
Ceui - Truth Of My Destiny

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gxytcgxytc wrote:


03:39:383 (1) - ……よ……lol

不打算找mod继续修吗? :)
Topic Starter

zengdaen wrote:


03:39:383 (1) - ……よ……lol

不打算找mod继续修吗? :)

因为没准备rank 所以不打算找MOD :D
00:17:666 (2) - 直滑条感觉有点违和,试试这样的:300:44:729 (4,5) - blanket修一下
00:49:836 (1,3) - 有些近了
00:53:793 可以加个note把"i"的音带一下;w; imo
00:56:346 (2,3) - 这里00:56:729 (3) - 的尾巴有重音,但是00:56:474这里的重音却被00:56:346 (2) - 盖住了,有些奇怪,试试这样的节奏呢01:00:304 (2,3) - 看看要不要修一下blanket
01:02:602 有个挺重的音,加个什么吧?
01:13:325 (4) - 觉得ctrl g好一些
01:26:219 (6,1) - 可以blanket
01:28:006 可以加个note
01:29:538 (2,3) - 修一下blanket
01:54:432 (1,2,3) - stack有点多啊,这里就不要stack了吧01:56:219 觉得加个note比较好;w;
02:28:261 (2,3) - 和00:56:346 (2,3)的建议一样;w;
02:29:921 (6,7) - 考虑ctrl g
03:39:368 (1) - 良心p总 /w\
03:52:389 (6,7,8) - 03:54:559 可以加个note跟一下vocal
04:27:240 (1) - 如果是我我会在04:27:368开始04:28:389结束;w;然后04:28:900补个note

00:14:985 (11,1) - 不建议00:15:112 (1) - 和00:14:985 (11) - stack,还是按照ds拉开距离吧
00:18:176 (7) - 00:18:687 (8) -
00:24:559 (2,3) - 这里对新人来说不太好读图;w;
00:28:644 (3,4) - ^
00:42:687 (5) - 有些别扭……这样的节奏就好啦
00:55:963 (1,2) - 这里试试这样的:
01:00:049 (1) - 还是延长到01:00:559吧
01:19:453 (2) - 开始放在01:19:197 然后01:19:963 加个note
02:27:878 (3,4) - 也是感觉怪怪的;w;
02:50:346 (1,2) - 和01:19:453 (2)的建议一样
03:49:325 (2,3,1) - nm三连大丈夫?;w;
抽插小屁股 插插插

蓝线感觉可以少压 对于normal来说的话 除了非必要都压在红白上

00:42:687 (5) - 缩短吧 中间压在蓝线上感觉效果不是很好 不如缩短后面贴一个circle

00:55:963 (1,2) - 这里的两个压蓝线的slider 节奏稍微改一下吧 作为N来说的话压红白比较好的感觉

01:05:155 - 这里在主观上还是填上比较好 直接copy前面的slider拉下来ctrl+G

01:38:857 - 这spin的结尾音效声音感觉可以减小

02:27:878 (3,4) - 这根前面那里一样 可以压红白
02:37:070 - 同前面01:05:155那里 不过这里感觉上要做个音量大小的改变
从02:37:070 - 到02:37:580 - 这部分音量减小 02:37:580 - 后还原
03:27:112 (6) - 这个note的音量可以比前面一个相对扩大成为实音

04:18:176 (1) - spin从04:18:304 - 开始 04:18:176 - 这里填一个circle感觉比较猴啊
04:22:261 (1) - 这个spin 按照上面的话 从04:22:134 - 开始 04:22:006 - 这里加一个circle

以外的发现没啥可以摸 打了一遍感觉clear啊

00:19:197 (9) - ctrl+G怎么样

01:42:942 (1) - spin从01:43:070 - 这里开始原本的位置填一个circle

再见 这图打了太久太多次了.

03:06:049 (8) - 这个circle应该跟下一个slider开头重叠吧
全图都是对点部分重叠出来的 这里出戏了

04:07:325 (6) - 这个回跳的位置虽然爽 但是感觉这个你摆在左边或者右边中间的位置比较合适

Topic Starter

OblivioN wrote:

00:17:666 (2) - 直滑条感觉有点违和,试试这样的:3
00:44:729 (4,5) - blanket修一下 fixed
00:49:836 (1,3) - 有些近了 还好吧(拍飞
00:53:793 可以加个note把"i"的音带一下;w; imo
00:56:346 (2,3) - 这里00:56:729 (3) - 的尾巴有重音,但是00:56:474这里的重音却被00:56:346 (2) - 盖住了,有些奇怪,试试这样的节奏呢 iyada
01:00:304 (2,3) - 看看要不要修一下blanket 这里不是blanket拉
01:02:602 有个挺重的音,加个什么吧? 试了半天感觉还是不加的好
01:13:325 (4) - 觉得ctrl g好一些 ..我觉得现在这个好些 ctrl+g反而有点别扭了
01:26:219 (6,1) - 可以blanket
01:28:006 可以加个note
01:29:538 (2,3) - 修一下blanket fixed
01:54:432 (1,2,3) - stack有点多啊,这里就不要stack了吧 这个没关系的..
01:56:219 觉得加个note比较好;w; 这里不是跟的鼓啦...
02:28:261 (2,3) - 和00:56:346 (2,3)的建议一样;w; 这个改了 上面那个不怎么好改
02:29:921 (6,7) - 考虑ctrl g 有点别扭
03:39:368 (1) - 良心p总 /w\ \w/
03:52:389 (6,7,8) - 这个不行 太突然了...
03:54:559 可以加个note跟一下vocal
04:27:240 (1) - 如果是我我会在04:27:368开始04:28:389结束;w;然后04:28:900补个note 改成04:27:368开始 04:28:900结束了

00:14:985 (11,1) - 不建议00:15:112 (1) - 和00:14:985 (11) - stack,还是按照ds拉开距离吧
00:18:176 (7) - 00:18:687 (8) -

00:24:559 (2,3) - 这里对新人来说不太好读图;w; 改了
00:28:644 (3,4) - ^ 这个还好吧.
00:42:687 (5) - 有些别扭……这样的节奏就好啦
00:55:963 (1,2) - 这里试试这样的:
01:00:049 (1) - 还是延长到01:00:559吧 改了
01:19:453 (2) - 开始放在01:19:197 然后01:19:963 加个note 不行..不是kiai我不太想用很多1/2
02:27:878 (3,4) - 也是感觉怪怪的;w; [/color] ^
02:50:346 (1,2) - 和01:19:453 (2)的建议一样 ^
03:49:325 (2,3,1) - nm三连大丈夫?;w; 大丈夫 萌大奶


Cyc17- wrote:

抽插小屁股 插插插

蓝线感觉可以少压 对于normal来说的话 除了非必要都压在红白上

00:42:687 (5) - 缩短吧 中间压在蓝线上感觉效果不是很好 不如缩短后面贴一个circle

00:55:963 (1,2) - 这里的两个压蓝线的slider 节奏稍微改一下吧 作为N来说的话压红白比较好的感觉

01:05:155 - 这里在主观上还是填上比较好 直接copy前面的slider拉下来ctrl+G 猴啊

01:38:857 - 这spin的结尾音效声音感觉可以减小 不猴 打死cc

02:27:878 (3,4) - 这根前面那里一样 可以压红白 ^
02:37:070 - 同前面01:05:155那里 不过这里感觉上要做个音量大小的改变
从02:37:070 - 到02:37:580 - 这部分音量减小 02:37:580 - 后还原
03:27:112 (6) - 这个note的音量可以比前面一个相对扩大成为实音 cc太深

04:18:176 (1) - spin从04:18:304 - 开始 04:18:176 - 这里填一个circle感觉比较猴啊 太难
04:22:261 (1) - 这个spin 按照上面的话 从04:22:134 - 开始 04:22:006 - 这里加一个circle 太难

以外的发现没啥可以摸 打了一遍感觉clear啊

00:19:197 (9) - ctrl+G怎么样

01:42:942 (1) - spin从01:43:070 - 这里开始原本的位置填一个circle 好了 滑条尾加了个note

再见 这图打了太久太多次了.

03:06:049 (8) - 这个circle应该跟下一个slider开头重叠吧 其实我是故意的 以前还差的远些 改了
全图都是对点部分重叠出来的 这里出戏了

04:07:325 (6) - 这个回跳的位置虽然爽 但是感觉这个你摆在左边或者右边中间的位置比较合适 iyada

Cherry Blossom
awh you revived it :D
Topic Starter

Cherry Blossom wrote:

awh you revived it :D
yaaaa baka cb

mod plz kds plz
Cherry Blossom
i'll mod it later ^^
in 1 week maybe...
Cherry Blossom
Well, i'm here prpr !!! :D


  1. Disable letterbox during breaks.
  2. Your BG dimension is 1229*768, it must be 1366*768 or 1024*768.


  1. Reduce AR to 4.5, ar6 looks a bit extreme for a lower diff
  2. Reduce OD to 3 if you dit it ^
  3. Star rating is 2.00x, and the lowest diff must be lower than 2.00 stars lol ?, try to undermap your diff a bit, to decrease the star rating. Try to undermap sections which have a lot of 1/2 gaps, and use more 1/1.
  4. 00:13:836 (2) - Looks a bit weird to play because of the previous patterns you used, and you can simplify more this pattern, i mean avoiding 2 reverses and using 1 instead, why don't to try this ? :
  5. 00:31:197 (6,1) - it might be better if you unstack these notes, because you already used stacks for 1/1 notes, it might be a bit confusing.
  6. 00:32:474 (3,4) - polarity issue here, try this pattern to avoid it
  7. 00:43:708 (1,2) - there is also a polarity issue here, hmm if you want to follow vocal it should be better if they are introduced with a 1/2 gap, try this
  8. 00:53:921 - here you can add a spinner which ends here 00:55:453, it may be fine hmm.
  9. 02:16:900 (1,2,3) - transition between these objects can be improved, try this o/
  10. 02:20:985 (2,3) - there is a polarity issue here again, hmm try this pattern
  11. 02:27:878 (3) - Add a NC here, because your started a new section.
  12. 03:15:368 (1) - here, you can make this slider curved to introduce the second slider and make a smooth movement, so try this
  13. 03:24:559 - add a note here to make this strong note played, and stack it on 03:24:814 (4) -
  14. 03:27:112 (6) - Add a NC here to emphazise the end.
  15. 03:49:325 (2,3,1) - this is not suitable for a normal diff, this is extreme, add a reversed 1/4 slider or a simple 1/2 slider instead.
  16. 03:50:346 (2,3,4,5,6,7,1) - SV and spacing are too high for a calm part imo, it does not fit the calm atmosphere here.

    Well, concerning structure and rhythm, this looks well mapped, but as i said above, you should really undermap some "fast" parts, i mean parts which has a lot of 1/2. And you should add 1/1 instead. this mapset is not rankable if you don't do it.


  1. Reduce AR to 7, AR7.5 may be too fast for this diff.
  2. 00:08:729 - add a note here, you can hear something on this red tick, and it will allow you to use triplet instead of doublets which are really hard to play for a Hard player.
  3. 00:13:836 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - rip, baka pururut, you're so hentai !!! D:, well let's be serious now, a stream is not really suitable for a hard and this stream is a bit long even if the BPM is low. Make this instead
  4. 00:31:963 (2,3,4) - it should be better this you unstack these notes from 00:31:453 (1) -, because it might be confusing since you use stacks everywhere with the same gap.
  5. 00:41:666 - This strong note should be clicked since you made this strong note clicked 00:43:708, so swap these objects like this
  6. 01:09:240 (1,2) - this is extreme and not expected, hentai pururut !!!, just add a simple note here 01:09:240 and remove this slider 01:09:240 (1) -
  7. 01:18:432 (1,2,3,4,5) - this also looks extreme, try to avoid this stream and make this instead
  8. 01:35:155 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - also here, try to make this instead
  9. 02:20:219 (7) - there is no link here, i mean, the player can be lost because there is a 3/2 gap, so add a 1/1 slider instead of this note 02:20:219 (7) -
  10. 02:50:346 (6,7,8,9,10) - same as 01:18:432 (1,2,3,4,5)
  11. 03:04:134 (5,6,7) - it should be better if you unstack these notes, it allows a better reading.
  12. 03:05:666 (9,10) - same as here ^
  13. 03:06:687 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - You know what i will say baka prpr ;w;
  14. 03:09:751 (5,6) - Increase the spacing between these notes, it looks a bit confusing.
  15. 03:17:155 (2,3,1,2,3,4,5,6) - You are definitly more hentai than me ;w; well, this also looks extreme, so make this instead
  16. 03:25:580 (3,4) - You could improve this part, try to make this
  17. 03:47:538 (2,3,4) - 3/4 objects are really hard to recognize, so make a reversed 3/4 slider instead of these notes.
  18. 04:00:814 (1,2,3,4,1) - well i think you will hate me if i tell you to remove this stream, but well, it's spacing is too high and might be extreme, so try to reduce this stream's spacing.
  19. 04:03:878 (6) - hmm not a good deal, increase the spacing between 04:03:368 (5,6) - , this antijump is really weird imo.
  20. 04:12:049 (6,7,8,9) - make the spacing consistent here, spacing looks kinda messy since you didnt use distance snap ?

    Few parts are well mapped, but kiai are not really well mapped, you mapped them as an insane diff and make this diff not balanced, you should make the spacing consistent in kiai parts, and not make big jumps/antijumps, it plays like an insane diff, but this diff is supposed to be hard.
    Don't worry if you undermap, it will not really hurt the diff spread between Insane and Hard.


  1. Increase circle size to 5, it will make this diff more challenging. Up to you to change.
  2. Increase HP to 6 or 7, same reason as ^
  3. 00:08:474 (7) - hmm you missed this strong note here 00:08:985 and it should really be played, so try to make this instead.
  4. 00:42:814 (3) - this note seems out of place since it does not follow anything, so it might be better if you remove it.
  5. 00:46:772 - add a note here, because this strong beat is dodged and it should be played.
  6. 00:56:474 (3,4) - here you should follow vocals instead of beats, because it is more intuitive to follow imo, try this pattern
  7. 02:18:687 - add a note here, same reason as 00:46:772
  8. 02:28:389 (3,4) - also here, you should follow vocals because it is more intuitive to follow them, so, try this
  9. 02:32:857 - add a note here, same reason as ^
  10. 03:25:453 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - here you can improve this shape, try this
  11. 03:39:368 (1) - ♥
  12. 03:54:559 - you should add a note here for a triplet with 03:54:432 (2,3) - as you did for the previous and next pattern.
  13. 04:18:176 (1) - error, look at spinner's beginning, baka prpr ;w;

    This insane diff is funny, and this is even better than before !!! continue like this.

You need to work more on Hard and Normal.
There are still things to improve but this will be for other modders :D
I hope my mod was useful !!! :D
Good Luck and rank this map, baka prpr, and now you are hentai :D
Topic Starter

Cherry Blossom wrote:

Well, i'm here prpr !!! :D


  1. Disable letterbox during breaks. done
  2. Your BG dimension is 1229*768, it must be 1366*768 or 1024*768. i know..but the origin size is 1920x1200


  1. Reduce AR to 4.5, ar6 looks a bit extreme for a lower diff ok
  2. Reduce OD to 3 if you dit it ^ ^
  3. Star rating is 2.00x, and the lowest diff must be lower than 2.00 stars lol ?, try to undermap your diff a bit, to decrease the star rating. Try to undermap sections which have a lot of 1/2 gaps, and use more 1/1. hmmm i'm try
  4. 00:13:836 (2) - Looks a bit weird to play because of the previous patterns you used, and you can simplify more this pattern, i mean avoiding 2 reverses and using 1 instead, why don't to try this ? : nice
  5. 00:31:197 (6,1) - it might be better if you unstack these notes, because you already used stacks for 1/1 notes, it might be a bit confusing. ..maybe fine..
  6. 00:32:474 (3,4) - polarity issue here, try this pattern to avoid it fixed
  7. 00:43:708 (1,2) - there is also a polarity issue here, hmm if you want to follow vocal it should be better if they are introduced with a 1/2 gap, try this ok
  8. 00:53:921 - here you can add a spinner which ends here 00:55:453, it may be fine hmm. uhh, maybe too short in normal?
  9. 02:16:900 (1,2,3) - transition between these objects can be improved, try this o/ oh,great i did
  10. 02:20:985 (2,3) - there is a polarity issue here again, hmm try this pattern ok
  11. 02:27:878 (3) - Add a NC here, because your started a new section.
  12. 03:15:368 (1) - here, you can make this slider curved to introduce the second slider and make a smooth movement, so try this ok
  13. 03:24:559 - add a note here to make this strong note played, and stack it on 03:24:814 (4) - ok
  14. 03:27:112 (6) - Add a NC here to emphazise the end. added
  15. 03:49:325 (2,3,1) - this is not suitable for a normal diff, this is extreme, add a reversed 1/4 slider or a simple 1/2 slider instead. be reversed 1/4 slider now
  16. 03:50:346 (2,3,4,5,6,7,1) - SV and spacing are too high for a calm part imo, it does not fit the calm atmosphere here. use 1.0sv and 1.0ds now

    Well, concerning structure and rhythm, this looks well mapped, but as i said above, you should really undermap some "fast" parts, i mean parts which has a lot of 1/2. And you should add 1/1 instead. this mapset is not rankable if you don't do it. 1/2 in 117.5bpm's normal maybe fine? i will try undermap :D


  1. Reduce AR to 7, AR7.5 may be too fast for this diff. yea
  2. 00:08:729 - add a note here, you can hear something on this red tick, and it will allow you to use triplet instead of doublets which are really hard to play for a Hard player. ok
  3. 00:13:836 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - rip, baka pururut, you're so hentai !!! D:, well let's be serious now, a stream is not really suitable for a hard and this stream is a bit long even if the BPM is low. Make this instead hahaha RIP
  4. 00:31:963 (2,3,4) - it should be better this you unstack these notes from 00:31:453 (1) -, because it might be confusing since you use stacks everywhere with the same gap. ok
  5. 00:41:666 - This strong note should be clicked since you made this strong note clicked 00:43:708, so swap these objects like this :D fixed
  6. 01:09:240 (1,2) - this is extreme and not expected, hentai pururut !!!, just add a simple note here 01:09:240 and remove this slider 01:09:240 (1) - lol Made some changes
  7. 01:18:432 (1,2,3,4,5) - this also looks extreme, try to avoid this stream and make this instead ok
  8. 01:35:155 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - also here, try to make this instead :( can't open this image i do some adjustment
  9. 02:20:219 (7) - there is no link here, i mean, the player can be lost because there is a 3/2 gap, so add a 1/1 slider instead of this note 02:20:219 (7) - ok
  10. 02:50:346 (6,7,8,9,10) - same as 01:18:432 (1,2,3,4,5) ^
  11. 03:04:134 (5,6,7) - it should be better if you unstack these notes, it allows a better reading. ok
  12. 03:05:666 (9,10) - same as here ^ ^
  13. 03:06:687 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - You know what i will say baka prpr ;w; idk /run
  14. 03:09:751 (5,6) - Increase the spacing between these notes, it looks a bit confusing. ??
  15. 03:17:155 (2,3,1,2,3,4,5,6) - You are definitly more hentai than me ;w; well, this also looks extreme, so make this instead ok
  16. 03:25:580 (3,4) - You could improve this part, try to make this nice
  17. 03:47:538 (2,3,4) - 3/4 objects are really hard to recognize, so make a reversed 3/4 slider instead of these notes. ok.
  18. 04:00:814 (1,2,3,4,1) - well i think you will hate me if i tell you to remove this stream, but well, it's spacing is too high and might be extreme, so try to reduce this stream's spacing. use 0.6ds now
  19. 04:03:878 (6) - hmm not a good deal, increase the spacing between 04:03:368 (5,6) - , this antijump is really weird imo. hmm
  20. 04:12:049 (6,7,8,9) - make the spacing consistent here, spacing looks kinda messy since you didnt use distance snap ? i didddddddddddd.......maybe

    Few parts are well mapped, but kiai are not really well mapped, you mapped them as an insane diff and make this diff not balanced, you should make the spacing consistent in kiai parts, and not make big jumps/antijumps, it plays like an insane diff, but this diff is supposed to be hard...
    Don't worry if you undermap, it will not really hurt the diff spread between Insane and Hard. i will try to under map :D


  1. Increase circle size to 5, it will make this diff more challenging. Up to you to change. i finally decide to use cs4 /run
  2. Increase HP to 6 or 7, same reason as ^ HP7 now
  3. 00:08:474 (7) - hmm you missed this strong note here 00:08:985 and it should really be played, so try to make this instead. nice
  4. 00:42:814 (3) - this note seems out of place since it does not follow anything, so it might be better if you remove it. delete it
  5. 00:46:772 - add a note here, because this strong beat is dodged and it should be played. added
  6. 00:56:474 (3,4) - here you should follow vocals instead of beats, because it is more intuitive to follow imo, try this pattern ok
  7. 02:18:687 - add a note here, same reason as 00:46:772 ^
  8. 02:28:389 (3,4) - also here, you should follow vocals because it is more intuitive to follow them, so, try this ^
  9. 02:32:857 - add a note here, same reason as ^ ^
  10. 03:25:453 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - here you can improve this shape, try this :( i think is fine /runaway
  11. 03:39:368 (1) - ♥
  12. 03:54:559 - you should add a note here for a triplet with 03:54:432 (2,3) - as you did for the previous and next pattern. hao
  13. 04:18:176 (1) - error, look at spinner's beginning, baka prpr ;w; i'm not baka :(

    This insane diff is funny, and this is even better than before !!! continue like this.

You need to work more on Hard and Normal.
There are still things to improve but this will be for other modders :D
I hope my mod was useful !!! :D
Good Luck and rank this map, baka prpr, and now you are hentai :D
thank you very much baka cb :D
i love you! ♥
Cherry Blossom
about circle size on Destiny i did a mistake, i meant 3.5 lol.
3.5 fits better than 3 or 4, up to you to change o/
Topic Starter

Cherry Blossom wrote:

about circle size on Destiny i did a mistake, i meant 3.5 lol.
3.5 fits better than 3 or 4, up to you to change o/
baka cb :D cs3.5 now
Mod from modding queue~

Sry that i can't speak chinese, so I will make it as simple as possible

HP4 only? Increase by +1 or +2.

00:58:006 - NC
01:05:155 (5) - ^
01:08:219 (1) - ^
01:10:006 (8,1) - set the NC here, the vocals start earlier already
01:12:559 (6) - NC
01:16:389 (7) - ^
01:24:559 (6) - ^
01:28:644 (8) - ^
... there are many more to point out, but this would be overkill for me x.x Don't set combos longer than 9 if possible.

01:46:006 (1) - same as in Insane

I don't really agree to the lowered down CS due to inconsistency of difficulty settings, but... well, you just changed it. xD

00:06:942 (3,4) - It's better to select 1,2,3 and stack them on 4 as follows (AR0, it will look nicer with AR9 of course)
00:13:836 (2,3,4,5) - this fits better to the music
00:15:112 (1,2) - improve the bow
00:44:985 (1,2,3,4,5) - don't increase the distance from 3 to 4 here, but use the same distance as you did with 1 and 2
01:03:112 (1) - really long backslider, i would split it up at the beats 01:03:623 - and 01:04:134 -
01:13:325 (2,3,4) - sharp drop off flow, push slider 4 up a bit
01:46:006 (1) - why don't you let this end on the next white tick?
03:15:878 (5) - why don't you put slider 5 on the right side for the star pattern? (x:400, y:184)
03:24:559 (4,5) - try the following positions: for circle 4 (x:432, y:248), circle 5 (x:264, y:264)
03:39:368 (1) - yo~~~ this MAY be unrankable (burai slider), i'm not sure if this arrow SB will help at all. Nice shape though.
03:47:538 (6) - NC
03:48:559 (9) - too abrupt end, make it end on the next white tick
03:50:857 (4,5) - is this supposed to be a blanket? you need to adjust slider 5

I hope this helps. Pretty good overall flow and nice aesthetics, just as expected from chinese mappers. :)

Topic Starter

paseli wrote:

Mod from modding queue~

Sry that i can't speak chinese, so I will make it as simple as possible

HP4 only? Increase by +1 or +2. hmmm HP5 now

00:58:006 - NC fixed
01:05:155 (5) - ^ fixed
01:08:219 (1) - ^ fixed
01:10:006 (8,1) - set the NC here, the vocals start earlier already fixed
01:12:559 (6) - NC fixed
01:16:389 (7) - ^ fixed
01:24:559 (6) - ^ fixed
01:28:644 (8) - ^ fixed
... there are many more to point out, but this would be overkill for me x.x Don't set combos longer than 9 if possible.
ohhh i will fixed combos by myself :D
01:46:006 (1) - same as in Insane ok :P

I don't really agree to the lowered down CS due to inconsistency of difficulty settings, but... well, you just changed it. xD

00:06:942 (3,4) - It's better to select 1,2,3 and stack them on 4 as follows (AR0, it will look nicer with AR9 of course) hmm i think is fine. /run
00:13:836 (2,3,4,5) - this fits better to the music hmmm flow changed
00:15:112 (1,2) - improve the bow ok fixed
00:44:985 (1,2,3,4,5) - don't increase the distance from 3 to 4 here, but use the same distance as you did with 1 and 2 ...use 2.0 now
01:03:112 (1) - really long backslider, i would split it up at the beats 01:03:623 - and 01:04:134 - ok i do
01:13:325 (2,3,4) - sharp drop off flow, push slider 4 up a bit fixed
01:46:006 (1) - why don't you let this end on the next white tick? ok
03:15:878 (5) - why don't you put slider 5 on the right side for the star pattern? (x:400, y:184) ok
03:24:559 (4,5) - try the following positions: for circle 4 (x:432, y:248), circle 5 (x:264, y:264) nice :D
03:39:368 (1) - yo~~~ this MAY be unrankable (burai slider), i'm not sure if this arrow SB will help at all. Nice shape though. it's rankable!!!! maybe
03:47:538 (6) - NC fixed
03:48:559 (9) - too abrupt end, make it end on the next white tick ok
03:50:857 (4,5) - is this supposed to be a blanket? you need to adjust slider 5 nooo i dont wanna blanket

I hope this helps. Pretty good overall flow and nice aesthetics, just as expected from chinese mappers. :)

thanks for your's very helpful :D
00:06:432 (1,2) - 1/6

03:22:517 (6,7) - 1/6
Topic Starter

Narcissu wrote:

00:06:432 (1,2) - 1/6 这个改了 低难度就带过了

03:22:517 (6,7) - 1/6 这里不好改准备带过..(不要打我
我就知道你是bye ge dan. lol
Topic Starter

Akabato wrote:

感谢 :D
屁股prpr 屁股prpr

00:28:644 (3,4) - 这边改成这样?这里坚持跟钢琴要比跟vocal好听00:51:878 (1) - 减一次折返加个circle吧,这滑条这么快偶数折返是会坑到新人的
01:03:112 (1,2,3,4) - 很多地方(像这里)干脆就直接拉个spinner呗,省力又能控制好节奏(别打我
01:17:921 (4,1) - 平行?
01:19:453 (2) - 一会儿直一会儿弯感觉不好看;直线的滑条尽可能拉平行、对称、规则;不规则的直滑条组合,最好是加个白点拉个极小的弧度
以下举例03:16:389 (3,4) - 03:18:942 (1,2) - 嘛个人觉得这样比较符合大众审美,仅供参考

02:08:985 (2) - 这边也是个很好放转盘的点。。。转盘结束到下个note还能空足够时间
03:56:729 (4,5) - 滑条尾没snap
04:18:176 (1,1) - 这两个转盘好像倒是适合拉长滑条(我怎么这么蛋疼

01:05:155 (1,2,3,4) - bpm太低了不太建议长的串。。。
02:12:049 (3) - 出界
03:14:857 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 加点角度?好像有点难
03:47:538 (1) - 这一段的sv好像用错了?感觉应该要慢一点

00:57:495 (7,8) - 平行比较好
01:09:240 (1) - (264,288)
01:18:942 (1) - 有点意义不明的overlap
03:51:368 (5) - (68,270)
Topic Starter

Zweib wrote:

屁股prpr 屁股prpr

00:28:644 (3,4) - 这边改成这样?这里坚持跟钢琴要比跟vocal好听
00:51:878 (1) - 减一次折返加个circle吧,这滑条这么快偶数折返是会坑到新人的
01:03:112 (1,2,3,4) - 很多地方(像这里)干脆就直接拉个spinner呗,省力又能控制好节奏(别打我 抽查猪尾巴
01:17:921 (4,1) - 平行? fixed
01:19:453 (2) - 一会儿直一会儿弯感觉不好看;直线的滑条尽可能拉平行、对称、规则;不规则的直滑条组合,最好是加个白点拉个极小的弧度 改成钝角滑条了..
以下举例03:16:389 (3,4) - 03:18:942 (1,2) - 嘛个人觉得这样比较符合大众审美,仅供参考 我就不说图打不开,不过我按照理解改了

02:08:985 (2) - 这边也是个很好放转盘的点。。。转盘结束到下个note还能空足够时间
03:56:729 (4,5) - 滑条尾没snap fixed
04:18:176 (1,1) - 这两个转盘好像倒是适合拉长滑条(我怎么这么蛋疼 你奏凯

01:05:155 (1,2,3,4) - bpm太低了不太建议长的串。。。
02:12:049 (3) - 出界 fixed
03:14:857 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 加点角度?好像有点难 还好吧
03:47:538 (1) - 这一段的sv好像用错了?感觉应该要慢一点改成1.0了
转圈有点疼 接的太紧?

00:57:495 (7,8) - 平行比较好
01:09:240 (1) - (264,288)我动了最上面那根滑条
01:18:942 (1) - 有点意义不明的overlap 改了
03:51:368 (5) - (68,270)

Hi~ something like a random mod i guess :D
Please reply to this mod saying what you didn't fix (and what you did) and why to improve my futur mods.
If you've any question, ask me in-game ofc ;)

- General :
  1. Disable Widescreen Support, you don't have any SB.
- Destiny :
  1. 00:16:134 (3,4) - I'm sorry but this overlap looks bad imo. There is no way to improve it ?
  2. 00:17:155 (1,2) - Bad overlap and bad blanket.
  3. 01:29:410 (10,1) - Bad blanket.
  4. 02:03:368 (1,2,3) - Bad blanket between 02:03:368 (1,2) - and really bad flow between 02:04:134 (2,3) - . Maybe try this
  5. 02:14:346 (3,4) - Stack them no ? You only do it here with sliders.
  6. 02:29:666 (8,1) - What do you think about blanket them ?
  7. 02:31:963 (1,2) - Improve blanket.
  8. 02:39:368 (4) - I would go for something like this to improve flow and placement by stacking 02:37:836 (4,4) - .
  9. 03:13:836 (3) - Would CTRL+G it it makes pattern looks better imo.
  10. 03:39:368 (1) - It's a really beautiful slider <3. Even it's unrakable sadly, let it alive unless a BAT say it is.
  11. 04:02:985 (4,5) - Nazi stack.
  12. 04:08:729 (7,1,3) - Improve blanket.
  13. 04:09:878 (4,6) - Bad stacking.

- Hard :
  1. OD6 pls ;w;
  2. 00:14:602 (5,1) - Keep same DS than 00:14:091 (4,5) - .
  3. 00:15:112 (1,2,3) - This pattern not looks so good and have not the best flow. How do you think about that ?
  4. 00:35:027 (9,10) - Blanket this.
  5. 00:49:836 (6) - Rotate it by 5°
  6. 00:53:410 (4,5) - This overlap and flow are bad. Rework this.
  7. 01:06:049 (5,1) - Keep same spacing than the stream.
  8. 01:07:708 (5,1) - Improve blanket.
  9. 02:15:623 (4,5) - Blanket maybe ?
  10. 02:41:921 (3,4,1,2) - Blanket.
  11. 03:09:751 (5,6) - ^
  12. 04:01:197 (4,1) - Keep same DS than stream.
  13. 04:03:878 (1) - Place slider end to 350:313 to get a perfect arc.

- Normal :

  1. You should keep constant DS for a Normal diff.
  2. CS3.5 fit better imo.
  3. 00:15:112 - NC ?
  4. 00:28:900 (4,5) - Bad blanket.
  5. 00:51:112 (3,4,5) - Move them together and place 00:51:368 (4) - at 256:292.
  6. 01:07:708 (4,1) - Don't like this overlap and flow.
  7. 01:14:346 (1) - I would CTRL+H to improve flow.
  8. 02:35:027 (1,2) - Blanket.
  9. 03:02:602 (1,2) - ^
  10. 03:59:793 (3,4,5) - Make them parallel.
  11. 04:16:134 (4) - Move it at 160:144 for flow.
  12. 04:26:857 (1,2,3,4) - I would CTRL+G 04:26:857 (1,3) - and 04:27:368 (2,4) - to create a good flow for 04:28:389 (4,5) - .

That's all. Hope it help you :)
GL Mukyu~
Topic Starter

Nozhomi wrote:

Hi~ something like a random mod i guess :D
Please reply to this mod saying what you didn't fix (and what you did) and why to improve my futur mods.
If you've any question, ask me in-game ofc ;)

- General :
  1. Disable Widescreen Support, you don't have any SB ya. Destiny have a arrow,i disable Normal and Hard's Widescreen Support now.
- Destiny :
  1. 00:16:134 (3,4) - I'm sorry but this overlap looks bad imo. There is no way to improve it ? changed
  2. 00:17:155 (1,2) - Bad overlap and bad blanket. changed
  3. 01:29:410 (10,1) - Bad blanket. fixed
  4. 02:03:368 (1,2,3) - Bad blanket between 02:03:368 (1,2) - and really bad flow between 02:04:134 (2,3) - . Maybe try this hmm. i done adjusted by myself. don't slap me
  5. 02:14:346 (3,4) - Stack them no ? You only do it here with sliders. stack now :D
  6. 02:29:666 (8,1) - What do you think about blanket them ? ok
  7. 02:31:963 (1,2) - Improve blanket. fixed
  8. 02:39:368 (4) - I would go for something like this to improve flow and placement by stacking 02:37:836 (4,4) - .nice!
  9. 03:13:836 (3) - Would CTRL+G it it makes pattern looks better imo. ok
  10. 03:39:368 (1) - It's a really beautiful slider <3. Even it's unrakable sadly, let it alive unless a BAT say it is. T T,i try my best save this slider
  11. 04:02:985 (4,5) - Nazi stack. 0.01x fixed :D
  12. 04:08:729 (7,1,3) - Improve blanket. fixed
  13. 04:09:878 (4,6) - Bad stacking. fixed

- Hard :
  1. OD6 pls ;w; ok
  2. 00:14:602 (5,1) - Keep same DS than 00:14:091 (4,5) - . ok
  3. 00:15:112 (1,2,3) - This pattern not looks so good and have not the best flow. How do you think about that ? good
  4. 00:35:027 (9,10) - Blanket this. ok
  5. 00:49:836 (6) - Rotate it by 5° ok
  6. 00:53:410 (4,5) - This overlap and flow are bad. Rework this. hao
  7. 01:06:049 (5,1) - Keep same spacing than the stream. fixed
  8. 01:07:708 (5,1) - Improve blanket. fixed
  9. 02:15:623 (4,5) - Blanket maybe ? yaa
  10. 02:41:921 (3,4,1,2) - Blanket. ok
  11. 03:09:751 (5,6) - ^ ok
  12. 04:01:197 (4,1) - Keep same DS than stream. fixed
  13. 04:03:878 (1) - Place slider end to 350:313 to get a perfect arc. ok

- Normal :

  1. You should keep constant DS for a Normal diff. i use 1.0sv
  2. CS3.5 fit better imo. hmm ok
  3. 00:15:112 - NC ? ok
  4. 00:28:900 (4,5) - Bad blanket. ok
  5. 00:51:112 (3,4,5) - Move them together and place 00:51:368 (4) - at 256:292. ok
  6. 01:07:708 (4,1) - Don't like this overlap and flow. hmmm do some adjust
  7. 01:14:346 (1) - I would CTRL+H to improve flow. ok
  8. 02:35:027 (1,2) - Blanket. ok
  9. 03:02:602 (1,2) - ^ ok
  10. 03:59:793 (3,4,5) - Make them parallel. ok
  11. 04:16:134 (4) - Move it at 160:144 for flow. ok
  12. 04:26:857 (1,2,3,4) - I would CTRL+G 04:26:857 (1,3) - and 04:27:368 (2,4) - to create a good flow for 04:28:389 (4,5) - .nice idea

That's all. Hope it help you :)
GL Mukyu~
thank you very muchhhhhhhh :D


00:14:091 我不知道是不是故意的,但是我觉得这里要加下Whistle

00:17:155 (1,2,3,4) - 为了美观,个人建议这么做

00:19:708 (1) - 转盘的尾巴往前退到 00:22:772 ,然后在00:23:283处放一个Circle以突出音乐。

00:35:538 (1,1) - 差不多同上,退转盘然后在原来转盘尾巴的地方放一个Circle

00:58:772 (2) - 为了美观,我建议这个滑条的形状是00:59:538 (3) 的中心对称。

01:07:708 (4) - 为了美观,我建议这个滑条的形状是01:07:197 (3) 的Ctrl+J

01:20:219 (1) - +finish

01:24:049 (3,1) - 叠的不好看,有点影响读图了。唔..我还没想到怎么改,抱歉,但是这里我还是想说一下。

03:52:644 (5) - +NC?



00:14:091 还有 00:14:602 +whistle?

00:19:197 (5) - 说实话,我还是觉得这个滑条的形状是00:18:687 (4) 的中心对称会好点。

00:51:112 (8) - +NC?

00:54:942 (6) - +NC?

01:19:963 (5) - 美观上,要么加一个白点稍微弯一点。或者和01:19:453 (4) 的后半部分平行

02:10:772 (4) - +NC,然后再取消02:12:049 (1)的NC

02:22:261 (2,3) - 如果要硬说美观的话,看得出来没有平行(强迫症

为了Flow,我建议把03:01:070 (2) - 放到X192 y116; 把03:01:325 (3) - 放到x216 y284

03:05:666 (3,4) - 这里之间的间隔太小,我第一次打以为是蓝线,我觉得间隔可以像之前一样大一点。

04:01:836 (1,2) - Blanket没有包好


00:10:006 (1) - 呃..我觉得顺时针转86度然后放回原位置,会稍微好看点。

01:05:155 (1,2,3) 都是直的..为什么01:05:921 (4)要弯曲呢?还是说不小心加了个白点?

01:28:772 (7) - +NC

01:35:793 (7) - +NC

02:12:559 (3) - 放在这个位置,整体摆放我认为有些太过紧凑了。放在x228 y24 如何?

02:17:410 (8) - +NC?

03:14:091 (4) - Ctrl+G?

03:24:559 (4) - 如果想加大难度的话,我觉得这里可以+NC

03:39:368 (1) - 好书法,但是...没问题? :?

03:50:602 (3) - 放到x152 y0 这里可以体现一个直角三角形,从而增加美观和Flow

03:52:389 (6) - +NC?

04:04:771 (3,1) - 这个太难了吧,老老实实让滑条的开头叠在(3)上就好啊。

果然小P还是太神!快去Rank啦! 8-)
Topic Starter

Frey wrote:



00:14:091 我不知道是不是故意的,但是我觉得这里要加下Whistle

00:17:155 (1,2,3,4) - 为了美观,个人建议这么做

00:19:708 (1) - 转盘的尾巴往前退到 00:22:772 ,然后在00:23:283处放一个Circle以突出音乐。

00:35:538 (1,1) - 差不多同上,退转盘然后在原来转盘尾巴的地方放一个Circle

00:58:772 (2) - 为了美观,我建议这个滑条的形状是00:59:538 (3) 的中心对称。

01:07:708 (4) - 为了美观,我建议这个滑条的形状是01:07:197 (3) 的Ctrl+J ..这个我觉得蛮好的啦

01:20:219 (1) - +finish

01:24:049 (3,1) - 叠的不好看,有点影响读图了。唔..我还没想到怎么改,抱歉,但是这里我还是想说一下。玛德抽查MOE4D 其实我觉得还行

03:52:644 (5) - +NC? ok


整体上,我实话说啊..非Kiai的时候难度像Normal,但是Kiai一出来感觉难度增加不少,就像是变到Insane一样。 开始慢速的地方倒是蛮像的

00:14:091 还有 00:14:602 +whistle?

00:19:197 (5) - 说实话,我还是觉得这个滑条的形状是00:18:687 (4) 的中心对称会好点。

00:51:112 (8) - +NC?

00:54:942 (6) - +NC?

01:19:963 (5) - 美观上,要么加一个白点稍微弯一点。或者和01:19:453 (4) 的后半部分平行 平行啦

02:10:772 (4) - +NC,然后再取消02:12:049 (1)的NC

02:22:261 (2,3) - 如果要硬说美观的话,看得出来没有平行(强迫症 强迫症的MOE4D也好萌

为了Flow,我建议把03:01:070 (2) - 放到X192 y116; 把03:01:325 (3) - 放到x216 y284

03:05:666 (3,4) - 这里之间的间隔太小,我第一次打以为是蓝线,我觉得间隔可以像之前一样大一点。猴啊顺便前面也改了

04:01:836 (1,2) - Blanket没有包好 fixed


00:10:006 (1) - 呃..我觉得顺时针转86度然后放回原位置,会稍微好看点。深,我顺便弄弯了一点点

01:05:155 (1,2,3) 都是直的..为什么01:05:921 (4)要弯曲呢?还是说不小心加了个白点? 中出了叛徒!其实是故意的啦

01:28:772 (7) - +NC ok

01:35:793 (7) - +NC ok

02:12:559 (3) - 放在这个位置,整体摆放我认为有些太过紧凑了。放在x228 y24 如何? 猴啊

02:17:410 (8) - +NC? ok

03:14:091 (4) - Ctrl+G? iyada

03:24:559 (4) - 如果想加大难度的话,我觉得这里可以+NC

03:39:368 (1) - 好书法,但是...没问题? :? 我尽力保住这个滑条:( 实在不行就不rank了

03:50:602 (3) - 放到x152 y0 这里可以体现一个直角三角形,从而增加美观和Flow 好像有点高 不过应该没关系

03:52:389 (6) - +NC?ok

04:04:771 (3,1) - 这个太难了吧,老老实实让滑条的开头叠在(3)上就好啊。好吧我改了一下位置和形状..

果然小P还是太神!快去Rank啦! 8-)
果然moe4d还是太moe!快到我碗里来啦! 8-)

  1. 00:02:602 (1) - 00:06:176停在这里啊,这里音明显比较响的啊,而且你停在00:06:304,1/4的落脚点,巨坑啊
  2. 00:06:432 (1,2) - 各自ctrl+g的的话flow才爽啊
  3. 01:10:006 (4,5,1) - 保持前后的ds吧
  4. 03:39:368 (1) - 就凭这个给你64个赞啊
  1. 00:36:304 (1) - finish啊
  2. 中间有的insane 2/4 drum不见了啊,hard也佳佳吧
  3. 00:43:708 (1) - 头好像insane也有whistle
  4. 03:10:261 (6) - 误读1/4了,移开点吧
  1. 前面也是缺了音效啊,向destiny补齐吧
  2. 01:09:240 (3) - 强迫症
  3. 04:15:112 (3) - 你懂的
  4. 04:16:134 (4) - 对于新手怀疑是个梗
Topic Starter

Sellenite wrote:

有ceui不叫我,打包 打包!

  1. 00:02:602 (1) - 00:06:176停在这里啊,这里音明显比较响的啊,而且你停在00:06:304,1/4的落脚点,巨坑啊 ..改了
  2. 00:06:432 (1,2) - 各自ctrl+g的的话flow才爽啊 猴啊
  3. 01:10:006 (4,5,1) - 保持前后的ds吧 改成1.1了 不过貌似有点大..
  4. 03:39:368 (1) - 就凭这个给你64个赞啊 hhh 据说unrankable rank rule plz 吃答辩
  1. 00:36:304 (1) - finish啊 ok
  2. 中间有的insane 2/4 drum不见了啊,hard也佳佳吧 佳了
  3. 00:43:708 (1) - 头好像insane也有whistle 加了
  4. 03:10:261 (6) - 误读1/4了,移开点吧 猴啊

  1. 前面也是缺了音效啊,向destiny补齐吧 补好了
  2. 01:09:240 (3) - 强迫症 其实我也是强迫症不过具体体现在玩MC的时候
  3. 04:15:112 (3) - 你懂的 fixed
  4. 04:16:134 (4) - 对于新手怀疑是个梗 改成无脑滑条了
摸到一半哭了,不摸了 哭哭 我做normal hard少不要打我
给个idea hhh




Topic Starter

Sellenite wrote:

给个idea hhh




试了试 感觉还行 :P

可惜不能给kds了 2333
minor irc stuff after testplay
23:10 Pururut: 零翅啊 有没时间看个图aaa
23:10 Zero__wind: 有点时间吧 不过已经有打算看的图了=。=
23:10 Zero__wind: 什么图啊
23:10 *Pururut is editing [ Ceui - Truth Of My Destiny [Destiny]]
23:19 Zero__wind: 这歌做这么难大丈夫?
23:19 Zero__wind: 不过音效用得还不错
23:19 Zero__wind: 还有那个yo画得好
23:21 Pururut: ..不是很难吧..
23:21 Pururut: remap之前简直没法玩..
23:21 Pururut: 这还是remap之后的
23:21 Pururut: 最高难度还好normal hard我没一点底..
23:21 Pururut: 做的太少了
23:24 Zero__wind: Hard确实间距有些问题
23:24 Zero__wind: 慢速段那种都挨着的当然关系不大
23:25 Zero__wind: 到kiai放开了之后 有很多间距不均匀的情况 可以稍微注意一下 大部分应该都很好调整的
23:25 Zero__wind: 就是一些 不是想放跳的地方 就尽量弄均匀一些 不要差个不大不小的间距
23:25 Pururut: 要完全统一ds吗..
23:25 Pururut: hard
23:25 Zero__wind: 还有一些奇妙的NC,单独一个的什么的
23:30 Zero__wind: Normal主要是叠的比较拙计
23:31 Zero__wind: 有很多的stack 非常难读
23:31 Pururut: 恩
23:31 Zero__wind: 有的地方是二分拍 有的地方是一整拍
23:31 Zero__wind: 很多地方容易把握不好 这种的新人特别难打
23:32 Zero__wind: 根据你选的间距来看 你可以保留那些叠在滑条头上的二分拍 不然按间距排开的话往往挺难看的
23:32 Zero__wind: 尽量少叠1/1
23:32 Zero__wind: 特别是不要频繁的交错着用 一会儿1/2一会儿1/1
23:32 Pururut: 好
23:33 Zero__wind: 在那种很慢的段落里面叠几个1/1关系也不大 因为那里面基本没有二分拍的样子
23:33 Pururut: 01:05:921 (1,1) - 这里没关系吗
23:33 Pururut: 别人告诉我要空4beat
23:33 Zero__wind: Hard的间距的话倒不是说要完全一致 但是在局部上注意保持一下 看着也舒服
23:34 Zero__wind: 嗯 按现在的情况这个肯定会死
23:34 Zero__wind: 01:05:921 (1) - 直接删掉这个就好了
23:34 Zero__wind: 现在低难度的spinner这方面弄得非常死 很蛋疼
23:34 Pururut: 嘉文老在这里做文章啊
23:35 Pururut: 我本来很多转盘的
23:35 Pururut: 全删了
23:35 Zero__wind: 详见
23:35 Zero__wind: 嗯
23:35 Zero__wind: 我最近rank的图 也是砍掉了很多spinner
23:36 Zero__wind: 你这图要rank的话到时候肯定会被挑Insane太难 和Hard直接隔太多
23:36 Zero__wind: 现在都神经质得很
23:37 Pururut: ...好蛋疼啊 感觉中间隔着一段难度不知道怎么做
23:37 Zero__wind: 嗯
23:37 Zero__wind: 是挺麻烦的
23:38 Zero__wind: Normal到Hard应该还好 没问题
23:38 Zero__wind: 难度差距可以接受
23:39 Pururut: 这种bpm正常insane我还真不会做..
23:40 Zero__wind: 反正就是四分拍circle别完全分开呗 大概就那样了
23:40 Pururut: ..我感觉补了个正常insane 就感觉会少个easy..............
23:41 Zero__wind: 那倒不会
23:41 Zero__wind: 这个Normal可以作最低难度
23:41 Zero__wind: 把那些stack规制规制就行 难度可以
23:42 Pururut: 我看能不能要到个gd..
23:42 Zero__wind: 嗯
23:42 Pururut: 问问Narcissu 他好像有点意思.
23:44 Pururut: :D 总之先谢了
23:48 Zero__wind: 嗯没事


00:31:453 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 这种連續的半遮半擋……它基本是不能玩的,在BPM稍微高一點的曲子裏面,normal或者easy將不得不把1/2設置為半遮擋的銜接狀態……這時候連續的1/2就不建議使用……當然目前這是由於你使用了0.5*加上dS限制所以不得不變成這樣,DS限制不是死的,如果你換用了0.9*導致1.0的DS出現了覆蓋,為了取消這種覆蓋是可以額外提升DS的,這些低難度的規則目的是為了玩家能更輕鬆遊玩……


02:23:793 (1) - 02:36:049 (3) - 然後是你濫用了折返,對新人來說折返和轉盤都是一個新的概念,應該儘量減少1/2及以下的折返出現的頻率並盡可能減少連續使用,對於1/1及以上的折返應避免採用多次折返……




我感覺你DS變化實在過度劇烈了……三個難度都這樣……這個diff的SV從0.5~1.5……其實0.8-1.0-1.2甚至僅僅依靠節奏和排版的變化已經足夠反應曲子,過度的表現反而會讓玩家為了pass你的副歌部分而不得不重複的FC主歌……這對於遊戲性是很大的影響……還有hard的副歌SV高達2.7……hard的SV標配是1.4啊少女>< …… 當然這個曲子BPM低,曲風比較悠長,適合作難……高SV肯定更好。不過2.7已經把同類型的曲子甩出幾條街了啊orz



01:09:240 (1,2,3,4,5) - 這個SV1.8*我感覺沒有任何理由……這個曲子作者超乖的都是在第8/16節動手腳,其他地方都很穩我覺得不要額外動SV和奇怪的梗比較好

01:32:602 (11,1,2,3,4,5) - ……額……老是使用堆疊的話不僅浪費排版而且有停滯感……老實說在高難度裏面我覺得除了偶爾疊個1/1停頓一下……其他的時候全分開比較好

01:20:474 (1,1) - 建議換成需要更多點擊的排節奏,實際上直接235的連打也是不難的,不下串就行,比如4個1/8note接一個折返來2組就一節過去了,只用按5下也是不難的,後面可以接1/16滑條4個接折返……

01:36:176 (2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2) - 同理,希望能有更有趣的排列……

03:10:772 - 這段間奏明顯是推進副歌的作用,它完全有必要做的比副歌還要難

03:11:793 (4,5) - 這段管絃樂全是4音一組所以建議用4個1/4的slider……

03:13:325 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 這裡是12音一組……同上建議用6個slider

03:22:517 (6,7) - 音是1/6……直接用1/12slider對跳也是不會難的……

04:18:176 - 這段尾奏明顯比前面還要激昂,不建議因為音少就採用簡單排列……管絃樂和人聲都是擅長用長音高音體現高潮的,把節奏排版都鋪滿以應和“直觀的感受”才是正確的選擇
Topic Starter

Narcissu wrote:



00:31:453 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 这种連續的半遮半擋……它基本是不能玩的,在BPM稍微高一點的曲子裏面,normal或者easy將不得不把1/2設置為半遮擋的銜接狀態……這時候連續的1/2就不建議使用……當然目前這是由於你使用了0.5*加上dS限制所以不得不變成這樣,DS限制不是死的,如果你換用了0.9*導致1.0的DS出現了覆蓋,為了取消這種覆蓋是可以額外提升DS的,這些低難度的規則目的是為了玩家能更輕鬆遊玩…… 改成无脑1/2了...


02:23:793 (1) - 02:36:049 (3) - 然後是你濫用了折返,對新人來說折返和轉盤都是一個新的概念,應該儘量減少1/2及以下的折返出現的頻率並盡可能減少連續使用,對於1/1及以上的折返應避免採用多次折返…… 减了一次折返加了一个note

關於堆疊,normal在設置上本身就是不建議疊的。当有意向頻繁使用的時候,應該在1/1堆疊和1/2堆疊中選取一個,另外的嚴格分開,這樣玩家看見堆疊可以無腦判定它的時值不必依賴縮圈。目前你的圖裏面1/2和1/1堆疊都很多而且到處混雜…… 堆叠的问题我修复过了啊 一段都是1/2 另外一段都是1/1 没有混着使用的



我感覺你DS變化實在過度劇烈了……三個難度都這樣……這個diff的SV從0.5~1.5……其實0.8-1.0-1.2甚至僅僅依靠節奏和排版的變化已經足夠反應曲子,過度的表現反而會讓玩家為了pass你的副歌部分而不得不重複的FC主歌……這對於遊戲性是很大的影響……還有hard的副歌SV高達2.7……hard的SV標配是1.4啊少女>< …… 當然這個曲子BPM低,曲風比較悠長,適合作難……高SV肯定更好。不過2.7已經把同類型的曲子甩出幾條街了啊orz gg



01:09:240 (1,2,3,4,5) - 這個SV1.8*我感覺沒有任何理由……這個曲子作者超乖的都是在第8/16節動手腳,其他地方都很穩我覺得不要額外動SV和奇怪的梗比較好 1.5了

01:32:602 (11,1,2,3,4,5) - ……額……老是使用堆疊的話不僅浪費排版而且有停滯感……老實說在高難度裏面我覺得除了偶爾疊個1/1停頓一下……其他的時候全分開比較好 拉开了

01:20:474 (1,1) - 建議換成需要更多點擊的排節奏,實際上直接235的連打也是不難的,不下串就行,比如4個1/8note接一個折返來2組就一節過去了,只用按5下也是不難的,後面可以接1/16滑條4個接折返…… 接了235的连打 gg

01:36:176 (2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2) - 同理,希望能有更有趣的排列…… 改了

03:10:772 - 這段間奏明顯是推進副歌的作用,它完全有必要做的比副歌還要難 这里我理解不同啊 我觉得这里是过渡段 不能比kiai难

03:11:793 (4,5) - 這段管絃樂全是4音一組所以建議用4個1/4的slider……

03:13:325 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 這裡是12音一組……同上建議用6個slider 这里觉得还好.

03:22:517 (6,7) - 音是1/6……直接用1/12slider對跳也是不會難的…… 没懂

04:18:176 - 這段尾奏明顯比前面還要激昂,不建議因為音少就採用簡單排列……管絃樂和人聲都是擅長用長音高音體現高潮的,把節奏排版都鋪滿以應和“直觀的感受”才是正確的選擇 改了
再次感谢 不过好像不能再给星了 改完以后sd已经5.16了..希望你的insane能顶住
Topic Starter

Mei wrote:

Ticket used from Sellenite,我就偷懒直接中文mod了
  1. 背景尺寸建议换成16/9的标准尺寸1366x768,我给个1920x1080的你自己弄下大小,
  2. 删除文件夹里多余的osb文件
  1. 这分明是extra,另外Narcissu's Insane虽然没做完,但是我是觉得spread会有严重问题…少一个4.5左右的diff
  2. 00:16:644 (4) – 我建议你别用3/4,音乐声在00:16:900 -,1/2合适的多
  3. 00:18:687 (4) –^
  4. 00:25:070 (4,5) –这里节奏不准确,你仔细放25%听听,音是在1/6上的00:25:155 -。
  5. 00:41:538 (6) –这个三连在这节奏上很不舒服,强烈建议去掉这个。你连着从00:39:623 –整体听这句你下的节奏,这个三连很是别扭
  6. 00:41:666 (1) –不建议滥用3/4滑条…人声在00:41:921 –
  7. 00:42:942 (3) –这个把白线00:43:197 –给盖住了很不自然,建议缩短到1/2
  8. 00:45:368 (2,4) –00:47:921 (3) -这里的三连都不自然,这种白线起的三连除非音乐里是这样否则别乱用
  9. 01:11:921 (4) -^,类似的不重复
  10. 01:20:474 (1,2,3,4,5,6) –排列乱,我建议你5和6之间的间距跟3,4之间的间距一样或者更大。5和6的纵向距离也不要太小,你3和4纵向跨度是比较大的。另外1,2,3之间等距或者2,3之间的距离跟3,4滑条尾巴的空间距离一致。
  11. 01:41:921 (1) –略丑
  12. 03:46:006 (2) –这个我建议你换成03:45:878 –起的1/2滑条,跟人声类似03:47:921 (2) –
  13. 04:05:921 (1,2,3,4) –形状太奇葩,跳太随机,连同后面的04:06:942 (1) –一起试试这样,,而且这样04:06:942 (1) -到04:07:325 (2) –flow也更好

  1. 不想多说什么了,kiai部分的加速滑条很蛋疼, DS和SV并不平衡,节奏上的稀疏导致KIAI那种快快的滑条直来直去,没有flow。
  2. 难度没有把握的好,这是light insane级别的,距离Normal之间的gap也偏大
good luck

Fycho wrote:

Ticket used from Sellenite……最近流行這樣嗎……

这分明是extra,另外Narcissu's Insane虽然没做完,但是我是觉得spread会有严重问题…少一个4.5左右的diff……我覺得這spread比起yuikonnu - Chikyuu Saigo no Kokuhaku o要正常的多,難道星級就那麼重要嗎……
Topic Starter

Narcissu wrote:


Fycho wrote:

Ticket used from Sellenite……最近流行這樣嗎……

这分明是extra,另外Narcissu's Insane虽然没做完,但是我是觉得spread会有严重问题…少一个4.5左右的diff……我覺得這spread比起yuikonnu - Chikyuu Saigo no Kokuhaku o要正常的多,難道星級就那麼重要嗎……

Narcissu wrote:


Fycho wrote:

Ticket used from Sellenite……最近流行這樣嗎…… 只是说明来意别多想

这分明是extra,另外Narcissu's Insane虽然没做完,但是我是觉得spread会有严重问题…少一个4.5左右的diff……我覺得這spread比起yuikonnu - Chikyuu Saigo no Kokuhaku o要正常的多,難道星級就那麼重要嗎…… 我知道我那个spread不合理,我又没说我那个好,我也正在和laurier沟通让他改一部分梗我也加了一个diff并把Hard改难。但是我实在想不懂你拿我那图说事有什么意义。如果我rank了张spread很烂的图你拿来说事那还说得过去。本身这张图的spread也好不到哪去,星级重要不重要我说的不算,我只是发表下我的看法,这你得问QAT
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