Yay mods, going to apply in few hours
Your mod was useful! Thanks you so much-Bakari- wrote:
Yo. As requested.
- Your BG is colourful, but your colours are still too bright. Try to fade them a bit, they should not hurt players' eyes.Players can disable custom combo color and the bg when they play the map, anyway, I've made green and yellow combos more darker.
- I am really unsure about the diff names. Could you, please, explain how names of the diff are related to the song? There isn't a real reason, I've putted those names before of the rule. We can associate the names only considering that wolves are predators of goats (Wolves > Goats). I've talked with people and they say there's no problem with the current names.
- Your hitsounds during kiai-parts sound too loud to me. Try to reduce their volume by 10-15%? I can't agree. In the kiai the volume of the song increase in comparison of the rest of the song, I will keep as it is.
- New combos seem rather overused. Each combo is just 2-3 objcets long which is way too short and feels a bit too intense. I agree, fixed.
- 00:04:230 (1) - the slider breaks your consistent rhythm and comboing and does not really fits here. Consider replacing it with some more regular patternns, or remove the repeat. Done, I've made some changes.
- 00:15:948 (2,3,1) - minor - try to keep your flow/patterns a bit prettier? A triangle-pattern would look/flow here better. Example Fixed!
- 00:30:480 (1) - beginners may mistakenly hit tail of the slider just because it's so close to the previous hitobject. Moving tail of the slider away seems like a great idea to me. Try that! You're right.
That's a rather simple diff, nothing really wrong with it, just a couple of patterns that I'd recommend to fix.Not much to say, nicely done but may need some more minor improvements!
- 00:06:105 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - jumps are used to emphasize stressful/epic monents of the song. This pattern looks and plays totally random to me, I have absolutely no idea why would you use it here. Please, try to keep the DS more consistent to make the diff understandable for players.
Note: same applies for a few more jumpy patterns in your diff. I can't agree at all. I understand the distance of each notes is small but I did this jump because I wanted to give emphasis to the "quiet Nom Nom Nom" part. This jump is easy to read, I don't see major problem.- 00:36:105 (1) - the vocals gets faster at this part, so you shouldn't ignore the vocals at 00:36:339 - and 00:36:808 - try to go with an 1/2 pattern likethis to point out how the song gets faster here. Good idea, sounds better.
Pretty nice diff.
Best of luck!
bkw- wrote:
mod as a little payback for all the help provided~
not sure about diff names but you can probably leave them as they are now
also nom! As I said to -Bakari-There isn't a real reason, I've putted those names before of the rule. We can associate the names only considering that wolves are predators of goats (Wolves > Goats). I've talked with people and they say there's no problem with the current names.[Goat ~Normal~]
00:15:011 (2) - add drum finish? Indeed, It sounds very good!
00:22:042 (3) - ^ After a long discussion with a friend if add or not drum I've decided to put a Normal hitsound instead of a Drum one, I think It sounds perfect for me. No changes.
00:32:355 (1,2) - I recommend following this pattern, it makes more sense. It will be so inconsistent with my original rhythm, at these steps I rather not change it.
00:31:886 (3) - whistle Good catch.
00:32:355 (1) - same finish as 00:30:480 (1) or change 00:30:480 (1) finish to that one (if you agree also remember to change following finish hitsounds) I didn't like so much how it sounds, Normal-finish hitsounds is fine.
00:33:292 (2) - whistle on slider end Oh yes, nice.
hope it's ok ;; my very first mod!
Gordon123 wrote:
[Wolf ~Hard~]
00:37:042 (1,2,3) - in place 3 circles make 1 slider ( http://osu.ppy.sh/ss/1759066 ) No thanks but, this triplet looks better than a 1/4 slider.
00:39:855 (1) - move please ( https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/1759113 ) I prefer actual placement of (1). Your suggestion break the flow of the pattern with the slider and the circle.
00:45:011 (1,2,3,4) - in place 4 circles make 1 slider ( https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/1759680 ) Can't agree, this stream isn't hard to play. The diff in itself is easy, I don't want to make it even more easier.
00:51:808 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - I'm not against it, but I would change(<this normal) Why? nobody's complained about remove or change this stream. Until you give me a good reason I'd change otherwise, I will keep as it is.
Omnomnomnomnom XD
P.S. good luck![]()
Todo lo demás está arreglado :33 graciasGero wrote:
- Todo en orden.
Goat ~Normal~
- 00:00:480 (1,2) - Voy a ser un poco nazi en esta ocasión ya que realmente se ve un poco feo el blanket entre estos dos sliders, Estoy seguro de que puedes hacerlo mejor tal vez algo como esto por cierto si quieres mejorar un poco el flujo del inicio podrías hacer CTRL + G al segundo slider algo así como en la imagen y por consiguiente mover esto mas al centro para que el slider 1 quede apilado con el siguiente circulo, en mi opinión queda mucho mejor y le da estética al mapa.
- 00:39:855 (5,6) - ^ 00:48:292 (5,1) - ^ Me gustan estos patrones sobre todo el segundo que nombraste, sin cambios acá.
- 00:22:511 - No crees que seria mucho mejor agregar un clap drum aqui? solo para mantener consistencia con los que agregaste anteriormente.
- 00:22:980 (1) - Un finish normal suene mejor que uno soft, inténtalo.
- 00:31:417 (2) - que opinas de la adición de un finish drum en esta parte, suena muy bien ademas le es fiel al fondo de la canción. (o bien se consistente con la Hard en la cual agregas muchos finish soft aqui.)
- 00:33:292 (5) - ^ 00:35:167 - ^
Wolf ~Hard~
Eso es todo, mucha suerte.
- 00:07:980 (1) - Es curioso que hayas puesto un slider 1/1 aquí cuando en las siguientes partes de la canción que son similares a esta usaste algunos en 1/2, te recomiendo que por consistencia hagas lo mismo en esta parte.
- 00:22:042 (4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5) - Se consistente con tus hitsounds ya en la normal usaste claps drum & un clap normal lo cual suena fuera de lugar.
- 00:22:979 (5) - usa NC por consistencia con la normal y tambien la misma sugerencia acerca del finish normal.
- 00:26:495 - considera agregar un triple en esta parte, realmente en mi opinión es muy necesario ya que en esta parte estas siguiendo principalmente la instrumental.
- 00:28:370 - ^
- 00:33:292 (3) - olvidaste agregar un finish en el inicio del slider.
- 00:43:605 (1,2) - Que opinas de hacer este patrón un poco mas estético, me refiero a el blanket entre circulo y slider.
whatSniqht wrote:
transformice <<
I hungryWolf wrote:
Happy Birthday:
Don't give up now.
Combo1 : 224,139,88
Combo2 : 37,156,20
Combo3 : 124,228,228
Combo4 : 164,216,41
I need a computer so bad ;_;Kibbleru wrote:
lol graved
[/box]Wolf wrote:
I'm here.
I've modded this once already, just giving it another http://puush.me![]()
This is my first mod in a while, so I apologize if there isn't anything really helpful here. I tend to be nazi with some stuffs though (sorry).
- Looks good to go.
Goat ~Normal~
- (I really hate grid level 1 :<) HUEHEUHEUEHEHEHUEHUEHEUHEUHEHUEHUEHUHEUEHUEHUEHEUHEU I'm not even using grid 1 wtf
- 00:04:230 (1,3) - They could be aligned on the same y-axis. Either both y: 340 or y:344, it would look good just for consistency I guess, not really important to improve flow or anything.
(Pls change grid level)Done i guess jfioj- 00:06:573 (4,5) - Flow can be improved here. If you change the slider at (5) to go upwards it can greatly improve that. Don't have to change position, just move the nodes and that should do it. You could also do a blanket with the next slider if you're wondering what to do next. Also, maybe move that slider on the same coordinates as the circle on (4) (y:196) ? Hmm, I tried something like this http://puu.sh/bin8y/695b5cefef.png
- 00:09:855 (4,5) - Pretty much same thing as above, flow can be improved. Though this is easier to fix just by moving the circle at (5) down on the grid, so it should give a more variation on the gameplay at this section. Make sure to adjust 00:11:730 (1) - so it doesn't overlap with that circle.
- 00:15:480 (1,3) - Same as 00:04:230 (1,3) - , they could be on the same y-axis for consistency, both on y: 36 or y:32. But it's better to just move the circle to y:36, so it won't mess up the blanket with the slider.
- 00:21:105 (3,4) - Since they are on the same x-axis, why not make them have the same shape? I'd make them the same curved slider like in 00:22:042 (4) -, so it slightly improves flow a bit: Idk, I like how it looks :< I'm not that fan of symmetry.
- 00:34:230 (1,2) - Flow looks somewhat harsh here. You could smooth that up by moving the slider at (2) a bit more to the right. It shouldn't be a problem fixing the spacing at 00:35:636 (3,4) - if you just move them to the right too.
- 00:37:980 (1,2,3,4) - You could make them look with a better square shape here (it feels like it should be a square anyways):
hjfdhgfd I don't know how to make it better ;_;- 00:42:198 (2) - The blanket here could've been made in a better shape:
- 00:45:480 (1,2) - The pattern here can be a little bit more interesting if you ctrl+g on (1) and move the (2) to where 00:45:011 (5) - is. Although you may have some problems fixing spacing after them, so it's your call:
Wolf ~Hard~
- Great diff.
Have fun applying mods (or not)
- 00:17:355 (1) - This slider here feels a bit overused on this section. There are three 1/1 sliders really close there. Those first two are fine since they are somewhat in paralel to each other. I feel like you should emphasize the "nom nom" again instead of that third slider though, could either be all circles or two 1/2 sliders.
- 00:37:511 (4,5,6,7,1) - Maybe move a grid down to match with the coordinates of 00:37:042 (1,2,3) - ?
- 00:43:605 (1) -Everytime I hear this slider I feel something's missing because if you listen to the song at 00:44:308 -, the drums are quite strong there (triplet) and it would be really cool if they were emphasized. You could remove just the arrow and add a triplet on that time as I wrote. It'd be cool for the upcoming stream too.
Hope it helps.
Oam ldkfn hdns...
Mao wrote:
Request by Forum PM. That song ;_;
- Unrankable Issue/Highly Suggested
- Comment/Minor
- Your Combo Colours don't really fit the background imo. I mean, for example this purple clashes a lot with it if you ask me. I'd rather go for something like these.
Combo1 : 224,139,88
Combo2 : 37,156,20
Combo3 : 124,228,228
Combo4 : 164,216,41- I'm very unsure about these difficultie names. Do they even realte to the song? I don't think so and therefore Normal and Hard would be safer to be used.
Goat ~Normal~
- The diff has almost no 1/2 even though the Hard is almost continous 1/2 and hasn't even that few 1/4 Tapping which makes the gap between the diffs kinda big. Therefore try to increase the object density by adding some more 1/2 (Just make sure it doesn't surpass Star Rating 2,0!). A good idea to place some 1/2 Notes are the red ticks before the big white tick in the Kiais (you don't have to map each of them but every second would be nice). Also where you can hear 1/4 in the music like at 00:43:605 (4,5,1) - for instace, you can do this to at least cover some notes of them. Try to raise the Star Difficulty to around 1,7 ~ 1,8. But 1,5 is just simply too few as it's already the border to Easy and your Hard is pretty much centered in the width of Hard. Well, what you're saying is true but, If I want to make that change I will need to remap... orz I prefer change the diff name to Easy.
- Be consistent with the finishes you are using in the Section starting at 00:30:480 - ! The ones on the big white tick are always the same in the music so there's no reason for using different ones here. I'd personally prefer the Soft one as this represents the music the most here. Done
- 00:05:167 (3) - This Slider doesn't really make sense to me here since there are just vocals and these stop abrupt at 00:05:636 - so that a longer Slidertrack doesn't really fit imo. Just simply split it into a 1/1 Slider and a Circle. Example Huh, It actually works well there. The slidertick marks the strong note...
- 00:29:542 - Consider adding a circle here and at 00:30:011 - for a better transition into the more denser part. That would work pretty nicely (: Can't agree, It won't make any sense just because I was following the drums/finish in that part (same as I did in the Hard).
- The overall diff could take some tidying and the density should be raised but otherwise it looks pretty nice to me. Huh. thanks.
Wolf ~Hard~
- The overall difficulties's Spacing could be a bit more even for Patterns like 00:41:730 (1,2,3) - or 00:51:105 (1,2,3) - for instance. Try to adjust that a bit please.
- 00:06:105 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - This Pattern with its fairly big jumps feels pretty much out of place in this calm section without any instruments playing. Also you've mostly just used Normal Spacing and not everything in Circles. I recommend you to change this into a pattern like the others as well since this is just simply too much here.
- 00:08:448 (2,3) - Well, the Noms in the music are almost all emphasized the same here but if you listen to the background instruments, you can hear that the note 00:08:917 - and the one on the following white tick are much stronger so that these should be mapped with a clickable action. Therefore try something like this or this.
- 00:29:542 - Same as I've said in Normal applies here. Alternatively this works as well.
- 00:30:480 (1) - Are you sure about the Normal finish here? The one in the Music sounds much more like the soft one and you've also used the soft one for the following ones :/
- 00:39:386 (5,1,2) - I'm not sure if it's just me but this pattern plays harsh to me as the distance from when you leave the slider and aim this Circle is just so slowing down ;w; I'd personally rather go for something like that. This might take some rearrangement to avoid touching the HP-Bar :V
- 00:43:605 (1) - I agree with Wolf here, a triplet would sound pretty nice. Well, I personally wouldn't use a Circle Triplet though but a repeated 1/4 Slider instead in order to not increase the object density so much as since isn't really recommended here due to the Obejct Density in the Normal already being pretty low.
- 00:51:105 - The Switch to the Normal sampleset which is way louder than the soft one feels pretty sudden and too overdone. Please consider to lower the Volume to 60% to get the transition between the samplesets smoother.
- Overall a nice diff which needs some work on a few patterns though. Still you've done a good job with it! :3
Alright, apply Wolf's and my sutff (maybe get 1~2 mods would be nice as well) and call me back. '^'
20:45 *Cloudchaser is listening to [http://osu.ppy.sh/b/279610 Parry Gripp - Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom]
20:45 Cloudchaser: w8 lemme upload minor stuff
20:45 Lust: okie
20:45 Cloudchaser: I see you yellow
20:46 Lust: wut
20:46 Cloudchaser: yeshu
20:46 Lust: tell me when you are done updating
20:49 *Cloudchaser pokes
20:53 Lust: the diff names arent going to fly marcela, you will need to re-name them to normal and hard
20:53 Cloudchaser: ;___;
20:53 Lust: they dont really relate to the song, and even if the diff name is stated it is still a cause for unrank
20:53 Cloudchaser: i cri ebritaim
20:54 Lust: https://osu.ppy.sh/forum/p/3356691 have a look here if you need proof
20:54 Cloudchaser: fk rules
20:55 Cloudchaser: done
20:55 Cloudchaser: <:
20:55 Lust: alright
20:55 *Lust is editing [http://osu.ppy.sh/b/279610 Parry Gripp - Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom [Hard]]
20:56 Lust: 00:12:902 (4) - maybe move to 491:125 for better flow, 00:12:198 (2) - flows upwards to the right, the current setup you have breaks this and feels kinda awkward imo
20:58 Cloudchaser: done
21:00 Lust: 00:39:386 (5,1,2) - this stack can end up being confusing because of the low AR and bpm
21:03 Cloudchaser: wait, just trying to make something there
21:03 Lust: take your time
21:03 Lust: im not going anywhere xD
21:04 Cloudchaser: done
21:04 Lust: alright update it and let me see
21:07 Cloudchaser: done
21:09 Lust: 00:39:855 (1,2) - ah now the spacing between these two are too big
21:09 Lust: let me come up with an example
21:10 Lust: 00:39:855 (1) - try and move it to 18:138
21:12 Cloudchaser: wait, which size screen are you using?
21:13 Lust: widescreen
21:14 Cloudchaser: then i can't put it on 18:138
21:15 Lust: alright nevermind, just use what you had originally then
21:15 Lust: too much of a hassle to change and it wasnt that big of a deal anway
21:15 Lust: anyway*
21:16 Cloudchaser: 00:39:855 (1) - i putted it on 188:156
21:17 Lust: hmm if you are to do that try 204:195 so it looks a bit cleaner
21:19 Cloudchaser: done
21:20 Lust: alright now for the normal
21:21 Cloudchaser: ah, i forgot to say
21:21 Cloudchaser: i added a triplet on hard diff
21:21 Lust: update it and let me see
21:22 Cloudchaser: i've made changes here 00:17:355 - and 00:44:308 -
21:22 Lust: alright should be fine
21:24 Cloudchaser: okiedokie
21:24 Cloudchaser: <:
21:25 Lust: normal looks fine
21:26 Cloudchaser: dfjgjnfd
21:27 Cloudchaser: Is it ready or it still needing thousand of mods?
21:27 Lust: id say its ready to be bubbled
21:27 Cloudchaser: uploaded
21:28 Lust: 00:44:777 (3) - ah maybe have this as a drum clap?
21:28 Lust: sounds better imo
21:29 Cloudchaser: where
21:29 Cloudchaser: normal, no?
21:29 Lust: ah hard
21:29 *Lust is editing [http://osu.ppy.sh/b/279610 Parry Gripp - Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom [Hard]]
21:29 Cloudchaser: oh
21:29 Lust: on the normal add the drum clap too
21:29 Cloudchaser: added as well in Normal for consistency
21:29 Lust: good
21:30 Lust: update it once more xD
Thanks you very much <33Lust wrote:
Here's your bubble, you've earned it!
Everything was applied!Kenezz wrote:
Here I'm \o/
[Hard]Very short mod, very short song, very cute song <3
- 00:15:480 (1) - Considers Ctrl+Ging this slider to improves the flow of this and next slider, now both sliders are going in the same direction (downwards) and is kinda repetitive.
- 00:45:480 - This kiai time is kinda off for me, maybe because I feel that this part needs more hitsounds. Try to add Normal Sampleset on every white tick after the current clap pattern; 00:46:417, 00:48:292, 00:50:167. (If you add be sure to implement this on [Normal] too)
- 00:47:355 (1) - Add finish at the start like you did in [Normal]
- 00:49:230 (1) - Finish here too.
Call me back o3o/
DakeDekaane wrote:
it's qualified whooooooo!
Grats Cloud
Go rank your other better maps plz