
Introducing the Mapping Assistance Team!

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DeathxShinigami wrote:

I'm not in agreement with Agnes or Shinde being on the team but everything else just looks dandy!

I'd blame ztrot, it's probably his fault some way or another. I was going to write something snazzy and intelligent, but I've things to do. Congratulations to the whole new team, and here's hoping to an improved and more expedient ranking system.
Well, there certainly has been more ranking recently. Cool.

And yeah, congrats guys. :D
Tell me one thing how can you guys prevent or save this situation
If MATs do good job.they find many good pending maps
but BATs can`t follow to mod most of them
We will get many empty bubbles
EVEN WORSE!! BATs skip MATs and mod what they want
MATs will also become lazy because their works are ignore

This is the worst situation IMO
think about it

Kytoxid wrote:

Well, there certainly has been more ranking recently. Cool.

And yeah, congrats guys. :D
I don't think that the "increased ranking" had anything to do with us though.

I'm just going to do what I can and hope for the best.
It seems mor diffcult to RANK a map o.o
The origin of MAT design is great, maybe it would takes a long time to ensure what MAT really do

Kytoxid wrote:

Well, there certainly has been more ranking recently. Cool.

And yeah, congrats guys. :D
Well the MATs were just added...what, yesterday?

I think the recent ranking is probably because of BATs on vacation from school.
If I were to say anything, this would seem like sort of a pyramid of steps before rank.

Modders: General modding, picking up mistakes, improvements made.

MATs: Confirmation that everything in the map can be and IS in high standard. Looking for further improvements to make the map better.

BATs: Approval of a map, fully confirming that is at high standard and also confirming that this map is good for the public.

Am I right on that?
Seems to me that this is just one more piece of "red tape" to have to go through that could keep otherwise good maps from being ranked.

That said, I hope that isn't the case and things will work more smoothly with this in place.

MarioBros777 wrote:

If I were to say anything, this would seem like sort of a pyramid of steps before rank.

Modders: General modding, picking up mistakes, improvements made.

MATs: Confirmation that everything in the map can be and IS in high standard. Looking for further improvements to make the map better.

BATs: Approval of a map, fully confirming that is at high standard and also confirming that this map is good for the public.

Am I right on that?
Pretty much. :O

MegaManEXE wrote:

Kytoxid wrote:

Well, there certainly has been more ranking recently. Cool.

And yeah, congrats guys. :D
Well the MATs were just added...what, yesterday?

I think the recent ranking is probably because of BATs on vacation from school.
There is some truth to that, I had a day off and went nuts.
But you guys are gonna do great <3
I'll spent my vacation time on studying(by force) ToT
Bye Bye and see you month later, guys!
A passage from Stranger in a Strange Land.
In Laputa, according to Lemuel Gulliver, no person of importance listened or spoke without help of a "climenole"--or "flapper" in English translation, as such servant's duty was to flap the mouth and ears of his master with a bladder whenever, in the opinion of the servant, it was desirable for his master to speak or listen. Without the consent of his flapper it was impossible to converse with any Laputian of the master class.


On the planet Terra the flapper system developed slowly. Time was when any Terran sovereign held public court so that the lowliest might come before him without intermediary. Traces of this persisted long after kings became scarce - an Englishman could "Cry Harold!" (although none did) and the smarter city bosses still left their doors open to any gandy dancer of bindlestiff far into the twentieth century. A remnant of the principle was embalmed in Amendments I and IX of the United States Constitution, although superseded by the Articles of World Federation.

By the time the Champion returned from Mars the principle of access to the sovereign was dead in fact, regardless of the nominal form of government, and the importance of a personage could be told by the layers of flappers cutting him off from the mob. They were known as executive assistants, private secretaries, secretaries to private secretaries, press secretaries, receptionists, appointment clerks, et cetera - but all were "flappers" as each held arbitrary veto over communication from the outside.

These webs of officials resulted in unofficials who flapped the Great Man without permission from official flappers, using social occasions, or back-door access, or unlisted telephone numbers. These unofficials were called: "golfing companion," "kitchen cabinet," "lobbyist," "elder statesman," "fiver-percenter," and so forth. The unofficials grew webs, too, until they were almost as hard to reach as the Great Man, and secondary unofficials sprang up to circumvent the flappers of primary unofficials. With a personage of foremost importance the maze of unofficials was as complex as the official phalanxes surrounding a person merely very important.

mtmcl wrote:

A passage from Stranger in a Strange Land.
Don't put words in my mouth.

Alace wrote:

Tell me one thing how can you guys prevent or save this situation
If MATs do good job.they find many good pending maps
but BATs can`t follow to mod most of them
We will get many empty bubbles
EVEN WORSE!! BATs skip MATs and mod what they want
MATs will also become lazy because their works are ignore

This is the worst situation IMO
think about it
That would be the same situation as we got before having MATs. We are atlease giving a shot and we found out that BATs are motivated on the new Proto Bubble system. I think this system would not bring us to the worse situation then we had before having MATs.
Spamming Stars also brought the situation when BATs turn away from high priority maps
well the only worry i have so far is the constant bad modding posts, stupid posts not explaining what needs to be fixed, ect from some MATs >_>. really i like the idea of MAT, but they should not really be modding so badly sometimes :/, i respect alot of the BAT's on here because they can be great at modding, but MAT's as yet have to show me anything to respect :/

i do not mean this as a troll or a flame, i am just pointing out a worry i have over this, and hope no one takes offence, its just its starting to get to me a little,

these are the ppl we will have to come to before we go to bats, so we have to have respect for there modding, but atm with how ive seen some of the modding happening, that is 100% impossable :(
Could you give an example? I can't think of a mod post that does not tell you what to fix, it pretty much removes the reason for modding.
am i allowed to quote ppl without creating a massive flame at me?

jericho2442 wrote:

am i allowed to quote ppl without creating a massive flame at me?
PM it to me.
pm'd enough info for you to understand what i mean :/

but yea MATS, try to up your modding a bit ;)

mtmcl wrote:

In Laputa, according to Lemuel Gulliver, no person of importance listened or spoke without help of a "climenole"--or "flapper" in English translation, as such servant's duty was to flap the mouth and ears of his master with a bladder whenever, in the opinion of the servant, it was desirable for his master to speak or listen. Without the consent of his flapper it was impossible to converse with any Laputian of the master class.


On the planet Terra the flapper system developed slowly. Time was when any Terran sovereign held public court so that the lowliest might come before him without intermediary. Traces of this persisted long after kings became scarce - an Englishman could "Cry Harold!" (although none did) and the smarter city bosses still left their doors open to any gandy dancer of bindlestiff far into the twentieth century. A remnant of the principle was embalmed in Amendments I and IX of the United States Constitution, although superseded by the Articles of World Federation.

By the time the Champion returned from Mars the principle of access to the sovereign was dead in fact, regardless of the nominal form of government, and the importance of a personage could be told by the layers of flappers cutting him off from the mob. They were known as executive assistants, private secretaries, secretaries to private secretaries, press secretaries, receptionists, appointment clerks, et cetera - but all were "flappers" as each held arbitrary veto over communication from the outside.

These webs of officials resulted in unofficials who flapped the Great Man without permission from official flappers, using social occasions, or back-door access, or unlisted telephone numbers. These unofficials were called: "golfing companion," "kitchen cabinet," "lobbyist," "elder statesman," "fiver-percenter," and so forth. The unofficials grew webs, too, until they were almost as hard to reach as the Great Man, and secondary unofficials sprang up to circumvent the flappers of primary unofficials. With a personage of foremost importance the maze of unofficials was as complex as the official phalanxes surrounding a person merely very important.
This quote beautifully captures the trouble.
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