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I'm in a period where I lose every single game I play; is this temporary? :c I feel so bad..
I don't understand Xerath's mechanics. Tried him and fed the enemy team hard. I harass the heck out of the enemy, blow off my entire combo + ignite to them and they still don't die. How to play him properly

Jordan wrote:

I don't understand Xerath's mechanics. Tried him and fed the enemy team hard. I harass the heck out of the enemy, blow off my entire combo + ignite to them and they still don't die. How to play him properly
I think you shouldn't play Xerath until he gets reworked, he is now way too weak for what he offers. One of Xerath's biggest downfalls are that it requires you to stay still to get optimum range and yet still the stun can be out of range. Leaving you immobilized opens enemy jungler gank potential. Other thing is to get the stun, if enemy sees that this stun will probably be his end he will most likely flash or something if he has any of that so you practically miss your dmg skill and now you are left with only ult which cast time between the casts were increased so now you cannot just burst the 3 casts instant and basically instagib somebody. He was played in one tournament "session" because in NA ladder there were some guy who dominated with Xerath, but it was like flavour of the week thing, as any aggressive jungler just wrecks Xerath like lee sin, even maokai as maokai has beast ganks.
I'm really starting to doubt about people saying that climbing elo hell only depends on you. I'm motivated as heck to climb this, I memorized the best warding spots for every role I play and for the team in general, memorized lots of tricks with lots of champions, I last hit as much as possible, I never flame my team even if they do utterly retarded mistakes, I know how to teamfight, I know how to position in various situations, etc... Yet I think I'll never reach Gold ;_____; how to get better._.
there is no solution, its all about the team >_< same problem for me i guess, you should try to find a good duoQ
Kanye West
ap yi so strong in aram

33-17 now :)
Finally....Im back

Maukka wrote:

Jordan wrote:

I don't understand Xerath's mechanics. Tried him and fed the enemy team hard. I harass the heck out of the enemy, blow off my entire combo + ignite to them and they still don't die. How to play him properly
I think you shouldn't play Xerath until he gets reworked, he is now way too weak for what he offers. One of Xerath's biggest downfalls are that it requires you to stay still to get optimum range and yet still the stun can be out of range. Leaving you immobilized opens enemy jungler gank potential. Other thing is to get the stun, if enemy sees that this stun will probably be his end he will most likely flash or something if he has any of that so you practically miss your dmg skill and now you are left with only ult which cast time between the casts were increased so now you cannot just burst the 3 casts instant and basically instagib somebody. He was played in one tournament "session" because in NA ladder there were some guy who dominated with Xerath, but it was like flavour of the week thing, as any aggressive jungler just wrecks Xerath like lee sin, even maokai as maokai has beast ganks.
Xerath weak? Are you serious? He is probably one of the most overpwered mages in the game right now. Good range, amazing poke, and you can't itemize against him. It's almost as bad as pre nerf orianna from 2011.

He isn't getting reworked because he is "weak" he is getting reworked because his kit is awkward and he is boring as shit to play. Source ... ?t=3424065
I played a Xerath with a group of level 30s, holy crap he pokes REALLY hard. It's no joke, and his ult is insane.

Hika wrote:

I played a Xerath with a group of level 30s, holy crap he pokes REALLY hard. It's no joke, and his ult is insane.
Xerath will be reworked litte a bit.

Hika wrote:

I played a Xerath with a group of level 30s, holy crap he pokes REALLY hard. It's no joke, and his ult is insane.
Xerath is fun in ARAM. Unless he's in the enemy team, then you're gonna have a bad time.
i uninstalled lol
i hate how you have to instantly call which lane you want or you're stuck with support
yeah I don't mind playing support recently because I have Kayle and I hate trying to carry in general
but I started playing Kat so life's good

also, just played a game against a Xerath mid and he poked me pretty hard until I had a 3 man gank incoming

silmarilen wrote:

i hate how you have to instantly call which lane you want or you're stuck with support
Pick order or reported

maal wrote:

i uninstalled lol
you are in game man õ_o
Xerath MELTS people once he has some items. ignores 40% MR (5% more than a void staff) when his w is active and at max rank. he's strong as hell but people don't like playing him thus he's being reworked

silmarilen wrote:

stuck with support
I feel myself slightly offended.

:supp or afk:
unless support is "your thing" you dont really want to play support usually, especially in soloq
Good thing about having decent MMR is that I'm almost always first pick so I get what i want often.

If people are giving me call order BS I usually screenshot pre game chat and report them at the end of the game with an imgur link. Have fun being banned.
Me and my friend decided to play intermediate bots...

what in the name of shit.

I had 300+ last hits and Soraka still had 6k more than me.

I don't know what to say. Blitz took all of my kills, quinn fed, but holy fuck, they were so fucking crazy.

I was just trolling with AP Yi but holy penis.
intermediate bots don't fucking joke

i hate shen in bot games
They are actually pretty hard if you wait til the 30 min mark when all 5 have 6 item builds. Bots get items on a time basis so feeding them doesn't do much :(

silmarilen wrote:

i hate how you have to instantly call which lane you want or you're stuck with support
I agree. I hate how it's all regulated by call order.
However, I've been getting stuck with ADC several times and that's really the only role I can't fill. >_>

In the end, it blows to get stuck with the one role you don't want.
Kanye West

Sync wrote:

Xerath MELTS people once he has some items. ignores 40% MR (5% more than a void staff) when his w is active and at max rank. he's strong as hell but people don't like playing him thus he's being reworked
miss ult = enjoy being useless

silmarilen wrote:

unless support is "your thing" you dont really want to play support usually, especially in soloq
bullshit, supports carry hard

only bad supports are bad
I carry lanes (games) as support.

Kanye West wrote:

Sync wrote:

Xerath MELTS people once he has some items. ignores 40% MR (5% more than a void staff) when his w is active and at max rank. he's strong as hell but people don't like playing him thus he's being reworked
miss ult = enjoy being useless

silmarilen wrote:

unless support is "your thing" you dont really want to play support usually, especially in soloq
bullshit, supports carry hard

only bad supports are bad
if you know how to play them
Kanye West
everyone should know how to play support as well as every other role

if you don't know how to play support, might as well never play a ranked game ever and/or uninstall

Vulf wrote:

They are actually pretty hard if you wait til the 30 min mark when all 5 have 6 item builds. Bots get items on a time basis so feeding them doesn't do much :(
...that is fucking bullshit. Shen had 5k HP, Xin was just impossible to kill and gravves would 2 shot us and shit. That's kind of bullshit that they dont even have to farm to get the items.

Kanye West wrote:

everyone should know how to play support as well as every other role

if you don't know how to play support, might as well never play a ranked game ever and/or uninstall
That's a little overboard imo, to uninstall for not knowing a role.
I despise ranged champions and I get by just fine.

Backfire wrote:

...that is fucking bullshit. Shen had 5k HP, Xin was just impossible to kill and gravves would 2 shot us and shit. That's kind of bullshit that they dont even have to farm to get the items.
Then get items that counter health.
Intermediate bots you should be building 'some' health / suvivability, no matter what. They're bots, so they're obviously gonna focus fire. Your team should be doing the same.
Hey man...I just wanted to have fun. Not be serious in a bot game. I didn't know it was gonna be that way :(
Imo, the support is the one that dictates the flow of the bot lane. You have wards and you harass. All the plays are made by you, the ADC usually just sits there and farms up his useless butt to carry lategame

Princess wrote:

Imo, the support is the one that dictates the flow of the bot lane. You have wards and you harass. All the plays are made by you, the ADC usually just sits there and farms up his useless butt to carry lategame

support carries earlier game as well imo because if you don't have your support, u dead nigga
Talking about supports, I remember once I played Draven+Jann vs Ez+Leona, we fucked them on early, but at lv 6, they won a fight, and then, everytime that leona destroyed me, landing every single spell perfect, her ult on my head, all perfect. Then I found ezreal alone and I destroyed him on 1vs1. Conclussion, a good support MATTERS SO MUCH
the supports are the ones who choose who wins bot lane.

maal wrote:

the supports are the ones who choose who wins bot lane.
Even if this actually naturally, yes.

Have played Mid again after a long break. Funny how I had from the six games three times a counter (Xerath/Lux in this case)
add me if you pro: Mediocre top EU
ugh, finally

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