
Suzuki Konomi n' Kiba of Akiba - Watashi ga Motenai no wa Do

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hi title好長
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Kawaiwkyik wrote:

hi title好長
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dyxxzgc wrote:

can i make taiko 2diffs?(Oni/Muzu)
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TKSalt wrote:

can i make taiko 2diffs?(Oni/Muzu)

okay >.0
Topic Starter

Foreverends wrote:


happy623 wrote:

TKSalt wrote:

can i make taiko 2diffs?(Oni/Muzu)

okay >.0
thanks! done the taiko diffs. => Link
i think need to timing-check this mapset. (´・ω・`)
Topic Starter

TKSalt wrote:

thanks! done the taiko diffs. => Link
i think need to timing-check this mapset. (´・ω・`)

thanks!! o/

and yea, i will find someone to check it xD

00:01:855 (1,2) - use 1/4 00:04:255 (1,2) - too
00:30:955 (1) - 同00:18:655 (1,2,3) - 同做法吧
01:23:455 (1) - NC and 01:23:755 (1) - remove nc

[Wan's Hard]
01:17:305 (5) - 包好4

00:08:005 (1,2,1) - 跟00:06:805 (1,2,3) -

Good , so pass
感覺就玩slider的 lol

nothing (y)

00:02:755 (1) - add whistle
00:06:955 (2) - 可以試下放高D然後直程整直佢,等個slider尾對住00:07:255 (1) - 00:07:405 (2) - 用ds1.6將佢放高少少
00:07:705 (1) - 將呢條slider扭返圓D,迎合番00:07:555 (3) - 00:12:805 (1) - 放喺00:12:355 (5) - 個尾好似好D ;w;
00:14:305 (1,2,3) - 拉上一D,因為如果同00:13:855 (1) - 叠埋嘅話,玩嘅時候見到就好怪QAQ 00:21:355 (2) - 叠埋好怪;w; 00:36:255 (2,3,4) - rhythm怪怪地,試下用1/3 map owo 01:03:655 (4,5) - ctrl g

Wan's Hard
so great x)

good luck >q<
Topic Starter

Kawaiwkyik wrote:


00:01:855 (1,2) - use 1/4 00:04:255 (1,2) - too
00:30:955 (1) - 同00:18:655 (1,2,3) - 同做法吧
01:23:455 (1) - NC and 01:23:755 (1) - remove nc

[Wan's Hard]
01:17:305 (5) - 包好4

00:08:005 (1,2,1) - 跟00:06:805 (1,2,3) -

Good , so pass
All fixed, thanks 佑哥o/

Foreverends wrote:

感覺就玩slider的 lol

標題名就是他媽的坑爹 打工吧! 俺的中二妹妹與住在櫻花莊的青梅竹馬的女友進擊的革命機大作戰的青春物語果然有問題都是你們的錯禁書目錄!
nothing (y)

00:02:755 (1) - add whistle
00:06:955 (2) - 可以試下放高D然後直程整直佢,等個slider尾對住00:07:255 (1) - 00:07:405 (2) - 用ds1.6將佢放高少少
00:07:705 (1) - 將呢條slider扭返圓D,迎合番00:07:555 (3) - 00:12:805 (1) - 放喺00:12:355 (5) - 個尾好似好D ;w;
00:14:305 (1,2,3) - 拉上一D,因為如果同00:13:855 (1) - 叠埋嘅話,玩嘅時候見到就好怪QAQ 00:21:355 (2) - 叠埋好怪;w; 00:36:255 (2,3,4) - rhythm怪怪地,試下用1/3 map owo 本身都用左1/3 map 發現都係怪怪的 ;w; btw fixed 01:03:655 (4,5) - ctrl g

good luck >q<
其他都fix哂 o/ thanks 撚哥!! (taiko呢

  1. Yes, add (TV Size) to your title. You should do this, because this is NOT a full version.
  2. Set AudioLeadIn to 0 or 500. No need to make it TOO long.
  3. .osz file seems corrupted. Probably it's a bug, because WinRAR opened this file without any problems.
  4. More tags! More! At least add Silver Link because you use their animation as your BG-video.
  1. That's 200 BPM song. No matter how slow SV is, it's better to use AR3. So, it will make more sense with music and your patterns.
  2. 00:09:355 (3) - nazi - this slider looks like it's trying to be a blanket-slider. It's not a big problem, but I'd prefer to see something like this
  3. 00:16:255 (1,2) - yup, nazi - try to make a better blanket. I know, that you can do it.. if you can't - poke me and I'll give you my code for a blanket.
  4. 00:34:705 - 00:35:155 - please, remove unused green lines. There's no need to keep them here.
  5. 00:36:655 (2) - tail of this slider is TOO close to (1) so, players may mistakenly hit it.
  6. 00:53:755 (3) - nazi - blanket here will make your flow smoother. Just a minor suggestion, see if you like it or not/
  7. 00:53:755 (3) - try to curve slider and make that slidertick louder to emphasize loud beat in music. You shouldn't ignore it!

    I understand, that it's really hard to map Easy diffs with 200 BPM. But rhythm could be a bit more consistent. For beginners, it will be hard to feel diffrence between 3/2 beats (example 00:01:855 (1,2) ) and 1/1 or 2/1 rhythm (example 00:03:205 (2,3,1)). So, yea..try to keep rhythm a bit easier and more consistent next time.

    tl'dr: there's no need to remap this diff at all. But it's too hard for beginners. Keep it in mind for your future maps.i:<
  1. Song is energetic and it's begging for faster AR! So, set AR 5 and OD/HP 3-4. It will make diff a bit more challenging and enjoyable for players.
  2. Man, you're overusing NCs a bit.
    • 00:08:005 (1) - this NC can be removed without any problems. Same goes for a lot of combos in this diff, for example: 00:15:055 (1) - 00:17:455 (1) - 00:19:855 (1) - and so on. NC should help us to read patterns, don't overuse them!
  3. 01:13:104 (2,2) - nazi - that overlap doesn't look good at all. Please, fix it if it is possible! Your flow is cute, don't ruin it with this overlap :<
  4. 01:19:255 (2) - nazi - how about moving (2) some grids down? So, shape of 01:19:855 (1) - will be reasonable. see?
[Wan's Hard]
  1. Set HP Drain to 7. Your rhythm allows using it, Also, set OD to 6, to gt balanced diff spread.
  2. 00:05:455 (1,1) - for a 200 BPM song, you could give players a little bit more time after spinner. Anyway, it's up to you.
  3. 00:14:455 (1) - add a repeat to this slider. I'm sure that beat on 00:14:755 - shouldn't be ignored :<
  4. 00:25:705 (8) - nazi - stack with (6) doesn't look good at all. In fact, it kinda breaks your flow. Personally, I'd like to place it somewhere else, for example here.
  5. 00:32:455 (5) - i'm too picky because i love this diff - it seems like you wanted to do a triangle pattern here, right? this one looks better, right? :3 Poke me if you want my code for hi pattern!
  6. 00:34:855 (6,1) - swap NCs to emphasize rhyth/instrument changes. It will fit with your pattern much better.
  7. 00:35:755 - this part was mapped even in the [Easy] diff! map it here to keep consistency!
  8. 00:54:505 (1) - the way how slider changes its direction is too sudden. Please, make it more readable! According to rules EVERY slider should have clean and visible path from it's beginning and till the end.
    Note: 00:59:455 (1) - same
  9. 01:08:905 (1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1) - I'd say that you abuse New Combos. Seriously, it looks like there's no nee to use it. at least remove some of NCs here.
  1. HP Drain 7, please! It will make [Insane] diff actually insane! Song is beggin for crazy things!
  2. 00:25:405 (1,1,1) - i'd call it NC abuse because one NC is enough to point out anti-jumps. Anyway, if you want to keep it because it "looks good" - keep it.
  3. 00:48:505 (2) - this 1/4 jumps is crazy. It's quite out of your pattern and it may be too sudden for players. If you still want to jkeep this jump here - find someone - who can pass this part.

    That's it. Nice diff!
Good luck!

Kawaiwkyik wrote:

[Wan's Hard]
01:17:305 (5) - 包好4 Fixed~

-Bakari- wrote:

[Wan's Hard]
  1. Set HP Drain to 7. Your rhythm allows using it, Also, set OD to 6, to gt balanced diff spread. Fixed~
  2. 00:05:455 (1,1) - for a 200 BPM song, you could give players a little bit more time after spinner. Anyway, it's up to you.No fix because I want to match the song..
  3. 00:14:455 (1) - add a repeat to this slider. I'm sure that beat on 00:14:755 - shouldn't be ignored :< Fixed:>
  4. 00:25:705 (8) - nazi - stack with (6) doesn't look good at all. In fact, it kinda breaks your flow. Personally, I'd like to place it somewhere else, for example here. Good idea >w<
  5. 00:32:455 (5) - i'm too picky because i love this diff - it seems like you wanted to do a triangle pattern here, right? this one looks better, right? :3 Poke me if you want my code for hi pattern! Fixed and looks better now XD!
  6. 00:34:855 (6,1) - swap NCs to emphasize rhyth/instrument changes. It will fit with your pattern much better. Fixed
  7. 00:35:755 - this part was mapped even in the [Easy] diff! map it here to keep consistency! Ok Mapped :3
  8. 00:54:505 (1) - the way how slider changes its direction is too sudden. Please, make it more readable! According to rules EVERY slider should have clean and visible path from it's beginning and till the end. Fixed
    Note: 00:59:455 (1) - same ^
  9. 01:08:905 (1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1) - I'd say that you abuse New Combos. Seriously, it looks like there's no nee to use it. at least remove some of NCs here. Fixed I remove some of NCs
Thank you for the mod ~ it's very useful :)
Topic Starter

-Bakari- wrote:


  1. Yes, add (TV Size) to your title. You should do this, because this is NOT a full version. If I put it into the title and it will be corrupted while opening with .osz file O_Q Anyway I will put it and mention it at creator's word for notice
  2. Set AudioLeadIn to 0 or 500. No need to make it TOO long. fixed
  3. .osz file seems corrupted. Probably it's a bug, because WinRAR opened this file without any problems.
  4. More tags! More! At least add Silver Link because you use their animation as your BG-video. fixed
  1. That's 200 BPM song. No matter how slow SV is, it's better to use AR3. So, it will make more sense with music and your patterns.
  2. 00:09:355 (3) - nazi - this slider looks like it's trying to be a blanket-slider. It's not a big problem, but I'd prefer to see something like this
  3. 00:16:255 (1,2) - yup, nazi - try to make a better blanket. I know, that you can do it.. if you can't - poke me and I'll give you my code for a blanket.
  4. 00:34:705 - 00:35:155 - please, remove unused green lines. There's no need to keep them here.
  5. 00:36:655 (2) - tail of this slider is TOO close to (1) so, players may mistakenly hit it.
  6. 00:53:755 (3) - nazi - blanket here will make your flow smoother. Just a minor suggestion, see if you like it or not/
  7. 00:53:755 (3) - try to curve slider and make that slidertick louder to emphasize loud beat in music. You shouldn't ignore it!

    I understand, that it's really hard to map Easy diffs with 200 BPM. But rhythm could be a bit more consistent. For beginners, it will be hard to feel diffrence between 3/2 beats (example 00:01:855 (1,2) ) and 1/1 or 2/1 rhythm (example 00:03:205 (2,3,1)). So, yea..try to keep rhythm a bit easier and more consistent next time. All fixed

    tl'dr: there's no need to remap this diff at all. But it's too hard for beginners. Keep it in mind for your future maps.i:< ok! o/
  1. Song is energetic and it's begging for faster AR! So, set AR 5 and OD/HP 3-4. It will make diff a bit more challenging and enjoyable for players.
  2. Man, you're overusing NCs a bit.
    • 00:08:005 (1) - this NC can be removed without any problems. Same goes for a lot of combos in this diff, for example: 00:15:055 (1) - 00:17:455 (1) - 00:19:855 (1) - and so on. NC should help us to read patterns, don't overuse them!
  3. 01:13:104 (2,2) - nazi - that overlap doesn't look good at all. Please, fix it if it is possible! Your flow is cute, don't ruin it with this overlap :< changed, Hope its okay now xD
  4. 01:19:255 (2) - nazi - how about moving (2) some grids down? So, shape of 01:19:855 (1) - will be reasonable. see? All fixed
  1. HP Drain 7, please! It will make [Insane] diff actually insane! Song is beggin for crazy things! fixed
  2. 00:25:405 (1,1,1) - i'd call it NC abuse because one NC is enough to point out anti-jumps. Anyway, if you want to keep it because it "looks good" - keep it. ;w; I prefer keeping it
  3. 00:48:505 (2) - this 1/4 jumps is crazy. It's quite out of your pattern and it may be too sudden for players. If you still want to jkeep this jump here - find someone - who can pass this part. XD Its okay imo

    That's it. Nice diff!
Good luck!
Great mod again, Thanks Bakari!! :)
加油 :)
Topic Starter

hoLysoup wrote:

加油 :)

hoLysoup wrote:

加油 :)
Don't rank this until the issue with filename length is fixed.
Topic Starter

peppy wrote:

Don't rank this until the issue with filename length is fixed.
ok thanks
J o J o
Good luck for rank ! Nice anime :p
- Miomio Chii -
_(:3 J L)_ 杏仁妹加油~
Topic Starter
thanks qwq
這..這首竟然BPM200.. 真高... 一直以為是150~180.. :o
Topic Starter

smallboat wrote:

這..這首竟然BPM200.. 真高... 一直以為是150~180.. :o


Topic Starter

EmingK wrote:




happy623 wrote:

EmingK wrote:




打不開呢 我用過WINRAR了... :roll: 感覺這個錯誤錯很大 :o
Topic Starter

smallboat wrote:

打不開呢 我用過WINRAR了... :roll: 感覺這個錯誤錯很大 :o
先用這個mod ;w;

edit : 去Creator's Word 下載吧~
Taiko Mod Request by happy623.


  1. This isn't a big issue or anything, but in my opinion: The mp3 isn't really great. While I'm playing this song on a loud volume, I can hear a bits of static noises, which hurt my ears. I made another mp3 for you. This one, very good quality and no small static noises. Just replace the old MP3 with this one. ( It's not that important though, just pointing it out. ;)

[TK's Oni]

  • These are only my suggestions. They are not needed unless you find them useful.
  1. 00:32:455 (201,202,203,204,205,206,207,208,209) - Make it into a (ddddkkkkd k).
  2. 00:33:355 (211,212,213,214,215,216,217,218,219,220) - Change it to (ddk k d ddkkd). Feels better, in my opinion.
  3. 00:38:955 - d?
  4. 00:39:555 (248) - Change this into (d) and put a (k) at 00:39:655.
  5. 00:50:755 (330,331,332,333,334,335) - This part kind of doesn't make any sense to me.
    Delete 00:51:055 (333,334) - and turn 00:51:355 (334) - into (k). Then 00:50:455 (327,328,329,330,331,332) - into (kkkkddk).
  6. 01:06:505 - d?
  7. 01:11:455 (476,477,478) - Turn into (dkd).
  8. 01:11:905 (479,480,481) - Turn into (dkd).
There we go. I haven't modded for months, so sorry if I wasn't that useful. Overall, it's a good taiko. (Besides from OD6, which makes me sad :|)

I didn't mod Muzukashii because I suck at mapping Muzukashii, so I didn't want to say anything about it if I don't even know how to map a Muzukashii right. I played the Muzukashii, looks alright. Anyways, good luck with ranking it.

Topic Starter

KinomiCandy wrote:

Taiko Mod Request by happy623.

  1. This isn't a big issue or anything, but in my opinion: The mp3 isn't really great. While I'm playing this song on a loud volume, I can hear a bits of static noises, which hurt my ears. I made another mp3 for you. This one, very good quality and no small static noises. Just replace the old MP3 with this one. ( It's not that important though, just pointing it out. ;)

thanks for the AWESOME mp3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <333333333333333333333333333

KinomiCandy wrote:


KinomiCandy wrote:

Taiko Mod Request by happy623.


  1. This isn't a big issue or anything, but in my opinion: The mp3 isn't really great. While I'm playing this song on a loud volume, I can hear a bits of static noises, which hurt my ears. I made another mp3 for you. This one, very good quality and no small static noises. Just replace the old MP3 with this one. ( It's not that important though, just pointing it out. ;)

[TK's Oni]

  • These are only my suggestions. They are not needed unless you find them useful.
  1. 00:32:455 (201,202,203,204,205,206,207,208,209) - Make it into a (ddddkkkkd k). - sorry, keep it.
  2. 00:33:355 (211,212,213,214,215,216,217,218,219,220) - Change it to (ddk k d ddkkd). Feels better, in my opinion. - good pattern :3
  3. 00:38:955 - d? - ok.
  4. 00:39:555 (248) - Change this into (d) and put a (k) at 00:39:655. - ^
  5. 00:50:755 (330,331,332,333,334,335) - This part kind of doesn't make any sense to me.
    Delete 00:51:055 (333,334) - and turn 00:51:355 (334) - into (k). Then 00:50:455 (327,328,329,330,331,332) - into (kkkkddk). - some fixed. this part is really damn to me ;w;
  6. 01:06:505 - d? - nope. not hear any sound :3
  7. 01:11:455 (476,477,478) - Turn into (dkd).
  8. 01:11:905 (479,480,481) - Turn into (dkd). - tried them, it doesnt fit the vocal ;w;
There we go. I haven't modded for months, so sorry if I wasn't that useful. Overall, it's a good taiko. (Besides from OD6, which makes me sad :|) - i thought so too before. but it might be changing times.

I didn't mod Muzukashii because I suck at mapping Muzukashii, so I didn't want to say anything about it if I don't even know how to map a Muzukashii right. I played the Muzukashii, looks alright. Anyways, good luck with ranking it.

きのみさん modding ありがとう!! ٩( ᐛ )و

please update :3/ Link
Topic Starter
Change the name of the song, is Too long and that makes it corrupt. I had to change the name by myself to play this but some people don't know that.
Topic Starter

m4gh wrote:

Change the name of the song, is Too long and that makes it corrupt. I had to change the name by myself to play this but some people don't know that.
well i will change it but i cant rank this until the bug is fixed :

edit : no change ;w; I will put the .rar file instead in Creator's Word
哈囉~ 杏仁 ~!
久等的mod > ~ <




00:06:955 (1) - 感覺是比較後面的白線發聲..? 調到跟這00:08:155 (2) 一樣長度吧 ?
00:09:355 (3) - 音的結尾在紅線
00:10:255 (1) - 前端縮短到紅線
00:44:005 (2) - ^ 應該很適合?
00:51:655 (1) - 改成note?
00:52:105 (2) - 前端放這? 結尾00:53:305 或前面的白線
01:17:605 (2) - 可放這?


00:43:105 (2) - 後面拉長到紅線 後面note刪?
01:01:555 (5) - 應該可以刪?

Wan 這個後面kiai time怎麼散了.. :o

00:20:455 (5,6) - 音量70 或 80
00:21:055 (1) - 音量100有點蓋到 音量可調60 70 80 三選一
00:25:855 (1) - 音量80 或 90
00:29:755 (4) - 音量70 或 80
00:52:105 (1) - 音量80 或 90
01:01:705 (1) - ^


00:36:255 (2) - 前端whistle
00:38:655 (2) - ^
00:39:855 (5) - ^
歌名還真~~~Long :o 歌名切一半(? :idea:

Suzuki Konomi & Kiba of Akiba 這也砍半好了? 我只知道前面那個..? ( 8-)

no kd

smallboat wrote:

Wan 這個後面kiai time怎麼散了.. :o

00:20:455 (5,6) - 音量70 或 80
00:21:055 (1) - 音量100有點蓋到 音量可調60 70 80 三選一
00:25:855 (1) - 音量80 或 90
00:29:755 (4) - 音量70 或 80
00:52:105 (1) - 音量80 或 90
01:01:705 (1) - ^
All fixed~ 後面的kial time也改好了 :)
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