
REDALiCE ft. Ayumi Nomiya - Crime Wave

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2013年8月6日 at 23:56:26

Artist: REDALiCE ft. Ayumi Nomiya
Title: Crime Wave
Source: Touhou
Tags: satellite dagger-gazel ALiCE'S EMOTiON 東方緋想天 ibuki suika saigetsu broken moon Scarlet Weather Rhapsody Rhapsody c78 comiket
BPM: 156
Filesize: 6250kb
Play Time: 02:52
Difficulties Available:
  1. Gazel's Hard (4.9 stars, 411 notes)
  2. Normal (3.17 stars, 140 notes)
  3. Lunatic (5 stars, 550 notes)
Download: REDALiCE ft. Ayumi Nomiya - Crime Wave
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
BG from
Gazel's Hard by Satellite
这是一个IRC的MOD :)

23:05 DELiS: satesateさん
23:05 DELiS: いまひま??
23:05 Satellite:いいよ!
23:05 DELiS: test playをお願いしたい.-------------.
23:06 *DELiS is listening to [ ALiCE'S EMOTiON - Crime Wave]
23:06 Satellite: <3
23:12 DELiS: ところどころたいみんぐ難しそうだけど
23:12 DELiS: ダイジョウブカナ・・
23:12 Satellite: 全体を通した間奏としては
23:12 Satellite: 感想
23:12 Satellite: 極端に右下によってる箇所が
23:12 Satellite: 2,3かいあったけど
23:12 Satellite: 左下と左上に全く行かないから
23:12 DELiS: wwwwwww
23:12 Satellite: 全体と見ては右に寄ってるイメージがあったかな
23:13 DELiS: まったく気づかなかった
23:13 DELiS: ヤッパpro mapper違うナ・・
23:17 Satellite: 完全スタックは
23:17 Satellite: 00:58:047 (6) - ここだけだから
23:17 DELiS: ほとんど
23:17 DELiS: 01:12:855 (1,2,3) -
23:17 DELiS: このへんマズそうだった
23:17 Satellite: パターンかえたほうがいいかも?
23:17 Satellite: それは大丈夫
23:18 DELiS: ソコ変えたほうがいいのか・・
23:18 Satellite: あとは
23:18 Satellite: DT防止にもなるしAR+1募
23:18 DELiS: DTmapにしたかったけど
23:18 DELiS: 想像以上にムズかった
23:18 Satellite: (私DT嫌いだからAR+1)
23:18 DELiS: ;__;
23:18 DELiS: 前向きに検討します
23:20 Satellite: 曲調的には
23:20 Satellite: 悲しい歌?
23:21 DELiS: ど、どうなんだろう・・
23:21 Satellite: あんまりきいてないからわかんないけど
23:21 Satellite: きいてみる
23:21 Satellite: 夜空見上げてって歌詞あるから
23:22 Satellite: 夜空のBGのほうがいいかも?
23:22 Satellite: 夜って単語もはいってるし
23:22 DELiS: BG探すスキル持ってない.-------------------------...........
23:22 DELiS: ガンバル・・
23:22 Satellite: まったく
23:22 Satellite: リサイズしてないけど
23:22 Satellite:
23:22 Satellite:
23:22 Satellite: こんなイメージ沸いた
23:22 DELiS: wwwwwwwwwwww
23:23 DELiS: はっやw
23:23 Satellite: うーん
23:23 Satellite: やっぱかわいい系+月?
23:24 Satellite: つきないけど夜
23:24 Satellite:
23:24 Satellite: かわいい!
23:24 Satellite: 月 宴 夜 をとると
23:24 DELiS: イイネ
23:25 Satellite:
23:25 DELiS: てか、みんなそんな考えてBG探してるのwwwwww
23:25 Satellite: こういうのもあり?
23:25 Satellite: 私は歌詞から
23:25 Satellite: 拾って背景とマッチさせるかな
23:26 Satellite: まあ私の主観だからw
23:26 Satellite: このままでも
23:26 Satellite: かわいい!
23:26 Satellite: すいかちゃんかわいい!
23:26 Satellite: って感じ
23:26 DELiS: お、おk・・・
23:26 DELiS: BGは難しそうだしとりあえずkeepデ・・
23:26 Satellite: ぉぅぃぇ
23:29 DELiS: そういえば、さっき
23:29 DELiS: 00:57:470 (5,6) -
23:29 DELiS: ここ画面からはみ出てる?みたいなこと言われたんだけど
23:29 DELiS: 直したほうがいいかな
23:29 Satellite:
23:30 Satellite: スタック部分がはみ出てるくらいだから
23:30 Satellite: スタックさせないで
23:30 Satellite: 少しだけもう少し中に曲げれば
23:30 Satellite: いいんじゃないかな!
23:31 Satellite: 02:35:739 (1) -
23:31 Satellite: 音的にはCtrl+G
23:31 Satellite: 02:35:932 - ここでチカラ入るから飛ばしても良い感じに思う
23:32 DELiS: ok~
23:32 Satellite: 01:25:162 (1,2,3) -
23:32 Satellite: 02:39:009 (1,2,3) -
23:32 Satellite: 許容範囲内だけど
23:32 Satellite: Tickがない速度変化はアンランク要素でこれくらいなら
23:32 Satellite: ぜんぜんセーフだけど
23:32 Satellite: 指摘されないように全部Ncいれれても
23:32 Satellite: いいかも
23:32 Satellite: いれてても*
23:33 Satellite: 演出にもなるしいいんじゃないかな
23:33 Satellite: もっとジャンプさせてもいいし
23:33 DELiS: とりあえずncした!
23:33 DELiS: 01:26:316 (2) - 02:40:162 (2) -
23:36 DELiS: えっと
23:36 DELiS: ここもncしたほうがいいかな~
23:36 DELiS: って
23:37 Satellite: ああw
23:37 Satellite: そこもいれててもいいかもねw
23:37 Satellite: でもいれなくてもいいよb
23:37 DELiS: ok~
23:37 DELiS: どっちだあw
23:37 DELiS: じゃあ、イレマス
23:37 Satellite: あいー
23:37 Satellite: 02:27:662 (2,3) -
23:37 Satellite: 2と3入れ替えてみて
23:37 Satellite: どうかな?
23:37 Satellite: こういうパターンすきそうだなっておもって
23:37 Satellite: 提案してみた
23:38 Satellite: 02:29:201 (6,7) - 同様かわかんないけどここも入れ替えどうかな
23:39 DELiS: 02:29:201 (6,7) - こっちはかえた!
23:39 DELiS: 前者はとりあえず保留かな・・
23:39 Satellite: ほいほいー
23:39 DELiS: もしかしたら後でかえるかも
23:39 Satellite: それくらいー
23:39 DELiS: ok
23:40 Satellite: DELiSさんの譜面
23:40 Satellite: いうことないれす
23:40 DELiS: うえええ
23:41 Satellite: 00:41:701 (6) - x296 y68くらい
23:41 Satellite: どうかな
23:41 Satellite: Hideしてるからこっちにとばすとか・・・
23:42 Satellite: 00:44:585 (5,6) - 細かいけどこれも逆のほうが流れ綺麗じゃないかなあ
23:43 Satellite: 01:00:643 (1) - こっちも後ろにあわせてストリーム拾ったほうがいいんじゃないかな
23:43 Satellite: 難易度的にもあがるし、いいと思う
23:43 Satellite: スピンだと
23:43 Satellite: 01:01:701 (1) -
23:43 Satellite: ここが叩きづらいイメージ
23:44 DELiS: ok~
23:44 Satellite: 01:04:585 (8) - 細かいけど x260 y228で綺麗に見えるし流れが綺麗だと思う
23:44 Satellite: 一応6を基準に次の1へと
23:44 Satellite: ブランケットの意味あいで
23:45 DELiS: なおした!
23:46 Satellite: 01:24:778 (7,8) - 後半は
23:46 Satellite: ここ5連打だけど前半は
23:46 Satellite: 01:24:970 (8) - もうこれ1に重ねて3連打にしてみるとかは?
23:46 Satellite:
23:46 Satellite: こういう意味で
23:47 Satellite: 01:30:547 (5) - なんかもったいない
23:47 DELiS: なになんかもったいないってwwwww
23:47 Satellite: 流れがなあ
23:48 DELiS: というと・・
23:48 Satellite: たとえば
23:48 Satellite: 01:29:778 (1,2,3,4) - ここを
23:48 Satellite:
23:48 Satellite: こんな感じにしちゃって
23:49 Satellite: 4と2の間隔上に
23:49 Satellite:
23:49 Satellite: スライダーもってくるとか?
23:49 Satellite: 最初の形のままだと
23:49 Satellite: 4からの流れが
23:50 Satellite: あまり綺麗に見えないきがするんだよね
23:50 Satellite:
23:50 Satellite: おそらく1からを意識して
23:50 Satellite: このスライダーを引いてるのだと思うけど
23:50 Satellite: うーん。って感じかなあ
23:51 Satellite: 01:33:624 (4) - ここは後半のパターンと)統一性を出すために add Nc
23:51 DELiS: わすれてました
23:51 Satellite: 01:39:009 (3) - 2.24のDS間隔で
23:51 Satellite: 飛ばしていいと思う
23:52 Satellite: あとは
23:52 Satellite: さび開始の
23:52 Satellite: 01:14:393 (1) -
23:52 Satellite: この頭にFinishだけじゃなくてClapもいれてみたら?
23:52 Satellite: 後半同様
23:52 DELiS: うるさくない?_ww
23:52 Satellite: パンチ効いていいと思うけどどうだろうw
23:53 DELiS: 大丈夫ぽい
23:53 DELiS: いれた!

好运 :) Star <3
Topic Starter
nice :D
Topic Starter
star arigato ;) /
Okay, let's see.

  1. 02:49:393 (1) - forgot a whistle here?
  1. Try decreasing the HP Drain by 1.
  2. 00:48:047 (7) - one grid up.
  3. 01:07:855 (1) - remove one reverse and add a circle there instead, like this: .
  4. 01:16:124 (2) - not properly stacked with the head of 01:14:778 (2) .
  5. 01:19:970 (5,6,7) - move this triplet one grid to the left so it would be in the same place on x axis as 01:19:393 (2) .
  6. 01:29:778 (1) - I suggest unstacking this since you were using stacks after those short vocal breaks, and those were 1/1 - a 1/4 stack right after feels kind of off. What about something like: ?
  7. 02:01:893 (6) - one grid down and one to the right.
  8. 02:16:316 (1) - remove new combo here and at 02:16:701 (1) , then add a new one at 02:17:085 (3) , and remove at 02:17:470 (1) .
  9. 02:21:701 (1) - same as 01:07:855 (1) .
Nothing much to complain about, great job!
Topic Starter
almost fixed,thanks you for modding ~ cheat modder sanヾ(・ε・`*)

and moved to pending
Hi! mod from my queue


00:39:009 (3) - make a better blancket with 00:39:778 (4) -
00:54:393 (4) - maybe copy/paste the form of this 00:53:624 (3) - slider
01:10:547 (4) - make a better blancket with 01:11:316 (1) -
02:04:393 (2) - delete whistle at the end?
02:35:162 (2,4) - stack them better

Gazel's HARD

nothing to say here... very good diff!


00:44:778 - add a note here
00:46:316 - ^
00:55:355 (7) - move this to y:223
01:58:624 - add note
also this is a good diff!

that's all, good luck with rank! ;)
Topic Starter
done :D

01:39:009 -
01:51:316 -
01:45:162 -

01:53:624 (4,1) -
01:54:393 (1,2) -

Gazel's Hard
00:43:432 (5,6) -
00:43:624 (1) -

00:55:739 (5,6) -

01:39:009 -
01:45:162 -

02:09:585 (5,6) -

02:24:970 (5,6) -





All nochange.



thanks modding :)
Topic Starter
えりーちゃんありがとー :D
HI~ DELiS and Satellite

  • alice's emotion <3 and clean

  1. 00:37:470 maybe remove whistle sound a little bad finish is enought to start the song imo
  2. 00:38:239 (4,5) - this rhythm dont follow the song really good why you dont try this to follow the song properly:
  3. 00:40:066 same as above
  4. 00:44:105 add circle here ignore 3/4 rhythm is really weird on the high diff of the mapset
  5. 00:44:778 I dont know why you are ignoring the main beat of the song here is really strong this should be mapped
  6. 00:46:316 same as above
  7. 00:48:432 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - this is overmap o.o I know you are following vocals but follow the bg musci better anyways keep it how u like it
  8. 00:49:009 add finish it empathize this place really nice
  9. 00:54:009 (5,3) - add whistles for consistencya with all the others 00:53:624 (3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4) -
  10. 00:55:162 add NC for make this readable
  11. 01:01:316 maybe convert the last circle in the stream in 1/4 slider to empathize the next 1/4 rhythm also this help the player to recover a little the hp if they play bad the previous stream
  12. 01:09:778 NC for the sake of readability with the next jumps
  13. 01:10:066 I preffer if you move this to x:256 y:192 (center of the grid) and this other 01:10:355 to x:456 y:32 gonna play alot better
  14. 01:11:316 this 1/4 jump is a little extreme I know is fun I suggest to you make the previous slider 01:11:124 a little curved to the left to make the jump with natural flow
  15. 01:25:162 (1,1,1,1) - this NC spam dont make sense for me better remove atleast 01:25:547 and 01:25:932
  16. 02:11:316 this slider shape make me sad since your map got a nice fow but that slider broke it try to make it curved just with 3 points
  17. really nice diff is fun and the flow is natural almost in all the map

  1. 00:38:239 (3,4) - turn off gridsnap and stack they perfect yeah I know so nazi huehue
  2. 00:39:778 (3,4) - same as above huehue 1 grid lol
  3. 00:45:162 when i was testing the map i think i fail here when note cuz the slider is almost inaudible add a whistle so the player can notice he click it properly
  4. 00:55:162 soft finish fit alot better normal finish sound weird
  5. 00:55:932 remove clap finish is enought here
  6. 00:59:778 (1,1) - remove new combos what is the sense of they? o.o
  7. 01:00:547 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - this is nice for an insane diff but not for a hard try this:
  8. 01:07:855 (3,4,5,6) - same try to add a 1/4 repeat instead this is just a hard
  9. 01:27:085 (2,3,4,1,2,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,1,2,3,4) - woa add some slider this a little hard for ¨hard diff players ¨
  10. 02:14:393 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - same as 01:00:547 this is not ok for hard
  11. 02:21:701 (3,4,5,6) - ^
  12. 02:29:009 new combo for better readability for the jump o.o
  13. 02:46:316 (4,5,6,7,1) - same as he others streams in this diff
  14. 02:46:701 (1,1,1) - this feel so empty why you dont map atleast the vocal there to make this part a little fun?
  15. yeah is a nice diff just that part i mentioned in my mod bother me cuz they are not for a hard diff imo

  1. This is a normal no a easy go atleast AR 4 hp 3
  2. 00:37:470 same as Lunatic
  3. 00:38:239 reduce this 1/2 since in your way gonna have alot of new players failing there
  4. 00:45:162 fix distance with previous im begin so much nazi? orz dont slap me :c
  5. 00:56:701 exactly the same as 00:38:239
  6. 01:13:624 I preffer if you convert this one on 1/1 slider since the actually way is inaccurate for newbies
  7. 01:34:393 this gonna sound better if you add a repeat on it empathize the next downbeat and vocal with it if you follow this be sure to fix the spacing
  8. 01:52:085 same as 00:38:239
  9. 01:59:778 ^ same as above since the actually rhythm is so hard to follow for newbies
  10. 02:04:393 ^
  11. another nice diff

Nicemap I really like all the diffs specially ¨Lunatic¨shooting a star here and looking foward to see this ranked soon
nice map and song \o/
Umm, isn't ~37s a little bit too long for an intro?
Soft-hitnormal suggestion:
Love the jumps <3

01:09:778 (3) - move this to the right for a polygon => more symmetry between 1-2-3
02:12:085 (4) - 1 1/2 beat slider like
02:14:778 (3) - all slider is in finish sound

Gazel's Hard
02:20:162 (1) - make this into 1 1/2 beat slider?
02:22:855 (1,1) - every end should be in finish, sounds better
02:39:009 (1,1,1) - remove clap, only finish

none :D you did a great job ♥

Very good map ♥ you have my star for this ♥ good luck on getting it ranked :D (I hope it'll be soon ;P can't wait ♥)
Topic Starter

thank you all ;)
Hello there!

General: Consider changing the song file to fade out where the notes stop.


This chart is very good. These are the only things I caught.

01:13:624 (4) - Note comes up very quickly. I understand why it is there, but it just comes up pretty fast compared to the rest of the song. Maybe consider removing it.
02:27:470 (4) - Same as above.

[Gazel's Hard]

01:25:355 (2,2,2) - I would put some hit sounds on these. At the moment, the feel awkward to hit.
01:27:855 (1) - Consider un-stacking this and note 4. I kept hitting early. - Never mind, it's okay.
01:27:855 (1,2) - This quick combo is kinda confusing to read the first time you're playing it, since it's only 2 numbers, you can easily confuse 2 with the next 2 in the combo. I would either combine the combo with the one after it, or extend the combo one more note.
01:29:393 (1,2) - Same as above.
01:29:393 (1) - Same as above, but note 5 instead of note 4. - Never mind. This is good.
02:13:624 (1,1) - I would make these farther apart. At this point in the map, we are used to notes this close together occurring faster.
02:43:239 (1,2) - I had a similar mod above, again, I think the combo should be combined or extended a note to make it easier to read.
02:48:829 (2) -Is this combo off the screen? Nah, it's not. This note is good.


00:49:201 (2,3) - I would move these closer. As of right now, they are very hard for me to hit. Also, the spacing implies that they occur later.
01:01:509 (1,2,3) - I feel like this chain doesn't really match the sound or the beat of this song.I would maybe put a slider at 9 instead of a circle to fill the gap, if you decide to get rid of this combo.
01:12:855 (1,2,3) - I would decrease the distance snapping on this combo just a little bit. I was hitting all of these notes early.
01:37:470 (1,2,3,4) - This is really confusing to read. Either spread this chain out like the 2 chains after it, or make the 2 chains after it have similar spacing to this one. This spacing of the chains after this, imply that the notes come slower, but they don't, causing a lot of missed notes (for me, at least) even after 5 or 6 playthroughs.
01:38:624 (1,2,3) - I would move these closer. The current spacing implies that notes 2 and 3 occur later than they actually do.
01:32:085 (4) - I would bring this note closer to the notes 3 and 5, a bit hard to hit at its current position, in my opinion.
02:01:509 (2,3) - These notes are too far apart for how fast 3 occurs.
02:02:278 (2,3,4) - I think this combo might be okay, but I think it is really hard to hit. Consider tweaking and moving around these slider so that they are easy to hit.
02:21:701 (1) - This note is probably okay, but keep in mind how low it is on the board.
02:26:701 (1,2,3) - I would spread this combo out just a little bit.

This is a great map so far! I hope I helped in someway, good luck! :D
[ Zzz ]


hp+1 AR +1

[Gazel's Hard]

HP - 1

01:30:355 (4) - No Jump


HP -1

I'm sorry ...
Very good map
We cannot think of more than to mod

+ Star!!
From modding queue
Rhythm is perfect good to go! <( ' , '<)!
  1. 01:25:162 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - bring these a little bit closer
  2. 02:24:585 (2,3,4) - touching off screen move up
  3. I don't know if its just my skills or this 00:42:662 (4) and 00:42:855 (1) are out of my reach.
Good map hope it gets ranked.
Topic Starter
thanks you for modding~
Hi via
A little mod, I hope it's useful for you :>


02:17:855 (4) - change it to 02:17:085 (3) ctrl + H ,ctrl + J
02:51:316 (1) - Add finish

Gazel's Hard

00:37:855 - Add a note with clap
00:40:932 (3) - Add clap also ?
01:02:085 (1) - Head finish whistle, reverse clap, end whistle to correspond with 01:05:162 (1) ?
01:10:547 (1) - Add finish
01:22:855 (1) - Parallel with 01:22:855 (3)
01:38:143 (4) - Add clap
01:54:970 (2) - Add whistle
02:40:932 (2) - I think no need to add finish here


01:13:624 (1,2,3,4,1) - Make these a cleaner star :3
02:06:701 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1) - ^
02:27:470 (1,2,3,4,1) - ^

Nice map and good luck for rank! :3
Topic Starter
Taking from #modreqs as I promised. !

There are some tag you can add : REDALiCE 東方緋想天 ~ Scarlet Weather Rhapsody Rhapsody c78 comiket

01:15:932 (3,1) - not too sure if this spacing is intentional. is it correct?

Gazel's Hard
01:34:970 (3,1) - Subjective opinion, I think (3) doesn't go to (1) well. The direction from (3) (which is not straight to the next one) and different new combo color between them make it a bit confusing on first try so I suggest you do something here. fix combo color, change direction, or whatever you are comfortable to do.
02:20:547 (1) - This NC isn't necessary. It's still in the same phrase as 02:20:162 (1) -
02:48:816 (2,1) - same as 01:34:970 (3,1) -
a bit too hard from Normal diff but I think it's fine!

Some hitsounds I personally find them a bit strange but that could be your preferences. Nice Lunatic

Nice map. Star more !~ Good luck :)
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