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tyrael6192 wrote:

the bronze quest for plat 1 continues
same here

Lmao people still leave Kassadin open
and I was third pick
Damn I really hate solo q -_-
Played cait and everytime I would ult someone, a freakin mofo would come out of nowhere and steal mah kill.
Dafuq is wrong with people. I usualy don't care if people steal my kill. But the cait ult ks is just getting really old -_-
As long as they didn't lose a significant cooldown for it or went out of position, who gives a shit.

ItsukiKun wrote:

"Meh... Whatever, this always happens anyway."
*Queues, Finds match*

This is how it ends.
Legit then EUW

Ceph23 wrote:

Damn I really hate solo q -_-
Played cait and everytime I would ult someone, a freakin mofo would come out of nowhere and steal mah kill.
Dafuq is wrong with people. I usualy don't care if people steal my kill. But the cait ult ks is just getting really old -_-
LoL PH: Trashtalk, kill steal, role steal, and non-existent supports.

I don't really want to criticize lol ph more but I just can't help it. Is Yi and Teemo still overused there?

On another note, got demoted to Bronze II fuck yes. Always getting teamed up with role stealers because of the pick older bullshit, afk ppl, and trash talkers. and one time I got teamed up with 4 toxics and one of them saying he wants his mom to die whole game like wtf.
Kanye West
Pick order is way more important than calling roles unless you are in high d1/challenger. If last pick calls jungle and I'm first pick, fuck that guy I'm taking jungle because my elo is higher.
If you are talking ranked Riot has already said Pick > Call order so you can report people for this. Just screen champion select and throw the imgur link in the report description at the end of the game.


You can play versatile champions like Warwick, GP, Lee Sin and Lulu (They can pretty much play every role decently) so people randomly taking your role won't hurt you much.

Navizel wrote:

Ceph23 wrote:

Damn I really hate solo q -_-
Played cait and everytime I would ult someone, a freakin mofo would come out of nowhere and steal mah kill.
Dafuq is wrong with people. I usualy don't care if people steal my kill. But the cait ult ks is just getting really old -_-
LoL PH: Trashtalk, kill steal, role steal, and non-existent supports.

I don't really want to criticize lol ph more but I just can't help it. Is Yi and Teemo still overused there?

On another note, got demoted to Bronze II fuck yes. Always getting teamed up with role stealers because of the pick older bullshit, afk ppl, and trash talkers. and one time I got teamed up with 4 toxics and one of them saying he wants his mom to die whole game like wtf.
Lol, there is no such thing as role stealing. Pick order > Call order, if I'm first pick I know I'll get the role I want (unless someone is smurfing and calls for a role, or is in a huge winstreak with a certain role) and if I'm last I'll be ok with picking what's left.
So call order is useless in ranked?

Well still, they got what they wanted and I'm always stuck in support but shit, they still lose their lanes and most of the time my adc just auto-attacking and not even getting cs.

Navizel wrote:

So call order is useless in ranked?

Well still, they got what they wanted and I'm always stuck in support but shit, they still lose their lanes and most of the time my adc just auto-attacking and not even getting cs.


SoG Tava wrote:


I'm really liking how my placement matches are since I always get adc. No one expects anyone to play Quinn well, either~
which still doesn't exist

Navizel wrote:

yeah same for me

Come on guys as long as your teammates suck so do the enemies. As long as you're better than them you'll still win 55/60% of your games. Which will get you to climb. Otherwise you just deserve your tier like they do
Kanye West
Kiwipie is so legit holy shit god bless

Navizel wrote:

I dont even try to get outa it.

Miyu wrote:

Navizel wrote:

I dont even try to get outa it.
What if i told you.. that there is no elo hell? :o
I love playing with people that are higher ranked/have more wins than me


me gusta

Navizel wrote:

So call order is useless in ranked?

Well still, they got what they wanted and I'm always stuck in support but shit, they still lose their lanes and most of the time my adc just auto-attacking and not even getting cs.
I'm happy to play support, but I don't even get that adc that start auto attacking the wave. Even when I tell them to do so, they keep afk last hitting. Low elo problems ;(

- [ R a Y ] - wrote:

Gratz :D
My Fellow Bronzies here are some awsome tips i saw on reddit :

-Learn to glance at minimap after every cs you take.

-Always buy Doran Shield on support

-Forget about top. In low elo all that matters is mid and bot lane. As jungler gank less top than other lanes, as bot laner after you take down bot go push mid, never top.

-Stop chasing vertically! Chase only if the opponent is fleeing towards objective (baron, inhib, mid turret). Don't chase after won teamfight from mid to bot or top, it's a huge waste of time. Plus chasing never ends good.

-Don't buy sweeping trinket at start. Low elo already lacks vision so bad you don't want to provide even less. Grab that yellow and later sell it for sweeper once you get eg. sighstone.

-Don't blow all your combo at once. You can obviously initiate buy then wait for opponent's move. Then you react with follow-up or disengage.

-People tend to think Ezreal is a safe pick against Thresh or Leona because he can dash away. When you play Thresh and you are certain you can kill him do the following: grab, pull yourself towards him, flash foward, use the box. This will result in him dashing into your box. Always take ignite as support to secure kills. Leona can kill freshly put ward with AA+Q+AA combo. So does Renekton, basically everyone whos abilities reset AA.

-When you are pushed hard to your turret playing as mid laner, ward the center of mid lane. That way you will know when enemy's mid is going to roam and can follow or ping retreat asap.

-Always pull red/blue into the bush.

-If you are doing jungle camp and you see fight start breaking up near you, leave the camp immediately and rush to help. Killing or an assist is better than camp of wolves.

-Don’t smite by looking at monster health bar. You can hover over smite icon to see how much damage the spell does. Then click on monster and can see in left top corner health. Plan your smite to do the killing blow.

-you need 55% win ratio for steady easy climb. That's 11 won games out of 20. Not that much is it?

-Take a break after 2 lost games. Don't ever start new one when you still thinking about the last one.

-You have to carry yourself but not in terms of kills but being the mindset behind your team. You need to time objectives, decide when to take them and tell team what to do next, ping retreat etc. It's much more work than just killing people.

-There is no such thing as “Kass fed at 10 min mark = game lost”. There’s not. It makes the game harder at beginning but you can eventually catch up in late by farming and taking objectives. Early game advantage does not translate to late game advantage so sometimes it’s just better to turtle and stall for late when that Nasus and Vayne of ours are op.

-If you are scarried of opponent champion and don’t know how to counter him, play something no-mana based. It will allow you to trade more efficiently and you will need to worry only on staying alive not on how often you can trade based on your available mana.

-There is no such thing like perfect game. You gonna make mistakes. The goal is to make less mistakes than your opponent.

-Thresh's E counters Leona's E if timed properly. Same goes for Jarvan's Demacian Standard dash, Lee Sin's Q and Fizz's Q.

-Always take ignite for support. Exhaust is just such a waste spell right now unless you are premades.

-If your midlaner died quickly 2-3 times, deny him blue. It's more likely that he will die, wasting the buff alongside, then do sth useful with it. If you can feel it that you could be better with it just take it and ignore his whining.

-When you start red as jungler and know enemy jugler is starting blue, put a trinket at 3-bush when you are ganking top lane after your blue. 95% cases in low elo enemy's jungler will gank after his read, you will see that coming way ahead.
Most of those tips are either common sense or stupid speculations based on bronze stereotypes
Also I personally don't grab Doran's Shield first as a support because I prefer having a support item + a ward and a bunch of potions over it. Leona might be the only exception for me.

BrokenArrow wrote:

Most of those tips are either common sense
maybe for u , but thats not the case for every one

BrokenArrow wrote:

Most of those tips are either common sense or stupid speculations based on bronze stereotypes
Also I personally don't grab Doran's Shield first as a support because I prefer having a support item + a ward and a bunch of potions over it. Leona might be the only exception for me.
As a Diamond 1 player here I can tell you they are incredibly useful to catch up with the current meta, and all of the scenarios are right. Also, grabbing Dorans Shield is somewhat of a must right now if you don't wanna die in a lvl 2/3/6 all in. You don't need so many wards early, since most junglers won't gank bot at 3-4 minute mark unless you are really pushed, and even then, you still have 2 trinkets.
Like Yi says, the real master is an eternal student. I love learning tips even though I'm "high elo".
Dorans Shield is overpowered on tanky defense tree abusing champions.

People all in too much bottom lane and I like to abuse that. I pretty much only play support Warwick now because it's too hilarious.

Navizel wrote:

LoL PH: Trashtalk, kill steal, role steal, and non-existent supports.

I don't really want to criticize lol ph more but I just can't help it. Is Yi and Teemo still overused there?
Teemo and Yi are no longer overused here.
I'm not proud of it, in fact I'm ashamed of it, but yeah gaming etiquette here in the Philippines is close to non-existent. Its just Blame here and blame that accompanied with endless trash talking and people shouting "KS amputa!!" with is roughly translated to "You sole my kill. FUCK YOU!!!".
There is occasionally the really nice, good and supportive player that you just love to play with. But chances are, unless you play with friends that you know, you'll end up playing with really rude players.

And I was plat 2 last season. I hope these people would start using some brain cells.

SoG Tava wrote:

BrokenArrow wrote:

Most of those tips are either common sense
maybe for u , but thats not the case for every one
I have to agree with SoG Tava, if both supports are skilled (thing I am not) if one of them doesn't have doran's shield probably he's fucked, and it's really hard to trade since the reduction damage it's fucking op

Miyu wrote:

ItsukiKun wrote:

"Meh... Whatever, this always happens anyway."
*Queues, Finds match*

This is how it ends.
Legit then EUW
But then... it's NOT EUW! (It's PH, the EUW of Garena servers)

Ceph23 wrote:

Navizel wrote:

LoL PH: Trashtalk, kill steal, role steal, and non-existent supports.

I don't really want to criticize lol ph more but I just can't help it. Is Yi and Teemo still overused there?
Teemo and Yi are no longer overused here.
I'm not proud of it, in fact I'm ashamed of it, but yeah gaming etiquette here in the Philippines is close to non-existent. Its just Blame here and blame that accompanied with endless trash talking and people shouting "KS amputa!!" with is roughly translated to "You sole my kill. FUCK YOU!!!".
There is occasionally the really nice, good and supportive player that you just love to play with. But chances are, unless you play with friends that you know, you'll end up playing with really rude players.

And I was plat 2 last season. I hope these people would start using some brain cells.
If you play with friends and get matched with other premades, then sometimes the people are actually really fun to play with, but you can just mute everyone in soloq 95% of the time without missing out on anything important.
doorman shield is fucking strong on any support nowadays

ur dumb if u go without it
Guess I'm dumb then
it still works
Today I saw BrokenArrow ragequitting so hard from a game

Im climbing quite nicely, even though I had a bad streak recently and I got a bit pissed of some tards :<

PS: Why +29 and I have 26? I had to dodge a queue because we were gonna play with 3 junglers... and nah, I didnt want to get even more stressed
With the removal of clamping I expect a ton of people to start abusing the MMR system to get free LP soon. LOL

I already see people in high diamond with like 50 loses over wins... LMAO
????? how

haven't safety nets at the bottom of leagues been removed
You still have to lose a lot of games to get demoted and you get a warning before so.

GeeNX wrote:

Today I saw BrokenArrow ragequitting so hard from a game
Yo just for clarification, I ragequit when the game was already over, not during the game. I don't do that anymore :p
But yeah when you have a 0/15 top lane Riven and a jungle Renekton feeding intentionally while your adc and you as a midlaner get fed as fuck but still aren't able to pull out a win because all of the enemies are just as fed as you sucks
And in the next game you literally lose the whole game because your freaking Zhonya's was placed on the wrong hotkey sucks even more. ;-;
No LP gains today, sad day.
Also I'm planning to buy Vi since she has been giving me lots of trouble. Do I have to be scared of he getting nerfed soon?

Malz jungle. Terrifying/10. Or as Sync says it, "a solid spooky."
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