
Bit Shifter - Chase Init_

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Sonntag, 26. Mai 2013 at 21:35:58

Artist: Bit Shifter
Title: Chase Init_
Tags: information chase chiptune 8 bit Kokatsu
BPM: 60,25
Filesize: 1685kb
Play Time: 00:56
Difficulties Available:
  1. Chase (4,39 stars, 103 notes)
  2. Easy (0,88 stars, 39 notes)
  3. Koka's Normal (2,48 stars, 69 notes)
Download: Bit Shifter - Chase Init_
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
IRC Modding.

17:14 vipto: Hei bby
17:15 Andrea: hi
17:15 vipto: can you mod a 2diff 1min song for me?
17:16 Andrea: sure, after this
17:16 vipto: Yayyy
17:17 vipto: and i need you to confirm if this spread is rankable
17:17 vipto: can i m4m you for this?
17:20 Andrea: mod is fine
17:21 vipto: waww thank you <3
17:37 Andrea: ok I'm ready
17:38 vipto: great
17:38 Andrea: link me
17:38 *vipto is listening to [ Bit Shifter - Chase Init_]
17:39 Andrea: ok let's irc?
17:40 vipto: i'd prefer post
17:40 vipto: if you are ok with that
17:40 Andrea: uhm ok
17:40 vipto: okay go irc
17:40 Andrea: @_@
17:41 Andrea: AR+1 on Easy
17:41 vipto: k
17:42 Andrea: 00:48:320 (2) - uhm, so many slider repeats might be confusing for beginners, try to do something else
17:42 Andrea: 00:53:186 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - also, too many circles in a row are kinda hard, try adding sliders perhaps?
17:43 Andrea: the settings of Chase diff are way too high imo, try reducing HP OD and AR by 1 tick at least
17:44 Andrea: 00:50:320 (6) - new combo due to timing change
17:44 Andrea: 00:51:465 (1) - you could remove the combo here afterwards
17:44 Andrea: and that's all lol, too short
17:44 Andrea: also, I think you could consider to make a Normal
17:45 Andrea: don't be so lazy :P
17:45 Andrea: it won't take long anyways
17:45 vipto: is i work
17:45 vipto: bor doing it
17:45 vipto: *bro
17:45 Andrea: xD
relaxing map °D°
  1. Snapping of green timing selection: 01:01:275 - snap to 01:01:277
  1. 00:10:478 (2) - add a whistle on slider body like you did before
  2. 00:18:445 (2) - same here whistle at slider body
  3. 00:26:412 (2) - same here whistle at slider body
  4. 00:36:370 (1,2,3,4) - i would prefer to see here 2 sliders with reversarrow
  5. 00:49:320 (3,4) - spacing is not so right here
  1. 00:11:972 - to 00:15:955 - i'll suggest to replace some of this circles with sliders
  2. same thing is 00:27:905 - here :V

    Nice diff but find in some places to much circles o3o
just love *D*

take this noob mod and a star-chan for you <3

Lally wrote:

  1. Snapping of green timing selection: 01:01:275 - snap to 01:01:277 Doesn't hurt anyone and the Spinnerend is silenced.
  1. 00:11:972 - to 00:15:955 - i'll suggest to replace some of this circles with sliders
  2. same thing is 00:27:905 - here :V This isn't hard at all.
Topic Starter

Lally wrote:

relaxing map °D°

  1. 00:10:478 (2) - add a whistle on slider body like you did before Whops, my bad. Wasnt supposed to be a sliderwhistle ><
  2. 00:18:445 (2) - same here whistle at slider body
  3. 00:26:412 (2) - same here whistle at slider body
  4. 00:36:370 (1,2,3,4) - i would prefer to see here 2 sliders with reversarrow That would be even more zzZ
  5. 00:49:320 (3,4) - spacing is not so right here
Changed that part

just love *D* <3

Thanks for your mod and your star :D

take this noob mod and a star-chan for you <3
Short IRC Mod
17:10 Deni: how about a short irc mod
17:10 vipto: k go
17:11 Deni: 00:08:486 (1) - Wenn du hier ein Finish hinpackst, solltest du es auch ganz am Anfang verwenden oder einfach garnicht, da ich finde dass es wirklich nicht passt zu der gechillten Atmosphäre aufeinmal ein Finish... Whistle würde viel besser zu diesen Stellen passen imo
17:11 Deni: 00:08:486 (1) - Wenn du hier ein Finish hinpackst, solltest du es auch ganz am Anfang verwenden oder einfach garnicht, da ich finde dass es wirklich nicht passt zu der gechillten Atmosphäre aufeinmal ein Finish... Whistle würde viel besser zu diesen Stellen passen imo
17:12 vipto: okay ist am anfang
17:13 Deni: woop woop
17:14 Deni: Beim Spielen von Easy hab ich kein Problem (Mouse Only anstatt Tablet und Keyboard)
17:15 Deni: 00:48:320 (2) - Vielleicht eine New Combo hier, da sozusagen ein neuer Abschnitt anfängt mit dieser anderen Melodie?
17:15 vipto: okay
17:16 Deni: Koka
17:16 Deni: 00:00:520 (1) - Er hats richtig gemacht
17:16 Deni: 8D
17:18 Deni: nö hier bei der Normal find ich wirklich überhaupt nichts schlechtes.
17:19 vipto: Oke
17:19 Deni: warum is chase updated
17:19 vipto: weil.
17:19 vipto: ka warum
17:19 vipto: hab einfach mal updated
17:19 Deni: :)
17:19 Deni: ~ Chase ~
17:20 Deni: 00:00:520 (1) - Wie gesagt, hier Finish wenn du auch bei den anderen Stellen Finish benutzen willst
17:20 vipto: okay
17:21 Deni: 00:08:486 (1) - Ich weiß nicht, der hier könnte mehr gekrümmt sein imo, würde aufjedenfall besser aussehen
17:23 vipto: Bleibt so
17:23 Deni: k
17:23 Deni: 00:30:893 (3) - Ich würde den hier spiegeln, dann kommt ein wenig Abwechslung ins Pattern
17:24 Deni: also STRG H und STRG J
17:24 Deni: oder den davor
17:24 Deni: wie du meinst
17:24 vipto: 00:31:889 (6,1) -
17:24 vipto: wollte das so haben
17:25 vipto: bleibt deshalb auch so
17:26 Deni: also 3 mal die selben slider?
17:26 vipto: ja
17:29 Deni: 00:50:320 (1,2) -
17:29 Deni:
17:29 Deni: sowas würde hier besser aussehen anstatt wieder so einen flachen slider
17:30 vipto: stimmt
17:30 vipto: hab das jetzt mal so ähnlich gemacht
17:30 Deni: ok gut
17:31 vipto: wars das?
17:31 Deni: am Ende könntest du natürlich noch auf den roten Ticks Circle adden
17:31 Deni: aber du wolltest es anscheinend einfacher machen am Ende?
17:31 vipto: jo
17:31 Deni: oke

〜( ̄▽ ̄〜) (〜 ̄▽ ̄)〜
Topic Starter
19:01 grumd: 00:08:486 - what's up with the hitsounds
19:01 grumd: why do you need finish at such a calm note
19:02 grumd: 00:29:399 (3) - earlier you placed whistle every 2 notes, now every 4
19:02 grumd: why
19:03 grumd: 00:29:399 (3,1,4) - place them here
19:03 grumd: 00:32:387 - and maybe a hitsound here?
19:03 vipto: wait
19:03 vipto: i crashed
19:03 vipto: can you repeat the first one?
19:04 grumd: what
19:04 grumd:
19:05 vipto: alright
19:05 vipto: fixed so far
19:05 grumd: same for normal, remove the finishes, they are annoying
19:05 vipto: replace then with whistles?
19:06 vipto: btw Kokatsu made me do this
19:06 grumd: 00:38:362 (1) - and make this slider same as 00:36:370 (1) -
19:06 grumd: finishes don't fit
19:06 grumd: whistles/nothing would be better
19:06 grumd: 00:55:177 (1,2) - here, continue the previous (1,2) pattern
19:07 grumd: easy:
19:07 grumd: 00:04:503 - whistle
19:07 grumd: and same thing with finishes
19:07 grumd: 00:20:437 - whistle
19:08 grumd: 00:23:424 - wtf, whistle!
19:08 grumd: 00:54:181 - whistle
19:09 vipto: whk
Not really much to mod, only the hitsound inconsistencies. The music is pretty simple, this won't take long to rank.
Took a look by request. Flawless mapset, nothing to point out. Go rank!
checked it, didn't find anything.
Mapset is ready for rank, I can't really find nothing

Good luck, have a star ~
As requested looked through map, ready for ranked imo. Only the finishes in normal kinda bugged me... :>
Topic Starter
Whops, i didnt knew there was these finishes....oh well i took them out.
Yeap, vipto asked me for a Feedback:

Easy: It feels okay to play. Nothing special imo but nothing wrong with it.

Koka's Normal: Really decent Diff.

Chase: Really smooth and chillin' Diff, the Placements there fits perfectly and it has structure. Another good Work you made there. :)

Welp, I wouldn't mind to see this ranked since there is nothing to say.
The song is calm, slow and short. Those difficulties are really well made, there's nothing wrong to point out.
This is why I declare this map bubbled.

Edit: Rebubbled.
slowest rebubble ever

grumd wrote:

slowest rebubble ever
it wasn't rebubbled..? AHAHA
i modded it too
after your rebubble
you can check vipto's profile for his updates ok
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that was a long long modding session but grumd did great and helped a lot
What a boring map.
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Weeeee :D
Thanks to all who helped with this and a BIG BIG hug for grumd <3


damn, I am so fat ;w;
\o3o/ yay gratz
Oh dayum I am online over my phone. ;o;

〜( ̄▽ ̄〜) Congrats (〜 ̄▽ ̄)〜
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