
Rammstein - Mein Herz brennt (Piano Instrumental)

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-Bakari- wrote:

Ох, удали дифу. Она слишком секси \:D/
давай лучше дропни пару звездочек для разгона :D
IRC mod

11:44 Sieg: все, идем в пендинг
11:45 Sieg: таги же
11:45 Sieg: надо подумать
11:45 -Bakari-: Тебе тэги надо?
11:45 -Bakari-: Залей мапу в пендинг, получи бесплатный мод + тэги
11:46 Sieg: да
11:46 Sieg: щаща
11:46 Sieg: название
11:46 Sieg: поправлю
11:46 -Bakari-: да
11:46 Sieg: готово :)
11:47 -Bakari-: Скоро доберусь
11:47 Sieg: отлично
11:56 -Bakari-: нпшни мап
11:57 *Sieg is listening to [ Rammstein - Mein Herz brennt (Piano Instrumental)]
11:57 -Bakari-: whoa, let's start modding
11:58 Sieg: gogog
11:58 -Bakari-: [General]
11:58 -Bakari-: rename my easy to "Easy"
11:58 Sieg: np
11:58 -Bakari-: This mapset is half mine, so no need to credit me here
11:59 -Bakari-: nice easy, btw
11:59 *-Bakari- runs
11:59 Sieg: lol
11:59 Sieg: добавлю в дескр таб
11:59 Sieg: что он твой
11:59 -Bakari-: da
11:59 -Bakari-: bs\surprise you.png
11:59 -Bakari-: no, please :< remove it :V
11:59 Sieg: пасхалка
12:00 -Bakari-: СРОЧНАААА
12:00 Sieg: ох
12:00 -Bakari-: Голову бы отлпилил :<
12:01 -Bakari-: [Normal]
12:01 -Bakari-: AR4
12:01 Sieg: я на твоем до 3х поднял \w/
12:01 -Bakari-: НЕТ
12:01 Sieg: так что спред окей с 4
12:01 Sieg: ;_;
12:02 Sieg: okay
12:02 -Bakari-: двойка там должна быть
12:02 -Bakari-: а тут 4
12:02 Sieg: 2 4
12:02 -Bakari-: и 7
12:02 Sieg: b 7
12:02 Sieg: и 7
12:03 -Bakari-: 2 5 7
12:03 -Bakari-: разницы никакой для баланса
12:03 -Bakari-: а 4 тут вписывается лучше
12:03 Sieg: да поему разницы нет особой :)
12:04 Sieg: ну пусть так
12:04 -Bakari-: 00:05:379 (1,2,1,2,3,4,5,1) - ваш комбинг является неравномерным. Рассмотрите перераспределение новых комбо с целью придания им равномерности в распределении.
12:04 -Bakari-: 00:05:379 (1,2,1,2,3,4,5,1) - ваш комбинг является неравномерным. Рассмотрите перераспределение новых комбо с целью придания им равномерности в распределении.
12:04 Sieg: это где
12:04 Sieg: нормал?
12:04 -Bakari-: да
12:05 Sieg: думаеш стоит по дбиту?
12:05 -Bakari-: все про нормал пока что будет
12:05 -Bakari-: 00:07:094 (1,5) - свапни нк
12:05 -Bakari-: 00:12:236 (1) - убери нк
12:05 Sieg: подожди
12:05 Sieg: стоп
12:05 -Bakari-: думаю стоит чуточку ровнее
12:05 Sieg: по даунбиту тогда?
12:05 -Bakari-: да
12:05 Sieg: или так оставить
12:05 Sieg: по другому смысла мало
12:05 -Bakari-: по даунбиту давай
12:06 -Bakari-: чтоб они хоть ровно были
12:06 Sieg: мне этот пробел ненравится тогда
12:06 Sieg: ну да ладно
12:06 -Bakari-: 00:28:952 (3,4,5,6,7) - тут как-тослишком много нот
12:06 -Bakari-: замени парочку слайдером
12:07 -Bakari-: песня спокойная, эти ноты не играются :<
12:07 Sieg: даа ладно
12:07 -Bakari-: + комбо на 8 нот выглядит уныло
12:07 Sieg: ну можно и слайдер
12:09 -Bakari-: ах да, попробуй слайдеры гнуть [ вот так]
12:10 -Bakari-: [ alternative BG] [2]
12:10 Sieg: как-то неочень
12:10 Sieg: ну всмысле
12:10 Sieg: сойдет, но это лучше
12:11 -Bakari-: 01:20:808 (4) - и вот эти слайдеры меня напрягают
12:11 -Bakari-: по логике, они должны обводить что-то. но они ничего не обводят, а это малость портит флоу
12:12 Sieg: больше не будут
12:12 -Bakari-: лол
12:12 -Bakari-: и еще, удали лишние зеленые с изи
12:12 -Bakari-: хотя бы очевидно-лишние
12:13 Sieg: да это пофиг
12:13 Sieg: ну ладно
12:13 -Bakari-: и в нормале нет спиннера
12:13 -Bakari-: карта короткая
12:13 Sieg: смотри
12:13 Sieg: 01:28:951 (4,1) -
12:13 Sieg: я свапнул
12:13 -Bakari-: SS с фуллмодом легко
12:13 Sieg: чтоб было консистенси
12:14 Sieg: в харде тоже нет
12:14 Sieg: релакс мап
12:14 -Bakari-: понимаешь, в ноомале и изе по спиннеру надо
12:14 Sieg: делай фул мод первым бери тоа
12:14 Sieg: топ
12:14 -Bakari-: чтоб скор разноообразить
12:14 -Bakari-: а то реально унылый топ получится
12:14 Sieg: ладно сделаю
12:14 Sieg: тогда уж и на харде
12:15 -Bakari-: я про комбоин говорил, что его надо ровнее сделать
12:15 -Bakari-: у тебя попадаются комбо из одного-двух объектов
12:15 -Bakari-: а иногда из семи
12:16 Sieg: жизнь такая
12:16 Sieg: ты знаеш что я думаю о комбоинге
12:16 -Bakari-: да
12:17 Sieg: 02:14:379 (1) -
12:17 Sieg: спиннер отсюда
12:17 -Bakari-: ноуп
12:17 -Bakari-: 01:05:379 - 01:07:951 (S - 5%)
12:18 Sieg: там рест же, а не место чтоб что-то крутить \w/
12:18 Sieg: музыки нет а ты крутиш как дурак :3
12:18 -Bakari-: упрт мппр
12:18 Sieg: срсли
12:18 -Bakari-: из изи своруй спиннер
12:19 Sieg: в изе он слишком большой для нормала
12:19 Sieg: чем тебе с 02:14:379 (1) -
12:19 -Bakari-: укороти и своруй :D/
12:19 Sieg: ненарвится?
12:19 -Bakari-: 1/1 спиннер?
12:19 -Bakari-: рили?
12:19 Sieg: полтора
12:20 Sieg: 1.2 секунды
12:20 Sieg: авто аж 6к накручивает
12:20 Sieg: алсо
12:20 Sieg: убрал бонус
12:20 -Bakari-: /смирение
12:20 Sieg: шумноват
12:20 -Bakari-: [ криповатый бг] [4]
12:21 Sieg: тоже как-то
12:21 Sieg: а у нас же херц бреннт
12:21 -Bakari-: да
12:22 Sieg: ну дык
12:22 Sieg: а там нет
12:23 Sieg: к харду?
12:23 -Bakari-: da
12:23 Sieg: да
12:26 -Bakari-: Я не уснул, я ищу :D
12:26 Sieg: хуехуехуе
12:26 Sieg: окей
12:26 -Bakari-: 00:00:237 (1,2,3,4) - делитни (1) и поставь слайдеры на БЕЛЫЕ тики
12:27 -Bakari-: получится, что они начинаются с громкого бита и медленно затихают
12:27 -Bakari-: 00:02:808 - и сюда потом нотку
12:27 Sieg: ну нет же
12:27 Sieg: тут разницы нет
12:28 Sieg: потому что
12:28 Sieg: ноты играются с красного
12:28 Sieg: еслиб у меня были ноты на руках я б тебе показал, что так правильнее :3
12:30 -Bakari-: /смирение
12:30 Sieg: o3p
12:30 -Bakari-: 00:19:094 (4,5) - я уже упомянул эти слайдеры в нормале
12:31 -Bakari-: не то чтоб проблема, но можно и аккуратнее :<
12:31 Sieg: это грязный стиль
12:31 Sieg: лал
12:32 -Bakari-: грязные мапки
12:32 -Bakari-: надо наказать! ♥
12:32 *-Bakari- runs
12:32 Sieg: лалала
12:32 Sieg: дада
12:33 -Bakari-: Можно чуть больше джампов
12:33 Sieg: можно, но уже поздновато рвать паттерны
12:34 Sieg: при там
12:34 Sieg: том*
12:34 Sieg: мне нравится как части взаимодействуют
12:34 Sieg: моя поспокойнее начало твоей посложнее
12:34 Sieg: и киаи все добивают
12:35 Sieg: так круто получилось
12:35 -Bakari-: "ебанулись под конец"
12:35 Sieg: сравни с
12:35 Sieg: этим
12:35 Sieg: бтв хз почему народ там голосут за 2
12:35 Sieg: а не за 1
12:35 Sieg: хотя я тоже 2 поставил \w/
12:36 -Bakari-: А так все
12:36 -Bakari-: тэги будут в посте

We've fixed
  1. General stuff. Tags, etc..
  2. Comboing problems
  3. Spinners.
  4. Rhythm and hitsounding.
  5. Diff settings
Tags: My Heart Burns (english translated title)
Urban, Industrial (genres)
Made in Germany (album name)
Till Lindemann Richard Kruspe Paul Landers Oliver Ollie" Riedel Christian Flake Lorenz Christoph Doom Schneider (band memmbers)
-Bakari- Collab and Collaboration (it's quite clear)

Just copy this:
My Heart Burns Urban Industrial Made in Germany Till Lindemann Richard Kruspe Paul Landers Oliver Ollie Riedel Christian Flake Lorenz Christoph Doom Schneider -Bakari- Collab Collaboration
Topic Starter
hi Sieg! some suggestion from #modreqs


00:39:665 (4,5) - move down or another place. 4 touch score and 5 a bittttt touch hp bar.


00:05:379 (2,3) - better -.-
^ line 3 is (1) perfect stack with 2's tail

00:25:951 (2,3,1) - what about
01:02:379 (2,3,4) - what about rhymth > I think its more beautiful
01:56:379 (6,1) - make it more blanket
01:58:094 (3,4) - ^


omg nothing to say

GL Sieg :D
Topic Starter
Thank you P A N
All accepted. useful as always :)
04:38 Sieg: thanks :3
04:38 ztrot: you gonna be around for a bit
04:38 Sieg: sure
04:39 ztrot: If possible I llike to do this via irc then post the log
04:39 Sieg: yep, it possible but i'm slow on changes so i'll fix all things leater then
04:40 Sieg: not in process i mean :3
04:40 ztrot: Easy is what we will start with, and not a problem just let me know if it was helpful and don't forget to kd me :p
04:40 Sieg: xD ofcourse
04:41 ztrot: so for easy I notice 00:19:094 (4) - is on the limit of the possible play area I would not advise that.
04:42 Sieg: yep, i have plenty of this, but i checked them all in 640x480 but anyway i'll consider to move
04:42 ztrot: 00:37:094 (2) - of course most of this is suggestive but you could center this a bit either way is fine, but I feel better that I point it out than not say anything,
04:42 ztrot: 00:37:094 (2) - of course most of this is suggestive but you could center this a bit either way is fine, but I feel better that I point it out than not say anything,
04:43 Sieg: yep
04:43 Sieg: this kind of stuff is good to polish map
04:43 ztrot: 00:38:808 (3) - while you have checked these I really don't advise that much screen movement for a easy.
04:44 ztrot: Just consider moving them to a more reasonable spot.
04:44 Sieg: okay
04:45 ztrot: 00:48:236 (1) - I feel the curve on this is a bit off it might be due to the point being so close to the start but to be honest with you, I have no idea how the new slider points work XD
04:45 ztrot: 00:48:236 (1) - I feel the curve on this is a bit off it might be due to the point being so close to the start but to be honest with you, I have no idea how the new slider points work XD
04:45 Sieg: haha
04:46 Sieg: yep i think this should be curved more
04:46 ztrot: 01:01:951 (1) - yet again this curve just feels flat to me the rest of the map has a really clean feeling yet these stick out to me.
04:46 Sieg: little*
04:46 Sieg: same ugu
04:46 ztrot: 01:08:808 (1,2) - nice line up on these two, I will also point out things I like
04:47 ztrot: no sense in being only about the bad right?
04:47 ztrot: :P
04:47 Sieg: xD
04:47 ztrot: 01:13:094 (4) - this one seems to be a bit better than the others
04:48 Sieg: btw there is lot of unsed green lines, i'll clean them later too
04:48 ztrot: in curve but almost uses the same style.
04:48 ztrot: I was gonna point those out
04:48 ztrot: but I figured you were already ontop of it.
04:48 Sieg: yep :3
04:48 ztrot: 01:22:522 (1) - sexy slider.
04:49 Sieg: thanks to peppy \w/
04:49 ztrot: 01:46:522 (3) - this is another slightly odd curve one.
04:50 ztrot: and that is all for the Easy :D
04:50 Sieg: alright :D
04:50 ztrot: Normal
04:50 ztrot: I would take this 00:02:379 (3,1) - and tighten it up a bit
04:51 ztrot: like this
04:51 Sieg: looks good
04:51 Sieg: aj skin <3
04:52 ztrot: I really have to say I'm not a huge fan of border mapping but I know it can work 00:13:094 (3,4,1) - but that just doesn't feel right to me.
04:52 ztrot: It is very subjective and I'm not saying you must change it
04:52 Sieg: yep, i see, i'll move this ones
04:52 Sieg: i know
04:53 Sieg: but if i can move this witout harm to pattern why not to do this
04:53 ztrot: yeah
04:54 Sieg: someday we will have widescreen grid :\
04:54 ztrot: 00:42:665 (3) - any possible way to get rid of that overlap
04:54 Sieg: i hope
04:54 ztrot: because clean map is really clean then that happens
04:54 ztrot: :P
04:54 Sieg: yep agreed, 2 can be rotated
04:55 Sieg: agree*
04:55 ztrot: 00:44:808 (1) - ahh mister slider is sliding on the edge :P
04:55 ztrot: again up to you of course.
04:55 Sieg: :)
04:56 ztrot: 01:07:094 no break time here?
04:56 ztrot: lol
04:56 Sieg: i just don't want to see this big circle
04:56 Sieg: break
04:56 ztrot: not sure how i got that to link
04:56 Sieg: and hp drain is low
04:57 ztrot: it won't do a circle
04:57 ztrot: it is not long enough
04:57 Sieg: arrows
04:57 ztrot: it will just stop the drain
04:57 Sieg: anyway \w/
04:57 Sieg: ehm
04:58 ztrot: 01:27:665 (3) - that is half out of the grid box
04:58 ztrot: I know peppy has made it hard to cut off
04:58 Sieg: so bad slider, yep, idk how i can do this one
04:58 ztrot: but it is better safe than sorry
04:58 ztrot: hmm
04:58 ztrot: let me see
04:59 ztrot: still a bit off for my tastes but seems to fit your style
04:59 Sieg: nice, thanks
05:01 ztrot: man if I had more free time I would make you matching piano chords for hitsounds
05:01 ztrot: mind you it would take forever to hitsound but would sound really cool
05:01 ztrot: that is it for normal btw
05:02 Sieg: it would be nice
05:02 Sieg: i tried but i'm not a pianist, so i just did my best
05:03 Sieg: btw hard is collab but i'm allowed to make any changes
05:03 ztrot: 00:00:665 (2,3,4) - try to make these blanket more
05:05 ztrot: 00:14:379 (2,3) - blanket cops called they said make it more sexy :U
05:05 Sieg: lol
05:05 Sieg: okay
05:05 Sieg: i guess all of them 00:14:379 (2,3,4) -
05:06 ztrot: yes
05:06 ztrot: sorry
05:14 ztrot: well not much to say on the hard
05:14 Sieg: :3
05:15 ztrot: good job
05:15 Sieg: thanks
05:15 ztrot: gonna post this on the fourm thread now!
Topic Starter
Thanks ztrot :D
update will come little later
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skin updated :o

...and hitsounds...
...and hitsounds...
lol when i refresh this forum, then the above post have more sentence appear

btw, gj Sieg your skin is very match with your song and bg


make SB please :D
Topic Starter
Thanks P A N :oops:
yep I changed hs few times, now I hope this is final version
and sb... I'll try maybe
woah. nice skin and nice custom sounds. Hope i'll find something to mod.. :/ WHAT'S YOUR PROBLEM WITH DOING SUCH AN AWESOME MAP AND LETTING SOMEONE LIKE ME MOD IT?!

DO YOU WANT ME TO LOSE MY SELF-CONFIDENCE? ... I lost it. Thanks very much. :( Here, take a star. You win. And here you have a bad mod. Good luck.


  • I don't think the finish sounds fit very well with the dark music. Think about changing that. Either this or you shouldn't overuse it. It sounds a bit awkward sometimes imo.
    Also does the whistle-sound. Especially in the beginning.
    00:44:808 (3) - consider making that slider just a tiny bit round. it would look better, i think. (example:;
    00:55:094 (1) - the same, i guess.
    01:05:379 - maybe add a breaktime here.

    Nothing else, sorry


  • 00:03:236 - I would delete that hitsound. Otherwise it would sound a bit awkward, because of that bell at 00:03:665
    00:13:522 - delete whistle. it sounds better imo.
    00:14:379 (2) - make this a bit more curvy, it would look better
    00:28:094 (2) - change the shape of that slider, so it fits better with 00:25:950 (2)
    00:46:522 (2,3) - make those sliders look like yin-yang. koi-fishes or.. dancing people. this pattern is already nice, though.
    01:05:379 - break here?
    01:08:808 (1,2) - this sounds a bit awkward, imo.
    01:39:665 (1,2) - same like 00:46:522
    01:44:808 (3) - give that slider a little shape

    Sometimes it sounds a bit awkward with those hitsounds. You should recheck them. Please?


  • 00:05:379 (4,5) - let those sliders swap places. it looks sad imo.
    01:05:573 - breaktime, maybe?
    01:51:451 - NC, maybe, because a new chord starts here?

    That's all... damnit. I feel insufficient.

I really love that map. I hope it gets ranked. No kudosu if my mod wasn't helpful. Thanks.

€: Goddamit. I love that map. Here, take another star.
Topic Starter

ChivaCookie wrote:

woah. nice skin and nice custom sounds. Hope i'll find something to mod.. :/ WHAT'S YOUR PROBLEM WITH DOING SUCH AN AWESOME MAP AND LETTING SOMEONE LIKE ME MOD IT?!

DO YOU WANT ME TO LOSE MY SELF-CONFIDENCE? ... I lost it. Thanks very much. :( Here, take a star. You win. And here you have a bad mod. Good luck.

oh... lol :D anyway I'm interested in any opinions and ideas :oops:


  • 00:03:236 - I would delete that hitsound. Otherwise it would sound a bit awkward, because of that bell at 00:03:665
    this is chime btw :oops: they follow piano notes in general but I'll consider to make some corrections just need more opinions on this
    00:13:522 - delete whistle. it sounds better imo.
    00:14:379 (2) - make this a bit more curvy, it would look better
    00:28:094 (2) - change the shape of that slider, so it fits better with 00:25:950 (2)
    represent another pattern so I think this one is good
    00:46:522 (2,3) - make those sliders look like yin-yang. koi-fishes or.. dancing people. this pattern is already nice, though.
    straight for variety
    01:05:379 - break here?
    yep, I think I'll do break, just need to not forget skin this annoying arrows
    01:08:808 (1,2) - this sounds a bit awkward, imo.
    indeed, I was wondering about this spot, changed
    01:39:665 (1,2) - same like 00:46:522
    01:44:808 (3) - give that slider a little shape
    that will ruin flow to 4 I think, so left for now

    Sometimes it sounds a bit awkward with those hitsounds. You should recheck them. Please?
    I'll do


  • 00:05:379 (4,5) - let those sliders swap places. it looks sad imo.
    nice as for me :P
    01:05:573 - breaktime, maybe?
    That's all... damnit. I feel insufficient.

I really love that map. I hope it gets ranked. No kudosu if my mod wasn't helpful. Thanks.

€: Goddamit. I love that map. Here, take another star.
oh Thanks ChivaCookie for stars and mod. :oops:
Hey! You're welcomed by Thunderstorm's modding system v 220708000...2! :D

Some suggestions that can be ignored as well.

Consider to get approachcircle.png 128x128 (you have 126x)

Cant find anything wrong. Just one suggestion to get a break (or some), since it's easy, playing 2.15 w/ 3 sec only break can get newbies tired.

00:02:379 (3,1) - is that overlap really needed?
00:17:379 (1) - a bit out of the screen
00:32:808 (2) - I'd suggest to space it away since that stack don't really looks good IMO
01:56:808 (1) - a bit out of screen

I'd suggest to add a spinner
00:22:094 (3) - a bit out of screen
00:26:808 (5) - ^
00:28:951 (3) - ^
00:37:951 (2) - ^
01:30:879 (3) - and incoming triplet-sliders also - IMO it all totally sound out of the song. Consider to remake it.
01:59:808 (8) - broken spacing
02:01:094 (3) - ^
02:04:522 (3) - ^
02:05:379 (5) - ^
02:07:951 (3,5) - ^
If that was intended jumps, ignore that part (but it still looks weird)

That's all.
Wow, really great work with skin and custom hsounds. Good luck w/ that
Topic Starter

Thunderstorm wrote:

Hey! You're welcomed by Thunderstorm's modding system v 220708000...2! :D
Hello :3

Some suggestions that can be ignored as well.

Consider to get approachcircle.png 128x128 (you have 126x)

Cant find anything wrong. Just one suggestion to get a break (or some), since it's easy, playing 2.15 w/ 3 sec only break can get newbies tired.
1 break is fine, this is slow song

00:02:379 (3,1) - is that overlap really needed?
yep, pretty good looking
00:17:379 (1) - a bit out of the screen
offgrid, but not offsreen, this is acceptable nowadays
00:32:808 (2) - I'd suggest to space it away since that stack don't really looks good IMO

I'd suggest to add a spinner
I don't have a spot in my part and Bakari decided this this is not necessary in his part, so no spinner
01:30:879 (3) - and incoming triplet-sliders also - IMO it all totally sound out of the song. Consider to remake it.
uh... I don't think they out of rhythm
01:59:808 (8) - broken spacing
02:01:094 (3) - ^
02:04:522 (3) - ^
02:05:379 (5) - ^
02:07:951 (3,5) - ^
If that was intended jumps, ignore that part (but it still looks weird)
indented jumps :3

That's all.
Wow, really great work with skin and custom hsounds. Good luck w/ that
Thanks Thunderstorm. :D

ChivaCookie wrote:


  • I don't think the finish sounds fit very well with the dark music. Think about changing that. Either this or you shouldn't overuse it. It sounds a bit awkward sometimes imo. it's up to Sieg. he did all the hitsounds
    Also does the whistle-sound. Especially in the beginning. same
    00:44:808 (3) - consider making that slider just a tiny bit round. it would look better, i think. naaah, I don't think that changing its shape will work here. I love the way how it is know, it's my style, after all.
    00:55:094 (1) - the same, i guess. same :<
    01:05:379 - maybe add a breaktime here. uguuuu

    Nothing else, sorry
Topic Starter
longest mod ever :)
11:43 HeatKai: ~
11:43 Sieg: ~
11:43 Sieg: xd
11:45 HeatKai: lets start the fixing
11:45 *HeatKai is editing [ Rammstein - Mein Herz brennt (Piano Instrumental) [Easy]]
11:45 Sieg: great :3 lets start
11:45 HeatKai: I dont like to break promise :3 so as I said yesterday, I'm going to mod it today~
11:46 Sieg: thanks :)
11:46 HeatKai: this song gives me goosebump hahaha
11:46 HeatKai: but it's okay w=
11:46 Sieg: hahaha
11:47 Sieg: it was so hard to find this trumpets
11:50 HeatKai: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand boom
11:50 HeatKai: i don't like how the slidertick go tick tick tick so loud lol
11:50 HeatKai: it's annoying
11:50 HeatKai: hah
11:50 Sieg: i'll think i make it -3db
11:52 HeatKai: what db? xD
11:52 Sieg: i mean quieter
11:53 Sieg: :3
11:53 HeatKai: oh haha ok :P
11:53 Sieg: db = decibels :3 nvm
11:55 HeatKai: wtf ;_; I saw the video at youtube
11:55 HeatKai: his voice is so scary
11:56 Sieg: lol, yes, definitely
11:56 HeatKai: I shouldn't watch it ;_;
11:56 Sieg: xD
11:57 Sieg: you so funny :)
11:57 HeatKai: wait am I? lol
11:57 Sieg: lol
11:59 HeatKai: 00:06:236 (5) - this should not have a whistle here
11:59 HeatKai: if you want the hitsound to be fit,you must find a lower pitch bell hitsound
12:00 HeatKai: 00:05:379 (4) - this part the piano pitch is higher then 00:06:236 (5) - this so if both whistle it doesn't fit :c
12:00 Sieg: hm, maybe just lower volume
12:00 HeatKai: well okay to do every circle that you do like that ^
12:01 HeatKai: 00:13:094 (5) -
12:01 Sieg: becuse most of this whistles follows low pitch piano
12:02 Sieg: fixed both
12:02 HeatKai: 00:19:094 (4,5) - i dont really think the hitsound here fits the music xD
12:03 Sieg: yes this one is not :3
12:03 HeatKai: lol
12:03 HeatKai: then fix it
12:03 Sieg: 00:19:094 (4) - replced with a clap
12:03 HeatKai: much better
12:05 Sieg: i hope i'm not failed with that idea of making unsolid volume
12:05 HeatKai: you mean the changes of volume?
12:05 Sieg: yep
12:06 HeatKai: well the only thing that annoys me is the tick
12:06 HeatKai: others fine for me
12:06 Sieg: :)
12:06 HeatKai: 01:27:665 (4) - lower the volume
12:07 Sieg: 20% would be nice there
12:09 HeatKai: 01:32:808 (3) - change this to finish for consistent hitsound pattern
12:09 Sieg: changed yes
12:10 HeatKai: ok change all of that at the other diffs too ^
12:10 Sieg: sure
12:13 HeatKai: after you're done call me again here
12:13 Sieg: okay
12:19 Sieg: done, also tick sound lowered
12:25 HeatKai: oh you resubmit?
12:25 HeatKai: wait me redl
12:26 Sieg: yep
12:35 HeatKai: tururuurru
12:35 Sieg: tratatata
12:35 Sieg: :3
12:35 HeatKai: later you savelog please, I restart osu just now :c
12:35 HeatKai: lost everything
12:35 Sieg: okay
12:37 HeatKai: 01:01:951 (1,2,3) - do it like this so it get the end before break at the middle looks better ;3
12:37 HeatKai:
12:37 Sieg: yep, nice
12:39 HeatKai: 01:22:522 (1) - at the end of the slider would sound better if clap
12:40 Sieg: but it would be unconsistant, i think whistle is not so horrible there
12:41 HeatKai: Well yes but the clap fits more with the piano there :o
12:42 Sieg: so 01:27:665 (4) - this one same?
12:42 HeatKai: yes
12:42 Sieg: ok then, done
12:42 HeatKai: :3
12:42 Sieg: :3
12:45 HeatKai: You try first then you tell me do you like it or not
12:45 HeatKai: 01:52:522 (3) - change the starting to clap
12:45 HeatKai: ^ the end also
12:46 HeatKai: so it will get consistent clap hitsound
12:47 Sieg: not good imo, all whisltes in kiai follows low pitch piano notes, i used piano sheet to do this, i guess consistant it only easy issue becuse diff skips many notes
12:47 Sieg: not good imo, all whisltes in kiai follows low pitch piano notes, i used piano sheet to do this, i guess consistant it only easy issue becuse diff skips many notes
12:47 Sieg: but eh...
12:47 Sieg: consistant through diffs
12:48 Sieg: idk, i don't feel this is cry for fix
12:49 Sieg: at least hs in unconsistant piano songs is hard to make consistant :3
12:49 Sieg: lol
12:50 HeatKai: 01:52:522 (3) - because the ending of this slider doesn't sounds really good :/
12:51 Sieg: let me test 1 min :3
12:53 Sieg: uhm.. so just on end 01:52:522 (3) - clap seems more resonable
12:53 HeatKai: yes ==
12:53 HeatKai: lol
12:53 Sieg: yes
12:53 Sieg: lol
12:53 Sieg: xd
12:53 Sieg: changed
12:54 Sieg: sorry if i'm slow but i really need to hear few times and look around before change anything
12:56 HeatKai: 02:06:236 (2,3,4) - just make the pattern like this more neater
12:56 HeatKai:
12:57 Sieg: laying straight sliders, i don't like them :3
12:58 HeatKai: =w= then make it curve like this
12:58 HeatKai: wait..
12:58 HeatKai:
13:00 Sieg: maybe to interact
13:00 Sieg: with 02:03:665 (1) -
13:00 HeatKai: oh ok that's good
13:00 Sieg: :)
13:01 HeatKai: That's all for easy
13:01 Sieg: this was longer than i expected :)
13:02 Sieg: but good that we fixed some important staff
13:05 HeatKai: stuff* haha
13:05 Sieg: yep
13:05 Sieg: lol
13:07 HeatKai: 00:37:951 (1) - make this a better blanket
13:07 HeatKai: it doesn't looks smooth :x
13:07 HeatKai: maybe like this
13:08 Sieg: done
13:10 Sieg: even better
13:11 HeatKai: yes good
13:11 Sieg: i love to make blankets \w/
13:11 HeatKai: \w/ blankets are awesome
13:11 Sieg: yes!
13:11 Sieg: :3
13:12 HeatKai: 00:40:522 (3) - omg this slider hahha
13:12 HeatKai: looks ugly =w= fix it
13:12 HeatKai: lol
13:12 Sieg: oh lol
13:12 Sieg: yep
13:14 Sieg: much better
13:15 HeatKai: okay! :#
13:15 HeatKai: :3
13:16 HeatKai: 00:43:522 (4) - the ending is better if it's clap
13:16 Sieg: okay
13:18 HeatKai: 00:55:522 (2,3,4) - try to make another pattern,why is this copy pasta slider haha
13:18 HeatKai: it doesn't look smooth lol
13:18 Sieg: corresponding to music ;_; eh... i'll try something
13:20 HeatKai: ok
13:22 HeatKai: 02:13:951 (1) - the spinner should start from here
13:22 HeatKai: if you're following the piano
13:22 Sieg: but
13:22 HeatKai: and starting a spinner from red tick is really awkward
13:23 Sieg: main idea of this is to let player play hard sounds
13:23 Sieg: i mean big white
13:23 Sieg: maybe just move spinner to 1\4 closer
13:24 HeatKai: that's okay too and that's all for normal
13:24 Sieg: good
13:32 HeatKai: Make your name fade same as the title
13:33 Sieg: nice idea
13:38 HeatKai: 01:37:951 (4) - this doesn't sound good
13:39 HeatKai: and there's not much beat here :x
13:39 HeatKai: why even need a repeat
13:39 HeatKai: 01:37:951 (4) - just a single circle would be fine
13:39 Sieg: i guess so
13:40 HeatKai: 01:55:094 (6) - make this as a normal spacing,doesn't need to make a lil jump here
13:41 Sieg: but fits to music, and kiai
13:41 HeatKai: just the slider can emphasize the music,the spacing isn't :o
13:42 Sieg: why not, after so many 1\4 this 1\1 feels kinda ok for 1.7x
13:42 HeatKai: well okay =w= whatever you want then
13:42 Sieg: :)
13:43 HeatKai: 02:14:594 (2) - move it to here x:484 y:208 so it doesn't touch the circle (4)
13:43 Sieg: sure
13:46 HeatKai: that's all :3
13:46 HeatKai: post the chat in the forum please :D
13:46 Sieg: uh, thank you so much
13:46 Sieg: yes such a long ride :)
irc mod with SIEGnature.
  1. fixed some pattern,volumes and hitsounds
Good map, bubbled.
don't watch the original video

hahahaha xD
Topic Starter
lol o3o
lol gratz for bubbled. go for rank

edit: 333 posts here XD
IRC Mod :3

  1. Minor rhythm improvement on hard
  2. Minor pattern improvement
  3. Minor volume adjusment
2013-05-20 21:19 Sieg: Hello Miya, sorry for disturbing... can you please take a look at my bubbled beatmap its E\N\H slow piano song
2013-05-20 21:19 Miya: just gimme the link :3
2013-05-20 21:19 Miya: maybe i will take a look on it later
2013-05-20 21:19 Sieg: ACTION is listening to [ Rammstein - Mein Herz brennt (Piano Instrumental)]
2013-05-20 21:19 Sieg: :3
2013-05-20 21:19 Sieg: thanks
2013-05-20 22:50 Miya: nice map ><
2013-05-20 22:50 Miya: you there?
2013-05-20 22:53 Miya: i wanna irc modding with you if you there :o
2013-05-20 23:16 Sieg: ehm.. I'll stay here, feel free to disturb me anytime :3
2013-05-20 23:17 Miya: ok, good :3
2013-05-20 23:17 Sieg: :)
2013-05-20 23:17 Miya: let's mod hard first ><
2013-05-20 23:18 Sieg: sure
2013-05-20 23:18 Miya: ups, im lazy to rewrite what i have told you in forum lol
2013-05-20 23:18 Miya:
2013-05-20 23:18 Miya: for the image
2013-05-20 23:18 Miya:
2013-05-20 23:19 Miya: tell me which part you dont agree and why ><
2013-05-20 23:19 Sieg: give 1 min :)
2013-05-20 23:19 Miya: ok :3
2013-05-20 23:20 Sieg: about hitfinish, it's trumpet bell and with very long echo, so quality will be lost if I cut it
2013-05-20 23:20 Sieg: ar+1 is fine
2013-05-20 23:21 Miya: hmm, okay then
2013-05-20 23:21 Miya: about the hitcircle and slider?
2013-05-20 23:21 Sieg: 02:17:379 (6) - I fell this will be ehm
2013-05-20 23:22 Miya: ok, np ><
2013-05-20 23:22 Miya: about this 01:11:165 - ?
2013-05-20 23:22 Sieg: lol, sorry can't find a good word :)
2013-05-20 23:22 Sieg: yep
2013-05-20 23:22 Sieg: +note here
2013-05-20 23:23 Miya: and here 00:37:951 (2) -
2013-05-20 23:23 Miya: almost reach the border screen <M
2013-05-20 23:23 Miya: ><
2013-05-20 23:23 Sieg: i checkedmoved little bit up
2013-05-20 23:24 Sieg: ef
2013-05-20 23:24 Sieg: moved*
2013-05-20 23:24 Sieg: :)
2013-05-20 23:24 Miya: hmm, thats all i found yet, let me check again ><
2013-05-20 23:24 Sieg: updated
2013-05-20 23:25 Sieg: sorry for my messy english :)
2013-05-20 23:25 Miya: no problem ><
2013-05-20 23:26 Miya: that's all i think for hard, really good map :3
2013-05-20 23:28 Sieg: :3
2013-05-20 23:28 Sieg: thanks
2013-05-20 23:30 Miya: on normal same case 00:17:379 (1) -
2013-05-20 23:30 Miya: move little bit up ><
2013-05-20 23:30 Sieg: moved
2013-05-20 23:35 Miya: oh yeah, no spinner on hard?
2013-05-20 23:35 Sieg: nope
2013-05-20 23:35 Miya: well, i suggest making a spinner on the last note
2013-05-20 23:35 Miya: since this is easy enough, i bet there will be a lot of similar score later
2013-05-20 23:36 Miya: and yeah, normal seems pretty good ><
2013-05-20 23:36 Miya: can't find anything other than that one
2013-05-20 23:36 Sieg: ok fine, let me think about spinner
2013-05-20 23:36 Miya: ok
2013-05-20 23:37 Sieg: tbh I don't think this is necessary :\
2013-05-20 23:38 Miya: why not?
2013-05-20 23:38 Sieg: relax map but anyway I'll add one
2013-05-20 23:38 Miya: ok, good :3
2013-05-20 23:40 Sieg: updated
2013-05-20 23:41 Miya: on easy
2013-05-20 23:41 Miya: 02:10:522 (1) - lower this spinner volume?
2013-05-20 23:42 Miya: 70% is quite high imo, and since its long, it doesnt sounds good
2013-05-20 23:42 Sieg: oh
2013-05-20 23:42 Sieg: yes to 45
2013-05-20 23:42 Miya: ok
2013-05-20 23:45 Miya: ok, upload ><
2013-05-20 23:45 Miya: oh done already? let me recheck
2013-05-20 23:45 Sieg: already done :)
2013-05-20 23:45 Sieg: yep
2013-05-20 23:58 Miya: this is not relaxing song >,
2013-05-20 23:58 Miya: but scary song xD
2013-05-20 23:59 Sieg: lol
2013-05-20 23:59 Sieg: xD

Anyway, awesome map, Ranked!

And yeah, this is not relaxing song, this is scary song =3=
Topic Starter
Thanks Miya \w/
Cool stuff o.o
Mein Herz brennt!
so fast o_o

Congrats! :)
We did it, yay!
ahh i'm too late ;_;

oh well congratz on the rank :D.
Some good music from germany. :D
Congratz *_*
Topic Starter
Thanks guys :3
Congratz 0.0
so fast
Topic Starter
Thanks. :oops:
Too late to get it ... congrats~!
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