:10:280 (2) - Shouldn't this end 1/4 earlier and the next slider start 1/4 earlier as well? It's just wrong as it is
  2. 00:13:442 (2,3) - ^
  3. 00:26:881 (5) - New combo here? Next combo gets a bit too long and this is a good place to put a NC
  4. 00:36:367 (5) - blanket is a bit wrong, sorry but currently can't show you how to fix x_x
  5. 01:26:960 (7) - New combo?
  6. 01:30:122 (7) - ^
  7. 01:39:608 (7) - ^
  8. 01:42:770 (7) - ^ (sorry for so many NCs)
  9. 01:55:418 (7) - ^ (omg again!!)
  10. 01:58:581 (5) - Maybe remove the middle point so slider is prettier? o.o
  11. 02:08:067 (5) - new combo attack again :D

    Changed NC pattern.

    Fun map! Nice jumps, but the combos are too long sometimes, when they can be split up to match the music. Also, nice usage of bezier sliders!

enclosure wrote:

Hey there :P sorry for being stupid.

For Kajiyatta's Insane:
00:10:280 (2) - This doesn't match the immediate drumset, or the background. 00:11:861 (4,5,6), 00:15:023 (4,5,6), and 00:14:233 (1,2,3) are rhythms that work well for the background. For Insane, I suppose some hard readble notes are allowed.
00:13:442 (2,3) - ^ sorry no fixed.
00:40:320 (10) - I don't know if I agree with a stream here. This feels like it fits better, but that's just me. (shorten the slider onto the red tick, white tick beat, and then triplet into the slider). This may not be the best, but it's a suggestion if you like it better this way. (Or increase the volume to hear what it's mapped to). minor changed.

00:56:920 (1) to 01:00:082 (1) - There's a lot going on in the song, and it feels sad that all this turned out to be is red tick clicks. I could see this as a 'resting/easy' spot though. I just folloed music properly, so it seems no problem.
01:06:209 (10,11,12) - I would switch this triplet out for (9) so that it matches the beat better.
01:30:913 (11) - NC
01:43:561 (11) - ^
02:08:857 (10) - ^
Delete NC on (1)
Changed Nc pattern.

I love the jumpy feel to this map. These are just some parts that just don't fit the music/feel awkward while playing.

dosyeru wrote:


Kajiyatta's Insane
00:03:165 (1) - 一番最初の音鳥ですが00:06:328 (1) - ここと同じにしてみてはどうでしょうか?
特に音が変化してるわけでもないのでどちらかにパターンをそろえたほうがリズムつかみやすい気がします。 はじめの鐘の音が伸びている部分が強いので、そこをフォローするようにしています。
00:22:138 (1) - を直前のリバーススライダー(5)と同じx=168にするのはどうでしょう?(7)のノートもそれに合わせて移動させれば、こちらのほうが見た目がわかりやすくなるとおもうのですがどうですか? ここは、(2,4)と(3,1)のスペーシングを同じように配置しているので意図的です、すみません。
00:26:881 (5) - NC?
00:27:276 (4) - Drum-Clap追加
00:39:529 (1) - NC?
00:46:644 (8) - このスライダーの頭を00:45:458 (4) - のスライダーの頭にスタックさせて、その後二つのノーツでジャンプ距離を稼ぐほうが個人的に好きなのですがどうですか?
01:30:122 (7) - NC?
01:42:770 (7) - ^
01:55:418 (1) - ^今の配置だとここにNCあったほうが見やすくなるとおもいます。
02:08:067 (5) - ^
 Changed NC pattern.


Kibbleru wrote:


<welcome to kibb's super nazi modding>

00:09:490 (1,2) - don't connect well

00:11:861 (4) - move this to y164, x460 I just keep it, current looks fine.

00:12:652 (1) - if this is a blanket, fix it up a bit

00:16:604 (3,4) - possible blanket

00:17:395 (5,7) - more parallel

00:54:549 (3) - 00:54:944 (4) ctrl hj No changed, it is a bit hard to read.

01:54:430 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - shape this better. this doesn't look much like a pentagon atm

00:14:233 (1) - idk about NC here, you pattern is nc every 2 times the main pattern was repeated. here, it was only repeated once and you NCd

01:23:601 (6,8) - i dont like this overlap '^' well, it's ok for playing.

Its probably just me being noob but i find some of the patterns hard to read cuz they're quite stacked, but u can probably ignore this cuz i just suck at osu

lmao i tried '^'

No comment = fixed.
Thanks everyone!
kajiyatta's Insane
  • - 00:14:233 (1,2) - You could make a better blanket for these sliders, like this
That's all I got, no kds for this, nice diff :)
Yuji Tokaji
Request IG. (Yeah, just this difficulty.)

[kajiyatta's Insane]

- 00:27:671(6) : Whistle on reverse ?
- 00:35:577(3) : One grid right, just to make it center with next slider(1) : cf 00:36:367
You know what I mean ?
- 01:51:466(3) : Clap on reverse ?

Cool song, sorry for nazi mod, but your diff is too nice so... Imo, nothing to change.
No kudosu for this.
In-Game request for modding Kajiyatta's Insane

To be honest, I didn't feel like there were problems with the sliders or the distance snap for this one but I might suggest some hitsounds being added into this (mainly the finish hitsound)

[Kajiyatta's Insane]
  1. 00:44:272 (1) - Finish hitsound on the slider's head
  2. 00:47:434 (1) - ^
  3. 00:50:596 (1) - ^
  4. 00:56:920 (1) - ^
  5. 01:00:082 (1) - ^
  6. 01:03:245 (1) - ^
  7. 01:47:513 (1) - ^
  8. 01:50:675 (1) - ^
  9. 01:53:837 (1) - ^
  10. 02:00:162 (1) - ^
  11. 02:03:324 (1) - ^
  12. 02:06:486 (1) - ^

    Suggestions and Ideas


    Test play for Kajiyatta's Insane Difficulty

    1st Attempt:

    2nd Attempt:

    3rd Attempt:
    Comments: As mentioned already, I didn't feel like there were problems with the sliders or the distance snap for this one just some hitsound suggestions. Reason why I suggest those to have hitsound is because during those part of the song it goes in a loop multiple times and at those key points it does get loud to reasonably have finish hitsound on those notes. I don't really want to try any unnecessary false accusation on this difficulty as well and I just got misses due to my own mistakes (The BPM was bit low for me so that'ss why I get the misses during streams Orz). Everything seems to be fine for me from where I see it. Overall, I liked it ^^
    Actual level of difficulty that this can be under : Insane ~ Expert

If you have any complaints, questions, comments, etc. or found any errors in my work, in-game or on the osu website!

(ノ´ヮ´)ノ*:・゚ Wish you best of luck!~

No Kudosu if this didn't meet your standards please

kajiyatta wrote:

mods reply

MoodyRPG wrote:

kajiyatta's Insane
  • - 00:14:233 (1,2) - You could make a better blanket for these sliders, like this
That's all I got, no kds for this, nice diff :)

Kazey wrote:

Request IG. (Yeah, just this difficulty.)

[kajiyatta's Insane]

- 00:27:671(6) : Whistle on reverse ? I don't add whistles in this part for consistence.
- 00:35:577(3) : One grid right, just to make it center with next slider(1) : cf 00:36:367
You know what I mean ?
- 01:51:466(3) : Clap on reverse ? Sorry no added.

Cool song, sorry for nazi mod, but your diff is too nice so... Imo, nothing to change.
No kudosu for this.

AllStar12 wrote:

In-Game request for modding Kajiyatta's Insane

To be honest, I didn't feel like there were problems with the sliders or the distance snap for this one but I might suggest some hitsounds being added into this (mainly the finish hitsound)

[Kajiyatta's Insane]
  1. 00:44:272 (1) - Finish hitsound on the slider's head
  2. 00:47:434 (1) - ^
  3. 00:50:596 (1) - ^
  4. 00:56:920 (1) - ^
  5. 01:00:082 (1) - ^
  6. 01:03:245 (1) - ^
  7. 01:47:513 (1) - ^
  8. 01:50:675 (1) - ^
  9. 01:53:837 (1) - ^
  10. 02:00:162 (1) - ^
  11. 02:03:324 (1) - ^
  12. 02:06:486 (1) - ^

    I tried this but don't follow music properly I suppose, also not added in other diffs. So for consistence, I don't add sorry.

    Suggestions and Ideas


    Test play for Kajiyatta's Insane Difficulty

    [box=Result]1st Attempt:

    2nd Attempt:

    3rd Attempt:
Comments: As mentioned already, I didn't feel like there were problems with the sliders or the distance snap for this one just some hitsound suggestions. Reason why I suggest those to have hitsound is because during those part of the song it goes in a loop multiple times and at those key points it does get loud to reasonably have finish hitsound on those notes. I don't really want to try any unnecessary false accusation on this difficulty as well and I just got misses due to my own mistakes (The BPM was bit low for me so that'ss why I get the misses during streams Orz). Everything seems to be fine for me from where I see it. Overall, I liked it ^^
Actual level of difficulty that this can be under : Insane ~ Expert
No comment = fixed.
Thanks everyone~
Two things:
  1. Wouldn't TR4 work better? there is constant 1/4 in the background at all times.
  2. The kiai in Extra has really strange NCing that focuses on visual patterns other than musical emphasis, it usually works well but notes like this 01:23:600 (1) - just feel like they don't deserve a new combo.
Topic Starter
P o M u T a
fixed thanks~
EDIT: Easy diff add clap (miss)
i waitting wcx's check now.
Topic Starter
P o M u T a
i should wait wcx come back BAT.
Topic Starter
P o M u T a
sorry, a bit late..
please poke me again if you still want to handle this, I'm not sure cuz it becomes graveyard again
Topic Starter
P o M u T a
no kd


01:32:494 (2,3) - this spacing is a bit confusing.. why not use normal spacing here?

nothing else, call me back then
Topic Starter
P o M u T a
oops, fixed spacing. thanks :)

Only one or two small things, not really much reason to change unless you love me.

00:39:529 (1) - Ctrl+G, I always get 100's because the slider goes in the opposite direction as to where I want it to go as a player.
00:39:727 (2) - Ctrl+G ^ just to fit in with this.

01:38:818 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3) - God help us all.
Topic Starter
P o M u T a

jesus1412 wrote:


Only one or two small things, not really much reason to change unless you love me.

00:39:529 (1) - Ctrl+G, I always get 100's because the slider goes in the opposite direction as to where I want it to go as a player. already cool flow now. no changed
00:39:727 (2) - Ctrl+G ^ just to fit in with this. ^

01:38:818 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3) - God help us all. you played, made angry, but, i think no problem. It's EASY
sorryyyyyyy jesus.
Totally okay

Extra needs HP7 even I managed to pass it and I'm terrible.
Topic Starter
P o M u T a
chnaged hp7
checked and bubble fixed
Sorry that I only remembered now, but here are a few things about Extra:
  1. What about HP7.5? I tried with HP7 and it was still too forgiving.
  2. Maybe use a decimal approach rate value since the kiai is essentially like around 300BPM? 9.3 could be nice.
  3. 02:04:905 - I don't really like this pattern's spacing since it's mostly extremely low, Maybe make it start high and have it end even higher so it fits the intensity of the end of the map?
Topic Starter
P o M u T a
No change.
not have big mean imo.
also, Last part i want calm.
Topic Starter
P o M u T a
#2 BAT recruitment now
its happenin
The extra is so fun to play with EZ! I really enjoy it. But...

Waiting for BAT approval (about a month ago)
Why isn't it ranked yet? :cry:
We changed Extra's Ar from 9 to 9.3, fits better (Priti suggested this earlier it seems), Pomuta changed a pattern in Extra and we also removed an overlap. For normal we shortened up a slider by 1/4. Everything looks awesome now.


edit: Pomuta fixed something quickly, re-ranked!
Topic Starter
P o M u T a

Asphyxia wrote:

We changed Extra's Ar from 9 to 9.3, fits better (Priti suggested this earlier it seems), Pomuta changed a pattern in Extra and we also removed an overlap. For normal we shortened up a slider by 1/4. Everything looks awesome now.


edit: Pomuta fixed something quickly, re-ranked!
thanks Asphyxia!!
gratz :)
Topic Starter
P o M u T a

kajiyatta wrote:

gratz :!:
kajiyattaさん Muyaさん 
congratz :3
rip kajiyatta
Topic Starter
P o M u T a
thanks everyone~.
I remember when I loved your maps Pomuta. (the sonic syndicate map for example)

But this one ... Why do all mappers have to start using sliders excessively ... Why ... If you all wanna do that, fine do it on a crap song but not on a great song like this >.<

a very sad player
Good! :)

Zantaria wrote:

I remember when I loved your maps Pomuta. (the sonic syndicate map for example)

But this one ... Why do all mappers have to start using sliders excessively ... Why ... If you all wanna do that, fine do it on a crap song but not on a great song like this >.<

a very sad player
You are lucky you have a pretty face or else I'd punch it.
Topic Starter
P o M u T a
thanks everyone 8-) :) :D
Topic Starter
P o M u T a
Thanks low :3
<333 :)
Nice song! I feel fighting at the mansion... :o :o :o
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