
League of Legends

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- O n i -
matchmaking is so balanced mahn

we handled bot lane quite well but fuck
our jayce fed kassadin so hard

BrokenArrow wrote:

So I played ARAM today
people in the enemy team wrote "omg wayy too much cc" and I wrote back "omg wayy too much qq"
apparently got reported multiple times and got a warning from Riot
I got reported by a 4 man group because I asked the Eve on my team how she lost a 1v1 against a 1/13 varus that only had sorc boots and a blasting wand. Her response was "shut the fuck up and mind your own business". Kids these days.

BrokenArrow wrote:

So I played ARAM today
people in the enemy team wrote "omg wayy too much cc" and I wrote back "omg wayy too much qq"
apparently got reported multiple times and got a warning from Riot
How do you get reported for that? -_-

Vulf wrote:

I got reported by a 4 man group because I asked the Eve on my team how she lost a 1v1 against a 1/13 varus that only had sorc boots and a blasting wand. Her response was "shut the fuck up and mind your own business". Kids these days
...or that.
...wait, Sorcerer's boots and blasting wand on a Varus? What.

- O n i - wrote:

matchmaking is so balanced mahn
Lol, I was complaining the other day for being matched against a Platinum player as a Bronze. It's so dumb.

Kanye West wrote:

tear/muramana isn't that good on him tbh
Eh, I'm not a fan of Tear on Talon either. I don't find he really ooms all that much...

My pro ashe stats and winrate xD

couple of bad games that gave me a worse kda, think best game was a 19/0/9 loss.
can we just


tyrael6192 wrote:

can we just

sooo chinese taric is not gay...? ;_;
it's not being gay, it's being fabulous
No please! I dislike most of the Chinese art because the style doesn't fit the game at all. Look at the nunu and twitch art etc.. (freakin terrible).

I remember when they tried to suddenly swap about a dozen or so champions to the Chinese art one patch, and everyone freaked out and bitched on the forums.

tyrael6192 wrote:

can we just

oh my god i have finally accepted taric as a champion

he doesn't look gay
a not gay taric?

silmarilen wrote:

a not gay taric?
i'm pretty sure ahri would love to see his family jewels after this


no? ok
btw what is he doing with his left hand õ_o (taric chinese art)

Nofool wrote:

btw what is he doing with his left hand õ_o (taric chinese art)
holy jesus christ ._.
- O n i -
my first game with jungle nunu

he can be so trolll duuuude.
Getting closer and closer to gold


Devalix wrote:

Getting closer and closer to gold

God so pro
I used to enjoy games until i meet the league, this game frustrates me soo hard, so i quit it after reaching gold league...I play in LAN server, ign nL Skyla Nashor
Kanye West

Devalix wrote:

Getting closer and closer to gold

damn you played a lot of games, i'm silver 2 with like 20 games and scared to play more.

Kanye West wrote:

damn you played a lot of games, i'm silver 2 with like 20 games and scared to play more.
I know some people who don't even play normals anymore so I can see how that number games can be accumulated.
I am starting to love Elise jungle, and she's getting nerfed next patch u.u
So I realized Zilean is 10 times better mid than support

Kanye West wrote:

Devalix wrote:

Getting closer and closer to gold

damn you played a lot of games, i'm silver 2 with like 20 games and scared to play more.
friend of mine has 413W 415L in ranked this season, and he's silver I too lol

Jordan wrote:

So I realized Zilean is 10 times better mid than support
I have been seeing him go mid more and more and not support at all... I dunno how though, only one of his spells deals damage...
Zilean is worthless without any farm. It's not like he's hard to play p/2453168

His kit in early to mid game focuses on harassing and bursting with one or two bombs. When he gets some AP he deals enough damage with one QWQ rotation to clear the wave, and roams. He provides a lot of utility in ganks; imagine the AD carry getting 7 seconds of FREE DAMAGE because she's not being focused since you used Chrono Shift on her.
Zilean is probably the most boring champ to play.
Nope, Taric. Or Garen.
Kanye West
I think he's fun to play. Getting off a last-second ult and turnaround kill is pretty rewarding. He's also really safe and has a lot of good matchups.

Biggest downside is that he only has 1-2 nukes for damage.

those wrote:

Nope, Taric. Or Garen.
Garen's actually my favourite still, it's just that people know how to counter him so easily so I can't use him as much. D=

BrokenArrow wrote:

Zilean is probably the most boring champ to play
If you're talking about summoner's rift, one of the champions I find extremely boring (albeit useful) is Malphite.
If you're talking ARAM, I'd say any melee without any poke (ex: Renekton, Garen in this case, Xin Zhao, Irelia). I'm constantly told by my teammates to 'sit in the back and wait until an engagement'. That's boring - and the reason I stopped playing them.
Kanye West
Garen is hilarious in treeline. Tons of damage, becomes unkillable wall.
I think I've reached rock bottom mmr wise. Nevertheless, this is way more fun than the crybaby tryhard tier, I don't get why people strave to get higher, all of my last games have been hilarious and nobody is really talking crap because they don't even understand what's going on.

I'm pretty sure I can lock in jungle zilean and nobody will even complain.

Zilean actually hurts, people. When you let him farm, it's like hell when he throws bombs. His ult is completely annoying, especially in team fights. After ADC is dead, he's like "MUST REVIVE" and my team gets even more fucked afterward.

Most boring champ that I've ever played was Irelia, she's just so boring to me in Summoner's Rift. I mean she's all tanky and does a lot of damage and all but I never seem to be able to kill with her because DAT ULT.

Hika wrote:

Zilean actually hurts, people. When you let him farm, it's like hell when he throws bombs. His ult is completely annoying, especially in team fights. After ADC is dead, he's like "MUST REVIVE" and my team gets even more fucked afterward.

Most boring champ that I've ever played was Irelia, she's just so boring to me in Summoner's Rift. I mean she's all tanky and does a lot of damage and all but I never seem to be able to kill with her because DAT ULT.
you need to learn the irelia mechanics i guess

your ult is mostly useful for anyone running away with below 200~ hp or if you're getting chased with low health and you need health, you shoot them at enemies to get lifesteal. that is how her ult works.

zilean is only good in the low elo games, shutting down an early zilean is crucial. taking out zilean early in a teamfight is not a bad idea either, but make sure someone deals with the adc as well.
Zilean has been picked a couple of times in some major tournaments. He has retained his niche pick status unlike some other champions. Hardly a low elo champion.

He is boring to play is all. Going to be kinda shitty when he loses his global passive. :(

boat wrote:

I'm pretty sure I can lock in jungle zilean and nobody will even complain.
Do it, that'd be hilarious. xD

Vulf wrote:

He is boring to play is all. Going to be kinda shitty when he loses his global passive.
What're they changing? Just his passive?
All global passives are getting removed from the game. Twisted Fate, Janna and Zilean.

The TF change is already on PBE.

Vulf wrote:

All global passives are getting removed from the game. Twisted Fate, Janna and Zilean.

The TF change is already on PBE.
What's the reasoning behind it?

Tenshi wrote:

What's the reasoning behind it?
I'd also like to know what they're being replaced by. If they're staying the same but only as an aura / to the champion themself, I feel it'll be a little underpower.

Teemo started out 0/8/_ and sold all his items at about the 28:00 mark. Then came back and got a few kills and assists.
Their Wukong couldn't do anything. Way too reliant on his invis., and I'd just Q/E him when he did it.
They couldn't win a teamfight to save their life. Mundo and I would go in and pop our AoEs (with a Nami Ultimate) and they'd melt.
Lux claimed Darius was drunk, lol. He didn't gank very effectively...
Apparently your tanks are suppose to have the most damage dealt, right? We couldn't die at all, lol.

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