
Shingeki no Kyojin/ Attack on Titan Skin V4.8 FinalX (HD&SD)

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Koko Ban

RA272Nirvash wrote:

what would you think off ? how would you make the mods better, what else would you do for the mods ? O_O

well yeahh, the skin will change a bit anyway, because i will release the HD version very soon ^^
i would like use SnK-related symbols as icons. or if there isn't any, modify the exisiting icons to make it fit with SnK's grungy theme (like a clock carved on a grungy wall for doubletime, etc.)

if you really like to stick with the "slideshow" ones, at least make sure it's RELEVANT to the mod and you're not just slapping random images and calling it a day.

a good example would be using the multiple image animation of the character tumbling on the OP as an icon for DoubleTime, Eren's mom almost getting eaten by a titan for SuddenDeath, Eren fighting collosal titan as HardRock, etc.
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Koko Ban wrote:

RA272Nirvash wrote:

what would you think off ? how would you make the mods better, what else would you do for the mods ? O_O

well yeahh, the skin will change a bit anyway, because i will release the HD version very soon ^^
i would like use SnK-related symbols as icons. or if there isn't any, modify the exisiting icons to make it fit with SnK's grungy theme (like a clock carved on a grungy wall for doubletime, etc.)

if you really like to stick with the "slideshow" ones, at least make sure it's RELEVANT to the mod and you're not just slapping random images and calling it a day.

a good example would be using the multiple image animation of the character tumbling on the OP as an icon for DoubleTime, Eren's mom almost getting eaten by a titan for SuddenDeath, Eren fighting collosal titan as HardRock, etc.

well, i am going with 2. icon sets now =D
one normal in HD with pictures,
and one similiar to this ones (offyourse also in HD)

they are named selection-mod-key4-8@2x

therfore they only will be shown half the size from the here visible. ^^

therfore if you like, i will add your idea for double time. ^^

Aleksart wrote:

very nice skin~
I like
download~ :)

thank you very much. <3 ^^
Nice ^_^
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kazumi-san95 wrote:

Nice ^_^
thanks ^^
how to download?
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jinnoshots wrote:

how to download?

this link leads to deviantART

right beside the picture should be a download button that looks like this

just click on it and the download will start ^^
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The HD Version is out =D
and men, it is kind of big xD

if there are any problems, please tell me =D
I really like the skin, especially the overall feeling of SnK which this skin brings :) the HD version is also really great.

But I had to adjust the skin a little so I can play with it. First of all, I really dislike the cursor. This is probably just my taste, but it kinda destroys the the skin in my opinion, the colour doesn't fit well, and the shape isn't that good looking either.
Furthermore, while the style of the hits (miss, 100, 300) are quite cool and fitting, I had to remove the 300hit, because I couldn't see when there was something like a stream and everywhere were big 300hits. This is just something I want to mention, it's not negative at all, but maybe you could do some alternatives or something?
Oh, and I think the approach circle is somehow ...big. I didn't changed it, because it bothers me not too much, but I have to say, it's really big. ^^

Overall: Chapeau! I don't think someone can make a SnK skin which will be manifestly better than this. There are some things bothering me here and there, but you can't make it perfect for everyone. Great skin! (^. ^)

I don't know if you will work on this skin again, but nevertheless I hope I could help you to improve it.
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Kotatsu wrote:

I really like the skin, especially the overall feeling of SnK which this skin brings :) the HD version is also really great.

But I had to adjust the skin a little so I can play with it. First of all, I really dislike the cursor. This is probably just my taste, but it kinda destroys the the skin in my opinion, the colour doesn't fit well, and the shape isn't that good looking either.
Furthermore, while the style of the hits (miss, 100, 300) are quite cool and fitting, I had to remove the 300hit, because I couldn't see when there was something like a stream and everywhere were big 300hits. This is just something I want to mention, it's not negative at all, but maybe you could do some alternatives or something?
Oh, and I think the approach circle is somehow ...big. I didn't changed it, because it bothers me not too much, but I have to say, it's really big. ^^

Overall: Chapeau! I don't think someone can make a SnK skin which will be manifestly better than this. There are some things bothering me here and there, but you can't make it perfect for everyone. Great skin! (^. ^)

I don't know if you will work on this skin again, but nevertheless I hope I could help you to improve it.
Offcourse i will work on it agan =D
if there are thinks that cause problems i will work on them =D

Danke vielmals für das Ausfürliche feedback xD =D
da waren eh noch einige dinge die ich ändern wollte . ^^

RA272Nirvash wrote:

Offcourse i will work on it agan =D
if there are thinks that cause problems i will work on them =D

Danke vielmals für das Ausfürliche feedback xD =D
da waren eh noch einige dinge die ich ändern wollte . ^^
Kein Ding, außerdem ist mir gerade noch aufgefallen, dass es ja gar keine custom hitsounds gibt. Wenn du da was großartiges draus machen könntest, würde das dem Skin bestimmt sehr gut tun ;D
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Kotatsu wrote:

Kein Ding, außerdem ist mir gerade noch aufgefallen, dass es ja gar keine custom hitsounds gibt. Wenn du da was großartiges draus machen könntest, würde das dem Skin bestimmt sehr gut tun ;D

lol ja xD
Die Hitsounds werden kommen xD
wann ? ... das steht in den sternen xD

ich lach mich grad über meinen neuen cursor versuch schlapp xD
er sieht gut aus, aber ich glaub ich werd das drehen auschalten müssen xD

das sieht voll lustig aus wie das ding sich dreht xD

aber ich glaub ich werd jetzt wohl oder übel sehr viele cursor machen xD
und jeder wählt einfach den den er mag xD

und ich hab bedenken das der da oben genau ist xD

RA272Nirvash wrote:

lol ja xD
Die Hitsounds werden kommen xD
wann ? ... das steht in den sternen xD

ich lach mich grad über meinen neuen cursor versuch schlapp xD
er sieht gut aus, aber ich glaub ich werd das drehen auschalten müssen xD

das sieht voll lustig aus wie das ding sich dreht xD

aber ich glaub ich werd jetzt wohl oder übel sehr viele cursor machen xD
und jeder wählt einfach den den er mag xD

und ich hab bedenken das der da oben genau ist xD

Ja, Alternativen zu basteln ist imme ne gute Entscheidung. Am besten wäre als Standard Cursor einfach was ganz simples, was ins Fabrschema passt, man aber trotzdem noch gut sehen kann. Vielleicht irgendwas weißes oder violettes? ^^

Außerdem sind mir noch weitere Sachen aufgefallen:

Bei der life-bar kann man leider nicht lesen, um welche Mauer es sich handelt, da die Embleme der Mauern so weit oben sind, dass der Name der Mauer nicht mehr im Bildschirm/Fenster ist.

Beim Spinner ist der Spinner-Circle sichtbar nicht mittig. Die"spins per minute"-Anzeige sieht gequetscht aus und die blaue Farbe passt auch nicht wirklich zum schwarz/grau/braunen Farbstil SnK's.
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Kotatsu wrote:

Mir sind noch weitere Sachen aufgefallen:

Bei der life-bar kann man leider nicht lesen, um welche Mauer es sich handelt, da die Embleme der Mauern so weit oben sind, dass der Name der Mauer nicht mehr im Bildschirm/Fenster ist.

Beim Spinner ist der Spinner-Circle sichtbar nicht mittig. Die"spins per minute"-Anzeige sieht gequetscht aus und die blaue Farbe passt auch nicht wirklich zum schwarz/grau/braunen Farbstil SnK's.
das mit den mauern weiß ich, daran sitz ich grade =D xD

der spinner ist mir vorhin auch aufgefallen, ist schon auf meiner liste =D

und wenn der spin meter so stört ändere ich ihn =D ^^

und zum cursor, ja ich bin jetzt auch fleißig am basteln xD
was simples, okkay =D
also mach ich auch einige simple. =D
Freut mich, dass du an allem arbeitest! (n _ n ) Fight-o~!
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Kotatsu wrote:

Freut mich, dass du an allem arbeitest! (n _ n ) Fight-o~!

nicht an allem xD
gestern abend ist mir aufgefallen das ich beim großen xh ranking, anstatt SS nur ein S stehen habe xD
das hab ich bisher noch nciht behoben, und mach es erst wenn die wichtigeren dinge getan sind xD

RA272Nirvash wrote:

nicht an allem xD
Das war auch mehr übertragend gemeint. :3
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Kotatsu wrote:

RA272Nirvash wrote:

nicht an allem xD
Das war auch mehr übertragend gemeint. :3
und ich hab mich versehen xD bei xh ist doch ein ss xD

+ ich glaub ich übertreib grade xD

wie sieht das aus >_< ?
gut ...... schlecht ..... besser als vorher ? xD

Also den Cursor fonde ich von der Farbe ja schon mal passender. ^.^

Grad eben ist mir noch was zu den approach circles der circles und slider aufgefallen. Bei Streams kann man oft nicht erkennen, wie viele es nun sind, weil der schwarze Streifen durch den approach c. es wie 2 erscheinen lässt.
Das war vor allem bei mir so, wenn die Combo-Farbe etwas dunkles, wie Blau, ist.
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Kotatsu wrote:

Also den Cursor fonde ich von der Farbe ja schon mal passender. ^.^

Grad eben ist mir noch was zu den approach circles der circles und slider aufgefallen. Bei Streams kann man oft nicht erkennen, wie viele es nun sind, weil der schwarze Streifen durch den approach c. es wie 2 erscheinen lässt.
Das war vor allem bei mir so, wenn die Combo-Farbe etwas dunkles, wie Blau, ist.

keine sorge =D
es ist schon ein viel dünnerer approach cirkel und slider cirkel drin xD
und auch so besser xD

und die anderen sachen ?= xD
Ja, jetzt fiel auch zum ersten mal auf, dass die zahlen der Zusammenfassung am Ende eines Lieds auch bläulich sind. x)
Also, die weißen Zahlen mit der feuerroten Hinterlegung sieht auch defintiv besser aus. ;3
Ansonsten sehe ich nichts, was sich verändert hat? Falls noch was dabei ist, weise mich mal drauf hin. ;D

Mir ist gerade voll die Idee eingefallen! :D Wenn man ne Pause hat in einem Lied, dann kommen ja am Ende dieser Pause die 4 Pfeile, die dir zeigen, dass es weitergeht. Wär doch sehr passend, wenn das "feuerrote Pfeile" wären! (wegen "Guren no Yumiya") :D? Nur ne Idee. :)
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Kotatsu wrote:

Ja, jetzt fiel auch zum ersten mal auf, dass die zahlen der Zusammenfassung am Ende eines Lieds auch bläulich sind. x)
Also, die weißen Zahlen mit der feuerroten Hinterlegung sieht auch defintiv besser aus. ;3
Ansonsten sehe ich nichts, was sich verändert hat? Falls noch was dabei ist, weise mich mal drauf hin. ;D

Mir ist gerade voll die Idee eingefallen! :D Wenn man ne Pause hat in einem Lied, dann kommen ja am Ende dieser Pause die 4 Pfeile, die dir zeigen, dass es weitergeht. Wär doch sehr passend, wenn das "feuerrote Pfeile" wären! (wegen "Guren no Yumiya") :D? Nur ne Idee. :)

lol xD so achtest du auf den ranking bildschirm xD

hmm, keine schlächte idee =D
für gewähnlich skinne ich die feile eigendlich nciht,
aber warum denn nicht xD

die werd ich dan wohl jetzt machen xD
Kein Problem :D liegt auch in meinem Interesse den Skin so gut wie möglich zu machen. :)
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Kotatsu wrote:

Kein Problem :D liegt auch in meinem Interesse den Skin so gut wie möglich zu machen. :)

hmmm ..... ich kann ihn rot machen, OSU! zeigt ihn aber blau an xD
warum ?? xDD
xD Nicht sicher. wirklich ... nicht sicher. :D
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Kotatsu wrote:

xD Nicht sicher. wirklich ... nicht sicher. :D

hmm xD, ich werde schon nen weg finden xD

SO Version 3.5 FINAL HD is out =D
some changes, added some things,

there are now alternative cursor in the skin ordner, for those who don't like the actual cursor.

some taiko parts added.

problem with the skinner solved and alot more. =D
Ja, sieht im gesamten jetzt wirklich besser aus. :) Vor allem die "Guren no Yumiya" hast du, finde ich, sehr gut hinbekommen.
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Kotatsu wrote:

Ja, sieht im gesamten jetzt wirklich besser aus. :) Vor allem die "Guren no Yumiya" hast du, finde ich, sehr gut hinbekommen.

da kommt noch mehr xD
aber langsam denk ich drüber nach die HD Elemente und SD elemente einzeln zu machen xD
wenn das so weitergeht geht das auf die 70mb+ zu xD
gut ohne SD wäre es dann immernoch ca 50mb+ xD

irgendwelche vorschläge was ich verbessern könnte ? xD

bisher gefält mir die alternative für die 300er auch nch nicht wirklich xD
I gave this skin for your pool a "Good", at least you know from who you got it.
For my taste, it still lacks too much of the actual content and thematically for osu to be rated "Very Good". It still doesn't feel like a Shingeki no Kyojin skin, it only does a little... and please people, I'm not trying to hate. It's constructive criticism made by someone who actually "care" about fine details and for the sake of the skin, it does have the potential to be one of the most detailed & "thematically on-point" skins available. and thats easy said. Period.

So, what's wrong and what's right with the Skin?

Talking about the "outside" of the skin, the package for all of this also known as the preview which does look appealing and thematically correct. It does reflect a SnK skin pretty well and I have no complains whatsoever on it. Texture is well chosen and it really looks sexy, though, it looks flat but hell... it's only a preview. Might be the best previews I've seen so far in this section and at least... the creator/artist spent time to let it look good. Kudos to you RA272Nirvash, you've done a splendid job (which can be ofc. always be improved but that's being said in a perspective of someone who always seeks to be better than he was a minute ago)
Oh.. and also, I find the coursor quite weird, maybe let out the relief effect on the courser... it really doesn't play well with it.
What I also noticed is that you took the chime sound from SnK (if I can remember correctly there was one... IF I CAN REMEMBER CORRECTLY D: ..), I really have to note that since you at least made the effort to take the originality up and not use existing ones.

Heading over ingame, what I've noticed is that in the menu- the back button (menu-back.png and menu-back@2x.png) doesn't feel like it belongs there.
Having an rectangle with rounded edges and a typo representing 2% of the screen which you will always see when you start up osu! and get into the game and even if you see it for a few split seconds, it just doesn't feel like it's "with" all of the icons.
I would suggest to maybe rethink on to changing it into a more thrilling and dramatical button, one that uses the potential of a .png file (which is the high quallity and transparency) to its fullest. Consider using something that may be a signature item, move or whatsoever that can fill in a "back" button. Something that can represent "back".
Still, would be a waste of constant 2% if you'll consider not changing.

IMO the whole selection menu feels a bit "roundy" for me. It's not only the menu-back.png I'm talking about.
What I like is the simplicity of the selection mode. even though it's round, it does look good when it's slim.

As for all "mod" icons, I think it's a preference of taste but I know it's quite hard to create different unique icons that represent each additional challenge or comfortability mod.

The rank indicators (D, C, B, A, S, SS) are quite nice made and appealing but blends in too much with the black part above (the upper part which covers up almost 15% of the screen, no matter which resolution you chose to play osu! on).
I would suggest recoloring each in maybe something that you always see as a color in the actual anime series (like D recolored in the colossal titans flesh color having a texture to let it looks like muscle and the border of it being the color of the muscle/skull sinew-like thing of the colossal titan)

Something like this:

beware that I'm bad with setting my thought into canvas & editing in generall, but I hope it hits the overall thought of yours.

Heading into the game itself now, in the osu! mode what I've noticed is the very nice lifebar which depicts the theme phenomenally in all categories and surprisingly fitting in all modes so far.
And the countdown is also very nice to watch but after that- I was quite disappointed... the cirlces & sliders borders remained unchanged (or minimal) and it really made me sad. Additional to that, the points hit50 to hit300k their typo are a bit too flashy and distracting, but I really like the background they are displayed on, that's something I personally like. Also, something I noticed is that the hit0.png is almost identical to all others.. maybe make the shield appear to break in half verticaly and then add a more clearer to read miss?
What I like overall in all modes is the pause menu, that's how I imagined to be and I hope it will stay like this. It's really, really fitting and damn simple.
Though, what I do not understand is the fail menu... it's agonizing white and does not really fit into the theme (due to SnK not really having any scenes, characters, titans or whatsoever- being completely white and the whole anime really being gore-ish and dark)- I would like to suggest something different that hits you in the face to know that you lost the round.

As for taiko, I really do like the minor changes on the hitcircles but what I personally found confusing was the big-hitcircles... maybe just a personal taste but I just found them confusing to watch pass by. Anything else seems solid.

For CTB, I really like that you chose potato-girl and it's really well composed with the food theme, also each "fruit" looks really good and it does lifts up the dark-sided things in the skin a little.
What I dislike but I know "why" is that the fruit-ryuuta (potato-girl) is half cut, I mean, her arms and her position doesn't reeaaalllyy look good as a ryuuta... but I'd see this as a more neutral point than negative. I know you have 0 experience how to make a fruit-ryuuta and probably how to make one well aswell.
oh.. the plate looks odd aswell... haha, just me, I'm sorry to mention that.

Now for the mode I actually, personally looked forward to: osu!mania.
I have to admit. that. looks. incredibly. hot. The whole overlay just looks like a fortress and damn, that's what SnK is all about. Thousand compliments to you again RA272Nirvash for doing the effort. It looks incredibly stunning!
The only, and I mean, ONLY thing I really do not like is the muzzleflare(?) (or rather said lightingL-0.png etc.) is wayyy too distracting, bright and too powerful. Maybe toning it down would be awesome. An idea also, is instead of having a simple "light" as those... why not make it looks like canons are fired?
just a little bit smaller and unnoticable but yeah... some kind of a "real" muzzle flare for canons. lols.
Oh. and why do I only see white keys (mania-keyX.png) when I know that you've put in pink ones aswell? Maybe it's just me but I can only see white keys in 7k. (though I'm an avid 4k player... just talking for everyone who's playing with this skin)

Any than that. You've done a good job on the skin. There are major flaws and major compliments to tell, discuss and mention but as of right now that's all I saw and can really describe. (since I'm a really lazy reviewer, lols)

TL;DR review:

++ Osu!mania design for this Skin is admirably wonderful and fits the theme 1:1
++ CatchTheBeat fruits are really well made
++ Lifebar is noticably nice designed for all purposes
+ Original Sounds taken from the Anime
+ Spinner has a nice touch
+ Pause menu & buttons is notably simple and eyecatching at the same time
+ Hitcircles for Taiko looks good
+~ Icons looks weird but nice
+~ Points are quite distracting but their BG are fitting into the theme well
~ Big-Hitcircles for Taiko looks weird
~ Fruit-Ryuuta is halfway cut, but still a nice try & theme fitting ryuuta.
~ Scores typo is good, but too dark on the menu screen and blends into the upper part
~ Big-Scores looks good, but like the normal sized ones, it's too dark and additional to that- it lacks of any thematic elements
- No real changes to hitcircles and sliders in standard Osu!
- Some unchanged elements
- Some buttons too simple and too round
- Fail menu is too white & bright
- Lighting on hit in osu!mania is too overpowering

Thanks for reading. Damn. Why did I wrote so much D:
Anyways, good job on your Skin anyways and good luck polishing it to the best possible state that you are able to do as its creator. I hope you are proud on what you've accomplished so far!
I'd be glad to see it comming out as a big favourite amongst casual players (:

If you have further questions on anything regarding that or wants to ask me to doublecheck certain spots & edit it in this review, I'd be glad to hear from you.
Good luck!

review for v.3.5 Final HD, pros and cons not taken on anything later than that version
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wow O.O

i guess i just fell in love with your review xD
so many details, so much to say thats just great.
thanks to you i now have more then enough to do,
so many things to improve. and so on xD

TL;DR review:

++ Osu!mania design for this Skin is admirably wonderful and fits the theme 1:1
++ CatchTheBeat fruits are really well made
++ Lifebar is noticably nice designed for all purposes
+ Original Sounds taken from the Anime
+ Spinner has a nice touch
+ Pause menu & buttons is notably simple and eyecatching at the same time
+ Hitcircles for Taiko looks good
my Answer : Thank you very much again =D
especialy for Osu!mania, i more or less only play mania and nothing else, so i guess most of my love and energy was used up for it. xD
and CTB is as it is because it just is fun to skin it xD
especialy the life bar, i designed is for Mania, so that it fits with it xD
that it worked out with the other mods was just luck bwahaha xD
(and man, even thou i know that you are from germany i am writing my answer in english xD lol )

+~ Icons looks weird but nice
+~ Points are quite distracting but their BG are fitting into the theme well
~ Big-Hitcircles for Taiko looks weird
~ Fruit-Ryuuta is halfway cut, but still a nice try & theme fitting ryuuta.
~ Scores typo is good, but too dark on the menu screen and blends into the upper part
~ Big-Scores looks good, but like the normal sized ones, it's too dark and additional to that- it lacks of any thematic elements
well, if the points look kind of weird, i might change them or add some alternative ones later one, i mean thanks to you i have alot to work on xD

+ (mania) Senpai, then please, tech me how to do a proper fruit ryuta xD
and for the other things, i will work on them "Ich verspreche es xD"

- No real changes to hitcircles and sliders in standard Osu!
- Some unchanged elements
- Some buttons too simple and too round
- Fail menu is too white & bright
- Lighting on hit in osu!mania is too overpowering
yeah OSU! Standart is my absolut weak point xD
i admit it, i somehow hate to skin it, ever and ever again i just hate it, if i make it so, that i like it from the looks others meant in the past it looks good but isn't well playable and so on xD

and well, when i started to make my skins into HD Skins xD (about 3 weeks ago) i abandoned textures for standart complete, i made OSU! standart as,.... well normal as possible xD

yeahh, i hear the "to round" very ofteb from a good friend of minem, therfore i will try to make them into something special and better fitting. ^^

and ther inded is something white and bright in SnK,
the pause background is from the 1st. opening n the beggining.

the fail background has it source in opening 2. at the end, there was a white wall in the end and i realy did like it. =D

so it realy is to overpowering, i guess i will try to ... make it les powerfull ? xD

+ for the point with the collor of the keys,
i know, all of them have the same collor,
because i personaly think it looks beter that way, but i might add alternative ones for those players, who'd like keys in different collors. ^^

Thanks for reading. Damn. Why did I wrote so much D:
Anyways, good job on your Skin anyways and good luck polishing it to the best possible state that you are able to do as its creator. I hope you are proud on what you've accomplished so far!
I'd be glad to see it comming out as a big favourite amongst casual players (:

ja man warum schreibst du so viel, ich hab kein bock mehr auf englisch also antworte ich hierauf jetzt in deutsch, aufjedenfall ein sehr hilfreicher review den du mir hier geliefert hast, ich bin sehr dankbar dafür da er mir wirklick dabei helfen wird diesen skin noch besser zu machen als er schon ist, dafür bin ich dir über über über über über dankbarrrrrrr~ ♥
und natürlich bin ich stoöz darauf was ich bisher habe xD

If you have further questions on anything regarding that or wants to ask me to doublecheck certain spots & edit it in this review, I'd be glad to hear from you.
Good luck!

review for v.3.5 Final HD, pros and cons not taken on anything later than that version
sag mir lieber wie ich nen guten ryuta machen soll xD
wiee...~~ xD ????

NotEvenDoomMusic wrote:

I would suggest recoloring each in maybe something that you always see as a color in the nime series (like D recolored in the colossal titans flesh color having a texture to let it looks like muscle and the border of it being the color of the muscle/skull sinew-like thing of the colossal titan)

Something like this:

beware that I'm bad with setting my thought into canvas & editing in generall, but I hope it hits the overall thought of yours.
Holy shit, that looks amazing! oo

I really like the idea. Yo RA272Nirvash, you should probably do something like this. :D
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Kotatsu wrote:

Holy shit, that looks amazing! oo

I really like the idea. Yo RA272Nirvash, you should probably do something like this. :D
i will try xD
because i do like it too ^^
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Those and alot others will await you in the umcoming ubdate. =D*

above, the left and right one will be the new hit-cirkels
the one in the middle (will be offcourse smaller) is a new try for a cursor xD

down it is the normal...... well how would i call those buttons... lets say menue buttons xDDD
the mode-button looks similar and the back button was changed as well. xD

now to the MAIN POINT.

you will get a buttload full of Download Options and Variants.

Those Variants with downloads will be available.

SnK Skin V4.0 FINAL HD (High Definition)

will only contain the High Definition @2x Skin Elements.
therfore this skin is only for users who actualy can use HD Skins

will be Downloadable from : DeviantART (.raw), Media fire (.osk), puush (.osk) and maybee also (.osk)


SnK Skin V4.0 FINAL SD (Standart Definition)

will only contain the Standart Definition Skin Elements.
therfore this skin is only for users who only can use SD Skins

will be Downloadable from : DeviantART (.raw), Media fire (.osk), puush (.osk) and maybee also (.osk)


SnK Skin V4.0 FINAL X

This Skin will Contain HD and SD Skin Elements, as well as some other things the other two parts won't get
what this will be, who knows ;D why do i do this =D ???? becausei have uploaded this one on DeviantART
therfore the people who like to suport me with downloading from there
(i see it as some kind of "Thank you" for acctualy making this skin)
as well as that i know that some people have problems when, instead of all @2x elements won't be shown, only a few of them aren't shown

will only be downloadable from DeviantART with some extras, that won't be avalable in the other ones,
therfore the X stands for eXtra and it will also contain all HD and SD elements.

Cool, Cool. I'm exited about this! :3
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Kotatsu wrote:

Cool, Cool. I'm exited about this! :3

ich auch, aber ich hab ne lange upload zeit vor mir xD

9 mal hochladen xD
hell ich hab nur ne 6k leitung xD

so, nen neuen slider und vieles mehr hab ich heute dazu gemacht xD
so, the new version is out xD
and i will keep going to try to make this skin better,

sounds and so on still will come, they aint available yet.

I think I'm in love with the fruit-ryuuta .... But you need to improve 2 things:

1. The potato girl swings in the wrong direction. (in german: wenn ich nach rechts steuere, guckt sie nach links ... vllt ist es Gewöhnungssache, aber mich stört es irgendwie)

2. The ryuuta plate is too high. (in german: man sieht wie die Früchte, oder eher gesagt, das Essen unter der Platte durchgucken. Das stört extrem, vor allem weil man nicht richtig einschätzen kann, wann man es noch unter eine Frucht schafft.)

Fight-o!~ :3
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deadbeat wrote:

that should be from the SD version xD
i have to fix it today i noticed it last night a few hours after i wrote you xD
it will be fixed soon

I think I'm in love with the fruit-ryuuta .... But you need to improve 2 things:

1. The potato girl swings in the wrong direction. (in german: wenn ich nach rechts steuere, guckt sie nach links ... vllt ist es Gewöhnungssache, aber mich stört es irgendwie)

2. The ryuuta plate is too high. (in german: man sieht wie die Früchte, oder eher gesagt, das Essen unter der Platte durchgucken. Das stört extrem, vor allem weil man nicht richtig einschätzen kann, wann man es noch unter eine Frucht schafft.)

Fight-o!~ :3
why in two languages (warum in zwei sprachen ? xD, ich verstehe es voll und ganz was du mir in englisch sagen möchtest xD)

okkay, i will work on it ^^
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So, in Puush and Mediafire the new versions, with the fixed problems are available.

fruite-ryuuta fix and menue fix. xD

the deviantART links are being updated right now
ditching for a few days. i'll make sure to check again when i get back though :)
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kimi ...... );...... nande ... ????

>_< xD
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