
League of Legends

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nice argumentation
sure there might be better items but it's not terrible.
Not sure why so many people like that Katarina skin. Red card is the only one I like.

The good thing about kitty cat Katarina coming back is that there is going to be a lot of bad kat players mid for the next couple of weeks lol. Kat mid is pretty much a free win for Warwick since they removed the heal debuff from her Q with the remake.

BrokenArrow wrote:

nice argumentation
sure there might be better items but it's not terrible.
yeah but if there's better items then why buy it lmao

you just agreed with me, why start a discussion then
because I dislike the way you and many other people think "only these 6 items are viable on this champ and anyone who builds something else is stupid". Especially when the difference in total damage output between 2 items is so marginal that it's almost unnoticable for normal players

Whatever sorry I didn't know discussing things is not wanted here :/
i agree with you, i bet most people below gold dont even know which item would be optimal to build in which situation (i sure as hell dont) so why get mad at them when they buy an item that still gives a nice bonus?
I've played Zed once and it was in an ARAM so no comment there.

Hydra is extremely good on a lot of stuff that is AD based and relies on auto's for damage. This is due to the whole auto attack reset mechanic through the items active. Combo that with someone who has an AA reset built into an ability and you can get 3-4 AA off at once. Before people knew this Hydra was considered trash. The split pushing utility is a bonus. :)

BrokenArrow wrote:

because I dislike the way you and many other people think "only these 6 items are viable on this champ and anyone who builds something else is stupid". Especially when the difference in total damage output between 2 items is so marginal that it's almost unnoticable for normal players

Whatever sorry I didn't know discussing things is not wanted here :/
funny that you think i think that way actually, seeing as i didnt state that only those 6 specific were viable. you must have great knowledge about everything in life! wow!
and this is why i stay away from people talking about LoL most of the time
no need to act immature by getting sarcastic, I was just trying to share my opinion with you in the first place. If you can't take critisism, don't critisize others. You can always correct me if I'm wrong, that was just my interpretation based on your choice of words. D:
Honestly if you've got a problem with me (I know you do), just tell me via pm instead of here. Didn't we use to be friends?

drama is fun why end it :D:D:D:D:D:D:D
You guys should be flaming about Zed's Phantom Dancer, lel.

Vulf wrote:

This is due to the whole auto attack reset mechanic
I'm pretty sure RH's active doesn't reset the AA-timer. But it does cast faster with more attack speed IIRC.

Edit : In fact you could consider it like a free AA if you're close to the enemy as the active deals 100% AD at point blank. But it's not an auto-attack timer reset, it just uses the character's AA animation when casting.
It most certainly does reset the AA when combo'd with certain abilities. I've tested it numerous times and if you are referring to the wiki on this they are definitely wrong.
Test it with Nautilus since he has one of the lowest AS in the game, you'll notice that the time it takes for him to do 2 AA is exactly the same as doing AA fimmediately followed by Crescent and another AA. I've done it myself since I first believed that RH did reset the AA timer until a friend told me otherwise. The only thing Crescent would do to affect a champion's AAs would be delaying your next AA by activationg RH too late or during your AA animation before it deals damage (which can also happen with AA reset abilities such as Nasus's Q/Jax's W)
Using naut is an extremely poor example. Try it on darius and renekton and you do about 4-5 attacks (the damage shows) instantly with their AA reseting abilties. The wiki isn't really all that wrong, but it is extremely misleading.

Edit: (spelling) You need fury stacks to get 5 hits with renekton. Also I'm not saying you are wrong at all. Hydra in itself doesn't give a true AA reset.

Now that you mentioned AA, the ones having last hitting problem should try that thing.

Play Vladimir on bots with 0 masteries 0 runes and 0 spells, just AA, go to a lane and see how many last hits u got at min 10.

Vulf wrote:

Using naut is an extremely poor example. Try it on darius and renekton and you do about 4-5 attacks (the damage shows) instantly with their AA reseting abilties. The wiki isn't really all that wrong, but it is extremely misleading.

Edit: (spelling) You need fury stacks to get 5 hits with renekton. Also I'm not saying you are wrong at all. Hydra in itself doesn't give a true AA reset.
Aaah well, I basically wanted to point out that last part.
Also, I didn't even know Renek had an AA resetter.

@GeeNX : played Soraka mid earlier, last hitting with her AA is so damn painful. D:
Bananas aren't OP enough.
@maal : gratz!
I miss playing Soraka mid so much. You didn't have to AA all that much because you would just spam star call and mana yourself with E. Was literally impossible to get ganked too lol.
Soraka isn't mana hungry anyway. Q costs near to nothing and her silence is free. Plus I start with 2 faerie charms for Athenes and a tear. She's surprisingly good in the role of a tanky supportive mage, having sustain for herself and her mates, a huge armor buff through her W, and MR shreding with her Q. Plus a silence. And Rylai is really great on her with some CDR, the entire enemy team is permaslowed.
I don't think you understand how retarded mid lane soraka was back before it was destroyed. lol
She was literally unkillable even with a good coordinated gank.

Edit: Was checking some stuff on PBE and noticed they reverted the lollipoppy splash. L M A O !!!!!!!!

I guess I will be picking this up as well.
No I don't since I began to play LoL long after her... nerf I guess? :D


PyaKura wrote:

Vulf wrote:

Using naut is an extremely poor example. Try it on darius and renekton and you do about 4-5 attacks (the damage shows) instantly with their AA reseting abilties. The wiki isn't really all that wrong, but it is extremely misleading.

Edit: (spelling) You need fury stacks to get 5 hits with renekton. Also I'm not saying you are wrong at all. Hydra in itself doesn't give a true AA reset.
Aaah well, I basically wanted to point out that last part.
Also, I didn't even know Renek had an AA resetter.

@GeeNX : played Soraka mid earlier, last hitting with her AA is so damn painful. D:
Bananas aren't OP enough.
@maal : gratz!
I hope you loved the botlane Heimerdinger/Fizz we made :o

Elementaires wrote:

I hope you loved the botlane Heimerdinger/Fizz we made :o
huuuh, pro plays happened, and Twitch got fed x_x

Vulf wrote:

Edit: Was checking some stuff on PBE and noticed they reverted the lollipoppy splash. L M A O !!!!!!!!

I guess I will be picking this up as well.
have you seen someone with this skin since you started lol ?_? i don't
La Volpe
The throws. :(

Nofool wrote:

have you seen someone with this skin since you started lol ?_? i don't
I was around when it was released and I've only seen it maybe 3 times if I remember correctly. Definitely one of the more rare LE skins. It was being sold on the turkish server back in august for some reason and I know a couple of people that payed the round trip transfer for that skin along with the candy cane MF.
I think I will be picking Lollipoppy, Zombie Brand and Officer Vi..... And well, some friwnds have to give me some mysterious gifts. Lets see what do I get from that

That's totally what I thought.

GeeNX wrote:

I think I will be picking Lollipoppy, Zombie Brand and Officer Vi..... And well, some friwnds have to give me some mysterious gifts. Lets see what do I get from that
oh wow you have friends to do that for you

Guess I'll just go with Kittyrina this Harrowing...
Haunted Zyra is cool but I prefer Wildfire Zyra.

maal wrote:

GeeNX wrote:

I think I will be picking Lollipoppy, Zombie Brand and Officer Vi..... And well, some friwnds have to give me some mysterious gifts. Lets see what do I get from that
oh wow you have friends to do that for you

It's not what you think at's not like they are giving me "gifts"

Wod be a surprise if any of my friends gave me a mysterious gift :D
What mobile doesn't save my pass and it posted as guest..... I knew something was wrong when I was given a captcha
I didn't even know guests can post on the forums until now
Eat da poopoo

Don't you just love it when it all goes smoothly after game? ^_^
Sometimes I forget why I still play this.
Of course, I want to buy and, of course this has to happen to me

also first game with Heimer

the deaths are mostly because of nocturne camp... anyways, Heimer's damage now it's okay, the problem it's still the same, heimer = 0 escapes, you will get camped + squishy as fuck, but at least now has somehow a burst, and with dfg it's really nice one. I liked it, still about squishy and escapes, for actual meta it's not really viable
Kanye West
I actually think rushing CDR is better on him, as he already has pretty nice burst with W.
if I don't remember wrong, DFG gives you some cdr, also blue helps too. He is not mana hungry as far as I saw in that game
I played top lane 3 out of my 3 games today and had to face a Heimer every time.. and damn if you are a melee champion without a gapcloser it's really hard to lane against him, his lane dominance is just too damn high especially when your jungler won't gank ;_;
Overall I like his changes really much, finally he's not a trollpick anymore (he might still not be viable for competitive play but that's ok, as far as I've seen he does a decent job in soloQ)
I destroyed teemo in lane but they had a nocturne that liked flash as gap closer to kill me every time.... so yeah, but you're right, if they have no gap closer ( which is hard with the amount of champs right now, and the current meta ) heimer is a beast in lane, also on imaqtpie's stream...

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