
Nintendo 3DS Club

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Should you buy a 3DS or not?

Yes, definitely!
Total votes: 450
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Trash Boat
don't forget Super Smash Bros 3DS(when it comes out)
Tsukimi Luna

Haneii wrote:

You'll have plenty to play with for a while if you plan to get all of that.

My suggestions: Virtue's Last Reward (although I highly suggest you play 999 first if you can find a copy, although it isn't necessary), Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance, and Zelda: A Link Between Worlds.

At the moment I'm currently juggling Pokemon, AA5's DLC case, A link between worlds, and Hakuoki (otome/visual novel).
<3 <3 <3

Im totally not regretting my decision to buy the 3DS huhu

battler077 wrote:

would you play Super Smash Bros 3DS if you could?
Only if C. Falcon is in it again.
No C. Falcon, no SSB4 for me, he's been around since SSB and he's my favourite ever since.
That also applies to F-Zero, fuck, i'm waiting since AX/GX for a new F-Zero and really get sick of those rumors that ain't true or confirmed by Nintendo/trustful sources.

EDIT: I would even go that far that i'm going to buy a Wii U just for the new F-Zero.

@Yuu-Chii: tbh, i don't play 3DS as often as i thought i would, but since there are some great games (even those that aren't incredibly popular) i always see myself stuck with a game for several weeks/months and happen to play it lesser and lesser gradually.
It's a great handheld console overall, i personally would recommend it and that you shouldn't feel any regrets about buying it c:
F-Zero is dead ;_;7

Quaraezha wrote:

F-Zero is dead ;_;7
Confirmed if Nintendo doesn't even include C. Falcon in SSB4. (also does the lack of handheld games of F-Zero for the DS/3DS as there were a lot of those games released for GBA)
Considering how C. Falcon has been included since the beginning AND how iconic the Falcon Punch is, I highly doubt he'll be left out.
Ah good point. It's not like PlayStation All-Stars where they use their latest versions of characters from their latest games anyway. So I guess it wouldn't really matter if they added a character from a dead franchise.

Y'know, like Megaman :^)
Trash Boat

NotEvenDoomMusic wrote:

Only if C. Falcon is in it again.
Tsukimi Luna
Guess what?

Gratz. Enjoy your Support Conversation grinding.
Trash Boat

Yuu-Chii wrote:

Guess what?

I should finish Awakening on Lunatic, but eeeeeeeeh.
I went ahead and bought Bravely Default along with a 2DS. A system seller if there ever was one.
Tsukimi Luna
After playing the demo for Ace Attorney 5

My body was suddenly tranced into spending another $30
6 years of waiting....
Oh my
Shohei Ohtani
I finally decided to update this.

I have a lot of free time today, so I'll try to update everyone's friend safari thing. If someone could do mine that's be great

Yuu-Chii wrote:

Guess what?

Wow. I don't even like pink and I think that looks amazing.
Also, nice choice on the game. Probably my favourite N3DS game to date.


NoHitter wrote:

Gratz. Enjoy your Support Conversation grinding.
Yeah, if you like going for extras, have fun with that.. So time consuming. =/
What are the colors for an XL one?
Shohei Ohtani
Just added everyone on the google doc

DC was the only person that added me already D:

Add pls

Friend safari
Whatchu talkin' bout CDFA!? We've been friends since forever.
Shohei Ohtani
I'm talking about the people that I just added right now that I didn't have before, lol :P
So next weekend is apparently National StreetPass Weekend where no matter where you are, you'll get StreetPasses from anywhere... provided you go to a Nintendo Zone location (because of the StreetPass Relay).

Sadly, I think this is for North America only. Not sure if other regions are doing this.
Shohei Ohtani

Next weekend is when I get off finals

Tsukimi Luna

Quaraezha wrote:

What are the colors for an XL one?
For 3DSXL colours which aren't "limited" i think there are Blue/Black, Red/Black, Black and Pink/White
I dont know why the White Colour is only for the 3DSLL
Japanese love to keep the good stuffs just for themselves :(

PS : I'm getting the Love Plus + 3DSLL bundle when it gets released <3
Guess I'm getting the black/red one.
Or the other red 2DS if I'm short.
FINALLY the 3DS has Nintendo Network ID Support! \:D/

EDIT: Aww, lame... FC's still exist... Anyway, there's some high traffic going on right now, so if you're experiencing connection issues, you know why.
Added the Miiverse username Column to the doc so its easier to find each other on miiverse, have fun xD
Just a note: if for some reason you have more than one Miiverse account, go ahead and list them both/all; it's not required, though.

So after finally making up my mind, I decided to get The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds. I wonder how much of a nostalgia trip this will be~

EDIT: Holy crap, this game's pretty brutal...
Brutal? I didn't find it very hard at all ._. If anything, it's quite easy.

I may also be way behind the times, but it seems there are some Virtual Console titles that you can now set up with Download Play for multiplayer shenanigans. Life Force/Salamander is one such title.
Huh... Didn't know that.
So I finally got around to finishing SMT IV today (I got the chaos ending). Pretty good game overall, but it has some flaws that keep it from being truly outstanding. Here's a somewhat-organized bullet-point review:

* The difficulty started off harder than necessary, soon reached a point of being just right, and then spent the rest of the game slowly getting easier. It kind of felt like Pokémon in that regard... it seems like the difficulty is there, but it doesn't scale itself to the ridiculous number of options you have available. The Minotaur boss fight in this game kind of felt like the Misty fight in Red/Blue... the last hard fight before you start getting real team-building options. Most later bosses simply don't have an answer to tetrakarn + makarakarn, and MP's never really in short supply. I wonder if the game would have seemed harder with a different strategy, though... I went heavy on magic with occasional points in agility and luck and it ended up working really well.

* The encounter rate is pretty high. I actually started switching the game to easy mode while traveling from point A to point B so I could use the 100% flee rate and travel at a decent clip. This game really could have used a "repel" item. That one skill that lets you banish "weak" enemies from the map was never very useful.

* I really like the battle system. It's so wonderfully swingy! So much can happen in a single turn. I wish the battles were more involved and fewer in number so the battle system could really shine... it seemed like a waste to have so many small encounters that could be wiped out completely on turn 1.

* The demon recruitment process is fun. The entertainment value of the silly conversations more than makes up for the occasional frustration when a demon takes your stuff and runs away.

* The demons in general are fun. I've seen the occasional gripe online about the clashing art styles and the reuse of sprites from older SMT games but none of that really bothered me. I often found myself recruiting or fusing new demons just for the hell of it. Late in the game I picked a good team and stuck with it, though.

* The game did a good job staying colorful despite the dreary settings. Certainly less brown than a typical apocalyptic wasteland!

* The music is great overall. I wish the battle theme changed a little more often though... the Mikado battle theme is my favorite of the bunch and I think it's the one you hear the least.

* Burroughs wins my vote for funniest character. She manages to say "congratulations on completing the quest" at the most hilariously inappropriate times.


As for Zelda, I beat the game without dying but I did use some red potions along the way. Never tried out the other potions because by the time I had the ingredients for them, my arsenal was complete enough that I didn't need the extra power-ups. The game was a little on the easy side overall but never to the point of being boring; in fact, the low combat difficulty made it easier to focus on exploring.
Honestly, it was only hard for me because I was too stubborn to use potions in the beginning (when I only had a few hearts). It did get really easy after probably the 3rd dungeon, though.

I hate the fact that after you beat the last boss, the game doesn't ask you to save... Though it wasn't really long anyway, I had to redo the whole last dungeon because of that >_>

Anyway, I managed to get Mario Party: Island Tour. It pretty much plays out like Mario Party 9, but I'm not really complaining since I mostly wanted it to try out the minigames.
I'm waiting for SMB3 to come out on Virtual Console. I have no idea why I'm looking so forward to it, only that I am.
It's (probably) my 2nd all-time favorite Mario game, so I can't blame you. It's too bad I still have the GBA version; otherwise, I probably would've gotten it as well.
I had the GBA version and I got an e-Reader just so I could play the extra levels lol.
They need to release the GBA version with all the extra levels in the eShop... I couldn't get ahold of all the cards back then.
Shohei Ohtani
Not Emulating Games

After literally tearing apart my Dream Drop Distance instruction manual after I figure out that you CAN actually lock-on manually (It's still stupid since you press both at the same time but I guess they were limited on space), I ragequit and bought myself an early christmas present

Phoenix Wright: Dual Destinies is fun and Athena is 100% not waifu material.

Like srs yellow suit

What kind of waifu wears yellow



The only yellow waifu I have is Renamon
SMB3 today~ <3
Shohei Ohtani
mfw I have no idea how to transfer my SD card data to my bigger 32GB SD card that I got for christmas

Trash Boat
it shouldnt be that difficult. if that data differs from regular data, then you may need some help. if not, then copypaste to desktop, then to new SD
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