
League of Legends

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Possibly one of the most boring matches I've ever been a part of. Game was so slow.
Jungler on our side left about twenty minutes into the game and we just kept winning team fights from there for whatever reason.
Didn't like our Rammus at all. Kept telling the ADC to stop taking 'his' red/bottom farm. Thought he was the best and everything. I muted him about half an hour in.
Also, people still use Revive?
spellvamp gragas op
I can't believe it..... First ranked today, I had a Master Yi, AND A LUCIAN AND I WON

I carried mid and top but, BOTLANE WON ON ITS OWN, I CAN'T BELIEVE IT

This page is pretty useful, makes me see I have to buy more wards xD


Sync wrote:

spellvamp gragas singed op

xRa1n wrote:

May you link this website?
Why do I get like +14/15 when I carry hard and +25/30 when I don't?

tyrael6192 wrote:





i, uh

only 2 years late to the dark souls party
Oh god, Zyra is so good as a support. Gonna buy her asap.
Btw, Lucian looks so strong. We(me and my mate) have played five games in a row with Lucian+Sona combo(rankeds, plat5-plat3). Very strong line, tons of output damage.
Congratz on your amazinq Plat5! I'm close to it.

Haven't seen a single Lucian, but I think he will get a nerf soon, hum?

Cheerz, Deceptive~

DaDeceptive0ne wrote:

Congratz on your amazinq Plat5! I'm close to it.

Haven't seen a single Lucian, but I think he will get a nerf soon, hum?

Cheerz, Deceptive~
ofc everyone is getting nerf'd what do you expect

also i think i can carry myself out of silver with tryndamere
f i z i k
so many people playing league lol :/
sadly this game got kinda worse ever since season 3 started ;;
Saw Lucian in pvp and from what I saw....I want to buy him :I (did and used him, fun times)
He is strong laner but he aint so good at teamfights.

kT fizik wrote:

so many people playing league lol :/
sadly this game got kinda worse ever since season 3 started ;;
Season 2 was kinda bad too, but at least it was still fun throughout most of the season unlike 3 which got boring after about 2-3 weeks in.

I'm probably going to get temp banned again soon for messing around too much in games. I get that report warning like every other game now lol. Oh well I kinda want season 4 to start already since I don't plan on watching Worlds because it's going to be boring like all the other tourneys this season.
I cannot deal with this new Arcade Hecarim skin, it's too legendary for me.

Vulf wrote:

I get that report warning like every other game now lol. Oh well I kinda want season 4 to start already since I don't plan on watching Worlds because it's going to be boring like all the other tourneys this season.
For what?

Hika wrote:

I cannot deal with this new Arcade Hecarim skin, it's too legendary for me.
It does look pretty awesome, lol.
Kanye West

Vulf wrote:

kT fizik wrote:

so many people playing league lol :/
sadly this game got kinda worse ever since season 3 started ;;
Season 2 was kinda bad too, but at least it was still fun throughout most of the season unlike 3 which got boring after about 2-3 weeks in.

I'm probably going to get temp banned again soon for messing around too much in games. I get that report warning like every other game now lol. Oh well I kinda want season 4 to start already since I don't plan on watching Worlds because it's going to be boring like all the other tourneys this season.
qft, season 1 was by far the best season

had the least stagnant meta, almost the entire champion pool was competitively viable until riot started releasing stupid champions and power creep fucked the game. and every role except support had enough income to actually build diverse items *coughjunglerscough* I'm still pretty mad that riot nerfed the S1 jungle, now it has stronger creeps to the point where you're forced to start with that stupid machete item AND it has less gold. like wtf.

the chinese/koreans in na solo queue were hilarious, woong had 5 accounts in the top 10 and jiji had 3, lol

plus s1 dreamhack and the qualifiers had some amazing games. picks and bans were so unpredictable and we saw new team comps for every game. I remember Salce's vlad with a 1v4 triple kill, westriceakaligg, shushei carrying every game with ap alistar, tsm vs aaa base race, and some asians stomping with mordekaiser. oh and doublelift playing poppy and bruiser blitzcrank and actually carrying games
Was scared when I saw Ezreal going mid... then he built AP and lost horribly to me in lane.
Top started out 0/4 against the Teemo... couldn't kill him. Went up to help the Riven up there and the place had mushrooms everywhere... =/ Good thing my shield allows the heal to heal more than they were doing damage...
The other lanes were winning quite nicely though.
I don't 'really' agree with stacking so much armor on their Galio, but whatever.

Ended up using Rumble in a later game and took of smart cast. Works nicely. It demolishes people. It's so funny.
I'm awful early game though. =(

omg, just 1 girl at the background and all the people saying "I'd bang that german" "omg legs" etc
twitch chat is serious business

that horse too stronk xD
Hi everyone!
If somebody wants to play/needs some tip for bronze/silver/gold i'm here to help!
I really love to play premades, I main adc and I'm platinum 3, going for diamond this season!
My lol name is The striker 1337
Gimme tips for gold, I appreciate every tip. Dupdup

Cheerz, Dudeboy
Hate russian premades in rankeds. Really. Russian adc and jungle got carried by Sona 5\1\0.
UPD: I did more dmg to champions than Varus. ffs
Kanye West

tiper wrote:

Hate russian premades in rankeds. Really. Russian adc and jungle got carried by Sona 5\1\0.
UPD: I did more dmg to champions than Varus. ffs

Any problems?

not entirely league related but i laughed so hard
La Volpe
This Aram was a nightmare.. they had a ridiculous amount of poke. Just replace Kat by Nidalee and it would have been worst lol.

Why can't Regi stop being so fucking annoying
I just saw this morning on reddit

I wish that they kick that annoying Reginald, omg.

I miss Chaox but tbh Wildturtle is preeeetty good >_> He is so funny


omg everytime someone steals baron or something I say in chat "Is that you stvicious?" and so many people saying funny things xD
Because I can =D

LoL, now make Eren teemo? xDD

La Volpe wrote:

This Aram was a nightmare.. they had a ridiculous amount of poke. Just replace Kat by Nidalee and it would have been worst lol.
lol i played an aram and they had 3 adc's plus a nami and a tanky nasus... that sucked we couldn't do anything
fuck this game
[ Adam ]

found this screen from a month or two back of my highest CS in a game, watch out froggen
because u totally need more gold to buy more items
How to carry yourself out of silver is easier than "tryndamere" maal..and it has just 3 letters

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