
ppv2 testing

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Is there any chance of you providing a look at what the current highest rated scores are overall? Just to get a better idea of how this system works.
Why am i not even in the ppv2 system D;
all these player with low playcounts having more pp than pro players, how does that even work?
I still think it would be great not to do things relative to other scores, no common metric uses measurements which change over time (a kilo is a kilo, a cm is a cm). A map should have a set score which everyone is compared to so that a players rating doesn't fluctuate due to different people performing abnormally.

jesus1412 wrote:

I still think it would be great not to do things relative to other scores, no common metric uses measurements which change over time (a kilo is a kilo, a cm is a cm). A map should have a set score which everyone is compared to so that a players rating doesn't fluctuate due to different people performing abnormally.
The elo system which many ranking systems use (chess primarily, also LoL and others) is completely relative, and afaik pp was designed to work something like that, with the ideology that if you play better than a certain person, then your ranking should be higher than theirs.

Kitsunemimi wrote:

jesus1412 wrote:

I still think it would be great not to do things relative to other scores, no common metric uses measurements which change over time (a kilo is a kilo, a cm is a cm). A map should have a set score which everyone is compared to so that a players rating doesn't fluctuate due to different people performing abnormally.
The elo system which many ranking systems use (chess primarily, also LoL and others) is completely relative, and afaik pp was designed to work something like that, with the ideology that if you play better than a certain person, then your ranking should be higher than theirs.
I was under the assumption that ELO only worked well with minimal variables? Which osu has a lot of

Sakura wrote:

I got an idea, why not use the map decay thing more like ammount of plays over time thing, that way the most active maps will still be giving a good ammount of pp, and prob. super old maps that are horrible can be manually put at 10% pp worth?
Also iirc this was one of the main critiques of what the current system has. Giving imaginary points in what essentially is supposed to be a rating of ability due to playing popular maps.
I hope the best performance lists get released soon, I want to see if mine still has B's on it!
Topic Starter
any system i make will always be realtive/statistic based. i guarantee it will be accurate (just as pp was in most cases - just not visible to the plain eye).

Silynn wrote:

I hope the best performance lists get released soon, I want to see if mine still has B's on it!
No, it's still full of [Hards] :-)

Badis wrote:

Where is Cookiezi ?
Why am I on top 100 ?
The first pp system is good why change it ?
it isn't not good, hopefully ppv2 will be.

peppy wrote:

any system i make will always be realtive/statistic based. i guarantee it will be accurate (just as pp was in most cases - just not visible to the plain eye).
so ppv1 was accurate in your eyes.

and ppv2 is aswell.

then there shouldn't be too much of a difference between the two right?

well, I rose 2800 ranks (from 6200 to 3400), some people who were under the top thousand in ppv1 are now in the same area as me.

how can both systems be right if one says that I am much worse than another olayer, but the other says we are around the same level?
Why just not to implement decimal pp? People who received less than 1pp in many maps will be glad to see that!
And give more pp to nearly impossible maps people fc with nomod, it's very illogical to receive nothing for hard and 10pp for normals (ohai ctb)
holy shit im rank 307. how

peppy wrote:

I'm purposely excluding AR for the time being. This may change. We'll see :).
AR should not be counted IMO.
AR is just something that makes the map as readable as possible, not a difficulty factor like HP Drain. OD and CS.
If by a general common sense AR9 feels too hard for a map then it is wrong. Same for any AR.
AR shouldn't ever increase difficulty D:
BUUUT AR could be a good factor to recognize the easier maps and the super insane maps, so the insane ones could give more pp.

I am curious about how it will work at the end

[Luanny] wrote:

peppy wrote:

I'm purposely excluding AR for the time being. This may change. We'll see :).
AR should not be counted IMO.
AR is just something that makes the map as readable as possible, not a difficulty factor like HP Drain. OD and CS.
If by a general common sense AR9 feels too hard for a map then it is wrong. Same for any AR.
AR shouldn't ever increase difficulty D:
BUUUT AR could be a good factor to recognize the easier maps and the super insane maps, so the insane ones could give more pp.

I am curious about how it will work at the end
i hope im not confused, but isn't AR a difficulty factor?
it increases the felt speed of the Map and its pretty determing in CTB
God of Taiko
AR should be counted but not weight a lot imho.

[Luanny] wrote:

peppy wrote:

I'm purposely excluding AR for the time being. This may change. We'll see :).
AR should not be counted IMO.
AR is just something that makes the map as readable as possible, not a difficulty factor like HP Drain. OD and CS.
If by a general common sense AR9 feels too hard for a map then it is wrong. Same for any AR.
AR shouldn't ever increase difficulty D:
BUUUT AR could be a good factor to recognize the easier maps and the super insane maps, so the insane ones could give more pp.

I am curious about how it will work at the end
this is not the case when playing with mods

DT/HR both increase AR (DT relatively, HR absolutely)

they can increase the AR to values greater than AR10

while AR should not be a factor when considering no mod, if AR goes high enough when playing with mods it may be something to take into consideration. . .

however at the same time it can also come down to "high AR = memorization." while this is not always the case - ie,shilkey - it is how most really high AR plays are done... although at the same time, still impressive in its own right...

currently, I can agree with it not being considered though. but there are various things to consider about it. HR is very hard for me due to the AR, but I think that can be accounted for within the mod bonus itself. therefore, AR only becomes something of a special case when using the DT mod at AR9 or greater...

something like that.

but maybe that can be considered in the mod bonus as well. who knows~

Kingkevin30 wrote:

...and its pretty determing in CTB...
not relevant, current discussion is pertaining to a ranking system for osu!standard only
AR should be counted, it's a difficulty factor like the others. As you can be good to aim elements you can be good to read them, I don't see any good reason to remove the AR from the difficulty calculation.

Anyway I can't believe I'm #1085 sigh...

Is there any penalty for place in a certain map?
Or DT and FL+HD players will get the same amout of pp?
If AR is ever taken into account, it shouldn't give a linear bonus as it increases. I know peppy hates tp, but the way it does it is best, in my opinion; it gives a decent bonus (don't know the exact value) for approach rates over 10, and it gives a bonus for approach rates beneath 8 (which also increases the bonus to Hidden). This seems to make the most sense, since approach rates 8-10 are generally considered by most players to be the easiest approach rates to read.

As for Easy mod and HalfTime being worth equal values: I know it isn't final, but Easy should definitely be worth considerably more than HalfTime; perhaps 0.5x instead of 0.2x. Still, I don't think giving flat bonuses for mods is ever correct (unless they're Hidden and Flashlight), and I don't think that this kind of statistics-based system can work with that.

As for my opinion on ppv2 itself: I'm wondering how SapphireGhost wound up on #3, with both rrtyui and Niko beneath him. This (among many other anomalies) clearly is not in line with the players' actual skill. While rrtyui and Niko are extremely fast, extremely good at aim, and extremely accurate, SapphireGhost is just pretty good (certainly within the top 5) at aim, and his speed and accuracy aren't wonderful. I'm trying to figure out how this could happen, even in a testing phase. Honestly, I think (through nothing more than a hunch) that it has to do with mods giving flat bonuses instead of recalculating them based on the new map difficulty.

Niko and rrtyui often play maps with tons of ridiculous mods stacked on top, sometimes getting an accuracy of 95%-98% on ridiculous maps (which are only ridiculous because of the mods they threw on them). They can do this on maps which would easily have an average accuracy of 80% or so with most of the scores using NoFail or HalfTime; that is, if the "normal" map was the same as the map after DoubleTime is added. However, with the way things are currently calculated, it seems as if some of these scores would still be worth less than a mere Hidden SS, simply because mods only give a flat bonus, which clearly is not correct.

Also: Do mods affect the "OD" or "CS" value? For example, if I put HardRock on an OD 8 map, would my score be calculated as an OD 10 play?
Full Tablet

Kyou-kun wrote:

If AR is ever taken into account, it shouldn't give a linear bonus as it increases. I know peppy hates tp, but the way it does it is best, in my opinion; it gives a decent bonus (don't know the exact value) for approach rates over 10, and it gives a bonus for approach rates beneath 8 (which also increases the bonus to Hidden). This seems to make the most sense, since approach rates 8-10 are generally considered by most players to be the easiest approach rates to read.
While that would be accurate for experienced players, the comfortable AR range would be different for inexperienced players. The first months I played osu! AR6 was easier to read than AR8, for example.

Full Tablet wrote:

The first months I played osu! AR6 was easier to read than AR8, for example.
This would make you a huge anomaly. Almost no one feels this way except you, I can guarantee it. It must be quite disappointing that you didn't practice to keep this skill. ;)

Kyou-kun wrote:

Full Tablet wrote:

The first months I played osu! AR6 was easier to read than AR8, for example.
This would make you a huge anomaly. Almost no one feels this way except you, I can guarantee it. It must be quite disappointing that you didn't practice to keep this skill. ;)
I fully and genuinely disagree with this.

When you're a noob, and you don't know how to read stuff yet, there's no way an AR that's that fast will be easier than a middle/low range AR, because you were playing slower paced maps back then. That's like saying, Easys and Normals would be easier if they were AR7/8. They're not. They're like AR4-6, because that's the pace that the map goes at.

I agree with having a bonus with AR that's 10 or higher, but for anything else, it should just be left alone.
AR should be set for the players to play the map comfortable, it SHOULDN'T count as a bonus for the score unless it's really low (1-6) on hard maps or 10+ on any.

About the rankings themselves - a lot of players seem totally outplaced. I know it's still in the 'testing' phrase, but this shouldn't happen even now. WubWoofWoof has the advantage of 1000~ points over Niko for example, how come? Also the system seems to be giving some abnormal bonus for the nomod SS players (i.e. Moyaso and Rizzo in top10, they're good players, but not this good).

Want the best ranking? Get tp to work with and mix it along with pp. tp will still be more accurate than ppv2 because it bases on the actual difficulty of the map, not scores of other players. Best players will keep tp as their 'main' ranking to base on as the idea is simply clearer and unbiased.
I hope one thing is kept clear during the development stage of ppv2:

How much better one player is over another is a generally vague concept and for most players, you can't really tell. It's subjective.
There are three players who have proved they're FAR ABOVE the rest. They have multiple submitted scores that prove this conclusively and undeniably.

Any system that doesn't rate Cookiezi #1 rrtyui #2 and Niko #3 is broken. If something so transparent and obvious is not obvious to whatever system you're making, then this system simply doesn't function. If it can't even be accurate for the most obvious players, it sure as hell won't be accurate for everybody else down the list where it gets more vague.

fartownik wrote:

About the rankings themselves - a lot of players seem totally outplaced. I know it's still in the 'testing' phrase, but this shouldn't happen even now. WubWoofWoof has the advantage of 1000~ points over Niko for example, how come? Also the system seems to be giving some abnormal bonus for the nomod SS players (i.e. Moyaso and Rizzo in top10, they're good players, but not this good).
if I understand it correctly, the system heavily favours mediocre DT players and hurts actual pro DT players, since DT caps at 100% acc. so a 89% DT run is worth almost as much as a 100% DT run. it also hurts people who are really good at HD HR, but get outranked by people who spam low acc DT runs.

basically the whiole "fixed mods" thing won't work, as kyou-kun said.

Aqo wrote:

Any system that doesn't rate Cookiezi #1 rrtyui #2 and Niko #3 is broken. If something so transparent and obvious is not obvious to whatever system you're making, then this system simply doesn't function. If it can't even be accurate for the most obvious players, it sure as hell won't be accurate for everybody else down the list where it gets more vague.
Pretty much this.

If you actually want to improve on the previous system, then I think that this would be a very reasonable minimum requirement.
it would seem scores on this map is breaking the system atm haha

kriers wrote:

it would seem scores on this map is breaking the system atm haha
yea... i was just about to comment about it....

243 trillion ppv2.. okay

sounds legit.
Koko Ban

peppy wrote:

Koko Ban wrote:

i hate the "age" thing too. not only it will make older maps obsolete, it would make ranking a matter of who downloads a newly-ranked map and get an SS on it the fastest.
Re-read what I said. New maps are already considered.

while not really related to my concern, but i'm sure the age thing broke the system.
If the pp system is not based on the difficulty of the maps, then the system is obviously not going to accurately show the best players. also rrty and niko are 18 and 25 respectively on the current pp system. The new pp system is more accurate in this regard.

peppy wrote:

Basic things to note about calculation method:

* Accuracy based, not score. The main metric here is comparing your accuracy to the average achieved for that map. If you are above average, you will get pp. How far above average decides how much you get.
* Currently does not consider max combo (will likely be factored in).
* DoubleTime +14% (but caps at 100% accuracy), HardRock +8%, Flashlight +6%, Hidden +5%. Please don't bitch about these; subject to change.
* S/SS +2%, Perfect +1%
* Scores are still normalised in a similar fashion to ppv1 – see the wiki for details on that.

Beatmap Weighting:
* Weighted based on days since rank, where anything over than 1 year is worth ~10% of newer maps. Very recent ranks will get an initial low value until enough scores have been set on them. this is a logarithmic scale, more details to come.
* Weighted based on OD (overall difficulty). 70% for 1, 140% for 10, linear.
* Weighted based on CS (circle size). 80% for 1, 120% for 10, linear.
* Weighted based on ratio of perfect plays (no combo break). Kinda complex math, details coming later.
* Weighted based on average accuracy achieved by all plays, excluding outliers, relative to all other maps. This is kind of the telling factor, and works very well in practice.

I urge any criticism of these calculation methods to be based on very general assumptions, as nothing is in stone, and what I have said about is oversimplifying. Though I am trying to keep things as simple as possible.

Also keep in mind that raw pp is still about as useless as before. This is why when passing a map, I hope to show an exact number rather than the overall pp increase. If you have read and understand the pp v1 system and how it weights scores, you will understand how useless watching your raw pp increase is, and will understand why I want to change this. You will be seeing the raw pp obtained for the map on passing it (if anything), not the post-weighted total.
Somone should add this to the thread first post, and if possible, at the top of the ppv2 ranking listings.
hard to freeze
I passed this map,and then my ppv2 increased up to thausands of this a bug?
Oh god this is getting out of control.

hard to freeze wrote: this a bug?
This is obviously an intended feature. You are officially better than Cookiezi becauise old maps get easier after a while. Cookiezi will never be able to beat the likes of you.
Shohei Ohtani

hard to freeze wrote:
I passed this map,and then my ppv2 increased up to thausands of this a bug?

fartownik wrote:

AR should be set for the players to play the map comfortable, it SHOULDN'T count as a bonus for the score unless it's really low (1-6) on hard maps or 10+ on any.
AR should make the maps nice to read, not hard.
Bonus with AR shouldn't exist. About HR it should count as HR bonus because it increases OD, HP and reduces CS. It's not only about the AR
Again, if by a general common sense the AR is making the map harder, it is probably set wrong.
*cough*banned forever*cough*


winber1 wrote:

kriers wrote:

it would seem scores on this map is breaking the system atm haha
yea... i was just about to comment about it....

243 trillion ppv2.. okay

sounds legit.
proof that americans are the best

god bless
suppose you FCed the airman with Hidden and Flashlight ,beating Cookiezi's score ,while your accuracy is only 94percent so it's worthless cuz FLASHLIGHT IS AN EASY MOD?

quantum-rose wrote:

suppose you FCed the airman with Hidden and Flashlight ,beating Cookiezi's score ,while your accuracy is only 94percent so it's worthless cuz FLASHLIGHT IS AN EASY MOD?
yeah flashlight is an easy mod and is for scrubs not to mention anyone who fcs airman with that mod combination is hacking

apaffy wrote:

winber1 and kriers wrote:

it would seem scores on this map is breaking the system atm haha
yea... i was just about to comment about it....

243 trillion ppv2.. okay

sounds legit.
proof that americans are the best

god bless

Ohey I'm in this picture! :D
I know this a thread about ppv2, but...

peppy wrote:

difficulty reduction mods atm:
Glad to see NF get a buff. :D EZ mod 0.2* seems a little unfair however, considering it's already impossible to get a good rank with EZ mod on most maps at 0.5* as it is. I'm guessing it's to dissuade people from farming simple SS ranks if the new system is accuracy based? I could keep this discussion to a feature request thread for multiplier rebalancing if you want though.
I'm curious whether adding mods is going to factor into how your accuracy is weighted. The way you described the new system is that it averages all the accuracy accumulated on a map (even no mod accuracy) and if you're above this number, then you get pp. Wouldn't the number of no mod accuracy far outweigh the accuracy obtained with mods and thus give an unrealistic accuracy requirement for when you use mods even if you FC?

Some concerns:

Will beating your old rank with a mod with lower accuracy make you lose more weight than the mod gives?

How will casual players/ those starting out with the game get PP?

Maps of equal difficulty are weighed inequally because of ranked date. I don't want my daily osu! playing to feel like I'm just playing maps just to recover the pp lost from aged plays. Also those of us who enjoy playing older songs or maps will be punished with constantly depleting rank even if they perform well.

Does ppv2 favor farming? Under this system it seems like it would be more beneficial to play as many songs as possible since the pp is given based on accuracy instead of rank. Is ppv2 based on accuracy relative to your rank in that map or every rank in that map? What benefit is there to try to improve your PB when you could just play a new map instead?

Piotrekol wrote:

Badis wrote:

Where is Cookiezi ?
Why am I on top 100 ?

MillhioreF wrote:

Before posting here, read the text at the top of the ppv2 page. Please. It's five lines.

Badis wrote:

The first pp system is good why change it ?
farm hards and get high rank yeah... good.
ppv1 not perfect but not bad , but I dont think ppv2 is better . Well I don't understand why choose to base on acc but no score .
In osu mod combo is important , more combo means more score and then I may get pp base on my score .
Now i don't need full combo to get pp because it base on acc.
So is that means a guy can get more pp with 1miss 97acc than a guy with full combo and 93acc? :o
I will hate the new system if this become true :(
ppv1 was already "no one cares about your skill, just be accurate and gg", this one just makes the whole thing worse :D

But yeah, I'm well aware that this is just testing phase. I hope stuff changes asap.
I think the OD multipliers are pretty unfair. And I don't say this because I did any sort of calculations (even though the numbers given don't make a whole lot of sense to me), but because some of the best accuracy players in the game that play Hidden+HardRock primarily are getting unfair ranks:

PeaChick: #11-->#167
Nitro: #42-->#261
KeigoClear: #55-->#349
pooptartsonas: #497-->#505

(Note: At the time I looked up these ranks, there were 135 players who had bugged ranks so I subtracted 135 from the ppv2 ranks of each of these players. I acknowledge that this will be inaccurate due to high ranked players who were bugged, but that would only raise the ranks of the listed players proving my point further.)

On the other hand, Rizzo is in the top 10 as a nomod SS player on primarily OD7/OD8 difficulties, and an SS on OD7/OD8 realistically only translates to around a 98% on OD10 (I think). And perhaps if this issue were sorted out, it would fix some of the other less extreme examples (e.g. rrtyui rising in ranks because of his ridiculous HR scores).

Just my two cents (probably biased as a HDHR player).

pooptartsonas wrote:

I think the OD multipliers are pretty unfair. And I don't say this because I did any sort of calculations (even though the numbers given don't make a whole lot of sense to me), but because some of the best accuracy players in the game that play Hidden+HardRock primarily are getting unfair ranks:

PeaChick: #11-->#167
Nitro: #42-->#261
KeigoClear: #55-->#349
pooptartsonas: #497-->#505

(Note: At the time I looked up these ranks, there were 135 players who had bugged ranks so I subtracted 135 from the ppv2 ranks of each of these players. I acknowledge that this will be inaccurate due to high ranked players who were bugged, but that would only raise the ranks of the listed players proving my point further.)

On the other hand, Rizzo is in the top 10 as a nomod SS player on primarily OD7/OD8 difficulties, and an SS on OD7/OD8 realistically only translates to around a 98% on OD10 (I think). And perhaps if this issue were sorted out, it would fix some of the other less extreme examples (e.g. rrtyui rising in ranks because of his ridiculous HR scores).

Just my two cents (probably biased as a HDHR player).
more like SS on od7 translates to like 93-95% on od10
Something went wrong, lel

Kitsunemimi wrote:

When you're a noob, and you don't know how to read stuff yet, there's no way an AR that's that fast will be easier than a middle/low range AR, because you were playing slower paced maps back then. That's like saying, Easys and Normals would be easier if they were AR7/8. They're not. They're like AR4-6, because that's the pace that the map goes at.

I agree with having a bonus with AR that's 10 or higher, but for anything else, it should just be left alone.
The below 8 bonuses are small enough on tp, anyway; an Easy map having AR 5 will still only be worth like 1-4 (as opposed to several hundred, which the mainly 9 and 10 AR difficult maps are worth). If pp does it properly, the low AR bonus won't mean anything for an Easy map anyway. Still, I disagree with you. Get a friend to hop on osu!, send him a relatively easy Insane modified to AR 6, then send him the same map on AR 8-10. I almost guarantee he'll do better on the AR 8-10 one (though for some people, 10 might be a tad too fast when they first start). Perhaps let him get 1000-2000 play count before trying it to make sure he can actually play Insanes, though.

I still don't see how pp can work with flat bonuses on mods. Of course a DTHD 95% is better than a HD 100% on a 190 BPM stream map. 285 BPM streams with bleh accuracy vs. 190 BPM streams with good accuracy? This is also why I think pp needs to have a system like tp for rating each individual stat. tp would give the 95% DTHD score an extremely high "speed" rating, but a much lower "accuracy" rating than the 100% 190 BPM, which makes perfect sense. This means that if the 190 BPM stream map SS is worth 130 accuracy (a modestly high value), that player will still get good "accuracy" tp (though next to no "speed" tp) for being so accurate. With pp, there's only one stat, which kind of screws things over.

I don't like bringing up tp because of how much peppy dislikes it and dislikes Tom94, but it's still sadly much much better than ppv2 (even if you discount the ridiculous glitched stats). With flat bonuses on mods and giving pp based on relative accuracy, I don't think it's possible to make a good rating system. This could work, perhaps, if it only took nomod scores into account (or it even might not work with that); however, a rating system like that would be extremely gay.

Blue Dragon wrote:

ppv1 was already "no one cares about your skill, just be accurate and gg", this one just makes the whole thing worse :D

But yeah, I'm well aware that this is just testing phase. I hope stuff changes asap.
What do you think a Rhythm game is about

(I still think in rhythm games only the highest judgment, or highest 2 for games with many judgements, should keep combo)
Topic Starter
And as expected, this thread. o/

Also ppv2 listing down for now due to a bug somewhere. Will be back when resolved.
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