
Global Deejays - The Sound of San Francisco [Osu|Taiko]

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All the timing issues and Deif's difficulty updated! Yaiy
well at least the timing feels better for me now :) would be better if there's another timing check xD but yeah, taiko icon since the taiko is fine >:3~!
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HeatKai wrote:

well at least the timing feels better for me now :) would be better if there's another timing check xD but yeah, taiko icon since the taiko is fine >:3~!
Oh you <3
Thank you!
ok big long irc mod. for a first map this is nice. good job

16:23 Sey: Hi! I actually didn't know you wanted to do an IRC mod. I thought you wanted to do it in the forums...
16:24 jericho2442: i always do irc
16:24 Sey: I didn't know ;_; Just tell me when you have time for it...
16:24 jericho2442: will be today
16:25 Sey: Ok just poke me in osu when you are free! I will hear every message here
16:25 jericho2442: i will
16:25 Sey: That's great :3
16:29 jericho2442: will check it now
16:29 Sey: ok then
16:30 Sey: I'm inside already.
16:31 jericho2442: that sounds so.................wrong haha
16:31 Sey: Oh well... :'<
16:33 jericho2442: 00:27:570 (3,4) - this is kinda ugly. maybe make the spaceing between these look like the notes before it
16:34 jericho2442: these look better like this
16:34 jericho2442: on easy ofc
16:34 jericho2442: 00:47:509 (1,2) -
16:34 Sey: Lemme check.
16:36 jericho2442: ok onto boston
16:36 Sey: fix'd
16:37 jericho2442: 00:14:428 (5,1) - ugly overlap. you know to fix this hahaha
16:37 Sey: Wait, I have a short question
16:37 Sey: People say I should change the combo colors. Do you think so, too?
16:37 Sey: And yeah I fix the overlap
16:37 jericho2442: reason ?
16:38 Sey: I don't know, maybe the colors are a bit too bright?
16:39 Sey: Just asking you, maybe they do not fit to the background?
16:39 jericho2442: nah its fine imo
16:39 Sey: Ok then ^^
16:40 jericho2442: 00:31:195 (3,4) - you prolly know here
16:40 Sey: Still not sure how to solve the overlap in 00:14. Like this: ?
16:40 jericho2442: yup
16:42 Sey: I think everything is fixed here as well.
16:42 jericho2442: 01:16:512 (6) - new combo
16:43 Sey: done
16:44 jericho2442: 01:25:123 (2,3) - opinion here, i dont think this stack works. would play better to keep the pattern moving
16:44 Sey: I know but I had no idea what to do with this section
16:45 jericho2442: thats the point of being a mapper ;p
16:45 Sey: Lemme check this again and wait short
16:46 Sey: I need a higher grid level and make a kind of triangle path here
16:46 jericho2442: 01:50:954 (1) - spinner end is in the wrong place
16:48 jericho2442: ignore the above haha
16:49 jericho2442: i get it now, what your followig
16:49 Sey: Wait ><
16:49 Sey: I have to change almost everything here ;_;
16:50 jericho2442: that diff is a lil ugly sliderwise, but kinda expected since it was your first
16:50 Sey: Yeah well, it was my first one
16:50 Sey: Anyway, it looks much better now imo
16:51 Sey: spinner end is btw on the right place
16:51 jericho2442: yea noticed
16:51 Sey: the song ends on a 1/6
16:51 jericho2442: i didnt hear it right haha
16:52 Sey: It's ok, I didn't hear it properly as well. Just changed it cos of another mod
16:53 Sey: Wait I upload Boston as it is now because I changed a lot here and want you to check if you agree with everything
16:53 jericho2442: im dome haha
16:53 jericho2442: done
16:54 Sey: check the kiai again cos I changed some patterns there.
16:54 Sey: Just in case...
16:54 jericho2442: ofc need to recheck
16:54 Sey: the first one.
16:54 Sey: I bubble this without recheck, lalala :3
16:54 jericho2442: have you reupped
16:55 jericho2442: who did that
16:55 Sey: everything updated :3
16:55 Sey: Nobody, it was a joke
16:55 Sey: :3
16:55 jericho2442: haha
16:56 jericho2442: 00:27:570 (3,4) - on easy
16:56 jericho2442: you didnt fix
16:57 Sey: huh lemme check
16:57 Sey: Well I tried to fix it but I don't know what you mean exactly...
16:57 Sey: Ah, you probably meant to remove the reverse arrow?
16:58 jericho2442:
16:59 Sey: wait I try to fix something here.
17:02 Sey: Fix'd I think, updated it. Check it out
17:06 jericho2442: i see nothing
17:06 Sey: Already checked the Boston as well?
17:06 jericho2442: different except the pattern after being overlapped
17:07 Sey: In fact I would never map this way nowadays again, but it is still from 2011.
17:07 Sey: Those were my first "experiments" in standard mapping
17:08 jericho2442: would advise to move that note how it is in my pic
17:08 jericho2442: its not really better now
17:08 Sey: Ok wait, I take a look again...
17:11 jericho2442: lemmie know when
17:12 Sey: Did you work with different distance snap here?
17:12 Sey: I cannot make it 100% as on the picture
17:13 jericho2442: same snap, doesnt have to be the same
17:15 Sey: I have this now, is this more in your mind?
17:15 jericho2442: yup
17:15 Sey: Ok wait I upload
17:17 Sey: uploaded.
17:17 *jericho2442 is editing [ Global Deejays - The Sound of San Francisco [Boston]]
17:17 jericho2442: redling
17:17 jericho2442: download checking
17:18 Sey: It is definitely the latest version now
17:19 jericho2442: yup thats right
17:20 Sey: cool ~
17:20 jericho2442: everythings good
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Thanks! *_*
You helped a lot, jericho. :3

(You didn't want KDS, so welp ~.~ I would give you one.)

you want to play it that way, hue.

I will have all the night for it tomorrow, bby.
That's called exploitation!
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(-: (-: (-:

There are some unsnapped circles in taiko diffs, might want to double check it.
I'll poke Jeri if possible so he can rebubble quickly after
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Give me your code once you snapped everything and I poke him when I updated the diffs.
It won't be before 17:30 because classes
Oh, Sey, you can do it yourself, there's no exotic pattern, everything is 1/4. So you can poke jeri quickly and get a faster rebub. \o
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Updated everything, waiting for the rebubble of Jericho.~
well that taiko icon didnt mean it was fully ready i guess ;)

sigh ohwell fixed now. rebubbled
Finally, okay, let's see.
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Gabe wrote:

Finally, okay, let's see.
Yes.... ._.
Immer mit der Ruhe, Sey! :P

Deif wrote:

Immer mit der Ruhe, Sey! :P
In [San Francisco] : isn't a clap missing on the head of 00:16:694 (5) ?
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You are right, I did it by myself now because this part really sounded very odd.
Waiting for rebubble~
A rebubble is not really needed here :P

Congratz CONGRATZ Sey & Deif ^.^

Thanks Jericho & Kurai ♥
GZ man! =D
Nice song. Congrats on your first rank!
Nice! :3
oh yay, it's finally ranked
congratssss Sey~ o/
gratz Sey \o3o/
For the 1st time, a timing made by me is valid >__<

After 2 years, it got finally ranked :)
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Thanks :3 I am very happy to see this ranked!
Thanks a lot to Deif and _Gezo_ for their GD's as well!!!
I hope many of you do enjoy the mapset.^^
Gratz Sey :3
congratulations :D
Yay, gratz on your first map!
Congratulation ^^
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