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i have deleted some of my friends on fb that i dont really personally know

same q
I'm too lazy to deleting my own account so i just leave it deserted~

did you wash, your own socks?
My mom does that. :3

What happened in your most recent nightmare?
i do my own laundry ._. ninja'd
i was an experiment subject of faceless people and they did horrible things to me ;-; can't remember the details though

when do you think you'll stop playing osu
Osu is something I play in bursts so I never get bored of it and always want to improve. Until I find something else that fits that role better, I guess.

If you could relive one moment in your life, what moment would that be?
I've kept coming back to it, albeit sporadically, for two years. I don't know that I'll give it up altogether any time soon. That's a ninja.

OT: I think I've already answered this question, give me a minute to find it. The question was actually a bit different, so I don't think it's applicable. Because I can't think of anything better right now, I'll say the first time I ate a cannolo.

Same question.
i honestly dont know. i really dont have any good memories left on my life

what is your best memory of your life?
Eating pie.

What's you're favorite sort of pie? mines chicken mmmmmmmm
sweet: lemon meringue pie~
savory: Shepard's pie~

What celebrity do you admire the most? (I use the word celebrity loosely, basically anybody more well known than your average Joe).
Christopher Poole aka moot ...

how did you find osu! ?
I read on the WoW forums that some raid healers like to play osu! before they raid to get in the zone. I was a raid healer and it seemed like a good idea, so I tried it out.

What did you do today?
woke up went to class came home booted up laptop and here I am...
same Q
well my day just started.. xD gudmurning

what small thing, other than gestures and conversing, can you do to make someone else's day better?

salted_nuts wrote:

well my day just started.. xD gudmurning
I know you could be as much as three (maybe four? I'm bad with time zones) hours behind me, but dayum, salty.

OT: I don't know if this falls under "gestures and conversing," but paying attention is a big thing for me. It seems like a lot of the time people interact with each other without giving much thought to what's actually going on. Personally, it tends to happen with my immediate family most often, usually with really menial things like asking how someone's day went. It's really refreshing when someone steps outside their own head, so to speak, and actually pays attention, and I try to do it as often as I can for others.

Do you like trying new things, or do you tend to stick to what you know?
I've always liked to explore the unknown, as long as I have the power to and within reasonable budget that I can afford. Will I be able to perform? Dunno, don't care. That's why I picked it up in the first place. To find out. But it's not like I throw myself out there and randomly try new things. It tends to branch from things that I'm already knowledgeable about, interests so to say. And this hunger for new-found experience is what keeps me on my toes most of the time. One downside is, I can never be a specialist x]

You were picked out of the crowd to come on stage during a rockwhatever concert, to tell thousands of people anything you want an inspiring message. WHAT SAY
fuck you guys im going home
same Q
Honestly, I'd probably say something stupid like "[insert band name here] rocks!," but given time to think about it I'd probably tell everyone to buy some merch, because the band's gotta eat, and touring is expensive.

You were picked out of the crowd to come on stage during a rockwhatever concert, to tell thousands of people anything you want an inspiring message. What band is playing?
Kyujuroku 96
U2 or the E- Street Band of Bruce Springsteen. There is a few singers as inspiring as Bono and thr Boss. Ill pick John Lennon too.

If your boyfriend or girlfriend makes you choose between playing osu! or him/her, what would you choose?
Restless Spirit
Well, if it's not an ultimate decision and I get to play osu! every once in a while, I'd take him/her for the moment, sure.
But if he/she says something along the lines of "Either me or your stupid videogame!" I'd take osu! because this particular human isn't able to live with me because I'm a PC gamer. Noone interferes with a gamer and his PC. Noone. Noone.

Are you afraid of insects?
No. Are you a fan of soy?
Kyonko Hizara
Heil soy

As long it with meats. . .
(can't drink a bottle of soysauce)

how many fingers did you have?
13 and a half.

What does chloroform smell like?
uhm... pardon? sorry dont know <.<

are u not sleeping yet?
Yes.. For 2 days.

LED tv or Plasma tv?
It's alright, she doesn't sleep anyways :|

LED, plasma is bad.

How many hours of sleep do you get a night on average?
0-3 hours..
I sleep in day time

same q
I mock this question's existence. 3.

What was the last dream you remembered?
10h, ik im a lucky personplsI was dreaming of being the best at everything
How many aces do you have in your house
I'm gonna say 12, assuming we're talking playing cards.

How long has it been since you played a card game?
none ninja spotted

a year now

arent u sleepy?
No, I woke up a few hours ago.

How long ago did you wake up?
15 hours ago
same q
since 8am

same q

inb4 ninja
31 hours (ninjas everywhere)

same q (to avoid ninja)
ninjas are back to their caves now. they wont start to hunt down again
no question so...

What would you was the most difficult obstacle in your life thus far?
the distance from the bed to the floor seriously if i didn't need outside resources i would be stuck here indefinitely on this cozy bed .
same Q
^ wow. your bed is pretty high, huh


are u currently in love?
n-no baka :v w-what are you asking in front of the public! i-it's not that i'm i-i-i-insterested in him or anything ok! hmph

same q
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