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...I saw Quinn as a jungler not too long ago. And that failed pretty hard.
TL;DR:u can play Quinn top , mid and adc

No Jungle and supp
i really like quinn QQ have to save up for her plus since she can do the lanes i enjoy playing.
3.15 patch notes are out, yay!
Riven is still broken, Taric got fixed and Fiddle fear duration has been nerfed. The small Lucian nerf was neccessary imo, Sivir got hit a bit too hard tho.
I still feel like the jungle needs more work, but overall it sounds like a first step in the right direction.

SoG Tava wrote:

TL;DR:u can play Quinn top , mid and adc

No Jungle and supp
quinn can be jungled yes, her blind makes it viable.

SiFly wrote:

Every champion that is picked nowadays has mobility in his/her kit.

Ahri, Kassadin, Fizz, Gragas, Orianna, Zed, Kha'zix, Ziggs etc.
I don't use any of those mids, lol.
I do like mobility for escape purposes though...

BrokenArrow wrote:

3.15 patch notes are out, yay!
Riven is still broken, Taric got fixed and Fiddle fear duration has been nerfed. The small Lucian nerf was neccessary imo, Sivir got hit a bit too hard tho.
I still feel like the jungle needs more work, but overall it sounds like a first step in the right direction.
I was wondering when they'd lower Fiddlestick's fear...
That Sivir one's gonna be hard on me, I'm overly dependent on those speed buffs. =s
i think all the quinn's that are my elo in bot lane were like really bad
like really really bad

guess you have to have a certain mindset to play her or something but i really like her ult
quinn is a niche champ and from what i've seen you either do really well or really badly

having said that, she's a pretty good split pusher with her ult, and if you put her top she can essentially do a nidalee and harass you out of lane with autoattacks while getting 2x your farm

Hika wrote:

i think all the quinn's that are my elo in bot lane were like really bad
like really really bad

guess you have to have a certain mindset to play her or something but i really like her ult
Her ult is what is making me reluctant to play her in the botlane. I consider her like a top laner due to her gap-closing abilitie and short range compared to other carries (well Sivir and Graves have got the same range but I don't really like those two)
Kanye West
Lol enemy team picks quinn adc = free win, pick thresh or J4 and dunk her all day erryday

rip my favorite jungler
let's just fucking gut him again

tyrael6192 wrote:

quinn is a niche champ and from what i've seen you either do really well or really badly

having said that, she's a pretty good split pusher with her ult, and if you put her top she can essentially do a nidalee and harass you out of lane with autoattacks while getting 2x your farm
im quite new to her but i have been doing decent just i don't get much her ult since everyone is talking about it
i usually use it for escaping or when it comes to these times of really really need to chase and hit but i didn't noticed much dmg when she's on her ult..
any advices and what not?
it looks like everyone is thinking that quinn is op õ_o a lot of others adc are way stronger than her, bot or top... maybe you can outfarm the enemy toplaner (if he's bad...) but you'll still be useless in tf

Miyu wrote:

im quite new to her but i have been doing decent just i don't get much her ult since everyone is talking about it
i usually use it for escaping or when it comes to these times of really really need to chase and hit but i didn't noticed much dmg when she's on her ult..
any advices and what not?
use her ult to escape or chase if you can get a kill and survive. she's viable top in 1vs1 thanks to her ult i guess, bot too if the other botlane has no cc x) so use your ult to fight if you can (never in tf).

Nofool wrote:

it looks like everyone is thinking that quinn is op õ_o a lot of others adc are way stronger than her, bot or top... maybe you can outfarm the enemy toplaner (if he's bad...) but you'll still be useless in tf

Miyu wrote:

im quite new to her but i have been doing decent just i don't get much her ult since everyone is talking about it
i usually use it for escaping or when it comes to these times of really really need to chase and hit but i didn't noticed much dmg when she's on her ult..
any advices and what not?
use her ult to escape or chase if you can get a kill and survive. she's viable top in 1vs1 thanks to her ult i guess, bot too if the other botlane has no cc x) so use your ult to fight if you can (never in tf).
Oh yeah thanks for that and i also play a lot of other adc's but since quinn was free this week i wanted to try it out and i enjoyed playing her a lot xD but i don't think she's that OP..but still she's really good to play with imo xD
I was worried that I was the only one who gets slightly brain dead when it comes to using the quin ult.
glad to see that I'm not alone here.

Quin is pretty much a weird hybrid of many roles. I don't see her as a reliable adc as she can potentialy get stuck right in the middle of a team fight easily.
Locked in double support, went toplane sona.

I won lane so hard, zoned zed for a couple of lvls and could one shot him in a rotation


Kanye West wrote:

Lol enemy team picks quinn adc = free win, pick thresh or J4 and dunk her all day erryday
she can E out of j4s ult you know

also, miyu, i tend to use quinn's ult to assassinate the enemy adc if i spot them out of position.

maal wrote:

Kanye West wrote:

Lol enemy team picks quinn adc = free win, pick thresh or J4 and dunk her all day erryday
she can E out of j4s ult you know

also, miyu, i tend to use quinn's ult to assassinate the enemy adc if i spot them out of position.
oohooo -nods- ty for the tip xD...
also tbh quinn isnt op at all

she's not even a strong pick

but if you get a good snowball on her, you can easily get big pretty fast due to her ultimate's power spike
I never really saw quin as OP. How is she OP?

Ceph23 wrote:

I never really saw quin as OP. How is she OP?
that wasnt even mentioned
Her playstyle is a bit dangerous.
Her E can cause you to land under enemy tower range, like Vi's ult.
Her being squishy can mean death on certain situation.
Her R put you in melee position.
I guess her style would be split-pushing AD bruiser or carry.
She can escape well and scout if enemy went missing from the map.
Joining fight a bit late with teleport will allow her to clean up after enemy waste their skills and only auto-attacking. So she turns to Valor, E to middle of enemy and Q to mess up enemies AA.
But it's just my opinion.
She's got a decent burst with Harrier, and pokes very well with it. I see her more like a squishy AD bruiser (even squishier than Riven, given she has no shield) who hurts at range for a decent amount of single target damage. Her ult isn't really useful, but it serves multiple purposes such as splitpushing, fleeing (21 secs of absurd amount of mobility) or executing an enemy. With the AS buff it also provides a power spike in a short duration fight, but if you don't end it quickly you'll end up losing more damage over time since you can't rely on Harrier while in Valor form.
Some Tips and Tricks :

-It's easier to land Q if you slow with E first.
-Only have Blood Thirst active while jungling if below 50%
-His ult gives extra range, use it if you're lacking just a bit of movement speed to catch up.

-Her W's count as single target spells, applying the full slow from Rylais and Spellvamp.
-Use her ult to re-direct her Q.
-Charm Flash Trick

-Use shroud to over a wall to give vision and escape to a camp.
-Do NOT all in as soon as you hit 6, your ult needs to gain charges.
-Base at 6, buy, have 3 ult stacks back in lane and kill.
-When laning, land a Q on your enemy, then wait for it to go off cooldown before you engage, so you can proc 2 Q's in a hurry

-To WQ combo, use w and basically as soon as you see yourself start to move you press Q.
-At level 16 your ult gives you 90 free AD, that's almost a fully stacked Bloodthirster. Don't forget to auto attack in fights.

-Dont take a skill untill the buff spawns, If you are going to be able to get your blue start W, if not start E.
-Smite to clear way for your Q.

-You can cast E and then ult beneath them to still get the damage bonus, because E has a travel time.
-By pressing Q again after you release the ball you can make it explode when you want.
-Your wall does 1 true damage, meaning it will cancel enemy recalls and cause you to take turret agro.
-If you cast your wall almost on top of someone who is standing directly next to an environmental wall, it "pinches" them and leaves them essentially stunned for the duration of the wall.

-Start with W and charge a stun up in fountain, 1 less than required if you are leashing and feeling generous to spend mana on the leash.
-When you have your stun active you will have a whirl around you which can give it away, also Annie laughs when her stun is available.
-Control Tibbers with R, controlling him while backing will not stop your back.
-You can cast E while your Q is in mid-flight and you have 3 charges to prime the stun and land it when your Q hits.

-When ulting consider the flow of the map and the choice of pathing the enemy has to take.

-You can stand behind enemy caster minions where the enemy thinks they are safe, then ult to clear them and pull.
-You miss 100% of the shots you don't take, but don't spam and lose presence.

-You can E and then immediately Q to slow and then hit your target with the Q.

-The best time to ult is as they cast a spell or auto attack, because they have just committed to an action that has them facing in your direction.

-He gets free health, so you are going to want armor/mr to support that.
-You can turn his E off so you don't take agro while pushing down turrets.
-A red circle under the enemy means that your feast does enough damage to kill them.

-You can Q and then ult to a target before the Q lands, and if It does your ult will be refreshed.

-Axes will go the direction you are facing when they HIT the target, not when they leave your hand.

-You can gank lanes from behind their turret using rappel to avoid the turret shot without losing health.
-Your Cocoon gives vision.
-If you cast W in human form then switch to spider form and Q, the spider will follow.

-Use W after the slow is applied to you, not when you see it being cast.

-Think about the potential bounce targets when using E, if you wait just a second longer will it only bounce between your target and a minion?
-For the love of god make sure your ult is going before you Zhonya's.

-Her ult applies on hit effects such as red buff and Tiamat passive.
If you have a lot of lifesteal, ult when you are low on health, rather than to initiate.

-Your E radius is larger if you don't press it again, and it applies a slow.
-You can place wards mid E, such as Playful over wall->Ward->Trickster back over wall.
-You don't need to use your ult to initiate, try Q'ing and then making a point blank shot.

-You're an unstoppable rock in the lane, but you need to gank and help the team.

-Your Q is an auto attack reset, with Hydra you are very dangerous in melee range.
-Your passive may not seem like much, but with your E it helps assure they can't escape just by walking.

-Consider maxing W second instead of E.
-Don't just drop the ult, take a moment and think of who you can displace.
-With scaling AP runes, a Ring start, and maxing Q, you can clear enemy caster minions at level 8 with one Q.

-You can use your W and Q on a bush, and if you gain a passive stack, guess what? There's an enemy in there.

-Ult into a crowd and use E to push one enemy back to your team.

-Immediately make your way to the lane and start to set up turrets.
-Your ganks are pretty good with the upgraded E.
-General rule for what to upgrade in fights; AOE: Turret. Single Target: W. Need CC: E.

-Level 9 is your highlight, your true dmg doesn't scale so this is the most it's gonna do. Try to teamfight.
-Use your ult to whittle down caster minions and then jump to them to escape or engage.
-Whether your E slows or stuns is based off of health PERCENTAGE not the number of health they have compared to yours.

-A well timed flash ult can push an entire team out of dragon/Baron pit.

-Your passive is based of current health, so when jungling auto attack, THEN cast E, for the most damage.
-You can lower your ult by pressing R again.

-Don't Q just as your E is wearing off and miss your stun, that's embarrassing.
-Keep a ward or trinket handy to place over a wall in order to Q to and escape.

-Alternate between Hammer and Cannon form to get around quickly.
-In Cannon form Q'ing and then placing E infront of it makes it less predictable.

-In teamfights when people start flying all over, sometimes its best to not waste your time casting W to just end up hitting a Malphite, or worse, him hitting you.

-Mantra'd W restores 20% of MISSING health, making it a good bait tool and more effective at lower health.

-You have time to cast 3 Q's and Ult while dead. Or 2 Q's, a Wall, and ult.

-keep a ward or trinket handy in order for escapes.
-Your ult only targets 3 people.

-Your ult prevents people from taking damage, it is not the same as Tryndameres ult. Use it to prevent damage, not death.

-Your ult still ticks while in Zhonyas
-The bigger group you are ulting the more spread out your damage will be.

-If you walk into a bush and don't gain your passive, there's vision.
-With Ravenous Hydra you can E onto an enemy hiding in his caster minions, Activate Hydra, to clear the minions and get an easy Isolated Q.

-You are briefly invisible when your passive is activated, use this time to get away.
-Always control your clone.
-Mimicked W is good for a grouped teamfight, while mimicked Q is good for a quick assassination.
-Your Ult has no mana cost.

Lee Sin:
-Your second cast of W gives you spell vamp, which means you gain health from all your spells, including smite.
-You can Q a camp over a wall and activate it again, mid air you can smite the monster, ending up having your Q deal more damage.
-Always QRQ for the best damage combination.
-If you have a ravenous hydra don't E->Activate, if you E->auto attack->Activate->Auto attack you will gain a lot of energy back and do a lot of dmg very quickly.
-It's easier to W mid Q if you don't have your screen locked/Holding Space.
-Use the enemy to escape, by landing a Q and kicking him where you want to go, the enemy is essentially a free taxi.

-Your E goes to the last person it makes contact with, be careful.
-You can kill wards at level one with AA->Q->AA

-You can juke opponents by casting E in one direction and walking another, If they chase you, activate E again, if they go after your E, just walk away.
-Your Q only slows the first person that it comes in contact with.

-Position yourself correctly before you ult, think about where they have to run to.
-Your E breaks slows, so use it after you are slowed, not when you see the animation.

-You can E a minion and then Q, using it as a proxy for extra range.

-Use your E to slow the enemy to make your Q easier to hit.
-Your Q is able of hitting two enemies.
-Cast your shield in the direction you are running, it will return to you quicker, thus having the next application of the shield sooner.

-Remember Q steals movement speed.
-E does dmg, and it is also an attack speed slow.

-Voidlings have a priority order of Ult>E>Anything else.
-You can cast ignite while ulting, but make sure you are in range, Ult range>Ignite Range.
-Don't ult the guy with the QSS.

-before you W, remember that you get dragged with them, W'ing a LeBlanc may not be the best idea.

- Q is an auto attack reset

-Black shield will stop any CC, but only Magical damage.

-Your ult will travel knocking up all people in its way, so don't always use it on the person in the front of the pack.

Miss Fortune:
-Q procs W's effect. It will apply the mark if you W mid-Q. Also, Q will bounce to a target in the bush, even if you don't have vision on them.

-Your W will block a spell from Baron, giving you an attack speed buff.
-Sometimes its worth it to use your ult even if you have no plan of following up, just to help a teammate escape.
-If you're caught out look to an enemy that you can ult to and escape.

-Your E gives Mr and Armor along with a shield.
-Try starting with E in lane and auto attack trade at level 1.
-Make use of the dmg E does when it travels.
-Some lanes you want to max W some you want to max Q.
-Wait for the perfect shockwave, but not too long.
-W will speed anyone on your team up and slow any enemy down.
-You can place your ball inside of a wall and out of enemy vision, when they come near you can move it out of the wall for a surprise attack, they won't see the ball coming towards them.

-Supposedly you can move during his ult, after you fly into the sky, but before you land.

-If you're in a teamfight ult someone that doesn't do much dmg or cc. But if you're hunting someone down ult them for the extra bonus.
Ult->DFG->EQ is oneshot.

-Max E instead of Q, and use it in trades and to interrupt actions.
-In teamfights don't consider your ult a damage boost, think of it is a means to reposition, escape, or chase.

-W is AA reset; Hydra/Tiamat active cancels W animation.

-Auto attack between each Q.
-E after activating ult to cancel the animation and skip to kicking ass.

-You can hit the danger zone at level 1 by spamming Q.
-Sit just out of turret range with Q over your minions to make the enemy pay for last hitting.

-Don't underestimate passive.
-Quickly pressing B and then canceling while stealthed will break the stealth and start the cooldown on Q.
-You're R is a disjoint, you basically cease to exist for about half a second when you cast it. You can use this to dodge any skill.
-Don't use your E at the start of a gank, it applies a slow effect on hit first, then used to execute or if the enemy is out of range.

-Flashing mid taunt is a good way to surprise enemies and get extra range on your taunt.

-Don't W before you ult, it's less effective.
-Flashing mid ult will still cause knockback.

-You can flip people over walls.
-Binding two keys to your Q and pressing them at the same time will cause your poison to be invisible and leave a thinner stream of poison.

-Shield important spells, not easy ones.

-While ulting someone, at the last second you can switch directions and go the opposite way you have been dragging them, cause you to essentially switch places with them, dragging them an extra 2-3 teemo lengths.

-Slow them to make W easier to hit.
-You still get healed through Zhonyas if activated while in Raven form.

-More balls more damage.
-Throwing buffs will apply either a slow or a mana refund with cooldown.

-E->auto attack->Q for max burst when fighting.

-Your E does more damage the closer you are to the enemy.

-Your lantern has a ring around it that indicates how much time is left before it expires.
-If the enemy is engaging, try throwing your lantern backwards and fake that your jungler is coming in, they may run off.

-You can flash mid W and still apply the slow and damage.
-If you Ult before you dfg, the dfg can reach the target faster.

Twisted Fate:

-Position well for best use of ult.
-Ult can hit both nexus turrets at once.
-Invisible recall by pressing B during the initial stealth activation, but will fail when pressed after you are stealthed.


-Tumbling against a wall, meaning you are at the wall before you tumble, will reset your auto attack.

-Get used to his E.
-Control ult.

-You can pool->zhonyas->pool for a long time of untargetable.

-Your W is an execute, lower health they are the more damage it does.

-Turn E off when you are trying to sneak up on a low health lane.

-You can press S to stop your movements and make the enemy think you have used W.

-Use This For fastest stun activation.

Xin Zhao:
-Your ult does 15% of the enemies current health, meaning it is more effective to use it earlier in a fight.

-Your E gives you vision.
-Always auto attack when your passive is up.

-You can cast your Q or E and then place seeds before the spells detonate and still create plants.

Note: i dident write those tips and tricks i got it from a post from reddit but i wanted to share this with u guys :)
Put those into a spoilerbox or something

BrokenArrow wrote:

Put those into a spoilerbox or something

Done ;)

SoG Tava wrote:

Some Tips and Tricks :

-It's easier to land Q if you slow with E first.
-Only have Blood Thirst active while jungling if below 50%
-His ult gives extra range, use it if you're lacking just a bit of movement speed to catch up.

-Her W's count as single target spells, applying the full slow from Rylais and Spellvamp.
-Use her ult to re-direct her Q.
-Charm Flash Trick

-Use shroud to over a wall to give vision and escape to a camp.
-Do NOT all in as soon as you hit 6, your ult needs to gain charges.
-Base at 6, buy, have 3 ult stacks back in lane and kill.
-When laning, land a Q on your enemy, then wait for it to go off cooldown before you engage, so you can proc 2 Q's in a hurry

-To WQ combo, use w and basically as soon as you see yourself start to move you press Q.
-At level 16 your ult gives you 90 free AD, that's almost a fully stacked Bloodthirster. Don't forget to auto attack in fights.

-Dont take a skill untill the buff spawns, If you are going to be able to get your blue start W, if not start E.
-Smite to clear way for your Q.

-You can cast E and then ult beneath them to still get the damage bonus, because E has a travel time.
-By pressing Q again after you release the ball you can make it explode when you want.
-Your wall does 1 true damage, meaning it will cancel enemy recalls and cause you to take turret agro.
-If you cast your wall almost on top of someone who is standing directly next to an environmental wall, it "pinches" them and leaves them essentially stunned for the duration of the wall.

-Start with W and charge a stun up in fountain, 1 less than required if you are leashing and feeling generous to spend mana on the leash.
-When you have your stun active you will have a whirl around you which can give it away, also Annie laughs when her stun is available.
-Control Tibbers with R, controlling him while backing will not stop your back.
-You can cast E while your Q is in mid-flight and you have 3 charges to prime the stun and land it when your Q hits.

-When ulting consider the flow of the map and the choice of pathing the enemy has to take.

-You can stand behind enemy caster minions where the enemy thinks they are safe, then ult to clear them and pull.
-You miss 100% of the shots you don't take, but don't spam and lose presence.

-You can E and then immediately Q to slow and then hit your target with the Q.

-The best time to ult is as they cast a spell or auto attack, because they have just committed to an action that has them facing in your direction.

-He gets free health, so you are going to want armor/mr to support that.
-You can turn his E off so you don't take agro while pushing down turrets.
-A red circle under the enemy means that your feast does enough damage to kill them.

-You can Q and then ult to a target before the Q lands, and if It does your ult will be refreshed.

-Axes will go the direction you are facing when they HIT the target, not when they leave your hand.

-You can gank lanes from behind their turret using rappel to avoid the turret shot without losing health.
-Your Cocoon gives vision.
-If you cast W in human form then switch to spider form and Q, the spider will follow.

-Use W after the slow is applied to you, not when you see it being cast.

-Think about the potential bounce targets when using E, if you wait just a second longer will it only bounce between your target and a minion?
-For the love of god make sure your ult is going before you Zhonya's.

-Her ult applies on hit effects such as red buff and Tiamat passive.
If you have a lot of lifesteal, ult when you are low on health, rather than to initiate.

-Your E radius is larger if you don't press it again, and it applies a slow.
-You can place wards mid E, such as Playful over wall->Ward->Trickster back over wall.
-You don't need to use your ult to initiate, try Q'ing and then making a point blank shot.

-You're an unstoppable rock in the lane, but you need to gank and help the team.

-Your Q is an auto attack reset, with Hydra you are very dangerous in melee range.
-Your passive may not seem like much, but with your E it helps assure they can't escape just by walking.

-Consider maxing W second instead of E.
-Don't just drop the ult, take a moment and think of who you can displace.
-With scaling AP runes, a Ring start, and maxing Q, you can clear enemy caster minions at level 8 with one Q.

-You can use your W and Q on a bush, and if you gain a passive stack, guess what? There's an enemy in there.

-Ult into a crowd and use E to push one enemy back to your team.

-Immediately make your way to the lane and start to set up turrets.
-Your ganks are pretty good with the upgraded E.
-General rule for what to upgrade in fights; AOE: Turret. Single Target: W. Need CC: E.

-Level 9 is your highlight, your true dmg doesn't scale so this is the most it's gonna do. Try to teamfight.
-Use your ult to whittle down caster minions and then jump to them to escape or engage.
-Whether your E slows or stuns is based off of health PERCENTAGE not the number of health they have compared to yours.

-A well timed flash ult can push an entire team out of dragon/Baron pit.

-Your passive is based of current health, so when jungling auto attack, THEN cast E, for the most damage.
-You can lower your ult by pressing R again.

-Don't Q just as your E is wearing off and miss your stun, that's embarrassing.
-Keep a ward or trinket handy to place over a wall in order to Q to and escape.

-Alternate between Hammer and Cannon form to get around quickly.
-In Cannon form Q'ing and then placing E infront of it makes it less predictable.

-In teamfights when people start flying all over, sometimes its best to not waste your time casting W to just end up hitting a Malphite, or worse, him hitting you.

-Mantra'd W restores 20% of MISSING health, making it a good bait tool and more effective at lower health.

-You have time to cast 3 Q's and Ult while dead. Or 2 Q's, a Wall, and ult.

-keep a ward or trinket handy in order for escapes.
-Your ult only targets 3 people.

-Your ult prevents people from taking damage, it is not the same as Tryndameres ult. Use it to prevent damage, not death.

-Your ult still ticks while in Zhonyas
-The bigger group you are ulting the more spread out your damage will be.

-If you walk into a bush and don't gain your passive, there's vision.
-With Ravenous Hydra you can E onto an enemy hiding in his caster minions, Activate Hydra, to clear the minions and get an easy Isolated Q.

-You are briefly invisible when your passive is activated, use this time to get away.
-Always control your clone.
-Mimicked W is good for a grouped teamfight, while mimicked Q is good for a quick assassination.
-Your Ult has no mana cost.

Lee Sin:
-Your second cast of W gives you spell vamp, which means you gain health from all your spells, including smite.
-You can Q a camp over a wall and activate it again, mid air you can smite the monster, ending up having your Q deal more damage.
-Always QRQ for the best damage combination.
-If you have a ravenous hydra don't E->Activate, if you E->auto attack->Activate->Auto attack you will gain a lot of energy back and do a lot of dmg very quickly.
-It's easier to W mid Q if you don't have your screen locked/Holding Space.
-Use the enemy to escape, by landing a Q and kicking him where you want to go, the enemy is essentially a free taxi.

-Your E goes to the last person it makes contact with, be careful.
-You can kill wards at level one with AA->Q->AA

-You can juke opponents by casting E in one direction and walking another, If they chase you, activate E again, if they go after your E, just walk away.
-Your Q only slows the first person that it comes in contact with.

-Position yourself correctly before you ult, think about where they have to run to.
-Your E breaks slows, so use it after you are slowed, not when you see the animation.

-You can E a minion and then Q, using it as a proxy for extra range.

-Use your E to slow the enemy to make your Q easier to hit.
-Your Q is able of hitting two enemies.
-Cast your shield in the direction you are running, it will return to you quicker, thus having the next application of the shield sooner.

-Remember Q steals movement speed.
-E does dmg, and it is also an attack speed slow.

-Voidlings have a priority order of Ult>E>Anything else.
-You can cast ignite while ulting, but make sure you are in range, Ult range>Ignite Range.
-Don't ult the guy with the QSS.

-before you W, remember that you get dragged with them, W'ing a LeBlanc may not be the best idea.

- Q is an auto attack reset

-Black shield will stop any CC, but only Magical damage.

-Your ult will travel knocking up all people in its way, so don't always use it on the person in the front of the pack.

Miss Fortune:
-Q procs W's effect. It will apply the mark if you W mid-Q. Also, Q will bounce to a target in the bush, even if you don't have vision on them.

-Your W will block a spell from Baron, giving you an attack speed buff.
-Sometimes its worth it to use your ult even if you have no plan of following up, just to help a teammate escape.
-If you're caught out look to an enemy that you can ult to and escape.

-Your E gives Mr and Armor along with a shield.
-Try starting with E in lane and auto attack trade at level 1.
-Make use of the dmg E does when it travels.
-Some lanes you want to max W some you want to max Q.
-Wait for the perfect shockwave, but not too long.
-W will speed anyone on your team up and slow any enemy down.
-You can place your ball inside of a wall and out of enemy vision, when they come near you can move it out of the wall for a surprise attack, they won't see the ball coming towards them.

-Supposedly you can move during his ult, after you fly into the sky, but before you land.

-If you're in a teamfight ult someone that doesn't do much dmg or cc. But if you're hunting someone down ult them for the extra bonus.
Ult->DFG->EQ is oneshot.

-Max E instead of Q, and use it in trades and to interrupt actions.
-In teamfights don't consider your ult a damage boost, think of it is a means to reposition, escape, or chase.

-W is AA reset; Hydra/Tiamat active cancels W animation.

-Auto attack between each Q.
-E after activating ult to cancel the animation and skip to kicking ass.

-You can hit the danger zone at level 1 by spamming Q.
-Sit just out of turret range with Q over your minions to make the enemy pay for last hitting.

-Don't underestimate passive.
-Quickly pressing B and then canceling while stealthed will break the stealth and start the cooldown on Q.
-You're R is a disjoint, you basically cease to exist for about half a second when you cast it. You can use this to dodge any skill.
-Don't use your E at the start of a gank, it applies a slow effect on hit first, then used to execute or if the enemy is out of range.

-Flashing mid taunt is a good way to surprise enemies and get extra range on your taunt.

-Don't W before you ult, it's less effective.
-Flashing mid ult will still cause knockback.

-You can flip people over walls.
-Binding two keys to your Q and pressing them at the same time will cause your poison to be invisible and leave a thinner stream of poison.

-Shield important spells, not easy ones.

-While ulting someone, at the last second you can switch directions and go the opposite way you have been dragging them, cause you to essentially switch places with them, dragging them an extra 2-3 teemo lengths.

-Slow them to make W easier to hit.
-You still get healed through Zhonyas if activated while in Raven form.

-More balls more damage.
-Throwing buffs will apply either a slow or a mana refund with cooldown.

-E->auto attack->Q for max burst when fighting.

-Your E does more damage the closer you are to the enemy.

-Your lantern has a ring around it that indicates how much time is left before it expires.
-If the enemy is engaging, try throwing your lantern backwards and fake that your jungler is coming in, they may run off.

-You can flash mid W and still apply the slow and damage.
-If you Ult before you dfg, the dfg can reach the target faster.

Twisted Fate:

-Position well for best use of ult.
-Ult can hit both nexus turrets at once.
-Invisible recall by pressing B during the initial stealth activation, but will fail when pressed after you are stealthed.


-Tumbling against a wall, meaning you are at the wall before you tumble, will reset your auto attack.

-Get used to his E.
-Control ult.

-You can pool->zhonyas->pool for a long time of untargetable.

-Your W is an execute, lower health they are the more damage it does.

-Turn E off when you are trying to sneak up on a low health lane.

-You can press S to stop your movements and make the enemy think you have used W.

-Use This For fastest stun activation.

Xin Zhao:
-Your ult does 15% of the enemies current health, meaning it is more effective to use it earlier in a fight.

-Your E gives you vision.
-Always auto attack when your passive is up.

-You can cast your Q or E and then place seeds before the spells detonate and still create plants.

Note: i dident write those tips and tricks i got it from a post from reddit but i wanted to share this with u guys :)
Damn bro. 10/5 for effort

Ceph23 wrote:

SoG Tava wrote:

Some Tips and Tricks :

-It's easier to land Q if you slow with E first.
-Only have Blood Thirst active while jungling if below 50%
-His ult gives extra range, use it if you're lacking just a bit of movement speed to catch up.

-Her W's count as single target spells, applying the full slow from Rylais and Spellvamp.
-Use her ult to re-direct her Q.
-Charm Flash Trick

-Use shroud to over a wall to give vision and escape to a camp.
-Do NOT all in as soon as you hit 6, your ult needs to gain charges.
-Base at 6, buy, have 3 ult stacks back in lane and kill.
-When laning, land a Q on your enemy, then wait for it to go off cooldown before you engage, so you can proc 2 Q's in a hurry

-To WQ combo, use w and basically as soon as you see yourself start to move you press Q.
-At level 16 your ult gives you 90 free AD, that's almost a fully stacked Bloodthirster. Don't forget to auto attack in fights.

-Dont take a skill untill the buff spawns, If you are going to be able to get your blue start W, if not start E.
-Smite to clear way for your Q.

-You can cast E and then ult beneath them to still get the damage bonus, because E has a travel time.
-By pressing Q again after you release the ball you can make it explode when you want.
-Your wall does 1 true damage, meaning it will cancel enemy recalls and cause you to take turret agro.
-If you cast your wall almost on top of someone who is standing directly next to an environmental wall, it "pinches" them and leaves them essentially stunned for the duration of the wall.

-Start with W and charge a stun up in fountain, 1 less than required if you are leashing and feeling generous to spend mana on the leash.
-When you have your stun active you will have a whirl around you which can give it away, also Annie laughs when her stun is available.
-Control Tibbers with R, controlling him while backing will not stop your back.
-You can cast E while your Q is in mid-flight and you have 3 charges to prime the stun and land it when your Q hits.

-When ulting consider the flow of the map and the choice of pathing the enemy has to take.

-You can stand behind enemy caster minions where the enemy thinks they are safe, then ult to clear them and pull.
-You miss 100% of the shots you don't take, but don't spam and lose presence.

-You can E and then immediately Q to slow and then hit your target with the Q.

-The best time to ult is as they cast a spell or auto attack, because they have just committed to an action that has them facing in your direction.

-He gets free health, so you are going to want armor/mr to support that.
-You can turn his E off so you don't take agro while pushing down turrets.
-A red circle under the enemy means that your feast does enough damage to kill them.

-You can Q and then ult to a target before the Q lands, and if It does your ult will be refreshed.

-Axes will go the direction you are facing when they HIT the target, not when they leave your hand.

-You can gank lanes from behind their turret using rappel to avoid the turret shot without losing health.
-Your Cocoon gives vision.
-If you cast W in human form then switch to spider form and Q, the spider will follow.

-Use W after the slow is applied to you, not when you see it being cast.

-Think about the potential bounce targets when using E, if you wait just a second longer will it only bounce between your target and a minion?
-For the love of god make sure your ult is going before you Zhonya's.

-Her ult applies on hit effects such as red buff and Tiamat passive.
If you have a lot of lifesteal, ult when you are low on health, rather than to initiate.

-Your E radius is larger if you don't press it again, and it applies a slow.
-You can place wards mid E, such as Playful over wall->Ward->Trickster back over wall.
-You don't need to use your ult to initiate, try Q'ing and then making a point blank shot.

-You're an unstoppable rock in the lane, but you need to gank and help the team.

-Your Q is an auto attack reset, with Hydra you are very dangerous in melee range.
-Your passive may not seem like much, but with your E it helps assure they can't escape just by walking.

-Consider maxing W second instead of E.
-Don't just drop the ult, take a moment and think of who you can displace.
-With scaling AP runes, a Ring start, and maxing Q, you can clear enemy caster minions at level 8 with one Q.

-You can use your W and Q on a bush, and if you gain a passive stack, guess what? There's an enemy in there.

-Ult into a crowd and use E to push one enemy back to your team.

-Immediately make your way to the lane and start to set up turrets.
-Your ganks are pretty good with the upgraded E.
-General rule for what to upgrade in fights; AOE: Turret. Single Target: W. Need CC: E.

-Level 9 is your highlight, your true dmg doesn't scale so this is the most it's gonna do. Try to teamfight.
-Use your ult to whittle down caster minions and then jump to them to escape or engage.
-Whether your E slows or stuns is based off of health PERCENTAGE not the number of health they have compared to yours.

-A well timed flash ult can push an entire team out of dragon/Baron pit.

-Your passive is based of current health, so when jungling auto attack, THEN cast E, for the most damage.
-You can lower your ult by pressing R again.

-Don't Q just as your E is wearing off and miss your stun, that's embarrassing.
-Keep a ward or trinket handy to place over a wall in order to Q to and escape.

-Alternate between Hammer and Cannon form to get around quickly.
-In Cannon form Q'ing and then placing E infront of it makes it less predictable.

-In teamfights when people start flying all over, sometimes its best to not waste your time casting W to just end up hitting a Malphite, or worse, him hitting you.

-Mantra'd W restores 20% of MISSING health, making it a good bait tool and more effective at lower health.

-You have time to cast 3 Q's and Ult while dead. Or 2 Q's, a Wall, and ult.

-keep a ward or trinket handy in order for escapes.
-Your ult only targets 3 people.

-Your ult prevents people from taking damage, it is not the same as Tryndameres ult. Use it to prevent damage, not death.

-Your ult still ticks while in Zhonyas
-The bigger group you are ulting the more spread out your damage will be.

-If you walk into a bush and don't gain your passive, there's vision.
-With Ravenous Hydra you can E onto an enemy hiding in his caster minions, Activate Hydra, to clear the minions and get an easy Isolated Q.

-You are briefly invisible when your passive is activated, use this time to get away.
-Always control your clone.
-Mimicked W is good for a grouped teamfight, while mimicked Q is good for a quick assassination.
-Your Ult has no mana cost.

Lee Sin:
-Your second cast of W gives you spell vamp, which means you gain health from all your spells, including smite.
-You can Q a camp over a wall and activate it again, mid air you can smite the monster, ending up having your Q deal more damage.
-Always QRQ for the best damage combination.
-If you have a ravenous hydra don't E->Activate, if you E->auto attack->Activate->Auto attack you will gain a lot of energy back and do a lot of dmg very quickly.
-It's easier to W mid Q if you don't have your screen locked/Holding Space.
-Use the enemy to escape, by landing a Q and kicking him where you want to go, the enemy is essentially a free taxi.

-Your E goes to the last person it makes contact with, be careful.
-You can kill wards at level one with AA->Q->AA

-You can juke opponents by casting E in one direction and walking another, If they chase you, activate E again, if they go after your E, just walk away.
-Your Q only slows the first person that it comes in contact with.

-Position yourself correctly before you ult, think about where they have to run to.
-Your E breaks slows, so use it after you are slowed, not when you see the animation.

-You can E a minion and then Q, using it as a proxy for extra range.

-Use your E to slow the enemy to make your Q easier to hit.
-Your Q is able of hitting two enemies.
-Cast your shield in the direction you are running, it will return to you quicker, thus having the next application of the shield sooner.

-Remember Q steals movement speed.
-E does dmg, and it is also an attack speed slow.

-Voidlings have a priority order of Ult>E>Anything else.
-You can cast ignite while ulting, but make sure you are in range, Ult range>Ignite Range.
-Don't ult the guy with the QSS.

-before you W, remember that you get dragged with them, W'ing a LeBlanc may not be the best idea.

- Q is an auto attack reset

-Black shield will stop any CC, but only Magical damage.

-Your ult will travel knocking up all people in its way, so don't always use it on the person in the front of the pack.

Miss Fortune:
-Q procs W's effect. It will apply the mark if you W mid-Q. Also, Q will bounce to a target in the bush, even if you don't have vision on them.

-Your W will block a spell from Baron, giving you an attack speed buff.
-Sometimes its worth it to use your ult even if you have no plan of following up, just to help a teammate escape.
-If you're caught out look to an enemy that you can ult to and escape.

-Your E gives Mr and Armor along with a shield.
-Try starting with E in lane and auto attack trade at level 1.
-Make use of the dmg E does when it travels.
-Some lanes you want to max W some you want to max Q.
-Wait for the perfect shockwave, but not too long.
-W will speed anyone on your team up and slow any enemy down.
-You can place your ball inside of a wall and out of enemy vision, when they come near you can move it out of the wall for a surprise attack, they won't see the ball coming towards them.

-Supposedly you can move during his ult, after you fly into the sky, but before you land.

-If you're in a teamfight ult someone that doesn't do much dmg or cc. But if you're hunting someone down ult them for the extra bonus.
Ult->DFG->EQ is oneshot.

-Max E instead of Q, and use it in trades and to interrupt actions.
-In teamfights don't consider your ult a damage boost, think of it is a means to reposition, escape, or chase.

-W is AA reset; Hydra/Tiamat active cancels W animation.

-Auto attack between each Q.
-E after activating ult to cancel the animation and skip to kicking ass.

-You can hit the danger zone at level 1 by spamming Q.
-Sit just out of turret range with Q over your minions to make the enemy pay for last hitting.

-Don't underestimate passive.
-Quickly pressing B and then canceling while stealthed will break the stealth and start the cooldown on Q.
-You're R is a disjoint, you basically cease to exist for about half a second when you cast it. You can use this to dodge any skill.
-Don't use your E at the start of a gank, it applies a slow effect on hit first, then used to execute or if the enemy is out of range.

-Flashing mid taunt is a good way to surprise enemies and get extra range on your taunt.

-Don't W before you ult, it's less effective.
-Flashing mid ult will still cause knockback.

-You can flip people over walls.
-Binding two keys to your Q and pressing them at the same time will cause your poison to be invisible and leave a thinner stream of poison.

-Shield important spells, not easy ones.

-While ulting someone, at the last second you can switch directions and go the opposite way you have been dragging them, cause you to essentially switch places with them, dragging them an extra 2-3 teemo lengths.

-Slow them to make W easier to hit.
-You still get healed through Zhonyas if activated while in Raven form.

-More balls more damage.
-Throwing buffs will apply either a slow or a mana refund with cooldown.

-E->auto attack->Q for max burst when fighting.

-Your E does more damage the closer you are to the enemy.

-Your lantern has a ring around it that indicates how much time is left before it expires.
-If the enemy is engaging, try throwing your lantern backwards and fake that your jungler is coming in, they may run off.

-You can flash mid W and still apply the slow and damage.
-If you Ult before you dfg, the dfg can reach the target faster.

Twisted Fate:

-Position well for best use of ult.
-Ult can hit both nexus turrets at once.
-Invisible recall by pressing B during the initial stealth activation, but will fail when pressed after you are stealthed.


-Tumbling against a wall, meaning you are at the wall before you tumble, will reset your auto attack.

-Get used to his E.
-Control ult.

-You can pool->zhonyas->pool for a long time of untargetable.

-Your W is an execute, lower health they are the more damage it does.

-Turn E off when you are trying to sneak up on a low health lane.

-You can press S to stop your movements and make the enemy think you have used W.

-Use This For fastest stun activation.

Xin Zhao:
-Your ult does 15% of the enemies current health, meaning it is more effective to use it earlier in a fight.

-Your E gives you vision.
-Always auto attack when your passive is up.

-You can cast your Q or E and then place seeds before the spells detonate and still create plants.

Note: i dident write those tips and tricks i got it from a post from reddit but i wanted to share this with u guys :)
Damn bro. 10/5 for effort
he didnt write it

but thank you for copying it over here to those who do not view reddit

SoG Tava wrote:

Some Tips and Tricks :

-It's easier to land Q if you slow with E first.
-Only have Blood Thirst active while jungling if below 50%
-His ult gives extra range, use it if you're lacking just a bit of movement speed to catch up.

-Her W's count as single target spells, applying the full slow from Rylais and Spellvamp.
-Use her ult to re-direct her Q.
-Charm Flash Trick

-Use shroud to over a wall to give vision and escape to a camp.
-Do NOT all in as soon as you hit 6, your ult needs to gain charges.
-Base at 6, buy, have 3 ult stacks back in lane and kill.
-When laning, land a Q on your enemy, then wait for it to go off cooldown before you engage, so you can proc 2 Q's in a hurry

-To WQ combo, use w and basically as soon as you see yourself start to move you press Q.
-At level 16 your ult gives you 90 free AD, that's almost a fully stacked Bloodthirster. Don't forget to auto attack in fights.

-Dont take a skill untill the buff spawns, If you are going to be able to get your blue start W, if not start E.
-Smite to clear way for your Q.

-You can cast E and then ult beneath them to still get the damage bonus, because E has a travel time.
-By pressing Q again after you release the ball you can make it explode when you want.
-Your wall does 1 true damage, meaning it will cancel enemy recalls and cause you to take turret agro.
-If you cast your wall almost on top of someone who is standing directly next to an environmental wall, it "pinches" them and leaves them essentially stunned for the duration of the wall.

-Start with W and charge a stun up in fountain, 1 less than required if you are leashing and feeling generous to spend mana on the leash.
-When you have your stun active you will have a whirl around you which can give it away, also Annie laughs when her stun is available.
-Control Tibbers with R, controlling him while backing will not stop your back.
-You can cast E while your Q is in mid-flight and you have 3 charges to prime the stun and land it when your Q hits.

-When ulting consider the flow of the map and the choice of pathing the enemy has to take.

-You can stand behind enemy caster minions where the enemy thinks they are safe, then ult to clear them and pull.
-You miss 100% of the shots you don't take, but don't spam and lose presence.

-You can E and then immediately Q to slow and then hit your target with the Q.

-The best time to ult is as they cast a spell or auto attack, because they have just committed to an action that has them facing in your direction.

-He gets free health, so you are going to want armor/mr to support that.
-You can turn his E off so you don't take agro while pushing down turrets.
-A red circle under the enemy means that your feast does enough damage to kill them.

-You can Q and then ult to a target before the Q lands, and if It does your ult will be refreshed.

-Axes will go the direction you are facing when they HIT the target, not when they leave your hand.

-You can gank lanes from behind their turret using rappel to avoid the turret shot without losing health.
-Your Cocoon gives vision.
-If you cast W in human form then switch to spider form and Q, the spider will follow.

-Use W after the slow is applied to you, not when you see it being cast.

-Think about the potential bounce targets when using E, if you wait just a second longer will it only bounce between your target and a minion?
-For the love of god make sure your ult is going before you Zhonya's.

-Her ult applies on hit effects such as red buff and Tiamat passive.
If you have a lot of lifesteal, ult when you are low on health, rather than to initiate.

-Your E radius is larger if you don't press it again, and it applies a slow.
-You can place wards mid E, such as Playful over wall->Ward->Trickster back over wall.
-You don't need to use your ult to initiate, try Q'ing and then making a point blank shot.

-You're an unstoppable rock in the lane, but you need to gank and help the team.

-Your Q is an auto attack reset, with Hydra you are very dangerous in melee range.
-Your passive may not seem like much, but with your E it helps assure they can't escape just by walking.

-Consider maxing W second instead of E.
-Don't just drop the ult, take a moment and think of who you can displace.
-With scaling AP runes, a Ring start, and maxing Q, you can clear enemy caster minions at level 8 with one Q.

-You can use your W and Q on a bush, and if you gain a passive stack, guess what? There's an enemy in there.

-Ult into a crowd and use E to push one enemy back to your team.

-Immediately make your way to the lane and start to set up turrets.
-Your ganks are pretty good with the upgraded E.
-General rule for what to upgrade in fights; AOE: Turret. Single Target: W. Need CC: E.

-Level 9 is your highlight, your true dmg doesn't scale so this is the most it's gonna do. Try to teamfight.
-Use your ult to whittle down caster minions and then jump to them to escape or engage.
-Whether your E slows or stuns is based off of health PERCENTAGE not the number of health they have compared to yours.

-A well timed flash ult can push an entire team out of dragon/Baron pit.

-Your passive is based of current health, so when jungling auto attack, THEN cast E, for the most damage.
-You can lower your ult by pressing R again.

-Don't Q just as your E is wearing off and miss your stun, that's embarrassing.
-Keep a ward or trinket handy to place over a wall in order to Q to and escape.

-Alternate between Hammer and Cannon form to get around quickly.
-In Cannon form Q'ing and then placing E infront of it makes it less predictable.

-In teamfights when people start flying all over, sometimes its best to not waste your time casting W to just end up hitting a Malphite, or worse, him hitting you.

-Mantra'd W restores 20% of MISSING health, making it a good bait tool and more effective at lower health.

-You have time to cast 3 Q's and Ult while dead. Or 2 Q's, a Wall, and ult.

-keep a ward or trinket handy in order for escapes.
-Your ult only targets 3 people.

-Your ult prevents people from taking damage, it is not the same as Tryndameres ult. Use it to prevent damage, not death.

-Your ult still ticks while in Zhonyas
-The bigger group you are ulting the more spread out your damage will be.

-If you walk into a bush and don't gain your passive, there's vision.
-With Ravenous Hydra you can E onto an enemy hiding in his caster minions, Activate Hydra, to clear the minions and get an easy Isolated Q.

-You are briefly invisible when your passive is activated, use this time to get away.
-Always control your clone.
-Mimicked W is good for a grouped teamfight, while mimicked Q is good for a quick assassination.
-Your Ult has no mana cost.

Lee Sin:
-Your second cast of W gives you spell vamp, which means you gain health from all your spells, including smite.
-You can Q a camp over a wall and activate it again, mid air you can smite the monster, ending up having your Q deal more damage.
-Always QRQ for the best damage combination.
-If you have a ravenous hydra don't E->Activate, if you E->auto attack->Activate->Auto attack you will gain a lot of energy back and do a lot of dmg very quickly.
-It's easier to W mid Q if you don't have your screen locked/Holding Space.
-Use the enemy to escape, by landing a Q and kicking him where you want to go, the enemy is essentially a free taxi.

-Your E goes to the last person it makes contact with, be careful.
-You can kill wards at level one with AA->Q->AA

-You can juke opponents by casting E in one direction and walking another, If they chase you, activate E again, if they go after your E, just walk away.
-Your Q only slows the first person that it comes in contact with.

-Position yourself correctly before you ult, think about where they have to run to.
-Your E breaks slows, so use it after you are slowed, not when you see the animation.

-You can E a minion and then Q, using it as a proxy for extra range.

-Use your E to slow the enemy to make your Q easier to hit.
-Your Q is able of hitting two enemies.
-Cast your shield in the direction you are running, it will return to you quicker, thus having the next application of the shield sooner.

-Remember Q steals movement speed.
-E does dmg, and it is also an attack speed slow.

-Voidlings have a priority order of Ult>E>Anything else.
-You can cast ignite while ulting, but make sure you are in range, Ult range>Ignite Range.
-Don't ult the guy with the QSS.

-before you W, remember that you get dragged with them, W'ing a LeBlanc may not be the best idea.

- Q is an auto attack reset

-Black shield will stop any CC, but only Magical damage.

-Your ult will travel knocking up all people in its way, so don't always use it on the person in the front of the pack.

Miss Fortune:
-Q procs W's effect. It will apply the mark if you W mid-Q. Also, Q will bounce to a target in the bush, even if you don't have vision on them.

-Your W will block a spell from Baron, giving you an attack speed buff.
-Sometimes its worth it to use your ult even if you have no plan of following up, just to help a teammate escape.
-If you're caught out look to an enemy that you can ult to and escape.

-Your E gives Mr and Armor along with a shield.
-Try starting with E in lane and auto attack trade at level 1.
-Make use of the dmg E does when it travels.
-Some lanes you want to max W some you want to max Q.
-Wait for the perfect shockwave, but not too long.
-W will speed anyone on your team up and slow any enemy down.
-You can place your ball inside of a wall and out of enemy vision, when they come near you can move it out of the wall for a surprise attack, they won't see the ball coming towards them.

-Supposedly you can move during his ult, after you fly into the sky, but before you land.

-If you're in a teamfight ult someone that doesn't do much dmg or cc. But if you're hunting someone down ult them for the extra bonus.
Ult->DFG->EQ is oneshot.

-Max E instead of Q, and use it in trades and to interrupt actions.
-In teamfights don't consider your ult a damage boost, think of it is a means to reposition, escape, or chase.

-W is AA reset; Hydra/Tiamat active cancels W animation.

-Auto attack between each Q.
-E after activating ult to cancel the animation and skip to kicking ass.

-You can hit the danger zone at level 1 by spamming Q.
-Sit just out of turret range with Q over your minions to make the enemy pay for last hitting.

-Don't underestimate passive.
-Quickly pressing B and then canceling while stealthed will break the stealth and start the cooldown on Q.
-You're R is a disjoint, you basically cease to exist for about half a second when you cast it. You can use this to dodge any skill.
-Don't use your E at the start of a gank, it applies a slow effect on hit first, then used to execute or if the enemy is out of range.

-Flashing mid taunt is a good way to surprise enemies and get extra range on your taunt.

-Don't W before you ult, it's less effective.
-Flashing mid ult will still cause knockback.

-You can flip people over walls.
-Binding two keys to your Q and pressing them at the same time will cause your poison to be invisible and leave a thinner stream of poison.

-Shield important spells, not easy ones.

-While ulting someone, at the last second you can switch directions and go the opposite way you have been dragging them, cause you to essentially switch places with them, dragging them an extra 2-3 teemo lengths.

-Slow them to make W easier to hit.
-You still get healed through Zhonyas if activated while in Raven form.

-More balls more damage.
-Throwing buffs will apply either a slow or a mana refund with cooldown.

-E->auto attack->Q for max burst when fighting.

-Your E does more damage the closer you are to the enemy.

-Your lantern has a ring around it that indicates how much time is left before it expires.
-If the enemy is engaging, try throwing your lantern backwards and fake that your jungler is coming in, they may run off.

-You can flash mid W and still apply the slow and damage.
-If you Ult before you dfg, the dfg can reach the target faster.

Twisted Fate:

-Position well for best use of ult.
-Ult can hit both nexus turrets at once.
-Invisible recall by pressing B during the initial stealth activation, but will fail when pressed after you are stealthed.


-Tumbling against a wall, meaning you are at the wall before you tumble, will reset your auto attack.

-Get used to his E.
-Control ult.

-You can pool->zhonyas->pool for a long time of untargetable.

-Your W is an execute, lower health they are the more damage it does.

-Turn E off when you are trying to sneak up on a low health lane.

-You can press S to stop your movements and make the enemy think you have used W.

-Use This For fastest stun activation.

Xin Zhao:
-Your ult does 15% of the enemies current health, meaning it is more effective to use it earlier in a fight.

-Your E gives you vision.
-Always auto attack when your passive is up.

-You can cast your Q or E and then place seeds before the spells detonate and still create plants.

Note: i dident write those tips and tricks i got it from a post from reddit but i wanted to share this with u guys :)
I learned more things than I would have possibly ever learned in school in one day.
Kanye West

SoG Tava wrote:

Some Tips and Tricks :

-It's easier to land Q if you slow with E first.
-Only have Blood Thirst active while jungling if below 50%
-His ult gives extra range, use it if you're lacking just a bit of movement speed to catch up.

-Her W's count as single target spells, applying the full slow from Rylais and Spellvamp.
-Use her ult to re-direct her Q.
-Charm Flash Trick

-Use shroud to over a wall to give vision and escape to a camp.
-Do NOT all in as soon as you hit 6, your ult needs to gain charges.
-Base at 6, buy, have 3 ult stacks back in lane and kill.
-When laning, land a Q on your enemy, then wait for it to go off cooldown before you engage, so you can proc 2 Q's in a hurry

-To WQ combo, use w and basically as soon as you see yourself start to move you press Q.
-At level 16 your ult gives you 90 free AD, that's almost a fully stacked Bloodthirster. Don't forget to auto attack in fights.

-Dont take a skill untill the buff spawns, If you are going to be able to get your blue start W, if not start E.
-Smite to clear way for your Q.

-You can cast E and then ult beneath them to still get the damage bonus, because E has a travel time.
-By pressing Q again after you release the ball you can make it explode when you want.
-Your wall does 1 true damage, meaning it will cancel enemy recalls and cause you to take turret agro.
-If you cast your wall almost on top of someone who is standing directly next to an environmental wall, it "pinches" them and leaves them essentially stunned for the duration of the wall.

-Start with W and charge a stun up in fountain, 1 less than required if you are leashing and feeling generous to spend mana on the leash.
-When you have your stun active you will have a whirl around you which can give it away, also Annie laughs when her stun is available.
-Control Tibbers with R, controlling him while backing will not stop your back.
-You can cast E while your Q is in mid-flight and you have 3 charges to prime the stun and land it when your Q hits.

-When ulting consider the flow of the map and the choice of pathing the enemy has to take.

-You can stand behind enemy caster minions where the enemy thinks they are safe, then ult to clear them and pull.
-You miss 100% of the shots you don't take, but don't spam and lose presence.

-You can E and then immediately Q to slow and then hit your target with the Q.

-The best time to ult is as they cast a spell or auto attack, because they have just committed to an action that has them facing in your direction.

-He gets free health, so you are going to want armor/mr to support that.
-You can turn his E off so you don't take agro while pushing down turrets.
-A red circle under the enemy means that your feast does enough damage to kill them.

-You can Q and then ult to a target before the Q lands, and if It does your ult will be refreshed.

-Axes will go the direction you are facing when they HIT the target, not when they leave your hand.

-You can gank lanes from behind their turret using rappel to avoid the turret shot without losing health.
-Your Cocoon gives vision.
-If you cast W in human form then switch to spider form and Q, the spider will follow.

-Use W after the slow is applied to you, not when you see it being cast.

-Think about the potential bounce targets when using E, if you wait just a second longer will it only bounce between your target and a minion?
-For the love of god make sure your ult is going before you Zhonya's.

-Her ult applies on hit effects such as red buff and Tiamat passive.
If you have a lot of lifesteal, ult when you are low on health, rather than to initiate.

-Your E radius is larger if you don't press it again, and it applies a slow.
-You can place wards mid E, such as Playful over wall->Ward->Trickster back over wall.
-You don't need to use your ult to initiate, try Q'ing and then making a point blank shot.

-You're an unstoppable rock in the lane, but you need to gank and help the team.

-Your Q is an auto attack reset, with Hydra you are very dangerous in melee range.
-Your passive may not seem like much, but with your E it helps assure they can't escape just by walking.

-Consider maxing W second instead of E.
-Don't just drop the ult, take a moment and think of who you can displace.
-With scaling AP runes, a Ring start, and maxing Q, you can clear enemy caster minions at level 8 with one Q.

-You can use your W and Q on a bush, and if you gain a passive stack, guess what? There's an enemy in there.

-Ult into a crowd and use E to push one enemy back to your team.

-Immediately make your way to the lane and start to set up turrets.
-Your ganks are pretty good with the upgraded E.
-General rule for what to upgrade in fights; AOE: Turret. Single Target: W. Need CC: E.

-Level 9 is your highlight, your true dmg doesn't scale so this is the most it's gonna do. Try to teamfight.
-Use your ult to whittle down caster minions and then jump to them to escape or engage.
-Whether your E slows or stuns is based off of health PERCENTAGE not the number of health they have compared to yours.

-A well timed flash ult can push an entire team out of dragon/Baron pit.

-Your passive is based of current health, so when jungling auto attack, THEN cast E, for the most damage.
-You can lower your ult by pressing R again.

-Don't Q just as your E is wearing off and miss your stun, that's embarrassing.
-Keep a ward or trinket handy to place over a wall in order to Q to and escape.

-Alternate between Hammer and Cannon form to get around quickly.
-In Cannon form Q'ing and then placing E infront of it makes it less predictable.

-In teamfights when people start flying all over, sometimes its best to not waste your time casting W to just end up hitting a Malphite, or worse, him hitting you.

-Mantra'd W restores 20% of MISSING health, making it a good bait tool and more effective at lower health.

-You have time to cast 3 Q's and Ult while dead. Or 2 Q's, a Wall, and ult.

-keep a ward or trinket handy in order for escapes.
-Your ult only targets 3 people.

-Your ult prevents people from taking damage, it is not the same as Tryndameres ult. Use it to prevent damage, not death.

-Your ult still ticks while in Zhonyas
-The bigger group you are ulting the more spread out your damage will be.

-If you walk into a bush and don't gain your passive, there's vision.
-With Ravenous Hydra you can E onto an enemy hiding in his caster minions, Activate Hydra, to clear the minions and get an easy Isolated Q.

-You are briefly invisible when your passive is activated, use this time to get away.
-Always control your clone.
-Mimicked W is good for a grouped teamfight, while mimicked Q is good for a quick assassination.
-Your Ult has no mana cost.

Lee Sin:
-Your second cast of W gives you spell vamp, which means you gain health from all your spells, including smite.
-You can Q a camp over a wall and activate it again, mid air you can smite the monster, ending up having your Q deal more damage.
-Always QRQ for the best damage combination.
-If you have a ravenous hydra don't E->Activate, if you E->auto attack->Activate->Auto attack you will gain a lot of energy back and do a lot of dmg very quickly.
-It's easier to W mid Q if you don't have your screen locked/Holding Space.
-Use the enemy to escape, by landing a Q and kicking him where you want to go, the enemy is essentially a free taxi.

-Your E goes to the last person it makes contact with, be careful.
-You can kill wards at level one with AA->Q->AA

-You can juke opponents by casting E in one direction and walking another, If they chase you, activate E again, if they go after your E, just walk away.
-Your Q only slows the first person that it comes in contact with.

-Position yourself correctly before you ult, think about where they have to run to.
-Your E breaks slows, so use it after you are slowed, not when you see the animation.

-You can E a minion and then Q, using it as a proxy for extra range.

-Use your E to slow the enemy to make your Q easier to hit.
-Your Q is able of hitting two enemies.
-Cast your shield in the direction you are running, it will return to you quicker, thus having the next application of the shield sooner.

-Remember Q steals movement speed.
-E does dmg, and it is also an attack speed slow.

-Voidlings have a priority order of Ult>E>Anything else.
-You can cast ignite while ulting, but make sure you are in range, Ult range>Ignite Range.
-Don't ult the guy with the QSS.

-before you W, remember that you get dragged with them, W'ing a LeBlanc may not be the best idea.

- Q is an auto attack reset

-Black shield will stop any CC, but only Magical damage.

-Your ult will travel knocking up all people in its way, so don't always use it on the person in the front of the pack.

Miss Fortune:
-Q procs W's effect. It will apply the mark if you W mid-Q. Also, Q will bounce to a target in the bush, even if you don't have vision on them.

-Your W will block a spell from Baron, giving you an attack speed buff.
-Sometimes its worth it to use your ult even if you have no plan of following up, just to help a teammate escape.
-If you're caught out look to an enemy that you can ult to and escape.

-Your E gives Mr and Armor along with a shield.
-Try starting with E in lane and auto attack trade at level 1.
-Make use of the dmg E does when it travels.
-Some lanes you want to max W some you want to max Q.
-Wait for the perfect shockwave, but not too long.
-W will speed anyone on your team up and slow any enemy down.
-You can place your ball inside of a wall and out of enemy vision, when they come near you can move it out of the wall for a surprise attack, they won't see the ball coming towards them.

-Supposedly you can move during his ult, after you fly into the sky, but before you land.

-If you're in a teamfight ult someone that doesn't do much dmg or cc. But if you're hunting someone down ult them for the extra bonus.
Ult->DFG->EQ is oneshot.

-Max E instead of Q, and use it in trades and to interrupt actions.
-In teamfights don't consider your ult a damage boost, think of it is a means to reposition, escape, or chase.

-W is AA reset; Hydra/Tiamat active cancels W animation.

-Auto attack between each Q.
-E after activating ult to cancel the animation and skip to kicking ass.

-You can hit the danger zone at level 1 by spamming Q.
-Sit just out of turret range with Q over your minions to make the enemy pay for last hitting.

-Don't underestimate passive.
-Quickly pressing B and then canceling while stealthed will break the stealth and start the cooldown on Q.
-You're R is a disjoint, you basically cease to exist for about half a second when you cast it. You can use this to dodge any skill.
-Don't use your E at the start of a gank, it applies a slow effect on hit first, then used to execute or if the enemy is out of range.

-Flashing mid taunt is a good way to surprise enemies and get extra range on your taunt.

-Don't W before you ult, it's less effective.
-Flashing mid ult will still cause knockback.

-You can flip people over walls.
-Binding two keys to your Q and pressing them at the same time will cause your poison to be invisible and leave a thinner stream of poison.

-Shield important spells, not easy ones.

-While ulting someone, at the last second you can switch directions and go the opposite way you have been dragging them, cause you to essentially switch places with them, dragging them an extra 2-3 teemo lengths.

-Slow them to make W easier to hit.
-You still get healed through Zhonyas if activated while in Raven form.

-More balls more damage.
-Throwing buffs will apply either a slow or a mana refund with cooldown.

-E->auto attack->Q for max burst when fighting.

-Your E does more damage the closer you are to the enemy.

-Your lantern has a ring around it that indicates how much time is left before it expires.
-If the enemy is engaging, try throwing your lantern backwards and fake that your jungler is coming in, they may run off.

-You can flash mid W and still apply the slow and damage.
-If you Ult before you dfg, the dfg can reach the target faster.

Twisted Fate:

-Position well for best use of ult.
-Ult can hit both nexus turrets at once.
-Invisible recall by pressing B during the initial stealth activation, but will fail when pressed after you are stealthed.


-Tumbling against a wall, meaning you are at the wall before you tumble, will reset your auto attack.

-Get used to his E.
-Control ult.

-You can pool->zhonyas->pool for a long time of untargetable.

-Your W is an execute, lower health they are the more damage it does.

-Turn E off when you are trying to sneak up on a low health lane.

-You can press S to stop your movements and make the enemy think you have used W.

-Use This For fastest stun activation.

Xin Zhao:
-Your ult does 15% of the enemies current health, meaning it is more effective to use it earlier in a fight.

-Your E gives you vision.
-Always auto attack when your passive is up.

-You can cast your Q or E and then place seeds before the spells detonate and still create plants.

Note: i dident write those tips and tricks i got it from a post from reddit but i wanted to share this with u guys :)
Good for new players but 99% of this stuff is common sense or really vague

Welcome to Shaco's shose shop.

Lulu is so gud.

i like bananananana

Blaziken wrote:

Welcome to Shaco's shose shop.

Lulu is so gud.
Well she kinda get buffed this patch , we will see here more often again
Penta kill with Kayle, lol. I actually only killed four in the final engagement at the enemy nexus, but then Warwick resurrected and went straight in. I got the kill and it gave me a penta. xD
Also, is something up with the servers to give three straight 'Loss Prevented's?


Justykanna wrote:

Penta kill with Kayle, lol. I actually only killed four in the final engagement at the enemy nexus, but then Warwick resurrected and went straight in. I got the kill and it gave me a penta. xD
Also, is something up with the servers to give three straight 'Loss Prevented's?

Players QQ about how not enough 'Loss Prevented' were given when EUW lags all the time. So now they give it all the time.

This meta is stupid. Annie/Brand bot, they had a hard time, Mundo became a fear factor, and Katarina just went out of control, along with Yasuo. The game went so out of control, I got careless with the items I bought.

*Disclaimer: I am not on Shiirn's account; he took the screenshot for me. My summoner name is Meliin.
Lately there is to much annie support
annie + caitlyn = god range harass

and annie is really strong if the player knows how to use her

Bakano wrote:

annie + caitlyn = god range harass

and annie is really strong if the player knows how to use her
indeed but thats not only with annie :p every champ is strong if u know how to use here/him
Anybody here play a good malzahar? It's sad that not much people play him.
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