
League of Legends

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maal wrote:

btw i am now in gold 5

in team 5v5 :(
there is another team that you have to put in gold ;_;

Sync wrote:

the only time I see zilean is in bot games

I fucking hate zilean bot

his bombs hurt early and his ult is so gay ;_;
That's why i like playing him lol.

His ult is so troll. Like Shen.

Nofool wrote:

maal wrote:

btw i am now in gold 5

in team 5v5 :(
there is another team that you have to put in gold ;_;
We should start using some voice chatting software for our next games, it'd help us improving a lot and is much more fun
If we even manage to gather 5 people at once in the first place
I'm sorry i don't really have time to play these days

Nofool wrote:

maal wrote:

btw i am now in gold 5

in team 5v5 :(
there is another team that you have to put in gold ;_;
hah i think it's best i dont play so much lately, seeing as i lose a lot because of poor match ups 90% of the time

and BA is correct yeah

BrokenArrow wrote:

We should start using some voice chatting software for our next games, it'd help us improving a lot and is much more fun
If we even manage to gather 5 people at once in the first place
i can't do anything for 2 more weeks sry ,_, but i don't think that this is hard to find a good adc é_è
and if you need a slot you can kick me and reinvit later n_n

Vulf wrote:

maal wrote:

haha zilean's ult not game changing
every thought of a comedy carreer?
Because giving someone a free GA isn't good at all and can't turn a team fight around? It's not like GA has been nerfed like 4 times because of what it does.
lol I remember that time when I trolled everyone as fiora with a GA and 45% lifesteal...
Enemy: that GA isn't gonna save you
uses ult after revive
10 seconds later... Triple Kill
Enemy: wtf?!

GA is useful. Period. And so zilean's ult is, too if used properly.
nobody ever said it wasn't jesus christ

also this

im crying

Kanye West
Zilean's ult is better than a GA, the amount of health your target revives with scales with AP so you can basically revive someone will full health. You can also get off two ults in a teamfight if you liberally use your W.

tyrael6192 wrote:

nobody ever said it wasn't jesus christ

also this

im crying

no quinn Q.Q

lol feels good to play with two platinum smurfs
why is vayne rushing lw

dumb vayne

oh.... and.. stinger???????????????????????????????
just saying cuz people are saying that zilean sucks but since his ult is practically a better GA so it proves to be illogical for them to say that.

Nofool wrote:

BrokenArrow wrote:

We should start using some voice chatting software for our next games, it'd help us improving a lot and is much more fun
If we even manage to gather 5 people at once in the first place
i can't do anything for 2 more weeks sry ,_, but i don't think that this is hard to find a good adc é_è
and if you need a slot you can kick me and reinvit later n_n
<- Gold adc. Though often playing on w0p(also gold) or moonpower instead of my SiFly account

tyrael6192 wrote:

nobody ever said it wasn't jesus christ]
So what lesson did you learn today? If someone is going to try and be sarcastic without any indications ( IN TEXT ON THE INTERNET) you're going to have a bad time.

Also if you are going to say X champion sucks then prepare to have a discussion about it.
Kanye West
TF sucks
With this games community I wouldn't be surprised if that starts popping up on the GD after they "fix" his passive next patch. Kinda like people saying blue Ezreal was dead when they removed 10 AD from SoTEL

WATCH IT, just awesome

Vulf wrote:

tyrael6192 wrote:

nobody ever said it wasn't jesus christ]
So what lesson did you learn today? If someone is going to try and be sarcastic without any indications ( IN TEXT ON THE INTERNET) you're going to have a bad time.

Also if you are going to say X champion sucks then prepare to have a discussion about it.
vulf ur sarcasm detector needs some work done hue

i said nobody played him not that he sucked

tyrael6192 wrote:

vulf ur sarcasm detector needs some work done hue

i said nobody played him not that he sucked
Just because you know the guy outside of these forums and you're familiar with him doesn't mean we all are. Simply saying what he said was enough to confuse people. Someone else was confused by it too.

You didn't say he sucked but someone else did. That last line wasn't directed towards you at all.


I think we have derailed this thread enough. I understand that he didn't really mean what he said, and I will be sure to carefully read post the next time.

Vulf wrote:

Also if you are going to say X champion sucks then prepare to have a discussion about it.
ww sux :33333333333333333333

Okay! I'm too dumb to link it!


PSSSSSSS.: LawL i did it! finally!

DaDeceptive0ne wrote:


Backfire wrote:

ww sux :33333333333333333333
Except he kinda does. I've already explained why awhile back. He is getting a rework in both his kit and visually. I'm kinda excited. Though it's not going to be openly discussed by Riot until after World Finals at the earliest.


Kit Tweaks - ... 8#39851838

Visual Upgrade - ... 0#40120090 (actually a list of some champions on the VU list enjoy) :)

I spend too much time on the LoL forums lol
I played a few ranked games today.

2 times I play support, every lane feeds, we lose.

1 time I play diano easy-mode free win, and I win.

Maybe I just need to only play Diana.
Has anyone ever considered creating ranked 5's teams of just Osu players? I think we have enough players to organize an Osu League tournament.

Creyslz wrote:

Has anyone ever considered creating ranked 5's teams of just Osu players? I think we have enough players to organize an Osu League tournament.
Pretty sure it's been mentioned several times and I'm also pretty sure there is a team or two hovering around.
No idea what server / rank tier though.
I was on a team with some friends, but they didn't want to play seriously. Trolling normals is one thing but trolling ranked 5's is kinda stupid lol


Everytime I get close I lose the next match
Thx for editing mah Post :'D @bmin11

And ye, would be funny to do so. So we can do some fights between Osu!-Players and to be honest, i just wanna have fun nothing else.

Cheerz, Deceptive~
on EUW there's a team already

Btw you should check out the videos since they are really good....

For the people who don't know post youtube links

You have to go to "share" and then u have to copy this
there is like 2 osu na teams both like low silver/high bronze

thats why im not part of it lol
Are you meaning you're not playing with them because they can't keep up?
Kanye West

Backfire wrote:

I played a few ranked games today.

2 times I play support, every lane feeds, we lose.

1 time I play diano easy-mode free win, and I win.

Maybe I just need to only play Diana.
Play support Diana. You can seriously win with playing any support in solo queue as long as you snowball your lane.

I've played support Kha'zix, support Jayce, support Caitlyn and support Jarvan and still won games.

Kanye West wrote:

Backfire wrote:

I played a few ranked games today.

2 times I play support, every lane feeds, we lose.

1 time I play diano easy-mode free win, and I win.

Maybe I just need to only play Diana.
Play support Diana. You can seriously win with playing any support in solo queue as long as you snowball your lane.

I've played support Kha'zix, support Jayce, support Caitlyn and support Jarvan and still won games.
I've won a ranked as soraka jungle. Doesn't mean people are happy that i picked it, same goes with those other picks you listed, though jarvan might be decent as support if the enemies don't have jumps/dashes.
Kanye West
Sure they may rage at you in champ select but if you actually do well, they'll stop complaining.There's a difference between trolling and playing unconventionally but still playing to win.

High elo solo queue players do the same thing. Only Rengar plays support Rengar and carries games, and SpamHappy aka Zekent plays support Poppy.
Yorick support.

Has almost all. Too much harrass, too much sustain. And his ult is freaking op. Only Q a bit useless, I played him on s2 a lot

SiFly wrote:

I've won a ranked as soraka jungle. Doesn't mean people are happy that i picked it, same goes with those other picks you listed, though jarvan might be decent as support if the enemies don't have jumps/dashes.
It doesn't necessarily work backwards. Not the same concept.

If you don't prioritize excessive ward coverage, alternatively sustain or generally slightly stronger/more CC you can always use that extra position to get some more dps and a different kind of utility. Just about anyone clearly "works" as a "support", but you would generally have to favor champs with either good base damage or good utility. Orianna and zyra have CC and utility, elise has health % damage, your jungler can get aegis and everyone should at least buy a few wards once in a while. Of course you can build damage increasing items on a support as well, but it should be obvious why say elise support, given nami doesn't land an amazing bubble or doesn't have her ult up, can be far more useful in a teamfight.

In uncoordinated play such as low level yoloqueue you'd often benefit more from significantly more damage than a squishy ward-bot. And if you're bad at the general support champions and are forced to support anyways I'd rather have you play a champion you're good with despite it not being what people would generally pick. Chances are you'll do better with that pick than if you'd play first time blitz and get 500 fieldgoals in a twenty minute game.

People don't like unconventional picks because just like this community, everyone are xenophobes. Whenever you try something outside of the meta people either assume that you suck and don't know jack or that you've seen it on some stream and expect the outcome to be the same. Just go ahead and pick whatever you do well with. It's a game, froggen wont come knocking on your door ready to beat you up just because you played jungle anivia.
I won another ranked with Diana.

Is this character just hard to play against? Me and my friend duo queued as Akali mid and Diana jungle and it was like...we'd just jump on people and they'd instantly die. Seems pretty stupidly over powered against crappy bronze kids.

Zac support also seems fairly viable in solo queue. Especially if you get something like amumu for your jungler. Infinite gap-closers.

Anyways, I do usually play support and my carry always seems to pick the wrong things, unfortunately. (MF vs. Vayne? No please. The guy had Cait too.)
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