
How do i become the best Osu! Master

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When I bought my Alienware™ laptop and my Razer™ Deathadder™ 2013™ gaming peripheral, my Osu accuracy improved tenfold. I then supplemented my ~pr0- g4m3R~ diet by drinking a blended mix of Mountain Dew™, Cheetos™, and Doritos™.


Shellghost wrote:

Spyrunite wrote:

The more kawaii there is the better you will play.
By that logic I'd be #1.
But but... what about my fluffy tails???
Nothing compared to a mountain of dancing lolis.

Oinari-sama wrote:

But but... what about my fluffy tails???
I just died of moe
Tsukimi Luna
i has alienware but i is noob HOW?

Hail the #100k osu! master m(_ _)m

irclyna wrote:

When I bought my Alienware™ laptop and my Razer™ Deathadder™ 2013™ gaming peripheral, my Osu accuracy improved tenfold. I then supplemented my ~pr0- g4m3R~ diet by drinking a blended mix of Mountain Dew™, Cheetos™, and Doritos™.
All the ™'s. It's too much to handle
Tsukimi Luna
Teeee emmmm
Wow, you don't even have Gunnars. How can you call yourself an MLG player without those
[ Pingu ]

boat wrote:

OMGPingu wrote:

stopped reading right there
Noe keep reading ;n;

OMGPingu wrote:

a decent laptop
Sounds like some dangerous mystical creature I don't want to get involved with.
buy a hardware that fit for you
I bought an Alienware for the 120hz screen 8-)

Shellghost wrote:

Nothing compared to a mountain of dancing lolis.
Why did I happen to notice a bender and a dancing hobo in this mountain?
- Marco -

Shellghost wrote:

Nothing compared to a mountain of dancing lolis.
yeey dancing lolis \:D/
I play for fun. It works at least for me :D

enmyuuuU wrote:

I play for fun. It works at least for me :D
Rank 17k, clearly not working that great.
i assume that we have other osu!masters, since you asked to be the best one. Who are those?
Ash Ketchum.

Spyrunite wrote:

enmyuuuU wrote:

I play for fun. It works at least for me :D
Rank 17k, clearly not working that great.
his mentality would indicate he'd be fine with it regardless of rank or performance

Zeroarg wrote:

i assume that we have other osu!masters, since you asked to be the best one. Who are those?
Justin Bieber

Zeraphlol wrote:

Justin Bieber

Brian OA wrote:

his mentality would indicate he'd be fine with it regardless of rank or performance
excellent observation, 5/5

Brian OA wrote:

his mentality would indicate he'd be fine with it regardless of rank or performance
But this is a thread on how to become the best osu! master. If you want to become good by having fun then your screwed. You need to truly hate yourself to become a master.
Point taken

Spyrunite wrote:

enmyuuuU wrote:

I play for fun. It works at least for me :D
Rank 17k, clearly not working that great.
i think rank 17k is strong enough lol
((better than me
pp is not that important
and no need to play like cookie,www,rrtyui...
ask a rank 6k anything
First of all, welcome to osu!

The trick on achriving your goals here on osu, all you have to do is to practice, follow the rhythm and familiarize your play style.

Playing osu takes a lot of practice. When I first play osu! back in 2009, to be honest I eventually stop playing osu because it was too hard (I play it only with my mouse back then). But back last April of this year, I return to osu and learn a new method on playing it (Mouse-Keyboard Method). I start with an easy difficulty. I hate spinners at first so I love to use the "SpunOut" mod back then and eventually, I play osu without the SpunOut mod until I learn playing the other mods that can improves my score. Additionally, if you have learn or take advantage one method of playing osu, stick with it first, familiarize and master it. And also, always follow the rhythm and the beat.

The only trick to improve yourself in playing osu is to practice and your progression will improve and that progression, together with practice, can move a matter of steps away on reaching your goal to become an osu! master :)

PS: You may also want to to download the Beginnier's Training Beatmaps. It is a great way to start playing osu! ;)
but...but...justin beiber isn't an osu!mania master
here is how you become an osu master:
you post tons of topics about how to get better all over the forum, preferably not in gameplay and rankings.
Play osu!
by drinking lots of milk, preferably from cookiezi
Cookiezi's milk???? ... lewd
Trash Boat
eat Cookiezi's chip cookies with WubWoofWolf's wolf meat
Eat a cookie before playing, or just get good scrub
play a lot of scarlet rose
- Marco -

battler077 wrote:

dude, if you really wanted that people do not read your thread, the title should had been"Read this if you wanna die" or something

thelewa wrote:

sorry but it would have to be "how do I become better at osu!"
>gets 6th page the topic with that thread

GladiOol wrote:

play a lot of scarlet rose
sthap with scarlet rose posts
scarlet rose
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scarlet rose
scarlet rose
scarlet rose
scarlet rose
scarlet rose
scarlet rose
scarlet rose
Trash Boat
spamlet rose
Git gud

Play scarlet rose
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