
Various Artists - Gan Ttaemuniya [Osu|CatchTheBeat]

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2015년 12월 11일 금요일 at 오전 3:48:31

Artist: Various Artists
Title: Gan Ttaemuniya
Tags: liver ExGon Euny Enon HabiHolic RAEJUN Cha Duri CF Urusa 우루사 차두리 래준
BPM: 110.23
Filesize: 2216kb
Play Time: 01:40
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (1.46 stars, 106 notes)
  2. Enon's Hard (2.63 stars, 211 notes)
  3. Euny's Normal (1.87 stars, 146 notes)
  4. ExGon's Platter (2.95 stars, 209 notes)
  5. Habi's Insane (3.45 stars, 281 notes)
  6. Liver (4.5 stars, 332 notes)
Download: Various Artists - Gan Ttaemuniya
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Ranked #4

간 때문이야~ 간 때문이야~
The title means: "It's because of liver.", and 'it' means 'tiredness'. The song says that "You're tired because your liver is tired."

BG by Enon

Easy by me
Normal by Euny
Hard by Enon
Insane by HabiHolic
Liver by me
Thanks to Euny for hitsounding on my diffs!

ExGon's Platter by ExGon
23:05 Doyak: 안녕하세요
23:05 Doyak: 지금 노말 노트 개수 좀 줄이고 있어요
23:05 Tenseki: 네
23:05 Tenseki: 그럼 노말빼고 모딩할게요
23:05 Doyak: 슬라이더 직후에 오는 노트들을 쭉 뻈어요
23:06 Doyak: 그 정도면 괜찮을까요?
23:06 Doyak: 아니 뻈다기보단
23:06 Tenseki: 네
23:06 Doyak: 거기까지 슬라이더를 끌고 갔어요
23:06 Tenseki: 네 잘하셨어여
23:06 Tenseki: 아직 노말유저들이
23:06 Tenseki: 연타같은걸 못치니
23:06 Doyak: 사실 전 구곡유저라서 노말도 패턴 더러운 걸 엄청 많이 해봤거든요 ㅎㅎ
23:07 Doyak: 그래서 신곡이 요구하는 노말의 기준을 잘 모르겠어요
23:07 Tenseki: ㄷㄷㄷㄷ
23:07 Tenseki: 그럼 요즘 노말들을 플레이해보세여
23:07 Tenseki: 그게 더 빠를듯하네여
23:07 Doyak: 노말 다 변경해서 다시 올려보려고 하는데
23:08 Doyak: 오류 뜨네요 ㄷㄷ
23:08 Doyak: 공홈 먹었나
23:08 Doyak: 아 그리고
23:08 Doyak: 저번부터 가끔씩 이러던데
23:09 Doyak: 분명히 업데이트하는 건데도
23:09 Doyak: 새로운 업로드라고 하면서
23:09 Doyak: 앞으로 0개의 비트맵을 더 올릴 수 있다고 ㄷㄷ
23:09 Doyak: 왜 이런 거죠
23:09 Doyak: 나갔다 들어오면 되던데
23:10 Doyak: 왜 이러지 업로드기가 미쳤나
23:10 Doyak: 됐다
23:10 Doyak: 하드는 어제 수정했고요
23:10 Doyak: 인세인은
23:11 Doyak: 좀 막장으로 크게 만든 점프들 크기만 몇 개 줄일까요?
23:12 Tenseki: 네
23:12 Tenseki: 우선 업로드하세여
23:13 Doyak: 노말 하드까진 수정해서 올렸어요
23:13 Doyak: 인세인은 이제 하려고요
23:13 Doyak: 근데 사실 이 곡 자체가
23:13 Doyak: 연타를 넣을만한 곡은 아니고
23:13 Doyak: 그러다보니 인세인을 만들려면 아무래도 점프 위주로 해야겠거든요
23:14 Doyak: 그렇지만 1~50위가 모조리 히더로 꽉찬 걸 보고 싶진 않았는데
23:14 Doyak: 어제 에논님이 2플카만에 더타 풀콤치시는 걸 보니
23:14 Tenseki: 그런 곡에 연타를 넣어서 자연스럽게 하는게 매핑굇수라는거죠
23:14 Tenseki: 그런분들 참 부러움..
23:14 Tenseki: ㄷㄷㄷ
23:14 Doyak: 여기서 더 쉽게 했다간 우려했던 일이 벌어질까봐요
23:14 Doyak: 그래서 점프를 줄이기가 좀 그래요
23:14 Tenseki: 넵..
23:15 Doyak: 근데 이 곡은 진짜 그냥 쿵짝쿵짝이라서...
23:15 Doyak: 자연스럽게 연타를 넣는다는 게 어디에 해야할지 상상이 안 가네요
23:15 Tenseki: 그래도 굇수들은 깨게 되있으니까
23:16 Doyak: 그나저나 지금 서버 상태가 별로 안 좋나보네요
23:16 Doyak: 지금 풀렸나
23:17 Doyak: 흠 그래도 점프를 줄이는 게 나을까요
23:51 Doyak: 님
23:51 Doyak: 점프를 꼭 줄여야 할까요
23:51 Tenseki: 점프를 넣고싶으시면
23:51 Tenseki: 넣으셔도되요
23:51 Tenseki: 맵의 특징으로 삼을수 있으니까
23:52 Doyak: 일단 이대로 #modreqs 에 요청해봤는데
23:52 Doyak: 지적이 자꾸 들어오면 바꿔볼게요
23:52 Tenseki: ...
23:52 Tenseki: 이건 제생각이지만
23:52 Tenseki: 한국곡은 잘 안해줄거같은데..
23:52 Doyak: 흠 그런가요
23:53 Doyak: 그럼 코랸이나 친분 있는 분들에게 요청을 자주 하러 가야겠군요
23:53 Tenseki: 한국매퍼한테 모딩부탁해보세요..
23:53 Tenseki: 네..
01:18 Tenseki: 님 인센난
01:18 Tenseki: 아얄시로 모딩해드릴게요
01:18 Doyak: irc로 한다는게
01:19 Doyak: 채팅으로 한다는 거에요?
01:19 Tenseki: 네
01:20 Tenseki: 00:20:710 (7,8) -
01:20 Tenseki: 7번8번처럼 서클추가
01:20 Tenseki:
01:20 Tenseki: 요렇게
01:21 Tenseki: 00:23:286 (3,4,5) - [ 이것도 이렇게 추가]
01:21 Doyak: 잠시만요
01:21 Tenseki: 천천히하세여
01:22 Tenseki: 00:26:599 (7,8,9) - [ 이렇게 추가]
01:23 Tenseki: 00:35:433 (5,6,7) - 3연타로 만들어주시고 [ 이렇게 배치]
01:24 Tenseki: 00:37:826 (6,7,8) - 이부분도 가로로 1자 모양으로 서클두개 연타형식으로 넣어주세요
01:24 Tenseki: 이해안되시면 말씀좀
01:25 Tenseki: 00:39:667 (4,5,6) - 4번 x304 y176 5번 x304 y320 6번 x200 y216으로 배치
01:25 Tenseki: 00:44:268 (8) - 7번슬라이드 끝쪽에 넣어주세요
01:26 Tenseki: 00:46:108 (1,2) - 1/4박자로 만드신후
01:26 Tenseki: 어 뭐라고 설명해드려야하지
01:26 Tenseki: 1/4로 설정해주시고
01:26 Tenseki: 타임라인보시면 흰색줄 빨간색줄 보이시죠
01:26 Tenseki: 빨간색 줄까지 각각 땡기신후
01:26 Doyak: 네
01:26 Tenseki: 슬라이더 똑같은거 배치해주세요
01:27 Tenseki: 00:48:869 서클하나추가
01:27 Tenseki: 00:55:679 (8,9) - 슬라이더 2개추가
01:28 Tenseki:
01:28 Tenseki: 모양은 곡선으로 하셔도되고
01:28 Tenseki: 직선으로 하셔도되고
01:29 Tenseki: 00:57:887 (6,7,8,9,10) - [ 처럼]
01:29 Doyak: 그 현재 시간은 어떻게 여기에 입력하나요?
01:29 Tenseki: 복붙여
01:30 Tenseki: 01:01:568 (1,2,3) - 서클추가
01:30 Doyak: 아까
01:30 Doyak: 00:35:433
01:30 Tenseki: 뉴콤빼주시고여
01:30 Doyak: 에서
01:30 Doyak: 아니
01:30 Tenseki: 네
01:30 Doyak: 00:37:826
01:30 Doyak: 여기서요
01:30 Doyak: 연타 넣는다는 게
01:30 Tenseki: 네
01:30 Doyak: 슬라이더 뒤에 연이어서 2연타요?
01:30 Tenseki:
01:30 Tenseki: 요렇게요
01:31 Doyak: 네
01:31 Tenseki: 01:17:029 (1,2) - 거리 조금만 당겨주세여
01:33 Tenseki: 01:22:182 (6,7,8,9,10) - 연타추가 어때요?
01:33 Tenseki: 처럼
01:33 Tenseki: 01:19:605 (6,7,8) - 여기도 연타 [ 이렇게]
01:34 Tenseki: 01:25:127 (5) - 서클말고 슬라이드로 바꿔봐요
01:34 Tenseki: 01:28:256 (1,2,3) - 여기도 스트림으로 만들수있는데... 알아서 결정하시구..
01:35 Doyak: 00:46:108
01:35 Doyak: 에서 슬라이더 똑같은거 배치하라는 게 어떤 거죠?>
01:35 Tenseki: 01:31:200 (5,6,7) - [ 서클추가]
01:36 Tenseki: 그러니까
01:36 Tenseki: 저거 4박자인 슬라이더가 두개밖에 없으면
01:36 Tenseki: 뭔가 심심하니까
01:36 Tenseki: 4개로 바꾸자는 말이에요
01:36 Doyak: 음 그러면 1/2로 해도 되는 거 아닌가요
01:37 Tenseki: 근데
01:37 Tenseki: 하드부터는
01:37 Tenseki: 1/4가 더 노트 찍어내기 쉽구여
01:37 Tenseki: 보통으로 1/4가 기본이에요
01:37 Doyak: 네
01:38 Doyak: 그 4개로 만들자는 건
01:38 Tenseki: 처럼 배치해봐여
01:38 Doyak: 같은 자리에 2번 왔다갔다 반복시키자는 건가요?
01:38 Doyak: 아 저렇게
01:39 Tenseki: 01:36:906 (10) - 슬라이더 변경후 01:37:090 (11) - 는 01:37:274 (11) - 로 이동
01:40 Tenseki: 01:39:114 (7,8,9) - 요기도 슬라이더 뒤쪽에 서클 두개 연타처럼 추가
01:40 Tenseki: 처럼
01:40 Tenseki: 인센끝
01:44 Tenseki: 01:32:305 (1) - 뉴콤해제
01:44 Tenseki: 01:32:489 (1) - 뉴콤 추가
01:45 Tenseki: 01:32:673 (1) - 뉴콤해제
01:45 Tenseki: 원래 저거다 뉴콤 해제 시켜야하는데
01:45 Tenseki: 왠지 이쁘게 만드시는거 같아서 3개씩 끊었어요
01:46 Tenseki: 그리고 Romanised title : Because OF Liver로 바꿔주세요
01:46 Tenseki: 인센 모딩끝
  1. 00:19:605 (4) - 끝에 클랩 빠졌습니다.
  2. 00:26:047 (5) - 박자 1/2 늘려서 박수 들리게 합시다. 살짝 어색한 기분이에요.
  3. 00:28:072 (2) - 슬라이더에 노트가 가려 읽기 어렵습니다. 특히 가장 쉬운 난이도라는 점을 고려해 선처를 부탁합니다.
  4. 00:49:053 (4) - 좀 곡률이 너무 큰 느낌입니다. 끝에 클랩 빠졌습니다.
  5. 01:18:501 (4) - 두번째 리버스에 클랩이 없습니다.
  6. 01:24:391 (4) - ^
  7. 01:31:937 (1) - ctrl+G 필히 눌러주세요. 점프는 아니됩니다, 여기에서는.
  8. 01:35:433 (2) - 이전 슬라이더와 간격이 살짝 가깝습니다.
노말만 모딩하고 도망갑니다. 2011년에 간때문이야 매핑하던 기억이 새록새록 나는군요.
곳곳에 노말의 01:34:697 (1) 이런 것처럼 구식 슬라이더가 쓰여진 이유를 여쭤봐도 될까요?
1:1 req

모든 모딩내용은 제안입니다. 꼭 고치실필요없고 참고만하셔도 ..

전체적으로 디스턴스가 들쑥날쑥? (심각한문제)

00:21:446 (2) - 가려져서 잘안보여여 ㅠㅠ

00:33:409 - 이부분이 비어서 좀 그렇네여 ..

전체적으로 디스턴스나 겹치는것만없으면 좋을거같네요

00:02:818 (1) - 컨트롤G

00:42:427 (1) - 뉴콤해제

01:03:041 (1) - same as above

01:21:446 (4,5,6,7,8) - 이건 컨트롤쉬프트D를 이용해서 이쁜 별을 만드는건 어떠세요????

01:33:225 (1) - 뉴콤해제

00:02:818 (1) - 컨트롤G

00:20:894 (8) - x296 y80에 이동해서 겹치지않고 이어갑시당

00:26:599 (7) - 이거 너무 거리가 가까워서 슬라다음에 바로 쳐야되는 노트로 인식할수있으니 00:26:599 (7,8,9) - 위치와 00:27:151 (1) - 의 위치를 이동시켜 대충 이런식의 흐름을 가지게하는것도 나쁘지않다고 생각해요

00:33:041 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - 이 별도 위에 언급했듯이 컨트롤쉬프트D를 이용해서 이쁘게 만들어주시는것도 나쁘지않아요

00:31:937 (6) - 이거다음에 연타가없는데, 00:37:826 (6) - 이슬라다음엔 연타가있네요. 00:31:937 (6) - 이슬라다음에 노트2개 추가하시는것도?

00:32:857 - 여기에 노트가없어서 허전하네요.

00:38:746 - same as above

00:56:415 - 허전해요 ㅠㅠ

01:02:305 - 마찬가지입니다ㅠㅠ

01:19:421 - 여기에도 소리가 나는데 비어있고 01:19:605 (6,7,8) - 여기에 3연타가있으니 뭔가 어색해요. 저부분에 노트를 하나 추가해주시는것도 나쁘지않다고생각해요

01:21:814 (5) - 와 01:22:182 (6,7,8,9,10) - 거리가 너무 가깝다고 생각하네요 조금만 떨어뜨려주세요

01:31:752 - 노트추가

01:37:642 - same as above

01:40:035 (2,3) - 이거 두개선택후 컨트롤G 그다음, 01:40:219 (3,4) - 컨트롤G 해서 나오는 동선은 어떻게생각하세요? 이렇게하면 01:39:114 (7,8,9) - 랑 안겹치게 이 노트가 나와서 좋은거같은데..

좀 늦었네여 ㅠㅠ 모딩내용이 부족하고 맘에안들어도 이해해주세욧
Topic Starter
네? 하지만 노말은 그야말로 첫부분과 1.5박자 이상 떨어진 거 제외하고는 전부 1.0으로 디스턴스 고정해서 했었는데요...?
1:1 PM으로 설명해드렸습니다.
Topic Starter

ego_17 wrote:

this song reminded me
remove one joint in the middle and change it to 256,304 136,336 56,264 just to make the shape look better
move it to 200,80 it just looks better there
it would look and feel better if you just made that slider point directly to the left or down, but to the left would be better.
change it to 392,184 328,272 so that it would point to the next notes
That's it. Whew, that was tiring.
Topic Starter

LGV894 wrote:

remove one joint in the middle and change it to 256,304 136,336 56,264 just to make the shape look better
move it to 200,80 it just looks better there
it would look and feel better if you just made that slider point directly to the left or down, but to the left would be better.
change it to 392,184 328,272 so that it would point to the next notes
That's it. Whew, that was tiring.

I snapped distance for most of the notes. So moving those may break it a little, but well, if it looks better, I'll change it anyway.
it would look and feel better if you just made that slider point directly to the left or down, but to the left would be better.
Oops! I meant right.
Topic Starter

LGV894 wrote:

it would look and feel better if you just made that slider point directly to the left or down, but to the left would be better.
Oops! I meant right.
That's okay, I changed it on my own way.
Add some more tags
The rest seems very ok, I don't think there are any huge problems that have to be fixed

Good luck
Hello! I decided to mod it!~

Hitsounds volume are too loud!
By the way, I'm gonna mod hitsounds also, so B- Beginning of the slider | E-End of the slider

00:02:818 (1) - B-hitwhistle
00:04:961 (3) - B-hitshistle
00:05:497 (4) - hitclap
00:05:765 (5) - B-hitclap | E-hitclap
00:07:104 (1) - hitwhistle
00:08:175 (3) - B-hitclap
00:08:711 (4) - B-hitclap
00:12:243 (1) - B-hitwhistle
00:12:979 (2) - B-hitwhistle
00:13:716 (3) - hitwhistle
00:13:900 (4) - E-hitclap
00:15:188 (1) - hitwhistle
00:15:372 (2) - E-hitclap
00:16:660 (1) - B-hitwhistle
00:17:397 (2) - B-hitclap
00:18:133 (1) - B-hitwhistle | E- hitclap
00:19:605 (4) - B-hitwhistle
00:21:078 (1) - hitwhistle
00:21:814 (3) - hitwhistle
00:25:495 (4) - B-hitwhistle
00:26:047 (5) - E-hitclap
00:29:912 (1) - Add Kiai Time
00:31:384 (3) - E-hitclap
00:33:593 (2) - hitwhistle
00:37:274 (3) - hitwhistle
00:38:930 (1) - B-hitwhistle
00:40:219 (1) - End Kiai Time at the end of the spinner
00:47:581 (1) - B-hitwhistle
00:49:053 (4) - B-hitwhistle
00:53:470 (1) - Add kiai time
00:57:887 (1) - B-hitwhistle
01:00:096 (2) - B-hitwhistle
01:03:041 (2) - hitwhistle
01:17:029 (1) - hitwhistle
01:26:599 (2) - E-hitclap
01:29:544 (2) - B-hitwhistle
01:33:961 (2) - B-hitwhistle

00:29:360 (1) - Kiai time on
00:31:937 (7) - Try to do it longer - to white tick
00:38:930 (1) - off nc
00:40:219 (1) - Kiai time off on the end of the spinner
00:43:164 (1) - Make this slider more aesthetic
00:52:918 (1) - Kiai time on
01:03:777 (1) - Kiai time off on the end of the spinner
01:21:446 (4) - Nc on star

00:27:519 (2,3,4,5,6) - Make this part more symmetric
00:29:360 (1) - Kiai time on
00:40:219 (1) - Kiai time off on the end of the spinner
00:44:636 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - 1,2 combo maybe?
00:52:918 (1) - Kiai time on
00:54:575 (5) - Ctrl + G
01:03:777 (1) - Off kiai time at the end of the spinner
01:28:808 (5) - nc, Kiai Time
01:40:587 (5) - Off kiai time

[Enon's eXtra]
00:07:372 (8) - nc
00:19:237 (4) - Ctrl + G
00:29:360 (2) - nc, Kiai time
00:36:722 (8) - nc
00:39:483 (8) - nc
00:41:691 (1) - Off Kiai Time
00:48:685 (5) - Ctrl + G
00:52:918 (4) - nc, Kiai Time
01:05:249 (2) - Off kiai time
01:20:710 (4,5) - Confusing part
01:28:808 (1) - Kiai time
01:40:587 (1) - Off Kiai Time
Also, If I miss kiai time somewhere, just do it in same moments!

Overall, the map is nice. Good Luck! :)

00:27:151 is too far to the left, I kept accidentally hitting it very early.
For a normal diff, your spinners were (timing-wise) a little bit too close to the notes right after them
I liked the hitsounds, at first I thought they were part of the song, but they're very coherent and not distracting.

I was unable to successfully complete the hard diff, but it was a lot of fun
I would use a slider for 00:15:924-00:16:108, those three notes are almost impossible to hit
Why do you start a new combo at 00:48:317? The new combo should start at 00:49:053

I wouldn't even be able to begin the insane diffs, but the beatmap is good and it should be ranked.

Vone wrote:

Hello! I decided to mod it!~
[Enon's eXtra]
00:07:372 (8) - nc
00:19:237 (4) - Ctrl + G
00:29:360 (2) - nc, Kiai time
00:36:722 (8) - nc
00:39:483 (8) - nc
00:41:691 (1) - Off Kiai Time
00:48:685 (5) - Ctrl + G
00:52:918 (4) - nc, Kiai Time
01:05:249 (2) - Off kiai time
01:20:710 (4,5) - Confusing part
01:28:808 (1) - Kiai time
01:40:587 (1) - Off Kiai Time
Also, If I miss kiai time somewhere, just do it in same moments!

Overall, the map is nice. Good Luck! :)
All fixed. THX :D
  1. Is that possaible to catch better dimsion for this picture? 1024x768 Should be somewhere :?
  2. That timign setting is much better. First section must be 110 bpm and offste better should be a bit earlier. Dont forget to move green section and resnap all notes.
  3. Dcrease for a little voulme

  1. 00:20:152 (5,2) - try to avoid such ovberlaps, they are higly not reccomend on easy-normal
  2. 00:26:042 (5) - clap on the slider's end
  3. 00:27:146 (1) - reccomnd to start from another white tick, just such rhythm is hard to play on most easy diff in mapset 00:50:705 (1) -
  4. 00:28:435 (1) - this is unrukable 01:27:330 (1) - 00:51:993 (1) -
  5. Its for every your diffs
    00:12:243 - 00:18:133 - 00:29:907 - 00:29:912 - 00:41:691 - 00:53:470 - 01:17:029 - 01:28:808 - try ot delate anyother finishes and use them for this beat till they are SO fit for music
    Also beats like 00:28:440 - 00:52:734 - u can support with drum clap\finish.
  1. 00:02:818 (1,2) - maybe make them closer?
  2. 00:15:372 (6,1,2,3,4) - sounds really bad till you miss important beat 00:15:556 - and later overmap with 00:16:016 (3) - . think about this
  3. 00:28:440 (1) - still unrunkable t/241019 00:51:998 (1) - 01:27:335 (1) -
  4. 01:29:360 (3,4,5,6) - maybe do them in more symetric way? same for copypasta 01:35:249 (3,4,5,6) -
  1. 00:13:348 (3) - ctrl+g
  2. 00:32:397 (7) - absolultey unnecasry note 00:35:525 (6) - 00:38:286 (7) - 00:58:164 (7) - 01:39:575 (8) -
  3. 00:34:145 (7,1) - try to replace pentagon's notes placement to make this distance jump. Just realy hard to play after 00:33:961 (6,7) -
  1. Firstly, sad but you can't use extra accroding to ranking criteria
  2. tl:dr

    baraatje123 wrote:

    There are claps, for every other beat
    Finishes, for the BOOMM sounds
    Whistle, for just doing it
    But, what if this is not enough
    Try to use less whitsle cause no real reason for it. Every 2nd beat would be ok.
    About BOOM sounds - check "easy mod" where i mentoined cymbal places which suits best for finish.
    00:19:973 (7,8,9,10,1) - such places try to replace with claps. But in future try to use claps in more rhythm way like 2-4 beat whew is snare sound(like on easy normal). The problem that way you are using hs can be really harmless for catching the rhythm for player
  3. 00:05:229 (4,5) - ctrl+g?
All the best!
Topic Starter

fergas wrote:

  1. Is that possaible to catch better dimsion for this picture? 1024x768 Should be somewhere :? -- hmm, I can't find a better quality for this picture. It's just the cover of the album.
  2. That timign setting is much better. First section must be 110 bpm and offste better should be a bit earlier. Dont forget to move green section and resnap all notes. -- The rhythm of the first part was kinda vague, but seems you're right. Changed offset from 2819 to 2754 (wow that's a lot) and BPM 112->110.
    -- don't know how to use that code, so I just did it myself.
  3. Dcrease for a little voulme -- You mean the music? I don't feel it's loud compared to other songs. Or do you mean hitsounds?
  1. 00:20:152 (5,2) - try to avoid such ovberlaps, they are higly not reccomend on easy-normal -- fixed
  2. 00:26:042 (5) - clap on the slider's end -- fixed
  3. 00:27:146 (1) - reccomnd to start from another white tick, just such rhythm is hard to play on most easy diff in mapset 00:50:705 (1) - -- ↓
  4. 00:28:435 (1) - this is unrukable 01:27:330 (1) - 00:51:993 (1) - decreasing spinner length would make it too hard, so I deleted two objects (one circle, one slider) before the spinner and expanded the spinners to start from it. 2.5 empty beats, that should be alright now.
  5. Its for every your diffs
    00:12:243 - 00:18:133 - 00:29:907 - 00:29:912 - 00:41:691 - 00:53:470 - 01:17:029 - 01:28:808 - try ot delate anyother finishes and use them for this beat till they are SO fit for music -- hmm, why should I delete other finishes if I just need to add to these? Can I just leave other finishes like that and just add for these beats?
    Also beats like 00:28:440 - 00:52:734 - u can support with drum clap\finish. -- I changed those part a bit, so I guess changing them with whistle is pretty alright.

  1. 00:02:818 (1,2) - maybe make them closer? -- fixed
  2. 00:15:372 (6,1,2,3,4) - sounds really bad till you miss important beat 00:15:556 - and later overmap with 00:16:016 (3) - . think about this -- could be a little overmapped, but that is definitely following the song. so I changed the 1/4 circles to 1/4 repeat sliders and some objects.
  3. 00:28:440 (1) - still unrunkable 00:51:998 (1) - 01:27:335 (1) - -- This is frustrating. They are the best place for spinners but I can't even use 1/1 empty space. I did similar to Normal, but this makes the spinners even harder. (Auto can spin 2000, so is that okay for ranking?)
  4. 01:29:360 (3,4,5,6) - maybe do them in more symetric way? same for copypasta 01:35:249 (3,4,5,6) - -- change a little bit but this doesn't look so different...

  1. 00:13:348 (3) - ctrl+g -- dunno if that's better, but anyway.
  2. 00:32:397 (7) - absolultey unnecasry note 00:35:525 (6) - 00:38:286 (7) - 00:58:164 (7) - 01:39:575 (8) - -- Those are from Tenseki(the first modder)'s mod. but seems you're right.
  3. 00:34:145 (7,1) - try to replace pentagon's notes placement to make this distance jump. Just realy hard to play after 00:33:961 (6,7) - -- can't understand your words. Remove the pentagon and replace with some other pattern? I'll just decrease the distance.
  1. Firstly, sad but you can't use extra accroding to ranking criteria
  2. tl:dr

    baraatje123 wrote:

    There are claps, for every other beat
    Finishes, for the BOOMM sounds
    Whistle, for just doing it
    But, what if this is not enough
    Try to use less whitsle cause no real reason for it. Every 2nd beat would be ok.
    About BOOM sounds - check "easy mod" where i mentoined cymbal places which suits best for finish.
    00:19:973 (7,8,9,10,1) - such places try to replace with claps. But in future try to use claps in more rhythm way like 2-4 beat whew is snare sound(like on easy normal). The problem that way you are using hs can be really harmless for catching the rhythm for player
  3. 00:05:229 (4,5) - ctrl+g?
All the best!
Leaing Extra(would rename it to Enon's Insane) for him to fix. Thanks for your grand mod!

fergas wrote:

  1. Firstly, sad but you can't use extra accroding to ranking criteria
  2. tl:dr i will reset hitsounds

    baraatje123 wrote:

    There are claps, for every other beat
    Finishes, for the BOOMM sounds
    Whistle, for just doing it
    But, what if this is not enough
    Try to use less whitsle cause no real reason for it. Every 2nd beat would be ok.
    About BOOM sounds - check "easy mod" where i mentoined cymbal places which suits best for finish.
    00:19:973 (7,8,9,10,1) - such places try to replace with claps. But in future try to use claps in more rhythm way like 2-4 beat whew is snare sound(like on easy normal). The problem that way you are using hs can be really harmless for catching the rhythm for player
  3. 00:05:229 (4,5) - ctrl+g? fix
All the best!
Topic Starter
Kite's IRC mod
23:59 Kite: these days you can pretty much do whatever you want in insanes since it's mappers freedom to interpret the song as he wants
23:59 Kite: ill make irc mod
00:00 Kite: 00:15:924 (4,5,6) - inconsistent spacing
00:00 Kite: maybe just stack them
00:00 Kite: 00:26:047 (6,7) - 7 is too close
00:01 Kite: 00:34:329 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - this is uncomfortable to play, best thing to do is try and re-align all these things
00:01 Doyak: many people say that that kind of stream is inconsistent spacing
00:01 Doyak: but it's snapped
00:02 Doyak: but I do feel it's not good
00:02 Doyak: but why?
00:02 Doyak: I heard I have to use smaller spacing for 1/4s
00:02 Kite: 5 is too close to 4 and 6 is too far away from 5
00:02 Kite: you dont have to but alot of people prefer that
00:03 Doyak: ah I just fixed that
00:03 Doyak: oh well
00:03 Kite: spaced out 1/4 notes are really hard to hit
00:04 Doyak: ok I changed it a little bit
00:04 Kite:
00:04 Kite: for the combo at 00:34:329 (1) -
00:04 Kite: i post another screenshot in a sec
00:05 Kite:
00:05 Doyak: for that '7 is too close', the first modder told me to make this
00:05 Doyak: and he said, "it's okay, it's kind of a fishing, nothing matters.'
00:05 Doyak: but maybe, yeha I'm gonna change that
00:06 Kite: either stack or move away, its really misleading
00:07 Kite: thats all for Insane difficulty
00:07 Kite: on Hard;
00:07 Kite: 00:33:041 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - this is too clustered imo
00:07 Kite: 00:33:041 (1) - improve slider shape for this a bit
00:10 Kite: #1 #2
00:11 Kite: this will be a lot nicer
00:11 Doyak: for 34s on Insane, I'm remaking it in my own way, please see it after I update :D
00:11 Kite: sure
00:11 Doyak: Insane updated
00:12 Kite: actually ignore the last screenshots, its not better
00:12 Kite: ill try to come up with something better
00:12 Kite: just 00:33:041 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - try to improve this
00:12 Kite: :P
00:12 Kite: okay i got something
00:12 Kite:
00:13 Kite: just stack 2 & 3
00:13 Kite: and 4 & 5
00:13 Kite: and move the slider to the old position of 4
00:13 Kite:
00:15 Kite: thats all
00:16 Doyak: I heard that the time gap between a spinner and that next note should be more than 1 beat on this map because it's very little faster than 160bpm. so should I change this?
00:16 Doyak: 00:40:219 (1) -
00:17 Kite: no
00:17 Doyak:
00:18 Doyak: Hard: 1 beat recovery time -> 375 ms
00:18 Doyak: that's an example for 160bpm
00:18 Doyak: but this map is 163bpm
00:19 Doyak: and according to that rule, 2 beats resting on Normal is still too short
00:19 Kite: its fine
00:19 Doyak: that's why I made those spinners really short
00:19 Doyak: but why did he say it's 'unrankable?'
00:20 Kite: its not unrankable
00:20 Kite: some people dont really know rules that well
00:20 Doyak: oh well than I'm gonna expand those spinners a little bit
00:20 Doyak: since they're too short for Normal
00:21 Kite: alright
00:21 Kite: post the chatlog in the forum later
00:21 Kite: i can reply if you want to give kudos and get sp
00:21 Doyak: ok
00:22 Doyak: thanks for modding :D
00:22 Kite: np

Make a reply please, so that I can give kudosu to you :D
Hey, good luck with your map!
Hi ! Sorry for late !


00:04:967(3,4,5)- Try this:

00:07:653(1,2,3,4)- ^ :

00:13:911(4)- Make it round( more curve )

00:19:537(4,5)- Try this:

00:23:253(2)- Is good that:

00:26:153(5)- More curve please

00:29:715(1,2)- Try this:

00:38:861(1)- Curve please like here:


00:12:961(2,3)- Don't forget about pattern! Try this:

00:18:459(1,2)- Try this:

00:31:421(5)- More curve

00:37:301(6)- ^

01:28:797(2)- Copy from 1 and then paste,reverse and flip horizontally like this:

01:35:123(3)- More curve and place it on x:312 y:328

~Insane and Enon's Extra~

No problems ! GOOD JOB ! :) :) :)

I hope it will be helpful for you Doyak and Good Luck ! :) :) :) :)
I didn't forget this time!!!!! :D

Consider adding some soft hitsounding to the slow part before the first spinner (use uninherited timing sections to lower their volume)
00:02:754 (1,2) - If you were going for a blanket here, it's not quite perfect (scroll to 00:03:299 and you'll notice (1)'s sliderstart is a bit too far in). I'm being super picky here though, so don't worry about it too much.
00:15:188 (1,2) - You should probably decrease the spacing here just a tiny bit so it matches the rest of the map, or at least 00:13:716 (3,4).
00:19:605 (4,5) - This flows awkwardly. Try making (4) face more southwest, so the repeat arrow bounces it back up towards (5).
00:29:360 (1) - Move up a bit more to close the spacing gap?
00:47:581 (1) - This should probably curve upwards instead of downwards to flow better into the next note.
00:49:053 (4,5) - Better than 00:19:605 (4,5), but still feels a bit strange to play, so maybe do something similar.
00:52:918 (1,2) - And now the spacing got smaller instead of bigger?? :D
01:24:391 (4) - Slider is unsnapped by 1ms, just move it back and forth on the timeline to fix.
01:34:697 (1) - This slider turned into a bezier somehow! Note how it has a weird sharp curve on the inside - you should probably remake it :D
01:39:851 (1) - This slider's a bit lopsided, so I fixed it for you. Open your .osu file in Notepad from the editor, delete the last line and replace it with this:

Lots of unsnapped stuff here discovered by the new AiMod update! Just click "resnap all notes" in the Timing dropdown menu. (You'll need to fix the spinner at 00:09:299 (1) - afterwards though)
00:20:710 - Feels like there should be a note here somewhere.
00:24:022 (1,2,3,4) - These feel slightly lopsided. Consider making a pentagon with the Polygon Tool so you'll have a perfect pattern spacing, then removing the top point and rearranging the other notes in the timeline.
00:29:912 (1) - I think this would look better if you copied 00:30:464 (2) - and horizontally flipped it.
00:33:961 (4,5,6) - This overlap is a bit weird, you should probably move (6) down and to the right a bit!
00:35:802 (2) - Same as 00:29:912 (1), I caught you copy+paste and flipping :P (nothing wrong with it though)
00:38:378 (8) - The editor's note stack is bugged and this isn't stacked perfectly. Highlight the note and press Ctrl+Shift+Down Arrow to move it down one pixel and stack it correctly.
00:44:268 (4) - Same as above, except move it right with the right arrow instead.
00:46:845 (2) - This should be copy+pasted and flipped from 00:46:108 (1) - for better symmetry.
00:51:630 (4) - Move this one grid down and right on the smallest grid snap to fix distance spacing.
00:56:047 (7) - Ctrl+Shift+Right Arrow.
00:58:808 (1) - This looks kinda silly! You should probably move the sliderend more north to make it more readable (and even blanket the slider before it!)
01:01:937 (8) - Ctrl+Shift+Right, then Ctrl+Shift+Down.
01:21:446 (1,2,3,4,5) - You have to be careful with the polygon tool, since it's going to make slightly rotated patterns like this. If you want it to be more straight, highlight these and press Ctrl+Shift+R, then rotate by -2 degrees. Afterwards, switch to Tiny grid snap and resnap them to grid, adjusting their spacing as necessary. At the end, it should look like this.
01:24:943 (7) - Wiggle this around to fix the distance snap a bit. (You'll probably have to turn off grid snap to get it right)
01:30:832 (7) - Same as above.
01:36:722 (8) - Same (because it's copy+pasted)

00:15:004 (6) - Stack on top of 00:13:716 (1)? No need, it just looks slightly neater.
00:23:470 (4) - Move this a bit to the right to fix the spacing.
01:22:182 (3,4,5,6,7) - This would probably look better if you adjusted (7) to be slightly higher.
01:36:906 (10,11) - Probably move (10) a bit further out so it doesn't overlap (and 8 further the other direction to match)

[Enon's Extra]
00:06:033 (7) - This slider is pretty lopsided too. Protip: press Ctrl+H a lot to make sure your slider's horizontal symmetry is correct.
00:22:458 (8) - Move it a bit closer to (9) to fix distance spacing.
00:30:556 (6) - Same.
00:33:041 (1) - Lopsided! (I'm only pointing out lopsided sliders that are supposed to be centered across the playfield btw, it doesn't usually matter otherwise)
00:57:887 (7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15) - I feel like this was a slider-to-stream pattern that also came from a lopsided slider. It's not perfectly centered in any case and probably should be.

I was being extra harsh and pointing out every minor inconsistency that I noticed while playing, so a lot of them don't really need to be changed but I feel like they'd make the map better anyway. Very nice map good luck! :)
Topic Starter
Thanks ByBy_ChAn :D

MillhioreF wrote:

I didn't forget this time!!!!! :D

[Enon's Extra]
00:06:033 (7) - This slider is pretty lopsided too. Protip: press Ctrl+H a lot to make sure your slider's horizontal symmetry is correct.
00:22:458 (8) - Move it a bit closer to (9) to fix distance spacing.
00:30:556 (6) - Same.
00:33:041 (1) - Lopsided! (I'm only pointing out lopsided sliders that are supposed to be centered across the playfield btw, it doesn't usually matter otherwise)
00:57:887 (7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15) - I feel like this was a slider-to-stream pattern that also came from a lopsided slider. It's not perfectly centered in any case and probably should be.

I was being extra harsh and pointing out every minor inconsistency that I noticed while playing, so a lot of them don't really need to be changed but I feel like they'd make the map better anyway. Very nice map good luck! :)
All Fixed. THX :D
Topic Starter
Thanks Millhi, but one question: if I press Ctrl+Shift+Arrow key it just increases/decreases sound volume, and never moves the note. Did I do something wrong?

00:08:754 (4) -

이 부분을 이렇게 만들어보는게 제가 생각하기에 보기 더 좋아보여요.
이렇게 어떻게 했냐면 00:08:208 (3) - 을 복사해서 붙여넣기 하시고,
Ctrl + < 를 누르시고 디스턴스 스냅 키신 다음 옆에 배치하시면 되요.

00:15:188 (1,2) -

디스턴스 스냅 키시고 2 콤보를 살짝 옆으로 옮기는게 좋을것 같아요.
00:13:716 (3,4) - 여기에서는 위 사진처럼 되어 있는데 여긴 안 그런것 같아서..

00:32:857 (1) -

흰 선으로 옮기시고 슬라이더 끝 부분 뒤로 당기셔서 리버스 슬라이더로 만들어보는 것도 좋을 것 같아요.


00:13:348 (3) -

이것도 00:12:979 (2) - 복사하셔서 붙여 넣기 하신다음에 Ctrl + G 하셔서 디스턴스 맞춰주시면 이쁠것 같아요.

00:15:924 (4,5) -

4를 복사 해서 붙여넣기 한 후 Ctrl + H 하신 다음에 반전 된 후의 그 자리에 노트를 두는게 더 깔끔해보이는것 같아요.

01:00:832 (6) -
이건 00:59:912 (3) - 를 복사하고 붙여넣으신 후 Ctrl + G 하시는게 더 이쁠듯 싶어요.

01:03:409 (5) - Ctrl + G 가 더 나아보여요.

01:38:378 (2) - 이건 01:38:746 (3) - 를 복붙 하시고 Ctrl + G 하는게 더 이쁠것 같아요.
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