
League of Legends

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Backfire wrote:

It does because it was fucked because they have bad K/D/A. K/D/A does matter, it just matters what everyones is. We >should have fucking won<.
Assuming you can base it on that, Kayle died once, Garen died three times and the ADC only died four times. That's not nearly enough to justify a win - especially because your ADC and APC were both low on gold and higher on deaths than the three I mentioned.

You have to consider when the people have their deaths too because that affects how the game goes (higher level deaths = longer dead time for example)... then there are aces, etc.

Backfire wrote:

It does because it was fucked because they have bad K/D/A. K/D/A does matter, it just matters what everyones is. We >should have fucking won<.
If KDA actually meant something then every support player would be fucked. Proxy singed is a perfect example that KDA means nothing because you basically win by feeding to abuse certain mechanics of the game while at the same time putting an enormous amout of pressure on all lanes.

This isn't a single player game. Having good teamwork skills and knowledge of game mechanics influences the match outcome a lot more.
Yo can someone explain to me the structure about this whole tournament thingy going on right now? I started watching competitive play in LoL just recently and I don't fully get it yet and I'm apparently too lazy to google it.
Like how is it decided who's gonna be in the world cup's finals, when will it start, what is this whole lcs spring/summer split and allstars all about, etc.

Help for a noob would be appreciated. :|
i don't realy understand how the current tournament is working too but there'll be tournaments like that in every region to determine the 14 best teams in the world. then it'll be the same witht the 14 teams i guess, they'll all play against each others and the two teams with the best w/d ratio will be in the final, or it'll just be a single tournament with qualifications.
so the current tournaments (lcs spring/summer) serve to find the 4 best teams in every region.
the allstars tournament was just a tournament with one team per region with the 5 best players from every region. the results of this tournament don't have any relation with the world championship.

i hope someone can explain better than me ,_,

Nofool wrote:

i hope someone can explain better than me ,_,

BrokenArrow wrote:

Yo can someone explain to me the structure about this whole tournament thingy going on right now? I started watching competitive play in LoL just recently and I don't fully get it yet and I'm apparently too lazy to google it.
Like how is it decided who's gonna be in the world cup's finals, when will it start, what is this whole lcs spring/summer split and allstars all about, etc.

Help for a noob would be appreciated. :|

To put it really simply and bluntly
Each region has their own 'LCS' thing with like 8 teams. It's like a season where they play for a few months and then have standings at the end.
The 3 best korean teams will go to worlds.
The 2 best North American, European and Chinese teams will go to worlds.
The best team for the Garena league will go to worlds.

The LCS had a summer/spring split to let more teams compete in relegations so that the starting roster for the summer split would not necessarily be the same as the spring split, and I think each region had this kind of thing but I'm not too sure.

Alltars was an event to let a region have one more team in the world finals. Korea won (I think) and they got a 3rd slot for another team to go.

I could explain it beter than that but I don't need to, a simple explanation should be good enough :)

Azer wrote:

Alltars was an event to let a region have one more team in the world finals. Korea won (I think) and they got a 3rd slot for another team to go.
sorry didn't know
Thanks Nofool and Azer for helping out, I think I got the most important stuff now. :3
Is this "up to date"?

If so, I'm on EUW Server, "DaDeceptive0ne" (ye, thats a zero no big "oh"). Im lvl 30 for a long time and I keep reaching Platinum. Seems to be closer than I thought first.

I play everything but support. Actually playing mid > adc > jungle > top (> support). I played in a lot of teams and I always fit in another role, thats why I'm more the "alrounder". In my last team I played jungle as main. Xin and Nautilis, Hecarim and Malphite, Mumu and Shen. As they kept nerfing everything I just went over to Jarvan and Zac.
I rarely play support, but if I have to (like in rankeds), I will just fit into the team.

Cheerio, Deceptive~
Yes this is up-to-date, as you can see this part of the forum is pretty active recently. We could play a match together as soon as I get my internet connection improved. In the meanwhile you might want to join our osu! ranked team, new members are always welcome. :3 (mid is my position, dare to get in my way)
EU/NA actually have 3 spots in the s3 finals. According to recent news about those spots.

Korea has also 3 spots for winning allstar event.

China/Southeast asia both have 2 spots.

Spirit Guard Udyr skin out.... As soon as I used my RP for Miss Fortune...
You know, the skin is totally worth it but I don't have Udyr. They make the skin sound SOOO GOOOOOOOD.

Hika wrote:

They make the skin sound SOOO GOOOOOOOD.
+ icon + banner
Kanye West
the skin is mediocre

only reason i got it was the icons and banners

Nofool wrote:

Hika wrote:

They make the skin sound SOOO GOOOOOOOD.
+ icon + banner
you got to be kidding me


Nofool wrote:

Hika wrote:

They make the skin sound SOOO GOOOOOOOD.
+ icon + banner
inc first time spirit udyr players who instalock and feed super hard

just like pulsefire
That Udyr skin is nothing but a visual upgrade because the theme is the same. If Udyr was released today he would have that skin as his default.

My team was 3/17 before I started to die.

I just...I can't.

BrokenArrow wrote:

Yes this is up-to-date, as you can see this part of the forum is pretty active recently. We could play a match together as soon as I get my internet connection improved. In the meanwhile you might want to join our osu! ranked team, new members are always welcome. :3 (mid is my position, dare to get in my way)
Why not! I'm actually playing ranked games i need to rush on platin/diamond asap. Whatever. And as I said I can nearly fit every role (screw you support!)

Cheerz, Deceptive~


maal wrote:

where is the draven one ,_,

Nofool wrote:

maal wrote:

where is the draven one ,_,
Awww... soooo xute! Am I blind or is vayne not here (ง'̀-'́)ง

Cheerz, Deceptive~

DaDeceptive0ne wrote:

Awww... soooo xute! Am I blind or is vayne not here (ง'̀-'́)ง

Cheerz, Deceptive~
22 poros. 130 champions.

You only missed vayne?
Ye. My heart only beats for vayne. Screw me *-*


-MikasaChan- wrote:

I don't like LoL at all.I dont know why
was it necessary to post then?

also quinn best adc

maal wrote:

also quinn best adc
I have very rarely been seeing her used in games at all. Guess she's not too popular lol.
She's pretty strong though i love vayne just said

Justykanna wrote:

maal wrote:

also quinn best adc
I have very rarely been seeing her used in games at all. Guess she's not too popular lol.
see her as... galio; they never get played, but they are OP because people don't know how to build against them.
Ye and ppl are so uncoordinated nowadays. Funny to see how one person can win the whole game.
all quinn does is assassinate other adc's if she gets her combo off. she doesn't really fair too well against other people, assuming everyone is evenly fed.

winber1 wrote:

all quinn does is assassinate other adc's if she gets her combo off. she doesn't really fair too well against other people, assuming everyone is evenly fed.
i bet you play a bad quinn then

DaDeceptive0ne wrote:

Ye and ppl are so uncoordinated nowadays. Funny to see how one person can win the whole game.
even when I carry, my team tends to lose; that's been happening lately too.
it's so angering when all lanes feed but your lane doesn't
Kanye West
Nah, winber's right. AD carries are "viable" because either they're safe (cait, graves, ez), hyper carry lategame (vayne, kog, trist), utility/initiation (ashe, varus) or outright win lane and snowball (draven)

Quinn doesn't really fill any of these niches as well as some other adcs. She's not that safe in lane pre-6, definitely not a late game hypercarry, has pretty much no utility other than a short blind, and has a few bad matchups.

Basically she's just an average solo queue champ, nowhere near best adc. Actually i had a hard time vs a solo top Quinn as lee sin until I got some armor and levels in w, her damage is kinda stupid early game vs melee

Kanye West wrote:

Nah, winber's right. AD carries are "viable" because either they're safe (cait, graves, ez), hyper carry lategame (vayne, kog, trist), utility/initiation (ashe, varus) or outright win lane and snowball (draven)

Quinn doesn't really fill any of these niches as well as some other adcs. She's not that safe in lane pre-6, definitely not a late game hypercarry, has pretty much no utility other than a short blind, and has a few bad matchups.

Basically she's just an average solo queue champ, nowhere near best adc. Actually i had a hard time vs a solo top Quinn as lee sin until I got some armor and levels in w, her damage is kinda stupid early game vs melee
so because you say it, it's true.

nice logic

DaDeceptive0ne wrote:

Ye and ppl are so uncoordinated nowadays. Funny to see how one person can win the whole game.
It can take one person to throw the game. Works both ways.

maal wrote:

Kanye West wrote:

Nah, winber's right. AD carries are "viable" because either they're safe (cait, graves, ez), hyper carry lategame (vayne, kog, trist), utility/initiation (ashe, varus) or outright win lane and snowball (draven)

Quinn doesn't really fill any of these niches as well as some other adcs. She's not that safe in lane pre-6, definitely not a late game hypercarry, has pretty much no utility other than a short blind, and has a few bad matchups.

Basically she's just an average solo queue champ, nowhere near best adc. Actually i had a hard time vs a solo top Quinn as lee sin until I got some armor and levels in w, her damage is kinda stupid early game vs melee
so because you say it, it's true.

nice logic

He's right. Quinn isn't too good as an adc and she fares off much better in a solo lane against an AD champion. your blind and mobility nullifies the majority of your opponents trade and your passive procs are strong enough to burst someone out of lane in one combo. When used in bottom lane there are many other better choices as far as adcs go but her kit kinda fucks her over late game where you need to jump in and most likely get focused. When you die your team loses so much damage that the fight is most likely lost. Whereas if you put quinn in a sololane and she dies you'll still have the other, safer adc to do some deeps.
Just my two cents, I could be wrong but this is what I've observed over time.

Vulf wrote:

DaDeceptive0ne wrote:

Ye and ppl are so uncoordinated nowadays. Funny to see how one person can win the whole game.
It can take one person to throw the game. Works both ways.
Thats so ridiculous, but true. +1 for you my friend.

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