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Bayonnetta is just out there enough to hold my curiosity, but I hadn't heard anything about PS3 issues...

I'm also in the "no choice in systems" scenario. A high-end laptop not even two years old can't run a thing even at minimum specs now. I know two years isn't much for a computer, but dang. Minimum specs? Really?everything needs a 2.4 processor and I've a 2.0. Sad panda.

So for me nine times out of ten it's PS3 or nothing. .-.
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My brother spoke highly of the Bayonetta demo, but iirc he said that Sega (or members thereof) were the ones doing the porting from 360 to PS3 and they're just doing a poor job of it.

Actually saw the Sith Star Wars pack in a store yesterday, but lucky me it was not priced. So I don't know if it costs more than the 35 dollar edition or not.
I do believe it's 40. I know Wal-Mart presently has any remaining non-Sith editions priced at 20 because... I don't think I even need to say why I know these things anymore. XD

But I'd say the 40 one is definitely the better deal of the two. Extra goodies are always wonderful thingssss~
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Just got/beat the Borderlands zombie DLC stuff. That's probably the best DLC I've gotten for any game so far. It's fucking hilarious and doesn't take itself all that seriously. Decent amount of content, too, I guess. Lots know, zombies. I dunno. I don't have much bad stuff to say about it. It was laggy occasionally, but I kinda played it in one sitting and games tend to do that. Also, there were a lot of big groups of zombies, too. Wouldn't normally cause much slowdown, but sometimes it did.
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I'm gonna be getting to try Borderlands soon(I'm getting it from gamefly) so I hope it's as good as people say. Also, I got Valkyria Chronicles, and I have to say it has a pretty awesome concept, a ton of fun, just got done with chapter 7.

Also, what do you guys think of the PS3 Slim? I don't like it cause it has twice the amount gigs as my PS3 and is cheaper. I don't like how they discontinued the old models either, good thing I got my PS3 before the slim, cause that'd be the only way I could play PS2 games.

rust45 wrote:

Also, what do you guys think of the PS3 Slim? I don't like it cause it has twice the amount gigs as my PS3 and is cheaper. I don't like how they discontinued the old models either, good thing I got my PS3 before the slim, cause that'd be the only way I could play PS2 games.
So wait, you got rid of the PS2 after getting a PS3? I still own mine, and I love it. Otherwise, the PS3 Slim is better by far. In the end I'm still not getting it since I already have a PS3 to begin with. Just not that many games, unless people enjoy playing Rock Band 2.

RL Link wrote:

rust45 wrote:

Also, what do you guys think of the PS3 Slim? I don't like it cause it has twice the amount gigs as my PS3 and is cheaper. I don't like how they discontinued the old models either, good thing I got my PS3 before the slim, cause that'd be the only way I could play PS2 and PSX games.
So wait, you got rid of the PS2 after getting a PS3? I still own mine, and I love it. Otherwise, the PS3 Slim is better by far. In the end I'm still not getting it since I already have a PS3 to begin with. Just not that many games, unless people enjoy playing Rock Band 2.
Why would I get rid of a PS2 if I had one, without being able to use your memory cards I would keep a PS2 if I had one, I still think it's kinda bullshit to get rid of the backwards compatibility. Also, this is just a question about the Slim, but does it even read DVD's, or just blu-ray?(You know, for DVD movies) If it's the former, that's more bullshit for lack of backwards compatibility.

rust45 wrote:

Why would I get rid of a PS2 if I had one, without being able to use your memory cards I would keep a PS2 if I had one, I still think it's kinda bullshit to get rid of the backwards compatibility. Also, this is just a question about the Slim, but does it even read DVD's, or just blu-ray?(You know, for DVD movies) If it's the former, that's more bullshit for lack of backwards compatibility.
A lot of people get rid of their PS2 after getting a PS3, then get frustrated that the PS3 they own doesn't have backwards capability. Shoulda kept the PS2 to begin with. Either way, I watch most of my movies on the computer. =p Of course I do mean DVDs. If the slim doesn't have the backwards capabilities you want, then don't get it. If it's unimportant, go ahead and get it. Otherwise it's not that big of a deal since there are other ways to play them PS2 games/watch them DVDs.
At least that's my opinion.
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I don't like the Slim cause the cool touchpad buttons with actual buttons. Also, it just looks kinda lame. It got rid of a bunch of ports and stuff, too, and you can't change the OS on it and things like that. I was about to say it's a slimmed down version, but I guess that's the point.
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Ha ha. I still only have about... 6 trophies. Will probably get more if I actually played the PS3 more often, but at the same time I'm also too lazy to care. X_x
As far as I understand it, any Blu-Ray player is backwards-compatible with DVDs. if there's some that aren't, congratulations, they win the impractically stupid device award, courtesy of moi! Also, there's been more than a few rumors going about about plans to bring emulated PS2 compatability to the PS3 now, giving it download games much as they do with PSX. I'd be both surprised and incredibly peeved if this didn't stretch to reading the games off disc as well, since it would give me an excuse to play some PS2 games I own but haven't touched yet due largely to "I got a PS3 durt durt durt collect dust, older model!" Iunno, like mah shiny toys, I guess.

I borrowed inFAMOUS from a friend. I adored the Sly Cooper games but am still finding myself pretty glad I didn't buy this... Now that I have most of the powers it's a lot less aggravating, but when you're just starting out the game pretty much blows. That and I've died while punching a garbage can, and since nobody could tell where the bullets were coming from once anyone in the room at the time has since declared that God hates Cole and killed him. It's rare a death on that game feels particularly justified so much as a crapshoot working against you, and I'm never a big fan of that.

Also I pulled out the ol' Genesis collection again. PHANTASY STAR THE FIRST, WEEEEEEE! Actually, no, it and LBP are good for multiplayer and I've actually needed a shred of that lately. o3o
Genesis collection is only 25 dollars now. Teeeempting.
Hm... Thinking if I should get that. Still not sure. Ratchet and Clank is taking priority right now on that decision.
I'm curious as to why there is less CoD discussion in this thread. It's overrated and everything but I just picked it up, (if you can't beat em--) and it's decent. I needed something to fill my Halo void when I switched back to sony. Anybody have mw2?
If I did, I'd definitely have it on PC

CoD, *scoff*

btw Rolled: I cleared Everlong on Expert Drums <3

awp wrote:

btw Rolled: I cleared Everlong on Expert Drums <3
Certainly better than what I can do. I can only clear Hello There on Expert Drums. /fail
Also, CoD isn't my type of game. Not much of a FPS guy. TF2 and L4D(and maybe Half Life) are the first ones to catch my eye since Goldeneye and Turok on the N64.
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I'm guessing there's no discussion of MW2 because no one who frequents this thread actually has that game. I have been noticing that you've been playing it a lot though, Rolled. Like, damn. And it's always MP. Have you beaten single player?
L4D is an interesting concept, and TF2 looks fun, but from my experience with the typical FPS crowd I'd rather avoid anything multipayer dependent lest your own team mates yell at you a lot because you're not some golden god at it like everyone else seems to be.

Thus, Portal and Bioshock. Solo affairs, and fairly inviting to someone who hasn't ever beaten an FPS without cheating until they brought the Big Daddies along...

I beat Bioshock without cheating. Hurrrrr. -feels slighty more competent in a genre he's typically found impenetrable-
TF2 is more like a laid back stoner than a vulgar Halo-type drunken frat boy - from my (and I'm assuming most other people's) experiences people in TF2 are more there for the fun of it. I'm pretty inept when it comes to the strategy and know-where-to-go part of online FPSs but I was never met with contempt or disapproval.

Course that was years ago, when TF2 was brand spankin' new.
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People get mad when playing videos games.

TF2 is just good because it seems to alleviate the standard FPS rage most FPS games seem to garner and usually the few select angry players you know are just generally angry people.
I recently got Borderlands from gamefly, the game is freaking awesome, the only complaint I have is that in split screen, the menus aren't made smaller, use just have to pan them with the right stick, but I got used to it. I haven't tried playing online though, I don't have a good headset and I can't see it happening without being able to talk to the others. But it's fun with my brother, even if we die all the time.
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Online is kind of annoying because unless the host has the best damn internet ever or something, there's gonna be anywhere from a small to large amount of delay between your controller commands and the actual movement onscreen. Split screen is fun though. Solo's my favorite, although there are times where it's like, "If only I had a partner right now".
lag was less a problem for me than framerate was, since lol 4.5 year old machine

Seibei4211 wrote:

Have you played single player?

Also awp I'm getting my Ions on Friday 8-)
I might be getting cymbals and a second pedal once I have a job, but I'm going to skip over the ions and get a real drum set once I have the coin.

But man I really want to gold-star Iron Maiden (Live) - it's so fuckin' fun, but those double-kicks are just murder.
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By the way, I always forget to mention that Brad from 4 Player Podcast totally reminds me of Rolled and/or vice versa. So I keep thinking Rolled is crazy about Bayonetta, but that's Brad.

Edit: DAMN! Bayonetta is really freakin' sweet!
got ions, so rusty on drums.

As for CoD though I got my first Nuke a few days ago 8-) I so beast.

Somebody play with me :(
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Never thought I'd said this, too many sexy poses, need less, I can't focus on fighting.
The slow down isn't much horrible yet, gotta download the 360 demo whenever released to compare.
afaik the bayonetta demo was released like a month or two ago for both platforms, at least for PS3, but you needed a JP PSN to get it (which of course is both free and region-free).
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Atmey wrote:

Never thought I'd said this, too many sexy poses, need less, I can't focus on fighting.
The slow down isn't much horrible yet, gotta download the 360 demo whenever released to compare.
I haven't noticed any slowdown yet, I think. This game is too fun when it's not experiencing slowdown for it to be a problem though, just like Fallout 3. Except this is more fun than that, so if it slows down less often, it'll be ok.

awp wrote:

afaik the bayonetta demo was released like a month or two ago for both platforms, at least for PS3, but you needed a JP PSN to get it (which of course is both free and region-free).
Old news. I didn't feel like making an account just for that. I think there was another demo like that and I didn't feel like making an account for that either.

Seibei4211 wrote:

awp wrote:

afaik the bayonetta demo was released like a month or two ago for both platforms, at least for PS3, but you needed a JP PSN to get it (which of course is both free and region-free).
Old news. I didn't feel like making an account just for that. I think there was another demo like that and I didn't feel like making an account for that either.
I didn't make mine because the language switches to Japanese when I change my country to Japan. then I wasn't sure what I was looking at.

Atmey wrote:

I didn't make mine because the language switches to Japanese when I change my country to Japan. then I wasn't sure what I was looking at.
Oh? Hmm, might be good for practice...
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New Borderlands DLC coming out soon. Also, LBP is finally getting water in the form of Pirates of the Caribbean DLC.
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