
League of Legends

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Kanye West
I seriously think Dade and maybe Pawn are both better than Faker. At least, they're both way better in the current meta than Faker is.
nth promo to silver 4. oh well

edit: unsuccessful. why am i even trying
welcome to solo q where 3rd pick forgets to swap his champion with 1st pick because he's too busy playing with his dick, both of them proceed to feed, and 4/13 shyvana tells everyone to die in a fire
Haha that reminds me of when I was last pick and was supposed to swap with someone who was in his promos and in the last minute (before switching) I wrote 'brb toilet' in chat. They flamed hard and in the last second I switched with him. In game, he had full AP masteries on Caitlyn and complained the shit out of me the whole game instead of making use of his OP cupcakes.

We lost. Worth it.

Remember kids: Toxcity loses you games. not runes.
Another promo. cool!

First game has an afk gragas top

Last promo has a 1/13 twitch. "Feed and troll"

edit: Riven afk on 2nd game

I seriously don't get what's wrong with me and why I'm still playing this. It's only giving me stress

Navizel wrote:

Another promo. cool!

First game has an afk gragas top

Last promo has a 1/13 twitch. "Feed and troll"

edit: Riven afk on 2nd game

I seriously don't get what's wrong with me and why I'm still playing this. It's only giving me stress
According to one of my friends, Fridays and weekends are when "kids" play and it's not a good time to play ranked. Especially with duos who are Gold and Bronze in a Silver game. She has the same type of experience with promos last week.
Not sure how much I believe her though.

Justykanna wrote:

Navizel wrote:

Another promo. cool!

First game has an afk gragas top

Last promo has a 1/13 twitch. "Feed and troll"

edit: Riven afk on 2nd game

I seriously don't get what's wrong with me and why I'm still playing this. It's only giving me stress
According to one of my friends, Fridays and weekends are when "kids" play and it's not a good time to play ranked. Especially with duos who are Gold and Bronze in a Silver game. She has the same type of experience with promos last week.
Not sure how much I believe her though.
If that's the case then summer is completely unsafe.
P r o m i s e s
Lol that's what I was thinking.

Segnaro wrote:

If that's the case then summer is completely unsafe.

P r o m i s e s wrote:

Lol that's what I was thinking.
Lols, it's all a mindset that I don't really think about.

Justykanna wrote:

Navizel wrote:

Another promo. cool!

First game has an afk gragas top

Last promo has a 1/13 twitch. "Feed and troll"

edit: Riven afk on 2nd game

I seriously don't get what's wrong with me and why I'm still playing this. It's only giving me stress
According to one of my friends, Fridays and weekends are when "kids" play and it's not a good time to play ranked. Especially with duos who are Gold and Bronze in a Silver game. She has the same type of experience with promos last week.
Not sure how much I believe her though.
I never trusted duos.
Summer is always unsafe for anyone to play ranked but it's the only time anyone could ever do it...
I don't trust anyone except my duo partner 8-)
Eren Yaeger
The only reason why I play riven in ranked is because I never trust my teammates, if I'm duo with my brother MAYBE I'll go mid but after seeing what my teammates do I will always pick riven top if I get the chance, I need to see a chiropractor after the shit I carry with her.
P r o m i s e s
I don't know why but for the last few weeks I have been performing terrible. I'm losing a lot of matches, I farm bad I can't snowball the lane and the list goes on. Any tips for this? Should I take a break, play more normals, different champions?
Eren Yaeger
Take a very long break, your obviously playing off bad habits and it's coming back to bite you, watch some streams do whatever, read up on league just don't play for awhile then come back playing some normals for a while till you get your confidence back, then duo with a friend before you solo Q.
[- Alex -]
I will never play supp again from this day. 3 games. 1 top , i rekt the enemy Jax 0/7 .

1 game jungler , i was camping my team , 15/3 in the end for me.

1 game supp , win bot , then lose the game because jungler can't gank , enemy Irelia feed as hell , and the mid.

This season you can't carry with supp.
Kanye West
Sure you can. Braum is hella broken. Braum + fed ADC can carry games 2v5 in solo queue.
Supports can carry.

My adc sucks so bad and yet I carried her. Kind of snowballed after we got the first blood.
I find Morgana better than Braum. She's a lot less reliable in snowballing but in case of your team is feeding she feels like a higher threat when stalling with all the catch potential.

They've both been banned more lately though.
Nofool vs bo5 for dia round 2 ;_;

edit : ez

omw challenger

Meanwhile, still stuck on silver V

only normals, first time Janna
carrying a noob adc
Eren Yaeger
Nidd supp is actually really fun I find her quite enjoyable when I do have to supp because you can win your lane so easily with her early damage that most people don't expect.
Witch Mercy

Hika wrote:

Summer is always unsafe for anyone to play ranked but it's the only time anyone could ever do it...
I don't trust anyone except my duo partner 8-)
Shouldn't even trust your duo partner.

those wrote:

Shouldn't even trust your duo partner.
I consistently play with the same duo partner and she covers my worst two roles and vic-versa. lol. So it works out nicely for us.
Witch Mercy

those wrote:

Shouldn't even trust your duo partner.
if it's adc/sup duo and you're like best friends or bf/gf then you could probably trust them and have better synergy than playing with randoms
I have to smurf to duo with a majority of my friends because they are all between gold and bronze. =\
Diamond life too hard.
[- Alex -]
Jax nerf YEY!

BASE HEALTH 561 ⇒ 535
ARMOR PER LEVEL +3.5 ⇒ +3.0

Rly rito?

Lucian ..... yeap

"We have no change for Lucian this patch but wanted to highlight that he's currently high on our list. Specifically in competitive play, Lucian is crowding out almost all other marksman choices (aside from maybe Kog'Maw) due to his high general strengths and lack of meaningful weaknesses (does this sound familiar?). We're currently very aware of Lucian's dominating performance but want to make sure we get the right changes in to give him said weaknesses!"

VERY STRONG Yes ⇒ Still yes

Nidalee buff..... and a big one.

Rip Skarner again , not rly but why the nerf....

My Maokai ap is rekt now.....

And the best part.

Yasuo - E - Sweeping Blade
BONUS DAMAGE CAP 100% at 4 stacks ⇒ 50% at 2 stacks

On the good side , we got new image for Urgot.... yey... well done rito.

Graciee wrote:

if it's adc/sup duo and you're like best friends or bf/gf then you could probably trust them and have better synergy than playing with randoms
this is so accurate

honestly i don't think i could play ranked with my boyfriend, it would get too distracting so i'd much rather play with a random

WingsOfDeadthx wrote:

"We have no change for Lucian this patch but wanted to highlight that he's currently high on our list. Specifically in competitive play, Lucian is crowding out almost all other marksman choices (aside from maybe Kog'Maw) due to his high general strengths and lack of meaningful weaknesses (does this sound familiar?). We're currently very aware of Lucian's dominating performance but want to make sure we get the right changes in to give him said weaknesses!"
you can't be serious right now, it's like no matter how many times i try to play kobe bryant i can't he's so annoying

WingsOfDeadthX wrote:

Jax nerf YEY!

BASE HEALTH 561 ⇒ 535
ARMOR PER LEVEL +3.5 ⇒ +3.0

Rly rito?
They should nerf Counter Strike instead. God that thing is awful
buff jax pls so i can reach challenger
Witch Mercy
did you see dyrus's thread about jax on the forums
first page was full of comments that were downvoted to oblivion lol ... ight=dyrus

Graciee wrote:

did you see dyrus's thread about jax on the forums
first page was full of comments that were downvoted to oblivion lol ... ight=dyrus
10/10 would read again

hahaha i swear these people are just sucking dyrus' dick though
nice one lel
actually the entire thread is literally downvotes hahaha this is one of the best things i've seen today

Graciee wrote:

did you see dyrus's thread about jax on the forums
first page was full of comments that were downvoted to oblivion lol ... ight=dyrus
That thread is over 2 years old. =\
Eren Yaeger
RIP in peace Kayle, she does 0 damage but her ult is still ok. Should revert the dmg nerf and nerf the ult more honestly. And Yasuo early dmg isn't too strong meaning I can get bullied out of lane pretty easy due to no way to harass back. My brother is liking the jungler tank buff as he just picked up Elise c:
be warned of new patch causing drops.

Eren Yaeger wrote:

RIP in peace Kayle, she does 0 damage but her ult is still ok. Should revert the dmg nerf and nerf the ult more honestly. And Yasuo early dmg isn't too strong meaning I can get bullied out of lane pretty easy due to no way to harass back. My brother is liking the jungler tank buff as he just picked up Elise c:
Good! DESERVED!! Pretty much no one is going to miss her.

My brain. My eyes. Those builds. I usually have to duo with someone to get matched with people like this.
I should probably stop playing normals and try to get my Warwick only account to diamond. :(
Witch Mercy

ztrot wrote:

be warned of new patch causing drops.
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