
League of Legends

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Awww... soooo xute! Am I blind or is vayne not here (ง'̀-'́)ง

Cheerz, Deceptive~

DaDeceptive0ne wrote:

Awww... soooo xute! Am I blind or is vayne not here (ง'̀-'́)ง

Cheerz, Deceptive~
22 poros. 130 champions.

You only missed vayne?
Ye. My heart only beats for vayne. Screw me *-*


-MikasaChan- wrote:

I don't like LoL at all.I dont know why
was it necessary to post then?

also quinn best adc

maal wrote:

also quinn best adc
I have very rarely been seeing her used in games at all. Guess she's not too popular lol.
She's pretty strong though i love vayne just said

Justykanna wrote:

maal wrote:

also quinn best adc
I have very rarely been seeing her used in games at all. Guess she's not too popular lol.
see her as... galio; they never get played, but they are OP because people don't know how to build against them.
Ye and ppl are so uncoordinated nowadays. Funny to see how one person can win the whole game.
all quinn does is assassinate other adc's if she gets her combo off. she doesn't really fair too well against other people, assuming everyone is evenly fed.

winber1 wrote:

all quinn does is assassinate other adc's if she gets her combo off. she doesn't really fair too well against other people, assuming everyone is evenly fed.
i bet you play a bad quinn then

DaDeceptive0ne wrote:

Ye and ppl are so uncoordinated nowadays. Funny to see how one person can win the whole game.
even when I carry, my team tends to lose; that's been happening lately too.
it's so angering when all lanes feed but your lane doesn't
Kanye West
Nah, winber's right. AD carries are "viable" because either they're safe (cait, graves, ez), hyper carry lategame (vayne, kog, trist), utility/initiation (ashe, varus) or outright win lane and snowball (draven)

Quinn doesn't really fill any of these niches as well as some other adcs. She's not that safe in lane pre-6, definitely not a late game hypercarry, has pretty much no utility other than a short blind, and has a few bad matchups.

Basically she's just an average solo queue champ, nowhere near best adc. Actually i had a hard time vs a solo top Quinn as lee sin until I got some armor and levels in w, her damage is kinda stupid early game vs melee

Kanye West wrote:

Nah, winber's right. AD carries are "viable" because either they're safe (cait, graves, ez), hyper carry lategame (vayne, kog, trist), utility/initiation (ashe, varus) or outright win lane and snowball (draven)

Quinn doesn't really fill any of these niches as well as some other adcs. She's not that safe in lane pre-6, definitely not a late game hypercarry, has pretty much no utility other than a short blind, and has a few bad matchups.

Basically she's just an average solo queue champ, nowhere near best adc. Actually i had a hard time vs a solo top Quinn as lee sin until I got some armor and levels in w, her damage is kinda stupid early game vs melee
so because you say it, it's true.

nice logic

DaDeceptive0ne wrote:

Ye and ppl are so uncoordinated nowadays. Funny to see how one person can win the whole game.
It can take one person to throw the game. Works both ways.

maal wrote:

Kanye West wrote:

Nah, winber's right. AD carries are "viable" because either they're safe (cait, graves, ez), hyper carry lategame (vayne, kog, trist), utility/initiation (ashe, varus) or outright win lane and snowball (draven)

Quinn doesn't really fill any of these niches as well as some other adcs. She's not that safe in lane pre-6, definitely not a late game hypercarry, has pretty much no utility other than a short blind, and has a few bad matchups.

Basically she's just an average solo queue champ, nowhere near best adc. Actually i had a hard time vs a solo top Quinn as lee sin until I got some armor and levels in w, her damage is kinda stupid early game vs melee
so because you say it, it's true.

nice logic

He's right. Quinn isn't too good as an adc and she fares off much better in a solo lane against an AD champion. your blind and mobility nullifies the majority of your opponents trade and your passive procs are strong enough to burst someone out of lane in one combo. When used in bottom lane there are many other better choices as far as adcs go but her kit kinda fucks her over late game where you need to jump in and most likely get focused. When you die your team loses so much damage that the fight is most likely lost. Whereas if you put quinn in a sololane and she dies you'll still have the other, safer adc to do some deeps.
Just my two cents, I could be wrong but this is what I've observed over time.

Vulf wrote:

DaDeceptive0ne wrote:

Ye and ppl are so uncoordinated nowadays. Funny to see how one person can win the whole game.
It can take one person to throw the game. Works both ways.
Thats so ridiculous, but true. +1 for you my friend.

It's like trying to justify using Jayce as an AD carry.
Kanye West
Dont just take my word for it, look at the competitive scene. There's a reason why Quinn has never been played competitively; as an ad carryshe gets outclassed in every niche.

those wrote:

It's like trying to justify using Jayce as an AD carry.
Jayce + Leona/thresh/blitz is a fun kill lane in soloq, tons of damage yo, jayce clearly best adc

Kanye West wrote:

Dont just take my word for it, look at the competitive scene. There's a reason why Quinn has never been played competitively; as an ad carryshe gets outclassed in every niche.

those wrote:

It's like trying to justify using Jayce as an AD carry.
Jayce + Leona/thresh/blitz is a fun kill lane in soloq
look at my previous post, where i said "people dont know how to play her"

but whatever; preferences.
SK picked Quinn in LCS EU today. CandyPanda played her. Just said
Kanye West
Indeed they did.
They also lost.
But not just because Candy picked Quinn. He can play Quinn and he is an experienced Player.
But they just got raped, I still feel sry for SK.
Thanks for the information. Please use spoilerboxes or something next time for the sake of people who didn't watch the whole stream yet. :c
Kanye West
Whoops, edited sry
sk never win anything i dont know how you could possibly expect any other result
Screw me! I'm sorry Broken :'( Wasn't my intention

But SK do win. They just dropped in the last 2 leagues, hard. Dunno what is wrong with 'em.

Cheerz, Deceptive~

I hate these matches where you start losing hard and then become strong in late ;_; so many heart attacks
I know this feeling, but it's still better otherwise. Well, it would be more awesome if they stop flaming each other.

Cheerz, ehm.. cheerz~

20 mins late
1st time as karthus
gets more money than half of the people...
Nice one! I prefer Tear of Goddes on Karth. But your playtime is amazing, 1 hour! awesome.

And everyone "GG'd". Should be more often like this .___.

Cheerz, Deceptive~
The reason why I didn't get Tear is because like I said I was about 20 mins late and it looked like everyone was snowballing with the team score at 21/10. I thought it was gonna end pretty quickly... apparently I was wrong.
Damn me, excuse me, screw me!

Thats why i should learn to read *-*

Cheerz, Deceptive~
I have absolutely no problem with people playing bad, terrible or are feeding not on purpose. But i hate players that never push their lanes.Even players with 6/1 stats or something that never push lanes are terrible.

So they get a kill, what happens after it? Nothing, since they have to spend 60s pushing a lane. Why would you roam around getting picks, when there are no objectives to take off it.. When you could just farm up and push lanes and pick on people out of position after doing that and grab easy turrets.

Though having 250cs after 20-22min as adc freefarming is the only +side.

Also played karthus few games back after not having him played for over a year, 500+ cs in a 60 min+ game.. First time i had over 10k gold in my bank I couldn't spend, after already buying pots/oracle for 30 mins.
Kanye West

tyrael6192 wrote:

more deman gold

Thank you League for laning me against a Platinum player when I'm Bronze. D=
And my normal losing streak continues at 6, and counting.
Kanye West
yeah matchmaking for normals is really weird

sometimes you're matched against a diamond 1 and sometimes you're matched up against some unranked guy with 100 wins and doesn't know what a ward is
Hidden Elo is the word. There is a MMR for 3v3/5v5 normal/ranked. So you can have a high MMR in rankeds, lets say 2250. But you can just troll and suck hard in normal games. (both 5v5). So, even if you are in Diamond Division and suck in Normalqueue, your MMR is not affected by this.

Eh.. there is also the MMR for 3v3 Team and 5v5 Team. That's the reason why it is possible to farm MMR with a ranked team.

Cheerz, MMR-ception~
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