
Fall 2013 Anime Season First Impressions

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Apex wrote:

Please color the ones you like green, the ones that are neutral to you blue, and the ones you hate red as to complete blissfulyoshi's survey.
Oops, I didn't read. Yea silly me.

DaddyCoolVipper wrote:

Kyonko Hizara wrote:

Not directed toward a specific series in general, but it really seems like anything especially within the past 2 seasons that have been based on a game end up being decent to bad.
Wasn't Neptunia good? It had a pretty big fanbase
What? Ew, no. It has a large fanbase because it's the most otaku-pandering thing. It's a total mess.
Log Horizon : Akatsuki forever <3. And story doesn't seem that bad, maybe it'll be better than SAO.
White Album 2 : Found it pretty good (especially the music).
Non Non Biyori : Renge forever <3 (Yes, again. My loli instincts are speaking). So fun and refreshing.
Kyoukai no Kanata : Mirai forever <3 (Yes, there's more !). Story is cool (Kinda mainstream, but well), pretty fun, art is pretty good. First eps convinced me (For now).
Kakumeiki Valvrave : Seems good, i think it can lead to something really good. We'll see how it goes.
Coppelion : Same as Kakumeiki Valvrave, can lead to something good, the story seems well done. Art is kinda bad though. I think it was already said, but those thick black lines are just horrible when the landscapes are so great.

Strike the Blood : Well, another vampire story, but this one could be interesting. Let's hope the rest will be good.
Freezing Vibration : Ok, Freezing v2. More fanservice, more girls, story is always the same (Oh my god, giant ennemies ! Let's fight them with girls so we can put so much fanservice !). But well, i'll surely watch it because it's not that bad. Just too much fanservice.
Walkure Romanze : Uh ... Another fanservice anime. Can't really say something now because I watched only one ep, but it doesn't seem so good to me. I hope next eps will be better.

Miss Monochrome : \o/. That joke.
NouKome : Dunno why, but only 2-3 minutes of the first episodes made me wanted to drop it immediately.

Not watched yet :

Nagi no Asakura : Nothing to say, will try it.
Kill la Kill : I watched first minutes of first ep, and I wanted to stop immediately, but i'll try later.
Infinite Stratos 2 : I'm pretty sure it will be another fanservice anime, but well, watched the first season, I'll surely try the second.
Yuushibu : Nothing to say.
Golden Time : Nothing to say.

Coppelion: Melodramatic second episode. Why.

Outbreak Company: I don't even know why I like this.

Kill La Kill: A.K.A. Bad la Bad. No, just no. Dropped.

Log Horizon: Staying for Akatsuki, that's all.

Hajime no Ippo: Rising: It's Ippo.
Machine-Doll wa Kizutsukanai - Amazing, stop reading this and start worshiping it.
Strike the Blood - Pretty good, look's like it's going to get interesting.
Yozakura Quartet: Hana no Uta - Another nice one, I'd say it's better than the original. The art is great too.
Kyoukai no Kanata - Cool, I like the story and how the protagonist is immortal as well as the attitudes of some of the other characters, I have a feeling it will get better over time.
Yuusha ni Nare Nakatta Ore wa Shibushibu Shuushoku o Ketsui Shimashita. - Mmm, I can't really put this one into words. It's in the middle I guess, funny at times and a little strange.
Kill La Kill - It's good but I'm not really into these types of anime but I just don't want to not watch it, y'know?
Miss Monochrome - Kill it.

Also looking forward to Pupa. It's supposed to air this month sometime. Studio Deen pls.
Kill La Kill : Definitly my type of anime, action and some funny stuffs.
Tokyo Ravens : I watched the first episode and it was pretty good, it looks like there will be some romance and action and that's something I was looking for.
Machine-Doll wa Kizutsukanai : As Nukedboom said, amazing!

Log Horizon : I've only watched the first episode and I wanted to drop it. I feel like people just don't care about being stuck in a videogame or maybe I just don't understand the 1st episode. Maybe I'll watch it later for akatsuki.

Miss Monochrome : Just no pls.
Topic Starter
After way too long, I finally updated the op. I am sorry that I have been busy with other things lately, and since I was doing this rather fast, there are probably typos. I might add some more stuff later, but that is a large maybe.

blissfulyoshi wrote:

After way too long, I finally updated the op. I am sorry that I have been busy with other things lately, and since I was doing this rather fast, there are probably typos. I might add some more stuff later, but that is a large maybe.
Thanks for all your hard work. =)
And I felt lazy continuing to post my reads. I'll do them later when I get the chance, but in general:
Log Horizon
Kyoukai no Kanata
Outbreak Company
Kuroko no basket 2 I still like it as much as I liked S1
LittleBuster Refrain! The storyplot concerning the seven dwarfs still draws me in
Log Horizon Akatsuki! + The scene where they manage to fly in the sky :)
Outbreak Company I don't dislike it.. but I don't like it either
Strike The Blood Pretty good and they really left things at a climax at the end of ep2(Thank god ep3 is uploaded already)
little busters refrain
log horizon
strike the blood
kuroko no basket
tokyo ravens
blazblue (i like the game)
infinite stratos 2
phi brain 3
gundam build fighters (i like gundam)
magi s2
kyoukai no kanata
valvrave 2
Golden Time Pretty refreshing, I've been getting tired of the highschool setting lately
Kill la kill Mindless action=awesome
Kyoukai no kanata Because I'm a kyoani fag
Non non biyori The nostalgic feeling the opening scene gave just instantly won me over
Outbreak company I really don't know what it is that I like in this, but dam I freaking love this

Log horizon nothing much to say
NouCome Pretty funny, but now much else. Although I have a feeling it'll get better

Meganebu Dropped this so hard. I just couldn't stand the pandering for the fujoshi. If not for that, it could have been decent
Kyoukai no Kanata - There's a really nice mix of humor and drama, I find, and the way MC handles his glasses fetish is awesome. I'm really enjoying the voice acting in this series, seeing as the two leads are played by seiyuus that I haven't heard much of. Also KyoAni
Arpeggio of Blue Steel - I'm really on the fence between green and blue for this one, but I'll keep it at green for now. I can look past the CG and see there's a lot of potential in this, and there hasn't been any major screw-ups that would otherwise taint my opinion. Iona is #1
Log Horizon - I primarily enjoy this because it doesn't take itself as seriously as, say, SAO. The running gag of Akatsuki kneeing Naotsugu in the face is starting to get stale already, but I like the direction the plot is heading.

Unbreakable Machine-Doll - One of the things stopping me from fully liking this series is the amount of Yaya's clingy-ness and the fanservice that comes with it. That being said, action sequences, although nice, could use some work, and the plot is... good, but not incredibly so. I'm likely going to finish it because I hate leaving things unfinished.

I don't have too much time to watch other series due to school, but I might give Kill La Kill a try, seeing all these mixed opinions.
I can definitely see Samurai Flamenco being anime of the season.
my bet goes to Outbreak Company and Kill la Kill (though I dropped the latter). or maybe KyoAni
The best is Diabolik Lovers, through I might watch Magi 2 too, but prefer reading the Manga.
Nagi No Asukara: is my new favorite anime, animation and story 10/10

Kyoukai No Kanata: I'm a big fan of Kyoani but I don't like too much how the character shows up and the story

Non Non Biyori: amazing, I love sad nostalgic music atmosphere and the landscapes are beautiful (if you want to relax, I recommend it)

Galilei Donna: I like this one, I love the story and the main character even if I started later is my favorite after Nagi

NouCome: Fun, that's all..

these are the anime who have chosen to follow (but I will watch Kill La Kill once finished) :lol:


Apex wrote:

Please color the ones you like green, the ones that are neutral to you blue, and the ones you hate red as to complete blissfulyoshi's survey.

Otonashi07 wrote:

Apex wrote:

Please color the ones you like green, the ones that are neutral to you blue, and the ones you hate red as to complete blissfulyoshi's survey.
Thanks for remind me this
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