
u's - Bokura no LIVE Kimi to no LIFE

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- H i N a - wrote:

Hi~ M4M

I think this map is nearly perfect, so I can give a little suggestions for your map ;)

  1. 00:05:370 (2) - move to x:203 y:237 to stack with 00:06:484 (3)'s tail Why should I?
  2. 00:08:197 (1) - move to x:100 y:259 to stack with 00:07:055 (5) ? ^
  3. 00:34:911 (2,4) - stack them ? Did this one.
  4. 01:03:197 (1) - move to x:260 y:117 to stack with 01:04:339 (1)'s tail This one isn't needed.
  5. 01:10:625 (3,2) - stack them ? Again, why?
  6. 01:17:911 (4,5) - ^ Okay, done.
  7. 02:12:339 (1) - not completely stack, please move 02:12:339 (1) to x:280 y:55 ^
  8. 02:18:197 (3,4,3) - not completely stack, move 02:18:197 (3,4) to x:241 y:195 This one's okay as is.
  9. 02:20:625 (4,1,1) - stack them ? ^
  10. 03:32:339 (3,3) - ^ ^
  11. 03:52:339 (1,1) - ^ Done.
  12. 04:27:197 (3,2) - stack 04:27:197 (3)'s head with 04:28:197 (2)'s tail ? Why?
  13. 05:01:197 (2,1) - not completely stack, move 05:01:197 (2) to x:232 y:243 Fixed, I think.
    Nice hitsounding! I can't find any hitsound problem :)
I hope it help you

Good Luck :D
Thanks, but next time try not to just mod imperfect stacks that won't affect anything in-game. I'll accept your M4M anyway since I'm feeling like it, but please don't make a mod like this any more. Thank you so much.
sorry for the super delay of laziness and school shits problems but here I am *give claps please.*
I'm not really into u's so probably I will miss some parts lol rip okay please kill me

[Drums of Feelings]
  1. Entah kenapa nama diffnya kok ruwet since std-nya cuma Affection
  2. 00:10:769 (56)- : Prefer k here, nyamain sama pattern sebelumnya
  3. 00:19:769 (118)- : prefer to delete this one, since gak ada yg bisa diikutin (kalaupun nyelesaiin pattern, seenggaknya patternnya selesai di 00:19:626 udah cukup kok)
  4. 00:22:769 (140)- : suara drumnya masih sama kea di 00:22:626 sama 00:22:912 , jadi disini dibikin k juga aja biar support musiknya
  5. 00:23:912 (147,148)- : swap aja jadi K D biar bikin variasi (musiknya sama kea 00:23:483 (145,146) tapi dibikin variasi dikit wont hurt lah, toh juga lagi cymbals)
  6. 00:24:769 (152,153,154,155,156,157,158)- : off sound imo. gimana kalo re arrange kek gini
  7. 00:26:340 (163)- : patternnya boring d berturut2, ganti aja jadi k disini, terus next circlenya jadi D, gimana? ((disini juga dikasih k jadi selesaiin aja patternnya 00:25:769((
  8. 00:36:626 (228,229,230)- : jadiin kkk ? biar sama kek pattern sebelumnya
  9. 00:47:198 (301)- ; biar agak support vocal, gimana kalo ini digeser ke 00:47:340 terus note selanjutnya dijadiin k
  10. 00:52:912 (338)- : disini gak ada apa2 dan sekalian support vocal, remove aja. terus 00:52:769 dibikin d biar support next pattern
  11. 00:56:055 (359,360,361)- : gimana kalau dibikin k d d aja biar pas? patternnya kea maksa imo
  12. 00:57:340 (368)- : suara drum ((apalah itu(( yg ada di 367/note sebelumnya masih ada lho, jadiin ini k juga aja biar support drumnya
  13. 01:05:198 (416)- : dijadiin k disini? patternnya sebenernya bisa divariasikan daripada dd dd imo, kalau disini diganti k juga bisa bantu pattern yg ini 01:06:055
  14. 01:06:912 (425)- : jadiin d aja, k gak fit juga gak support apa-apa ((pattern ddkddk juga lebih enak imo((
  15. 01:10:769 (448)- : jadiin k biar support musik?
  16. 01:16:912 (492)- : suara drum ataupun bass ataupun vocal disini gak ada, remove aja
  17. 01:18:055 - : sebaliknya, disini malah ada, add d aja
  18. 01:32:198 (603)- : lebih baik diganti k biar support musik sama patternnya lebih enak imo
  19. 01:35:198 (627)- : sama kek 01:16:912
  20. 01:46:269 - : ada suara drum disini, add d aja
  21. 02:04:055 (817)- : biar support pattern sebelumnya, ubah jadi k?
  22. 02:29:912 (980)- : kok keanya k-nya maksa ya, ganti aja jadi d biar support bass-nya
  23. 02:30:340 (982)- : ganti jadi k ?
  24. 02:31:340 (990- : remove aja, disin kosong lho
  25. 02:35:769 (1022)- : support bass, jadi d aja
  26. 02:39:912 (1051,1053)- : swip aja 1051 jadi d 1053 jadi k. ngesupport musiknya better. 1051 suara drum(((ya(( masih sama kea disini 02:39:769 terus suara drum di 1053 sama dengan suara drum di 1052/note sebelumnya
  27. 02:42:198 (1063,1064,1065,1066)- : kok gak pas ya imo. coba kea gini

    add k di 02:42:483 terus remove 02:42:769 itu lebih ngikutin musik sih
  28. 02:46:269 (1091)- : k?
  29. 02:53:626 (1138)- : suara drumnya sama kea selanjutnya, ikutin aja disini jadi k biar support
  30. 03:05:055 - : bassnya lagi asik kok gaada note disini ;w;. add d aja, terus 03:05:626 yg ini di remove
  31. 03:10:198 - : entahlah suara terompet atau apa itu, udah ada disini sama next note, ganti ini jadi k aja
  32. 03:12:340 (1265,1271)- : swap aja jadi d k, lebih pas imo
  33. 03:29:483 - : geser aja ini ke 03:29:626, lebih pas. well kalau mau support vocal sama bassnya
  34. 03:52:483 (1530)- : dibagian sini kan ngikut drum di lagunya, ganti aja ini jadi k. soalnya next note punya suara yg sama kea bagian sini
  35. 03:56:198 (1552)- : ^
  36. 03:57:126 - : add note, ada suara drum disini
  37. 04:04:769 (1612)- : ada suara drum yg sama kea note sebelumnya, ganti jadi k juga dong
  38. 04:14:198 (1680)- : geser ini ke 04:14:055 supaya support bass. toh disini juga gaada suara apa-apa ;w;
  39. 04:34:626 (1830)- : biar nyamain kek pattern selanjutnya, jadiin D ?
  40. 04:38:483 (1858,1859)- : swap, lebih pas
  41. 04:51:555 - : remove, gak support apa-apa imo. kalau applied, note selanjutnya jadiin k aja biar support musiknya
  42. 05:01:769 (2017,2018,2019)- : k d K is better
  43. 05:04:269 - : add d aja, ada drum disini, sama next notenya jadi k aja
  44. 05:11:483 (2088,2089)- : swap aja D: lebih pas imo
sorry for the poor mod and good luck!
Topic Starter

10nya wrote:

sorry for the super delay of laziness and school shits problems but here I am *give claps please.*
I'm not really into u's so probably I will miss some parts lol rip okay please kill me

[Drums of Feelings]
  1. Entah kenapa nama diffnya kok ruwet since std-nya cuma Affection Ngebedain antara standard sama Taiko lol
  2. 00:10:769 (56)- : Prefer k here, nyamain sama pattern sebelumnya Done.
  3. 00:19:769 (118)- : prefer to delete this one, since gak ada yg bisa diikutin (kalaupun nyelesaiin pattern, seenggaknya patternnya selesai di 00:19:626 udah cukup kok) ^
  4. 00:22:769 (140)- : suara drumnya masih sama kea di 00:22:626 sama 00:22:912 , jadi disini dibikin k juga aja biar support musiknya ^
  5. 00:23:912 (147,148)- : swap aja jadi K D biar bikin variasi (musiknya sama kea 00:23:483 (145,146) tapi dibikin variasi dikit wont hurt lah, toh juga lagi cymbals) Dipertimbangin dulu deh; rasanya yang sekarang lebih bagus sih.
  6. 00:24:769 (152,153,154,155,156,157,158)- : off sound imo. gimana kalo re arrange kek gini Done.
  7. 00:26:340 (163)- : patternnya boring d berturut2, ganti aja jadi k disini, terus next circlenya jadi D, gimana? ((disini juga dikasih k jadi selesaiin aja patternnya 00:25:769(( k K.
  8. 00:36:626 (228,229,230)- : jadiin kkk ? biar sama kek pattern sebelumnya Done.
  9. 00:47:198 (301)- ; biar agak support vocal, gimana kalo ini digeser ke 00:47:340 terus note selanjutnya dijadiin k ^
  10. 00:52:912 (338)- : disini gak ada apa2 dan sekalian support vocal, remove aja. terus 00:52:769 dibikin d biar support next pattern ^
  11. 00:56:055 (359,360,361)- : gimana kalau dibikin k d d aja biar pas? patternnya kea maksa imo ^
  12. 00:57:340 (368)- : suara drum ((apalah itu(( yg ada di 367/note sebelumnya masih ada lho, jadiin ini k juga aja biar support drumnya ^
  13. 01:05:198 (416)- : dijadiin k disini? patternnya sebenernya bisa divariasikan daripada dd dd imo, kalau disini diganti k juga bisa bantu pattern yg ini 01:06:055 ^
  14. 01:06:912 (425)- : jadiin d aja, k gak fit juga gak support apa-apa ((pattern ddkddk juga lebih enak imo(( ^
  15. 01:10:769 (448)- : jadiin k biar support musik? ^
  16. 01:16:912 (492)- : suara drum ataupun bass ataupun vocal disini gak ada, remove aja ^
  17. 01:18:055 - : sebaliknya, disini malah ada, add d aja ^
  18. 01:32:198 (603)- : lebih baik diganti k biar support musik sama patternnya lebih enak imo ^
  19. 01:35:198 (627)- : sama kek 01:16:912 ^
  20. 01:46:269 - : ada suara drum disini, add d aja ^
  21. 02:04:055 (817)- : biar support pattern sebelumnya, ubah jadi k? ^
  22. 02:29:912 (980)- : kok keanya k-nya maksa ya, ganti aja jadi d biar support bass-nya ^
  23. 02:30:340 (982)- : ganti jadi k ? ^
  24. 02:31:340 (990- : remove aja, disin kosong lho ^
  25. 02:35:769 (1022)- : support bass, jadi d aja ^
  26. 02:39:912 (1051,1053)- : swip aja 1051 jadi d 1053 jadi k. ngesupport musiknya better. 1051 suara drum(((ya(( masih sama kea disini 02:39:769 terus suara drum di 1053 sama dengan suara drum di 1052/note sebelumnya ^
  27. 02:42:198 (1063,1064,1065,1066)- : kok gak pas ya imo. coba kea gini ^

    add k di 02:42:483 terus remove 02:42:769 itu lebih ngikutin musik sih
  28. 02:46:269 (1091)- : k? ^
  29. 02:53:626 (1138)- : suara drumnya sama kea selanjutnya, ikutin aja disini jadi k biar support ^
  30. 03:05:055 - : bassnya lagi asik kok gaada note disini ;w;. add d aja, terus 03:05:626 yg ini di remove ^ ;w;
  31. 03:10:198 - : entahlah suara terompet atau apa itu, udah ada disini sama next note, ganti ini jadi k aja ^
  32. 03:12:340 (1265,1271)- : swap aja jadi d k, lebih pas imo ^
  33. 03:29:483 - : geser aja ini ke 03:29:626, lebih pas. well kalau mau support vocal sama bassnya ^
  34. 03:52:483 (1530)- : dibagian sini kan ngikut drum di lagunya, ganti aja ini jadi k. soalnya next note punya suara yg sama kea bagian sini ^
  35. 03:56:198 (1552)- : ^ ^
  36. 03:57:126 - : add note, ada suara drum disini ^
  37. 04:04:769 (1612)- : ada suara drum yg sama kea note sebelumnya, ganti jadi k juga dong ^
  38. 04:14:198 (1680)- : geser ini ke 04:14:055 supaya support bass. toh disini juga gaada suara apa-apa ;w; ^
  39. 04:34:626 (1830)- : biar nyamain kek pattern selanjutnya, jadiin D ? Umm kenapa? IMO kayak gini juga udah pas...
  40. 04:38:483 (1858,1859)- : swap, lebih pas k.
  41. 04:51:555 - : remove, gak support apa-apa imo. kalau applied, note selanjutnya jadiin k aja biar support musiknya ^
  42. 05:01:769 (2017,2018,2019)- : k d K is better ^
  43. 05:04:269 - : add d aja, ada drum disini, sama next notenya jadi k aja IMO yang sekarang udah cukup bagus kok ._.
  44. 05:11:483 (2088,2089)- : swap aja D: lebih pas imo ^
sorry for the poor mod and good luck!
  1. i think the timing needs more work imo.
    00:03:370 - should be checked Omit first barline.
    00:03:798 - add red line. it will work for correct barline on taiko mode.
    00:04:913 - add red line there. the bass drum sound is a bit early. therefore, the current timing makes lag on 00:05:227 (23,24,25,26) -.
    00:05:913 - 00:07:198 - remove these red lines.

  2. also, im really not good at timingcheck. if you possible, please ask other people about that.

[ Taiko]
  1. 00:09:626 (50) - remove this one in the same way as 00:18:770 -
  2. 00:18:484 (111) - should be k because this part has actually the drumroll sound.
  3. 00:27:198 (165,166) - sounds weird for me. those are the same sound but there is no consistency. so you should add or remove finisher.
  4. 01:03:341 - i feel kkk here. current pattern is also working, too. but the snaredrum sound is really strong.
  5. 01:03:626 (404) - remove? "a pause" sounds better for me.
  6. 01:14:340 (467) - should be changed to k. it fits better for the drum.
  7. 01:31:626 (596) - k, too. pitch of vocal is rising yet.
  8. 02:25:626 (946,947) - what for? i think this pattern should swap to follow the drum sound.
  9. 03:44:769 (1482) - i guess you have followed the cymbal sound in this part. so should be changed to finisher?
i have omitted the same suggestion.
overall, the taiko diff is not bad. some points have really amazing pattern. but conversely, some points make me boring.
like this one 00:22:912 (140,141,142) - . this diff has a lot of kdds. honestly, i dont recommend this pattern in many cases. i feel that it sounds like converted diff from standard diff and i guess that it makes boring for many players.
so, in that case. you can move 00:22:912 (140,141) - these kd to 00:22:841 - . then, it becomes a general pattern of taiko diff.
i feel that the taiko diff needs more mods yet. well, you can be improved taiko diff absolutely. because its really not bad on the whole. ;)


  1. 00:06:484 (3) - *Nazi* but the stacking disgust me, just one of my pet peeves in maps, fix the stacking for me here please , it's incorrect at the end of the slider.
  2. 00:11:482 (4) - Oh my goodness this high spacing here, isn't really necessary OTL, I'd rather you reduce spacing here to give more comfortable flow with the upcoming notes , you'll get the same effect with a slightly decreased spacing.
  3. 00:20:911 (1,2) - Why the weird stacking here? I'd prefer you change this to the slider because the stacking circles has no flow to it and the drum sounds should be kept going in my opinion.
  4. 00:52:911 (1,2) - ^ but different placement of course.
  5. 00:23:054 (4) - The sound here isn't strong enough, so the large spacing isn't really needed perhaps you could use regular spacing here or decrease the spacing more? I know your trying to emphasize the jump to the next note but it can still be there if you decrease the spacing of this note , which is simple to do and won't ruin your pattern.
  6. 00:24:768 (2,3,4,5,6) - Why stack them? you could still make the great pattern if you place them unstacked, here's a pattern you could try out :
  7. 00:40:054 (5) - I think you missed a whistle here , there a harp sound here and you add whistles according to this sound, at least at the previous parts in the map.
  8. 00:40:911 (3) - You could move the note upwards, so the tail could be blanketed by the slider at 00:41:482 (1) - , it's really close but at it's current state not, also probably adjust next slider too so your pattern could not be broken.
  9. 00:56:911 (1) - I don't think the new combo should be here? it's totally unnecessary, this combo is really easy and doesn't fit well and kinda makes the map too easy with the drain
  10. 01:11:625 (2) - This note needs a total increase of spacing, the momentum is totally destroyed when you put notes like these super close to the previous notes, when you do large spacing and suddenly small spacing.
  11. 01:24:339 (3,4,5,6) - I'd prefer you use slider's here you'll get better effect and the extra stacked note has no real vocals on it, so it seems unnecessary, try this :

    it fit's better and be creative on your patterns :D
  12. 01:36:197 (5) - The flow would be better here if you placed them like a triangle here, instead of directly left of the previous note, it makes this jump a little major , but then again its your choice.
  13. 01:42:768 (2) - I'd prefer you unstack them here, use regular DS for this note is better here, it's really short and you could make better flow with them being unstacked.
  14. 01:43:768 (1) - THe new combo here is't needed its inconsistent with 01:24:339 (3) - and should be fixed, so the consistency is fixed and also the hp drain here is meh.
  15. 01:46:482 (7,1) - As I can see your trying to improve your blankets, I'd like you to move this to the right more so the blanket you have here is much better.
  16. 01:51:482 (2) - A drum whistle fit's nicely to here instead of the drum sampleset? maybe add a whistle here with the drum sampleset so the flow here is still good?
  17. 02:09:339 (1,2,3,1) - I see a great oppurtunity for a pattern here, instead of stacking them you could make them have a ladder like effect, where you adjust the note's like this :
  18. 02:19:482 (4,1) - The vocals here are more prominent in the end at slider 4, and I'd feel the approach would be better if you used two circles, instead so probably try this?

  19. 02:31:768 (1) - I'd recommend you remove the new combo here like said already many times, it changed the drain and makes the map a little bit too easy, and this is way too easy to play.
  20. 02:39:625 (2,3) - Meh I don't like the position of this note, way too diff drop here, you should totally increase spacing here since this is too easy to play and makes the high AR funny, I think the best solution is Ctrl+G both of then? just their positions though. or you could do this :
  21. 02:45:482 (4) - These back and forth jumps would be totally easier to read if you could add a new combo to them , they're literally a new pattern by themselves to be honest.
  22. 03:06:482 (1,2) - Another one of those "easy plays" you should really make all parts like those much better personally they are way too easy and unbalance the other parts of your map.
  23. 03:09:482 (1) - New combo isn't needed here, already explained too.
  24. 03:23:197 (1) - ^
  25. 03:12:197 (5) - Move them up more? the triangle design suggestion I gave before should apply here too because it makes the jump a little bit more lax and flow better.
  26. 03:18:768 (1,2,3) - Meeeeh, I really hate these, really a bad build-up in momentum if you ask me. I think you could turn this into a reverse arrow slider instead?

    That pattern fits much better in my eyes, since momentum is better that way and the unneeded clicking is fixed.
  27. 03:30:339 (4) - I would move this slightly to the right so they could overlap, personally the overlap here would make this a little bit more readable since it is getting completely overlapped but the high AR still makes it readable.
  28. 03:49:482 (4) - You could of added some more notes towards the end of the slider to comphromize for the missing sounds you didn't map to which are the piano here, really this part seems undermapped , and I feel some more stream towards this part would make it more fun , and since there is a break after , It slowly gives break after this hard part anyway.

  29. 04:52:339 (5) - New combo here would fit better in my eyes, that long stream after is going to hurt.
Topic Starter

TKS wrote:

  1. i think the timing needs more work imo.
    00:03:370 - should be checked Omit first barline. Done.
    00:03:798 - add red line. it will work for correct barline on taiko mode. ^
    00:04:913 - add red line there. the bass drum sound is a bit early. therefore, the current timing makes lag on 00:05:227 (23,24,25,26) -. ^
    00:05:913 - 00:07:198 - remove these red lines. Why? They are needed to make the timing more correct.

  2. also, im really not good at timingcheck. if you possible, please ask other people about that.

[ Taiko]
  1. 00:09:626 (50) - remove this one in the same way as 00:18:770 - Done.
  2. 00:18:484 (111) - should be k because this part has actually the drumroll sound. ^
  3. 00:27:198 (165,166) - sounds weird for me. those are the same sound but there is no consistency. so you should add or remove finisher. D K'd.
  4. 01:03:341 - i feel kkk here. current pattern is also working, too. but the snaredrum sound is really strong. Done.
  5. 01:03:626 (404) - remove? "a pause" sounds better for me. ^
  6. 01:14:340 (467) - should be changed to k. it fits better for the drum. ^
  7. 01:31:626 (596) - k, too. pitch of vocal is rising yet. ^
  8. 02:25:626 (946,947) - what for? i think this pattern should swap to follow the drum sound. ^
  9. 03:44:769 (1482) - i guess you have followed the cymbal sound in this part. so should be changed to finisher? ^
i have omitted the same suggestion.
overall, the taiko diff is not bad. some points have really amazing pattern. but conversely, some points make me boring.
like this one 00:22:912 (140,141,142) - . this diff has a lot of kdds. honestly, i dont recommend this pattern in many cases. i feel that it sounds like converted diff from standard diff and i guess that it makes boring for many players.
so, in that case. you can move 00:22:912 (140,141) - these kd to 00:22:841 - . then, it becomes a general pattern of taiko diff.
i feel that the taiko diff needs more mods yet. well, you can be improved taiko diff absolutely. because its really not bad on the whole. ;)

I am... honestly not sure how should I give more variation to a song like this anymore. What you're seeing is pretty much my interpretation of the song if mapped as a Taiko diff. But okay, since I'm not that skilled in Taiko yet, I guess this can still be improved a lot. Followed your last suggestion btw.

I'll check Tari's mod soon.

Tari wrote:



  1. 00:06:484 (3) - *Nazi* but the stacking disgust me, just one of my pet peeves in maps, fix the stacking for me here please , it's incorrect at the end of the slider. I feel that stacks fit the song here so yeah...
  2. 00:11:482 (4) - Oh my goodness this high spacing here, isn't really necessary OTL, I'd rather you reduce spacing here to give more comfortable flow with the upcoming notes , you'll get the same effect with a slightly decreased spacing. Reduced.
  3. 00:20:911 (1,2) - Why the weird stacking here? I'd prefer you change this to the slider because the stacking circles has no flow to it and the drum sounds should be kept going in my opinion. Again, I just feel that it fits the song since (2) is... "under" (1) in the song too, I guess? I don't know how to express it, but I just can feel that (2) is pretty much a subtler (1) or something.
  4. 00:52:911 (1,2) - ^ but different placement of course. ^
  5. 00:23:054 (4) - The sound here isn't strong enough, so the large spacing isn't really needed perhaps you could use regular spacing here or decrease the spacing more? I know your trying to emphasize the jump to the next note but it can still be there if you decrease the spacing of this note , which is simple to do and won't ruin your pattern. Sure.
  6. 00:24:768 (2,3,4,5,6) - Why stack them? you could still make the great pattern if you place them unstacked, here's a pattern you could try out : Once again, I feel that a stack at (4,6) fits how the instruments are played pretty nicely and so does the entirety of the pattern.
  7. 00:40:054 (5) - I think you missed a whistle here , there a harp sound here and you add whistles according to this sound, at least at the previous parts in the map. There is no trumpet (?) notes like 00:40:339 (1), so yeah.
  8. 00:40:911 (3) - You could move the note upwards, so the tail could be blanketed by the slider at 00:41:482 (1) - , it's really close but at it's current state not, also probably adjust next slider too so your pattern could not be broken. Sure.
  9. 00:56:911 (1) - I don't think the new combo should be here? it's totally unnecessary, this combo is really easy and doesn't fit well and kinda makes the map too easy with the drain It's to split the 00:56:339 (1,2) and 00:56:911 (1,2) pattern.
  10. 01:11:625 (2) - This note needs a total increase of spacing, the momentum is totally destroyed when you put notes like these super close to the previous notes, when you do large spacing and suddenly small spacing. Done.
  11. 01:24:339 (3,4,5,6) - I'd prefer you use slider's here you'll get better effect and the extra stacked note has no real vocals on it, so it seems unnecessary, try this : The stacks are nice enough to follow the instruments that follow the vocals, though. That's why they're there and that's why they're placed like that.

    it fit's better and be creative on your patterns :D
  12. 01:36:197 (5) - The flow would be better here if you placed them like a triangle here, instead of directly left of the previous note, it makes this jump a little major , but then again its your choice. This is magical. Done!
  13. 01:42:768 (2) - I'd prefer you unstack them here, use regular DS for this note is better here, it's really short and you could make better flow with them being unstacked. No. I think I don't need to explain anymore, am I...? ._.
  14. 01:43:768 (1) - THe new combo here is't needed its inconsistent with 01:24:339 (3) - and should be fixed, so the consistency is fixed and also the hp drain here is meh. Well uh... This is to split this pattern from the previous one, which is completely different and unrelated to the pattern on this combo.
  15. 01:46:482 (7,1) - As I can see your trying to improve your blankets, I'd like you to move this to the right more so the blanket you have here is much better. Moved downward instead.
  16. 01:51:482 (2) - A drum whistle fit's nicely to here instead of the drum sampleset? maybe add a whistle here with the drum sampleset so the flow here is still good? Drum whistle feels... excessive IMO.
  17. 02:09:339 (1,2,3,1) - I see a great oppurtunity for a pattern here, instead of stacking them you could make them have a ladder like effect, where you adjust the note's like this : That looks nice, but a pattern that involves stacking like this fits the song better IMO.
  18. 02:19:482 (4,1) - The vocals here are more prominent in the end at slider 4, and I'd feel the approach would be better if you used two circles, instead so probably try this? ...Are you sure about that? I think a slider is following the vocals better rather than two circles since the vocal is "connected" ._.

  19. 02:31:768 (1) - I'd recommend you remove the new combo here like said already many times, it changed the drain and makes the map a little bit too easy, and this is way too easy to play. No, no. Once again, this is to separate this pattern from the previous one. I'm sure as hell they look totally different to each other...
  20. 02:39:625 (2,3) - Meh I don't like the position of this note, way too diff drop here, you should totally increase spacing here since this is too easy to play and makes the high AR funny, I think the best solution is Ctrl+G both of then? just their positions though. or you could do this : Did... things.
  21. 02:45:482 (4) - These back and forth jumps would be totally easier to read if you could add a new combo to them , they're literally a new pattern by themselves to be honest. Sure.
  22. 03:06:482 (1,2) - Another one of those "easy plays" you should really make all parts like those much better personally they are way too easy and unbalance the other parts of your map. Umm, how can this be too easy?
  23. 03:09:482 (1) - New combo isn't needed here, already explained too. Part of a different pattern.
  24. 03:23:197 (1) - ^ ^
  25. 03:12:197 (5) - Move them up more? the triangle design suggestion I gave before should apply here too because it makes the jump a little bit more lax and flow better. Sure.
  26. 03:18:768 (1,2,3) - Meeeeh, I really hate these, really a bad build-up in momentum if you ask me. I think you could turn this into a reverse arrow slider instead?

    That pattern fits much better in my eyes, since momentum is better that way and the unneeded clicking is fixed. It'd kill the emphasis on the white tick. Also, I think it fits the song way better like how it is now.
  27. 03:30:339 (4) - I would move this slightly to the right so they could overlap, personally the overlap here would make this a little bit more readable since it is getting completely overlapped but the high AR still makes it readable. A complete overlap makes it go along with the song better. It's hard to explain concretely but... yeah, that's what I feel, personally.
  28. 03:49:482 (4) - You could of added some more notes towards the end of the slider to comphromize for the missing sounds you didn't map to which are the piano here, really this part seems undermapped , and I feel some more stream towards this part would make it more fun , and since there is a break after , It slowly gives break after this hard part anyway. I'll think about this. I feel that it's okay as is, though.

  29. 04:52:339 (5) - New combo here would fit better in my eyes, that long stream after is going to hurt. Sure.
Hello Hinsvar and Xinely !
Here is a very short mod about the storyboard so no kd please :

[ General]
  1. I just wanna suggest something about the storyboard :
    When the text "SB by Xinely" disappear, it would be cool to make the letters fade out from inside to go outside and not from outside to go inside, letters should just keep their paths when they shift and disappear but not like the text "DIFF by Hinsvar" just calmly, it will looks better after that imo.

That was my short mod, I can't mod the "Affection" diff because I can't play it so I don't know how to mod it :( I just hope you will accept this suggestion ! :oops:

Thanks for reading,

Good luck ! :)

+sorry for my bad english :/
Ujimatsu Chiya
yo~ try m4m. :3

  1. your missing cheak AI-mod. lol

  2. remove this file. >> u's - Bokura no LIVE Kimi to no LIFE (Hinsvar).osb
  1. 00:03:941 (1) - Would not it be better if you used this rhythm? more better heard sounds with front of Objects
  2. 00:07:197 (1) - balnk feel unnatural. cheak with 00:06:484 (3) head. looks feel batter. ' ㅅ'
  3. 00:08:197 (1) - overlap with 00:07:055 (5) . feel better than the stack.
  4. The shape of the slider is so straightforward. I think not good to play by. Do not do this if you follow naturally?
  5. 00:16:768 (3,4) - This also is too awkward to follow. Why do not you change the slider position and the shape of the circle?
  6. 00:21:911 (8,1) - change a slider? The rhythm seems to be good.
  7. 00:34:482 (4,1) - Is there another way? Does not feel good. ;w;
  8. 00:35:625 (5,1) - When the switch is better to sound.
  9. 00:41:197 (4) - change two circle?
  10. 00:48:768 (3) - recommend ctrl + G or re-place 00:48:625 (2) . awkward with 00:48:339 (1,2) follow and It's too difficult to follow directions.
  11. 00:54:911 (5,6) - umm.. ctrl+G ? owo
  12. 00:57:197 (2) - I think the stream is better.
  13. 02:15:625 (2,3,4) - How about this place?
  14. 02:33:054 (3) - try this shape.
  15. 03:09:768 (2) - ctrl+G?
  16. 03:32:339 (3) - ^
  17. How about this place?
  18. 04:29:554 - How about add circle here? more fun to play. =w=

(ノ>∨<)ノ GOGO!!
From your M4M queue! But this mod is bonus!
Yea support u's! o/

just for a slot
hello owo/ m4m from ur queue

general stuff

・at first i tesplayed this and if ure interested heres a replay. as a player i can only say that some jumps are way tooooo huge, really D: and first 2 (if im not mistaken) spacing streams starting with 3 stacked notes are hard to catch. after checking them in editor i noticed that they have inconsistent spacing. you could fix them without grid snap o.o
・maybe its just me but the combo colour 4 is way too dark (especially with 100% dim) and pretty much differs from the whole picture of those colours. also 8 and 6 are kind of too 'common' if you went with some neon ones at first.. o.o just wondering what do you think about these
Combo1 : 192,225,77
Combo2 : 255,128,64
Combo3 : 60,255,255
Combo4 : 166,156,104
Combo5 : 20,51,194
Combo6 : 45,255,150
Combo7 : 236,51,55
Combo8 : 230,0,230
・previewtime in affection diff is 1ms earlier lol


・00:08:911 (1,2,3,4) - talking about big jumps.. umm 00:09:197 (3,4,1) - this one suits those music beats perfectly while 00:08:911 (1,2) - feels pretty huge. what about make the spacing like.. rising here, starting with a bit lowering it with (1,2)? i mean for example this: (2)1.61(3)1.94(1)2.24(2)2.40(3)2,71(4). try it?

00:08:911 (1) - 312|336
00:09:054 (2) - 335|142
00:09:197 (3) - 200|301
00:09:339 (4) - 432|290
visually its almost the same but makes sense while playing
also i fee like nc should be there 00:09:197 (3) - , instead of there 00:08:911 (1) - . + there would be no followpoint and would emphasize this part better
・00:13:482 (3,4,5,6) - and this one was hard to cath, too. exactly the (6) one. could you lower spacing a bit between (5,6) by putting 6 a bit upper, like to 423|171?
・00:29:911 (5,1) - i've read that you like those stacks but exactly in this place im sure that would suit if you keep the movement there. what about smth like this
・01:11:625 (2,3) - a bit nazi but while playing i had a wish to make them a bit more bouncing, maybe you could round these a bit
・01:16:197 (2,3) - i don like the fact the they starts on red ticks, i mean, you can hear the beats there 01:16:339 - , (also that 'ku' in vocal part!) and there 01:16:482 - . mind changing the pattern there with placing 2 notes? like you did there 01:18:625 (3,4) -
01:34:482 (2,3) - same
04:12:197 (2,3) -
・01:21:339 (4,1) - i'd suggest follow only vocals there and dont invent a beat on that white tick, there is no sound ;_; and some more places in suchs parts, the rhythm feels kind of awkward
・01:56:625 (2) - whistle should be there and there 01:56:054 (3) - , instead of 01:56:339 (6) - , if youre following that whistle sound
・02:09:911 (3,1) - i have a feeling that these ncs are better be swapped?
05:15:054 (3,1) -
・02:21:768 (5) - rotate this one a bit for smoother flow after (4)
・02:58:625 (1,2,3) - i'd suggest put nc on these guys, 1/3 is pretty much unpredictable.
03:48:911 (1,2,3) - and there as well
・03:15:339 (3) - could blanket this with (1)? youre making symmetrical patterns rarely and this is part is full of symmetry. + there 03:14:625 (1) - starts new couplet and after this youre actually not following the symmetry.
・03:29:768 (2,4) - up to you ofcourse but i always hated things like this, the (4) feels like a circle cause and of (2) didnt dissapear still and you 99% cant predict a slider there once again. could be just imo though
・03:35:911 (3,1) - maybe blanket~ ;о
・04:47:768 (1,2,1) - mmmmmmm you may want to add a whistle to first (1) to make consistensy with this 01:51:768 (1,2,1) -

thats all from me i think, gl owo/ my map if u will mod back :о its in WIP because im waiting for other mode gd, all diffs are finished
M4M from your queue

Mod Info

  1. Black: Suggestions
  2. Bold: Important things. You should consider
  3. Red: Unrankable issues. You Must Fix

  • Insane
  1. 00:45:482 (1,2,3,4) - this jump is really awkward to me. imo jumo between 3 4 should bigger than 1 2. because 3 is the high pitch. I think this will be better. also stack 00:45:339 (5,2) - these two.
  2. 00:24:054- I think the 0.75x is not necessary here. why not make 00:23:197 (1,2,3) - like this. same slider and blanket each other. If you use this, dont forget ctrl+H on 00:25:054 (6,7,8) -
  3. 00:39:625 (2,3,4) - small distance here is really sudden. because you use jump other place with similar music.
  4. 01:04:339- this part is really soft. 0.75x is still a little fast for me. 0.5x or 0.6 is really nice to me. and why not use small DS on this part? 01:06:339 (4,5,1) - this kind of jump is really confuse to me in this part! actually I cant feel the different from this part with others when I am playing this.
  5. 01:11:625 (2,3,4) - change the rhythm here to this will be better imo. and dont forget to change the hitsound.
  6. 01:16:197- the rhythm here is also strange. because you just follow the drum but cant express the vocal. maybe you can try this to express both drum and vocal.
  7. 01:43:197 (1) - suggest you change this to a 1/1 slider to express the vocal here.
  8. 01:21:197 (3,4) - ctrl+G. stack is not fit this
  9. 01:44:054 (2,1) - a jump between these two is nice to me. because the vocal 'wo' is really strong. something like this
  10. 02:04:482 (4,5) - change this to a reverse slider because of the music. btw, stack 02:04:339 (3,4) - is not a good idea. I mean this. 02:04:339 (3) - is blanket with 02:04:911 (1) - and 02:04:482 (4) - is stack with the tail of 02:05:197 (2) -
  11. 02:05:482 (1,2) - change these to 4 notes please! because they are four different and strong drums. slider end cant express them.
  12. 03:31:054 (2,3) - why not use a note with a 1/1 slider to catch the vocal here.or make a triple from 03:31:339- . you can hear the drum 03:31:411- here. actually many place have 1/4 drum but you just use 1/2. it will be a little boring for a hard app map full of 1/2. more 1/4 plz~

hope this mod can help you :)
Topic Starter

eINess wrote:

yo~ try m4m. :3

  1. your missing cheak AI-mod. lol lol

  2. remove this file. >> u's - Bokura no LIVE Kimi to no LIFE (Hinsvar).osb But it's used for the SB.
  1. 00:03:941 (1) - Would not it be better if you used this rhythm? more better heard sounds with front of Objects I'm sure the current rhythm is the best that could be used.
  2. 00:07:197 (1) - balnk feel unnatural. cheak with 00:06:484 (3) head. looks feel batter. ' ㅅ' ^
  3. 00:08:197 (1) - overlap with 00:07:055 (5) . feel better than the stack.
  4. The shape of the slider is so straightforward. I think not good to play by. Do not do this if you follow naturally? ...I'm not sure of what to do here. Also I'm sure the shape is okay.
  5. 00:16:768 (3,4) - This also is too awkward to follow. Why do not you change the slider position and the shape of the circle? Did a little readjustment.
  6. 00:21:911 (8,1) - change a slider? The rhythm seems to be good. It's better as is.
  7. 00:34:482 (4,1) - Is there another way? Does not feel good. ;w; ^
  8. 00:35:625 (5,1) - When the switch is better to sound. Sure.
  9. 00:41:197 (4) - change two circle? A slider goes better here.
  10. 00:48:768 (3) - recommend ctrl + G or re-place 00:48:625 (2) . awkward with 00:48:339 (1,2) follow and It's too difficult to follow directions. Did stuff.
  11. 00:54:911 (5,6) - umm.. ctrl+G ? owo It'll break the flow here.
  12. 00:57:197 (2) - I think the stream is better. A stream won't fit.
  13. 02:15:625 (2,3,4) - How about this place? Why?
  14. 02:33:054 (3) - try this shape. ^
  15. 03:09:768 (2) - ctrl+G? The flow is better this way
  16. 03:32:339 (3) - ^ ^
  17. How about this place?
  18. 04:29:554 - How about add circle here? more fun to play. =w=

(ノ>∨<)ノ GOGO!!

Aka wrote:

hello owo/ m4m from ur queue

general stuff

・at first i tesplayed this and if ure interested heres a replay. as a player i can only say that some jumps are way tooooo huge, really D: and first 2 (if im not mistaken) spacing streams starting with 3 stacked notes are hard to catch. after checking them in editor i noticed that they have inconsistent spacing. you could fix them without grid snap o.o This is intended for those with a high skill level, so the jumps are pretty much justified IMO, and I always try to make sure that they fit the song while not becoming overboard. I did reduce the spacing for a few crazier jumps though. Also, which streams are you mentioning? I'm sure there's nothing wrong.
・maybe its just me but the combo colour 4 is way too dark (especially with 100% dim) and pretty much differs from the whole picture of those colours. also 8 and 6 are kind of too 'common' if you went with some neon ones at first.. o.o just wondering what do you think about these
Combo1 : 192,225,77
Combo2 : 255,128,64
Combo3 : 60,255,255
Combo4 : 166,156,104
Combo5 : 20,51,194
Combo6 : 45,255,150
Combo7 : 236,51,55
Combo8 : 230,0,230
I am really, really sure the current combo colour set is fine and doesn't affect gameplay + designing. This is designed to follow the u's' members too, so yeah.
・previewtime in affection diff is 1ms earlier lol Fixed.


・00:08:911 (1,2,3,4) - talking about big jumps.. umm 00:09:197 (3,4,1) - this one suits those music beats perfectly while 00:08:911 (1,2) - feels pretty huge. what about make the spacing like.. rising here, starting with a bit lowering it with (1,2)? i mean for example this: (2)1.61(3)1.94(1)2.24(2)2.40(3)2,71(4). try it? Only reduced 00:08:911 (1,2)'s spacing.

00:08:911 (1) - 312|336
00:09:054 (2) - 335|142
00:09:197 (3) - 200|301
00:09:339 (4) - 432|290
visually its almost the same but makes sense while playing
also i fee like nc should be there 00:09:197 (3) - , instead of there 00:08:911 (1) - . + there would be no followpoint and would emphasize this part better Added an NC on (3) but kept (1) as I think that mares more sense.
・00:13:482 (3,4,5,6) - and this one was hard to cath, too. exactly the (6) one. could you lower spacing a bit between (5,6) by putting 6 a bit upper, like to 423|171? Rearranged the circles.
・00:29:911 (5,1) - i've read that you like those stacks but exactly in this place im sure that would suit if you keep the movement there. what about smth like this I'm pretty sure a stack goes the best alongside the song, especially the vocal.
・01:11:625 (2,3) - a bit nazi but while playing i had a wish to make them a bit more bouncing, maybe you could round these a bit Did things by myself.
・01:16:197 (2,3) - i don like the fact the they starts on red ticks, i mean, you can hear the beats there 01:16:339 - , (also that 'ku' in vocal part!) and there 01:16:482 - . mind changing the pattern there with placing 2 notes? like you did there 01:18:625 (3,4) - I still feel that this fits the song well, though...
01:34:482 (2,3) - same ^
04:12:197 (2,3) - ^
・01:21:339 (4,1) - i'd suggest follow only vocals there and dont invent a beat on that white tick, there is no sound ;_; and some more places in suchs parts, the rhythm feels kind of awkward Pretty sure there's an instrument sound.
・01:56:625 (2) - whistle should be there and there 01:56:054 (3) - , instead of 01:56:339 (6) - , if youre following that whistle sound I don't think there's anything I can hitsound here...?
・02:09:911 (3,1) - i have a feeling that these ncs are better be swapped? Why?
05:15:054 (3,1) - ^
・02:21:768 (5) - rotate this one a bit for smoother flow after (4) Okay.
・02:58:625 (1,2,3) - i'd suggest put nc on these guys, 1/3 is pretty much unpredictable. I'm sure these are readable considering their distance.
03:48:911 (1,2,3) - and there as well ^
・03:15:339 (3) - could blanket this with (1)? youre making symmetrical patterns rarely and this is part is full of symmetry. + there 03:14:625 (1) - starts new couplet and after this youre actually not following the symmetry. Got stuff done here.
・03:29:768 (2,4) - up to you ofcourse but i always hated things like this, the (4) feels like a circle cause and of (2) didnt dissapear still and you 99% cant predict a slider there once again. could be just imo though I can assure you that this is fine.
・03:35:911 (3,1) - maybe blanket~ ;о Why? I feel that it's okay this way.
・04:47:768 (1,2,1) - mmmmmmm you may want to add a whistle to first (1) to make consistensy with this 01:51:768 (1,2,1) - Adding on the first one should be enough.

thats all from me i think, gl owo/ my map if u will mod back :о its in WIP because im waiting for other mode gd, all diffs are finished

kamisamaaa wrote:

M4M from your queue

Mod Info

  1. Black: Suggestions
  2. Bold: Important things. You should consider
  3. Red: Unrankable issues. You Must Fix

  • Insane
  1. 00:45:482 (1,2,3,4) - this jump is really awkward to me. imo jumo between 3 4 should bigger than 1 2. because 3 is the high pitch. I think this will be better. also stack 00:45:339 (5,2) - these two. Did stuff.
  2. 00:24:054- I think the 0.75x is not necessary here. why not make 00:23:197 (1,2,3) - like this. same slider and blanket each other. If you use this, dont forget ctrl+H on 00:25:054 (6,7,8) - It's because the music gets weaker here.
  3. 00:39:625 (2,3,4) - small distance here is really sudden. because you use jump other place with similar music. Made the spacing bigger.
  4. 01:04:339- this part is really soft. 0.75x is still a little fast for me. 0.5x or 0.6 is really nice to me. and why not use small DS on this part? 01:06:339 (4,5,1) - this kind of jump is really confuse to me in this part! actually I cant feel the different from this part with others when I am playing this. 0.75x should be good already IMO. I seriously can't see why can't you feel te difference.
  5. 01:11:625 (2,3,4) - change the rhythm here to this will be better imo. and dont forget to change the hitsound. Nope; I'm sure this is better already.
  6. 01:16:197- the rhythm here is also strange. because you just follow the drum but cant express the vocal. maybe you can try this to express both drum and vocal. ...Seriously, I can't see why is this wrong.
  7. 01:43:197 (1) - suggest you change this to a 1/1 slider to express the vocal here. I'm also following the instruments.
  8. 01:21:197 (3,4) - ctrl+G. stack is not fit this It does fit, especially with the vocal.
  9. 01:44:054 (2,1) - a jump between these two is nice to me. because the vocal 'wo' is really strong. something like this I feel that stacks actually go better with this part.
  10. 02:04:482 (4,5) - change this to a reverse slider because of the music. btw, stack 02:04:339 (3,4) - is not a good idea. I mean this. 02:04:339 (3) - is blanket with 02:04:911 (1) - and 02:04:482 (4) - is stack with the tail of 02:05:197 (2) - A slider followed a circle follows the instruments better.
  11. 02:05:482 (1,2) - change these to 4 notes please! because they are four different and strong drums. slider end cant express them. They can. Trust me.
  12. 03:31:054 (2,3) - why not use a note with a 1/1 slider to catch the vocal here.or make a triple from 03:31:339- . you can hear the drum 03:31:411- here. actually many place have 1/4 drum but you just use 1/2. it will be a little boring for a hard app map full of 1/2. more 1/4 plz~ I prefer following the instruments, and the instruments on the blue ticks in this song are mainly very faint to the point where they'll be awkward to map and play. I'll stay this way because I don't want to go too far and ruin this map just because I add unnecessary objects for the sake of making an approval/marathon map hard. A marathon map doesn't mean creating a map with a massive artificial difficulty, you know.

hope this mod can help you :)

some adjusted timing
  1. added lines 00:01:484 - and 00:02:637 - since it does drag a bit here, and helps line it up with 00:03:225 - (which was moved back to avoid the downbeat on red ticks) and 00:03:796 -
  2. tks was correct about 00:05:913 - and 00:07:198 - , it's worse having them there since it puts the downbeat on red ticks unnecessarily. in fact, they weren't snapped to the original bpm correctly (was 1ms off) so you'll need to pull the rest back into place
  1. 03:18:768 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - i think this is harder than you're intending it to be, since it forces the player to stop on the stacked triple, and then do the quick spaced stream up to the next note. most of my misses in that play were from nearly failing on this
  2. 01:15:054 (4,5,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - I guess this falls under the same category as the one above, although it's a bit less drastic since the map is still slower here
i wanna circle this, call me back sometime and i'll look a bit harder
Topic Starter

captin1 wrote:

some adjusted timing
  1. added lines 00:01:484 - and 00:02:637 - since it does drag a bit here, and helps line it up with 00:03:225 - (which was moved back to avoid the downbeat on red ticks) and 00:03:796 -
  2. tks was correct about 00:05:913 - and 00:07:198 - , it's worse having them there since it puts the downbeat on red ticks unnecessarily. in fact, they weren't snapped to the original bpm correctly (was 1ms off) so you'll need to pull the rest back into place ...Fine enough. Fixed the timing.
  1. 03:18:768 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - i think this is harder than you're intending it to be, since it forces the player to stop on the stacked triple, and then do the quick spaced stream up to the next note. most of my misses in that play were from nearly failing on this Okay, since apparently so many people did screw up here, I guess I'll just make a consistently spaced stream.
  2. 01:15:054 (4,5,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - I guess this falls under the same category as the one above, although it's a bit less drastic since the map is still slower here This one is... necessary IMO. The music here just asks for that way more than the other similar parts. At least that's what I feel.
i wanna circle this, call me back sometime and i'll look a bit harder
prpr ganbare~
no kd
  1. 00:35:627 (5,1,2,3,4,5) - these seem surprisingly large compared to the music here and to the later section of this 02:18:627 - , would suggest cutting back on these jumps a bit
  2. 00:48:770 (3) - try a ctrl+g on this, feels more fluid, and this spot doesn't feel like a large jump to me anyways
  3. 00:56:913 (1) - not seeing the need for this NC. it'd be a good idea to cut back a bit on NC spam for a map like this, since they'll force the drain higher than it should be. of course i'm not saying get rid of it all, but some of these don't really need to be here, mainly the 2 1/2 slider groups
  4. 00:57:913 (2) - I get why you'd want to have this as long relax point, but imo putting a little stress on these heavy red ticks, especially the finish on 00:58:484 - , is more important. try at least putting clicks on them like 02:40:341 -
  5. 01:40:913 - to me it just seems like you randomly decided to go with half bar phrases for your NC pattern here, and then switched back at an equally random time.
  6. 02:23:770 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - the spacing of this stream doesn't fit well with the difficulty of the section around it, try reducing the spacing just a bit
  7. 02:26:627 (1,2,1,2,3,4) - here it seems like the rhythm should be switched from what it currently is, during the 1/2 sliders you have a clear melody on all four beats, and then where the circles are is just drum filler
  8. 03:29:770 (2,4) - would highly recommend unstacking these two just a bit, since they overlap perfectly even in play right now
  9. 03:31:055 (2) - swap for two circles? to hit the strong vocal note on 03:31:198 -
  10. 04:42:055 (4,5) - sounds like you're missing 1/4 in the drum here, might be cooler to have a bit more difficulty here by mapping it
  11. 05:12:484 (2,3,4,5,1,2,3) - :( this is so easy to get a random miss on. not saying you have to change, but this may make people sad lol
Topic Starter

captin1 wrote:

no kd
  1. 00:35:627 (5,1,2,3,4,5) - these seem surprisingly large compared to the music here and to the later section of this 02:18:627 - , would suggest cutting back on these jumps a bit Let's see if I did this right.
  2. 00:48:770 (3) - try a ctrl+g on this, feels more fluid, and this spot doesn't feel like a large jump to me anyways Remapped this part.
  3. 00:56:913 (1) - not seeing the need for this NC. it'd be a good idea to cut back a bit on NC spam for a map like this, since they'll force the drain higher than it should be. of course i'm not saying get rid of it all, but some of these don't really need to be here, mainly the 2 1/2 slider groups This is used to indicate that 00:56:341 (1,2) and 00:56:913 (1,2) are separate patterns. It would be weird for them to be on the same combo.
  4. 00:57:913 (2) - I get why you'd want to have this as long relax point, but imo putting a little stress on these heavy red ticks, especially the finish on 00:58:484 - , is more important. try at least putting clicks on them like 02:40:341 - ...Did stuff I think?
  5. 01:40:913 - to me it just seems like you randomly decided to go with half bar phrases for your NC pattern here, and then switched back at an equally random time. Okay, I guess this one doesn't need an NC.
  6. 02:23:770 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - the spacing of this stream doesn't fit well with the difficulty of the section around it, try reducing the spacing just a bit Sure.
  7. 02:26:627 (1,2,1,2,3,4) - here it seems like the rhythm should be switched from what it currently is, during the 1/2 sliders you have a clear melody on all four beats, and then where the circles are is just drum filler ^
  8. 03:29:770 (2,4) - would highly recommend unstacking these two just a bit, since they overlap perfectly even in play right now Okay then, since a few people already complained about this.
  9. 03:31:055 (2) - swap for two circles? to hit the strong vocal note on 03:31:198 - Done.
  10. 04:42:055 (4,5) - sounds like you're missing 1/4 in the drum here, might be cooler to have a bit more difficulty here by mapping it ^
  11. 05:12:484 (2,3,4,5,1,2,3) - :( this is so easy to get a random miss on. not saying you have to change, but this may make people sad lol Well I think this is the best pattern for the music and... yeah ):
raised od to 8.5

:3~ gl!
yes hinsvar bae U:
[ Drums of Feelings]

  1. 00:12:055 (64,65,66,67,68) - try to follow 00:09:770 (50,51,52,53,54) - this pattern to make the better consistency
  2. 00:06:627 (31) - remove. although there is a drum sound, but this 1/2 pattern is a bit stiff
  3. 00:08:484 (41,42) - i think k is better way to follow drum
  4. 00:12:055 (64,65,66,67,68,69) - try to follow 00:09:770 (50,51,52,53,54) - to make a good consistency
  5. 00:22:055 (133) - follow the guitar would be better, and also make some break would be good
  6. 00:24:341 (147) - remove. this d makes the pattern very stiff
  7. 00:28:055 (168) - change to k and remove 00:28:198 (169) - to make the rhythm clearly
  8. 00:32:484 (198) - remove. to make a break would be better
  9. 00:32:770 (200,201) - ^
  10. 00:37:341 (231) - ^
  11. 00:39:341 (245) - ^
  12. 01:18:055 (495) - ^
  13. 01:26:770 (559) - ^
  14. 00:55:484 (352,353,354,355,356,357,358,359,360,361,362,363,364,365,366) - you usually use this kind of pattern on whole map you can try this to make this map more variety, others part also have same problem
  15. 01:16:198 (482) - change to k to follow the vocal as 01:16:627 (486,487) -
  16. 01:17:913 (494) - ^
  17. 01:28:484 - ~ 01:31:770 - try this. make the pattern more variety by making different break
Ummm... the mainly problem is the using of the pattern/break. As TKS said, this diff is like converted map, that is because you use lot of continuous 1/2 pattern and on every part which is almost the same, so it might make this map very stiff and boring, not because there are less stream so it is boring. I recommend you adjust the pattern/break as I said on mod. I didn't mod the whole map, but I think it is enough to point out what is the problem on this diff. If you make more different break , it can be improved a lot ! :)
Topic Starter
Unfortunately, I have to say that I won't have much time to maintain the Taiko diff and improve it anymore due to IRL stuff, and I also don't really know where the Taiko diff will be going to if I have to continue pushing the map forward, so I decided to remove it. I learned things from your mod though, so have some kudosu!

Will contact captin to bubble this instead since he approved the standard diff.
yep, everything looks clear for me

#1, feel free to contact me whenever you need this moved to pending again
Topic Starter
Thank you (again)! \o/

*sits and waits patiently*
umg :D ohoho
RIP my version
please consider to adding taiko diff to information of the map because i dont want you to waste your work :(
then i believe that it can be made taiko player fun at least...
Topic Starter
Nope; it's gonna be useless anyway because I believe no one will be interested to play an unranked Taiko diff from someone who is not even close to being a famed Taiko mapper.

Thanks for the concern, though; I appreciate it. I just don't feel like doing it because it won't result in anything good for anyone.
  1. 03:10:198 (2) - Is here supposed to be a whistle? I can see the reason why you add it, just want to be sure that this is on purpose
  2. 03:45:627 (2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - Increase the spacing between them gradually? I know you've already done something like that here, but you can try to improve the placement to make it more clean I think
  3. 04:10:484 (1,2,3) - nazi but you can make it more curve
  4. 04:54:055 (1) - Drum-sampleset here? You add them on every white-ticks so I think you should put it here (or at least something)
Nothing much to say actually, solid map \:D/
The one thing I could suggest you in your future map is, if you only use drum sampleset to emphasize the drum sound in the music like 03:56:913 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6) -, that would be kind of not strong enough to do that, try to find some custom hitsound instead of drum-sampleset would be great I think.

Call me back and we're ready for bubble #2!
Topic Starter

Flask wrote:

  1. 03:10:198 (2) - Is here supposed to be a whistle? I can see the reason why you add it, just want to be sure that this is on purpose Yep, on purpose.
  2. 03:45:627 (2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - Increase the spacing between them gradually? I know you've already done something like that here, but you can try to improve the placement to make it more clean I think Did something a little different by moving the second (2) a little to the left.
  3. 04:10:484 (1,2,3) - nazi but you can make it more curve The current curve is enough, IMO... Any curvier and it'd look weird.
  4. 04:54:055 (1) - Drum-sampleset here? You add them on every white-ticks so I think you should put it here (or at least something) Okay!
Nothing much to say actually, solid map \:D/
The one thing I could suggest you in your future map is, if you only use drum sampleset to emphasize the drum sound in the music like 03:56:913 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6) -, that would be kind of not strong enough to do that, try to find some custom hitsound instead of drum-sampleset would be great I think. Hmm idk; I personally feel that the drum's subtlety goes pretty well with the music, but I'll take note of your words.

Call me back and we're ready for bubble #2!


Huge thanks to Andrea for moving the map to pending beatmaps o3o/

did I worth a kd
Topic Starter
Thank you! \o/

*sits and waits patiently again*
Shohei Ohtani
Oh boy.

01:55:627 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,1) - This is a huge pet peeve of mine like pls
03:40:341 (1,2,1,2,3,1,2,1) - ^
05:16:770 (1) - Would prefer this to be a spinner, since there's none in the diff at all

Other than that, everything is approvable.
Topic Starter

CDFA wrote:

Oh boy.

01:55:627 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,1) - This is a huge pet peeve of mine like pls Post-chorus sections like this are cool and goes along with the song well IMO :P
03:40:341 (1,2,1,2,3,1,2,1) - ^ ^. Remapped this part a little, though.
05:16:770 (1) - Would prefer this to be a spinner, since there's none in the diff at all This is too short for a spinner, and a slowed down slider goes pretty well with the music o.o

Other than that, everything is approvable.
Thanks owo

Also reverted 00:22:627 (1,2,3,4) to its original pattern (when it was made first) because the current pattern makes the flow weird, honestly.
Shohei Ohtani


sorry neonat
Topic Starter
Thanks (again)!

*rolls around*
おめでとう ~
Congrats :D
The week long wait begins lol, grats
Nice!! Gratz Hinsan~
Etou... Wrong icon :) maybe need to post again to fix 8-)
Congratulation <3
holy shit it's happening
This moment shall cement itself into history

hinsvar please

bokura no UR kimi no R

Finally, gratz ~
Gratz Hinsvar!
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