
Mary - Artificial Rose [Osu|Taiko]

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Topic Starter

DEAncientNaga wrote:

DEAncientNaga's Mod Queue

Nicely mapped

Feels like almost the whole song should be KIAI time lol (just kidding)
Toggle off Letterbox during break, feels better :3Looks good!

00:31:821 - Add something here, maybe a slider or 2 circledone

00:43:821 - Add circlenone. I don't feel it's good.



Not much to mod, it's quite nice for me
Thank you for Modding! :)

Taiko tagはいらないそうですが、removeしてみてはどうですか?確かなソースはありません :cry:

OD+1 (OD1は低いと思います。)
00:08:849 (3) - 最低難易度ではnoteが被らないほうが好ましいと思います。
00:20:849 (1) - DSは統一するべきです。(ほかにも 00:35:592 (2) - こことかあるのですべて統一してください。最低難易度では全て揃えるべきです)
00:31:821 (2,3) - 音取りでは好ましいかもしれませんが、最低難易度なのでたたき辛いと感じました。以下をお試しください

00:43:478 (2,3) - どこの音を拾っているのかわかりませんでした。このようにしてみるのはどうでしょうか?

00:45:878 (2,3) - メロディをフォローするのであればこちらの音取りのほうが好ましいと思います。

01:11:249 (2) - 前のスライダーに被っているので汚く見えました
01:46:221 (2) - フォローするのであればもっと1を綺麗に囲むべきだと思います

Hyper and Anotherは別の人がmodしてくれるので少々お待ちを~~・・・。
細かなミス(DS)で汚く見えてしまう部分が多々ありました。good luckです :)
Topic Starter

Satellite wrote:

Taiko tagはいらないそうですが、removeしてみてはどうですか?確かなソースはありません :cry: よく考えたらmode検索で十分ですね。removed

[Beginner]all done
OD+1 (OD1は低いと思います。)
00:08:849 (3) - 最低難易度ではnoteが被らないほうが好ましいと思います。
00:20:849 (1) - DSは統一するべきです。(ほかにも 00:35:592 (2) - こことかあるのですべて統一してください。最低難易度では全て揃えるべきです)
00:31:821 (2,3) - 音取りでは好ましいかもしれませんが、最低難易度なのでたたき辛いと感じました。以下をお試しください

00:43:478 (2,3) - どこの音を拾っているのかわかりませんでした。このようにしてみるのはどうでしょうか?

00:45:878 (2,3) - メロディをフォローするのであればこちらの音取りのほうが好ましいと思います。

[Standard]Almost done without one
この難易度も非常にDSの乱れが目立ちました。整えてくださいおそらくは01:01:649 (1) - (9)の事かと思われますが、リズムは明確であり、曲に沿っていると自負しております
01:11:249 (2) - 前のスライダーに被っているので汚く見えました
01:46:221 (2) - フォローするのであればもっと1を綺麗に囲むべきだと思います

Hyper and Anotherは別の人がmodしてくれるので少々お待ちを~~・・・。
細かなミス(DS)で汚く見えてしまう部分が多々ありました。good luckです :)
丁寧なMODありがとうございました :)
  1. HitColorが順番的に赤➩濃赤になるので一つColorをたすかどちらかを変えてみてはどうでしょうか。
  1. 00:40:907 (4,5,6) - DSを狭くすると連打はしやすいとおもうのですがこういったところがみにくくなってしまうので(5,6)の流れをFollowしてあげると良いと思います。
  2. 01:05:764 (1) - MODのHardRockを付けた際に大きくスコアのところにはみ出てしまうので移動したほうがいいと思います
  3. 01:51:535 (1) - Backの音と合ってないと思います。単調ではありますがこのような音取りはどうでしょうか
  4. 02:10:564 (2) - Ctrl+g?

  1. 00:19:135 (5) - NC
  2. 00:27:364 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - NCの区切りで音量に変化をつけてみてはどうでしょうか
  3. 01:37:649 (3,4,5,6,7,8) - 綺麗な六芒星にできるとより良くなると思います。
  4. 02:04:907 (2,3,4,5,6) - ここのDSは一定にしたほうがいいと思います。
  5. 02:18:278 (4) - NC
Good Luckです!
Topic Starter

litoluna wrote:

  1. HitColorが順番的に赤➩濃赤になるので一つColorをたすかどちらかを変えてみてはどうでしょうか。緑を追加してみました
  1. 00:40:907 (4,5,6) - DSを狭くすると連打はしやすいとおもうのですがこういったところがみにくくなってしまうので(5,6)の流れをFollowしてあげると良いと思います。fixed
  2. 01:05:764 (1) - MODのHardRockを付けた際に大きくスコアのところにはみ出てしまうので移動したほうがいいと思いますfixed
  3. 01:51:535 (1) - Backの音と合ってないと思います。単調ではありますがこのような音取りはどうでしょうかdone
  4. 02:10:564 (2) - Ctrl+g?done
  1. 00:19:135 (5) - NCfixed
  2. 00:27:364 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - NCの区切りで音量に変化をつけてみてはどうでしょうかdone
  3. 01:37:649 (3,4,5,6,7,8) - 綺麗な六芒星にできるとより良くなると思います。fixed
  4. 02:04:907 (2,3,4,5,6) - ここのDSは一定にしたほうがいいと思います。done
  5. 02:18:278 (4) - NC

Good Luckです!

MODありがとうございました :D
Hi :),

Mod from my queue:

  1. Your kiai is a little bit short. Why not starting it at 01:59:249? The song isn't less intense than in your current kiai.
  1. 00:08:849 (3) - Whistle on the head?
  2. 00:16:392 (4,5,1,2,3,1,2,3) - This part is weird to play. The song is more intense than the start of the song but there are less notes and sliders. Besides the rythm is different but the song is nearly the same as before.
  3. 00:47:935 (1) - Curve it in order to avoid the overlap and have a blanket.
  4. 01:09:878 (2) - Move it to x=32 y=308?
  5. 01:40:049 (1,2) - Try avoiding the overlap.....
  6. 01:53:078 (1) - I find it weird when your spinner is shorter than some of your sliders....
  7. 02:10:221 (1) - Same as 00:47:935 (1).
  8. 02:16:735 (2,3) - They are stuck to each other but the other notes aren't so you should use a little bit higher spacing right here.
  1. 00:16:392 (2,3,4,5) - Maybe you could do somthing like this:
  2. 00:29:764 (3,4) - Move 3 to x=396 y=228 and 4 to x=340 y=284 in order to avoid the overlap and have a nice blanket. ^^
  3. 01:07:135 (1,2) - Maybe something like this:
    In this case you can stretch out the DS a little bit.
  4. 01:21:878 (3) - Make symetrical to the tail of 01:20:849 (1)?
  5. 01:33:878 (1) - This lonely combo doesn't have any purpose.
  6. 01:42:449 (1) - ^
  7. 01:46:049 (1,2) - A x5.21 Jump in a NORMAL!!!!!!! There is a problem somewhere......
  8. 01:50:164 (1,1,1) - These NC don't have any purpose.
  9. 02:17:078 (2,1) - This overlap is pointless. Try avoiding it.
  1. 00:05:249 (6) - Move it to x=52 y=64.
  2. 00:11:421 (6,7,8,9,10,11) - Maybe you could use a NC for making it easier to read.
  3. 00:26:764 (4) - CTRL+G if we follow the logic of upside/down/upside/down etc... (Then CTRL+G also on 00:27:021 (5))
  4. 00:31:478 (1,2) - gives a better flow imo.
  5. 00:37:821 (4,5,6) - All these overlapping doesn't look really good....
  6. 00:41:078 (8) - NC?
  7. 00:49:821 (12,13) - I find this jump a little bit exagerated.....
  8. 00:49:478 (9) - NC? (When your combo goes to 14 without any stream maybe you should look for a NC....)
  9. 01:22:735 (7,8) - It' hard to see that they are 1/4 beat apart while playing.....
  1. 00:45:707 (3,4,5) - Avoid the pointless overlap. You can do something like this for example:
    For example.
  2. 01:05:764 (1) - Remove NC.
  3. 01:22:735 (6,1) - Guess....
I can clearly see at your mapping style that you enjoyed way more to do the Another diff than the others XD
Anyway, ~Good Luck~
Topic Starter

rezoons wrote:

Hi :),

Mod from my queue:

  1. Your kiai is a little bit short. Why not starting it at 01:59:249? The song isn't less intense than in your current kiai.
  1. 00:08:849 (3) - Whistle on the head?done
  2. 00:16:392 (4,5,1,2,3,1,2,3) - This part is weird to play. The song is more intense than the start of the song but there are less notes and sliders. Besides the rythm is different but the song is nearly the same as before. Intense is not more notes.
  3. 00:47:935 (1) - Curve it in order to avoid the overlap and have a blanket.done
  4. 01:09:878 (2) - Move it to x=32 y=308?done
  5. 01:40:049 (1,2) - Try avoiding the overlap.....I had tried, but I couldn't get good anything. And this isn't problem of playing, doesn't make so ugly. IMO
  6. 01:53:078 (1) - I find it weird when your spinner is shorter than some of your sliders....this spinner is fine. Only some slider are bit longer.
  7. 02:10:221 (1) - Same as 00:47:935 (1).done
  8. 02:16:735 (2,3) - They are stuck to each other but the other notes aren't so you should use a little bit higher spacing right here.foxed
  1. 00:16:392 (2,3,4,5) - Maybe you could do somthing like this:done
  2. 00:29:764 (3,4) - Move 3 to x=396 y=228 and 4 to x=340 y=284 in order to avoid the overlap and have a nice blanket. ^^done
  3. 01:07:135 (1,2) - Maybe something like this:done
    In this case you can stretch out the DS a little bit.
  4. 01:21:878 (3) - Make symetrical to the tail of 01:20:849 (1)?done
  5. 01:33:878 (1) - This lonely combo doesn't have any purpose.done
  6. 01:42:449 (1) - ^done
  7. 01:46:049 (1,2) - A x5.21 Jump in a NORMAL!!!!!!! There is a problem somewhere......done
  8. 01:50:164 (1,1,1) - These NC don't have any purpose.done
  9. 02:17:078 (2,1) - This overlap is pointless. Try avoiding it.done
  1. 00:05:249 (6) - Move it to x=52 y=64.done
  2. 00:11:421 (6,7,8,9,10,11) - Maybe you could use a NC for making it easier to read.done
  3. 00:26:764 (4) - CTRL+G if we follow the logic of upside/down/upside/down etc... (Then CTRL+G also on 00:27:021 (5))done
  4. 00:31:478 (1,2) - gives a better flow imo.none
  5. 00:37:821 (4,5,6) - All these overlapping doesn't look really good....done
  6. 00:41:078 (8) - NC?done
  7. 00:49:821 (12,13) - I find this jump a little bit exagerated.....none
  8. 00:49:478 (9) - NC? (When your combo goes to 14 without any stream maybe you should look for a NC....)done
  9. 01:22:735 (7,8) - It' hard to see that they are 1/4 beat apart while playing.....none
  1. 00:45:707 (3,4,5) - Avoid the pointless overlap. You can do something like this for example:done
    For example.
  2. 01:05:764 (1) - Remove NC.done
  3. 01:22:735 (6,1) - Guess....done
I can clearly see at your mapping style that you enjoyed way more to do the Another diff than the others XD
Anyway, ~Good Luck~
Thank you for Modding! :)

if possible, I recommend you changing the whistle to soft or some special one like this:
lack of hitsounds in the kiai of most easier diffs. please think of some cool sound pattern.

00:04:907 (4,5) - Highly recommend that you ctrl+G, as the jump feels more "dynamic".
00:07:478 (4) - reverse arrow partially overlapped. please consider this.
00:07:649 - add whistle? it represents a rising atmosphere
00:09:192 - ^
00:10:392 - ^
00:17:507 - add a note? sounds more intense
00:29:078 (2) - missing soft clap?
00:29:249 - add whistle? the 3/2 whistle pattern sounds more regular
00:30:792 - add soft clap?
00:34:564 (2) - ^
00:34:735 - add whistle?
00:40:049 - add soft clap?
00:42:792 (2) - ^
00:45:535 - ^
00:48:278 (2) - ^
00:49:992 (5) - not sure. extend by 1/4? plays cooler
00:52:478 (4) - it should be at 00:52:649 - imo.
01:13:992 (5) - try moving 1/2 earlier. if so, also move 01:16:735 (5) - 01:19:478 (5) - 01:22:221 (5) -
01:56:849 (4) - move 1/4 later? it sounds better.
02:04:049 (1,2,3,4) - looks quite like 1/4 stream, especially as after the 1/4 slider. try this:

00:07:649 - 00:10:392 - add whistle? same as Another
00:41:764 (7) - increase spacing imo. not so goodlooking
01:37:307 - try removing the whistle. if so, also add whistle to 01:37:478 - 01:37:992 - 01:38:507 - .
(then adjust some other hitsound pattern lol)
01:42:792 (2,4) - 4's reverse arrow is overlapped. make some rotation.
01:46:907 (3) - space more

cool sliders...
00:34:221 (1) - rotate this so that the following 3 won't overlap it's tail
00:40:564 (2,3,4) - tiny spacing inconsistency
00:45:707 (2,3,4) - ^
01:04:392 (5) - NC? 8 notes in a combo seems too long as a normal level.
01:20:849 (4) - ^
01:53:764 (1) - finish
01:56:507 - better add a break here
02:19:821 (2) - simply copy 1? current pattern looks not so good just like a toilet lid

00:07:478 (2,3,1) - tiny spacing inconsistency
00:28:735 (1,2,3) - ^
00:32:849 (4,5,1) - ^
01:05:764 (3) - try this?
01:53:078 (1) - finish
02:18:449 (1,2,3) - tiny spacing inconsistency

[TK'S Oni]
00:06:107 (26) - change to d? responds better to the previous bars. if so, do the same to 00:08:849 (40) -
01:01:821 - 01:04:564 - add k? sounds cooler imo
01:13:992 (400) - move 1/2 early? if so, do the same to 01:16:735 (408) - 01:19:478 (418) - 01:22:221 (426) -
02:12:364 (789) - k?
02:17:849 (837) - ^

[TK'S Muzukashii]
01:52:907 (406) - k?
02:04:221 (441) - ^
02:08:507 (459,460) - k d, imo

Good luck~
Topic Starter

Flower wrote:


if possible, I recommend you changing the whistle to soft or some special one like this:
lack of hitsounds in the kiai of most easier diffs. please think of some cool sound pattern.ok, I'll try.

[Another]About Done
00:04:907 (4,5) - Highly recommend that you ctrl+G, as the jump feels more "dynamic".
00:07:478 (4) - reverse arrow partially overlapped. please consider this.
00:07:649 - add whistle? it represents a rising atmosphere
00:09:192 - ^
00:10:392 - ^
00:17:507 - add a note? sounds more intense
00:29:078 (2) - missing soft clap?
00:29:249 - add whistle? the 3/2 whistle pattern sounds more regular
00:30:792 - add soft clap?
00:34:564 (2) - ^
00:34:735 - add whistle?
00:40:049 - add soft clap?
00:42:792 (2) - ^
00:45:535 - ^
00:48:278 (2) - ^
00:49:992 (5) - not sure. extend by 1/4? plays cooler
00:52:478 (4) - it should be at 00:52:649 - imo.none
01:13:992 (5) - try moving 1/2 earlier. if so, also move 01:16:735 (5) - 01:19:478 (5) - 01:22:221 (5) -
01:56:849 (4) - move 1/4 later? it sounds better.
02:04:049 (1,2,3,4) - looks quite like 1/4 stream, especially as after the 1/4 slider. try this:

[Hyper]About Done
00:07:649 - 00:10:392 - add whistle? same as Another
00:41:764 (7) - increase spacing imo. not so goodlooking
01:37:307 - try removing the whistle. if so, also add whistle to 01:37:478 - 01:37:992 - 01:38:507 - . I look for new hitsound. I consider after that
(then adjust some other hitsound pattern lol)
01:42:792 (2,4) - 4's reverse arrow is overlapped. make some rotation.
01:46:907 (3) - space more

[Standard]All done!
cool sliders...
00:34:221 (1) - rotate this so that the following 3 won't overlap it's tail
00:40:564 (2,3,4) - tiny spacing inconsistency
00:45:707 (2,3,4) - ^
01:04:392 (5) - NC? 8 notes in a combo seems too long as a normal level.
01:20:849 (4) - ^
01:53:764 (1) - finish
01:56:507 - better add a break here
02:19:821 (2) - simply copy 1? current pattern looks not so good just like a toilet lid

[Beginner]All done!
00:07:478 (2,3,1) - tiny spacing inconsistency
00:28:735 (1,2,3) - ^
00:32:849 (4,5,1) - ^
01:05:764 (3) - try this?really cool
01:53:078 (1) - finish
02:18:449 (1,2,3) - tiny spacing inconsistency

Good luck~
Thank you Great Modding! :)

Flower wrote:


[TK'S Oni]
00:06:107 (26) - change to d? responds better to the previous bars. if so, do the same to 00:08:849 (40) - - fixed.
01:01:821 - 01:04:564 - add k? sounds cooler imo - nope. its a little unnatural ;_;
01:13:992 (400) - move 1/2 early? if so, do the same to 01:16:735 (408) - 01:19:478 (418) - 01:22:221 (426) - good...but i want to fit the bassdrum :3
02:12:364 (789) - k?
02:17:849 (837) - ^ - really good as a change of accent. fixed these and the peripheral.

[TK'S Muzukashii]
01:52:907 (406) - k?
02:04:221 (441) - ^
02:08:507 (459,460) - k d, imo - all no change ;_; but fixed some sounds.

Good luck~
thanks for mod!! :oops:

updateお願いします! Link
Topic Starter
Update :)
00:26:507 (126,127,128,129,130,131) - kk dd k d
00:29:764 (156) - k
00:52:392 (310) - del?
01:11:935 (385,386,387,388,389,390,391,392,393) - kdkdddkdd
01:32:849 (486,487) - dk
01:58:649 (679) - k?
02:01:821 (705,706,707) - kkd?
02:15:021 (810,811,812,813,814,815,816,817,818) - kkddkkkkd
02:25:392 - d
>02:23:935 (873,874,875,876,877,878,879,880,881,882,883,884,885,886,887,888,889,890,891) - ddddkkkkddkkdkdkkdk
02:26:421 (899) - d
(Fogotten updated:P Will Edit latter)
00:29:764 (83) - k
00:33:535 (98,99,100) - dkk
00:35:078 (104,105,106) - dkk
00:39:021 (120,121,122) - ddk
00:59:935 (200,201,202) - kK?
01:17:764 (251) - d
01:19:478 (257,258) - kd
01:23:421 - k
01:31:307 - d?
Standard as gift :3
00:04:906 (4,5) - I don't think this is a good idea:3 swap it.
00:42:964 (3,5) - swap:3
01:11:935 (7) - NC?
01:13:649 (4) - move to 01:13:478 -
01:16:392 (4) - move to 01:16:221 - Why do you did this:3
01:19:135 (4) - ...
01:46:307 (5) - moveto 256,328
Extra: 01:27:535 (6) - wow 2points can make a smooth 180° :3
00:13:135 (1) - note?
Standard(I think this is simmilar with Normal:3)
01:34:564 (1) - So this is more like Easy:3
02:21:192 (1) - End at 02:23:764 -
02:21:192 (1) - End at 02:23:764 -
Topic Starter

ts8zs wrote:


Standard as gift :3
00:04:906 (4,5) - I don't think this is a good idea:3 swap it.done
00:42:964 (3,5) - swap:3[done
01:11:935 (7) - NC?done
01:13:649 (4) - move to 01:13:478 - fixed
01:16:392 (4) - move to 01:16:221 - Why do you did this:3^ maybe, I look up to every suggestion.
01:19:135 (4) - ...^
01:46:307 (5) - moveto 256,328none
Extra: 01:27:535 (6) - wow 2points can make a smooth 180° :3lol
00:13:135 (1) - note?slider
Standard(I think this is simmilar with Normal:3)
01:34:564 (1) - So this is more like Easy:3tried
02:21:192 (1) - End at 02:23:764 -done
02:21:192 (1) - End at 02:23:764 -done

ts8zs wrote:

00:26:507 (126,127,128,129,130,131) - kk dd k d
00:29:764 (156) - k
00:52:392 (310) - del?
01:11:935 (385,386,387,388,389,390,391,392,393) - kdkdddkdd
01:32:849 (486,487) - dk - fixed.
01:58:649 (679) - k?
02:01:821 (705,706,707) - kkd?
02:15:021 (810,811,812,813,814,815,816,817,818) - kkddkkkkd - fixed.
02:25:392 - d
>02:23:935 (873,874,875,876,877,878,879,880,881,882,883,884,885,886,887,888,889,890,891) - ddddkkkkddkkdkdkkdk
02:26:421 (899) - d - fixed.
(Fogotten updated:P Will Edit latter)
00:29:764 (83) - k
00:33:535 (98,99,100) - dkk
00:35:078 (104,105,106) - dkk
00:39:021 (120,121,122) - ddk
00:59:935 (200,201,202) - kK?
01:17:764 (251) - d - fixed.
01:19:478 (257,258) - kd
01:23:421 - k
01:31:307 - d?
thanks for modding!! :oops:

updateお願いします。 Link
Topic Starter
update :)
Hello ! Mod From My Queue

Nice Instrumental Like It !

00:33:535(5) Change It Like This?

00:39:707(1,2) ^

01:50:164(3) Move To x:256 y:328
01:50:678(4) Move Down 1 grid
01:51:535(1) Make It Like This (Looks More Better)

00:01:307(1,2) Make It Like This

00:04:735(2) Move To x:68 y:364
00:05:249(3) Move To x:112 y:184
00:36:278(4) Make It Stack With Behind Slider Like This

00:42:964(2) Move To x:388 y:304
00:44:507(4) Move To x:20 y:260 Then 00:44:849(5) Move To x:148 y:176 (so it looks Neat)
00:46:392(4) Move Middle Point Of Slider To x:500 y:224
01:13:307(2) Make It Straight Line

01:54:449(5) Move To x:192 y:52
Well I'm Not Good On Modding Insane Maybe Other modder will help you

That's All I Can Found.
Good Luck And GO RANKED!
Topic Starter

Helios_Zul wrote:

Hello ! Mod From My Queue

Nice Instrumental Like It !

00:33:535(5) Change It Like This?done

00:39:707(1,2) ^done

01:50:164(3) Move To x:256 y:328done
01:50:678(4) Move Down 1 grid1grid up looks better
01:51:535(1) Make It Like This (Looks More Better)none

00:01:307(1,2) Make It Like Thisdone

00:04:735(2) Move To x:68 y:364done
00:05:249(3) Move To x:112 y:184done
00:36:278(4) Make It Stack With Behind Slider Like Thistoo hard :o

00:42:964(2) Move To x:388 y:304done
00:44:507(4) Move To x:20 y:260 Then 00:44:849(5) Move To x:148 y:176 (so it looks Neat)I don't think so...
00:46:392(4) Move Middle Point Of Slider To x:500 y:224none
01:13:307(2) Make It Straight Linenone

01:54:449(5) Move To x:192 y:52done
Well I'm Not Good On Modding Insane Maybe Other modder will help you

That's All I Can Found.
Good Luck And GO RANKED!
Thank you for Modding! :)
here's your ticket


  1. try offset 1298(-9)


nothing :/


01:39:192 (1) - delete NC
01:46:221 (2) - touching HP bar end litle bit imo
01:50:164 (1) - delete NC


00:03:364 (8) - wjistle on start
00:27:364 (1) - decrease spinner's length by 00:28:392 - here? plays and hears better
01:36:278 (2) - little bit off-screen, please fix this
01:40:049 (1,2,3) - try to avoid stack? maybe triangle pattern works


00:08:849 (8,9) - reverse this rhythm?
00:30:792 (6) - maybe DS mistake?
00:42:964 (3) - add whistle 00:43:135 (5) - delete whistle
00:49:821 (4,5) - i don't recommend such as these things, it nearly looks like 1/2 beat so i suggest to reduce DS little ( oh yes other parts have similar pattern like here but those are quite nice )
01:25:821 (1,2) - hmm maybe soft sampleset?

Good luck~
Topic Starter

HelloSCV wrote:

here's your ticket


  1. try offset 1298(-9)


nothing :/


01:39:192 (1) - delete NCdone
01:46:221 (2) - touching HP bar end litle bit imodone
01:50:164 (1) - delete NCdone


00:03:364 (8) - wjistle on startfixed
00:27:364 (1) - decrease spinner's length by 00:28:392 - here? plays and hears betterdone
01:36:278 (2) - little bit off-screen, please fix thisfixed
01:40:049 (1,2,3) - try to avoid stack? maybe triangle pattern works none


00:08:849 (8,9) - reverse this rhythm?none
00:30:792 (6) - maybe DS mistake?fixed
00:42:964 (3) - add whistle 00:43:135 (5) - delete whistle
00:49:821 (4,5) - i don't recommend such as these things, it nearly looks like 1/2 beat so i suggest to reduce DS little ( oh yes other parts have similar pattern like here but those are quite nice )done
01:25:821 (1,2) - hmm maybe soft sampleset?fixed

Good luck~
Thank you for Modding!! :)
Hi~from my queue
normal mod

Sorry for late

Nice rhythm,so much better than me
clap is strange...hitsound is abit weak in beginner and standard

01:31:812 (1,2) - I think they should have same shape..

I think you should keep adding whistle in kiai but not stop at02:15:698
01:31:812 (1,2,3,4,5) - a bit hard for beginners imo

00:36:955 (1,2) - I think you should shorten their spacing,It is hard to read
00:06:783 (1,2) - a bit sudden big spacing..
00:11:926 remove NC
01:45:183 (7) - NC? sudden 1/8

00:12:269 - 00:22:898 I think so many NC is unnecessary because of Sparse rhythm ,add NC every 2 long white line
and same suggestion about similar patterns
01:40:555 (4) - NC here
02:20:669 add whistle here?

good luck!
Topic Starter

baldrace wrote:

Hi~from my queue
normal mod

Sorry for late

Nice rhythm,so much better than me
clap is strange...hitsound is abit weak in beginner and standardsome added

01:31:812 (1,2) - I think they should have same shape..I don't think sharp, but make more strange

I think you should keep adding whistle in kiai but not stop at02:15:698done
01:31:812 (1,2,3,4,5) - a bit hard for beginners imodone

00:36:955 (1,2) - I think you should shorten their spacing,It is hard to readdone
00:06:783 (1,2) - a bit sudden big spacing..done
00:11:926 remove NCdone
01:45:183 (7) - NC? sudden 1/8none

00:12:269 - 00:22:898 I think so many NC is unnecessary because of Sparse rhythm ,add NC every 2 long white line
and same suggestion about similar patternsnone
01:40:555 (4) - NC heredone
02:20:669 add whistle here?done

good luck!
Thank you for Modding!! :)
Hi~ From modding queue: t/139620/start=0

~00:09:526 (1) - Put this slightly down for better flow.
~00:41:069 (3) - ^
~01:09:869 (2) - ^
~01:34:555 (1,1,2,1,2) - Those sliders 0.o I am fine with it, but I dunno if beginners can follow that 0.o
~02:23:926 (1) - I don't think double spinners are for beginners.

~01:03:012 (1) - Remove NC.
~01:03:869 (2) - NC here instead.
~01:05:240 (2) - ^
~01:23:583 (1,2,3,4) - Jumps too far away for Normal diff.Distance snap them closer.
~01:31:812 (1,2,3,4) - ^
~01:34:555 (1) - -1 reverse arrow for Normal.
~01:38:840 (1) - Snap it to the down beat before.
~01:39:183 - Add a circle.
~01:39:698 (2) - Snap to downbeat. After those, it'll look like this -->
~01:42:440 (2) - Distance snap it by 1x and move to X:488 Y:332
~01:45:526 (1) - ^and move to X:0 Y:148

~00:18:012 (1) - Remove this note, it's unnecessary.
~00:20:755 (2) - ^
~01:23:069 (8) - Stack it on top of slider 7's head?
~01:45:869 (2,3) - Playing with triplets going that direction is quite uncomfortable, try to make it flow like this 01:48:955 (3,4,5)
~01:53:669 (6,1) - Make it a triplet instead?
~02:07:640 (2) - Remove this note and move the slider to 02:07:640
~02:07:983 (4) - ^Move slider to 02:07:983
~02:16:983 (6,1) - Confusing :?

~00:33:526 (7) - Stack this perfectly on slider 6's end.
~I think this diff is fine. :3

That's all from me ^^ Good luck!
Topic Starter

gideon5504 wrote:

Hi~ From modding queue: t/139620/start=0

~00:09:526 (1) - Put this slightly down for better flow.done
~00:41:069 (3) - ^none
~01:09:869 (2) - ^none
~01:34:555 (1,1,2,1,2) - Those sliders 0.o I am fine with it, but I dunno if beginners can follow that 0.oBeginners in my head can pass this 8-)
~02:23:926 (1) - I don't think double spinners are for beginners.Follow song, enough long, so They can pass 300 without knowledge about this.IMO

~01:03:012 (1) - Remove NC.done
~01:03:869 (2) - NC here instead.done
~01:05:240 (2) - ^done
~01:23:583 (1,2,3,4) - Jumps too far away for Normal diff.Distance snap them closer.done
~01:31:812 (1,2,3,4) - ^done
~01:34:555 (1) - -1 reverse arrow for Normal.this is readable
~01:38:840 (1) - Snap it to the down beat before.none
~01:39:183 - Add a circle.already there...
~01:39:698 (2) - Snap to downbeat. After those, it'll look like this -->
~01:42:440 (2) - Distance snap it by 1x and move to X:488 Y:332none
~01:45:526 (1) - ^and move to X:0 Y:148none

~00:18:012 (1) - Remove this note, it's unnecessary.not unnecessary
~00:20:755 (2) - ^^
~01:23:069 (8) - Stack it on top of slider 7's head?no. too hard.
~01:45:869 (2,3) - Playing with triplets going that direction is quite uncomfortable, try to make it flow like this 01:48:955 (3,4,5)none
~01:53:669 (6,1) - Make it a triplet instead?none
~02:07:640 (2) - Remove this note and move the slider to 02:07:640none
~02:07:983 (4) - ^Move slider to 02:07:983^
~02:16:983 (6,1) - Confusing :?No Problem.IMO

~00:33:526 (7) - Stack this perfectly on slider 6's end.done
~I think this diff is fine. :3

That's all from me ^^ Good luck!
Thank you for Modding!! :)
- Miomio Chii -
Hi, Here is my mod. From Queue.
  1. 00:08:840 (3,1) - you can blanket it, i think this overlap looks not pretty
  2. 02:12:955 (1,2,3) - blanket it better
  3. 00:43:298 (2) - i think its a little hard even its a slider x.x
  4. 00:46:555 (3) - same as ^
  1. 00:05:240 (3,2,3) - blanket it better
  2. 01:18:783 (2,3) - same as ^
  3. 01:20:840 (1,2) - same as ^
  4. 01:50:155 (3) - lol
:!: Not end of this mod, tomorrow i will mod other diffs.
Take a break :P

edit :
Ok, here are other diff's mod ;)

  1. 00:04:040 (1,2) - blanket it better
  2. 00:05:240 (4,5) - same as ^
  3. 00:07:983 (5,7) - same as ^
  4. 00:19:469 (1,2,3) - same as ^ blanket it pretty
  5. 00:42:440 (1,2) - blanket it better
  6. 00:43:469 (4,5) - same as ^
  7. 00:44:498 (7,2) - same as ^
  8. 00:45:355 (2,3,4) - same as ^
  9. 01:27:012 (3,4) - same as ^
  10. 01:30:783 (1,1) - same as ^
  11. 01:45:526 (1) - end's dot left a grid
  12. 01:45:526 (1,2) - blanket it better
  1. 00:09:526 (1) - end's dot right a grid
  2. 00:13:298 (6,1) - blanket it better
  3. 00:19:812 (6,1) - same as ^
  4. 00:36:955 (1,2) - same as ^
  5. 00:45:698 (3) - end's dot right a grid
  6. 00:49:812 (4,6) - blanket it maybe will looks more pretty
  7. 01:09:526 (6,1) - blanket it better
  8. 01:25:469 - add a note
  9. 01:27:012 (5,6,7) - blanket it better
  10. 01:30:955 - add a note
End of this mod,
Nice song !
頑張ってねぇ ~ ;)
Topic Starter

- Miomio Chii - wrote:

Hi, Here is my mod. From Queue.
  1. 00:08:840 (3,1) - you can blanket it, i think this overlap looks not prettydone
  2. 02:12:955 (1,2,3) - blanket it betternone
  3. 00:43:298 (2) - i think its a little hard even its a slider x.xdone
  4. 00:46:555 (3) - same as ^none
  1. 00:05:240 (3,2,3) - blanket it betterdone
  2. 01:18:783 (2,3) - same as ^done
  3. 01:20:840 (1,2) - same as ^done
  4. 01:50:155 (3) - lol 8-)
:!: Not end of this mod, tomorrow i will mod other diffs.
Take a break :P

edit :
Ok, here are other diff's mod ;)

  1. 00:04:040 (1,2) - blanket it betternone
  2. 00:05:240 (4,5) - same as ^none
  3. 00:07:983 (5,7) - same as ^none
  4. 00:19:469 (1,2,3) - same as ^ blanket it prettynone
  5. 00:42:440 (1,2) - blanket it betternone
  6. 00:43:469 (4,5) - same as ^done
  7. 00:44:498 (7,2) - same as ^none
  8. 00:45:355 (2,3,4) - same as ^none
  9. 01:27:012 (3,4) - same as ^none
  10. 01:30:783 (1,1) - same as ^none
  11. 01:45:526 (1) - end's dot left a griddone
  12. 01:45:526 (1,2) - blanket it betterdone
  1. 00:09:526 (1) - end's dot right a griddone
  2. 00:13:298 (6,1) - blanket it betternone
  3. 00:19:812 (6,1) - same as ^done
  4. 00:36:955 (1,2) - same as ^done
  5. 00:45:698 (3) - end's dot right a griddone
  6. 00:49:812 (4,6) - blanket it maybe will looks more prettydone
  7. 01:09:526 (6,1) - blanket it betterdone
  8. 01:25:469 - add a notenone
  9. 01:27:012 (5,6,7) - blanket it betterdone
  10. 01:30:955 - add a notenone
End of this mod,
Nice song !
頑張ってねぇ ~ ;)
Thank you for Modding~
頑張ります :)
Text shown in red means unrankable stuff (you must fix it)
  1. 00:07:469 (4) - A simple carb curve slider looks good
Text shown in red means unrankable stuff (you must fix it)
AR 7 Please
  1. 01:07:298 (1) - Move it to x:492 y:156
  2. 01:47:583 (5) - Slider like this is ugly
  3. 02:19:983 (2) - 1/8 beat doesn't exist in this song, better replace with 1/4 repeating slider
  1. 00:49:126 (8) - Change it to 1/4 repeating slider, cuz 1/8 beat doesn't exist
  2. 00:58:040 (1,2,3,1) - Make these more smooth please
Topic Starter

alvinheriadi wrote:

Text shown in red means unrankable stuff (you must fix it)
  1. 00:07:469 (4) - A simple carb curve slider looks gooddone
Text shown in red means unrankable stuff (you must fix it)
AR 7 PleaseI don't think so...
  1. 01:07:298 (1) - Move it to x:492 y:156It break DS.none
  2. 01:47:583 (5) - Slider like this is uglyfixed
  3. 02:19:983 (2) - 1/8 beat doesn't exist in this song, better replace with 1/4 repeating slidernone. This is 1/8 beat.
  1. 00:49:126 (8) - Change it to 1/4 repeating slider, cuz 1/8 beat doesn't existnone
  2. 00:58:040 (1,2,3,1) - Make these more smooth pleasenone

Thank you for Modding! :)
Taiko mod requested by TKSalt.

HP and OD 6? 5 is really easy.
00:50:669 (304) - Finisher?
01:22:383 (424,425,426,427) - Resnap to 1/6. Must have gotten messed up if you resnapped all notes.
01:33:355 (489,490,491,492) - ^
01:44:069 (568) - k? I can hear a really soft snare here, it also makes the pattern a bit more fun too.
01:47:412 (595) - k? Just to break up the long string of d notes, they feel really weird to play in this section because there is a lot happening.
01:48:440 (604) - ^
01:49:555 - add a note here? You can hear the triplet easily in the music, why not map it.
02:19:983 (853,854,855,856) - Resnap to 1/6.

OD 5 HP 5.
00:28:726 (79) - Finisher?
00:50:669 (173) - ^
01:34:555 (322) - ^
01:59:240 (420) - ^

Nice map as always TKS! Things in red need to be changed then I can give the seal of approval for these taiko diffs.

MMzz wrote:

Taiko mod requested by TKSalt.

HP and OD 6? 5 is really easy. - agree to it, because this song have simple rhythm.
00:50:669 (304) - Finisher?
01:22:383 (424,425,426,427) - Resnap to 1/6. Must have gotten messed up if you resnapped all notes. - im baka mapper ;_;
01:33:355 (489,490,491,492) - ^
01:44:069 (568) - k? I can hear a really soft snare here, it also makes the pattern a bit more fun too.
01:47:412 (595) - k? Just to break up the long string of d notes, they feel really weird to play in this section because there is a lot happening.
01:48:440 (604) - ^
01:49:555 - add a note here? You can hear the triplet easily in the music, why not map it.
02:19:983 (853,854,855,856) - Resnap to 1/6.
- all fixed. :) yay

OD 5 HP 5.
00:28:726 (79) - Finisher?
00:50:669 (173) - ^
01:34:555 (322) - ^
01:59:240 (420) - ^
- all fixed again.

Nice map as always TKS! Things in red need to be changed then I can give the seal of approval for these taiko diffs.
thanks for modding mitten! :D

update お願いします 8-) Link
Topic Starter
update :)
Taikos are good to go!
From my queue~

  1. Airtistは"メアリー"では? よく知っているわけではないので間違ってたらすみません
  1. 00:40:383 (2,3) - Easy-diffでこういう重なりは避けた方が良いと思います
  2. 01:04:383 (2) - 終わりが01:05:240の方がバックの音とマッチするかなと
  3. 01:08:498 (1,2) - ここも重なりを避けた方が良いです
  4. 01:33:183 (2) - 01:34:555 (1) - ときちんと重ねた方がきれいです
  5. 01:42:783 (2) - end at 01:44:840
  1. 01:42:783 (1) - end at 01:45:183
  2. 01:51:526 (2) - 終わりは01:52:040が良いと思います。が、normalにしてはちょっと難しくなるのでremapしないのであればそのままの方がいいかも
  3. 02:15:698 (1) - 折り返した後重ならないようにsliderを作ることをお勧めします
  1. 01:51:183 (6,1) - not stack
  2. 02:20:498- add a note
  1. 00:22:212 (2,3) - この重なりは避けるべき
  2. 01:09:526 (6,7) - 逆の配置の方が好きです
  3. 01:22:726 (7,8) - この重なりは避けるべき
  4. 01:37:640 (3,4,5,6,7,8) - Good!
TaikoはOKもらったようでおめでとうございます。standardの方も頑張ってください ;)
~Good Luck~
Topic Starter

RandomEffect wrote:

From my queue~

  1. Airtistは"メアリー"では? よく知っているわけではないので間違ってたらすみません確認したところゲルテナ展覧会はチーム名でした。訂正します
  1. 00:40:383 (2,3) - Easy-diffでこういう重なりは避けた方が良いと思いますdone
  2. 01:04:383 (2) - 終わりが01:05:240の方がバックの音とマッチするかなとdone
  3. 01:08:498 (1,2) - ここも重なりを避けた方が良いです
  4. 01:33:183 (2) - 01:34:555 (1) - ときちんと重ねた方がきれいです完全に重ねてしまうかは悩んでいるので保留します
  5. 01:42:783 (2) - end at 01:44:840done
  1. 01:42:783 (1) - end at 01:45:183done
  2. 01:51:526 (2) - 終わりは01:52:040が良いと思います。が、normalにしてはちょっと難しくなるのでremapしないのであればそのままの方がいいかもnone
  3. 02:15:698 (1) - 折り返した後重ならないようにsliderを作ることをお勧めしますdone
  1. 01:51:183 (6,1) - not stack
  2. 02:20:498- add a noteここに拾ってる音はありません
  1. 00:22:212 (2,3) - この重なりは避けるべきdone
  2. 01:09:526 (6,7) - 逆の配置の方が好きですdone
  3. 01:22:726 (7,8) - この重なりは避けるべきdone
  4. 01:37:640 (3,4,5,6,7,8) - Good!
TaikoはOKもらったようでおめでとうございます。standardの方も頑張ってください ;)
~Good Luck~
Moddingありがとうございました :)
Hi :3 From my queue

  • Just curious about your .mp3 file... It's 32kpbs and the length is 13min. But it finially stops at 2min37.Idk if this is ok..
Consider add a silenced normal-sliderslide2.wav?

  1. 00:09:183 - Whsitle?
Arrangement & Design
  • lol love these sliders :)
  1. 01:46:212 (2,4) - Touched x.x
  2. 02:04:726 (1) -


  • Fine.
Arrangement & Design
  • Unsnapped green line at: 00:12:369 - snap to 00:12:440
  1. 00:06:783 (3) - New combo? Remove this newcombo 00:08:326 (1) -
  2. 00:09:526 (3) - And add new combo here
  3. 01:19:469 (3,1) - As you did I think you can stack them again.
  4. 01:24:269 (2) - Move right 2 grid will not hurt.(grid lv4)
  5. 02:07:126 (4,1) - Move 4 1grid up and 1 1grid down.(grid lv4)



  1. 00:03:698 - Whistle
  2. 00:06:440 - Whistle

Arrangement & Design
  1. 01:28:383 (1,2,3,4) - I suggest use a bigger spacing. I get confused when I try the map first time.This really like a 1/4 distance.
  2. 02:07:126 (4) - Move to x144 y336


  • Uh, I realized it isn't you missed them.. But I recommend you add whistle as I said in Hyper. I think they should be there at the same point of Hyper
    Stream part's hitsounds are epic :)
  1. 02:16:212 - and 02:16:726 - Add whistle sounds better.
Arrangement & Design
  1. 00:42:955 (3,4,5) - Plays weird. It looks like a flow-breaker.. If you dont want to change it , I think change this(00:43:298 (6) - ) is better.
    Like this:
  2. 01:28:383 (1,2,3,4) - Again, Same as I said in Hyper. Bigger the distance plz :o
    Also this: 02:04:040 (1,2,3,4) -
  3. 01:37:298 (1,2) - Try this.
  4. 01:42:955 (1,2) - Plays bad.My suggestion:

Star! Good luck~ :)
Topic Starter

fanzhen0019 wrote:

Hi :3 From my queue

  • Just curious about your .mp3 file... It's 32kpbs and the length is 13min. But it finially stops at 2min37.Idk if this is ok.. [/color]I tried to make new mp3. I hope this works well... :?
Consider add a silenced normal-sliderslide2.wav?Sounds cool! Added!

  1. 00:09:183 - Whsitle?done
Arrangement & Design
  • lol love these sliders :)
  1. 01:46:212 (2,4) - Touched x.xdone
  2. 02:04:726 (1) - done


  • Fine.
Arrangement & Design
  • Unsnapped green line at: 00:12:369 - snap to 00:12:440
  1. 00:06:783 (3) - New combo? Remove this newcombo 00:08:326 (1) - done
  2. 00:09:526 (3) - And add new combo heredone
  3. 01:19:469 (3,1) - As you did I think you can stack them again.
  4. 01:24:269 (2) - Move right 2 grid will not hurt.(grid lv4)done
  5. 02:07:126 (4,1) - Move 4 1grid up and 1 1grid down.(grid lv4)done



  1. 00:03:698 - Whistledone
  2. 00:06:440 - Whistledone
Arrangement & Design
  1. 01:28:383 (1,2,3,4) - I suggest use a bigger spacing. I get confused when I try the map first time.This really like a 1/4 distance.done☆
  2. 02:07:126 (4) - Move to x144 y336done


  • Uh, I realized it isn't you missed them.. But I recommend you add whistle as I said in Hyper. I think they should be there at the same point of Hyper
    Stream part's hitsounds are epic :)
  1. 02:16:212 - and 02:16:726 - Add whistle sounds better.done
Arrangement & Design
  1. 00:42:955 (3,4,5) - Plays weird. It looks like a flow-breaker.. If you dont want to change it , I think change this(00:43:298 (6) - ) is better.done
    Like this:
  2. 01:28:383 (1,2,3,4) - Again, Same as I said in Hyper. Bigger the distance plz :o
    Also this: 02:04:040 (1,2,3,4) - both done
  3. 01:37:298 (1,2) - Try this.done
  4. 01:42:955 (1,2) - Plays bad.My suggestion:done

Star! Good luck~ :)
Thank you MOD and star! :)
From modding queue
00:43:298 (2) - I think this could go on the previous white tick sounds better to me
Good to go.
Very well mapped I think there is no further mods needed on this diff
Another is suppose to be harder than Hyper >w<
that all i have to say for this
i think higher approach rate should do it

P.S - sorry for poor mod that's all I could find
Topic Starter

zorefire wrote:

From modding queue
00:43:298 (2) - I think this could go on the previous white tick sounds better to meI don't think so. It doesn't follow music.
Good to go.
Very well mapped I think there is no further mods needed on this diff
Another is suppose to be harder than Hyper >w<
that all i have to say for this
i think higher approach rate should do itYou should know that this is bug. And AR10 is too fast to play.

P.S - sorry for poor mod that's all I could find
Sorry, no changed. So no kds
hi ;)
from my modding queue
i'm a new modder,this is my second mod,and i can't mod taiko diff,sorryQAQ
;w;my english is poor,can i use img to express my ideas?if u don't understand,plz PM me in game :D

  1. 00:22:383 (2) - try this rhythm?
  2. 01:50:155 (3) - is this rhythm to hard for beginner?my opinion:move note to x296 y364 and 01:49:983 (3) - ,change new combo
  1. 01:06:955 (1) - add a note and new combo
  2. 01:51:526 (2) - make this slider longer?
    plz don't care about the shape >< i don't know how to place them
  3. 02:08:840 (3) - sounds uncomfortable :cry:
  1. 01:17:926 (2) - change the hitsound?
  2. 01:18:955 (5) - too long distance?
  3. 02:07:383 (5) - add a note?
  1. 01:14:840 (7) - try use short slider?add green lines,turn vol. to 20%
  2. 02:04:983 (3) - :P strange note,move this note to another place??
  3. 02:23:926 (1) - is it too easy for a end of Another diff? :P :P :P turn the last spinner into stream or sliders
Because of webpage closed unexpectedly I had to rewrite this mod once more :(

I love this music very much! :D
Topic Starter

woshiguabi wrote:

hi ;)
from my modding queue
i'm a new modder,this is my second mod,and i can't mod taiko diff,sorryQAQ
;w;my english is poor,can i use img to express my ideas?if u don't understand,plz PM me in game :D

  1. 00:22:383 (2) - try this rhythm?done
  2. 01:50:155 (3) - is this rhythm to hard for beginner?my opinion:move note to x296 y364 and 01:49:983 (3) - ,change new combonone.This Does't match song.
  1. 01:06:955 (1) - add a note and new combonone. It's hard.
  2. 01:51:526 (2) - make this slider longer?done!
    plz don't care about the shape >< i don't know how to place themdone
  3. 02:08:840 (3) - sounds uncomfortable :cry:none.This Does't match song.
  1. 01:17:926 (2) - change the hitsound?none.
  2. 01:18:955 (5) - too long distance?none. Sliders are easy to play, so I think this is fine.
  3. 02:07:383 (5) - add a note?ofc, there are some sounds. But I don't take them in Hyper diff.
  1. 01:14:840 (7) - try use short slider?add green lines,turn vol. to 20%none. I don't think so.
  2. 02:04:983 (3) - :P strange note,move this note to another place??fixed
  3. 02:23:926 (1) - is it too easy for a end of Another diff? :P :P :P turn the last spinner into stream or slidersnone. Spinner matches the song, And I like these spinner end. lol
Because of webpage closed unexpectedly I had to rewrite this mod once more :(

I love this music very much! :D
Thank you for Modding! And I love this too!! :)

You should change these things on every difficultie:

Combo colours:
You have a bright blue-white background, and then you have colours like green and (red)brown in your combo colours. This doesn't fit very good. The BG is very bright as well, not having 1 bit of darker colour in it. I'd suggest using colours like:
- Yellow, Magenta, Skyblue, Grey
- I made a collection of these, maybe you like them:

Combo1 : 255,255,0
Combo2 : 119,187,255
Combo3 : 192,192,192
Combo4 : 128,255,128

One Another and Hyper you have a lot of inconsistancy going, you should try improving it so the gameplay gets better and its more enjoyable when you actually are able to read what you play!


00:11:926 - Add a circle to improve the transition from slider to slider. It is better to keep the "rythm" consistant, so beginners don't get confused. Its always good to put slider/circles on white ticks, so they have a consistant clicking. For a beginner, they expect it to be that way.
00:15:012 (3) - This overlap is fine. Though, i'd say i wouldnt advise you to use this in a Easy difficutlie. Beginner start to learn how to play, the basics. These are pattern which should appear on Hard.
00:15:012 (3,4) - If you think about it, when you move with you hand right when the pervious slider is ending upwards, you should keep playing this way. Its a little blocky, if you play to the side, and then up again. Might be a little uncomfy for newbies.
00:18:612 (2) - For a beginner, it is harder to play 1/2 than 1/1. It is not too hard, but its also not very easy to read for them. If i may suggest another pattern which goes better that way in playment.
Starting at 00:18:440 - Now you have 2 sliders each starting at a white tick, so its easier to play and doesnt confuse much.
00:43:298 (2) - Your consistancy is bad here; you had 1/1 and then you go 1/2. Its not wrong, it'd just confuse new players. Why not moving it 1/2 beat ahead to 00:43:469 -
- Imo, this would also fit the violin better!
01:24:955 (3,1) - I don't agree with this pattern. For a beginner, as already said, you should go flowy and not making such "back"-going sliders/circles. It isn't good for beginners to move the mouse (most of the time they use mouse) this way as well.
01:33:183 (2,1) - This overlap is really really disturbing
- First because it overlaps
- Second it should be so clustered
Beginners would might missclick it!
01:50:155 (3,4) - This pattern is a little harder to read again. You have this more sooth part mapped slowly, and then you have this 1/2 pattern. It might confuse! Try making 1 slider going from 01:50:155 - to 01:50:669 - and then start the next slider at 01:51:183 - . You will see it flows better, isnt too hard and more readable, and your consistancy is also better!

Kiai part is a perfect 1/1 part!

The beginner difficultie is pretty well mapped, just i don't really agree with the 1/2 1/1 changes, which might confuse.


- The spacing on this difficultie is a little high; its 1,3x when you already have such a fast BPM you should make the spacing so high.

00:01:983 (3) - Curve this slider towards 00:02:840 (4) - so the transition and gameplay is better.
00:19:126 (1,2,3) - An advise. Its not really an issue nor a suggestion. You shouldn't have such a circle pattern when its played like something else. Maybe they expect a 1/1 slider row which is shaped into a circle and play it this way. I'd change it but you don't have to. I'd would just be a little confusing i guess.
01:04:383 (2,1) - Spacing here is completely wrong and should be consistant since its no harder diff yet.
01:27:698 (5,1) - , 01:30:440 (3,1) - , 01:13:983 (3,1) - , 01:16:726 (4,1) - I don't suggest having this stacked, even though there is a big tming zone between it, they might missclick it and read it wrong.
01:53:412 (4) - Move this circle lower, so the player doesnt need to go up and click it on a wrong or unusual place. Spacing is correct ofc, but i dont advise to have it like this. It's pretty much not comfy to play.
- Same here with this slider 02:18:440 (1) -

It's a good diff, though i find still some things what could be improved more. Next time you should use such big spacing.


00:10:383 (3,4) - This stack is unneeded and not good to play imo. You had from the start to this point no stack, and this stack breaks this consistancy. Also, i tried it and it would play alot better if you unstack it.
00:15:869 (1,2) - The spacing change here destroys your flow and consistancy, it also doesn't fit very well. Consider making normal spacing.
00:17:583 (2,1) - Spacing change at this part is unexpected tbh. You have these stack stop patterns, and then suggenly a spacing change as jump. I'd keep it normal spacing here and let if flow in later how its here 00:18:098 (2) -
00:15:869 (1,2) - Just a little note:
- You have consistant pattern following the exact same melody in the song then you have 00:17:755 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - a melody change.
-> This can lead to confusements as well! Please consider NOT using this the next time.
00:35:412 (5,6) - Jump is unexpected and not fitting. You always break your consistancy with these jumps, when you have a good flow. Why dont you make the stream going upwards to the next slider 00:36:269 (10) -
01:04:298 (2) - Circle should be here, there is no sound to it, right? Why this overmapping.
01:09:698 (7) - This circle is disturbing. I played it as 01:09:526 (6,1) - not 01:09:526 (6,7,1) - . I actually didnt expect a circle here. Also, you follow the drums, 01:09:698 - here is none
01:18:612 (3) - ^
01:26:069 (3,4) - Overmapped part again, this tripple isnt in the melody you follow or anything. You should remove these two circles. Also you have a silent part, soothing and silent. Not streamy
01:37:126 (8,1) - This little annoying slider 01:37:126 (8) - is ruining the pattern you was after. You tried to make a "tripple" slider continuing with the long slider. As in you have 01:37:126 - 01:37:212 - 01:37:298 - . But, when you play this little slider and wanting to click the longer one in the way you put them, you missclick this.
- Why not making 2 circles?
01:37:640 (2) - Move this circle onto 01:37:983 (4) - stack it! It gives a better flow and playment.
02:18:612 (2,3) - Dont symmetricly spacing change them.
- First it doesn't fit to the consistancy
- Second it doesn't flow as good

Difficultie is well mapped, but it needs more improvment in flow and consistancy.


Improvments highly suggested on: Consistancy, Flow and Overmapping!

Consistancy of Spacing and (or) flow:
00:06:783 (1,2,3) - Spacing isn't the same, not consistant, which looks and plays not good.
00:09:526 (1,2) - Spacing isnt the same as 00:10:040 (3,4) - , you should improve this
00:16:383 (1,2) - and 00:16:726 (2,3) -
00:20:498 (1,2) -
00:22:212 (2,3) - It doesn't play well and it's hard to read due to the consistant rythm and then change.
00:33:183 (5,6,7) - Doesn't play well and it destroys your consistancy
00:36:269 (4) - Try stacking this with 00:36:612 (6) - to make a nice jump and to improve the flow. It'd also only just play better.
00:36:955 (1,2) - First you have a spacing change here, and then you stack 00:37:298 (2,3) - this. That's a no-go. Either keep it consistant or you imrprove the stacking as in, unstack. You might think, you have to stream it too.
00:49:726 (3,4) - Think about it; you have this consistant stream, spacing and timing wise, then 00:49:812 (4,5) - the spacing change which is completely nonsense and also timing wise the same but spacing wise incorrect. You should keep it consistant
00:52:040 (1,2) - Why this jump? There is no need for it and also it doesnt fit one bit. It only destroys the playment and consistancy.
00:52:726 (1,2) - They are stacked onto each other, why? You have a stream, you can't play this well, when it's stacked.
00:54:098 (1,2) - I understand the red short sliders, your choice, but why this. It's a new pattern and you shouldnt follow your previous one only because its "the same". It is not readable enough so play it good.
- 00:50:755 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6) - At this part
-> You should ONLY, if you really want to keep and make them, make them kind of jumps on white ticks. It is not readable enough to play it well and it destroys the streaming and gameplay.
01:36:098 (1,2,3,4) - These are way to annoying to play and hard to read. Consider making sliders!
01:36:783 (6,7) - You have the same spacing like 01:37:126 (7,1) - here, why? The timings are completely different and should be spacing wise, the same.
- Same on these: 01:38:498 (8,1) - 01:39:869 (6,1) - 01:41:583 (1,2,3) - ( look at this 01:41:755 (2,3,4) - , the spacing is almost the same, but timewise not)
01:46:040 (4,5,6) - Ok now this is really incorret and not good to play and too hard to read so you can actually play this.
01:47:240 (2,3,4,5) - ^
01:56:155 (1,2,3,4,1) - ^
02:01:640 (8,9,1) -, 02:01:983 (1,2,3) Spacing is similar but you still have this 1/4 to 1/2 though and not keeping the spacing you should.
02:03:869 (3,1) - Spacing towards this 02:04:040 (1,2) - doesnt make sense, you have this big spacing change and then again.
02:05:926 (8) - Place this 02:05:755 (7,1) - between them, so you have a better transition. Also, towards your consistancy, it would confuse less.
02:06:098 (1,2,3) - Spacing is almost the same again, you should improve it.
02:07:469 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,1) - ^ This is just so unreadable, really.
02:12:098 (4,5) - You didn't have this before, why do you suddenly make such a change. Its also hard to play, and during the hectic gameplay, you might not make this.
02:17:069 (1,2) - This spacing change is just so weird and incorrect towards your actuall spacing. You have this constant jump spacing change spacing and then an antijump which is in the middle of this part so nonsense. Stack it or make normal spacing.
- 02:17:069 (1,2,3) - Also, these are just so inconsistant, you really have to improve this.

I most of the time only here a constant 1/1 melody, not streams.

00:20:755 (2) - 00:20:755 (2,4,5) - , 00:43:040 (4) - 00:46:469 (2) - , 01:43:298 - These should be existent
01:56:155 (1,2,3,4,1) - 01:58:898 (1) - ( It's a consistant stream and the melody doesn't change) These should be existent
- First for the reason its doesnt fit the music
- Second, it doesnt play well
- Third, you overmap the song
- Fourth, there is no sound to map to when you had it consistant
02:19:812 - The correct rythm actually is:

Read the "testplayers opinions" in my queue, to get more opinions about Hyper , Another and the Taiko difficutlies!

IRC - One of my testplayers agrees with me about the fact, the streams being unreadable sometimes:
14:31 Sephibro: the overlapped streams are hardly readable
14:31 BounceBabe: i know
14:31 BounceBabe: thats a big problem
14:32 BounceBabe: its not easy to read which leads to missunderstood patterns

You need to improve a lot in spacing consistancy on this difficultie. It's a complete mess sometimes and they are nonsense and really hard to read. The map overall has great flow and potential in becoming a good map. Good luck with improving!
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