
SENTIVE - rain drops

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  • [Calm]
  1. 00:19:096 (1) - How about adding a whistle at the end of this slider to follow the piano? sounds too empty now imo.
  2. 00:49:572 (1) - ^
  3. 01:09:572 (5) - ^ This note sounds empty, the piano can be heard perfectly for whistle so consider adding it.
  4. 01:21:000 (1) - ^ At the repeat.
  5. 02:11:476 (4) - ^ At the start. Sounds too empty for being the slider previous to the chorus.
  6. 02:35:286 (5) - And here too (already explained in [Relaxing]):3?

    There's not much to say, only few whistle suggestions!
  • [Relaxing]

    *I agree with HeatKai. Such small hitcircles aren't relaxing to play nor see imo. ;_; Consider using a bigger circle size. Clicking bigger circles is much more relaxing than smaller circles imo.
  1. 00:24:810 (3) - Isn't it an issue to place an slider out of the grid? I've never seen this, so that's why I'm wondering about it. :oops:
  2. 02:10:524 (4,5) - This pattern can flow slightly better if you flip horizontally 02:10:524 (4) and place it more like this. What changes is that (4)'s curve is more over 02:11:238 (5)'s start, that's why it feels a bit more natural imo. Looks different but plays differnt too o3o
  3. 02:12:191 (5) - I suggest you to add a nc here to emphasize the start of the chorus and change of melody. Fits with the piano imo, but it's up to you.
  4. 02:27:667 (6) - How about adding a whistle to follow the piano sound here at the repeat of this slider? (not sure if it's a piano sound but, yeah, you can understand me o3o)
  5. 02:35:286 (8) - Whistle at the start of this slider to follow the piano? this is the last piano sound you mapped so it would be good, I think. :)

    Same with this difficulty. Nice job. I just don't like the small notes. They're too small and I personally find them annoying to play and watch instead of relaxing, but it may be just me..
I think I'll check this after you look at my mod. Really interesting map and song. The SB fits quite a lot and gives the mapset a good atmosphere.. but I repeat myself o3o what it ruins it a bit is the circle size of [Relaxing] (and again, imo).
Topic Starter

Kei wrote:

  • [Calm]
  1. 00:19:096 (1) - How about adding a whistle at the end of this slider to follow the piano? sounds too empty now imo.
  2. 00:49:572 (1) - ^
  3. 01:09:572 (5) - ^ This note sounds empty, the piano can be heard perfectly for whistle so consider adding it.
  4. 01:21:000 (1) - ^ At the repeat.
  5. 02:11:476 (4) - ^ At the start. Sounds too empty for being the slider previous to the chorus.
  6. 02:35:286 (5) - And here too (already explained in [Relaxing]):3?

    There's not much to say, only few whistle suggestions!

    Added more whistles to the whole diff.
  • [Relaxing]

    *I agree with HeatKai. Such small hitcircles aren't relaxing to play nor see imo. ;_; Consider using a bigger circle size. Clicking bigger circles is much more relaxing than smaller circles imo. Circle size was 6 before LunarSakuya's mod, I increased it more because a lot of patterns are much more sexy with small circles, just look at 01:42:905~end with CS 6 and CS 7.
  1. 00:24:810 (3) - Isn't it an issue to place an slider out of the grid? I've never seen this, so that's why I'm wondering about it. :oops: This slider is perfectly visible while playing so yeah, it's fine.
  2. 02:10:524 (4,5) - This pattern can flow slightly better if you flip horizontally 02:10:524 (4) and place it more like this. What changes is that (4)'s curve is more over 02:11:238 (5)'s start, that's why it feels a bit more natural imo. Looks different but plays differnt too o3o
    I prefer keeping my "windmill" pattern, I like it more.
  3. 02:12:191 (5) - I suggest you to add a nc here to emphasize the start of the chorus and change of melody. Fits with the piano imo, but it's up to you. I was undecided here but in the end I decided not to add it, I don't like having a really short combo.
  4. 02:27:667 (6) - How about adding a whistle to follow the piano sound here at the repeat of this slider? (not sure if it's a piano sound but, yeah, you can understand me o3o) A whistle there sounds really weird to me, it's kinda forced imo.
  5. 02:35:286 (8) - Whistle at the start of this slider to follow the piano? this is the last piano sound you mapped so it would be good, I think. :) Added to keep a consistency with 01:33:381 (9).

    Same with this difficulty. Nice job. I just don't like the small notes. They're too small and I personally find them annoying to play and watch instead of relaxing, but it may be just me..
I think I'll check this after you look at my mod. Really interesting map and song. The SB fits quite a lot and gives the mapset a good atmosphere.. but I repeat myself o3o what it ruins it a bit is the circle size of [Relaxing] (and again, imo).

Thanks for the mod! :D
this circle size + hard rock = love

lol confetti yay *O*

good luck ~
Topic Starter
Thanks. :)
Hi :3/

  1. Offset is a bit late imo. I always got 15ms early when testplaying in editor. So i think -15ms is more better.
  2. Wow, what a big rain PNG. 1mb each. Here i have compress all the PNG from 1mb each to 280kb each.
  1. 01:21:000 (1) - How about adding a whistle at this slider repeat? It will be more consistent and this part doesnt feel empty anymore.
  2. 02:11:476 (4) - Forgot a whistle at this slider repeat? You always do clap+whistle at previous rhythm, but not on this one ><
  1. AR +1 for more better readability? I find this diff is more enjoyable with AR 7 too.
  2. 00:24:810 (3) - You may want to move this slider a bit to right since its almost touch the border screen and key overlay in 4:3 ratio. >
That'a all i think ><
Call me back :3
Topic Starter

Miya wrote:

Hi :3/

  1. Offset is a bit late imo. I always got 15ms early when testplaying in editor. So i think -15ms is more better. -15ms is a bit too much imo, I'm going to ask some more timing checks since I'm not 100% sure about it.
  2. Wow, what a big rain PNG. 1mb each. Here i have compress all the PNG from 1mb each to 280kb each. Thanks! :)
  1. 01:21:000 (1) - How about adding a whistle at this slider repeat? It will be more consistent and this part doesnt feel empty anymore. This part is really calm and I don't like a whistle there, I prefer to keep adding a whistle every 4 white ticks.
  2. 02:11:476 (4) - Forgot a whistle at this slider repeat? You always do clap+whistle at previous rhythm, but not on this one >< Made this on purpose, rhythm is different here and I used a different hitsounds pattern.
  1. AR +1 for more better readability? I find this diff is more enjoyable with AR 7 too. With such a low BPM AR 7 doesn't fit at all imo.
  2. 00:24:810 (3) - You may want to move this slider a bit to right since its almost touch the border screen and key overlay in 4:3 ratio. Already suggested but I don't want to break spacing consistencies, even if this slider overlaps key overlay you can still see/play this slider without problems.
That'a all i think ><
Call me back :3
Thaaanks! \:D/
Timing check as requested in-game.

BPM: 63,00 - Offset: 11.485 (+8 from your current one - Remember to resnap all notes, green lines, etc.)

I hope this can help you, good luck!
Topic Starter
Much better, thanks!
I still feel the offset is toooo late. Orz, why +8? It makes the offset much late :(
Urgh idk, this timing is weird. But i feel you need -5 for the best offset.
I am getting offset 11470. Try that one I think it's really good. (tested with OD8 + doubletime, was getting SS almost, OD8+DT is kinda hard haha, but yeah seems about right to me)

Sorry for being so late, I actually forgot about this for a moment. ;_;
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Alright, thanks! :)
Ok, the timing is a lot better now. I told you the offset is too late :P

Good luck~ :3
Talked about the circle size, and it was decided that it'd be kept at CS7.

Top grade storyboard at that. Ranked.
More slow songs!!!
Great job :D
Topic Starter

xxheroxx wrote:

ahaha xD
Yessssssssssss gratz i love this map. also i lol'd at that gif ^

congratulation :3!
Congrats! :)
gratz *.*)
congrats hero :3

Kei wrote:

Yessssssssssss gratz i love this map. also i lol'd at that gif ^
i lol'd about it too?! confetti party is now needed xDD

gz, cool map o3o
Topic Starter
Thanks, everyone! :)
awesome SB *-* gratz
Haha playing this with HR was fun

Nice map, congrats on the rank
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