
Nekomata Master feat. Shimotsuki Haruka - Element of SPADA

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2015年8月31日 at 20:39:14

Artist: Nekomata Master feat. Shimotsuki Haruka
Title: Element of SPADA
Source: beatmania IIDX
Tags: 21 wantuole Mei Left 4 Dead pop'n music Bungaku Shounen 佐藤直之
BPM: 170
Filesize: 6744kb
Play Time: 02:04
Difficulties Available:
  1. Another (4.05 stars, 409 notes)
  2. Mei's Beginner (1.47 stars, 102 notes)
  3. Normal (2.12 stars, 206 notes)
  4. wantuole's Hyper (3 stars, 264 notes)
Download: Nekomata Master feat. Shimotsuki Haruka - Element of SPADA
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
May the sword be with you.

New Storyboard updated!

Thanks Bungaku Shounen for his nice storyboard!

Topic Starter

Mei wrote:


好哟..欢迎 :)
我射 我射
我射 射 射

01:42:120 (1,2,3) - 不放个跳么
01:43:532 (1,2,3) - 同上
01:37:532 (1,2,3) - 试试这样?
Topic Starter

OrangeNeKo wrote:


01:42:120 (1,2,3) - 不放个跳么
01:43:532 (1,2,3) - 同上
01:37:532 (1,2,3) - 试试这样?
01:42:120 (1,2,3) - 不放个跳么 - 我觉得不怎么好,这里还是有些难,再跳就增加难度了。

01:43:532 (1,2,3) - 同上 - 从美观上我觉得没必要了,这里一改就得去想新的几何构图..

01:37:532 (1,2,3) - 试试这样? - 虽然可以这样来体现节奏的缓和,但是从整体上来说,我的缓和段落都是用较小的1.2ds来体现的,所以如果整个难度里面,只有这一处按你说的这样改的话,这里就变成唯一很违和的地方了。


Left 4 Dead wrote:

OrangeNeKo wrote:



wantuole's Hard

  1. 00:25:532 (3,4) - 建议围好
  2. 00:37:179 (5,6,1) - 试的时候断了滑条,我思考5尾部压重,6和1是直线,目押有点难度,考虑换排列或者搞出点曲线
  3. 01:16:356 (6) - 建议尾部whistle换到开头,配合乐音
  4. 建议曲末接消音转盘


  1. 00:23:061 (1,1) - 后一个滑条头部向前一个重叠,个人感觉最好是后面三滑条向内正三角
  2. 00:24:826 (1,2,3) - 个人建议和前面对称,一个稀饭
  3. 00:27:650 (3,3) - 建议遮好
  4. 00:30:120 (1) - 尾部拉到红线,也能配合下后面的节奏
  5. 00:39:650 (2,2) - 后一个滑条尾部和前面的泡泡叠上
  6. 00:50:061 (2,5) - 也是两个配合着叠上比较好看
  7. 00:58:179 (2,1) - ↑
  8. 01:12:297 (4,1) - 1叠到4,正三角
  9. 01:28:356 (3,1,2,3,4) - 试的时候50了一个,这个弯不太好读,建议连打起始挪到滑条3开头
  10. 01:53:767 (1,6) - ↑
  11. 01:59:414 (5,4) - ↑别忘了挪这个02:02:040 (2) -
  12. 02:04:096 - 个人建议尾部加一个消音转盘
Topic Starter

ids wrote:


wantuole's Hard

  1. 00:25:532 (3,4) - 建议围好
  2. 00:37:179 (5,6,1) - 试的时候断了滑条,我思考5尾部压重,6和1是直线,目押有点难度,考虑换排列或者搞出点曲线
  3. 01:16:356 (6) - 建议尾部whistle换到开头,配合乐音
  4. 建议曲末接消音转盘


  1. 00:23:061 (1,1) - 后一个滑条头部向前一个重叠,个人感觉最好是后面三滑条向内正三角
  2. 00:24:826 (1,2,3) - 个人建议和前面对称,一个稀饭
  3. 00:27:650 (3,3) - 建议遮好
  4. 00:30:120 (1) - 尾部拉到红线,也能配合下后面的节奏
  5. 00:39:650 (2,2) - 后一个滑条尾部和前面的泡泡叠上
  6. 00:50:061 (2,5) - 也是两个配合着叠上比较好看
  7. 00:58:179 (2,1) - ↑
  8. 01:12:297 (4,1) - 1叠到4,正三角
  9. 01:28:356 (3,1,2,3,4) - 试的时候50了一个,这个弯不太好读,建议连打起始挪到滑条3开头
  10. 01:53:767 (1,6) - ↑
  11. 01:59:414 (5,4) - ↑别忘了挪这个02:02:040 (2) -
  12. 02:04:096 - 个人建议尾部加一个消音转盘
[wantuole's Hard]

00:25:532 (3,4) - 建议围好 fixed

00:37:179 (5,6,1) - 试的时候断了滑条,我思考5尾部压重,6和1是直线,目押有点难度,考虑换排列或者搞出点曲线

fixed 排列已换 我把00:37:179 (5) 平行的放在了00:37:885 (6) 的下面

01:16:356 (6)建议尾部whistle换到开头,配合乐音 我没改,我觉得这样放适应下一个2.0DS

建议曲末接消音转盘 normal都没这样,不是很有必要.


00:23:061 (1,1) - 后一个滑条头部向前一个重叠,个人感觉最好是后面三滑条向内正三角 我在这里复制粘贴了00:23:061 (1) ,然后Ctrl+G

00:24:826 (1,2,3) - 个人建议和前面对称,一个稀饭 我觉得这里还好,没有改。

00:27:650 (3,3) - 建议遮好 貌似不会怎么挡吧

00:30:120 (1) - 尾部拉到红线,也能配合下后面的节奏 打图的时候应该不会怎么违和。没有改。

00:39:650 (2,2) - 后一个滑条尾部和前面的泡泡叠上 fixed 00:40:708 (1)我也简单挪了一下

00:50:061 (2,5) - 也是两个配合着叠上比较好看 这里改了影响图的手感(是叫flow吗?)

00:58:179 (2,1) - ↑ 同样我觉得改了影响打图,于是就没改

01:12:297 (4,1) - 1叠到4,正三角 这里的确不好看,虽然我没有那样改,但相对的我在01:12:297 (1) 加了NC

01:28:356 (3,1,2,3,4) - 试的时候50了一个,这个弯不太好读,建议连打起始挪到滑条3开头 啊..我没懂,是1、2叠在3上?

01:53:767 (1,6) - ↑ 打图的时候并不是特别明显,于是我没改

02:04:096 - 个人建议尾部加一个消音转盘 没有改。我这里想模仿Poinsettia那种结尾,等到故事版到了,这里就会更好看的。

:) Thanks for Modding!

  1. 00:09:650 (3) - 以前教我作图的前辈说过最好不要用滑条尾去压有重音的长白线,所以可以试试这样
  2. 00:17:767 (2,3,1,2) - 这里试试这样,吧 00:18:120 (3,1) - 做成00:17:767 (2) - 旋转120度/240度然后可以排成这样一个图案(我个人感觉美观会加分>.>
  3. 00:32:414 (3,4) - 修一下blanket
  4. 01:03:297 (3,4,1) - 试试这样,吧3移到x100 y272 , 把1移到x296 y32
  5. 01:04:708 (1,4) - 避免一下overlap(虽然我觉得也不是太必要,不过随手就能解决的
  6. 01:13:532 (1,2,3) - 这3个也能做成那种依次120度旋转的图形
  7. 01:25:356 (4,5) - 没包好
  8. 01:39:650 (4) - 也是滑条尾巴压到重音了,试着改成3/4滑条+1个note这样的节奏啊

[wantuole's hard]
  1. 00:33:650 (3,4) - 干脆做个bat喜闻乐见的blanket啊
  2. 00:38:591 (1,2,3,4,1) - 这个听起来不太舒服,因为00:39:297 (2,4) - 这2个滑条都都把尾巴压在人声上了感觉有点弱(不知道怎么说,反正试试这样
  3. 01:01:885 (1,3) - 这两个叠啊(貌似有点难
  4. 01:09:297 (4,5) - 感觉和下一个滑条离得有点远啊,试试移到x132 y220


  • normal 不要变速比较好吧。。。。可能会被狗说
  1. 01:16:708 (1,1) - normal里面这个有点太近了,建议直接把1删掉
好曲, 我看看图咋做的
01:31:444 - 这里想办法插个note吧
01:50:591 (1) - 改成两个短滑条来突出一下spada这个主题或许不错

还有就是这个背景用故事版做成滚动的就好了, 再加个云彩特效, 给人一种乡村小城市的氛围, 然后结合主题, 就是一个这一首歌带起了2dx21spada整个碟子的那种感觉

就是那种慢速的滚动, 在慢慢移动的火车上远望城市的那种感觉

Topic Starter

Mei wrote:


  1. 00:09:650 (3) - 以前教我作图的前辈说过最好不要用滑条尾去压有重音的长白线,所以可以试试这样
  2. 00:17:767 (2,3,1,2) - 这里试试这样,吧 00:18:120 (3,1) - 做成00:17:767 (2) - 旋转120度/240度然后可以排成这样一个图案(我个人感觉美观会加分>.>
  3. 00:32:414 (3,4) - 修一下blanket
  4. 01:03:297 (3,4,1) - 试试这样,吧3移到x100 y272 , 把1移到x296 y32
  5. 01:04:708 (1,4) - 避免一下overlap(虽然我觉得也不是太必要,不过随手就能解决的
  6. 01:13:532 (1,2,3) - 这3个也能做成那种依次120度旋转的图形
  7. 01:25:356 (4,5) - 没包好
  8. 01:39:650 (4) - 也是滑条尾巴压到重音了,试着改成3/4滑条+1个note这样的节奏啊

[wantuole's hard]
  1. 00:33:650 (3,4) - 干脆做个bat喜闻乐见的blanket啊
  2. 00:38:591 (1,2,3,4,1) - 这个听起来不太舒服,因为00:39:297 (2,4) - 这2个滑条都都把尾巴压在人声上了感觉有点弱(不知道怎么说,反正试试这样
  3. 01:01:885 (1,3) - 这两个叠啊(貌似有点难
  4. 01:09:297 (4,5) - 感觉和下一个滑条离得有点远啊,试试移到x132 y220


  • normal 不要变速比较好吧。。。。可能会被狗说
  1. 01:16:708 (1,1) - normal里面这个有点太近了,建议直接把1删掉

00:09:650 (3) - 以前教我作图的前辈说过最好不要用滑条尾去压有重音的长白线,所以可以试试这样 Fixed 就像00:04:709 (1,2,1) 一样,中间空红线

00:17:767 (2,3,1,2) - 这里试试这样,吧 00:18:120 (3,1) - 做成00:17:767 (2) - 旋转120度/240度然后可以排成这样一个图案(我个人感觉美观会加分>.>
待定,因为00:18:473 (1) 和 下一个 (2)之间我不知道怎么处理。

00:32:414 (3,4) - 修一下blanket Fixed

01:03:297 (3,4,1) - 试试这样,吧3移到x100 y272 , 把1移到x296 y32 Fixed 但是我把(3)盖到了01:02:944 (2) 上

01:04:708 (1,4) - 避免一下overlap(虽然我觉得也不是太必要,不过随手就能解决的 这里我不知道怎么改:_:

01:13:532 (1,2,3) - 这3个也能做成那种依次120度旋转的图形 没有改,我觉得这里改了影响打图手感

01:25:356 (4,5) - 没包好 Fixed

01:39:650 (4) - 也是滑条尾巴压到重音了,试着改成3/4滑条+1个note这样的节奏啊 这里不想改了..只有着一处用蓝线太违和了

[wantuole's Hard]

00:33:650 (3,4) - 干脆做个bat喜闻乐见的blanket啊 Fixed

00:38:591 (1,2,3,4,1) - 这个听起来不太舒服,因为00:39:297 (2,4) - 这2个滑条都都把尾巴压在人声上了感觉有点弱(不知道怎么说,反正试试这样 Fixed 但具体最好你再看看。我改了这里的排列方式。

01:01:885 (1,3) - 这两个叠啊(貌似有点难 这里保留意见XD

01:09:297 (4,5) - 感觉和下一个滑条离得有点远啊,试试移到x132 y220 Fixed


normal 不要变速比较好吧。。。。可能会被狗说 我也有点担心,但是这个一改就基本等于很多地方重做...于是我先待定吧

01:16:708 (1,1) - normal里面这个有点太近了,建议直接把1删掉 我把它离中心拉近了点。但是没删

:) Thanks for Modding!
Topic Starter

[CSGA]Ar3sgice wrote:

01:31:444 - 这里想办法插个note吧
01:50:591 (1) - 改成两个短滑条来突出一下spada这个主题或许不错

还有就是这个背景用故事版做成滚动的就好了, 再加个云彩特效, 给人一种乡村小城市的氛围, 然后结合主题, 就是一个这一首歌带起了2dx21spada整个碟子的那种感觉

就是那种慢速的滚动, 在慢慢移动的火车上远望城市的那种感觉

01:31:444 - 这里想办法插个note吧 Fixed 具体的话还请你来看看?

01:50:591 (1) - 改成两个短滑条来突出一下spada这个主题或许不错 Fixed 同样,具体的请你来看看吧


基本上所有建议我都觉得值得采纳..所以还是给一个kd吧 8-)

Thanks for Modding!
00:29:061 (3) - 这里之后放个转盘可能会好点?
Topic Starter

tm1209 wrote:

00:29:061 (3) - 这里之后放个转盘可能会好点?
真是抱歉我没有注意到你的回复。 :D

我感觉OD8更好,能提升一些难度:3 OD8啊,我考虑一下,如果很多人提这个就改。

00:29:061 (3) - 这里之后放个转盘可能会好点? 可以放,但是我不知道转盘在哪里结尾比较好..

音效改成和音乐里面的鼓点相似或许打起来会更爽 应该是基本符合鼓点的哦。如果有违和的地方还请提出来A(_ _)A

Thanks For Modding! :)
>:( 2kd没了
From m4m

02:04:096 - 虽然有一点提前音...但我觉得用70bpm最好

OD+1 曲子很平淡没啥特别的变化,OD7太送了..
01:48:385 - 加note?和这里差不多01:31:179 (2,3,4) -
02:02:312 - 其实这里加note更好啊。

[Wantuole's Hard]
00:49:708 (2) - 这个红线滑条打起来有点别扭..
01:27:297 (3) - 换1/2滑条然后加note更好

00:26:944 (1) - 折返一下就没必要下后面那1/2滑条...多余的节奏
02:01:179 (1,2,3) - NC?...敢低难度这里堆一块容易当成一种速度的
Topic Starter

lkx_Shore wrote:

From m4m

02:04:096 - 虽然有一点提前音...但我觉得用70bpm最好

OD+1 曲子很平淡没啥特别的变化,OD7太送了..
01:48:385 - 加note?和这里差不多01:31:179 (2,3,4) -
02:02:312 - 其实这里加note更好啊。

[Wantuole's Hard]
00:49:708 (2) - 这个红线滑条打起来有点别扭..
01:27:297 (3) - 换1/2滑条然后加note更好

00:26:944 (1) - 折返一下就没必要下后面那1/2滑条...多余的节奏
02:01:179 (1,2,3) - NC?...敢低难度这里堆一块容易当成一种速度的
没有break,去掉letterbox Fixed
02:04:096 - 虽然有一点提前音...但我觉得用70bpm最好 Fixed这里我确实弄错了..

OD+1 曲子很平淡没啥特别的变化,OD7太送了..Fixed
01:48:385 - 加note?和这里差不多01:31:179 (2,3,4) - 我觉得这里的排列不好改动,所以没改
02:02:312 - 其实这里加note更好啊。为了体现节奏的减缓,我觉得没必要加note

[Wantuole's Hard]
OD+1 Fixed
00:49:708 (2) - 这个红线滑条打起来有点别扭..整个diff里面红线滑条满不少的样子,这一处我觉得不是特别违和。
01:27:297 (3) - 换1/2滑条然后加note更好Fixed

00:26:944 (1) - 折返一下就没必要下后面那1/2滑条...多余的节奏Fixed
02:01:179 (1,2,3) - NC?...敢低难度这里堆一块容易当成一种速度的Fixed

Thanks for Modding! :)
M4M from my queue

Hmm... it's beatmania IIDX so you could rename difficulties to Mei's Beginner, Standard, wantuole's Hyper and Another to reflect the source material

Mei's Easy
00:16:356 (5,1) - Nice slider wrapping
00:34:003 (5) - Ctrl-G and then move everything accordingly to keep distance snap equal
00:52:003 (1) - Either move to 96/40 for better flow into the slider, or 96/28 so it's on the same level as the slider on the other side
01:59:061 (1) - Make the end of the spinner more quiet so it doesn't intrude into the ending

AR5 maybe?
00:11:061 (5,6) - Incredibly Nazi but 5 to 312/184 and 6 to 92/224. Also having 6 curve the other way would improve flow
00:34:356 (6) - Maybe move this out, I'm not sure about objects under slider ends in Normal difficulty
01:06:120 (4) - Curve the other way for better flow
01:24:826 (1) - Nazi but angle this ever so slightly clockwise (outward) so it resembles the slider on the other end a little more
02:01:179 (1,1,1) - Nice ending

wantuole's Hard
HP+1 perhaps? It's probably OK how it is though
00:30:120 (2) - NC here, this note doesn't have any relation to the note before it
00:43:885 (3) - This is fine, but it might be nice to stack it on the head of the previous slider
00:46:003 (1,1,1) - Nice usage of NCs
00:55:885 (2) - If you move to 288/128 the flow will be nicer, and then you can move 5 so that the end stacks with it
01:31:356 (1,2) - The distance between these should be increased to fit in with the ones that come afterwards

00:19:708 (2) - Move to 196/244 for better flow
00:23:767 (1) - To 236/164 for better stacking with the others
00:26:591 (6) - The slider end could be stacked better with 3's end but I know grid snap gets in the way, so either leave it or play around with it a little to get them to stack properly
01:08:591 (1) - Maybe you could re-angle so you could get the end to stack with 2 and the head to stack with the yellow 3?
01:11:944 (2,3,1,2,3) - Nice stacking
01:24:826 (1,2,3,4) - For a nicer shape, have 244/140, 300/276, 332/128, 224/228 in that order
01:25:532 (5) - Stack end with 1
02:03:251 (3,4) - The hitsounds should be quieter here to represent the slowing down in the song

All difficulties are very nice, so not much for me to point out I'm afraid. I tried my best though.

Good luck getting this ranked, I don't think it needs much more work before it's time to call a BAT.

Hmm, you starred my map, so I guess I'll return the favour. Starred!
Topic Starter

orza6006 wrote:

M4M from my queue

Hmm... it's beatmania IIDX so you could rename difficulties to Mei's Beginner, Standard, wantuole's Hyper and Another to reflect the source material

Mei's Easy
00:16:356 (5,1) - Nice slider wrapping
00:34:003 (5) - Ctrl-G and then move everything accordingly to keep distance snap equal
00:52:003 (1) - Either move to 96/40 for better flow into the slider, or 96/28 so it's on the same level as the slider on the other side
01:59:061 (1) - Make the end of the spinner more quiet so it doesn't intrude into the ending

AR5 maybe?
00:11:061 (5,6) - Incredibly Nazi but 5 to 312/184 and 6 to 92/224. Also having 6 curve the other way would improve flow
00:34:356 (6) - Maybe move this out, I'm not sure about objects under slider ends in Normal difficulty
01:06:120 (4) - Curve the other way for better flow
01:24:826 (1) - Nazi but angle this ever so slightly clockwise (outward) so it resembles the slider on the other end a little more
02:01:179 (1,1,1) - Nice ending

wantuole's Hard
HP+1 perhaps? It's probably OK how it is though
00:30:120 (2) - NC here, this note doesn't have any relation to the note before it
00:43:885 (3) - This is fine, but it might be nice to stack it on the head of the previous slider
00:46:003 (1,1,1) - Nice usage of NCs
00:55:885 (2) - If you move to 288/128 the flow will be nicer, and then you can move 5 so that the end stacks with it
01:31:356 (1,2) - The distance between these should be increased to fit in with the ones that come afterwards

00:19:708 (2) - Move to 196/244 for better flow
00:23:767 (1) - To 236/164 for better stacking with the others
00:26:591 (6) - The slider end could be stacked better with 3's end but I know grid snap gets in the way, so either leave it or play around with it a little to get them to stack properly
01:08:591 (1) - Maybe you could re-angle so you could get the end to stack with 2 and the head to stack with the yellow 3?
01:11:944 (2,3,1,2,3) - Nice stacking
01:24:826 (1,2,3,4) - For a nicer shape, have 244/140, 300/276, 332/128, 224/228 in that order
01:25:532 (5) - Stack end with 1
02:03:251 (3,4) - The hitsounds should be quieter here to represent the slowing down in the song

All difficulties are very nice, so not much for me to point out I'm afraid. I tried my best though.

Good luck getting this ranked, I don't think it needs much more work before it's time to call a BAT.

Hmm, you starred my map, so I guess I'll return the favour. Starred!
Hmm... it's beatmania IIDX so you could rename difficulties to Mei's Beginner, Standard, wantuole's Hyper and Another to reflect the source material Fixed Thanks for reminding!

[Mei's Beginner]
· 00:34:003 (5) - Ctrl-G and then move everything accordingly to keep distance snap equal Fixed

· 00:52:003 (1) - Either move to 96/40 for better flow into the slider, or 96/28 so it's on the same level as the slider on the other side Fixed

· 01:59:061 (1) - Make the end of the spinner more quiet so it doesn't intrude into the ending Because other diffs have the same hitsound at the end, so I think it needn't be changed.

· AR5 maybe? Fixed

· 00:11:061 (5,6) - Incredibly Nazi but 5 to 312/184 and 6 to 92/224. Also having 6 curve the other way would improve flow I made a little change to 5 only

· 00:34:356 (6) - Maybe move this out, I'm not sure about objects under slider ends in Normal difficulty Fixed Yes, it may be dangerous to rank

· 01:06:120 (4) - Curve the other way for better flow Fixed Okay, I made it a blanket

· 01:24:826 (1) - Nazi but angle this ever so slightly clockwise (outward) so it resembles the slider on the other end a little more Well, I made it on purpose

· 02:01:179 (1,1,1) - Nice ending Thanks

[wantuole's Hyper]
· HP+1 perhaps? It's probably OK how it is though Fixed It's suitable if it is a Hyper difficulty

· 00:30:120 (2) - NC here, this note doesn't have any relation to the note before it Fixed

· 00:43:885 (3) - This is fine, but it might be nice to stack it on the head of the previous slider Maybe the flow is good so I didn't change it

· 00:55:885 (2) - If you move to 288/128 the flow will be nicer, and then you can move 5 so that the end stacks with it Umm..I actually think the flow here is not bad

· 01:31:356 (1,2) - The distance between these should be increased to fit in with the ones that come afterwards Sadly, I found nowhere to put it, could you please give me a position in XY?

· 00:19:708 (2) - Move to 196/244 for better flow I think it may be good to stack on the 00:18:473 (1)

· 00:23:767 (1) - To 236/164 for better stacking with the others Fixed wow, you found it

· 00:26:591 (6) - The slider end could be stacked better with 3's end but I know grid snap gets in the way, so either leave it or play around with it a little to get them to stack properly Fixed Umm, it made some time for me to fix it

· 01:08:591 (1) - Maybe you could re-angle so you could get the end to stack with 2 and the head to stack with the yellow 3? Because of the flow, I don't want to change it

· 01:11:944 (2,3,1,2,3) - Nice stacking Thanks~!

· 01:24:826 (1,2,3,4) - For a nicer shape, have 244/140, 300/276, 332/128, 224/228 in that order Errr..If it does,then 01:25:356 (4,5) is not a nice blanket

· 01:25:532 (5) - Stack end with 1 I think it is not very good if I put it there, but it does have to be changed.Well, let me wait for a better solution

· 02:03:251 (3,4) - The hitsounds should be quieter here to represent the slowing down in the song The same reason as above

Thanks for your Modding and Star!
先mark 我记得以前好像下过
Topic Starter

fanzhen0019 wrote:

先mark 我记得以前好像下过
  • iidx的命名习惯是Beginner Normal Hyper Another 你可以考虑一下


  • Clear
Arrangement & Design
  • 工整 没啥好说的


  • Clear
Arrangement & Design
  • 01:37:885 (1) - 我觉得可以new combo
  1. 01:53:767 (2,3,4,5,6) - wocao


  • 开头建议在短白线都下whistle
    感觉下的有点意识流 但都是whistle也没啥关系
Arrangement & Design
  1. 00:46:003 (1,1) - 叠了 挪一挪
  2. 00:47:767 (3,4) - 没包好
  3. 01:19:356 (4) - 其实可以放到01:20:238 (3) - 这个位置
  4. 01:28:356 (1) - 建议加大和前面的spacing 这有点欺诈了


  • 没啥问题
Arrangement & Design
  • Excellent
Topic Starter

fanzhen0019 wrote:

  • iidx的命名习惯是Beginner Normal Hyper Another 你可以考虑一下


  • Clear
Arrangement & Design
  • 工整 没啥好说的


  • Clear
Arrangement & Design
  • 01:37:885 (1) - 我觉得可以new combo
  1. 01:53:767 (2,3,4,5,6) - wocao


  • 开头建议在短白线都下whistle
    感觉下的有点意识流 但都是whistle也没啥关系
Arrangement & Design
  1. 00:46:003 (1,1) - 叠了 挪一挪
  2. 00:47:767 (3,4) - 没包好
  3. 01:19:356 (4) - 其实可以放到01:20:238 (3) - 这个位置
  4. 01:28:356 (1) - 建议加大和前面的spacing 这有点欺诈了


  • 没啥问题
Arrangement & Design
  • Excellent

iidx的命名习惯是Beginner Normal Hyper Another 你可以考虑一下 Fixed 谢谢提醒


01:37:885 (1) - 我觉得可以new combo Fixed

01:53:767 (2,3,4,5,6) - wocao Fixed 2333这里果然还是被发现了,改成滑条了

[wantuole's Hyper]

开头建议在短白线都下whistle,感觉下的有点意识流 但都是whistle也没啥关系 改的不多,但是稍微改了一点..

00:46:003 (1,1) - 叠了 挪一挪 Fixed

00:47:767 (3,4) - 没包好 Fixed 关了GS修了修,应该不明显了

01:19:356 (4) - 其实可以放到01:20:238 (3) - 这个位置 感觉这样放难度有点大..而我放到了x49 y123做了一个直角

01:28:356 (1) - 建议加大和前面的spacing 这有点欺诈了 Fixed 叠在2上应该没问题吧?

Thanks for Modding! 8-)

Left 4 Dead wrote:

lkx_Shore wrote:

01:48:385 - 加note?和这里差不多01:31:179 (2,3,4) - 我觉得这里的排列不好改动,所以没改 这啥理由,这是音乐游戏,先有节奏再有排列...
Topic Starter

lkx_Shore wrote:

01:48:385 - 加note?和这里差不多01:31:179 (2,3,4) - 我觉得这里的排列不好改动,所以没改 这啥理由,这是音乐游戏,先有节奏再有排列...



A(_ _)A 理由不充分实在是抱歉了!Sorry!
request from Mei sama 8-)

  1. uncheck widescreensup

[Mei's Beginner]
00:48:120 (1) - how about this? for better flow


00:35:061 (1,2,3) - try to this rhythm
01:20:944 (1) - NC?


[wantuole's Hyper]
Why don't put the note?
good flow is wasted
  1. 00:13:708
  2. 00:15:120
  3. 00:16:179
  4. 00:16:885
  5. 00:22:179
  6. 00:23:591
  7. 00:24:650
  8. 00:26:414
KIAI TIME is also same

00:06:650 (3) - i think it is little close. move about x316 y272 is better
00:25:003 (2) - for better flow
00:26:238 (6) - x488 y156
00:26:944 (8) - x440 y257
00:29:061 (3) - x264 y344?
00:46:356 (2) - NC because SV is changing
00:46:708 (3) - ^
01:03:650 - remove green line?

It was interesting >o<

good luck ~ !
Topic Starter

Pandiar wrote:

request from Mei sama 8-)

  1. uncheck widescreensup

[Mei's Beginner]
00:48:120 (1) - how about this? for better flow


00:35:061 (1,2,3) - try to this rhythm
01:20:944 (1) - NC?


[wantuole's Hyper]
Why don't put the note?
good flow is wasted
  1. 00:13:708
  2. 00:15:120
  3. 00:16:179
  4. 00:16:885
  5. 00:22:179
  6. 00:23:591
  7. 00:24:650
  8. 00:26:414
KIAI TIME is also same

00:06:650 (3) - i think it is little close. move about x316 y272 is better
00:25:003 (2) - for better flow
00:26:238 (6) - x488 y156
00:26:944 (8) - x440 y257
00:29:061 (3) - x264 y344?
00:46:356 (2) - NC because SV is changing
00:46:708 (3) - ^
01:03:650 - remove green line?

It was interesting >o<

good luck ~ !

uncheck widescreensupFixed Thank you for reminding!

[Mei's Beginner]

00:48:120 (1) - how about this? for better flow Fixed Surely, It did help:D


00:35:061 (1,2,3) - try to this rhythmFixed Yes, you're right

01:20:944 (1) - NC? Fixed Giving a slider a NC in special may be not good, so I make the slider into two circles (Actually, I think I made it harder for playing :? )

[wantuole's Hyper]
Why don't put the note?
good flow is wasted

Well, because the Another isn't very difficult, so I think it is necessary to make some blanks for reducing the difficulty of the Hyper...However, if more people mention this, I would think about it. Thanks anyway :P


00:06:650 (3) - i think it is little close. move about x316 y272 is better Fixed

00:25:003 (2) - for better flow Um..Jumping here may be difficult a bit, and I think it doesn't fit the hitsound

00:26:238 (6) - x488 y156 Fixed

00:26:944 (8) - x440 y257 Fixed

00:29:061 (3) - x264 y344? I found a better place in x164 y76

00:46:356 (2) - NC because SV is changing 00:46:708 (3) - ^ Fixed

01:03:650 - remove green line? Fixed Yes, you found it,it was an useless line

Thanks for Modding! ... and cute Mei! ;)
SB Check here owo/

Will give some suggestions to improve the SB

SB\Light.png @ 4356 Offset

I think you should push this scaling and fading 1/1 later, it feels too early imo
Also, have the Scale on Easing Out, it feels more dynamic

SB Lyrics @ 30120 & 114120 Offset

The SB seems to fade out rather fast, I think you should extend the time of the fade out so it feels smoother

SB\d-5.png @ 97179 Offset

I think 誰 kanji is enough, I don't think a よ is needed here


The same Move/Rotate happens twice, which looks unnatural, I suggest to change the Move/Rotate on 00:55:532 - of the SAKURA.png


I suggest to use Easing out on the Scale, it looks more dynamic imo

Otherwise, the SB looks pretty good owo/
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