
League of Legends

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kha'zix made his escape when i was about to hit penta ;___;
Kanye West

tyrael6192 wrote:

i don't know how accurate it is, but for argument's sake let's assume it is :s

have u seen 'blue build' ezreal yet

have u experienced the pain
blue ez is so fun to smurf with though

so easy to hit the skillshots

like, roll face over q button, get 25 kills


Blaziken wrote:

I don't have enough friends for premade 5. Whenever I try to get friends to attempt this game they get stomped by beginner AI.
How is it even possible to lose to beginner AI?
Maybe you could play with me. I went like 50/0 against bots the first time I played B)
Also, I gave Riot money, so what should I do with the RP? Wait until champs I want go on sale? How often do the cool champs go on sale (Nautilus, Kha'zix, Zed, Nami)? I'm sure if i'm patient I can get the ones I want. I already bought sona :x
better use your rp for skin, you can buy everything(everything usefull) with ip but skins
I'd rather not spend an extremely tedious amount of time saving up 6300 ip for just one champ. That's roughly 60 matches. I don't really care about skins that much either :V

Backfire wrote:

I'd rather not spend an extremely tedious amount of time saving up 6300 ip for just one champ. That's roughly 60 matches. I don't really care about skins that much either :V
It really depends on the kind of champions you like. From the time I started League, up until level 30 and tried new champions, most of the ones I've liked were cheap - Garen, Cho'Gath, Kayle, Nunu, Tryndamere, list goes on. Try as many champions as you want to try in a free week, then the amount of champions you'll want to buy will eventually increase. This way, there's more of a chance there's a champion you'll want, on sale.
If you're not a fan of skins, that might just be a good thing, as they're expensive. =P
So don't wait champs you want go on sale, it probably won't happen before some month (only 1 week if you are realy Lucky). btw nami is not as fun as kha zix/nauti/zed (i think)

Nofool wrote:

So don't wait champs you want go on sale, it probably won't happen before some month (only 1 week if you are realy Lucky). btw nami is not as fun as kha zix/nauti/zed (i think)
then you are a miserable bronze V. Nami is so fun to play,isnt a easy champ like taric (nami's stun is harder to hit) or soraka (she is a potion,meh)
Also,counters some carries who are a headache at late game,like Draven.
My pseudo is foolno :d go check my league if you want, i never said that nami was easy to play n_n i said not funny('cause every game i played her was annoying).
I don't get how thinking a champion is unfun makes you a bronze 5 player? Opinions = elo now?

Anyways it's not worth buying a champion with RP unless you are desperate or just really want that champion. You are better off paying for boost and stacking them. For example if you stack a 1 day IP boost with a 10 win boost you will be getting around 400IP per win and about 600 with first win of the day bonus. Assuming you play a lot.

Champions are obtainable with IP while skins are not.

Vulf wrote:

I don't get how thinking a champion is unfun makes you a bronze 5 player? Opinions = elo now?

Anyways it's not worth buying a champion with RP unless you are desperate or just really want that champion. You are better off paying for boost and stacking them. For example if you stack a 1 day IP boost with a 10 win boost you will be getting around 400IP per win and about 600 with first win of the day bonus. Assuming you play a lot.

Champions are obtainable with IP while skins are not.
How I think = More champs = More Opportunity to play more enjoyably = Not just grinding for the ones I want = Saving ip for the other champs to buy them when the time comes

I have a lot of disposable income.

But seriously, skins do not interest me. I'd start collecting skins, at most, once I reach level 30 and have at least half of the champs. I'm a fairly patient person so saving up and shit doesn't bother me, however, i've got the cash and I WANT to play some of the higher-tier champs. So I don't really mind paying for them.

Justykanna wrote:

It really depends on the kind of champions you like. From the time I started League, up until level 30 and tried new champions, most of the ones I've liked were cheap - Garen, Cho'Gath, Kayle, Nunu, Tryndamere, list goes on. Try as many champions as you want to try in a free week, then the amount of champions you'll want to buy will eventually increase. This way, there's more of a chance there's a champion you'll want, on sale.
If you're not a fan of skins, that might just be a good thing, as they're expensive. =P
Nunu is actually one of my favorites right now. Easy to jungle with without runes and shit too. Very fun hero, I love getting doubles/triples with his ult :p I've been buying the cheap ones with ip and enjoying them quite a bit. I want to collect all the cheap ones before diving into the more expensive ones and whathave you. Perhaps my thinking is stupid ;w; If I were to buy a skin, i'd wait for it to go on sale too. So again...I just really only want to save time and money.
If you don't mind spending $10 a pop then go for it. Sales happen only twice a week so the odds of something going on sale that you actually want is low.

The reason i say stacking boost is more effective is because you need to take into consideration of runes. A standard rune page is around 9k IP (which you can't get with RP). You should start using runes at level 20. If you want to get into the game faster stack boost.
I dont mean Elo=opinion. its more like Skill=Opinion.
For example Crimsonxone (a guy who played taiko like 2 years but is afk right now ,playing LoL) is a good Nami,and sometimes i wonder how the hell is so good at Nami,i never lost a game with him when he is playing Nami.
Nami is for Crimsonxone like Malzahar is for me,underplayed ,high skill cap , countereable as hell but still fun to play.
I mean,every champ is fun,but it depends on the player and his skill,because most people doesnt likes a champ because they cant play well with them.
tl;dr Nami is fun
EDIT: Sorry Nofool, i didn't tried to mean you are a bad player something else,i wanting to say most of the people who thinks some champs are "boring" is because they can play them.
EDIT: Sorry Nofool, i didn't tried to mean you are a bad player something else,i wanting to say most of the people who thinks some champs are "boring" is because they can play them.[/quote]

np i knew what you mean n_n i told first that nami was boring with "(i think)", my english is bad so i didn't know how to say that she was boring only for me ,_, i can play her well but i prefer speedchamp like lee sin/ez...
That's why there is over 100 different champs. People like champions for different things.

For example Xerath is considered a boring mage by a majority of the league community, but in reality he is a solid pick. People play what they think is fun. What someone thinks is fun someone else will think they are boring or uninteresting. Has nothing to do with skill it's opinion.
How do people learn this game? I get stomped pretty bad by beginner AI, and only win matches because the other 4 players on my team know what they're doing and have literally 0 problem doing 4v5 against beginner. I'm not sure I've ever won a match against humans.

MillhioreF wrote:

How do people learn this game? I get stomped pretty bad by beginner AI, and only win matches because the other 4 players on my team know what they're doing and have literally 0 problem doing 4v5 against beginner. I'm not sure I've ever won a match against humans.
Get someone to teach you, I guess.

so how do i kill as kayle
- O n i -

MillhioreF wrote:

How do people learn this game? I get stomped pretty bad by beginner AI, and only win matches because the other 4 players on my team know what they're doing and have literally 0 problem doing 4v5 against beginner. I'm not sure I've ever won a match against humans.
look up guides
watch streams
try to copy what they do
watching streams at this point probably won't benefit you all that much; once you've grasped the basic mechanics and actually understand roughly what the players are doing, then it becomes much more educational

as for rp and skins idk if u wanna save money, buy skins. if u wanna have more fun, buy champs. at the end of the day its ur money so it really doesnt matter. in the long term, though, youll find yourself a lot less out-of-pocket if you buy champs with ip

MillhioreF wrote:

How do people learn this game? I get stomped pretty bad by beginner AI, and only win matches because the other 4 players on my team know what they're doing and have literally 0 problem doing 4v5 against beginner. I'm not sure I've ever won a match against humans.
SAME AS ME IN DOTA 2 ;_;_;_;_;_;
i really dunno how can i be that bad at dota
I think the most important thing to keep in mind when you suck is to have fun. That and build the recommended stuff. As you as you have fun, you will slowly better. This can be in bot games or games with real people. Sooner or later, you will find that things start to make sense.
- O n i -
practicing in bots is one of the most horrible ways of improving
i have 2 friends that played bots to 30 and they are pretty horrible lol

- O n i - wrote:

practicing in bots is one of the most horrible ways of improving
i have 2 friends that played bots to 30 and they are pretty horrible lol
yeah I've been told practicing with AIs isn't good, but I only practice with champs I wanna play
I have one friend who played AIs up to 30 and that guy is horrible when he plays normals lol
AI =trying new champ/new build

Creyslz wrote:

I think the most important thing to keep in mind when you suck is to have fun. That and build the recommended stuff. As you as you have fun, you will slowly better. This can be in bot games or games with real people. Sooner or later, you will find that things start to make sense.
Yarr, learn by doing, see what works, see what doesn't. I don't 'really' recommend going straight to the recommended built that the game has for you though.

Hika wrote:

yeah I've been told practicing with AIs isn't good, but I only practice with champs I wanna play
I have one friend who played AIs up to 30 and that guy is horrible when he plays normals lol
Yeah, I played 1-15 with only bots for the most part. I started out normals and was pretty awful. Three other people I play with only played bots until roughly 20 and we were all get pretty handily beat in normals to start out. So they made level 1 accounts but I didn't follow suit. Unlike them, I didn't really mind losing games at that stage if it meant getting better.
Mhm, I play bots if I wanna try a new champion but that's really the only reason now.

kazukisinx wrote:

AI =trying new champ/new build
But yeah, if I can recommend anything, it's to play normals all the way through. It might suck (because of people who smurff, for example), but you'll learn what people do.

maal wrote:

so how do i kill as kayle
I don't know much about kayle jungle, but I would recommend you to take lichbane after nashor's , normally on lane you rush 1st nashor, then lichbane, then deathcap or depending
Left Inside
IGN: left Inside

I play on the Eu west severs, Currently getting in to ranked play.
I usually play support with Sona and I play a pretty good Annie :3
support sona?

more like ap carry sona

maal wrote:

support sona?

more like ap carry sona
I knew something was wrong with her damn build

also, Leona is really fun to use, I missed out on a looooot
You 3 defend vayne
I go frontline alone , 0 dmg, still won vs lux and cait
zac does stupid damage even with a full tank build

tyrael6192 wrote:

zac does stupid damage even with a full tank build
Same goes for Sejuani (although I liked her even more pre-relaunch)
2 quadra kills

Edit: 2 games after.

oh I was hoping to see more ARAM plz

Hika wrote:

oh I was hoping to see more ARAM plz

Not really sure why people think Warwick is useless in ARAM. Pretty much carry all ARAM's i get him.

Vulf wrote:

Not really sure why people think Warwick is useless in ARAM. Pretty much carry all ARAM's i get him.
The people I play with like to think all melee are bad... Makes me =(
The one ARAM I played I got Alistar. Easy win.
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