
Ask the person below you anything

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how are you today?
her everything

how was ur school experience rn
Jason X
I've graduated 2015, so... can't really remeber how it was :?

Any plans for the weekend?
her everything
Ehhh i guess jog and try to make myself attractive
You forgor to ask a question.

What do you think about architects?
her everything
yeah its interesting n stuff

do u feel well today
i'm ok


do you like french toast?
i like garlic bread, so close enough

what internet personality(ies) do you consider to be "cringe", regardless of circumstance?
colloquially? i guess internet personalities that are just not very mindful of what they cultivate and don't particularly care about consequence whenever it's at someone's expense, and readily harm or obstruct or rhetorically poison the well for others who do care. it's a bit vague to answer with, but i genuinely don't know how else to answer other than "internet personalities that exploit/hurt/mock/misrepresent/minimize other people"


what's your relationship with music? what kinds of music do you like, and if you're comfortably sharing at length, what specifically do you like about them? i'd be immensely interested to hear thorough answers if possible, this is a topic i tend to be super invested in, but if you genuinely don't have much to say about it then that's ok too :>
Good, Many techno genres, and some other things.

Favorite Linux distro?
none, not enough knowledge or experience to distinguish what makes them interesting.


BluePyTheWDeer_ wrote:

Favorite Linux distro?
None. There are no good answers, only bad answers in this space IMO.

Why not Linux?
from how it sounds, linux may be a bit obscure and would have limited use-cases due to it not really being supported or supplied to people unless in a very specific context where training through it might be more intuitive in some kind of in-group culture. other than that, i guess it looks like it'd be harder for the average layperson to learn enough in order to readily/willingly work with it. i don't really know much else yet


Achromalia wrote:

what's your relationship with music? what kinds of music do you like, and if you're comfortably sharing at length, what specifically do you like about them? i'd be immensely interested to hear thorough answers if possible, this is a topic i tend to be super invested in, but if you genuinely don't have much to say about it then that's ok too :>
my relationship with music is good! i like rock/punk/emo, country and theatre/other/silly music the most
the reason i like those specifically is bc of the melody to it! i dont have much to say abt em but yknow

do you enjoy playing games? if so, what genre of games specifically?
Yes, mostly rhythm, or Minecraft.

Favorite artist?
that depends on my mood, Igorrr if i want something explosive and experimental, Black Moth Super Rainbow if i'm in the mood for lo-fi folk stuff mixed with electronic stuff, Celer if i want pure ambient with no percussive distractions, The Future Sound of London if i want ambient techno and other calm electronics, Olivia Rodrigo if i want pop punk or pop ballads, Angèle if i want pure radio pop... et cetera. a lot of favourite artists here.

same q
birdy sighting!

also depends, and there are dozens of particular kinds of musicians i love for different reasons

ill have to edit this later when im on my pc instead of my phone so i can actually search thru everything, i have a horrible memory w these things so i dont have many names readily available

as for illustrators/animators, thats so so much harder to pick from and i have worse memory with that

i just dont have very clear favorites imo, so if any qualify then i have dozens of dozens, so im sorry for rn this is a super crappy initial answer but ill list it out when i can!!


same q
t+pazolite and xi for hardcore music.
TUYU and Ado for jpop
Newjeans for kpop
Chopin and Liszt for classical
ICDD and UNDEAD CORPORATION for metal (i dont know what types of metal), and etc

What games that you want to play, but you cant ?
(for me its arcaea, cuz i dont have a phone ;-;)
Jason X
I've been thinking about this question for 10 minutes. I do play the games I wanna play, considering they're mostly older games my PC doesn't have a problem with that.

reffty_gag wrote:

What games that you want to play, but you cant ?
(same question)
Any Mario game.

Best Window Manager?
Idk what is WM Means

Which Apocalypse You choose irl
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