
Oratorio The World God Only Knows - God only knows -Secrets

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Pandiar wrote:



00:02:983 (3) - 赤線まで伸ばしてもいいかなとは思うんですが画像のような感じにして
最後のwhistleを入れてみるのはどうでしょうか - 確かにとてもいい案だと思うんですが、スライダーの形が気に入っていて音取りも特に問題ないと思ったためこのままにします
00:13:742 (5) - ボーカルの発音部分に合わせる感じでwhistleを入れてみてもいいかも?
00:18:707 (4) - whistle
00:33:604 (4) - ^
00:38:569 (4) - ^
00:43:949 (4) - ^
00:45:190 (5) - ^
00:46:432 (1) - ^
00:48:914 (1) - ^
00:52:638 (3) - ^
00:53:880 (7) - ^ - ここまでwhistle fixed
01:18:086 (10) - スタック?もいいとは思うんですが曲のテンポが良いので、それにあわせて01:19:145 - にnoteを入れてこんなのはどうでしょうか - nice~ fixed
01:25:851 (6) - finish - ok
01:31:498 (8) - ^ - ^
01:33:969 (5) - clapを拾うように配置するか、寂しいのでwhistleを入れてみるのもいいかもです。個人的にはwhistleが好きかも - whistle入れときました
01:37:145 (6) - finish - ok
01:37:498 (7) - あんまり変わらない気がするけど縦より横のほうが好きなのでこんなのとか - 01:37:145 (6) - これのコピー&01:38:027 (1) - こっちのスライダーと合わせてる感じのスライダーなのでこのままで
01:42:792 (6) - finish - ok
01:51:616 (4) - これもあんまり変わらないのですが、こんなのとか - スライダーにかかって見えるのでこのままにします
01:52:851 (4) - 前の(3)add note? - ok
02:07:321 (3) - whistle - ok
02:25:851 (2) - ^ - ok
02:31:851 (10) - 右から出なく(9)の下あたりから右斜め上にそってこんな感じはどうでしょうか - いいですね流れよくなりました
こうした場合は次の02:32:733 (3) - はCtrl+Gのほうがいいかもです
02:58:321 (4) - whistle - ok
03:21:439 (1) - 前後の配置が流れよく来ているのでそれに沿ってこんなのとかどうですか - ok
03:42:947 (3) - whistle - この辺りからのwhistleのModは自分の考えてる音付けと違うものだったのでほとんど適用してないですすみません!自分がwhistle付けてるところを見れば多分どこの音とってるかわかると思います
03:43:991 (1) - ^
03:44:513 (2) - ^
03:47:643 (2) - ^
03:50:774 (2) - ^
04:52:157 (8) - ^
04:52:532 (10) - ^
04:52:720 (1) - finish
04:56:282 (2) - whistle
04:57:032 (5) - ^
04:57:970 (8) - ^
04:58:157 (9) - ^
04:58:720 (1) - ^
04:59:282 (2) - ^
05:02:282 (3) - 中点にwhistle
05:03:032 (1) - whistle
05:04:720 (6) - ^
05:05:282 (7) - 中点にwhistle
05:06:032 (1) - whistle
05:08:282 (2) - ^
05:09:032 (5) - ^
05:09:501 (6) - ^
05:10:720 (1) - ^
05:11:282 (2) - ^
05:12:032 (4) - ^
05:12:970 (1) - NC?
05:13:720 (1) - 終点にwhistle
05:30:220 (1) - NC?
05:58:720 (1) - 中点にwhistle
06:39:224 (1) - volumeが50%だと変に感じたのでを15%くらいしたらいいかもです - ちょっと下げました
07:19:914 (1) - finish?
08:00:902 (8) - NC?
08:05:214 (2) - finish
08:06:152 (4) - ^
08:06:714 (5) - ^
08:14:777 (5) - 細かいですが少し曲げるといいかなと思いました - 既に少し曲がってた・・・
08:17:964 (6) - finish
08:25:652 (1) - finish
08:38:777 (3) - Ctrl+Gをしてみてもいいかもです - 悩んだんですが次のnoteへの流れを考えてこのままにしておきます
08:50:402 (3) - whistle
08:51:152 (5) - ^
08:51:902 (8) - ^
08:54:152 (6) - ^
09:03:339 (7) - ^
09:03:714 (9,10,11) - ^
09:06:152 (6) - whistle
10:02:781 (3) - ほんの少しだけ右にずらしてCtrl+Gもいいかもです - 見た目も現状の方がいいのででこのままにします
10:26:406 - ここ大きく鳴る太鼓の音に合わせたほうがいいかもです なんか不自然に感じたのでこんなのはどうでしょうか - うーん、ちょっと配置が思いつかないので保留します
10:37:281 (6) - whistle
11:20:968 (3) - ^
11:21:718 (2) - ^
11:22:093 (4) - ^ - ok
11:22:468 (6) - ^ - ok

whitsle関係を抜かすと内容の薄いmodになってしまってごめんなさい :(
whistle抜けも結構見つかったので助かりました :)
Oh Keimasama, this song is soooo epic. Just approve it.
Love you, Guy. <3
Topic Starter
Thank you <3

unsnap aru yo

[The World Gay Only Knows]
00:07:949 (3) - これ 00:02:983 (3) - ココと同じだから音取りどっちかに統一するのは?ほかのパートは全部後者だから最初の部分を他にあわせるといいかも
00:08:776 (4) - ほかのところはほいっするついてるからここもつけよう頭に 00:18:707 (4) - たとえばこことか
00:10:018 - ほいっする
00:11:259 - ^
00:19:949 - ^
00:21:190 - ^
00:49:742 - ^
00:50:983 - ^
00:55:949 (9) - 頭にほいっする
00:56:363 (1) - ^
00:59:673 - ほいっする
01:00:914 - ^
01:27:969 (6) - Ctrl+Gはどう?
01:32:910 (3) - 頭にfinish
02:05:557 (1) - 折り返し部分にもほいっする
03:43:991 (1) - ほいっする
03:59:382 (2) - 後ろにほいっする
04:49:157 (1) - 個人的な問題だけどx356 y336あたりにもってきたほうがえいむしやすい
05:03:032 (1) - remove Nc?
08:31:277 (11) - うしろにもくらっぷ?
08:47:402 (3) - 流れ的にはCtrl+Gがこのましい
09:52:656 (5,1) - Nc入れ替えのほうがいいきが
10:11:218 (2) - 折り返しにほいっする
10:19:281 - ほいっする
10:51:156 (7,1) - Nc入れ替え
11:20:406 - このあたり細かくボリュームいじりたいかんじする
11:33:906 (1) - うしろのほいっするいらなきが
12:29:582 (3) - 普通に5連打でいいきが、なんかわかりづらいような


good luck :)
Topic Starter

Satellite wrote:


unsnap aru yo

[The World Gay Only Knows]
00:07:949 (3) - これ 00:02:983 (3) - ココと同じだから音取りどっちかに統一するのは?ほかのパートは全部後者だから最初の部分を他にあわせるといいかも
00:08:776 (4) - ほかのところはほいっするついてるからここもつけよう頭に 00:18:707 (4) - たとえばこことか
00:10:018 - ほいっする
00:11:259 - ^
00:19:949 - ^
00:21:190 - ^
00:49:742 - ^
00:50:983 - ^
00:55:949 (9) - 頭にほいっする
00:56:363 (1) - ^
00:59:673 - ほいっする
01:00:914 - ^
01:27:969 (6) - Ctrl+Gはどう? - ジグザグAIMにしたいのでno change
01:32:910 (3) - 頭にfinish
02:05:557 (1) - 折り返し部分にもほいっする
03:43:991 (1) - ほいっする - ハァッ~ってとこにwhislte打ってるパートなのでno change
03:59:382 (2) - 後ろにほいっする
04:49:157 (1) - 個人的な問題だけどx356 y336あたりにもってきたほうがえいむしやすい - その周辺におきやした
05:03:032 (1) - remove Nc?
08:31:277 (11) - うしろにもくらっぷ? - うーん入れても違和感なさそうだけどココ入れると似たようなとこ全部入れるようになりそうなのでこのままで
08:47:402 (3) - 流れ的にはCtrl+Gがこのましい - 08:46:652 (1,3) - この2つでセットになってる感じなのでno change
09:52:656 (5,1) - Nc入れ替えのほうがいいきが
10:11:218 (2) - 折り返しにほいっする - ピアノに入れたいパートなのでno change
10:19:281 - ほいっする - ^
10:51:156 (7,1) - Nc入れ替え
11:20:406 - このあたり細かくボリュームいじりたいかんじする
11:33:906 (1) - うしろのほいっするいらなきが
12:29:582 (3) - 普通に5連打でいいきが、なんかわかりづらいような - ここから先は5連打くるで~っていうお知らせ的な感じで入れたんですけどわかりづらいですか変えました。


good luck :)
Modありがとうございました :)
Dark Fang
srsly. it's 12min aaa
Dark Fang

[Tsun Tsun Hakua]

  1. 00:10:432 (6) - This slider's point of arrow is a little offscrean. it's not important, but you should fix it
  2. 00:12:087 (2) - add a Whistle on start of slider? it's more smooth sound than current. IMO
  3. 00:34:018 (5) - remove a Clap on start of slider as stand out that harmony like 00:29:052 (4) - here. and others that same as here too.
  4. 00:52:638 (3) - why don't you give to this slider the slow effect like previous pattern?
  5. 01:34:498 (1,2,3,4) - please reduce difficulty this slider notes. it's break the previous (good) flow. why don't you use pattern like 01:45:792 (10,11) - here? or if you keep current beat, like this or other stuff? feel free, but please reduce difficulty.
  6. 05:56:470 (3) - try use beat like this? ignore that pattern :P. current beat is a little confusion stuff. IMO
  7. 06:32:043 - awesome.
  8. 07:59:402 (3) - increase some distance. this section is BPM shifting section, player's cursor will be move fast by previous section. if you increase distance a little bit, that's flow and playable more good. IMO
Topic Starter

Dark Fang wrote:


[Tsun Tsun Hakua]

  1. 00:10:432 (6) - This slider's point of arrow is a little offscrean. it's not important, but you should fix it - oh missed orz fixed!
  2. 00:12:087 (2) - add a Whistle on start of slider? it's more smooth sound than current. IMO - nice
  3. 00:34:018 (5) - remove a Clap on start of slider as stand out that harmony like 00:29:052 (4) - here. and others that same as here too. - fixed
  4. 00:52:638 (3) - why don't you give to this slider the slow effect like previous pattern? - ok added
  5. 01:34:498 (1,2,3,4) - please reduce difficulty this slider notes. it's break the previous (good) flow. why don't you use pattern like 01:45:792 (10,11) - here? or if you keep current beat, like this or other stuff? feel free, but please reduce difficulty. - sorry i like current pattern ><
  6. 05:56:470 (3) - try use beat like this? ignore that pattern :P. current beat is a little confusion stuff. IMO - haha nice idea.
  7. 06:32:043 - awesome. - xD
  8. 07:59:402 (3) - increase some distance. this section is BPM shifting section, player's cursor will be move fast by previous section. if you increase distance a little bit, that's flow and playable more good. IMO - good your suggestion. fixed!
Thank you for modding :)
hi Guy :)

The World Guy Only Knows
00:01:845 (x) - move this green line (40% volume) to 00:21:604 (1) - this
because I think it's too loud for 00:01:742 (1) - to 00:21:604 (1) - (this part is calm)
00:43:328 (1,2,3) - make them jump please because music is really epic here.
01:11:910 (1) - add finish here is cool.
01:50:380 (2) - where is clap on the slider's head? it should be clap+finish.
01:56:380 (3) - clap with finish on the last point of a slider (01:57:086)
02:20:204 (3,4,5,6) - I think they are fitting with clap (add clap on every note there)
02:31:851 (10) - sampleset:Normal additions:Normal on the tail of slider.
02:32:292 (11) - ^
to make them sound good with the start point of this slider 02:31:851 (10) -
03:01:145 (1,2,3,4,5) - maybe sampleset:drum ? . It's quite a peaked part. I'm sure it could be better when you decorate hitsounds in it.
03:02:027 (6) - new combo
03:02:027 (1,2) - clap on both sliders (only tail of slider only)
03:03:086 (3) - clap on 03:03:439 to make them consistent with above suggestion ^
03:03:616 (4) - clap tail
03:13:851 (4) - clap tail , you see that you added a clap on 03:13:674 (3) - so this should be much better!
03:14:910 (8) - clap tail
03:16:674 (2) - clap tail
03:17:733 (4) - clap tail
03:41:904 (1) - volume 20% here please, same as the first part
03:52:339 (1) - end this spinner with 30% instead of 40%
03:55:730 (1) - 30%
05:13:720 (1) - clap tail same as you did on 05:17:095 (3) -
05:17:282 (4) - clap tail
05:25:345 (5) - clap here (with drum sampleset) sounds good imo, it fits with 05:25:720 (1) - for a no reason haha
05:28:345 (9) - please remove 1 repeat from this slider please because players are used to with 05:27:220 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8) -
Example : (3,3,3)
so If you come up with (3,3,3,4) it's not good at all.
06:08:257 (2) - start volume 30% or 20% here because whistle in this part is noisy and not good with 50% volume
07:34:040 (6) - change this to normal circles please, starting a short slider here is too surprising and isn't friendly for players at all
07:43:797 (5,6,7) - move these 3 notes stream far from 07:43:506 (4) - a bit (I suggest you x:356 y:128) in order to make it less confusing with 1/6 sliders you did on the previous part
also new combo 07:43:797 (5) - here too
09:35:031 (1) - start this with 25% volume please. It's really calm part and then it needs to be as soft as possible.
10:31:656 (4) - whistle on the head of slider, it sounds the same as 10:30:906 (1,2,3) - sound
10:47:218 (3) - whistle same as 10:49:468 (2) -
10:53:968 (2) - whistle
10:58:468 (2) - whistle
11:01:281 (3) - clap instead of whistle
11:02:781 (3) - whistle on the tail and whistle head on 11:03:156 (4) -
11:21:531 (1) - clap and finish on this note
11:21:718 (2,3,4,5,6) - I suggest you add clap on all of them as I suggested in previous parts like 03:01:145 (1,2,3,4,5) -
11:38:781 (2) - clap tail? it sounds good in my opinion
11:39:156 (3) - whistle here. too empty here and it will mix with the clap above^
11:39:531 (4) - clap with finish here along with ^ they sound good, please try
11:42:906 (1) - add finish
11:49:468 (8) - clap
11:50:031 (2) - clap with finish here
12:23:406 (1) - volume 20% here
12:29:053 (1) - volume 40% here

These hitsounds are essential. I'm sure it can be better with these hitsounds. They need more balancing, some parts need lower volume and some parts need higher volume. My suggestion could adequately cover them.
Call me back once you have fixed and I will bubble #1
Topic Starter

Frostmourne wrote:

hi Guy :)

The World Guy Only Knows
00:01:845 (x) - move this green line (40% volume) to 00:21:604 (1) - this
because I think it's too loud for 00:01:742 (1) - to 00:21:604 (1) - (this part is calm)
00:43:328 (1,2,3) - make them jump please because music is really epic here.
01:11:910 (1) - add finish here is cool.
01:50:380 (2) - where is clap on the slider's head? it should be clap+finish.
01:56:380 (3) - clap with finish on the last point of a slider (01:57:086)
02:20:204 (3,4,5,6) - I think they are fitting with clap (add clap on every note there)
02:31:851 (10) - sampleset:Normal additions:Normal on the tail of slider.
02:32:292 (11) - ^
to make them sound good with the start point of this slider 02:31:851 (10) -
03:01:145 (1,2,3,4,5) - maybe sampleset:drum ? . It's quite a peaked part. I'm sure it could be better when you decorate hitsounds in it.
03:02:027 (6) - new combo
03:02:027 (1,2) - clap on both sliders (only tail of slider only)
03:03:086 (3) - clap on 03:03:439 to make them consistent with above suggestion ^
03:03:616 (4) - clap tail
03:13:851 (4) - clap tail , you see that you added a clap on 03:13:674 (3) - so this should be much better!
03:14:910 (8) - clap tail
03:16:674 (2) - clap tail
03:17:733 (4) - clap tail
03:41:904 (1) - volume 20% here please, same as the first part
03:52:339 (1) - end this spinner with 30% instead of 40%
03:55:730 (1) - 30%
05:13:720 (1) - clap tail same as you did on 05:17:095 (3) -
05:17:282 (4) - clap tail
05:25:345 (5) - clap here (with drum sampleset) sounds good imo, it fits with 05:25:720 (1) - for a no reason haha
05:28:345 (9) - please remove 1 repeat from this slider please because players are used to with 05:27:220 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8) -
Example : (3,3,3)
so If you come up with (3,3,3,4) it's not good at all.
06:08:257 (2) - start volume 30% or 20% here because whistle in this part is noisy and not good with 50% volume
07:34:040 (6) - change this to normal circles please, starting a short slider here is too surprising and isn't friendly for players at all
07:43:797 (5,6,7) - move these 3 notes stream far from 07:43:506 (4) - a bit (I suggest you x:356 y:128) in order to make it less confusing with 1/6 sliders you did on the previous part
also new combo 07:43:797 (5) - here too
09:35:031 (1) - start this with 25% volume please. It's really calm part and then it needs to be as soft as possible.
10:31:656 (4) - whistle on the head of slider, it sounds the same as 10:30:906 (1,2,3) - sound
10:47:218 (3) - whistle same as 10:49:468 (2) -
10:53:968 (2) - whistle
10:58:468 (2) - whistle
11:01:281 (3) - clap instead of whistle
11:02:781 (3) - whistle on the tail and whistle head on 11:03:156 (4) -
11:21:531 (1) - clap and finish on this note
11:21:718 (2,3,4,5,6) - I suggest you add clap on all of them as I suggested in previous parts like 03:01:145 (1,2,3,4,5) -
11:38:781 (2) - clap tail? it sounds good in my opinion
11:39:156 (3) - whistle here. too empty here and it will mix with the clap above^
11:39:531 (4) - clap with finish here along with ^ they sound good, please try
11:42:906 (1) - add finish
11:49:468 (8) - clap
11:50:031 (2) - clap with finish here
12:23:406 (1) - volume 20% here
12:29:053 (1) - volume 40% here

These hitsounds are essential. I'm sure it can be better with these hitsounds. They need more balancing, some parts need lower volume and some parts need higher volume. My suggestion could adequately cover them.
Call me back once you have fixed and I will bubble #1
Thank you for modding!!
really helpful the mod :)
All fixed!
Something you may have forgotten and I forgot to mention.

02:20:557 (6) - clap
10:58:468 (2) - whistle
11:05:781 (4) - maybe whistle on repeat point (11:06:156)
Topic Starter

Frostmourne wrote:

Something you may have forgotten and I forgot to mention.

02:20:557 (6) - clap
10:58:468 (2) - whistle
11:05:781 (4) - maybe whistle on repeat point (11:06:156)
oops, sorry :o
thank you for check! :)
all fixed!

Bubble #1
Topic Starter
Thank you Frosty! :)
wow impressing ><

good luck for your app~
gogo XD
aww yeah go for app =w=b
Topic Starter
Thank you guys ></
Topic Starter

Satellite wrote:

This map needs a SB D:

XinCrin wrote:

This map needs a SB D:
I agree so.

Well, nvm, good luck to go.
baka guy!!
Topic Starter
Oratorio The World Guy Only Knows - Guy only knows -Secrets
Topic Starter

Oyatsu wrote:

Oratorio The World Guy Only Knows - Guy only knows -Secrets
hi there~~random bubble check~

red - must be fixed
blue - highly recommend to consider
black - only suggestions

[The World Guy Only Knows]
  1. 01:19:321 (5) - i'd like to suggest two notes here due to double claps.
  2. 04:06:687 (2,3) - the beat here is heard like this

    - remove the repeat of (2)
    - move (3) to 04:07:208 - , and remove the finish at end
    - add a note at 04:07:991 - with NC & finish
  3. 04:49:157 (1,2) - reduce the volume of claps here, it's too loud after a quiet break
  4. 09:50:218 - maybe you can add a note here?
That's all~~
Topic Starter

Scorpiour wrote:

hi there~~random bubble check~

red - must be fixed
blue - highly recommend to consider
black - only suggestions

[The World Guy Only Knows]
  1. 01:19:321 (5) - i'd like to suggest two notes here due to double claps. - fixed
  2. 04:06:687 (2,3) - the beat here is heard like this - fixed

    - remove the repeat of (2)
    - move (3) to 04:07:208 - , and remove the finish at end
    - add a note at 04:07:991 - with NC & finish
  3. 04:49:157 (1,2) - reduce the volume of claps here, it's too loud after a quiet break - fixed
  4. 09:50:218 - maybe you can add a note here? - hmm, i think that not fit note here. sorry no changed ><
That's all~~
Thank you for modding Sco! :)
Bubble #2~~!!
Topic Starter
Thank you~!! :)
Flame it!
Hi Guy. Really awesome map, just this that bothers me.

07:18:167 - Don't you think the 1/3 in this section is pretty overmapped? Some things aren't snapped correctly for example:

  1. 07:18:167 (1) - Should end at 07:18:604 to follow the music.
  2. 07:25:254 (2) - Should be snapped to 07:25:302 and end at 07:25:448.
  3. 07:28:361 (1) -^ Should end at 07:28:798.
I feel that a lot of the sliders would be better off snapped in 1/2, maybe all of them. For example:

  1. 07:18:749 (2) - I hear drums at 07:18:895 in 1/2.
  2. 07:19:623 (5) - Again drums in 1/2 at 07:19:769.
  3. 07:21:371 (6) - Triplet at 07:21:516 is called for. Drum transition is clearly heard in 1/2.
  4. 07:24:575 (5) - Only sound is music is at 07:24:720. The piano is in 1/2, so the 1/3 feels weird.
  5. 07:28:069 (7) - Drums can be heard in 1/2 at 07:28:215.
  6. 07:28:943 (2) - Music is heard clearly in 1/2 at 07:29:089.
  7. 07:36:516 (6) - I'm hearing 1/2 at 07:36:662.
  8. 07:37:972 (5) - Drums hitting in 1/2 07:38:118.
  9. 07:39:720 (8) - Same
  10. 07:44:671 (7) -
  11. 07:51:370 (6) - Same
Basically the only 1/3 sliders that kind of fit are ones like 07:19:041 (2,3) where there are no hits in 1/2 in the song. But then again I don't really see a reason for the 1/3.

I talked with a few other BATs to get opinions.

00:29 UnitedWeSin: hey frost :D
00:33 Frostmourne: hey :D
00:34 UnitedWeSin: hey if you have time, can you look at this?
00:34 UnitedWeSin: plzplz ;w;
00:35 Frostmourne: oh sure
00:35 *UnitedWeSin is editing [ Oratorio The World God Only Knows - God only knows -Secrets of the Goddess- [The World Guy Only Knows]]
00:36 Frostmourne: aha
00:37 UnitedWeSin: 07:18:167 - this part
00:37 UnitedWeSin: isn't some of thi 1/3 really overmapped?
00:38 UnitedWeSin: 07:18:167 (1) - shouldn't be snapped to 07:18:604 - ?
00:39 Frostmourne: em...
00:39 Frostmourne: this part is confusing
00:39 Frostmourne: to be honest
00:39 Frostmourne: I am not sure either
00:39 UnitedWeSin: 07:21:371 (6) - drums are clearly in 1/4 here
00:39 UnitedWeSin: 1/3 is confusing ><
00:40 Frostmourne: yea Dx
00:40 UnitedWeSin: 07:25:254 (2) - should be snapped at 07:25:302 (2) - ?
00:40 UnitedWeSin: 07:28:361 (1) - snapped at 07:28:798 -
00:41 Frostmourne: maybe
00:41 Frostmourne: orz..
00:41 Frostmourne: it's kinda
00:41 Frostmourne: my big mistake for this one
00:41 Frostmourne: em..
00:41 Frostmourne: it should be 1/4
00:41 Frostmourne: 1/2*
00:41 Frostmourne: nothing else
00:42 UnitedWeSin: well I think some 1/3 fits like 07:18:749 (2,3,4) -
00:42 Frostmourne: I should have mentioned this before
00:42 Frostmourne: if I hadn't missed them..
00:42 UnitedWeSin: it's confusing though
00:42 UnitedWeSin: like extending into 1/4 but it's 1/3
00:42 Frostmourne: it's vague imo
00:42 Frostmourne: yeaa
00:42 UnitedWeSin: :<

00:52 UnitedWeSin: hey byakugan :D
00:57 Byakugan249: ahh hey~ o/
00:57 UnitedWeSin: hi how are you?
00:57 Byakugan249: i'm good ><
00:57 UnitedWeSin: cool :)
00:58 Byakugan249: well kind of--i left the team due to personal issues ><
00:58 UnitedWeSin: ah >< sorry to hear
00:58 Byakugan249: it's fine
00:58 Byakugan249: until i can solve everything, i'll be back
00:58 UnitedWeSin: cool hope to see you back^^
00:58 Byakugan249: yea i hope ><
00:59 UnitedWeSin: hey if you've got time now, do you mind taking a look at this map I'm modding? :D
00:59 UnitedWeSin: unsure about this thing
00:59 Byakugan249: ehh~ sure i can help o.o
00:59 UnitedWeSin: cool
00:59 *UnitedWeSin is editing [ Oratorio The World God Only Knows - God only knows -Secrets of the Goddess- [The World Guy Only Knows]]
00:59 Byakugan249: what's the map?
01:00 Byakugan249: TWGOK o.o
01:00 UnitedWeSin: :)
01:00 UnitedWeSin: 07:18:167 - this part
01:00 UnitedWeSin: I feel like a lot of this 1/3 is totally overmaped
01:05 Byakugan249: from that part to...
01:06 UnitedWeSin: 07:58:652 -
01:06 UnitedWeSin: like 07:18:167 (1) - should be snapped to 07:18:604 -
01:06 UnitedWeSin: 07:19:623 (5) - i can't hear drums in 1/4
01:06 UnitedWeSin: 1/3 sounds weird
01:06 UnitedWeSin: 07:21:371 (6) - same
01:06 UnitedWeSin: 07:28:361 (1) - should be snapped later
01:07 UnitedWeSin: 07:25:254 (2) - should be snapped int 1/4 right?
01:07 Byakugan249: the 1st one, i should be snapped to the 1/2 tick
01:08 Byakugan249: actually a 1/4 repeat would fit here at 07:19:623 (4) - can hear a short drumroll
01:09 UnitedWeSin: or triplet at 07:19:769 -
01:10 Byakugan249: ahh that works :3
01:10 Byakugan249: if that's the case...a circle should be added at 07:19:263 - to keep the flow steady since it's following the drums
01:11 UnitedWeSin: did you mean at 07:19:623 - ?
01:11 Byakugan249: the next one...a 4 note stream seems to fit since it follows the drums o.o
01:11 UnitedWeSin: oh
01:11 UnitedWeSin: wtf
01:12 Byakugan249: ahh yes
01:12 Byakugan249: add a circle there--you said a triplet right?
01:12 UnitedWeSin: ah yea and triplet at 07:19:769 -
01:12 UnitedWeSin: could be same at 07:21:371 -
01:13 Byakugan249: ahh for consistency
01:13 UnitedWeSin: but 4 note stream works also it seems
01:13 Byakugan249: ok then
01:13 Byakugan249: yea
01:13 Byakugan249: it's up to you, i'm just giving ideas
01:13 Byakugan249: 7:28--later as in by 1/4 or 1/2?
01:13 UnitedWeSin: do you think 1/3 like 07:18:749 (2,3) - is working?
01:14 UnitedWeSin: yea should be snapped to 07:28:798 - red tick
01:14 Byakugan249: yea it's fine since it follows the vocals nicely
01:14 Byakugan249: yea i agree with the 1/2 snap
01:15 Byakugan249: the next one--7:25...
01:15 Byakugan249: 1/2
01:15 Byakugan249: 1/4 plays a bit awkwardly IMO
01:15 UnitedWeSin: err 1/2
01:15 UnitedWeSin: :D
01:16 UnitedWeSin: I ment should be snapped at 07:25:302 -
01:16 UnitedWeSin: and ending 1/2 later
01:18 UnitedWeSin: I don't know what to suggest here ;w;
01:18 UnitedWeSin: because scorpior didn't say anything about it
01:20 Byakugan249: let's see o.o
01:21 Byakugan249: 07:37:098 (2) - i find the repeat unnecessary orz
01:22 UnitedWeSin: did same at 07:35:351 (2) -
01:24 Byakugan249: that can be easily replaced for a 1/1 slider and a 1/2 slider to follow the music properly
01:25 UnitedWeSin: totally ><
01:25 UnitedWeSin: I'm mostly concerned with the 1/3 here :<
01:30 Byakugan249: hmm...
01:31 Byakugan249: i'm re-snapping the notes back to 1/2 to see the difference atm
01:31 UnitedWeSin: I feel like all the 1/3 sliders that aren't following vocals, ie 07:28:069 (7) - , should be removed
01:31 UnitedWeSin: 07:21:371 (6) -
01:33 Byakugan249: that slider you mentioned at 7:28...listen carefully to the drums
01:34 Byakugan249: actually...that should be 1/2
01:34 UnitedWeSin: yea lots of sliders are like that here
01:34 UnitedWeSin: 07:36:516 (6) -
01:34 UnitedWeSin: 07:37:972 (5) -
01:34 UnitedWeSin: `07:39:720 (8) -
01:35 Byakugan249: yea i see it o.o
01:35 Byakugan249: i say pop it because of the 1/3 notes not being 1/2--1/3 doesn't seem to follow the song
01:35 Byakugan249: you may need more opinions about this however
01:36 UnitedWeSin: I feel like some of them do fit
01:36 UnitedWeSin: they seems to sound good when there is no hit in 1/2
01:36 UnitedWeSin: like for 07:19:041 (3,4) -
01:37 Byakugan249: ohh...if you say that fits, say it as a suggestion about the notes being 1/4 and 1/2, and see what the mapper says
01:46 Byakugan249: is that all for now? o.o
01:46 UnitedWeSin: ah yes thank you very much for the help :D
01:47 Byakugan249: np and GL

01:40 UnitedWeSin: hey do you mind checking this?
01:40 Andrea: gogo!
01:40 *UnitedWeSin is editing [ Oratorio The World God Only Knows - God only knows -Secrets of the Goddess- [The World Guy Only Knows]]
01:40 UnitedWeSin: ;w
01:40 UnitedWeSin: ;;
01:40 Andrea: Guy's map <3
01:40 Andrea: that loooong map XD
01:40 UnitedWeSin: lol I was going to rank it
01:40 Andrea: approve it already!
01:41 UnitedWeSin: but I feel the 1/3 in this part is way overmapped :<
01:41 Andrea: where? ><
01:41 Andrea: Byaku is checking it too
01:41 Andrea: I think
01:41 UnitedWeSin: I asked for byaku's opinion on it :D
01:41 UnitedWeSin: 07:18:167 -
01:41 Andrea: downloading
01:43 UnitedWeSin: things like this
01:43 UnitedWeSin: 07:18:167 (1) - should be snapped at 07:18:604 -
01:43 UnitedWeSin: 07:18:749 (2) - drums are in 1/2 here
01:44 UnitedWeSin: 1/3 doesn't fit
01:44 UnitedWeSin: 07:19:623 (5) - same
01:44 UnitedWeSin: 07:21:371 (6) - clearly hear drums in 1/2
01:44 Andrea: yeah I'm unsure about them too D:
01:44 UnitedWeSin: 07:28:069 (7) -
01:44 UnitedWeSin: same
01:44 UnitedWeSin: ;w;
01:44 Andrea: the map is awesome though
01:44 UnitedWeSin: it really is
01:45 UnitedWeSin: confused because scorp didn't mention them
01:45 Andrea: stupid weird snapping xD
01:45 Andrea: true
01:45 UnitedWeSin: I asked frost and he agreed that they are wrong
01:45 Andrea: I somehow agree too orz

Please tell me why you've used 1/3 in this section. ><

Let me know and I will do a mod on the whole map later.
Topic Starter

UnitedWeSin wrote:

Hi Guy. Really awesome map, just this that bothers me.

07:18:167 - Don't you think the 1/3 in this section is pretty overmapped? Some things aren't snapped correctly for example:

  1. 07:18:167 (1) - Should end at 07:18:604 to follow the music.
  2. 07:25:254 (2) - Should be snapped to 07:25:302 and end at 07:25:448.
  3. 07:28:361 (1) -^ Should end at 07:28:798.
I feel that a lot of the sliders would be better off snapped in 1/2, maybe all of them. For example:

  1. 07:18:749 (2) - I hear drums at 07:18:895 in 1/2.
  2. 07:19:623 (5) - Again drums in 1/2 at 07:19:769.
  3. 07:21:371 (6) - Triplet at 07:21:516 is called for. Drum transition is clearly heard in 1/2.
  4. 07:24:575 (5) - Only sound is music is at 07:24:720. The piano is in 1/2, so the 1/3 feels weird.
  5. 07:28:069 (7) - Drums can be heard in 1/2 at 07:28:215.
  6. 07:28:943 (2) - Music is heard clearly in 1/2 at 07:29:089.
  7. 07:36:516 (6) - I'm hearing 1/2 at 07:36:662.
  8. 07:37:972 (5) - Drums hitting in 1/2 07:38:118.
  9. 07:39:720 (8) - Same
  10. 07:44:671 (7) -
  11. 07:51:370 (6) - Same
Basically the only 1/3 sliders that kind of fit are ones like 07:19:041 (2,3) where there are no hits in 1/2 in the song. But then again I don't really see a reason for the 1/3.

I talked with a few other BATs to get opinions.

00:29 UnitedWeSin: hey frost :D
00:33 Frostmourne: hey :D
00:34 UnitedWeSin: hey if you have time, can you look at this?
00:34 UnitedWeSin: plzplz ;w;
00:35 Frostmourne: oh sure
00:35 *UnitedWeSin is editing [ Oratorio The World God Only Knows - God only knows -Secrets of the Goddess- [The World Guy Only Knows]]
00:36 Frostmourne: aha
00:37 UnitedWeSin: 07:18:167 - this part
00:37 UnitedWeSin: isn't some of thi 1/3 really overmapped?
00:38 UnitedWeSin: 07:18:167 (1) - shouldn't be snapped to 07:18:604 - ?
00:39 Frostmourne: em...
00:39 Frostmourne: this part is confusing
00:39 Frostmourne: to be honest
00:39 Frostmourne: I am not sure either
00:39 UnitedWeSin: 07:21:371 (6) - drums are clearly in 1/4 here
00:39 UnitedWeSin: 1/3 is confusing ><
00:40 Frostmourne: yea Dx
00:40 UnitedWeSin: 07:25:254 (2) - should be snapped at 07:25:302 (2) - ?
00:40 UnitedWeSin: 07:28:361 (1) - snapped at 07:28:798 -
00:41 Frostmourne: maybe
00:41 Frostmourne: orz..
00:41 Frostmourne: it's kinda
00:41 Frostmourne: my big mistake for this one
00:41 Frostmourne: em..
00:41 Frostmourne: it should be 1/4
00:41 Frostmourne: 1/2*
00:41 Frostmourne: nothing else
00:42 UnitedWeSin: well I think some 1/3 fits like 07:18:749 (2,3,4) -
00:42 Frostmourne: I should have mentioned this before
00:42 Frostmourne: if I hadn't missed them..
00:42 UnitedWeSin: it's confusing though
00:42 UnitedWeSin: like extending into 1/4 but it's 1/3
00:42 Frostmourne: it's vague imo
00:42 Frostmourne: yeaa
00:42 UnitedWeSin: :<

00:52 UnitedWeSin: hey byakugan :D
00:57 Byakugan249: ahh hey~ o/
00:57 UnitedWeSin: hi how are you?
00:57 Byakugan249: i'm good ><
00:57 UnitedWeSin: cool :)
00:58 Byakugan249: well kind of--i left the team due to personal issues ><
00:58 UnitedWeSin: ah >< sorry to hear
00:58 Byakugan249: it's fine
00:58 Byakugan249: until i can solve everything, i'll be back
00:58 UnitedWeSin: cool hope to see you back^^
00:58 Byakugan249: yea i hope ><
00:59 UnitedWeSin: hey if you've got time now, do you mind taking a look at this map I'm modding? :D
00:59 UnitedWeSin: unsure about this thing
00:59 Byakugan249: ehh~ sure i can help o.o
00:59 UnitedWeSin: cool
00:59 *UnitedWeSin is editing [ Oratorio The World God Only Knows - God only knows -Secrets of the Goddess- [The World Guy Only Knows]]
00:59 Byakugan249: what's the map?
01:00 Byakugan249: TWGOK o.o
01:00 UnitedWeSin: :)
01:00 UnitedWeSin: 07:18:167 - this part
01:00 UnitedWeSin: I feel like a lot of this 1/3 is totally overmaped
01:05 Byakugan249: from that part to...
01:06 UnitedWeSin: 07:58:652 -
01:06 UnitedWeSin: like 07:18:167 (1) - should be snapped to 07:18:604 -
01:06 UnitedWeSin: 07:19:623 (5) - i can't hear drums in 1/4
01:06 UnitedWeSin: 1/3 sounds weird
01:06 UnitedWeSin: 07:21:371 (6) - same
01:06 UnitedWeSin: 07:28:361 (1) - should be snapped later
01:07 UnitedWeSin: 07:25:254 (2) - should be snapped int 1/4 right?
01:07 Byakugan249: the 1st one, i should be snapped to the 1/2 tick
01:08 Byakugan249: actually a 1/4 repeat would fit here at 07:19:623 (4) - can hear a short drumroll
01:09 UnitedWeSin: or triplet at 07:19:769 -
01:10 Byakugan249: ahh that works :3
01:10 Byakugan249: if that's the case...a circle should be added at 07:19:263 - to keep the flow steady since it's following the drums
01:11 UnitedWeSin: did you mean at 07:19:623 - ?
01:11 Byakugan249: the next one...a 4 note stream seems to fit since it follows the drums o.o
01:11 UnitedWeSin: oh
01:11 UnitedWeSin: wtf
01:12 Byakugan249: ahh yes
01:12 Byakugan249: add a circle there--you said a triplet right?
01:12 UnitedWeSin: ah yea and triplet at 07:19:769 -
01:12 UnitedWeSin: could be same at 07:21:371 -
01:13 Byakugan249: ahh for consistency
01:13 UnitedWeSin: but 4 note stream works also it seems
01:13 Byakugan249: ok then
01:13 Byakugan249: yea
01:13 Byakugan249: it's up to you, i'm just giving ideas
01:13 Byakugan249: 7:28--later as in by 1/4 or 1/2?
01:13 UnitedWeSin: do you think 1/3 like 07:18:749 (2,3) - is working?
01:14 UnitedWeSin: yea should be snapped to 07:28:798 - red tick
01:14 Byakugan249: yea it's fine since it follows the vocals nicely
01:14 Byakugan249: yea i agree with the 1/2 snap
01:15 Byakugan249: the next one--7:25...
01:15 Byakugan249: 1/2
01:15 Byakugan249: 1/4 plays a bit awkwardly IMO
01:15 UnitedWeSin: err 1/2
01:15 UnitedWeSin: :D
01:16 UnitedWeSin: I ment should be snapped at 07:25:302 -
01:16 UnitedWeSin: and ending 1/2 later
01:18 UnitedWeSin: I don't know what to suggest here ;w;
01:18 UnitedWeSin: because scorpior didn't say anything about it
01:20 Byakugan249: let's see o.o
01:21 Byakugan249: 07:37:098 (2) - i find the repeat unnecessary orz
01:22 UnitedWeSin: did same at 07:35:351 (2) -
01:24 Byakugan249: that can be easily replaced for a 1/1 slider and a 1/2 slider to follow the music properly
01:25 UnitedWeSin: totally ><
01:25 UnitedWeSin: I'm mostly concerned with the 1/3 here :<
01:30 Byakugan249: hmm...
01:31 Byakugan249: i'm re-snapping the notes back to 1/2 to see the difference atm
01:31 UnitedWeSin: I feel like all the 1/3 sliders that aren't following vocals, ie 07:28:069 (7) - , should be removed
01:31 UnitedWeSin: 07:21:371 (6) -
01:33 Byakugan249: that slider you mentioned at 7:28...listen carefully to the drums
01:34 Byakugan249: actually...that should be 1/2
01:34 UnitedWeSin: yea lots of sliders are like that here
01:34 UnitedWeSin: 07:36:516 (6) -
01:34 UnitedWeSin: 07:37:972 (5) -
01:34 UnitedWeSin: `07:39:720 (8) -
01:35 Byakugan249: yea i see it o.o
01:35 Byakugan249: i say pop it because of the 1/3 notes not being 1/2--1/3 doesn't seem to follow the song
01:35 Byakugan249: you may need more opinions about this however
01:36 UnitedWeSin: I feel like some of them do fit
01:36 UnitedWeSin: they seems to sound good when there is no hit in 1/2
01:36 UnitedWeSin: like for 07:19:041 (3,4) -
01:37 Byakugan249: ohh...if you say that fits, say it as a suggestion about the notes being 1/4 and 1/2, and see what the mapper says
01:46 Byakugan249: is that all for now? o.o
01:46 UnitedWeSin: ah yes thank you very much for the help :D
01:47 Byakugan249: np and GL

01:40 UnitedWeSin: hey do you mind checking this?
01:40 Andrea: gogo!
01:40 *UnitedWeSin is editing [ Oratorio The World God Only Knows - God only knows -Secrets of the Goddess- [The World Guy Only Knows]]
01:40 UnitedWeSin: ;w
01:40 UnitedWeSin: ;;
01:40 Andrea: Guy's map <3
01:40 Andrea: that loooong map XD
01:40 UnitedWeSin: lol I was going to rank it
01:40 Andrea: approve it already!
01:41 UnitedWeSin: but I feel the 1/3 in this part is way overmapped :<
01:41 Andrea: where? ><
01:41 Andrea: Byaku is checking it too
01:41 Andrea: I think
01:41 UnitedWeSin: I asked for byaku's opinion on it :D
01:41 UnitedWeSin: 07:18:167 -
01:41 Andrea: downloading
01:43 UnitedWeSin: things like this
01:43 UnitedWeSin: 07:18:167 (1) - should be snapped at 07:18:604 -
01:43 UnitedWeSin: 07:18:749 (2) - drums are in 1/2 here
01:44 UnitedWeSin: 1/3 doesn't fit
01:44 UnitedWeSin: 07:19:623 (5) - same
01:44 UnitedWeSin: 07:21:371 (6) - clearly hear drums in 1/2
01:44 Andrea: yeah I'm unsure about them too D:
01:44 UnitedWeSin: 07:28:069 (7) -
01:44 UnitedWeSin: same
01:44 UnitedWeSin: ;w;
01:44 Andrea: the map is awesome though
01:44 UnitedWeSin: it really is
01:45 UnitedWeSin: confused because scorp didn't mention them
01:45 Andrea: stupid weird snapping xD
01:45 Andrea: true
01:45 UnitedWeSin: I asked frost and he agreed that they are wrong
01:45 Andrea: I somehow agree too orz

Please tell me why you've used 1/3 in this section. ><

Let me know and I will do a mod on the whole map later.

ohh Thank you UWS! also, Thank you Frost, Byakugan and Andrea :oops:
i just noticed it is wrong :o

i fixed it of all 1/3 section!
Cool, here's mod on the rest.

[The World Guy Only Knows]
  1. 00:01:742 (1) - How about a whistle on the head instead of finish? Finish is pretty loud here imo.
  2. 00:53:259 (2) - Missing NC I suppose considering 00:43:328 (1).
  3. 01:01:322 (1) - Highly suggest to end the spinner at 01:04:145 with the loud crash and change in music.
  4. 01:50:380 (2) - NC? Follows your patterns like 01:56:027 (1).
  5. 02:09:439 (1,2) - Just suggestion feel free to ignore. :) How about remove NC from 1 and add to 2, then place in blanket with 02:08:380 (6)?

    I'd prefer NC at 02:09:792 because of volume/music change.
  6. 02:50:027 (7) - Remove whistle from the head and just have clap maybe follow music more nicely. Four whistles in a row is loud here.
  7. 03:26:380 (1) - You need to resnap the end of the spinner to 03:28:861 so that the end is 20% volume instead of 60%. To do that, go past the red line in the timeline, extend the spinner over the red line, then back onto it.
  8. 05:24:407 (5,1,2,3) - Rhythm a bit weird here. Music calls for more like this:

    Replaced 05:24:407 (5) with single circle.
  9. 05:28:345 (9,1) - Seems a bit weird the placement. It makes the player think that 9 has another repeat. I suggest move the 1 more right. Here's what I mean:
  10. 05:48:970 (9) - I'd suggest to shorten this by 1/4 to end at 05:49:157 since the drums have a clear hit there. With the slider extended like this, it's awkward to read the rhythm on the stream 05:49:345 (10,11,12,13).
  11. 06:27:972 (8) - Remove clap from the end? Seems pretty loud to me here.
  12. 06:31:829 to 06:38:472 - How about start lower volume and gradually increase volume through this part. I will fit music well. Something like this:
    06:31:829 - 35%
    06:33:543 - 40%
    06:35:257 - 45%
    06:36:972 - 50%
    Just example volumes. You can experiment with it.
  13. 06:38:472 (1,2,1) - A bit difficult to read. Try to make more spacing between 06:38:472 (1,2) to make the rhythm more obvious. I tried pointing the 06:38:472 (1) upwards and it seems to be better, maybe you could experiment. Maybe a NC on 06:38:900 (2) is appropriate. Here's what I tried:
  14. 09:16:656 - Same as 03:26:380 (1). Snap the end of the spinner to here so that the end is 40% volume. Right now it's 80%.
  15. 10:07:281 (4) - Try removing the whistle from the head to just follow vocals here. See if you like it.
Wonderful map! :)
Topic Starter

UnitedWeSin wrote:

Cool, here's mod on the rest.

[The World Guy Only Knows]
  1. 00:01:742 (1) - How about a whistle on the head instead of finish? Finish is pretty loud here imo. - fixed
  2. 00:53:259 (2) - Missing NC I suppose considering 00:43:328 (1). - fixed
  3. 01:01:322 (1) - Highly suggest to end the spinner at 01:04:145 with the loud crash and change in music. - fixed
  4. 01:50:380 (2) - NC? Follows your patterns like 01:56:027 (1). - fixed
  5. 02:09:439 (1,2) - Just suggestion feel free to ignore. :) How about remove NC from 1 and add to 2, then place in blanket with 02:08:380 (6)?

    I'd prefer NC at 02:09:792 because of volume/music change. - nice!
  6. 02:50:027 (7) - Remove whistle from the head and just have clap maybe follow music more nicely. Four whistles in a row is loud here. - fixed
  7. 03:26:380 (1) - You need to resnap the end of the spinner to 03:28:861 so that the end is 20% volume instead of 60%. To do that, go past the red line in the timeline, extend the spinner over the red line, then back onto it. - oops fixed
  8. 05:24:407 (5,1,2,3) - Rhythm a bit weird here. Music calls for more like this:

    Replaced 05:24:407 (5) with single circle. - fixed
  9. 05:28:345 (9,1) - Seems a bit weird the placement. It makes the player think that 9 has another repeat. I suggest move the 1 more right. Here's what I mean: - fixed
  10. 05:48:970 (9) - I'd suggest to shorten this by 1/4 to end at 05:49:157 since the drums have a clear hit there. With the slider extended like this, it's awkward to read the rhythm on the stream 05:49:345 (10,11,12,13). - good, fixed
  11. 06:27:972 (8) - Remove clap from the end? Seems pretty loud to me here. - fixed
  12. 06:31:829 to 06:38:472 - How about start lower volume and gradually increase volume through this part. I will fit music well. Something like this:
    06:31:829 - 35%
    06:33:543 - 40%
    06:35:257 - 45%
    06:36:972 - 50%
    Just example volumes. You can experiment with it. - really nice your suggest xD
  13. 06:38:472 (1,2,1) - A bit difficult to read. Try to make more spacing between 06:38:472 (1,2) to make the rhythm more obvious. I tried pointing the 06:38:472 (1) upwards and it seems to be better, maybe you could experiment. Maybe a NC on 06:38:900 (2) is appropriate. Here's what I tried: - fixed
  14. 09:16:656 - Same as 03:26:380 (1). Snap the end of the spinner to here so that the end is 40% volume. Right now it's 80%. - fixed
  15. 10:07:281 (4) - Try removing the whistle from the head to just follow vocals here. See if you like it. - fixed
Wonderful map! :)
All fixed!
Thank you for modding!! :)
Sorry for taking so long.
I think I need to reset bubble counter, so here is #1. :)
Topic Starter
Thank you UWS :)
A minor stuff:

Please uncheck the Letterbox during break

no kds to this post

i'll recheck it after you fix that
Topic Starter

Scorpiour wrote:

A minor stuff:

Please uncheck the Letterbox during break

no kds to this post

i'll recheck it after you fix that
Okay fixed!
Thank you for check Sco! :)
Rebubble #2 ~~
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