
osu! Public Release b1118

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Except the way ranked maps are going in the direction of tablet...
Bring it to the Map Difficulty Discussion topic, please. Anyways...

Shift + F12 is way more useful than I thought it would be. o.o; Makes modding much easier.

Replay comments are win. Really nice patch overall.

EDIT: Guided distance snap is nice too. I'll probably be using that for most of my maps now, actually.
Personal oppinion, but i beleive that replay comments is slightly pointless without replay seekbar :\.
Nowhere it says if a replay has any comments in the first place (probably does and I havn't noticed it yet).
Most comments come and go way to fast for me specially when I'm not even ready for it.

So yea a seek bar where you can see the different comments a different spots, pause to see then or just jump to them would actually give life to this new comment system. But right now, it's a cool idea, but I really don't see much potential in it.


peppy wrote:

(+) Added new editor snapping mode (guided distance no-grid snap). When holding shift to bypass grid snapping, you can now snap to 45 degree angle lines. Hold ctrl and shift to bypass this altogether.
Woo hoo!

Also, what's the difference between "map" and "song" when commenting? Like, in case someone mapped the same MP3? I thought it was based on difficulty (e.g., map = [Easy], but song = [Easy] thru [Insane]), but apparently not.
Putting some mark where comments are on the progress bar/pie would be nice, yes.

K2J wrote:

Also, what's the difference between "map" and "song" when commenting? Like, in case someone mapped the same MP3? I thought it was based on difficulty (e.g., map = [Easy], but song = [Easy] thru [Insane]), but apparently not.
Song equates to map set.

For each map set (song), there are maps (difficulties).
For each map (difficult), there are replays (plays).
But that's not how it happens. I selected "Map" and it shows up for all difficulties.
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Topic Starter
There will be more notification about the existence of comments in coming releases.
OK, I've been waiting for
Comment support is awesome =D
It became a pause button too.
Also, if someone commented on a user's replay or map, can the user or the creator be notified?
Better input support? Does that mean something like the ps2 tatacon wouldn't be so bad now?

I'd love to have a great taiko clone that actually supports it.

Malajax wrote:

Better input support? Does that mean something like the ps2 tatacon wouldn't be so bad now?

I'd love to have a great taiko clone that actually supports it.
I think it means better support for languages like Japanese which require/use special methods of input.

strager wrote:

Malajax wrote:

Better input support? Does that mean something like the ps2 tatacon wouldn't be so bad now?

I'd love to have a great taiko clone that actually supports it.
I think it means better support for languages like Japanese which require/use special methods of input.
Nuts. I'd love to get more use out of this thing.
Topic Starter
you can use some kind of [lucky:aec99]joy2key[/lucky:aec99] program in the mean time for support of any controllers.

peppy wrote:

you can use some kind of joy2key program in the mean time for support of any controllers.
ppjoy w/ some autohotkey script maybe

peppy wrote:

you can use some kind of joy2key program in the mean time for support of any controllers.
I do, it's still laggy though. I haven't figured out if it's my computer or osu! itself. I'll give it a shot again, I suppose.

Malajax wrote:

peppy wrote:

you can use some kind of joy2key program in the mean time for support of any controllers.
I do, it's still laggy though. I haven't figured out if it's my computer or osu! itself. I'll give it a shot again, I suppose.
If it's laggy, increase the Universal Offset. That'll make it playable at least.
Arusha Shuna
Comment support : Sexy
this update is NICE!
peppy is awesome
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Lybydose wrote:

What do the different colors mean for the comments? For example, most of the comments on Marisa were white, but one or two were red and one was orange (or yellow or something).
Like colours of players in IRC names, I think.

White is a normal user.
Yellow is a subscribed player
Red is a BAT [member].

Priority is to a BAT (so Cyclone would appear as red even though he's subscribed).

This post is based off complete assumptions and has no substantial evidence to support it other than I seeing Remmy's comment as red.
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
I think light blue is from the mapper. Of course, we could just wait for an official explanation...
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