
livetune - Star Story

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2013年7月23日 at 18:43:58

Artist: livetune
Title: Star Story
Tags: Hatsune Miku tell your world ep kz Vocaloid2 Nymph
BPM: 70
Filesize: 10126kb
Play Time: 04:34
Difficulties Available:
  1. Hard (4.48 stars, 453 notes)
  2. Normal (2.88 stars, 308 notes)
Download: livetune - Star Story
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
I'm serious. I want to remap this beautiful song.
storyboard by kodomonoyume, thank you!
02:03:647 - ~ 03:15:647 - - Done by Nymph

whee, if you want to feel how bad my old is: <_<
i like song

00:36:218 (3,4,1,2,3) - Its difficult for me to get 300 with DT.
03:56:790 (4) - If u want to change I want you to put about (384,208) , but its not bad :D
04:05:147 (2,3) - intentional spacing?

how nice map!
I think this map will be ranked soon. :D

I passed Hard mode with DT (acc 99.56%)
Star Story ( I Small Mod)

Tick display epilepsy warning

Delete SB Bios from break 2 and 3 (break 2 : 03:12:647 and break 3 : 04:10:718)

Oops!!! Is so Hard to use Hardrock on normal


Good Luck~~ :)
Topic Starter

waxman wrote:


00:36:218 (3,4,1,2,3) - Its difficult for me to get 300 with DT. //I would say keeping this for now. Let see if other modder say so.
03:56:790 (4) - If u want to change I want you to put about (384,208) , but its not bad :D //would love to keep this as it balances with 03:37:076 (3) -
04:05:147 (2,3) - intentional spacing? //Yes! I made this to fit the pitch.

gokugohan12468 wrote:

Tick display epilepsy warning

Delete SB Bios from break 2 and 3 (break 2 : 03:12:647 and break 3 : 04:10:718)

Oops!!! Is so Hard to use Hardrock on normal
CS-1 //This is normal not easy you know - -
Thanks anyway~
o3o/ hiii random here just because of the song *-*)

  1. 00:03:647 (1,2) - what about to make with slider (2) a little blanket for the (1) ?
  2. 00:12:218 (1,2,3,4) - i don't really agree to stack circles like this in a easier diff of a mapset ;_;
  3. 00:19:076 (3) - what about to curve it a bit to make a blanket with 00:20:361 (4) - ?
  4. 01:01:504 (4,1,2) - what about to make this pattern like:
  5. 01:07:933 (4) - what about to make this slider like:
  6. 02:24:218 (1) - i think it will flow better like:
  7. 02:39:218 (3) - i think you should remove this one circle because there is no sound in the song
  8. and add one here 02:39:647 - since you missed a sound here
  1. 01:32:147 (2,3,4,1,2,1) - i ask me why such a complicate patternin a relaxing song? ;_; what about something like:

  2. 02:23:790 (5,6) - how about to doit like:
  3. 03:32:790 (1,1) - what about to stack this 2 objects perfectly?

good luck *-*)/ and have a staru-chan <3
As you request via in-game PM

不服但還是想玩怎麼辦 (逃


clear !


00:56:790 (3) - 選取00:56:790 (3,4)後一同移動到(251,152),為的是讓00:55:076 (1,2,3)呈現等間距

01:25:933 (6) - a tiny stuff. (1.3x DS)把這slider移動到(291,350)讓它跟01:25:076 (5)呈一個perfect☆blanket
改完後調整一下01:27:218 (1,2),you know what I mean.

01:59:790 (3) - (1.4x DS)移動到(296,205),理由也是blanket。然後02:00:647 (1)微調到(427,160)以修正間距(1.4x DS)


00:07:076 (3) - 相較前面00:01:504 (2,3)、00:03:218 (5,1)之間的間距,00:06:647 (2,3)的間距就顯得過短了些,感覺無端縮小間距有點不舒適。把00:07:076 (3,4,5)一同選取後移動到(340,300)之類的位置 ?

00:12:218 (1,2,3,4) - 想提一下我對這邊的看法。由於這邊音調漸低,如果是我我會做一個逐漸縮短間距的的效果而不是逐漸加大,感覺會比較合音樂

00:36:218 (3,4,1,2,3) - 之前那個modder提出的似乎不無道理,其實我覺得這裡的節奏不是很舒適,但是目前這樣的確還是有跟著節奏在走的。節奏不是很好認,所以至少把這邊的重疊各種 (不完全1/4重疊 + 1/1重疊 + 1/2重疊)擺的乾淨些lol,把00:37:718 (2)移動到(314,112),這樣好讀多了。 然後應該不用擔心00:39:433 (5)的尾部跟00:37:718 (2)相碰不美觀,我test之後看起來影響不大

02:11:361 (7) - 在(117,194)才是和02:10:076 (4)完全重疊。no grid重疊不看座標只看眼力是不可靠的=.= 我剛開始no grid製圖也只靠眼力,後來都乖乖看座標了lol

03:43:076 (4) - 點一下03:41:147 (1)會發現它在(178,112)而不是(179,113)

04:00:218 (1) - 事實上我覺得這邊ctrl + g滿爽的,03:59:790 (5,1,2,3,1,2) - 這flow感覺還延續了這麼長,試試不 ?

04:11:790 (4) - 我知道你的圖向來flow相較其他mapper顯的曲折了點,但這邊我覺得需要提一下,04:11:790 (4)使其ctrl + g後,不管是04:11:361 (3,4)之間或04:11:790 (4,1)之間的銜接足以減輕移動壓力和增加舒適感,我相信大部分人會比較喜歡這樣的flow的 (包含我在內)

04:16:504 (4,5) - 由於2個sliders間隔1/1拍頭尾不完全重疊是在這難度首次出現,有些玩家可能會有點措手不及,給這兩個sliders都加上NC,不僅幫助讀圖,還能強調這auti-jump的存在感

我覺得比較可惜的是第2段kiai time相較於其他兩段無聊了些,只用了一些簡單的重疊跳,跳的數量遠比其他兩段少,設計感也相對低下。但除了這點之外就沒什麼能抱怨的,很好的圖:>
from in-game


00:01:504 (2,4) - 我觉得你把whistle加这边更好听。
01:27:433 (2) - 结尾大鼓落下了
02:13:504 (4,5,1) - 我感觉可以稍微修一下。。。
02:39:218 (3,4,1) - 我知道你跟hit-hat但是感觉这放normal真的挺不好理解的。。
02:44:790 我感觉好像没换军鼓啊。。

00:24:218 (5) - 我觉得这边做个小跳比蹲舒服
01:07:718 (5,1,2) - 我觉得你干脆2放上NC然后1的摘下去。。反正我是读错了

Topic Starter

Lally wrote:

o3o/ hiii random here just because of the song *-*)

  1. 00:03:647 (1,2) - what about to make with slider (2) a little blanket for the (1) ? //It's weird to do a blanket for a short slider imo, would keep it.
  2. 00:12:218 (1,2,3,4) - i don't really agree to stack circles like this in a easier diff of a mapset ;_; //I don't agree with you too sorry. This stack can be easily read and as a normal, it's fine.
  3. 00:19:076 (3) - what about to curve it a bit to make a blanket with 00:20:361 (4) - ? //Same as 00:03:647- it looks weird to me.
  4. 01:01:504 (4,1,2) - what about to make this pattern like: //did some adjustment, but not exactly the same.
  5. 01:07:933 (4) - what about to make this slider like: //nope as explained it before.
  6. 02:24:218 (1) - i think it will flow better like: //I don't think so, I do this for the blanket.
  7. 02:39:218 (3) - i think you should remove this one circle because there is no sound in the song //Listen to the song carefully, it has a drum sound there.
  8. and add one here 02:39:647 - since you missed a sound here //^
  1. 01:32:147 (2,3,4,1,2,1) - i ask me why such a complicate patternin a relaxing song? ;_; what about something like: //Seriously, I don't think they are complicated. They are simple 1/4 only...

  2. 02:23:790 (5,6) - how about to doit like: //leave to nymph
  3. 03:32:790 (1,1) - what about to stack this 2 objects perfectly? //Actually I did this intentionally. I want to make more diversity in my map, and this can actually make more fun to it.

DarknessAngel wrote:

As you request via in-game PM


00:56:790 (3) - 選取00:56:790 (3,4)後一同移動到(251,152),為的是讓00:55:076 (1,2,3)呈現等間距 //其實我的原意是在這邊弄一個等邊三角形的 (1)- 尾巴, (2)- 和 (3)- 頭 所以沒動 不過倒是弄了一下間距

01:25:933 (6) - a tiny stuff. (1.3x DS)把這slider移動到(291,350)讓它跟01:25:076 (5)呈一個perfect☆blanket
改完後調整一下01:27:218 (1,2),you know what I mean. //fixed, I guess

01:59:790 (3) - (1.4x DS)移動到(296,205),理由也是blanket。然後02:00:647 (1)微調到(427,160)以修正間距(1.4x DS) //搞定


00:07:076 (3) - 相較前面00:01:504 (2,3)、00:03:218 (5,1)之間的間距,00:06:647 (2,3)的間距就顯得過短了些,感覺無端縮小間距有點不舒適。把00:07:076 (3,4,5)一同選取後移動到(340,300)之類的位置 ? //我想我知道你在表達甚麼了 orz 其實呢, 我前面跳的地方都是在1 .3拍上面麼? 而我就是利用這點, 在後面也搞成1.3拍上做個跳的

00:12:218 (1,2,3,4) - 想提一下我對這邊的看法。由於這邊音調漸低,如果是我我會做一個逐漸縮短間距的的效果而不是逐漸加大,感覺會比較合音樂 //音量提高到35% 這邊我個人還是想做放大音量 因為我是跟music一起變大的

00:36:218 (3,4,1,2,3) - 之前那個modder提出的似乎不無道理,其實我覺得這裡的節奏不是很舒適,但是目前這樣的確還是有跟著節奏在走的。節奏不是很好認,所以至少把這邊的重疊各種 (不完全1/4重疊 + 1/1重疊 + 1/2重疊)擺的乾淨些lol,把00:37:718 (2)移動到(314,112),這樣好讀多了。 然後應該不用擔心00:39:433 (5)的尾部跟00:37:718 (2)相碰不美觀,我test之後看起來影響不大 //經過考慮之後, 我決定把1/4移走 我想既然全段都是1/2間距的話 還是別搞甚麼好了

02:11:361 (7) - 在(117,194)才是和02:10:076 (4)完全重疊。no grid重疊不看座標只看眼力是不可靠的=.= 我剛開始no grid製圖也只靠眼力,後來都乖乖看座標了lol

03:43:076 (4) - 點一下03:41:147 (1)會發現它在(178,112)而不是(179,113) //...我會說我只靠感覺放notes麼 <_<

04:00:218 (1) - 事實上我覺得這邊ctrl + g滿爽的,03:59:790 (5,1,2,3,1,2) - 這flow感覺還延續了這麼長,試試不 ? //我試了一下, 覺的現在的會比較喜歡一點 你那個我會再考慮一下

04:11:790 (4) - 我知道你的圖向來flow相較其他mapper顯的曲折了點,但這邊我覺得需要提一下,04:11:790 (4)使其ctrl + g後,不管是04:11:361 (3,4)之間或04:11:790 (4,1)之間的銜接足以減輕移動壓力和增加舒適感,我相信大部分人會比較喜歡這樣的flow的 (包含我在內) //好把

04:16:504 (4,5) - 由於2個sliders間隔1/1拍頭尾不完全重疊是在這難度首次出現,有些玩家可能會有點措手不及,給這兩個sliders都加上NC,不僅幫助讀圖,還能強調這auti-jump的存在感 //好

我覺得比較可惜的是第2段kiai time相較於其他兩段無聊了些,只用了一些簡單的重疊跳,跳的數量遠比其他兩段少,設計感也相對低下。但除了這點之外就沒什麼能抱怨的,很好的圖:> //hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, - - 尼姆服阿

No_Gu wrote:

from in-game

歌词文件夹里有Thumbs.db //both fixed
SB右上角那存在感略小。。 //根據烤多貓說小才有美感.

00:01:504 (2,4) - 我觉得你把whistle加这边更好听。//好
01:27:433 (2) - 结尾大鼓落下了 //恩
02:13:504 (4,5,1) - 我感觉可以稍微修一下。。。//感覺沒問題
02:39:218 (3,4,1) - 我知道你跟hit-hat但是感觉这放normal真的挺不好理解的。。//算了 removed
02:44:790 我感觉好像没换军鼓啊。。//加了點音量
我都快听睡着了你怎么做完的。。 //kenewa himitsu dayo!

00:24:218 (5) - 我觉得这边做个小跳比蹲舒服 [color=#BF00FF//ok[/color]
01:07:718 (5,1,2) - 我觉得你干脆2放上NC然后1的摘下去。。反正我是读错了 //也可
a quick mod
没啥 要不要换张HDBG

00:14:361 (5) - nc
02:38:147 - 这段break可以考虑下anti jump转一圈转回来
04:24:647 (1,2,3,4,1,2) - 其实可以考虑跟前面04:14:576 (1,2,3,1) - 一样摆开了下

01:03:647 (3,4) - 不完全一样是故意的吗
02:16:504 (1) - 其实新手会被这样的东西吓到 然后break. 不如和其他的一样 比如这里02:13:504 (4) -
Megurine Luka
From your request via PM!

  1. Should mention which part/diff is Nymph's work in diff name or creator's word? Or ppl might not notice his work ovo
  2. Should add 2 after Vocaloid since Hatsune Miku is a production of Vocaloid2
  3. Nothing else I suppose

  1. 00:12:218 (1,2,3,4) - I might think this is kinda difficult for Normal players cuz they basically don't hit the circle based on approaching circle.
  2. 00:33:647 (3) - I think this kind of hidden should be avoided in a Normal diff 0.0
  3. 02:05:361 (3) - make it curved and encircle the head of 02:06:647 (4) - ?
  4. 04:25:504 (1,2,3) - use the same spacing as before?

  1. 00:11:361 (2) - use the same pattern as 00:09:647 (2,3) - ?
  2. 00:37:718 (x) - add a circle? kinda follow vocal
  3. 00:57:647 (1) - I think ctrl+g flows better
  4. 01:14:361 (4) - ^
  5. 02:16:933 (6) - ^
  6. 02:58:076 (6) - ^

Nothing else =3=
Topic Starter

fanzhen0019 wrote:

a quick mod
没啥 要不要换张HDBG //找不到要跪...

00:14:361 (5) - nc //k
02:38:147 - 这段break可以考虑下anti jump转一圈转回来 //Nymph.
04:24:647 (1,2,3,4,1,2) - 其实可以考虑跟前面04:14:576 (1,2,3,1) - 一样摆开了下 //這邊還是像這樣搞.

01:03:647 (3,4) - 不完全一样是故意的吗 //修了下
02:16:504 (1) - 其实新手会被这样的东西吓到 然后break. 不如和其他的一样 比如这里02:13:504 (4) -
不过也没啥...自从看到后面很多这样的pattern //我倒是覺得在超慢歌這樣放還是無問題的..

Megurine Luka wrote:

From your request via PM!

  1. Should mention which part/diff is Nymph's work in diff name or creator's word? Or ppl might not notice his work ovo //will do it
  2. Should add 2 after Vocaloid since Hatsune Miku is a production of Vocaloid2 //k
  3. Nothing else I suppose

  1. 00:12:218 (1,2,3,4) - I might think this is kinda difficult for Normal players cuz they basically don't hit the circle based on approaching circle. //k
  2. 00:33:647 (3) - I think this kind of hidden should be avoided in a Normal diff 0.0//nope, it's clear enough since there is a glimsp between (1) and (3)-
  3. 02:05:361 (3) - make it curved and encircle the head of 02:06:647 (4) - ? //hum..not suppose to do this.
  4. 04:25:504 (1,2,3) - use the same spacing as before? //I would like to keep this, for now at least.

  1. 00:11:361 (2) - use the same pattern as 00:09:647 (2,3) - ? //nope, I would do more variation here.
  2. 00:37:718 (x) - add a circle? kinda follow vocal //hum, saw my reply on dna's mod \o.o/
  3. 00:57:647 (1) - I think ctrl+g flows better //k
  4. 01:14:361 (4) - ^ //did this intentionally 0.0
  5. 02:16:933 (6) - ^
  6. 02:58:076 (6) - ^//Nymph 0.0

Nothing else =3=
Hey Mod from my Queues ~

  • may add epilepsy warning?

  • 00:12:218 (1) - try to make a better stack with 00:09:647 (1) end
    00:13:933 (1) - same here
    00:24:218 (1,2,3,4) - may make it more symmetrical like this? or better. I think it looks better imo
    01:01:933 (1,2) - these notes feels kinda wrong, may try to make like this? I think this way fits more with the rhythm
    01:13:933 (2) - may try to stack this better with 01:11:790 (4) end? here the code if you want
    01:34:290 (3) - delete this note because it doesnt even fit with the Rhythm and also it's better/easier for newbews too remember this is the easiest Diff
    01:53:361 (5,1,2) - what do you think to make it lihe this? I think it look much better imo
    02:16:504 (1) - hmmm I think to add a circle only here it better instead of this slider. It may confuse the beginner because it's hard to read as a slider. It's more like 2 circle one after the other. I'm note sure if this a problem but it's only my suggestion ;P
    03:02:361 (1) - same here
    03:27:218 (2,3) - actually I dont really like this.. but well :P
    04:25:504 (1) - stack this better with 04:23:361 (1) endpoint

  • 03:47:790 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - This pattern feels kinda out of the Rhythm or vocal whatever *hides* What do you think about this way?
    I think it fits really much better imo
    04:25:290 (4) - this Note feels really out of the rhythm here may delete it?
    04:34:504 (1) - Let the spinner begin here it fit better?

well it's a nice song
sorry for my noob mod >< and good luck with rank~ :3
同一首歌第一人……不同mode不算XD (其实我有夏祭 taiko.ver jubeat.ver miku.ver …… Full.ver 还没动 XD)
00:01:933 (3) - NC?
01:04:290 (3) - remove?
01:33:647 (1) - Ctrl+G?(感觉再跳一下就是insane了:3)
02:54:218 (3) - blanket
04:04:933 (2,3,4) - 不顺着弧线摆么?
Hi :з

03:48:647 - pleeease add slider here :cry:
No problem ^_^

Good luck~
Here as requested <3
Must fix/High suggestion

Add the epilepsy warning, it's needed for flash like 01:08:790 (1) - this one

Since you used stack leniency 1 stack manually each stack that's not readable (notes under sliders' ends or on sliders' heads). They are hard to read, especially with hidden...
Fix all the stacks like 02:10:076 (4,7) - this one since stack leniency 0 doesn't stack them
The greenline at 229076 is not necessary

00:11:361 (2) - Reverse this slider (CTRL+G), it would flow a lot with the next pattern (00:12:218 (1,2,3,4) - this one)
00:23:790 (4) - Move this note at x:264 y:80 beetween 00:23:361 (3,1) - these two elements
00:36:218 (3) - I don't see the necessity to make this slider 3/4, end its end 1/4 before
00:37:504 (1,2) - Change this rhythm is the one in the screenshot below, it follows the vocals:
00:54:218 (3) - Reverse this slider (CTRL+G), it flows a lot with 00:53:361 (2) - this slider
01:08:790 (1) - until 01:36:218 (3) - add a clap on each white tick between the downbeat, it follows the music very well:
01:14:361 (4) - Reverse this slider (CTRL+G), it would flow better
01:21:218 (4) - Change this slider with 01:20:790 (3) - this one reversed for a better flow:
01:33:647 (1,2) - Improve this blanket a little bit
02:28:504 (1,2,3) - Fix this blanket a little bit
02:31:076 (1,2,3) - Improve this triangle
02:36:647 (6) - Reverse this slider (CTRL+G), it flows better with 02:36:218 (5) - this one and you did the same 02:20:790 (8,9) - here
02:49:504 (1) - until this KIAI's end you are missing the clap hitsounds like 02:46:290 (5) - this one (S:1 clap), they fits the music a lot and I don't understand why you should stop using them from 02:49:504 (1) - here, so add them
02:50:790 (4) - Here is missing a clap
03:25:933 (1,2) - Fix this blanket, 03:27:218 (2) - this note is not so visible
03:39:647 (1) - until 04:07:076 (5) - here I'd say the same as I said before, add the S:1 claps where they are needed
03:46:504 (3,1) - Improve this stack, the note is not so visible
03:48:433 (4) - Add a 1/2 slider after this note, it follows the vocals:

Since you used stack leniency 1 stack manually each stack that's not readable (notes under sliders' ends or on sliders' heads). They are hard to read, especially with hidden...
Fix all the stacks like 00:22:076 (2,4) - this one since stack leniency 0 doesn't stack them
The greenline at 273861 is not necessary

00:20:361 (4) - Move this note at x:368 y:200, it flows better with 00:20:790 (1) - this slider
02:54:218 (3,4) - Improve this blanket a little bit
02:57:647 (3) - Curve this slider and then make a blanket with 02:56:576 (2) - this slider
03:43:504 (6,1,2) - Stack these notes manually, if you play the map you'll see this:
03:58:504 (3,4) - Improve this blanket a little bit
04:31:933 (1,2,3,4,5) - This is like a stream, I'd not put it in a normal, especially when the normal is the easiest difficulty of the mapset]
Wow, awesome map! Good luck kanpakyin :D

- In your skin, you're missing "reversearrow.png"

00:33:647 (3) - you could stack this on the head of (1) would look neater imo
00:44:361 (4,5,6) - Try this rhythm instead , it bothered me that (5) kept going past the vocals, a pretty strong part too
03:37:933 (3) - not really important but moving this a little to the right will make a neater blanket with (1)'s tail imo

00:37:718 - Add note? the vocals seem pretty prominent here
01:14:361 (4) - Ctrl+G, better cursor/oval flow from this to the next note imo
04:00:218 (1) - Ctrl+H and adjust around the head of (3) creates a better sense of directional flow i feel. After coming off from 03:59:790 (5) - I have the mentality of shooting towards the left after notes like 03:57:647 (1,2) -
04:14:361 (4) - NC, delete NC on next note; similar part as 04:24:647 (1) -

Very lovely map <3
Feel free to call me back
Thanks guys <3

Lally wrote:

[*]02:23:790 (5,6) - how about to doit like: I kinda like it now so didn't fix *_*

DarknessAngel wrote:

02:11:361 (7) - 在(117,194)才是和02:10:076 (4)完全重疊。no grid重疊不看座標只看眼力是不可靠的=.= 我剛開始no grid製圖也只靠眼力,後來都乖乖看座標了lol 其实我觉得这种玩起来肉眼看不出来是不是重叠啊所以完全不在意不过强迫症害我还是改了

我覺得比較可惜的是第2段kiai time相較於其他兩段無聊了些,只用了一些簡單的重疊跳,跳的數量遠比其他兩段少,設計感也相對低下。但除了這點之外就沒什麼能抱怨的,很好的圖:> 第二段kiai是我做的Zzz 所以就不会有KPY的设计感和跳跃啦

fanzhen0019 wrote:

02:38:147 - 这段break可以考虑下anti jump转一圈转回来 太慢了没啥做的劲zz

Megurine Luka wrote:

  1. 02:16:933 (6) - ^ K
  2. 02:58:076 (6) - ^ don't like this one *_*

Nemis wrote:

02:28:504 (1,2,3) - Fix this blanket a little bit done
02:31:076 (1,2,3) - Improve this triangle hmm I don't mean to make it perfect triangle 0 0
02:36:647 (6) - Reverse this slider (CTRL+G), it flows better with 02:36:218 (5) - this one and you did the same 02:20:790 (8,9) - here sure
02:49:504 (1) - until this KIAI's end you are missing the clap hitsounds like 02:46:290 (5) - this one (S:1 clap) I did have a clap here?, they fits the music a lot and I don't understand why you should stop using them from 02:49:504 (1) - here, so add them
02:50:790 (4) - Here is missing a clap k
Topic Starter

Dark_Ai wrote:

Hey Mod from my Queues ~

  • may add epilepsy warning? //no need imo

  • 00:12:218 (1) - try to make a better stack with 00:09:647 (1) end //nope. If I do this, the blanket will be failed.
    00:13:933 (1) - same here //done
    00:24:218 (1,2,3,4) - may make it more symmetrical like this? or better. I think it looks better imo //changed something in my own way.
    01:01:933 (1,2) - these notes feels kinda wrong, may try to make like this? I think this way fits more with the rhythm //I prefer the pattern I used more. Would love to keep this for now.
    01:13:933 (2) - may try to stack this better with 01:11:790 (4) end? here the code if you want
    01:34:290 (3) - delete this note because it doesnt even fit with the Rhythm and also it's better/easier for newbews too remember this is the easiest Diff //are you serious.....I mean it does follow the drum sound and that's what i want to emphasize.
    01:53:361 (5,1,2) - what do you think to make it lihe this? I think it look much better imo //what is the difference between yours one and my pattern?...
    02:16:504 (1) - hmmm I think to add a circle only here it better instead of this slider. It may confuse the beginner because it's hard to read as a slider. It's more like 2 circle one after the other. I'm note sure if this a problem but it's only my suggestion ;P
    03:02:361 (1) - same here //would love to keep this as it fits the atmosphere in kiai time and music.
    03:27:218 (2,3) - actually I dont really like this.. but well :P
    04:25:504 (1) - stack this better with 04:23:361 (1) endpoint

  • 03:47:790 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - This pattern feels kinda out of the Rhythm or vocal whatever *hides* What do you think about this way?

    I think it fits really much better imo[/color]
    04:25:290 (4) - this Note feels really out of the rhythm here may delete it?
    04:34:504 (1) - Let the spinner begin here it fit better? [/color]

ts8zs wrote:

同一首歌第一人……不同mode不算XD (其实我有夏祭 taiko.ver jubeat.ver miku.ver …… Full.ver 还没动 XD)
00:01:933 (3) - NC?
01:04:290 (3) - remove? //不 remove的話這個跳就沒有意義了
01:33:647 (1) - Ctrl+G?(感觉再跳一下就是insane了:3) //這才是我想要的效果阿, 不改
02:54:218 (3) - blanket
04:04:933 (2,3,4) - 不顺着弧线摆么?//已經是了

DexFrild wrote:

Hi :з

03:48:647 - pleeease add slider here :cry:
//....a mistake had happened, I was aware about it, and now it's fixec.
No problem ^_^

Good luck~

Nemis wrote:

Here as requested <3
Must fix/High suggestion

Add the epilepsy warning, it's needed for flash like 01:08:790 (1) - this one //personally don't think that is really needed.

Since you used stack leniency 1 stack manually each stack that's not readable (notes under sliders' ends or on sliders' heads). They are hard to read, especially with hidden... //Stack leniency is 3 and it is clearly readable
Fix all the stacks like 02:10:076 (4,7) - this one since stack leniency 0 doesn't stack them
The greenline at 229076 is not necessary //this is necessary now.

00:11:361 (2) - Reverse this slider (CTRL+G), it would flow a lot with the next pattern (00:12:218 (1,2,3,4) - this one)
00:23:790 (4) - Move this note at x:264 y:80 beetween 00:23:361 (3,1) - these two elements //no intention to do this. Sorry
00:36:218 (3) - I don't see the necessity to make this slider 3/4, end its end 1/4 before //This 3/4 can emphasize 00:37:076 (4) - .
00:37:504 (1,2) - Change this rhythm is the one in the screenshot below, it follows the vocals: //the link of first one dead. And I didn't prefer the second one.
00:54:218 (3) - Reverse this slider (CTRL+G), it flows a lot with 00:53:361 (2) - this slider
01:08:790 (1) - until 01:36:218 (3) - add a clap on each white tick between the downbeat, it follows the music very well: //seems that you are confusing about this. I did this, but in other way. I use normal hitsound on 1.3 beat as you can see that I used the hitsound pannel to change it.
01:14:361 (4) - Reverse this slider (CTRL+G), it would flow better
01:21:218 (4) - Change this slider with 01:20:790 (3) - this one reversed for a better flow:
01:33:647 (1,2) - Improve this blanket a little bit
03:25:933 (1,2) - Fix this blanket, 03:27:218 (2) - this note is not so visible //not really.
03:39:647 (1) - until 04:07:076 (5) - here I'd say the same as I said before, add the S:1 claps where they are needed //As I said before. There is no need to change it.
03:46:504 (3,1) - Improve this stack, the note is not so visible //Same.
03:48:433 (4) - Add a 1/2 slider after this note, it follows the vocals: //this should be a mistake, already fixed.

Since you used stack leniency 1 stack manually each stack that's not readable (notes under sliders' ends or on sliders' heads). They are hard to read, especially with hidden...
Fix all the stacks like 00:22:076 (2,4) - this one since stack leniency 0 doesn't stack them
The greenline at 273861 is not necessary //All explained.

00:20:361 (4) - Move this note at x:368 y:200, it flows better with 00:20:790 (1) - this slider //I didn't open grid when mapping...
02:54:218 (3,4) - Improve this blanket a little bit
02:57:647 (3) - Curve this slider and then make a blanket with 02:56:576 (2) - this slider //I think straight slider is better.
03:43:504 (6,1,2) - Stack these notes manually, if you play the map you'll see this:
03:58:504 (3,4) - Improve this blanket a little bit
04:31:933 (1,2,3,4,5) - This is like a stream, I'd not put it in a normal, especially when the normal is the easiest difficulty of the mapset //considering this as a super slow bpm song, this is fine for it.
Wow, awesome map! Good luck kanpakyin :D

LunarSakuya wrote:


- In your skin, you're missing "reversearrow.png"

00:33:647 (3) - you could stack this on the head of (1) would look neater imo //hum, I would like to keep this because I think the flow of striaght flow is better here.
00:44:361 (4,5,6) - Try this rhythm instead , it bothered me that (5) kept going past the vocals, a pretty strong part too //as you can notice, I followed the instrument in whole part instead of vocal. I think the pitch of instrument is more stranger than vocal.
03:37:933 (3) - not really important but moving this a little to the right will make a neater blanket with (1)'s tail imo

00:37:718 - Add note? the vocals seem pretty prominent here
01:14:361 (4) - Ctrl+G, better cursor/oval flow from this to the next note imo
04:00:218 (1) - Ctrl+H and adjust around the head of (3) creates a better sense of directional flow i feel. After coming off from 03:59:790 (5) - I have the mentality of shooting towards the left after notes like 03:57:647 (1,2) - //Sorry but I don't intend to change this as the current flow is better. I intentionally made 04:00:218 (1) - to overlap 03:58:933 (3) -
04:14:361 (4) - NC, delete NC on next note; similar part as 04:24:647 (1) -
No reply = changed
( * u *)
gratz :)
This is shit. Why is distance snap completely ignored? Why? Why whyw hyw hyw hwy hwy whyw hyw hwy hwy?

peppy wrote:

This is shit. Why is distance snap completely ignored? Why? Why whyw hyw hyw hwy hwy whyw hyw hwy hwy?
plz sober up
Play 6times to FC Hard but score didn't cover TAT
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