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Kanye West

Blaziken wrote:

Wat is it?

Guess that went okay-ish
Why is Loss Prevented on?

BrokenArrow wrote:

BRBP wrote:

we were against adc fiddlesticks
what the fuck
Have you ever seen an adc Anivia?
I did just an hour ago. Mind Fuck
I love gragas so much even though I hate him so much. It's damn funny...when you're playing it, when they have a gragas it's painful.

Athene's unholy grial, rabadon's deathcap and void staff. Q+R , that's all you need to do

GeeNX wrote:

I love gragas so much even though I hate him so much. It's damn funny...when you're playing it, when they have a gragas it's painful.

Athene's unholy grial, rabadon's deathcap and void staff. Q+R , that's all you need to do
Gragas is all about the flash E or the Q -> R with throwing your R on top of Q and detonate Q when R lands, killing people in 0.01s. I stopped playing him jungle this season, not fun anymore now he is hyped, was my main jungler in S3 either tank or ap.
Have you ever seen an adc Anivia?
I did just an hour ago. Mind Fuck
Also I can't seem to win playing solo lately
Finally Gold <333

violet team is op team.
ended the game 11/4/18
Supporting is depressing. Setting up kills for my team and they were too scared to follow and I end up getting the kills and one said he will afk if I ks. my adc's ashe is 90cs in 26mins.

GeeNX wrote:

I love gragas so much even though I hate him so much. It's damn funny...when you're playing it, when they have a gragas it's painful.

Athene's unholy grial, rabadon's deathcap and void staff. Q+R , that's all you need to do
Been banning gragas lately, this shit is getting out of control.
Gragas is gradually getting more annoying than Teemo.
hahaha buying Leona was the best choice ever
How do I respond when i'm getting flamed at. For being to mobile making them miss skillshots? I'm playing Miss Fortune for crying out loud.
Kanye West

Blaziken wrote:

How do I respond when i'm getting flamed at. For being to mobile making them miss skillshots? I'm playing Miss Fortune for crying out loud.
Kanye West
"If you don't lose, you win" - Reginald 2014
tried leona top for the laughs but it turned out better than expected


How do I even lose games here, I suck dick at this game.
What sorcery is this?
Finally got Gold. yay
Kanye West

TKiller wrote:

How do I even lose games here, I suck dick at this game.
Amumu top shits on a Riven. I LOVE IT.
My winrate is less than 50% and it still lets me skip gold divisions.

This + removal of first divisions LP clamping = everyone is diamond.
Kanye West
Well that's nothing new, diamond lost it's value after season 2 anyway


TKiller wrote:

I would be more like this

The loss is your fault for being 11/3 but still not being able to carry your team

Kanye West wrote:

Well that's nothing new, diamond lost it's value after season 2 anyway
Diamond 1 with 80+ LP still meant something at least. In season 4 lol no. Challenger or nothing.

TKiller wrote:

90% of the games I lose are because of bottom lane feeding their asses off like that. So I found out I can prevent that by playing Warwick bottom either in the spot of an adc or support. Bam win 15 SR games in a row.

I've noticed 1 to 3 things happen when I play Warwick bottom.

1) The enemy bot feeds their asses off.

2) They zone the shit out of me and my support, but end up losing anyways because they get all in'd at level 6 and die horribly which it snowballs from there.

3) They zone the shit out of me and my support which denies us CS for the first 10 minutes, but they still lose because I scale into mid game way harder and better with much less gold than an adc does.

Honestly it's a win - win situation lol.
Well, you just can't win some games.

Tbh they could end it by like 18 minutes but they started doing silly things so our team could come back a slight bit.

But then people still got caught before fights etc etc ggwp.

I could probably build straight up tank but then we'd have nearly zero damage midgame with Quinn still trying to build BotRK (which is terrible to rush on Quinn to begin with) and Kassadin took, uh, 25 minutes to become a threat all while Draven was rocking 3 items already, killing people in 2-3 shots.

The roulette is spinning, but sometimes you just keep rolling double 0's

tfw 99 lp ;_;

I built liandry's for the lulz
fun fact: nobody on my team in solo q ever knows how to play adc

scientifically proven
From bronze to diamond we all suffer the feeding botlane.

"Win 2 out of your next 3 games to be promoted to division III."
Yay looks like I can skip a division after my next promotion. <3

BrokenArrow wrote:

"Win 2 out of your next 3 games to be promoted to division III."
Yay looks like I can skip a division after my next promotion. <3
It bugs out quite often tho.

BRBP wrote:

How am I supposed to play 3v3 with a lv. 20 friend if we keep getting matched with plat/diamond V premades even though I'm usually matched with silvers in solo. Are SoloQ plats really matched like they were at bronze level if they haven't played 3v3 before? And vice versa.

i am mad bro
It's because nobody plays 3v3. The pool of players is smaller so the system has to match you with higher ranked players or you'd be in queue forever.
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