
How to improve at osu!

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Can you address rapid short sliders? They are short sliders that generally occur 3-5 times in a row and can sometimes be jumps or streams.

example beatmaps: extra difficulty at the beginning near 1 minute

sadpwner wrote:

Can you address rapid short sliders? They are short sliders that generally occur 3-5 times in a row and can sometimes be jumps or streams.

example beatmaps: extra difficulty at the beginning near 1 minute
Have a look at what others say: t/206153
since osuTP is RIP. I'm gonna semi-necro the thread. Does anyone have difficult CS3 Maps. I'm Rank 23K and anything between 4 Star to Extra on CS3 would be cool to find.
Raven no Aiming
My accuracy now is quite good so i'm trying to raise my tapping speed and stamina but it seens like i'm stuck and can't go faster than 210bpm. Does anyone experience this problem before ? Thank you in advance :)
Raven: I've encountered the same problem (and still do). I would guess the basic typical reply applies here too: practice more (at least it's working for me since I went from being at my limit at 190 to being able to tap 240 bpm fairly easily). Just practice on the highest bpm you can and slowly build up more speed and endurance
I have a question about triples. I usually do triples as zxz every time, but I use x as my main single tapping key. Every high rank person I've seen starts and ends triples on their single tapping key, and I was wondering is it faster/more accurate than how I do triples?
Vuelo Eluko

Sword wrote:

I have a question about triples. I usually do triples as zxz every time, but I use x as my main single tapping key. Every high rank person I've seen starts and ends triples on their single tapping key, and I was wondering is it faster/more accurate than how I do triples?
thats how i do it yolo

Riince wrote:

Sword wrote:

I have a question about triples. I usually do triples as zxz every time, but I use x as my main single tapping key. Every high rank person I've seen starts and ends triples on their single tapping key, and I was wondering is it faster/more accurate than how I do triples?
thats how i do it yolo
if the triplets are 3 circles, I go (default bindings) zxz
if the triplets are first the slider's end, second a circle and third a slider's head, I go zxx OR zx(z+x) (doubletap)
if the triplets are 2 circles followed by a slider's head. I go same as above^

these are what ive been doing gg
I only click the left mouse button with my index finger and now I'm able to beat 4 star songs apparently.

Am I doing it wrong?
[ Kubolo ]

Kheldragar wrote:

I only click the left mouse button with my index finger and now I'm able to beat 4 star songs apparently.

Am I doing it wrong?
Not at all. It's the most comfortable way to play for you so it's ok
Well, just for info for you guys, what lewa says is right, at least on my case.

My acc. was good enough for me to jump from Normals+DT to Insanes without touching hards in the process, while keeping a 97% around acc.
Although, now, meh. I've been only challenging myself on speed, I lost my acc. point (which was around 99% usually, I hate random misses on insanes everityem)
I'm with a problem, since for almost 3 weeks I started to play, and I'm able to play some maps of three stars, and when I try to play a map with 4 stars, I can follow with my eyes but I can not keep up with my mouse, should i keep trying with my mouse until i can do it or should try it with a tablet?
Vuelo Eluko
tablet wont help if you cant read it
Tsukimi Luna

Ever since i changed my playstyle i cant help but ponder the gap between now and last time.....
I suck 10times more than my peak.....
40k playcounts down the drain :(
Im just sitting here crying and picking up the bits that i have left before.... depressed orz

End up feeling sad when i cant....
I actually am looking for maps around 180bpm where there are long 1/2 notes so i can train my single tap..... with my weak left hand fingers....
Switching from your right wrist to tap to left hand finger can really have a huge ass difference
The streams kill my fingers...
Thanks this was really usefull :D

Yuu-Chii wrote:


Ever since i changed my playstyle i cant help but ponder the gap between now and last time.....
I suck 10times more than my peak.....
40k playcounts down the drain :(
Im just sitting here crying and picking up the bits that i have left before.... depressed orz

End up feeling sad when i cant....
I actually am looking for maps around 180bpm where there are long 1/2 notes so i can train my single tap..... with my weak left hand fingers....
Switching from your right wrist to tap to left hand finger can really have a huge ass difference
It is best to maintain a consistent playstyle throughout. You should think about what playstyles would work at a high level when you're starting to play. Mouse only isn't as efficient for high-level play as mouse + keyboard, xtapping isn't as efficient as the standard tablet + keyboard, etc. However, we can see players in the top ~100 or so that have developed inefficient playstyles to such a degree that it doesn't matter anymore. So, it's always better to stick to what you're used to and try to find ways to better develop that than to try out 12 different playstyles and in the end have none of them work for you because you didn't develop any of them. What you're experiencing is the difference gap between a 40K playcount with one style and then starting completely from scratch with another. Well, maybe not completely, but you get the point.

Also, learning a new style is always a bad idea due to the way learning works. You learn by repetition - you form, activate and strengthen neural connections by repeating the same task over and over again. The more you do this, the stronger the connections become, until they reach a point where it's near impossible to forget about them. This is when a connection becomes so powerful that it becomes second nature. At that point it will be like walking - it's something you can do without even thinking about it much, and you can do it well at all times unless you're physically incapacitated by drugs or injury. If you think about it, it makes sense. You've never had days where you were less good at walking for no reason. The same principles apply to osu!practice.

So, just repeat and repeat until playing feels like a walk in the park. Of course there will always be maps that are hard for you and that you can't play, but you should use the "walk in the park" maps to keep track of your average skill constant. For me, that currently lies around any AR9 <OD9 map of 4.8 stars or lower. The "walk in the park" maps are also supposed to be the maps you warm up and cool down with. Yes, if you are serious about improving, playing cooldown maps will help you more than you'd expect.

What it comes down to is that hardly any player has any idea of what they're doing and that's why you keep running into the same problems over and over again~
Ash Marley
[ Pustules ]

Ash Marley wrote:

Can anyone critique me on my progress? I've been playing for 2 months. I know my accuracy is a huge fail, but I think my aiming is decent though. Not sure.
To help you with your accuracy you could try using the hit error score meter type. It's located in general options and shows you when you're generally hitting beats too early/too late while playing. I can't see it it in the vid so i assume you're not using it :)
wait could someone provide the different grips to use for tablet
is playing 4.5 - 5 star difficulty songs good/bad for a 4 months player? just want to know if i'm improving a a decent rate or not, thanks!

Vorae wrote:

is playing 4.5 - 5 star difficulty songs good/bad for a 4 months player? just want to know if i'm improving a a decent rate or not, thanks!
Time isn't a good measure of how long you've played since you might play more in a day than someone else plays in a week etc. That said, you have a pretty low playcount at 4k playcount (only ~1k per month) so you haven't really played that much at all.

4.5-5 stars is definitely not your ideal range, but if you enjoy them, then keep playing them, but keep in mind, if you want to improve and get good at the game, you need to have good accuracy, something you won't get on overly difficult maps, and something that you probably won't improve by mindlessly mashing.

If you want to improve at an optimal rate, you should probably stick to playing 3.5-4 stars or whatever you can consistently get 95%+ accuracy on.

cheezstik wrote:

Vorae wrote:

is playing 4.5 - 5 star difficulty songs good/bad for a 4 months player? just want to know if i'm improving a a decent rate or not, thanks!
Time isn't a good measure of how long you've played since you might play more in a day than someone else plays in a week etc. That said, you have a pretty low playcount at 4k playcount (only ~1k per month) so you haven't really played that much at all.

4.5-5 stars is definitely not your ideal range, but if you enjoy them, then keep playing them, but keep in mind, if you want to improve and get good at the game, you need to have good accuracy, something you won't get on overly difficult maps, and something that you probably won't improve by mindlessly mashing.

If you want to improve at an optimal rate, you should probably stick to playing 3.5-4 stars or whatever you can consistently get 95%+ accuracy on.
I see, thanks for your critique :)
I would personally recommend black switches after trying both red and black. I found that black switches allowed me to click faster and stamina could be built up faster using them.
I haven't done real research about any kind of mechanical switch before buying a Blue cherry mx keyboard(realised after purchasing and a few months of experiance ofc), since the retailer told me it would be a good quality keyboard, a bit loud, would last for 10x time greater then a rubber dome keyboard, and that the tactile feedback shouldn't make the keyboard feel sturdy or anything, but even make it better for typing.
I played osu! with this Keyboard for around 6~ monthes now, and I hadn't had any trouble, I was thinking of selling this keyboard to a friend and then getting a better keyboard, mainly for osu! and general typing for schoolwork, or whatever comes next~

My point is Jesse, with all of your experiance, why is Black mx switch the most ideal switch for osu in your opinion? also I noticed it requiered a bit more force then the blue switches, and if it would be very noticeable while streams (mainly), or in general play?
Also, because it's linear, would I have any problems typing on it normally as I have with the Blue tactile switches?

Thanks in advance!
Carried by Phat
A good way to have fun and get better at osu is too make goals of what you want to accomplish in this game.
My goal in this game is
_Beat my friends
_Be the next Cookiezi
_Have fun

These goals allow to push myself even though I sucks at everything in this game XD': sad
My current goal is to
_More PP
I started playing with a tablet + keyboard 2 months ago, before that I couldn't barely pass a 4 stars AR9 song. So I started playing around to be used to the tablet, with a really small area, and then I could pass some harder songs, then after reading these tips for the first time, I changed the tablet area to a bigger one, an area like thelewa's (he posted his area in some other topic I don't remember). Firstly, I couldn't pass again these 4 star AR9 songs. But in a two days playing something like 5 hours a day, with little interruptions between each hour, I was a little better than I had been with the smaller area, and I haven't changed since then. At that point, I could pass 5 star songs with B rank and 4.5 stars with A rank.

After that, I decided to start FCing all songs (I had about a thousand songs) in difficulty order, starting from the ones I could FC. I'd never imagine it'd help me to improve much more than simply trying to pass harder 5+ star songs. Exactly what everybody said, it's quite annoying to FC easier songs. Now it'been 7 weeks since I started FCing easier songs, I have about a hundred FCs, including those 4 star AR9 songs I couldn't pass before the tablet (2 months and a half ago). When I just wanted to have fun playing harder songs, I suddenly could achieve 400, 300 combo in 5.3 star songs and got A rank, I couldn't believe it's real lol.

My goal is to buy a red switch keyboard (at the moment I don't have a mechanical one), keep FCing more and harder songs, step by step, and be the best of my country (this means about top 100# in world). It's a very hard goal, the best guys from my country are really good, today I can't imagine me doing the things they do, but 3 months ago would I have thought today I'd be doing the things I do? Never...

Thanks for all knowledge you guys shared.
Well, it's impossible to become Cookiezi anyways D:
[ Sakurai ]
This thread is so great. I found so much stuff to become a better player. Thank you.
Why would ANYONE want to get better at the game that's about clicking circles?
Haha. Joking. Very good guide. The fun thing about this game is an improvement. I always like to compare my newer plays to my older one and think: just why was this hard to me back then? :D
I've been reading it once every month and the funny thing is that i always understand it differently as i get better :D
Nice thread..
A lot of people have recommended me to make my active area larger.

i tried this 2 days ago but i am still having trouble with far jumps and can't seem to get that muscle memory going.

need some advice on this please D:

Mankachu wrote:

need some advice on this please D:
Play More

Gumpyyy wrote:

Mankachu wrote:

need some advice on this please D:
Play More
i tried but my hand isn't long enough to reach far jumps :C

I'm trying to move my wrists as much as possible but Im not retaining any muscle memory in my wrist movement.

my hand also shakes a lot whenever I do jumps.
dung eater
dragging might be more stable, you could hold pen from further away from the tip, you could set up your are to better suit the range of motion you are now comfortable doing or you could keep practicing (if you've got a largeish area it's probably just a matter of learning a comfortable grip and playing more to stop bigger shakings)
My grip keeps constantly sliding down and into weird positions. It's weird how this didn't happen the first two days I had my tablet but now it happens every map and I hope for a break in the songs so I can re-adjust.
My grip used to move when I started out and was dragging, ever since I switched to hovering my grip doesn't move at all. I hold the pen a bit higher hovering as well so maybe that made the difference....who knows
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