
Fall 2013 Anime Season First Impressions

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Even though I didn't finish all of my summer shows yet, time stops for no one. The fall season has started, so let's get this show moving.

Like last time, everything will be on google docs, so if you want your opinion to show, please post there. I will try to update this thread with updates on the spreadsheets, but no guarantees on when I will do it. Beyond that, everything else is the same. Feel free to post your opinions on the upcoming season.

Google Spreadsheet: ... sp=sharing

Also, if there are any mistakes in the chart, please fix it yourself. It is tiring and annoying for me to enter all of them myself, so I will probably make mistakes. However, I rather have everyone enter in their own values and updates, and since it is so easy, I am only going to blame you if the issue is not fixed.

Notable Shows:

Shows to avoid: (Have only dislikes)
Diabolik Lovers
Miss Monochrome
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Diabolik Lovers: Definitely the best way to start my season, low budget, near non-existent animation combined with washed out details, bad humor, and a bunch of guys ganging up on a girl. Low budget adaptation of otome games are definitely not for me.

Super Seisyun Brothers:
Yay, next is a low budget comedy show. Amazingly enough I found some of the jokes okay, but the narrator really killed the mood and flow of the show with his constant dull sounding comments. In addition the jokes got repetitive after 2min into the 4min episode. I might watch 1 more episode, but there is a high chance I will drop this.
Oh boy, what a strong start for the season.

Diabolik Lovers - This is a bad show. A very trashy, low-budget S&M otome game adaptation. It does have this odd sense of discomforting tension throughout the episodes that feels almost like a jab at those who find this sexy, and works some of the time at making you feel for the protagonist. Pancake, however (calling her by her stupid nickname because I forgot her name), has a personality as flat as a cardboard box, and while I appreciate her attempts to get away and her not actually seeing anything redeeming about these boys, it comes across as trite and feels like I'm watching someone's vampire rape fantasy. Something that could work as a bit of a horror-romance comes across as nothing but sleaze in execution and I'm only watching it because its existence confounds me. Not as hilariously bad as Amnesia or as horribly inept as Brothers Conflict, but ugh, no thanks.
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Miss Monochrome: Another 4 min short with low budget (the 720p looked liked an upscaled 480p), bad jokes, and featuring an idol. As much as I want to watch an idol show this season, esp one featuring Horie, Yui, the shows budget and terrible humor make it difficult to watch. Oh well, the ending song was passable because of Horie, Yui alone xD

On a side note, dropping Super Seisyun Brothers because a bit too predictable/not as funny (at least narrator talked less in ep 2)

Edit: No one posted yet, so lets write about a few more.

Kyoukai no Kanata: Chuunibyou v2? Well kyoani has certainly aimed for soemthign this time around. No more pretending about super powers and evil organizations. This time we have a story about magical organizations. Probably the more surprising thing is that the plot line looks far darker than any of the recent kyoani shows, so this promises to be unique.....sort of. Beyond that, typical quality kyoani animations with an amazingly well done action scene and of course, moe. I don't have any reason to hold back my recommendation for this show.

Wow, this show has amazing drawings. To say the least, the opening scenes looked amazing, but beyond that this show didn't have that much to offer. 70% of the episode were fairly boring slice of life scenes of them walking around, but there was a bit of drama and a decent short action section with a wolf. I am not sure how entertaining this show will be, but I am willing to stick around another ep.
Miss Monochrome - Mostly lame, with one funny moment I did not expect. Probably not gonna watch any more.

Beyond the Boundary (Kyokai no Kanata) - Holy fucking light novel, Batman. This premise is pretty trite and the characters have the potential to be interesting, but it's up to the show to take blatant expositiondump and turn it into something decent after the first episode. The level of technical polish we expect from KyoAni is here, but I've stopped awarding points for that simply because it's what we expect now. Maybe episode 2 will actually kickstart the plot, but until then, I'm just left here shrugging.

Coppelion - I'm so close to giving this one a blue, but only a few things bugged me: the thick black outlines not meshing well with the gorgeous backgrounds (both elements I like, but not ones that work well together) and one of the overly loud, obnoxious girls. There's not a whole lot of actual plot in this episode, but exposition that is genuinely interesting and actually woven into the girls wandering around post-nuclear-disaster Tokyo (there's a difference between yelling "AS YOU KNOW, BLAH BLAH BLAH" like they do in Kyokai no Kanata and what they do in Coppelion). Despite the strange aesthetic choices (coloured lens filters again, GoHands?), the show is pretty well-animated and employs some neat angles. I'm genuinely interested in seeing more, and seeing if the K director works better with preexisting source material rather than an original work.
anybody else that will watch Golden Time? :D
Kyonko Hizara
IS: Infinite Stratos 2: I was not expecting the beginning of this to be like it was, but I feel like this season will have more excitement and action to it rather than just being a harem. It did still have that classic IS feeling to it, which also pleases me. I feel as if the end was rushed, but that didn't ruin the episode for me or anything.
Miss Monochrome - that Mana-chan. Lame jokes. The ED was ok though.

Infinite Stratos 2 - if not for HanaKana I could've dropped the first season. Season 2 and story is still rushed and those scene transitions so bad. Ichika still so dense, worst harem mc imo. dropped.

Coppelion - oh yay another one with HanaKana. First episode is quite okay due to most of the time is spent on dawdling around but hey, other parts is pretty cool imo.

Kyoukai no Kanata - -1 for the girl being a klutz and +1 for the mc's love for glasses so for me it's so-so.
Kyonko Hizara
Kill la Kill: I was not expecting to watch this at all. But damn, I am so glad I did. The animation style seems really farmiliar, but I can't quite think of where I've seen it before. It's random and slightly humorous, which is something I've been looking for for a while. I think this one is worth giving a chance.
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Infinite Stratos 2: Yay another sequal. Like last time, the show starts off the exact same way as s1, a well done super dramatic scene, followed by lower budget stuff for the rest of the ep. 8bit's approach to the ep was slightly interesting though. They seemed to have wanted to create a introduction arc, so they rushed through the entirety of vol 4, creating a very rushed feel (esp with M*****). With that said, you still get your dense shonen lead with the typical harem humor. In short, don't expect this ep to represent the series that well and wait till the real plot line starts next episode.

Golden Time: Finally, a shonen romcom that actually focuses on love, haven't had one of those in a while. As an added bonus, this was pretty well executed with a nice mix of comedy and romance (I feel so weird saying this). Admittedly the art wasn't the greatest, but Horie Yui as MC and singing the op and ed are very nice touches (not a fan of either song, but they are not bad).

Also since it is by Toradora's author, I am pretty sure most Tordora fans will enjoy this.

Kill la Kill: First, I must say that 90s art is terrible looking. This show's art makes me hate looking at the screen. Oh well, after going over that, you can see that they sacrificed a lot of the detail to instead have many fast paced action scenes (albeit still looking horrible), but it was refreshing to see so many action scenes. Looking past the art, the show of course has a very Gurren Lagann feel with many over the top attacks beating over over the top attacks, but it almost felt like it was forced by the time the epsiode was over. Same goes for the humor where everything was over the top, yet only a few things actually felt funny. Before I forget, do not forget the star driver influence with tons of stars everywhere..., except I feel like Star Driver was a better use of my time...

I am giving this a 2ns shot, but there is a very high chance that I am going to drop this.

On another note, Charts will be up when I finish watching tonight's anime
Nagi no Asukara - Oh, another one with Hanakana and on a love triangle (?). The art is nice though underwater and land has few differences (underwater looks like land without those fish). And it looks like it's going to be a serious one with feels which I'm looking forward to see this season. +1 for Yanagi Nagi ED

Kill la Kill - 2013 FLCL? Story looks good and OSTs are better though the art is 6/10 for me. There's potential so I guess I'll just put up with it. Her weapon is pretty unique too.
Kill la Kill: This show seems like it's gonna be pretty damn excellent. The animation is wonderful, and the art is very Gurren Lagann (which is something I enjoy, as it's very different, traditional-looking, but still manages to be campy and fun). The protagonist is great- she really has a "drive" to move forward and accomplish her goals. I'm not too sure about the other characters, but I'm sure it'll be nice to get to know them. I'm looking forward to seeing how the plot develops, since there'll almost definitely be huge surprises in store for viewers. It seems very Gurren Lagann in various aspects, so yeah. Giant robot school?
The first episode could be called clustered, but I'd say that they're simply trying to do a lot at a fast pace. It's not really a bad thing because it suits the show's feel- action-packed and over the top.

Overall, 9/10 (although this is only the first episode), I'd say. Pretty high expectations for this one!
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Nagi no Asukara: Finally, PA works stops doing shoujo shows and random things. After horrible art nightmare (Kill la Kill), it is really nice to see some solid artwork again. While it is weaker than Iroha at times, Nagi no Asukura has plenty of well done fishes decorate the background. In short, art is back to what you expect from PA works. On the plot line side, we have a love quandrangle (maybe worse...) with somewhat childish motives pushing it. It definitely was not as humorous as Golden Time, and much more focused on the relationship drama, something I am not that big of a fan of. Whatever, I'll see how this turns out while I enjoy the art.

On another note, the chart is now up with more color than before....except I pretty much have to fight google docs every step along the way to get custom colors, and formattting, so if you don't like the color scheme much, I'm sorry. Blame google
Kill la Kill - Okay, the animation can be a bit stilted and the show is in full-dumb mode right now. However, it's still easy to follow and has a cartoony, loose vibe that one would expect from the team behind Gurren Lagann. Its sense of humor works with me and the ridiculous, over-the-top nature and stilted animation all feel intentional. We'll see how this all forms together, but for now, I'm really enjoying it.

Golden Time - Sorry, but I'm going to have to disagree with the majority of opinions on Golden Time thusfar. The characters introduced thusfar are either boring archetypes or unlikable, the comedy comes across as mean-spirited, and the only thing really refreshing about it is the setting. I like that it's not paced like an actual light novel, but it feels like something that belongs more in a well-shot J-drama and not in anime; its pacing is also more like a dating sim than a television show, which, well, does not work in its favor. I'm expecting things to get better, given the source author, but this is a failure of a launch.

Nagi no Asakura - Hikari is an unlikable dick. Otherwise, the show itself is already focusing on relationship drama and going about it in a way that's both watchable and potentially hard-hitting, if the story goes for a more dramatic flair. The story can go in one of two directions at this point: melodramatic mess, or an honest portrayal of teen relationships that develop. Nevertheless, you can see this also becoming The Little Mermaid Goes Through Puberty, but so far in ways that aren't played up for laughs. I will hope for the best from this, given how P.A. Works had the best show of last season, but we'll see.

Kyousogiga - Forgot about this one, but it's a confusing, colourful little mess. The recent airing was a higher-definition reairing of the ONA from 2011, but with new scenes added to add intrigue to what will come later. Not much more to say about it, because discussing the ONA in and of itself makes you sound like a crazy person, but I'm pleased and intrigued.


Yuusha ni Narenakatta Ore wa Shibushibu Shuushoku wo Ketsui Shimashita - Wow, it's like you took what made Hataraku Maou-sama! work and replaced it with what we expected it to be! Nothing but stupid characters, consistently-off-model animation (with tits being the only things lovingly animated, even if they're never the same fucking size nor do they work in the way real breasts actually work), and TONS of fanservice. This has no redeeming qualities if you watch shows for things beyond softcore fap material (IE if you're above the age of 12). Dropped.

Strike the Blood - This could potentially be interesting. It's not fully off the ground yet, but it has an intriguing concept combined with some genuinely tense scenes and genuinely stupid fanservice scenes. They're annoying enough to derail the episode, especially considering they don't really have anything to do with the show other than offering up creepy implications about the main character. If this show doesn't end up being a pandery harem and has an actually concrete story, I'll be willing to see more. If it ends up going down the Demon King Daimao path, though, it's getting dropped without a second thought.
Kyonko Hizara
Miss Monochrome: Low budget and extremely lame. This is bad with no need for explanation.
Golden Time - I hate triangles

Nagi no Asukara - Same as above. Simply with better setting

Strike the Blood - good shit
ampzz one-liners coming right up!

  1. Kyousogiga - This is ridiculously good fun to watch.
  2. Kill la Kill - What the bloody hell did I just watch? I don't even... It's like TTGL on meds.
  3. Infinite Stratos 2 - I have had a Charlotte Dunois avatar since coming around to osu!; need I say more?
  4. Golden Time - Only here since I know how this story unfolds when it gets interesting.
  5. Strike the Blood - Good shit.
  6. Outbreak Company - I am enjoying this way more than I should...
  1. Coppelion - Bored enough to stick with it even if just for pure scenery porn.
  2. Nagi no Asukara - Randomly enjoyable.
  3. Kyoukai no Kanata - What is this... I'm actually able to watch KyoAni's projects now?
  4. Super Seisyun Brothers - Low budget show done right.
  1. Miss Monochrome - How to make sense of this?
  2. Diabolik Lovers - I want a refund on that wasted bandwidth, time and sanity points being lost; this was pure filth.
Topic Starter
Outbreak Company: Yay, a play on all of the typical archetypes and settings... Bascially your typical not too high budget satire of harems. If you watch/enjoy harem shows, you'll probably get a good laugh out of this (and that katamari demacy-like ost.....)

Yuusha ni Narenakatta Ore wa Shibushibu Shuushoku wo Ketsui Shimashita How stupid and fanservicey can this show be..... I really wonder. Oh well, art was nice and I admit I laughed a few times, so I'll try one more ep before deciding to drop it or not (I hope my intelligence doesn't suffer)

Strike the Blood:Yay, Silver Link might have finally learned from Illya what it needs to succeed, solid fighting scenes and sticking to their typical oversaturated color scheme. As long as they sort of retain the light novel, all will be well. (If you wanted the shaft like things you saw in earlier Silver Link shows like C^3, they are mostly all gone now, sry)

Freezing Vibration: Another season of Freezing. Sadly the TV releases have terrible animation T_T. For those that care about the plot, they skipped the BNTR/sibling arc in favor of doing the Alaska/E-pandora arc. Watch if you want the fanservice, but don't expect much else. (I guess the new OP sounds decent)
Strike the Blood - I know I'm going to eat my words for this, but this literally has a bunch of potential to the point where it could be top 5 of the season (excluding sequels). It has a nice set-up with an interesting protagonist. As long as the ecchi doesn't get extremely in the way of this show, then it'll be great.

Coppelion - Storywise, there's a nice amount of potential hidden here, though it's one of those shows where they won't give you the entire story immediately, but would rather try to beat around the bush by using lines like "On that day, THAT event happened" and so on. The three girls don't have too much going for them either. Hopefully the story will pick up as weeks go buy, but I'm not holding my breath.

Kill la Kill - In a nutshell, this is just Studio Trigger wanting to make a show that is like TTGL just so they can get some quick money. I'm only watching it just because I feel like it'll be a good show to just watch brainlessly, but it didn't do the best job of it to start things off. Of course, we do need the unnecessary fanservice in order to be just like TTGL, so I wasn't surprised to see that. I want to believe that it'll be a good show, but I highly doubt it's going to go places.

Super Seisyun Brothers - Surprisingly enough, it wasn't piss boring, but we sure as hell aren't far off from it being so. The first episode was easily more enjoyable than the second. It'll probably lose its touch quickly, but I'll put some hope in it for now.

Diabolik Lovers - It's funny. I'm watching this show with two friends of mine just for the very reason that I wouldn't be able to get past at least halfway through the first episode if I watched it on my own time. These kind of vampires are the ones I dislike the most. I don't understand why we can't do them the old traditional way and not bring up the excuse that it's "just a fairy tale." Pretty much a big joke.

Kyoukai no Kanata - I don't fucking get it. I didn't expect much from this show as it is seeing as it was adapted from a Light Novel, but it still had the potential to be something interesting. Sadly, this is a KyoAni adaptation, so I'm not sure why I even bothered.

Miss Monochrome - I told myself I wasn't going to watch it, but I had four minutes to spare, so why not? Anyways, not really impressive. You would have to be really into Yui Horie to love it.
Infinite Stratos 2 - The first episode really wasn't much of anything but I didn't expect much from it anyway. As long as there's lots of fighting scenes like the previous season had, I'll be happy - which it looks like episode two will have. Was kind of concerned that the voices would irk me because I watched the previous season in English, but they seem fine here (though I might miss the girls' accents). I was, and still am not, a fan of how completely clueless the main protagonist is but he's the only one I didn't particularly like.

Coppelion - I really don't have much of an opinion on this one yet. Colouring somewhat reminds me of Btooom!, which isn't a bad thing. There are times when there are really thick outlines, which I'm not a fan of at all.

Log Horizon - I'm really excited to see how this one goes. I'm a nut for MMOs so this is perfect. Judging from the OP, there'll be a lot of characters to keep track of, so I'm hoping they don't introduce them all within short time frames. Some of the animation actually reminds me of the N3DS games Etrian Odyssey 4 and Untold (maybe that's just me).

Hey blissfulyoshi, it says the Google document's 'View Only'. I didn't have any issues with the Spring season document, so maybe I'm just missing something?
The Winner Man
Strike the Blood-I loved reading it so I feel like watching it would be pretty cool.

White Album 2-It was great to watch but it hinted towards bunch of drama and I'm really hoping this doesn't end up like the other White Album.

Kill la Kill-Nostalgic of Gurren Lagann but awkward as hell

Golden Time-I gonna wait for stuff to actually happen before I watch it.

Yuusha ni Narenakatta Ore wa Shibushibu Shuushoku wo Ketsui Shimashita-Why is it that stuff involving heroes and demon lords have incredible amounts of fan service

Miss Monochrome-Short low budget show with pretty boring humor.

Diabolik Lover-Ugh this made me cringe so hard
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@Justykanna: Strange, I already set the doc to public for everyone to view, let me try to get this resolved

Edit: I forgot to allow editing, my fault. It is now fixed.
Kyoukai No Kanata
Log Horizon

Both of these I enjoyed a ton. Especially Log Horizon, if the anime goes on like this it's gonna be so much better than SAO
Outbreak Company - Not really on my watchlist but tried watching it because the story looks somehow interesting. I did like it and I found it enjoyable in a way though these kind of anime is kinda generic.

Strike the Blood - I don't usually watch anime with vampires but I guess I'll let myself watch one. Yukina (female main protagonist) opened up quickly and I liked her a bit for that plus MC's past is quite interesting.

blissfulyoshi wrote:

@Justykanna: Strange, I already set the doc to public for everyone to view, let me try to get this resolved

Edit: I forgot to allow editing, my fault. It is now fixed.
Alrighty, thanks!
I've never actually used Google Documents with this format before, so hopefully I didn't mess up any of your formatting when I added my username and Log Horizon.
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