
[duplicate] "Continue/Rewind" menu button on failed songs.

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +0
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So I was thinking an interesting and useful feature was if there was a "Continue" menu button next to "Retry" after you fail a song.
What this button would do is resume the game as if it was paused, so you could continue playing without needing to play it all over again to get to the part you're stuck at. When "Continue" is used, your score will not count towards your stats (Unranked, such as with the mod "Auto") until you start the song from the beginning again. (either by pressing "Retry" or by just playing it again some other time)

It would also be nice if pressing "Continue" rewound the song about 10 seconds (configurable in the options). This effect could be disabled by default, and enabled in the options menu. An alternative to this is including a "Rewind" button as well, but I think it'd be more streamlined to include it within "Continue"

The purpose of this is for when you fail a song but want to keep playing it. Well... you failed so good game, your score no longer counts. But why not continue playing through the song anyway, to have some extra fun and get a bit more practice? (Especially if it's a song you really like)

Ideas origins: I have taken about a 2 week break from playing osu, and I'd tried to play a more difficult song I used to be able to clear. Of course I'm a bit rusty, and I got to a tricky part and failed. I wanted to retry that part, but after realizing I'd need to replay most of the song or fiddle with the editor I decided it wasn't worth the hassle.

Two extra ideas:
1. Adding the "No Fail" mod after a continue is used would be especially helpful since it is very difficult to get back in rhythm until a few seconds after unpausing the game, and having to push continue every 5 seconds wouldn't really accomplish anything.
2. It would be very easy to implement a counter to the continue button. Perhaps having only 3 continues available like other games (similar to lives).
Not quite sure why you'd want a limited amount of continues, but I suppose it's possible to make a new mode such as endurance mode or something.
Why not just use NF if you can't pass the song? I'm a little confused as to why you would want to fail in the first place.
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I'm confused why you got the idea I wanted to fail? I'm not quite sure how you got that...

I usually play without no fail, and often try clearing difficult songs (above my current skill level, in order to improve). If I always used no fail on songs I wasn't good at then the few times I actually clear the song it wouldn't count, which would be kinda of disappointing. Plus I can't keep a close enough eye on my HP and the playing field that I could actually tell if I would have failed a song or not.

The purpose of this is for when you fail a song but want to keep playing it. Well... you failed so good game, your score no longer counts. But why not continue playing through the song anyway, to have some extra fun and get a bit more practice? (Especially if it's a song you really like)
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ah woops, didn't notice it was requested already. My apologies for a duplicate
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