I think this post should at Feature Request. Why it here? lol 

It was actually, but moved here.Oyatsu wrote:
I think this post should at Feature Request. Why it here? lol
I did.HakuNoKaemi wrote:
i didn't post an example
Since i see this map really first time i asked some people with different skill level to play it. I played it too. All was have only one try. Noone was know this map beforeHakuNoKaemi wrote:
https://osu.ppy.sh/b/150366&m=1 <- Coward Haku
02:22:384 (6) - In my guest, 0.38x is the half of x0.75 ( half is x0.375 ~ x0.38). Though I used some unrankable sliders
I know enough about music and pacing to form a competent opinion. I've also spoken to plenty of competent mappers/the people who code this game who agree with me/would agree with me. It's not bias for the sake of bias--it's me seeing quite a significant number of examples of bad pacing/unreadability. They just don't work and would not be rankable.Zarerion wrote:
[Stuff about me projecting my opinion]
I was sure that we have Beatmap Appreciation Team here to judge playability of every map what pretended to be ranked, isnt it? As a modder you have rights to say your personal opinion about mapping technique what you see but we have special qualified members to judge is it playable or not. Playability discussion have no place for personal opinions. I'm just going to quote ykcarrot here:D33d wrote:
Kodora, your examples would not jibe well with a lot of people and I'd say that it extends to BATs.
Well, lets talk about as minimum 2 my examples:ykcarrot wrote:
Don't slander the mapper just because it doesn't fit your taste.
Even if Dangaard refused to bubble due to this he confirmed that they works with map just awesome - even not going to talk about another BATs what bubbled it before and after.Dangaard wrote:
the slow sections are codehacked, and as much as this works with the map, it's said to be unrankable and not implemented in the editor... minimum is x0.5
Wise speedchange usage requires very, very good mapping experiense, especially if mapper decided to cross current limitation. However, in specified cases it may works, and works enough intuitive and playable. Together we decided to follow Garven's suggestion about allowing editing .osz for speedchanges for specified cases. Any abusely usage can be prevented by popping/unranking over quality reason (unreasonable SV changes usage for this case), but good usage may chance to get ranked/approved category.Garven wrote:
Considering how infrequent this would be used, it would be better to amend the editing of osu files rule then continue this movement to allow going beyond the constriction in special cases.
Sound exactly perfect, those "dont use more than 3 SV's" guideline was weird anyway, this correction is much more reasonable.HakuNoKaemi wrote:
The rule's already permitting to edit .osu to manually edit sv speeds, like this.
So, let's divide the guideline in two parts
one pertaining the numbers of multipliersA reasonable amount, generally three(excluding tiny velocity shifts made to correct the length of some sliders), of slider velocity multipliers should be used.(Examples: 0.5x, 1.0x and 2.0x or 0.75x, 1.00x and 1.5x, but not 1.00x, 0.98x and 1.02, since they're tiny enough to not be a real change). If slider velocity changes are able to be merged (e.g. close values like 0.8x and 0.7x) while still flowing/working correctly, then they should be.and another pertaining the range of usable multipliersWhile you can generally use a good range of slider velocity multipliers(from 0.5x to 2.0x), you can manually edit the .osu file to obtain an unlimited range of multipliers. When using slider velocity multipliers obtained like this, try to test them with an handful of peoples with various skill levels (dependent on the difficulty of the map) to know if the way you used the slider velocity change played good.
It actually was a feature request (to allow SV multipliers from osu! mania mode for osu standard) but moved here. I agree with your suggestion very much (however i'd discuss more SV limitation because i already linked linked map what uses x0.13 slider and its works well, + if people can create enough playable x4 slider why should we stop them from rank?). It was reverted to rule change thread due to potential rarely usage of it and because some people was asking for unlimited SV.lolcubes wrote:
What I propose is that instead of changing a very logical rule, we just expand how multipliers work. Base SV should be able to go over 3,60 (possibly around 4.4 or maybe even 5) and the multipliers should be allowed to reach 0.25x and 2.5x. However, the usage of those should still be moderate, meaning that intentionally doubling SV and then halving it through the entire map just to get one 4x SV slider should not be allowed.
This will allow any kind of representation and I don't think you really need more. This can open enough creativity to create more different things (and things some people consider fun, I don't though) and yet it will still be in moderation. Changes don't have to be really drastic to work. We can always gradually work things out, just like some other rules have.
Though, this means that this becomes a feature request instead. The rules around this are perfectly fine, however the limitations seem outdated. This is why I suggest we don't discuss the change of that rule because it really makes sense, and instead focus on expanding the limitations of the SV itself.
Not sure about this, unrecommended SV changes isnt real problem as long as they works well (if it plays bad modders will noticed this just by testplay) and sadly some modders just blindly copy everything what AIMod/AIBAT says.TheVileOne wrote:
AiMod could mention unrecommended SV changes. It would make modding it easier.
the first map have doubled bpm, so in reality it's a map at 185 bpm with x0.25 sliders, but the used of slow sliders is rightly done, so it's a good example in that ( bad flow in some parts though )Kodora wrote:
Just one more example why we shouldn't focus on multiplier's numbers.
BARAKO - Otomegokoro x Kyokuchuuhatto -dandara shooting MIX- - 04:09:510 (1) - 370 bpm, x0.13 slider
Hashimoto Miyuki - Especially (Hard) - 01:41:146 (2) - 93 bpm, x0.50 slider
Both maps used same slider velocity - 1.40
Pretty easy to calculate that in fact x0.13 slider on BARAKO is faster than legit x0.50 slider in Especially.
As i said before, SV multipliers are just a numbers what may works very depends on different maps. Only real playability is the main important thing what modders should focus on - we dont need any numbers-related moderation.
Firce777 wrote:
Ganymede kamome mix
PF concerto No1 'Anti-Ares'
Tatsh - IMAGE -MATERIAL- <Version 0>
some examples of good usage in taiko mode :3
Read.HakuNoKaemi wrote:
this rule does apply only to osu!Standard
People do focus on readability. That's the point.Wishy wrote:
If people in charge understood they should focus on playability instead of numbers and theories you wouldn't be arguing this.
excuse me? small comprehension questionEphemeral wrote:
not going to make shortcuts in feature development something we compensate for by the ranking criteria - see hold sliders
Yes, this is was feature request to allow SV multipliers from osumania in osu standard. Moved here by woc2006 and reverted to rule change later according to Garven's suggestion:peppy wrote:
@peppy's edit: editing the .osu file is possible, but is against current ranking criteria. Therefore, sliders changed that was are UNRANKABLE at the moment. We either need to change that rule or the editor's possibilities
Current rules already allowes editing .osz for skin-related options and .osu-specific storyboards. Suggested wording will just add one more exception for this.Garven wrote:
Considering how infrequent this would be used, it would be better to amend the editing of osu files rule then continue this movement to allow going beyond the constriction in special cases.
In general, the current editor constriction is adequate for moat playable mapping. As long as such an amendment doesnt bring back hold sliders, I am fine with it.
Hold sliders problem was discussed here 2 pages earlier - p/2542798Ephemeral wrote:
not going to make shortcuts in feature development something we compensate for by the ranking criteria - see hold sliders
I second that.HakuNoKaemi wrote:
Actually, it's probably better, since touching the .osu is not something beginner mappers would do, but pro mapper probably will know how to do it.
It was arleady largely demonstrated that slower/faster velocity sliders and holding slders are in fact different (arleady posted in the past)Ephemeral wrote:
not going to make shortcuts in feature development something we compensate for by the ranking criteria - see hold sliders
i'm saying it should be a feature request foremost and is thus completely unsuited for discussion as a rule changeZarerion wrote:
excuse me? small comprehension questionEphemeral wrote:
not going to make shortcuts in feature development something we compensate for by the ranking criteria - see hold sliders
So you're saying this should be a rule change instead of a feature request (which it is currently)?
Please read the topic. You will know who actually directed it as a rule change, and that it, in fact, was a feature request ( first posts are full of "support" and so )Ephemeral wrote:
i'm saying it should be a feature request foremost and is thus completely unsuited for discussion as a rule change
Why should there be a rule with a bunch of exceptions attached anyways? Noone really checks to see if the .osu has been modified and each time the editor is simplified another exception to this rule is made. It's treated like a guideline according to you. It should be a guideline IMO.Ephemeral wrote:
If provisions are not made within the editor to allow for various map settings, assume they are not rankable.
These can be assessed on a case by case basis and do not need individual justification within the ranking criteria.
wiki wrote:
All rules are exactly that: RULES. They are NOT guidelines and may NOT be broken under ANY circumstance.
So is adding one more exception will hurt, especially if it already have huge support?TheVileOne wrote:
You have already admitted that examples made in this thread are rankable despite the rules clearly saying they aren't. Why should we even have a rule that has tons of exceptions to it? The rule I am referring to is the editing the .osu rule, removal of which has been denied twice even though it's barely enforcable and noone checks if it's been modified. This "rule" has more exceptions than can be listed and more exceptions keep getting added. (You can't set audio leadin in the editor anymore. Does this mean that custom audio leadin is now unrankable? What about video offset? Changing an mp3's title? ) I thought rules are supposed to be exceptionless and not be up for discussion, and yet this rule seems to have lots of exceptions.
Do not manually edit anything in an .osu file that cannot be changed through the Editor. The only exceptions are .osu-specific storyboards, slider velocity multipliers and skin-related options such as SliderBorder and SliderTrackOverride. If non-standard slider velocity multipliers are used, they must be announced in the beatmap description during the modding process.This is to permit a more critical and obvious view of the use of non-standard slider velocities in the leadup period before the feature is introduced properly.
Kodora wrote:
Awesome <3
Kodora wrote:
Awesome <3