
League of Legends

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Miyu wrote:

that's not the point, i know quite well 50% of the time the teams are better then mine (or me) but i am just saying that lately is quite harder to have a decent match,what is the problem about expressing myself if there's more people who play league like me
Gold/Silver problems :D But it's true, you can't play a normal game without getting 1(or sometimes even more) leaver/afkler/troll/feeder in either your team or the enemy team but i think the community is getting better...1 year back there were alot more toxic players...but that's just my sight of the things.

Justykanna wrote:

I find there's very little rage in my games too actually. Maybe the community's getting better? *gasp*
Well... chat wise. lol.
You can't rage and be toxic if you aren't able to chat to begin with LOL. The community is far from better it is was just masked with a very large chat restriction.
Kanye West
Speaking of toxicity... ... ?t=1749326

Rest in pepperonis.
I enjoy gaming league more now than before the chat restriction wave. Now I just meet people who are sometimes irritated and would point out some small things in game but I rarely see any Heavy flamers and ragers. I think like 2/3 of my friends got chat banned.
P r o m i s e s

Kanye West wrote:

Speaking of toxicity... ... ?t=1749326

Rest in pepperonis.
It's funny because Nukeduck retweeted this a few days ago: ... 8873798656
I feel sorry for Alex though, on the other hand Alex back to mid now. and if they get Darker or Kazmitch as supp and Zorozero back from retirement to top lane then NiP will be a team I would support. Although I think it's very likely to see Zorozero leaving school to play for NiP. But oh well, just a thought.

Kanye West wrote:

Speaking of toxicity... ... ?t=1749326

Rest in pepperonis.

The fact that people are trying to defend them in that thread is disgusting and makes me sick.

Miyu wrote:

tossu wrote:

It's pretty much how it has always been for me at least. Few people have started abusing the fact that Tribunal has not worked for the longest time but that's just small minority.
i kind of came to a conclusion why this is happening lately (imo), i play in EUW yes it has always been really bad but lately holymotherofgod i can't a single normal match. the ones i have been on contained a great amount of awesome ragers and afks. atm i could pretty much compare Bronze ranked to normal games as of lately.

the last match i had yesterday,this jax didn't even tried out to play,he just went afk for the game as soon we spawned and gave the major awesome flaming/troll lecture for 20 minutes godamn i was full of it but i did try to win my lane lol
I really can't recall many games where someone raged like that in a normal game, maybe I'm just that lucky :^)

BrokenArrow wrote:

I uninstalled the game today, really can't deal with this anymore.
Went 0/9 and 0/13 two games in a row and I wasn't even trolling, I am just bad as fuck and need a break from this god damn game. This has been going on for several weeks now and I can't help it. Dropped a division as well after tryingso hard for months to climb up to this point. My body as well as my pc equipment is suffering from this too (frustration, gaining weight, hurting myself). I give up. Ciao guys.
I feel with you bro, went from gold I to IV but i'm climbing up again. Don't give up brah, we're all gonna make it
George is back to Twitch, my life has meaning again.
Kanye West

TKiller wrote:

George is back to Twitch, my life has meaning again.
I still remember the days on own3d when he used to complain about the korean trolls

oh how the times have changed george georhurasnduaoin;dsa hotshotgg
just a random play e_e, tell me what you think about it

Eren Yaeger
I think Nid spears are broken.

Eren Yaeger wrote:

I think Nid spears are broken.
I agree with that :'D
Was a nice flash
I decayed down to plat. Fuck. Completely forgot to soloq.
Seraph is terrible at tetris. How could CLG hire someone so terrible at tetris.
Witch Mercy

lesslunatic wrote:

just a random play e_e, tell me what you think about it

I found it kinda dumb they waited until the patch to fix that retarded rengar bug... OH WAIT!!!! Not like he got a new skin or anything.
Eren Yaeger

Vulf wrote:

I found it kinda dumb they waited until the patch to fix that retarded rengar bug... OH WAIT!!!! Not like he got a new skin or anything.
What bug? Also they nerfed any chance of wanting to go crit on him.
No one cares about that. It was his Q procing like 700 times with his passive is why he was stupid broken and also globally disabled in competitive play. I really hope people still complain about him after these changes because I want this champion to go back to unplayable again. Rengar is the only champion in this game I despise enough to wish such a fate.

A lot of good nerfs where they were needed this patch. Only thing I'm sad about is the bonus jungle exp removal, but oh well Riot has already made it very clear they hate junglers and only want a select few (play makers) to be viable and fun to watch for their e-sports. They don't care if other champs get hurt along the way.
Remember when you could use autoattack resets on him to jump after jump though?

That was the best.

Half way there on my second account, just can't find motivation to even try to grind it though. Getting carried by Akali is fun ^-^
Chanting "fucking buy pink wards you retard" inside my head every game is finally effective.
[- Alex -]
R.I.P in peace Kha. :(
Eren Yaeger
He was broken anyway so it doesn't really matter, back to LeBlanc being 100% ban rate.
holyhell i finally won a match in soloq
It says Normal
yeah normal soloq XD i lost over 6/7 games in a row @ normal previously lols

Eren Yaeger wrote:

He was broken anyway so it doesn't really matter, back to LeBlanc being 100% ban rate.
Leblanc is next don't worry.

Assassins in this game are pretty much like burst mages with ridiculous escapes and utility so it creates some very unhealthy gameplay in team fights. 1v1 (catching people out) situations that is fine for the most part.

I think the most balanced assassin right now is Talon because there are so many open windows to outplay him by baiting CD's/mana cost and if he wants the whole instantly delete feel in team fights it involves risk at higher level play. Unlike Kha'Zix who jumps in kills something and jumps out or is retarded tanky because of that stupid stealth mechanic.

Nerfs were deserved. Whether Riot did it right or not is another question.
Le Blanc = Imma burst you to death
Enemy Twitch legendary at 15 minutes.

Clench your buttocks and farm.

Although it was Lee who won the game kicking Twitch into us lol.

TKiller wrote:

Enemy Twitch legendary at 15 minutes.

Clench your buttocks and farm.

Although it was Lee who won the game kicking Twitch into us lol.
Dat lee sin tho

"I'm Blind"

BrokenArrow wrote:

I uninstalled the game today, really can't deal with this anymore.
Went 0/9 and 0/13 two games in a row and I wasn't even trolling, I am just bad as fuck and need a break from this god damn game. This has been going on for several weeks now and I can't help it. Dropped a division as well after tryingso hard for months to climb up to this point. My body as well as my pc equipment is suffering from this too (frustration, gaining weight, hurting myself). I give up. Ciao guys.

these were placement games

DaddyCoolVipper wrote:

BrokenArrow wrote:

I uninstalled the game today, really can't deal with this anymore.
Went 0/9 and 0/13 two games in a row and I wasn't even trolling, I am just bad as fuck and need a break from this god damn game. This has been going on for several weeks now and I can't help it. Dropped a division as well after tryingso hard for months to climb up to this point. My body as well as my pc equipment is suffering from this too (frustration, gaining weight, hurting myself). I give up. Ciao guys.

these were placement games
I feel bad for you

I'm on my way to diamond. 2 games to go, Bye-Bye Shit Plat
Diamond doesn't get much better. I'm currently diamond 2 on my main and it's like slightly better than high plat. LOL ... h-forecast
This patch forecast wtf. Please for the love of god do not touch Tristana she is actually balanced despite what people think. She has been my go to adc since day 1.

Vulf wrote:

Diamond doesn't get much better. I'm currently diamond 2 on my main and it's like slightly better than high plat. LOL ... h-forecast
This patch forecast wtf. Please for the love of god do not touch Tristana she is actually balanced despite what people think. She has been my go to adc since day 1.

Buff Quinn instead. She's useless without farm
They aren't nerfing her. They want to buff her when she is perfectly fine where she is. unless they are talking QoL changes which are fine.
Pretty sad when you are scared of Riot touching a champion with buffs because often times they over do it which leads to stuff getting nerfed to a worse state than they were before.

Vulf wrote:

They aren't nerfing her. They want to buff her when she is perfectly fine where she is. unless they are talking QoL changes which are fine.
Pretty sad when you are scared of Riot touching a champion with buffs because often times they over do it which leads to stuff getting nerfed to a worse state than they were before.
I'm happy

I thought they we're gonna nerf her to death. Still, what kind of buffs. Even Tristana is underplayed, she is still viable. (Alot of people here in PH Server plays Tristana)
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