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I don't yoke. SingSing is streaming right now! Happiest day of my life, cheesus.

Ofcourse I miss the day

SingSing 0 death QOP
wtf did i just stumble upon
NSFW content \o\
LD shivered as his lover ran his long fingers down his spine and over his womanly hips. He quivered with anticipation as each finger deftly touched all the right buttons and LD knew he had finally found the man with a midas touch. His own manhood started to engorge as he tried to turn to face the man accosting him; the man he had watched from afar so many times, yet had only shared brief moments in the flesh.
His efforts were in vain. His lover kept him rooted in place and the sticky residue of the gaming booth's last occupant made his movements sluggish.

"Burning-San," cried LD. "Let me touch your glorious lance just this once." But he already knew the answer would be no. The DK juggernaut would not listen to him. He would simply take what he wanted and be gone.
Suddenly LD was roughly pushed to the ground. There was no point in struggling, his dominator was simply too big. He had been lonely for the past 30 minutes, but now was his time to make his mark, take his spoils.

"BURNING -SAAAAAAAAAN," screamed LD. "Please be gent- LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL" He was cut short as he felt a sharp pain enter him from behind. Hot with lust they fell to the floor writhing in ecstasy as each long hard push was followed by another, and then another. He felt his inner defences fall as one final long thrust entered his now spent rectum filling it with the couriers of the DNA replicas of his man.
There they lay in silence. As his lover went to move off LD grabbed his wrist and sighed "no." For now he was content. For now he was complete. For now his insides... were Burning.
^For everybody that didn't understand the context :

Was on LD's facebook page :D

Tetsu wrote:

Yolo doto, best doto.
That was one of the best game i ever seen :3. rly .
RU doto is best indeed,dunno why people always hyping the china dota

BS Thirst is now global

what a Keepo update
alche chemical rage no longer provide bonus hp instead of giving him gigantic hp regen.

incoming new meta \o/
That's a disgusting amount of buffs for the offlane holy. I'm not even going to dare to think of a possible meta change.

I haven't even read the changes for the hero @_@
Hi guys...

did you know?



Mercurial wrote:

Hi guys...

did you know?


Oh god loooooool
too much changes holy shit
hahaha wp IceFag

bloodsekeer is the newest Speed's sig hero now :D

i can't imagine if it was on chase with spirit breaker

omg I won GLaDOS announcer... Am I lucky? \:D/
Lol. Just imagine a Spirit breaker charging a lane from the base and while he's running at fullspeed halfway through, Bloodseeker suddenly comes from behind and just passes like "whaddup bitch, cya later." and speeds away from him xd
(alternative case : "Hey Spirit Breaker." *running beside him* "It'd be a shame..." *still running alongside him* "If I ruptured you..." *Proceed with ulti and run past him to do your usual business*)

PS : Courier snipe solo mid is gonna be a horrible change... mid lane (or somebody in the team) always has to make sure in the first 3 minutes that he has to keep track on moving the courier in some detour or else somebody's gonna kill it to and fro the mid hero <-> base)
Or just move back half a step behind your tower when receiving items?
The courier can't get one shot anymore though.
anybody here know how much glados announcer worth?
Icefrog, really? What the fuck.

That Bloodseeker speed boost was pretty funny tho.
This is more imba.
- Can now use Blink Dagger
Also, hide your children, women and Kunkka first, Night Stalker is coming. Axe is now an NBA star.
VS can go mid and farm fast Agha and Blink now. Swap into shift queued Blink is just way too strong, even better than Bat's Lasso I'd say.
New meta
So many games to watch, but so little time
Now Bloodseeker can be considered a very tank

IceFrog :
Why are people mostly concerned about blink Pudge and VS? They already implemented ways to combat the reason they were banned on those 2 heroes in the first place >.>.

Soulclenz wrote:

Why are people mostly concerned about blink Pudge and VS? They already implemented ways to combat the reason they were banned on those 2 heroes in the first place >.>.
Not because of the cliff bug of course, but because a good Pudge player with blink can land more hooks now that he can manouver more than with force staff, and also venge initiation with blink into lvl 2/3 swap. I still like the patch, except for the bloodseeker and slark thing.

druidxd wrote:

Soulclenz wrote:

Why are people mostly concerned about blink Pudge and VS? They already implemented ways to combat the reason they were banned on those 2 heroes in the first place >.>.
Not because of the cliff bug of course, but because a good Pudge player with blink can land more hooks now that he can manouver more than with force staff, and also venge initiation with blink into lvl 2/3 swap. I still like the patch, except for the bloodseeker and slark thing.
Very true. IMO though there are more troubling things with this patch haha.
So Pudge and VS can use Blink dagger now huh?
as if there weren't enough reason to worry about them :/
am i the only one bothered with the new buyback system?
I don't like it now I can't do that die-rage buyback-tp-instant farm thing on pubs anymore. :(

Tshemmp wrote:

VS can go mid and farm fast Agha and Blink now. Swap into shift queued Blink is just way too strong, even better than Bat's Lasso I'd say.
You forgot about the fact that you are gonna lose the lane against pretty much everything.

Pizzicato wrote:

am i the only one bothered with the new buyback system?
It's not that bad IMO, it stops pubs rage buyback and also makes buybacking a not so good choice, before you could for example buyback and go farm and get the buyback gold back in 1-2 minutes and get extra XP that you wouldn't get if you were dead, so it was a win-win situation, also furion buyback -> tp -> rax. It makes the players more worried about dying and having to buyback and it punishes you more for every mistake you make, so it's fine IMO.

Also another beast change was Broodmama, I'm guessing she will be picked/banned in competitive play now.
I don't know what got changed to Broodmother but if she still has shit laning it won't be any good.

Wishy wrote:

I don't know what got changed to Broodmother but if she still has shit laning it won't be any good.
Well, her webs are bigger and allow unhindered movement through trees and cliffs, that's her major change.

I can see the usefulness of that but her spiderling bounty is still the same and they will still get pushed back to anyone determined enough to do so.
BM won't be picked until bounty is changed on those lings. Too many heroes can just insta lings nowadays
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