
League of Legends

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Just wondering, why is karma so underplayed? I tried her once she's pretty fun as long as you know when to skill and what to use your ult on. Pretty easy to get used to IMO.
RIP old karma

She was my favourite champ. The new one is lame as hell.

Ok, I wish I had refunds so I could refund my deep one skin and get this instead. >_>
The new Karma is significantly better than the old one in terms of balance. They keep randomly buffing her so she will probably end up like the current Ziggs did at some point.

The old Karma was really unique and they took pretty much all of it away which a ton of people hated. 1 or 2 things could have happened with Karma.

1) She could have been left alone, but nerver buffed and would have gotten gutted to hell and back if she ever became good. Her old kit was a disaster when it came to balance. Other champions in this situation right now are Poppy, Warwick (I'm really worried about him since he is seeing competitive play), Rengar, and Shaco.

2) Reworked

Reworks can turn out for the worst and end up being a lose - lose, but Karma is actually far better (healthy balance) with her new kit than she was with her old one.
Smite vicious on support gg
First Akali penta of the season and the game sucked massive cock.

In fact I don't think I felt such disgust towards League ever before the games today.

In almost 4 years of ups and downs, these were ten most revolting and void of fun games of LoL I've had.

Vulf wrote:

The new Karma is significantly better than the old one in terms of balance. They keep randomly buffing her so she will probably end up like the current Ziggs did at some point.

The old Karma was really unique and they took pretty much all of it away which a ton of people hated. 1 or 2 things could have happened with Karma.

1) She could have been left alone, but nerver buffed and would have gotten gutted to hell and back if she ever became good. Her old kit was a disaster when it came to balance. Other champions in this situation right now are Poppy, Warwick (I'm really worried about him since he is seeing competitive play), Rengar, and Shaco.

2) Reworked

Reworks can turn out for the worst and end up being a lose - lose, but Karma is actually far better (healthy balance) with her new kit than she was with her old one.
I hate this attitude so much. Give me an underpowered unique and fun champion over a generic balanced one any day.
I wouldn't call new Karma generic. Also she bacame a lot more of strentgh by herself rather than a semi-support reliant on good melee fighters. And her old kit was a nightmare to balance through numbers.

Old thread interaction was slightly more interesting to play around, new one is a lot like single target Morgana ult but it's cool that they kept her missing health reneneration feat although moved from other ability.

New shield is much cooler, a single/aoe shield+surge is way more fun than her old plain stuff.

But I guess what really turns off old Karma players is lack of passive that added a lot of hidden strength (and balancing hardships) and her Q becoming a projectile rather than close ranged unblockable fan.
Something being fun and unique is not an excuse for it to stay the way it is (underpowered or overpowered). A lot of the unique mechanics and kits in this game were/are disasters waiting to happen for example: AP Yi and AP trynd when they went out of control.

I agree with TKiller the new Karma is far from generic.

Honestly the big reason I was upset over her rework is because it was a sudden change and there was no communication about it all. A lot of the major reworks that happen now are posted by Riot and discussed within the community. Heimerdinger for example was done this way and look how great his rework was. I've even talked Zenon (Rioter who is reworking Warwick) into making a thread when he fully switches over to Warwick which is after the Xerath rework goes live and settles down.
Hoooooly shit I never knew teamwork in SoloQ was possible until this match.
Those teamfights were literally as coordinated as some next level LCS teamfights.. such a great game.

It all started off with Thresh connecting a madlife hook, throwing himself in the middle of the enemy team, lanterning Galio with him. Lissandra follows them and they all ult together. Then I jumped in as Kha'Zix and took a the kills. 8-)

Best wombo combo in SoloQ ever
- O n i -
/ff20 possible?

I was in ranked champ select waiting for the first 2 people to pick (i was 4th) but it kind of lags for 2-4 seconds then I immediately see enemy's champions being picked then it suddenly is my turn (that happened in like 5 or 6 seconds) and I immediately automatically get out of champ select because I've "failed to select a champion"

Looks like today was a good rankeds day, got d III aswell

Lee sin spam succesful
Meanwhile I am stuck in Plat 3 :cry:
I'm pretty excited about patch 4.2 changes.

I'm glad Ashe is finally getting buffed, looking forward to playing her a bit in ranked again.

homm88 wrote:

about patch 4.2 changes.
I lold at the way Riot worded Rumble's Q's visual change: "Rumble now spits real flame instead of meatballs."

Anyways, looks like a lot of the champions I use aren't getting any changes, so I guess, yay?
I say most because I started using Kayle again this season. A little sad that her Q's AP ratio got dropped. =( Oh well.
Yay, a defense tree nerf. I guess I won't be able to abuse Kayle now.

Ziggs and Kayle free week lelelelelel
I actually hope there will be more patches similar to this one in the future.

Stuff got nerfed but it wasn't anything severe. Some decent bug fixes.

Xerath and Skarner got reworked to an almost OP state (been playing them on PBE). A lot of people are complaining that the reworks were huge nerfs, but they will eat those words in a couple of weeks I guarantee it.
Kanye West
Soraka top OP.
As an assassin focused mid player this is great

EDIT: Wow I didn't skip a division, must be because of the new patch.
f i z i k

3-0 the dream,time to play osu again

Makojita wrote:

Soraka top OP.

Kanye West wrote:

i dont think so in my eyes skarner wont be better then pre rework i think its even worse

kT fizik wrote:

3-0 the dream,time to play osu again
i secretly cry in my corner
Our support Kayle started with doran's ring and rushed lucidity boots. After this he bought a Nashor's.
And then three more Nashor's
Finished the build with a deathcap
Got a penta.

this guy...
Is that plat?

BRBP wrote:

Our support Kayle started with doran's ring and rushed lucidity boots. After this he bought a Nashor's.
And then three more Nashor's
Finished the build with a deathcap
Got a penta.

this guy...
This guy probably has a nashor's tooth fetish.
can't blame him. Nashor's tooth sexy.

SoG Tava wrote:

i dont think so in my eyes skarner wont be better then pre rework i think its even worse
Even if the rework ends up making him too weak they can actually adjust his numbers properly because the elements that kept Riot from doing this in the first place are removed. Not all reworks are supposed to be buffs. They are often times done to remove unfun mechanics that can be a problem later down the road. Stuff coming into play because nerf cycles etc. Refer to my post about Karma on the previous page for more about this.

Pretty much every champion that is scheduled for a rework this year are in the same boat Skarner was in.


Every single one of the above champions have straight up anti-fun mechanics in their kit that make them terrible to play against. Nerfing them to oblivion is not how you solve the problem, which is how Riot dealt with it in the past. Why do you think Kassadin is still how he is? They really don't want to do this to champions anymore.

I'm honestly thinking about making a blog to do a kit by kit analysis on the above champions and a few I personally think need to be remade to clear up some confusion people (league forum mostly) seem to have on reworks and why they need to happen. Just another little project to do since I am studying to be a game designer and all (graduate in May).

BRBP wrote:

Our support Kayle started with doran's ring and rushed lucidity boots. After this he bought a Nashor's.
And then three more Nashor's
Finished the build with a deathcap
Got a penta.

this guy...
well it seems to work for him
I've quit the game, selling all my accounts (NA was plat4 before s3 reset and EUW was D3 MMR/D4 before reset, havent played ranked at all in season 4)
I have 20 runes pages, 80 skins, all champs on the EUW one (and also 5000 games). If you're interested or know people who would be interested pm me.

Our Twitch got 2 pentas lmao

Irelia jungle is like Kha jungle. Sustaining in it is a tiny bit difficult but I think it's good, we might of actually won if Jax did damage.
so what are your toughts about the new xerath ?

his ult is range is higher then zigs ult like wtf , the ult animation is decent its like pew pew but xerath needs more of kaboum kaboum

he can now be scary without his ult thats a good change

overall i think they did a good job , but maybe they got a bit to ham on his range

G e o wrote:

I find Xerath Kinda broken right now, he is like a Ziggs but with less mobility and highter dps.

his kit and dps is not broken its just his range just look at this :

New Xerath is really strong. Need to play/play against it more before I say it's OP, but he is definitely really strong.

It was a good rework. The rioter that was a large part of his rework is working on Warwick right now. :)

Vulf wrote:

New Xerath is really strong. Need to play/play against it more before I say it's OP, but he is definitely really strong.

It was a good rework. The rioter that was a large part of his rework is working on Warwick right now. :)

are you happy that they gonna rework ww ? i think he is fine how he is now what if they mess up then you are screwed cause ww is your main right

SoG Tava wrote:

At lv. 3 it does 300 + 0.43AP (900 + 1.29AP) at 5600 range
Requires vision, or at least you need to know where your target is.
Most likely won't hit more than 1-2 people per shot.
Can be interrupted after first shot.
1-2 of the shots are relatively easy to dodge, even more so with zed W etc.

Meanwhile Karthus ult is 550 + 0.6AP, global
Don't need vision
Hits all 5 if we don't count spellshields and zhonya's and shit.
Can be used after dieing.

Sure the new Xerath ult is good, but I don't find it broken or OP at all.
Taking red buff with his ult alone doesn't even work in a real game.

SoG Tava wrote:

Taking red buff with his ult alone doesn't even work in a real game.
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