
P*Light - TRIGGER*HAPPY [OsuMania]

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PROGUY wrote:

I'm starting to get headaches of listening to this song again o.o

Hi again Nitori. I came back as requested.

8K EXHAUST is currently filled with unsnapped notes. Please fix them.

Also in Skalim's 7K EXHAUST, IMO it feels that the SV changes right before 01:00:324 can be a bit sudden for first tries. Maybe you want to move those SV changes slightly earlier for less annoyance?
Updated! Thank you.

There are 3 pending mania maps of this song right now orz.I think it's just bad timing.

Now there's an overlapping note in 00:10:378 (10378|4) in 8K EXHAUST, where the long note end is. Remove this.
Topic Starter

PROGUY wrote:


Now there's an overlapping note in 00:10:378 (10378|4) in 8K EXHAUST, where the long note end is. Remove this.

-makes a reminder to check AIMod every time now-

Ok that's fixed, thank you.
Shi-Ra's Review Mark
Bubbl- Oh. Hi [Shi-Ra]. :)

I'll come back once [Shi-Ra] finishes checking.

PROGUY wrote:

Bubbl- Oh. Hi [Shi-Ra]. :)

I'll come back once [Shi-Ra] finishes checking.
looks like this going to rank soon , have my early gz, im going to be inactive some time xD
Finally there are mods for your mania charts ^w^
(sorry for delay ;w;)

Shi-Ra's Pattern Review:

(notice that columns are following like 0 1 2 3 4 5 for 6K diffs)
Inside :3
00:03:567 (3567|5) - here goes another sound, not like for previous note in same column, so I suggest you to change the beat column here and move this note to 1st column

00:11:351 (11351|1) - I think you need to delete this note coz three note chord is too hard for novices, check that and fix please

00:19:297 (19297|5) - I recommend you to move this note to 3rd column, it'll be more comfortable to catch it here in such stair triplet

00:24:324 (24324|5) - same recommendation like for the first note and same reason for that

00:37:621 - you can add one more note here to 5th column to accent strong beat which goes there with chord, it'll be suitable and comfortable to play

01:00:648 (60648|3) - three note chord again, please fix it and delete this note, it's hard for NOVICE level

From 01:12:648 to 01:14:919 - I highly recommend you to re-arrange this part, it repeats third time here ;w; make it more different or at least make it mirrored

01:26:594 (86594|0,86594|2) - delete one of these notes, it may be hard to play for novice player like all three note chords

Inside :3
00:02:513 (2513|4) - I think you need to move this note to 3rd column, it'll be more comfortable to play such triplet coz now it looks ruined, last note is too far from two previous notes, make it balanced

From 00:06:486 to 00:11:351 - I suggest you to change the beat column (1st column now) to 0 column and vise versa every tact, it'll be more comfortable and less repeatable here

00:12:567 (12567|2) - there's no suitable sound for this note, check that and delete it please

00:16:540 (16540|0) - I recommend you to avoid double noting here by moving this note to 2nd column, it'll be more comfortable, there are no two identical sounds to place two notes into same column

From 00:37:621 to 00:41:675 - you've leaved 0 column empty, I recommend you to re-arrange some notes here and fill it to make your pattern balanced here

00:47:351 (47351|3) - move this one to 2nd column please and perform some alternation between chords, it'll be suitable here according to the music

Here 01:05:027 - I recommend you to use this pattern, it'll be more comfortable to play and you can avoid unnecessary double noting in this way

Finally from 01:11:351 to 01:25:459 - you've leaved 0 column for a long time without placing any notes in it, I highly recommend you to re-arrange your patterns here and make them balanced coz it's hard to play unbalanced patterns

(notice that columns are following like 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 for 7K diff)
Skalim's 7K EXHAUST
Inside :3
This diff plays good, but I have some suggestions for it:

00:16:702 - here you can add one more note or even two note chord according to the beat sound, check that

00:20:919 (20919|3,21000|5) - I recommend you to switch places for these notes to 5th and 3rd column accordingly, such pattern will be more comfortable to play here with fast transition

00:36:973 (36973|0,36973|4,36973|2) - move these notes to 1st>3rd>5th columns accordingly, it'll be awesome chord transition here according to your patterns

That's all. About SV changes, some of them are uncomfortable to play without learning map, like here 00:36:324 and here 00:55:946 - that's bad for chart, but I saw alot of ranked charts with such problem so it's ok I think ;w;

8K looks good for me~
Good luck :3/
Well, I'm coming late to mod this but it seems that other 2 BATs modded this :v

I can drop those few suggestions:

Your BG hasn't a ratio between 4:3 and 16:9 (it's lower than 4:3), I suggest you to find a bigger image or to resize/crop the existing one (it's almost a square)
Resnap all notes in every diff! In some diffs you have unsnapped notes

00:22:154 - Move this green line in 00:31:135 - like you did in other diffs

No kudosu
Topic Starter
Yes many BATs is very good. :V

Roxas wrote:

Well, I'm coming late to mod this but it seems that other 2 BATs modded this :v

I can drop those few suggestions:

Your BG hasn't a ratio between 4:3 and 16:9 (it's lower than 4:3), I suggest you to find a bigger image or to resize/crop the existing one (it's almost a square) Fixed
Resnap all notes in every diff! In some diffs you have unsnapped notes AIMod didn't bring anything up... Resnapped anyways just in case.

00:22:154 - Move this green line in 00:31:135 - like you did in other diffs Fixed

No kudosu

[Shi-Ra] wrote:

Finally there are mods for your mania charts ^w^
(sorry for delay ;w;)

Shi-Ra's Pattern Review:

(notice that columns are following like 0 1 2 3 4 5 for 6K diffs)
Inside :3
00:03:567 (3567|5) - here goes another sound, not like for previous note in same column, so I suggest you to change the beat column here and move this note to 1st column Moved to 3

00:11:351 (11351|1) - I think you need to delete this note coz three note chord is too hard for novices, check that and fix please Ok

00:19:297 (19297|5) - I recommend you to move this note to 3rd column, it'll be more comfortable to catch it here in such stair triplet Ok

00:24:324 (24324|5) - same recommendation like for the first note and same reason for that Same

00:37:621 - you can add one more note here to 5th column to accent strong beat which goes there with chord, it'll be suitable and comfortable to play Ok

01:00:648 (60648|3) - three note chord again, please fix it and delete this note, it's hard for NOVICE level I don't think it's that hard.... But I guess I'm not novice. Fixed.

From 01:12:648 to 01:14:919 - I highly recommend you to re-arrange this part, it repeats third time here ;w; make it more different or at least make it mirrored Changed this part around to follow the other melody instead of vocals.

01:26:594 (86594|0,86594|2) - delete one of these notes, it may be hard to play for novice player like all three note chords No 3 note chords for novices. ;w;

Inside :3
00:02:513 (2513|4) - I think you need to move this note to 3rd column, it'll be more comfortable to play such triplet coz now it looks ruined, last note is too far from two previous notes, make it balanced Agree, change.

From 00:06:486 to 00:11:351 - I suggest you to change the beat column (1st column now) to 0 column and vise versa every tact, it'll be more comfortable and less repeatable here I don't think special column should be used simply for the beat. But changed a little to make it less boring.

00:12:567 (12567|2) - there's no suitable sound for this note, check that and delete it please I disagree. The first note has a little "extra" to it that the next note doesn't have. Changed a little to clarify though.

00:16:540 (16540|0) - I recommend you to avoid double noting here by moving this note to 2nd column, it'll be more comfortable, there are no two identical sounds to place two notes into same column Okay

From 00:37:621 to 00:41:675 - you've leaved 0 column empty, I recommend you to re-arrange some notes here and fill it to make your pattern balanced here Intentional. Like I said before, the special key is special for a reason. However, changed a little and the special key is used for those scratch notes.

00:47:351 (47351|3) - move this one to 2nd column please and perform some alternation between chords, it'll be suitable here according to the music Ok variation added.

Here 01:05:027 - I recommend you to use this pattern, it'll be more comfortable to play and you can avoid unnecessary double noting in this way Ok

Finally from 01:11:351 to 01:25:459 - you've leaved 0 column for a long time without placing any notes in it, I highly recommend you to re-arrange your patterns here and make them balanced coz it's hard to play unbalanced patterns Involved special key a bit more.

(notice that columns are following like 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 for 7K diff)
Skalim's 7K EXHAUST
Inside :3
This diff plays good, but I have some suggestions for it:

00:16:702 - here you can add one more note or even two note chord according to the beat sound, check that

00:20:919 (20919|3,21000|5) - I recommend you to switch places for these notes to 5th and 3rd column accordingly, such pattern will be more comfortable to play here with fast transition

00:36:973 (36973|0,36973|4,36973|2) - move these notes to 1st>3rd>5th columns accordingly, it'll be awesome chord transition here according to your patterns

That's all. About SV changes, some of them are uncomfortable to play without learning map, like here 00:36:324 and here 00:55:946 - that's bad for chart, but I saw alot of ranked charts with such problem so it's ok I think ;w;

8K looks good for me~
Good luck :3/
Thank you! Waiting on update by Skalim.
i´ll fix it tomorrow, i need rest T.T (this will be edited)

Sorry for the late, some issues with the mediafire
update: ... UST%5D.osu

i don´t know what i can do with the SV, but i think is a minor problem, so, go XD
Topic Starter
Skalim's difficulty updated. Ready for checking (again)!
Hi again Nitori. :)
Here's my recheck.

00:32:108 (32108|1) Move to Scratch column.
01:16:540 (76540|6) Move long note end to 01:17:675.
01:17:756 (77756|3) Move to 01:17:675.

01:16:540 (76540|5) Move long note end to 01:17:675.
01:17:756 (77756|1) Move to 01:17:675.

[Skalim's 7K EXHAUST]
- Something feels extremely odd in this chart. It feels like some notes that were originally from the 1/8 snap grid have been snapped into the 1/4 grid. Have Skalim check this.

PROGUY wrote:

Hi again Nitori. :)
Here's my recheck.

00:32:108 (32108|1) Move to Scratch column.
01:16:540 (76540|6) Move long note end to 01:17:675.
01:17:756 (77756|3) Move to 01:17:675.

01:16:540 (76540|5) Move long note end to 01:17:675.
01:17:756 (77756|1) Move to 01:17:675.

[Skalim's 7K EXHAUST]
- Something feels extremely odd in this chart. It feels like some notes that were originally from the 1/8 snap grid have been snapped into the 1/4 grid. Have Skalim check this.
give me examples T.T
Great map! Starr'd :D

To Skalim:
This used to look like this before the update if I recall correctly. Same goes to other parts of the song. (...Okay, this one was in 1/6 grid. But regardless, the point is that all of them have snapped into the 1/4 grid.)

PROGUY wrote:


To Skalim:
This used to look like this before the update if I recall correctly. Same goes to other parts of the song. (...Okay, this one was in 1/6 grid. But regardless, the point is that all of them have snapped into the 1/4 grid.)
i can put simply, when you're resnapping all note in one step, but you're using 1/4 beat snap, though you had 1/6 or more.. then the beat above 1/4 will messed up (example like that, 1/6 will be moved to 1/4)

you need to resnap wil maximum your beat snap divisor that you're used.

Reikosaka wrote:

PROGUY wrote:


To Skalim:
This used to look like this before the update if I recall correctly. Same goes to other parts of the song. (...Okay, this one was in 1/6 grid. But regardless, the point is that all of them have snapped into the 1/4 grid.)
i can put simply, when you're resnapping all note in one step, but you're using 1/4 beat snap, though you had 1/6 or more.. then the beat above 1/4 will messed up (example like that, 1/6 will be moved to 1/4)

you need to resnap wil maximum your beat snap divisor that you're used.

wait .____________________.!!!!

update: ... 282%29.osu

sorry for the stupidity, i am in other thinks T.T
Topic Starter
Updated with PROGUY's changes and Skalim's changes. Too lazy to quote. :P

Bubble please?
Apologies for the extremely late reply due to IRL issues.

Bubbled. :)
Go Go rank :D, congratz for the bubble nitori ^^

onotoleonide wrote:

Its cool bro. This map was submitted before that rule i think got approved. .___.

edit: im right. This map was submitted Aug 2013 and that rule submitted 4 months ago so it doesnt affect this .______.
Is this map added hitsound yet?
If yes, igrone my post ;w;
Topic Starter

Kuo Kyoka wrote:

Is this map added hitsound yet?
If yes, igrone my post ;w;
It has some hitsounds, but not a ton. It wasn't really mapped with hitsounds in mind.

YunoFanatic wrote:

onotoleonide wrote:

Its cool bro. This map was submitted before that rule i think got approved. .___.

edit: im right. This map was submitted Aug 2013 and that rule submitted 4 months ago so it doesnt affect this .______.
I've talked with a couple of BATs about this. But since the difficulties were submitted before the rule was applied, it should be fine I think.
go to rank ! ~
Finally chart is checked, all patterns are well playable (SV too). One more trigger Ranked! owo
Good map~ Congrats!
finally, Congratz ^^

Skalim wrote:

finally, Congratz ^^
it's rage skalim
Congrats Nitori >w<
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Yay! Thank you everyone for your support. x3/
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