ThoomyyxD wrote:
speak better, make it a bit more .. I do not know whether to call it more seriously, talk to synthesize this much more, to be something .. Interestingly, attention grabbing, and people begins to create more maps "CtB" since there is little that is mapped, and I think now with CtB BAT must take this with more force and create a good system (I'm not saying that this bad) classification, and is another one of the ways of osu!
Actually this feature request has been created after a discution with CtB community. Actually nobody really wants to limit the ctb mapping into precise and strict rules (Most of CtB mappers actually only have the standard convertion as example to start with) mapping style have to evolve with mappers as same as rules with the modders, so basically we won't restrict the use of stream in a [normal] difficulty but the game will detect the map as a [hard] this is a problem cause pp system is bound to this detected spread.
Stefan wrote:
I guess this Request falls under this one: t/124699/start=0
This request is about : mapper choose himself the difficulty level. I think this is not really perfect cause :
- The old maps will still use the old system, wich isn't adapted to the new difficulty level.
- The mapping evolves. Maps ranked 2-3 years ago with 5 stars have nothing to do with recent hardest ranked maps (Hi, big black, airman, 0108, etc..), and you can't say if this difficulty will ever stop going harder and harder. So maps using 5 stars actually may become a 4.5 star in a year.
That's mainly why a refinement for each mode in the star rating would be a way better solution.